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Michele Bachmann: Climate Change is a Hoax; “God Says We Will Never Be Flooded” | Hemant Mehta ...
1of5 comments on Oct 15, 2019:
Michele Bachman is an idiot.
Single and ready to mingle, what's up ladies
1of5 comments on Oct 15, 2019:
You're gonna do so well here.
Why are we all here??
1of5 comments on Oct 15, 2019:
Beats not being here
Why do some men automatically think women should be flattered by cat calling, aggressive advances, ...
1of5 comments on Oct 15, 2019:
That's because a lot of men are clueless idiots. Just like a lot of women are also - I don't want to appear sexist or anything.
Christmas stuff already!?
1of5 comments on Oct 15, 2019:
Once it started coming before thanksgiving my family just gave up and stopped giving presents.
If you were in need of an organ transplant, would you do it or would you say, "I've had a good life,...
1of5 comments on Oct 15, 2019:
I'd take it, if that were all that were wrong with me at that point and i wasnt 75+ years old
Have not dated since HS. Not good with current lingo. Conservative Heathen seeking companionship.
1of5 comments on Oct 15, 2019:
Rise up to the challenge! You can do it! Seriously, though, good luck.
Seems obvious Joe Walsh @WalshFreedom Republicans, repeat after me: 1.
1of5 comments on Oct 15, 2019:
Actually #1 should read "...wrong to *create*...", not dig up.
Should the Supreme Court Be Reformed?
1of5 comments on Oct 15, 2019:
Not going to read a FB post, but yes, the SC is broken. No idea how to fix it. But then again I think the constitution is broken and needs to be fixed, too.
Breaking up with a man who withdraws.
1of5 comments on Oct 14, 2019:
That took longer than I thought it would. Figured it'd ended last week. Do you think that always having someone "in the wings" makes you less inclined to work on fixing/maintaining an existing relationship or does it bring into clarity why someone isn't long term material? Not trying to single you out, just wondering, since that's how I tended to do things in my past - it always seemed to be less effort to find someone new and learn to not like things about them than it was to work on maintaining a relationship and deal with the known things we didn't like about each other.
Is it a free sale?
1of5 comments on Oct 14, 2019:
First you need to plant a flag and claim it in the name of queen and country, with the authority of god behind you. Then you get to take *everything*!
So now the Kurds, in a desperate self-preservation move, have joined forces with the Syrian ...
1of5 comments on Oct 14, 2019:
What in the world makes you think we'd uphold our commitment to NATO? This scenario would be used to get the U.S. out of NATO.
Have all y’all heard about Buy Nothing?
1of5 comments on Oct 14, 2019:
I dunno if i shoud be happy about people helping other people, or despondent about people switching back to a barter economy because the cash economy doesnt work for them.
It’s just a matter of time before the whole Trump Train Derails.
1of5 comments on Oct 13, 2019:
All the while hiding behind the veil of faux patriotism. Last refuge, scoundrels, you know the quote.
Hi Online Dating people, I just got a message from admin saying that I am now host of this group ...
1of5 comments on Oct 13, 2019:
Good luck, lemme know how I can not help and I'll be all over it
I received notification in my alerts that @Zesty had commented on my recent post q:412648.
1of5 comments on Oct 13, 2019:
She's a gem, that's for sure, but dude... It's #3.
Yo ladies! I put the Sin in Single! Hehehe
1of5 comments on Oct 13, 2019:
You forgot to include a dic pic for maximum effect.
I have this wonder perhaps someone knows the answer. Do people that dye their get brain damage?
1of5 comments on Oct 11, 2019:
Yes, when one dyes thier brain either red or blue perminant brain damadge occurs.
Last year in Wisconsin where I live, it reached -25°/ -40° wind chill, for like 3 days.
1of5 comments on Oct 11, 2019:
There's this thing called "relocating". ;)
Appeals Court Rejects Trump’s Effort To Keep Financial Records From Congress ...
1of5 comments on Oct 11, 2019:
Yes better deal
1of5 comments on Oct 11, 2019:
“Raising Arizona” fell with a thud. I once found it hilarious.
1of5 comments on Oct 11, 2019:
What lessens my enjoyment of a movie is getting basic ways that things work totally backwards: *“This Friday is when the hayseeds deposit their government subsidy checks,” escaped convicts said gleefully, planning a bank heist. “This here bank will be ripe for the pickin.”* Low income people cashing checks doesn't put money into the bank, it takes money out of the bank. When you cash a check you aren't actually dropping off a pile of cash, you just give them a piece of paper, and chances are you'd get (at the time of the movies making) cash given to you by the bank to go buy shit. So payday is actually when the bank has the least amount of cash on hand. The day before payday is when they'd have the highest cash inventory on hand. This is why I have trouble enjoying most of what passes as entertainment. ;)
Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you.
1of5 comments on Oct 11, 2019:
I'm always dissapointed when a 16 y/o doesn't win the Nobel after working all thier lives for it. Seems like such a wasted life.
Three points to go for level eight and this post should do it. :-)
1of5 comments on Oct 11, 2019:
I had a first meet with a new guy yesterday.
1of5 comments on Oct 11, 2019:
Hard to say from this side of the screen. Is it an inconvieniant distance for him, you, or both?
"FLEEING THE JURISTICTION!" Guliani's 2 "buddies" arrested on the way to the airport with one-way ...
1of5 comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Don't forget they meet with Rudy a couple hours before.
Dating sites.
1of5 comments on Oct 10, 2019:
*Any luck with dating sites?* Just this one. :)
Q:202821 So why was it deleted? EDIT: I found an old post where I used it – here it is:
1of5 comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Republican Newspaper Freaks Out After AOC Gets A Haircut []
1of5 comments on Oct 10, 2019:
What don't they freak out about?
Law School Applications Increase Upon Realization That Any Fucking Idiot Can Be Lawyer
1of5 comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Just when I thought lawyers couldn't be any worse, along come these fuckers to prove me wrong.
I just saw a Chrysler Cordoba.
1of5 comments on Oct 10, 2019: . . .
An informational talk on the religious underpinning of much modern dietary advice.
1of5 comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Switched to keto over a year and 90 lbs ago. Haven't felt this good in over 20 years.
What's your take on thus guys? Lol
1of5 comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Jesus must have some serious abs to hold his legs up like that for so long.
Recently, I downloaded the Beatles' album "Rubber Soul" onto my IPhone.
1of5 comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Where did you dl it from? Pretty sure the originals aren't tinny. Just fired up *Drive My Car* through the Dahlquists and it sounds great - nice rich textures with a full bodied sound. Streaming through Spotify (remastered 2009 version) and some tube gear, though, so definetly a different source. *Norwegian Wood* just came on and sounds great too. Are you just bluetoothing it from phone to speaker system?
Trump complains Kurdish allies didn't help US in World War II
1of5 comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Pretty sure hes right about that. Not that it means jack shit, but still give him credit for being right about something. Kinda weird that North Korea didnt help us *at all* in the Korean war and Trump and Kim are in love. I guess the heart just wants what the heart wants.
I think what I've been feeling lately might be described as a "crush" on somebody I work with.
1of5 comments on Oct 10, 2019:
You have my word I won't tell him a thing. Enjoy it while it lasts, and I'm refusing to do any "crush" jokes regarding his weight.
Rudy is the linch pin.
1of5 comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Oh look, more corruption. I'm so surprised. Rudys performances last week had me convinced he was auditioning to be states evidence against Trump. As a former N.Y. prosecutor I always wonder what dirt he has on Trump.
What is love... baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me... no more lol
1of5 comments on Oct 10, 2019:
Can't be in love without the risk of being hurt.
I'm making this post just to get the points.
1of5 comments on Oct 10, 2019:
I can respect point whoring. Have some points.
Well,I got it.
1of5 comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Where's the pen? Why is no one proud of the pen? They're mightier than a sword, after all. Is a shirt mightier than a sword? Congrats, though. Looks good on you. I just wish they had pockets to carry the pen around in, though. ;)
Meter man from utility company had something to say about my shirt.
1of5 comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Chicks, always getting shit wrong. We put 12 men on the moon, dammit!
MOST WASTEFUL thing I can IMAGINE for the human race.
1of5 comments on Oct 9, 2019:
I was raised in the shadow of Boeing, where the school system and socio-economic culture was focused around producing people to work for Boeing and/or one of the myriad companies that contracted to Boeing. That's just the way things were, here. The near collapse of Boeing in the 70's made me vow to never work for them, and I never did. What it taught me, though, is that a company doesn't value you, only what you can do for them. If you cost more than you bring in you're gone. Simple as that. I never had any delusions about loving my job - tolerating it over the long term was the best to hope for, really. That doesnt mean there werent enjoyable parts to the job, just that it wasn't meant to be enjoyed - why would I need to be paid to do something I enjoy? - money is the incentive to do things you normally wouldn't do voluntarily, in this system. So I worked in a field I was extremely good in (commercial and high rise building maint and operations) with the intention to make as much as I could so I could only be forced to work as short a time in my life as possible. I was very upfront about it, never shy about telling my employers I don't really care who was signing the checks as long as I was getting as big a piece of the pie I was creating as possible, and put my head down and worked extremely hard, went to school when I needed to learn something or saw a way to enable me to make more money, and was able to quit working when I was 51. Ideal? No. Would I like to still be working, doing something I love doing? No. Doing something I love also includes the ability to walk away from it for a day, a week, or even a year. Couldn't do that if money were tied to it.
Poll: Safety first, or monopoly gone bad? Map: PG&E outages, and when the power shutdown will end
1of5 comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Monopolies shouldn't exist as private entities, and this is a good example of why. Electricity isn't a luxury item in our society anymore. PG&E is one of the better arguments for being off the grid you'll ever find.
Televangelist Jim Bakker sells $45 Trump coin, calls it ‘point of contact’ with God - AOL News
1of5 comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Con man Jim Bakker. Fixed it for you.
Ronan Farrow Book Alleges Matt Lauer Raped NBC Employee "We are learning more disturbing ...
1of5 comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Power and entitlement. Whats truely sad/infuriating/makes one want to punch walls is that this isn't something new, it's happened throughout history. Yet we think so much of ourselves.
Family on vacation pulls 44 pounds of cocaine from ocean
1of5 comments on Oct 9, 2019:
And people wonder why i like going to the beach so often.
Mayor in Mexico tied to a truck and dragged through streets for ‘failing to fulfill campaign ...
1of5 comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Much better. In America we only drag minorities behind trucks.
In solving problems 'In general' how useful is the phrase.
1of5 comments on Oct 9, 2019:
"In general" you can't solve problems. Problems need to be addresses individually.
Soo.. let's be real. . I'm NOT gay...
1of5 comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Just to keep it in the vein of honesty, I couldn't give a fuck if you are or arent
Ignore the ad stuff.
1of5 comments on Oct 9, 2019:
I'm at 68 feet elevation and on a bluff. 5 feet of sea level rise makes my property waterfront. Plan ahead, bitches. ;)
Sanders said earlier on Tuesday he had been "dumb" to ignore recent symptoms, including increased ...
1of5 comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Oh Jesus Christ. Bernie just did what a vast majority of people do - be to busy trying to get something done to go to the doctors when they should have made time to see a doc. Not a Bernie supporter and hope he drops out.
It's sad that some ppl bully others, even on this site who you have to block.
1of5 comments on Oct 9, 2019:
Yeah, the person who pointed out that you were posting way to much info was trans and most probably has experiance(s) with being on the other end of the call, so maybe listen to what they say as opposed to whinning about it and claiming their misinformed when you dont know jack about them. Someone from your area could have figured out who you were talking about (possibly), which would be a really, really shitty thing to happen to them. How would you feel if that had happened, and something worse then happened to them? People who answer hotlines should keep thier mouths shut about the people they talk too to strangers. Why don't you run your actions by your supervisor and see what they have to say about it?
Gun cameras? Police say they 'provide better video' than bodycams
1of5 comments on Oct 9, 2019:
I think we should have them wear/carry as many cameras as fucking possible - dash cams, belt buckle cams, hat cams, nightstick cams, taser cams, key fob cams, and autononomous drone cams that follow behind the cops all the fucking time. They can't remember to turn all of them off all of the time, after all.
Pope: indigenous people's feathered headgear no sillier than Vatican hats | Pope Francis | The ...
1of5 comments on Oct 9, 2019:
That may be so, but I'd still rather talk to the fellow in the feathered headgear than the fellow in the silly Vatican hat. I'm reasonably sure the guy in the headdress hasn't committed or covered up crime(s), can't say that for the silly hatted ones.
Funny how after I post something about the war-for-profit loving criminals in government and other ...
1of5 comments on Oct 9, 2019:
You check to see who checks you out?
Speaks for itself.
1of5 comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Well that can't be unseen.
What's something fun you've always wanted to try?
1of5 comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Fly a helicopter.
You like it?
1of5 comments on Oct 8, 2019:
I'm an asshole. That feels pretty good, actually.
State Department blocks E.U. ambassador from testifying to Congress about Ukraine
1of5 comments on Oct 8, 2019:
And Schiff is already calling it obstruction, and no doubt adding this to the long list of obstruction charges the house will take up.
Dick's Sporting Goods destroys $5M of high-powered rifles rather than sell them ...
1of5 comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Crap, does this mean I need to get a sporting type hobby so I can support the appearance of responsible capitalism and buy stuff from them?
After a solo retreat in a cabin in the woods off the grid, I have decided to not date right now.
1of5 comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Sounds wonderful. If you can't be happy with yourself you can't expect someone else to be happy with you. Enjoy *your* life however you decide to live it.
Looks like @Admin is getting chatty.
1of5 comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Still pinned, still no visible comments. Kinda wonder why admin picked income inequality between men and women for a poll with "Think of the top reasons that support your answer. Are they based on your personal research or what you've seen on news sites, protests or heard from friends/others?". Considering the Silverman reputation rebuild fiasco I think admin should take his own advice before diving into sexual inequality again. Sums up how the site works and is "managed" pretty well, though, imo.
1of5 comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Mitt and his magic underwear. He can challenge Trump because he's more popular than Trump in his state, so his seat is safe. Doing this positions him as the sane theocrat on the right - which is itself an oxymoron - and depending upon how much Trump implodes during the impeachment phase of his presidency (I'm betting it's a lot) Mitt can position himself as the frontrunner to get rid of Trump, receive much accolades for doing so, and hopefully (in his eyes, not mine) get elected president because he "didn't drink the Trump koolaid".
Stephen Colbert is one of my favourites.
1of5 comments on Oct 8, 2019:
No, Trump doesn't think that far ahead and no matter who the dems frontrunner is or will be Trump will attack attack attack. It what he fucking does. HE HAS NO STRATEGIC PLAN. Besides attacking. Don't make the mistake of ascribing meaning, thought, and insight to Trump. You just wast your time doing so.
Which is correct? 1) A couple pair of pants 2) A couple pairs of pants
1of5 comments on Oct 8, 2019:
Wear a dress instead
Splinters in the Heart
1of5 comments on Oct 7, 2019:
My first thought is you broke up with your BF. Sorry if I'm right.
[] Fuck Pat Robertson and the 7 horses of the Apocalypse that he rode in on.
1of5 comments on Oct 7, 2019:
*the President of the United States is in danger of losing the mandate of Heaven if he permits this to happen.* Such arrogance, dictating gods policies here on earth. You'd have to be fucking nuts to believe you've got that kinda power. Maybe, just maybe, these fucking deluded fools have seen what a total fuckup president bonespures really is, though.
I thought this was funny af.
1of5 comments on Oct 7, 2019:
Stolen, thanks!
Before the next election rolls around, perhaps investigations should be opened into the business ...
1of5 comments on Oct 6, 2019:
As much as I hate the typical inhabitant of this world, I dont particularly wish ill upon them. That changes dramatically if their surname is Trump, however. Fuck them all with cacti. Big ones.
Is there anything worth doing in Woodland, WA?
1of5 comments on Oct 6, 2019:
Uhm, drive to Auburn for the weekend? Other than than that, no clue. Sorry.
[] Something to remember when bashing christianity ?
1of5 comments on Oct 6, 2019:
Why not just remember it when bashing Islam? Seems much more productive.
Confederate Flag ::: A comment about those who revere the Confederacy, and the Confederate Flag ...
1of5 comments on Oct 6, 2019:
Fuck those traitors.
I am literally about to lose my cookies.
1of5 comments on Oct 6, 2019:
*I told him I NEVER walk in a place and let everyone know I am a monogamous heterosexual male comfortable with my own gender.* Except, genius, you just fucking did that here.
Does anybody else get super annoyed when you’re out going for a nice walk and every time you pass ...
1of5 comments on Oct 5, 2019:
Well if they didn't sense all the evil in you they wouldn't bark at you. Don't blame them for being creatures of good. ;)
@Admin, I wanted to share this post on Facebook but I don't have that option. Why not?
1of5 comments on Oct 5, 2019:
Not being able to share FB posts should be a celebrated feature around here. ;)
NFL fines Saints' Demario Davis $7,000 for 'Man of God' headband - AOL News
1of5 comments on Oct 5, 2019:
Its called "unapproved advertising". The NFL has very strict uniform rules and if he didn't have the headband preapproved as an addition to the uniform then he'll get fined for it.
Three former federal prosecutors call for Rudy Giuliani to be disbarred and indicted
1of5 comments on Oct 5, 2019:
Pretty sure a current prosecutor will come to that conclusion, too.
If Trump is impeached, Mike Pence will be the President of the United States for at least a short ...
1of5 comments on Oct 5, 2019:
Its blatent mysogony couched in religious bullshit.
Living in a "Christian" Homeless Shelter. What am I to do?
1of5 comments on Oct 5, 2019:
No idea. Got a homeless step brother, and it's nearly impossible to get reestablished. To bad you can't sue them for infringing on your right to not be religious, but they'll just tell you that's what you have to put up with in order to survive. The fuckers. Best of luck. Stay as warm as you can, as full as you can, and as sane as you can
I have a sore throat, a huge headache and am rather lethargic. What is wrong with me?
1of5 comments on Oct 4, 2019:
From my couch I'd say that soliciting medical diagnosis on the internet is what's wrong with you. ;)
What are the TOP 5 ‘must have’ qualities that your potential partner MUST have before you would ...
1of5 comments on Oct 4, 2019:
That they don't have a list of "must haves".
How about this election map? Dirt can't vote.
1of5 comments on Oct 3, 2019:
Fuck, I'm looking at buying a house in a little red dot. Time to get to work!
The rise of the sapiosexual identity in dating
1of5 comments on Oct 3, 2019:
Interesting, yes, but typically mutual attraction between people is +/- 10% (yes, that's a made up number, but you get my point :) ) of thier own intelligence. Whenever i see someone say they're sapiosexual i immefiatly think "I'm looking for someone smarter than I am".
Obnoxious Liar Stands Next to President of Finland and Screams Conspiracy Theories at Reporters – ...
1of5 comments on Oct 3, 2019:
Well that was fun.
Giuliani trying to tie Clinton's to Ukraine
1of5 comments on Oct 3, 2019:
I'm wondering why it took this long to involve the Clintons. The right must be slipping.
Trump humiliated by Nickelback and a frozen pizza company in 48 hours
1of5 comments on Oct 3, 2019:
*humiliated by Nickleback* should be grounds for impeachment all by itself.
@St-Sinner suggested I spread this message that I posted in the Joke Group.
1of5 comments on Oct 3, 2019:
Does Donald Trump Actually Have a Legal Strategy To Fight Impeachment?
1of5 comments on Oct 3, 2019:
Yes, it's called burn the country to the ground in a fit of narcisistic rage. It's not a good strategy. I hope you didn't expect it to be good.
What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
1of5 comments on Oct 3, 2019:
Waterski behind a ferry.
"When I was younger, I wish I had.
1of5 comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Kept in touch with my dad. Oh well.
Do you owe payments on your car or truck?
1of5 comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Nope. Always pay cash.
Poor Bernie 2020 White House hopeful Bernie Sanders hospitalized after suffering chest pains ...
1of5 comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Good thing he has one of those Senate health care plans. Whole episode will probably cost him a hundred bucks, while when it happened to Jane or Joe Blow on the same day they get saddled with crippling debt. Hope he recovers to keep pushing for some type of not tied to your job healthcare. Not as prez, though. Now would be the perfect time for him to form the democratic socialist party and actually make it viable, imo.
The stock market tanked 500 points below today. Has Trump's decline begun?
1of5 comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Trumps decline began while ago, the system is catching up. We're so fucked.
I’ve been a member for a couple years but haven’t made a connection with anyone here.
1of5 comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Not following a religion doesn't pre select for anything, really, besides how one doesn't spend Sunday mornings.
Accused of condescension again.
1of5 comments on Oct 2, 2019:
What's the likelihood that a 70 year old hasn't needed either of those things for 30+ years and has no idea where they are? You used to be able to travel to Mexico, Canada, and parts of the Caribbean without a passport so they may never even have gotten one.
I heard laughter as I was doing "house-husband" duties today.
1of5 comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Being a house husband rocks!
I am finally moving out of Shawn's house ! Awhile back, he was drunk, of course and he gave me 30 ...
1of5 comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Best of luck.
Day 3 of being a roommate for the first time in my life.
1of5 comments on Oct 1, 2019:
So sorry.
Well, I think I've just ended another friendship over 45. Oh well.
1of5 comments on Oct 1, 2019:
I'm trying to be sad for you, but I'm sadder for her.
AgFo Dating Poll... if you are here for dating have you ever...
1of5 comments on Oct 1, 2019:
Went out with a couple ladies from here, found my partner here too.


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