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Retired, fun loving jerk. Bit of a smart ass and cynic.

Meet my partner here so being a smart ass and a jerk are not valid reasons why you don't have a date tonight.


Do you make new year resolutions?
1of5 comments on Dec 30, 2019:
Only one I've ever kept was the one never to make another new years resolution.
I was caught off guard by a troll here earlier — I'm usually far more vigilant against such ...
1of5 comments on Dec 30, 2019:
What? How'd a troll slip by the iron clad security here and remain undetected for so long? Hope all they got from you was some pride.
1of5 comments on Dec 30, 2019:
I disagree. Graham *knows* it's Russian propaganda.
If you had the opportunity to go to Outer Space, would you do it?
1of5 comments on Dec 30, 2019:
Absolutely. Actually had I applied myself, gotten the right education, steered my career path differently to become an astronaut, and been kinda brilliant I might have been given the opportunity already. But we won't dwell on that.
I deleted my level 7 profile and started again because data had been copied to a test website and ...
1of5 comments on Dec 30, 2019:
You can disable your profile from appearing on in settings. Can't find it let me know, I'll hunt it up.
Everybody wants something different.
1of5 comments on Dec 30, 2019:
My wanting anyone to succeed or fail has zero, zilch, nada, zip to do with them being successful or not. That's on them, not me. Jezus fucking christ.
Tell me something positive about yourself.
1of5 comments on Dec 30, 2019:
I positively hate being told to frame something in a certain way. ;)
I find it fascinating that when I put up content of substance, content that calls for a modicum of ...
1of5 comments on Dec 30, 2019:
*...when I put up content of substance, content that calls for a modicum of thought* This is, of course, IYHO.
How do you feel about cybering?
1of5 comments on Dec 29, 2019:
I feel pretty good about it, thanks.
Better dancer: Elvis or Jesus
1of5 comments on Dec 29, 2019:
Elvis's corpse is less decayed, can be located, and doesn't have holes in its feet. So I'm going with Beyonce on this one.
More attacks on jews in New York last night.
1of5 comments on Dec 29, 2019:
Believers are attacking *everyone* Fixed it for you.
As a species, we really seem to enjoy fck^ng with each other. The definition of insanity:
1of5 comments on Dec 29, 2019:
See helping people costs money, where killing people makes money.
I have just finished one of the best books I have ever read.
1of5 comments on Dec 29, 2019:
I'll second the reccomendation to read this book. It's a fantastic read.
Buttigieg: Churches Aren’t Like “Other Non-Profits,” So No Transparency Needed | Hemant Mehta ...
1of5 comments on Dec 29, 2019:
Well duh, other non profits aren't in the middle of decades old sexual abuse revelations and need to keep the hush money, political contributions, and clergies lifestyles from the view of the public. I never was leaning in his direction, this pretty much assures I won't be.
PA GOP Wants Death Certificate, Burial For Fertilized Eggs That Don’t Implant
1of5 comments on Dec 29, 2019:
Good, then they can see how many "god" aborts and shut the fuck up about it. J/K. They're idiots.
lately I'm beginning to think they should change an IQ test from measuring how intelligent someone ...
1of5 comments on Dec 29, 2019:
As a dyslexic I adore taking IQ tests. ;)
1of5 comments on Dec 29, 2019:
Kudos to him and those he works with, but the system(s) that creates homeless (whatever's) is still in existance, still cranking out disadvantaged people that will be exploited and in need of assistance - which only some will get. So while a portion of me likes news like this, another portion is screaming that this project will house only 77 veterans out of 40,000 homeless vets (both figures from the article) and help several hundred more in other ways. That means it will help a fraction of a % of the people needing it. To me it reveals how little is actually being done to help them. Full disclosure: i have a step brother who was homeless by choice and has been working this end of the homeless plight for 40 years.
Study Shows That Homophobic People Tend To Have A Low IQ
1of5 comments on Dec 29, 2019:
So it's ok to call them idiots now? Please?
It says there are 178 people on here but not many are making new posts. What are y'all doing?
1of5 comments on Dec 29, 2019:
In all honesty I'm kinda glad there arent 178 new posts to go through, so I guess I'm busy being thankful. ;)
What do you think is good in any organized religion.
1of5 comments on Dec 29, 2019:
In any? Nothing. In some particular ones? A few good things that definetly don't outweigh the bad.
I am just curious how many people are getting rid of their TV provider or cutting the cord, like ...
1of5 comments on Dec 29, 2019:
Just have cable for internet access till I find a better way, use a firestick for video. Moving to a new city in a few months and wil be exploring options further.
What plans is everyone making?
1of5 comments on Dec 29, 2019:
Flying to Vegas.
Well, it seems faggots are off the menu now then! More PC fuss.
1of5 comments on Dec 28, 2019:
Oh come on, anyone can be offended if they feel like being offended.
1of5 comments on Dec 28, 2019:
Welcome to the world's 3rd glitchiest site. You do have a profile up but it's as you say. No idea what else to tell you, except to roll with it and have fun?
Step 1 - I make all my books free now thru Sunday.
1of5 comments on Dec 28, 2019:
Whats a book?
Two years on this thing, and no closer to meeting someone now, then two years ago! Do women on this ...
1of5 comments on Dec 27, 2019:
If they don't exist on this site it means 1 of 2 things: They're far to intellegent to come here or They're far to stupid to come here Either way I think we can all agree we dodged a bullet. But I'm pretty sure they exist here.
My grandma told me that a Christian evangelist told her yoga isn't good.
1of5 comments on Dec 27, 2019:
How much money did she give the fucker?
Evolution and Religion
1of5 comments on Dec 27, 2019:
People are guillable, scared, herd mentality primates that can conceive of thier own death and fear said death. Of course some assholes have figured out ways to milk that for all its worth with some fantastical, pretty freaking appealing fairytales that are extremely easy to believe. Evolution directly contradicts certain portions of some fairytales so it can't be true.
FUCK WITH JANUARY 1 You agnostics and Atheists here, don't start doing silly happy new year's ...
1of5 comments on Dec 27, 2019:
Since I can actually see a year pass and we need a date to make it official might as well use the system the local banks do. That way we all wish each other a happy new year and bitch about remembering to write a new year during the same part of the year instead of spread out over 12 months. It's a cultural bonding ritual thingie and much less annoying that way. But my actual, official year change is on my birthday, which is a handy way to celebrate the passing of every year *twice* instead of once. We humans are just so freaking clever.
Catholic cardinal says gay people cannot have 'a marriage-like relationship'
1of5 comments on Dec 27, 2019:
Our marriage isn't church sanctioned and we wouldnt have it any other way, and were not gay. Fuck those funny hat wearing, child molesting, fear mongering asshats that can't tell right from wrong. Fuck them.
If there were any Christian traditions to observe, this might be it.
1of5 comments on Dec 27, 2019:
NOW it all makes sense! I always wondered why fresh baby meat was cheapest from the 29th to the 5th!
I'm curious if there has been Believers who signed up to this App out of spite or to troll us and ...
1of5 comments on Dec 27, 2019:
The self appointed lynch mob here goes after anyone who checks the "believer" box on thier profile and bends over backwards to get them booted from the site, so I imagine this is a rarer occurrence than we'd all really like.
What are you personally doing about the upcoming presidential election?
1of5 comments on Dec 27, 2019:
I'll volanteer my time, and send in donations to the candidate I like best. So far I haven't decided who's going to actually get my support - I think the campaign cycle is waaaay to long and refuse to participate until the actual year of the election. Oh, almost forgot, buying a few new weapons and stockpiling ammo, too.
White Christian America ended in the 2010s
1of5 comments on Dec 27, 2019:
They aren't leaving without a fight.
He told me he's a psychopath.
1of5 comments on Dec 27, 2019:
As a small woman you are more at risk - but you know that. Sry. We all need to be occasionally reminded of our vulnerabilities by friends so that we don't let others exploit those vulnerabilities.
Hunting black men to start a ‘race war’
1of5 comments on Dec 27, 2019:
What's truly disturbing is that the reason he did this is because when whites are a minority we'll be treated just like whites treat minorities now, because there is no such thing as race and a certain % of people just suck and look for excuses to fuck with others. Skin colour and culture (religion) are easy labels for "others" to target as the source of problems.
I'm unsure as whether or not this subject has been brought up on this Site before or not, but here ...
1of5 comments on Dec 27, 2019:
Your neighbor deserved to be flipped off immediately and informed that your house, your guest list, and to keep thier zombie worshipping ass out of your business unless they want you in thiers.
Driving Under The Influence: It's interesting to see two different things going on at that same ...
1of5 comments on Dec 27, 2019:
Yes, because one thing a crackdown on drunk driving will do is catch everyone that's at around .08 BAL while totally ignoring anyone that's driving around stoned.
Benefits of house sitting for mom and dad: a full whiskey cabinet and an outdoor jacuzzi :)
1of5 comments on Dec 26, 2019:
Have 2 or 3 fingers for me.
Dido such a beautiful voice the best day of my life []
1of5 comments on Dec 26, 2019:
Always really liked this tune.
Just left a disappointing date with a woman I’ve corresponded with online for a few weeks.
1of5 comments on Dec 26, 2019:
But her profile pic was at least current, right?
Brain Sees Men As Whole, Women In Parts.
1of5 comments on Dec 26, 2019:
1st thought was maybe this'll get guys to stop sending as many dick pics. 2nd thought was "that's stupidly optimistic of myself". At least it appears to be reversible which should get a big, collective "hooray!" from us until we realize that where this is pushed the hardest is in our visual media to sell us things. They like making money, objectifying women sexually sells things to both sexes, so they will continue to do so.
I would like to know more about how we view ourselves.
1of5 comments on Dec 26, 2019:
1. Differently abled 2. Privileged 3. To bored to lie
What do you think of the concept "guns don't kill people, people kill people?"
1of5 comments on Dec 25, 2019:
Guns just make people more effective killers. Is that what we really want? Or even need?
Christmas Day Plans?
1of5 comments on Dec 25, 2019:
Today is the last Xmas in the folks house before assisted living/memory care. Last year *SHOULD* have been the last one, so my plans are to smile, prep and cook, mitigate each and every disaster that happens with cheer, clean up, smile even harder, then at 4 jump into the car and head for SeaTac to pick up the stepdaughter - who will be the most cognizant adult my wife and i will see all day. I can't wait for midnight.
I'm curious what folks think about the "Rule of 7.
1of5 comments on Dec 25, 2019:
The only relationship "rule" there should be is "do they like me too? Ok then". As long as everyone is over 18, that is.
‘Eight Crazy Nights’ Of Estate Planning Topics To Discuss With Your Family And Friends
1of5 comments on Dec 25, 2019:
Plan plan plan. And get insurance. And get your wishes in writing, all legal like and shit. Don't argue, fucking do it.
10 Most Dangerous Gifts Of All Time - Listverse
1of5 comments on Dec 24, 2019:
No lawn darts?
It is Christmas Day here where I am.
1of5 comments on Dec 24, 2019:
Aww, it brought you Xmas dinner. How sweet of it.
What is :?
1of5 comments on Dec 24, 2019:
I think we should embrace our newly found emoticon by giving it a meaning/use/definition/silly name. Be very site specific, and we could use it like a gang sign out on the interwebz to recognize each other.
It's a gray, dreary Xmas Eve morning here in the Sunshine State but let that not diminish the joy in...
1of5 comments on Dec 24, 2019:
We had this last week, can't wait to move to a sunnier climate!
After Promising Not to, Chick-fil-A Donates Another $1.8 Million to Anti-LGBTQ Groups
1of5 comments on Dec 24, 2019:
I, for one, am stunned. Just floored. How could they do this after promising to hide the contributions to avoid bad press?
In trying not to insult religionists an article in a previous post 'q:441073' "Here’s the only ...
1of5 comments on Dec 24, 2019:
Answer me first this question: why do I care about not offending them to begin with?
KremlinKevin Trends After People Point Out Top House Republican Kevin McCarthy Took Donations From ...
1of5 comments on Dec 23, 2019:
It's Hilary. Both the dems and repubs work for her - secretly, of course - and she's orchestrating things from the deep deep run state (the one that runs the deep state that really controls things) to make things go so horribly bad the world will welcome her as their saviour. Oh yes, she's that good.
How do you feel about ritual gift-giving?
1of5 comments on Dec 23, 2019:
I dont do it, at all. Seems pointless.
I think i may be the only atheist on here to actually not hate donald trump.
1of5 comments on Dec 23, 2019:
No, you ain't the only one whose a member of cult 45. Mysogony, the reason for the treason. Least you're admitting it.
Being with someone with dementia
1of5 comments on Dec 23, 2019:
I'm getting to deal with both my mom and stepdad's losing battle with dementia. It's hard dealing with the bad decisions, forgotten dates, fixing thier financials on a quarterly basis, worrying about them hurting themselves (again), dreading every call from them or the doctors office, and putting our lives on hold to care for them (We bought a house last week in a different town, and can't relocate so there it's gonna sit for awhile). But the worst part is eating with them. My stepdad can't eat a hamburger unless it's given to him complete. If its got the top bun off on the side so you can add condiments he doesn't realize it's a hamburger. We had corn on the cobb and hotdogs - he took the meat out of the bun, replaced it with the corn, added mustard and tried to eat it. He knows somethings wrong but not what. He's confused, afraid, and can't be left alone even though he wants and needs time to himself. Moms refused help in his care ("because I don't trust someone else to treat him with the dignity I know he deserves") and both are suffering horribly from her decision. Real conversation I had with her: "Mom, he's a 3 year old" "No dear, he's more like a 4 year old. He can speak in whole sentences" "Ok, 4 going on 3" Moms been exhibiting symptoms of dementia at an alarming rate the last 6 months. We're hoping it's stress related due to the fact that an 86 year old 105 pound woman is caring for an 86 year old toddler 24/7. But one last Xmas in thier house, then the proccess of getting them into a facility to care for him, and eventually her, begins (my stepdad has actually seen what moms been doing to both of them and is the one saying they need help and need to move. Finally). What really, really blows is how fucked up this is making thier lives. Once vibrant, active, members of the community they don't recognize people when we're out. Social situations they used to love they avoid because they can no longer handle the stimulation of a different environment and don't like the fact they don't "know" anyone there, even though some if them they've dealt with for decades. Fuck dementia.
@admin Some time ago I reached level 8 and was told that I would get a T-shirt.
1of5 comments on Dec 23, 2019:
My wife never got hers. Real shame, too, since she wanted it shipped to my house so it would have gotten here when she was up for her first visit. We could have used the extra pen, too.
Your in-person community?
1of5 comments on Dec 23, 2019:
So someone from the social circle you built is claiming that only churches provide, quite literally, what they're claiming only a church can? Ok.
Your favorite Christmas songs were most likely written by Jewish composers. []
1of5 comments on Dec 23, 2019:
Dang, who knew I had a favorite Xmas song? I was certainly unaware of it.
I go to my "notifications" thiis morning, the usual long diverse list, and almost half of them are ...
1of5 comments on Dec 23, 2019:
You could have pissed someone(s) off and they blocked you. No wait, that's usually me that happens to. In no way, shape, or form could it be a coding error, because we don't *ever* have those around these here parts. ;)
How long would be long enough?
1of5 comments on Dec 23, 2019:
Depends on a few things besides mental/physical health. Just me or my wife also? I don't want any extra years without her. Do I have resources, at least enough so I don't have to work and get to choose what I do with those years, or do I have to work? I gotta work, no thanks - waaaaaay to many things to do in this world besides work. A few, maybe couple hundred years would be fun, interesting, and allow me (us) to learn and experience a whole host of things which is kinda what life (for me) is about. What I don't want is to live to long, to the point that I'm waiting for death to find me.
A little something from the Libertarian party
1of5 comments on Dec 22, 2019:
*For believing that people will help each other without being forced too* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA <snort> <chortle> <guffaw> *wipes tears from eyes* Have you ever met people?
Ghosts: Rational, legitimate study says 85% of gay people are possessed
1of5 comments on Dec 22, 2019:
That's a gem for sure.
Are there any Gaelic/Irish speakers here? A friend wants the title "Fat Bottom Girls" translated.
1of5 comments on Dec 21, 2019:
Few things will scream out "more explanation, please" today than this will.
When I see these numbers and this issue detailed, I find it hard to understand those on this site ...
1of5 comments on Dec 21, 2019:
People have this incredibly wonderful ability to say "that can't happen to me", which allows them to do stupid things. Like hunt animals much larger than themselves, sail the seas, drive in rush hour, and forgoe thier health.
As time goes on, I notice fewer and fewer posts related to philosophy and meaning which are not ...
1of5 comments on Dec 21, 2019:
Dump religion from the pic and your left with either debating useless, pointless topics (athiesm vrs agnosticism in a world without religion) or rehashing things that have no universal answers, only individual ones. The greatest gift philosophy has given humanity is the concept that someone who does nothing but think deserves to be feed by those they confuse.
OJ anyone? []
1of5 comments on Dec 21, 2019:
Thats cool. I was pleasantly surprised and delighted this wasn't about Mr. Simpson.
What was the first movie that made you cry afterwards?
1of5 comments on Dec 21, 2019:
Either *Bambi* or *Old Yeller*, can't remember which was 1st.
George Conway Hits Trump With A Damning New Post-Impeachment Nickname | HuffPost
1of5 comments on Dec 21, 2019:
Oh fuck I hope this doesn't make him snap...wait, how would we even know? I need a hug.
To any and all concerned.
1of5 comments on Dec 20, 2019:
I see what your doing, you shameless point whore.
To any and all concerned.
1of5 comments on Dec 20, 2019:
Well in that case have more points
These Male Candidates Couldn't Answer A Simple Debate Question On Women In Power
1of5 comments on Dec 20, 2019:
I take serious issue with this. We *are* morons.
Sciencing with kids.
1of5 comments on Dec 20, 2019:
Cool. When they get old enough make a particle detector.
My girlfriend just asked me if i would still love her if she didn’t have any skin?? um...
1of5 comments on Dec 20, 2019:
She been in the pot brownies?
So, Mark Galli, Editor in Chief of "Christianity Today", wrote an editorial calling for 45 to be ...
1of5 comments on Dec 20, 2019:
Franklin Graham has a real problem with reality.
Do you celebrate Christmas?
1of5 comments on Dec 20, 2019:
Participate in family activities, yes, celebrate? No.
"Your next post should be People Who Over Post."
1of5 comments on Dec 20, 2019:
Remember what Farragut said, “Damn the haters! Captain Literatehiker, go ahead! Post, full speed!”
Kentucky Principal Who Banned LGBTQ Books Arrested On 17 Counts Of Child Porn Possession, ...
1of5 comments on Dec 20, 2019:
It was all straight porn though, so it's ok.
Biblical precedent, indeed.
1of5 comments on Dec 20, 2019:
It'll be the fault of those who didn't pray/believe hard enough when shes still dead in a week.
Billy Graham's evangelical magazine calls for Trump's removal
1of5 comments on Dec 20, 2019:
Franklin Graham isn't to pleased about it, either. Hehehe
If you're not willing to answer the same question "over and over again", then maybe you shouldn't.
1of5 comments on Dec 20, 2019:
If only this post also wasn't in the "not again" catagory. ;)
How many of you all are ex-fundamentalist Christians?
1of5 comments on Dec 20, 2019:
Ex 4 square evangelical. Read the bible front to back. Couldn't believe it, read it again and haven't touched one since.
Just trying to get a head count here. Who's an atheist and who isn't, and why?
1of5 comments on Dec 19, 2019:
I am. Because. Oh god, not again.
I am bemused that people would talk so much about religion, mostly Christianity, on here.
1of5 comments on Dec 19, 2019:
As long as you don't mind if you get called out for posting things others have already thought about. Like this subject, for instance. I really wish people that either didn't need to leave a religion or did so a long time ago would stop complaining about people who are going through that proccess and discussing all the things wrong with/didn't like about/this is how religion is horrible, would just stop complaining about those going through that process. For some this is the only safe space they have to explore, vent, and freely express thier actual feelings on the subject.
THE STATE OF THE US GOVERNMENT UNDER TRUMP US government lists fictional nation Wakanda as trade ...
1of5 comments on Dec 19, 2019:
*The department's online tariff tracker hosted a detailed list of goods the two nations apparently traded, including ducks, donkeys and dairy cows.* Do the trade items listed even match Marvels description of Wakanda's exports?
Colorado radio host: 'Nice school shooting' would be good distraction from impeachment
1of5 comments on Dec 19, 2019:
A "nice" one defined as one where straight white kids weren't the victims, of course.
Democratic Senators are Tweeting Photos of the Giant Pile of 'Dead' House-Passed Bills on Mitch ...
1of5 comments on Dec 19, 2019:
That's awesome
Researchers Finally Confirm That Cancer Is Far More Man-Made Than Previously Thought - Herbs Info
1of5 comments on Dec 19, 2019:
*These include the relationship between colorectal cancer and diet, skin cancer and sun exposure, esophageal cancer and smoking, cervical cancer and the human papilloma virus.* I like how two of the 4 causes they list have zero to do with chemical exposure.
I am going to pray today.
1of5 comments on Dec 19, 2019:
*Perhaps I used too much chocolate...* This is impossible to do.
So if Donald Trump officially isn't president anymore and it's passed by the Constitutional Court.
1of5 comments on Dec 19, 2019:
No, I don't. I think it'll just be awful in different ways - but at least some small bit of the clownishness will be eliminated from politics - or not - still got Graham, #moscowmitch, and tea partiers with microphones and a whole host of bad ideas/options.
Trump, Impeached in Washington, Is Defended by Putin in Moscow
1of5 comments on Dec 19, 2019:
Oh sure, finally a corporate overlord supports an employee and you call them out on it. ;)
Afghanistan Papers Proves U.
1of5 comments on Dec 19, 2019:
War for profit and a social-economic system that keeps people volanteering to go kill other people, who we've managed to piss off and want to kill us because of our exploitation of them for our profit, seems to be the greatest accomplishment of American capitalism. Why am I not prouder to be an American?
I would bet that for some theists, coming into this group would be very exciting.
1of5 comments on Dec 19, 2019:
Well yeah, some of them are just nuts.
Public school should NOT be influencing nor promoting ANY RELIGION! The basics of life should be ...
1of5 comments on Dec 19, 2019:
Run for your local school board
So coming up to Christmas please tell me Athiests what you think of the Holiday season since you ...
1of5 comments on Dec 18, 2019:
Great time of year for a feel good party, to bad religion fucks it up so much.
I’ve listened patiently for a few months trying to understand the dichotomy between Agnostics & ...
1of5 comments on Dec 18, 2019:
*...trying to understand the dichotomy between Agnostics & Atheists on this website.* And yet zero differance in how they live thier lives. But boy oh boy is it ever importaint that we not believe the right way. For some reason.
Bitter people I have found that those who take things angrily and post harmful comments have ...
1of5 comments on Dec 18, 2019:
Well if that just doesn't ozzz passive agressivness I don't know what does. To quote the worse president ever: Sad
I haven’t brought any xmas presents. this isn’t good lol
1of5 comments on Dec 17, 2019:
Make the same deal with them I made with my dad. We each go and get ourselves something we really want, buy it for ourselves, and consider it as the others present. That way we both always got at least one gift we wanted that was within our budgets. This year he bought me a new vaporizer, and he's been dead for 5 months. I cannot stress the upside of this arrangement enough.
1of5 comments on Dec 17, 2019:
In rehab


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