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News & Links
Feb 25Feb 25

Posted by 1patriot
“There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic and alarm. We strongly oppose the harmful and unrealistic net-zero CO2 policy proposed for 2050.” World Climate Declaration. As reported on the Expose last ...
News & Links
Feb 25Feb 25

Posted by 1patriot
1,200 Top Scientists And Scholars Make A Declaration! "There Is No Climate Emergency" Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Such shifts can be natural, due to changes in the sun’s activity or ...
Health & Happiness
Feb 25Feb 25

Posted by 1patriot
More Than 1,600 Scientists Declare There Is ‘No Climate Emergency’ Contrary to the common alarmist narrative, an international group of scientists have jointly signed a declaration dismissing the existence of a climate crisis...
News & Links
Feb 25Feb 25

Posted by 1patriot
HUNDREDS of scientists and professionals from across the world, led by the Norwegian physics Nobel Prize laureate Professor Ivar Giaever, declared that “there is no climate emergency.” On Thursday, August 18, an article by ...
News & Links
Feb 25Feb 25

Posted by 1patriot
the league of nations all run by the ccp no you can look it up walking dead
Health & Happiness
Feb 25Feb 25

Posted by 1patriot
Pseudoscience is what many on here seem to like
News & Links
Feb 24Feb 24

Posted by 1patriot
Paul Craig Roberts and Mike Adams reveal the huge MISTAKE US officials are making over Israel, Ukraine and Russia - US foreign policy in Israel and Russia/Ukraine. (0:00) - US-Israel relations and potential conflict in the Middle East. (5:12) - US ...
Health & Happiness
Feb 24Feb 24

Posted by 1patriot
Yep beat the shit out the ones with nuts they can go in the mens wash room i won't say a word he can do it in his dress if he wants. but not the womens wash room.
Health & Happiness
Feb 24Feb 24

Posted by 1patriot
LINKJu200% rise of pancreatic cancer in young women and girls since 1990s, diet thought to be to blamest a moment...
BREAKING: Over 200% explosion in young women and girls getting pancreatic cancer as top experts admit they are baffled by 'frightening' rise of deadly disease.
Health & Happiness
Feb 24Feb 24

Posted by 1patriot
Bombshell Study: We now have 100% Scientific Proof why the Jabbed are Dying Suddenly Tlalli writes: Made by "bad humans" for sure but good humans were - and still are - just standing by, doing nothing, in disbelief or just asleep, ...
1 comment
Academic (e.g., Science)
Feb 24Feb 24

Posted by 1patriot
BC Forests writes: Hey @Odessa Orlewicz . Listend to You, James and others. Searched & found; from the WHO-web site; "Proposal for negotiating text of the WHO Pandemic Agreement" (30 October 2023) Yep-they want full ...
1 comment
Academic (e.g., Science)
Feb 24Feb 24

Posted by 1patriot
In recent years, a real-life equivalent to “the Ministry of Truth” has arisen with the rise of so-called “fact-checking organizations”. Currently, there are 118 such organizations that are “verified active signatories” (Archived link) of ...
News & Links
Feb 24Feb 24

Posted by 1patriot
Science Feedback (a “fact-checker organization”) have generated disinformation about CERES-Science In George Orwell’s science fiction dystopia, 1984, he envisaged a totalitarian society run by four “ministries”. The titles given to each ...
Feb 24Feb 24

Posted by 1patriot
Nikki has either been bribed, or she is delusional. She may simply suffer from the same mental illness as Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. She thinks the key to success in the GOP is “in the middle.” But there is no middle....
Health & Happiness
Feb 24Feb 24

Posted by 1patriot
Everyone should watch this but how you guys work look for every way you can to discredit nobel prize winner and people in general that use their head he speaking IHR international health regulation they have fucked up and now must start over they ...
Canadian, eh?
Feb 24Feb 24

Posted by 1patriot
The newly leaked version of the treaty Roguski talks about in this particular episode is here:. (NOT the IHR one.) To get cross country locations for March 9th/2024 visit Two sets of guests today. 1st ...
News & Links
Feb 24Feb 24

Posted by 1patriot
1,200 Scientists, Scholars Declare: ‘There Is No Climate Emergency’ A group of almost 1200 of the world’s leading scientists and scholars has signed a document to declare that “there is no climate emergency.” The group, led by a Nobel ...
News & Links
Feb 24Feb 24

Posted by 1patriot
More than 500 prominent scientists from all over the world, among them distinguished MIT climate scientist Prof. Richard Lindzen, are urging the Secretary-General of the United Nations for a further, de-politicised discussion of ...
Health & Happiness
Feb 24Feb 24

Posted by 1patriot
Anyone with 1/2 a brain knows this!
Health & Happiness
Feb 24Feb 24

Posted by 1patriot
Yea just great
1 comment
Religion & Spirituality
Feb 23Feb 23

Posted by 1patriot
AMERICAN NEWS Feb 23, 2024 ADL refuses to classify Nashville trans school shooter as far-left extremist The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has claimed that the Nashville killer who shot up a Christian school was not a left-wing ...
1 comment
Canadian, eh?
Feb 23Feb 23

Posted by 1patriot
EXPLOSIVE- NEW Emergency Act information points to a FALSE FLAG during the Coutts border crossing in Alberta
Feb 23Feb 23

Posted by 1patriot
Biden's loan 'cancelation'? 'Of course he's buying votes' Democrat has transferred $131 billion in debt from borrowers to taxpayers dirty politics
Feb 23Feb 23

Posted by 1patriot
Dozens of Ottawa protestors file several lawsuits seeking tens of millions of dollars from the government, RCMP, banks, and others over the Emergency Act invocation that was ruled unconstitutional
Health & Happiness
Feb 23Feb 23

Posted by 1patriot
Get them kids out of that school ASAP!!!
aussie sceptics
Feb 23Feb 23

Posted by 1patriot
NZ. is full of them. so many get rightous as they stand for whatever the msm homos tell them,.and they don't even know they have been fooled , because they are so far up their back rabbit hole from friend in NZ
1 comment
Health & Happiness
Feb 23Feb 23

Posted by 1patriot
And if they treat you shit treat them back!
Health & Happiness
Feb 23Feb 23

Posted by 1patriot
the shit you are dying from!
News & Links
Feb 23Feb 23

Posted by 1patriot
DR DEAGEL – THE DOCTOR WHO TREATED GEOENGINEERING (AKA CHEMTRAIL) PILOTS Open air Chemtrail spraying operations are now live in California (all 50 states and all NATO countries). Independent analysis of chemtrail fallout has ...
1 comment
News & Links
Feb 23Feb 23

Posted by 1patriot
If you haven’t heard of him before, Javier Milei is a gem that’s making major, meaningful and drastic changes in Argentina. In just one month! Elon showed support to this guy and as far as I'm concerned that makes him NFG in my ...
Health & Happiness
Feb 23Feb 23

Posted by 1patriot
80 doctors dead in 60 days in Canada but yea you guy keep getting it....because we need less of you mental cases around!
1 comment
News & Links
Feb 23Feb 23

Posted by 1patriot
El Salvador President Nayib Bukele Criticizes George Soros and Issues a Chilling Warning to America During CPAC Speech El Salvador President Nayib Bukele addressed attendees at the Conservative Political Action Conference ...
Health & Happiness
Feb 23Feb 23

Posted by 1patriot
university of Ottawa professor this is what he's teaching students While climate activists are revving up the hype for the upcoming worldwide "End Fossil Fuels" marches and actions on Sept. 15, 2023, weekend, the climate catastrophe ...
News & Links
Feb 23Feb 23

Posted by 1patriot
how the media lies to you 93% of Canadians Don’t Care about Climate Change In September of 2023, headlines across Canada proclaimed that "7 out of 10 Canadians are worried about climate change" or "72% of Canadians are worried about ...
News & Links
Feb 23Feb 23

Posted by 1patriot
93% of Canadians Don’t Care about Climate Change In September of 2023, headlines across Canada proclaimed that "7 out of 10 Canadians are worried about climate change" or "72% of Canadians are worried about climate change" or that ...
News & Links
Feb 23Feb 23

Posted by 1patriot
93% of Canadians Don’t Care about Climate Change In September of 2023, headlines across Canada proclaimed that "7 out of 10 Canadians are worried about climate change" or "72% of Canadians are worried about climate change" or that ...
News & Links
Feb 23Feb 23

Posted by 1patriot
Poor Marco they didn't need him, a puppet so young
Feb 23Feb 23

Posted by 1patriot
Joe Bonamassa Official - "I'll Play The Blues For You" - Live At The Greek Theatre
Feb 23Feb 23

Posted by 1patriot
Marianne Faithfull - Working Class Hero (Live)
News & Links
Feb 23Feb 23

Posted by 1patriot
read article 26 first when read this article United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with Ron Vaillant, a PPC candidate who has been researching ...
News & Links
Feb 23Feb 23

Posted by 1patriot
Yea for sure you brain dead know who you are!
News & Links
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
CBDC central bank digital currency fight it tooth and nail
News & Links
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
Yep the sheep cooperate don't forget the covid shot you guys you got more to do so keep us safe get your shot the faster your out of here the freethinkers will be left. than we don't care what you do.....six feet under
News & Links
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
You should all know this.....
Canadian, eh?
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
Environment Canada seeking “climate-altering” tech that blocks the sun 🇨🇦 resigntrudeau 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 NoMoreLiberalsAndNDP 🇨🇦 🇨🇦 SayingTheQuietPartOutLoud 🇨🇦 via @truenorthcentre want to completely ...
Critical thinking
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
can you see it
Canadian, eh?
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
ALL Native and Non-Native people of Canada will want to see this interview by Dan Dicks from Press For Truth The U.N Is Stealing Land: UNDRIP Is A MASSIVE Land Grab Masquerading As Restitutions!! Some Chiefs are aware this does not...
1 comment
Silly, Random & Fun
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
True as can be these days, in many countries
1 comment
Health & Happiness
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
Why this top AI guru thinks we might be in extinction level trouble | The InnerView Lauded for his groundbreaking work in reverse-engineering OpenAI's large language model, GPT-2, AI expert Connor Leahy tells Imran Garda why he is now ...
Health & Happiness
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
“To this day, I don’t know anyone personally who died of Covid, but I do know, or knew, too many people who have since, suddenly and unexpectedly, died of something else, or been diagnosed with life-changing chronic illness.” Neil Oliver: ...
Academic (e.g., Science)
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
And Haarp is real Harlan Cleveland was the chairman of a Government group called the Weather Modification Advisory Board. The Weather Modification Advisory Board submitted a paper to these proceedings titled 'A U.S. Policy to Enhance the Atmospheric...
Academic (e.g., Science)
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
Nobel Prize winners, the greatest minds and thinkers of our age agree that “climate change” is a “destructive phenomenon” and the “Terror of our age” whilst other’s, “Bill, from down the pub”, my auntie Mary; who knows everything ...
Academic (e.g., Science)
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
The New Manhattan Project Have you heard of the original Manhattan Project? It was the gigantic, super- secret government research and development project which produced the atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945. It was a massive undertaking all kept...
Academic (e.g., Science)
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
1600+ Scientists and Scholars, Including Nobel Prize Winners, Sign Declaration Denouncing Climate Hoax “Climatology” is a fake science created by the UN to promote global warming. A person who studies the weather is a “meteorologist.” ...
Academic (e.g., Science)
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
Dr. John Clauser, Nobel Laureate - "Climate Change is not a crisis" pseudoscience is not science it political you can believe pseudoscience if you and 3 of you really but that political demoncrat shit
Academic (e.g., Science)
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
Nobel Prize winner Dr. John Clauser says there’s NO climate crisis… it’s all a hoax pushed for political purposes Tags: AI, AI technology, big government, carbon dioxide, chatbot programming, ChatGPT, Climate, climate alarmism, climate change, ...
1 comment
Academic (e.g., Science)
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
"Global Boiling" Rejected by Many - Widening Gap in Scientific Opinion says Friends of Science Society While UN Sec. Gen. Guterres declared we are in an era of 'global boiling,' Vivek Ramaswamy, US Presidential candidate disputes climate...
Academic (e.g., Science)
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
Some of you say you never heard of these guys. well you have been reading on climate science. John F. Clauser, winner of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on quantum mechanics, has decided to sign the World Climate ...
Academic (e.g., Science)
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
There is no climate emergency A global network of over 1800 scientists and professionals has prepared this urgent message. Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. Scientists should openly address ...
Academic (e.g., Science)
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
The Frozen Climate Views of the IPCC is by far the most important publication in the history of the Clintel Foundation. The book came about through the cooperation of ten scientists and experts from the international Clintel network, including ...
Academic (e.g., Science)
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
Greta's Call to "End Fossil Fuels Now" Would Not Stop Climate Change - Would Cause Deaths of Millions says Friends of Science Greta Thunberg warms up the climate community for the Sept. 15, 2023, march to "End Fossil Fuels Now," which would cause the...
Academic (e.g., Science)
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
New study suggests global warming could be mostly an urban problem A new study published in the scientific peer-reviewed journal, Climate, by 37 researchers from 18 countries suggests that current estimates of global warming are ...
News & Links
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
Do Not Ever Divest of Hydrocarbons' - Larry Fink; COP-28 in UAE Promises Energy Reality says Friends of Science Society n a Bloomberg interview in Berlin, Larry Fink of BlackRock said 'do not ever divest of hydrocarbons' as they will be with us for a...
Academic (e.g., Science)
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
peer reviewed study The Energy Storage Conundrum Francis Menton Briefing 61, The Global Warming Policy Foundation © Copyright 2022, The Global Warming Policy Foundation
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
Energy Minister's comms director shows how Liberals still admire China As Ezra Levant explains, Sabrina Kim's feed on X (formerly Twitter) reveals how the Trudeau Liberals still, eight years later, have an admiration for the Chinese ...
News & Links
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
Yes check you stupidity there few than need to do this on this site
Health & Happiness
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
➝ FOOD AS WEAPON POLICY WAS INTRODUCED BY HENRY KISSINGER IN 1974 UNDER THE NIXON ADMINISTRATION. 🚨 One of the reasons (possibly the main one) for the explosion in gender issues is because of the extraordinarily high levels of xeno-estrogen and...
News & Links
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
Surprising absolutely no one who wasn't asleep during 2021 and 2022, they are now confirming what we already knew. If you were pregnant and took those shots, you deliberately damaged your child. many on this lie to me about the ...
News & Links
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
Dutch Climate Expert emeritus professor Guus Berkhout: “There is No Climate Emergency; it is a Hoax” some on this site lie about CO2, Haarp, Chem trails or geoengineering
News & Links
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
Nowhere to run for Palestinians in Gaza - an Israeli genocide
Silly, Random & Fun
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
Her diminishing appearance is no doubt a byproduct of the evil aurora she wrapped herself in when she agreed to carry out the plans of her overlords at the WEF/UN/WHO. It looks good on her!!! all you jabbed people sure have anger issues
1 comment
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
Freeland calls the cops on a phone call! JaneJones- writes This is a good example of how pissed off Canadians are! We are so sick of the Liberals! We can see what they are trying to do!
News & Links
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
Manufacturing Consent: The Border Fiasco and the “Smart Wall” The political response to the crisis at the southern border continues to advance the bipartisan “smart wall,” having been backed by Trump and Biden alike. This bipartisan consensus...
Silly, Random & Fun
Feb 22Feb 22

Posted by 1patriot
Yes i have a dream!
1 comment
News & Links
Feb 21Feb 21

Posted by 1patriot
“This video covers the inception and roll-out of the project, early experiments, the development of ionospheric heaters, and the evolution of this project’s command and control apparatus. I hope you find it entertaining and ...
Health & Happiness
Feb 21Feb 21

Posted by 1patriot
Some of you will like them i am sure.....
Health & Happiness
Feb 21Feb 21

Posted by 1patriot
It's not the cows that are problem, or CO2. airplane smoog is one of the them
Feb 21Feb 21

Posted by 1patriot
Wholly 💩, a new AWESOME Trump ad that I haven’t seen😲! Go ahead and trigger a liberal by retweeting this😁. You’re welcome 👊
1 comment
Feb 21Feb 21

Posted by 1patriot
Biden’s Dog Involved In At Least 25 Biting Incidents In Less Than A Year: Docs
1 comment
News & Links
Feb 21Feb 21

Posted by 1patriot
9/11: A NEW STANDARD FOR DECEPTION - THE NIST WTC REPORT (KEVIN RYAN) Few people seem to know why the official report for World Trade Center building 7 is false and unscientific. Some might have heard that the National Institute of ...
Feb 21Feb 21

Posted by 1patriot
Biden’s Dog Involved In At Least 25 Biting Incidents In Less Than A Year: Docs President Joe Biden’s dog bit U.S. Secret Service personnel at least two dozen times, new documents obtained by CNN show. Commander Biden, a two-year-old German ...
1 comment
Canadian, eh?
Feb 21Feb 21

Posted by 1patriot
CONTACT Profiting in the Coming Economic Collapse, Part 2: Canada Under Attack Adrian Spitters, Bryce Wade, Warren Keane By Iron Will | February 21, 2024 | 0 The current economic system is headed for collapse. The globalists want to replace it ...
Feb 21Feb 21

Posted by 1patriot
A Catholic couple in Indiana is appealing to the Supreme Court after their son was removed from their home over their refusal to use cross-sex pronouns for him. They intend to urge the U.S. Supreme Court to stop states from obliterating parents' ...
News & Links
Feb 21Feb 21

Posted by 1patriot
🚨🌎 WHO Pandemic Treaty "We are undergoing a soft coup, under the pretext of pandemic preparedness & the biosecurity agenda." Dr. Meryl Nass MEP - “The treaty will remove human right protections, allow censorship & digital ...
News & Links
Feb 21Feb 21

Posted by 1patriot
"We are undergoing a soft coup, under the pretext of pandemic preparedness & the biosecurity agenda." Dr. Meryl Nass MEP - “The treaty will remove human right protections, allow censorship & digital passports, will require all Governments ...
Silly, Random & Fun
Feb 21Feb 21

Posted by 1patriot
You keep beating up police were going to down grade you from 5 star
News & Links
Feb 21Feb 21

Posted by 1patriot
Navalny likely killed by ‘one punch’ to the heart in classic KGB tactic, activist claims
News & Links
Feb 21Feb 21

Posted by 1patriot
Google AI Tool Gemini Is Accused of Racism for Refusing To Create Images of White People Google's AI has a pre-programmed understanding of "diversity." Google AI Tool Gemini Is Accused of Racism for Refusing To Create Images of White People ...
Health & Happiness
Feb 21Feb 21

Posted by 1patriot
No more males in female sports! Speak up.
Health & Happiness
Feb 21Feb 21

Posted by 1patriot
Been doing that since 6th grade. Took a lot of flack over the years and haven't caved yet “IT IS THE FIRST RESPONSIBILITY OF EVERY CITIZEN TO QUESTION AUTHORITY.” - UNKNOWN
News & Links
Feb 21Feb 21

Posted by 1patriot
Engoron’s $350+ Million Verdict Against President Trump Spells Doom for Business in New York, Ending Free Enterprise and Opening the Floodgates for Socialism in the Financial Capital of the World Ha Ha Engoron has started the flood gates to the ...
News & Links
Feb 21Feb 21

Posted by 1patriot
Yea MSM can tell you any thing and you will believe it
News & Links
Feb 21Feb 21

Posted by 1patriot
Yea and he's pedophile
News & Links
Feb 21Feb 21

Posted by 1patriot
Dutch Climate Expert Dr. Guus Berkhout: “There is No Climate Emergency; it is a Hoax” Journalist Arthur Blok interviewed climate expert Dr. Guus Berkhout, the president of Clintel, about climate and the alleged climate emergency. “We tell a ...
Academic (e.g., Science)
Feb 21Feb 21

Posted by 1patriot
The Hockey Stick Trial: Science Dies in a DC Courtroom Rupert Darwall wrote an excellent article about the hockey stick trial. Science is a process where theories are subjected to criticism. Climate scientist Michael Mann is the lead author of the ...
News & Links
Feb 21Feb 21

Posted by 1patriot
California Dems Want To Teach Health Care Professionals That Men Can Get Pregnant Bill would mandate training to undo 'layers of potential biases' that pregnancy and childbirth are female experiences California lawmakers are ...
News & Links
Feb 21Feb 21

Posted by 1patriot
First Major World Politician Apologizes To the Unvaccinated: ‘You Were Right, We Were Wrong’ Danielle Smith, the premier of Alberta, Canada, is the first major elected politician in the world to issue a heartfelt apology to ...
News & Links
Feb 21Feb 21

Posted by 1patriot
The known pedophiles.....
News & Links
Feb 21Feb 21

Posted by 1patriot
Here’s What’s Happening Trudeau throws us a curveball longing for the 'good old days'. Makes you wonder what's next, huh? Trudeau's CBC Blues Justin's got a case of the sads. Misses when CBC was king. When they spoon-fed us "facts." Now, he's ...
1 comment
Health & Happiness
Feb 21Feb 21

Posted by 1patriot
Goverment of canada force jabbing children this law will be coming to you down south