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[] What Is Fenbendazole and How Can It Affect Cancer Treatment?
Petter comments on Sep 3, 2023:
Bloody quack!
1patriot replies on Sep 4, 2023:
@Petter HA HA your days coming you old cunt!
The Canadian Government Admits To The Public That The COVID Vaccines INJURE and KILL HERE IS WHAT ...
DenoPenno comments on Sep 4, 2023:
"IF you believe you are experiencing a health issue." They have to do this according to law. This would be true in Canada and the USA.
1patriot replies on Sep 4, 2023:
@DenoPenno my last name is German and i still have family living there i have never met. my great grandad moved to North Dakota in 1890's
Libtards love the jab and hopefully are on jab 6-7, keep it up ladies and gentiles helping them ...
DenoPenno comments on Sep 4, 2023:
This is true, but if you read everything your doctor prescribed meds might cause you will not have a doctor or any meds.
1patriot replies on Sep 4, 2023:
@DenoPenno they can not patent a natural herb or cure
and that's my rights!
DenoPenno comments on Sep 4, 2023:
I worked during the lockdown coz my corporation did a needed task. During that time you could hear me say "shut that door because Covid might get in." LOL When I wore a mask it was because we were told to wear one. The most stupid thing ever was to see people in their cars wearing a mask. OMG, the...
1patriot replies on Sep 4, 2023:
@DenoPenno Biden Regime to Reinstate COVID-19 Restrictions Beginning with Mask Mandate as “COVID Cases Rise”, Say TSA and Border Patrol Whistleblowers
yep, liberal shit head
DenoPenno comments on Sep 4, 2023:
You could try electing a new PM.
1patriot replies on Sep 4, 2023:
our elections are being cheated like many place around the globe...the rothschild family is worth 500 trillon they own the banking system and they buy elections?
The Canadian Government Admits To The Public That The COVID Vaccines INJURE and KILL HERE IS WHAT ...
DenoPenno comments on Sep 4, 2023:
"IF you believe you are experiencing a health issue." They have to do this according to law. This would be true in Canada and the USA.
1patriot replies on Sep 4, 2023:
world wide the vaccine has killed more than covid did. it estimated that the vaccine has killed 600,000,000 people and the likes of Bill Gates says that's a good thing....these shots are taking more and more people every day....covid is the common cold/flue
Libtards love the jab and hopefully are on jab 6-7, keep it up ladies and gentiles helping them ...
DenoPenno comments on Sep 4, 2023:
This is true, but if you read everything your doctor prescribed meds might cause you will not have a doctor or any meds.
1patriot replies on Sep 4, 2023:
for every illness on this planet there is a natural cure...the pharmaceutical industry has taken every one of the cures and synthesize them some are better many are not
DenoPenno comments on Sep 4, 2023:
Redacted. I think the entire thing is redacted. This means you might get a little confused when trying to put it all together.
1patriot replies on Sep 4, 2023:
the sources are listed you choose to open them or pass...
and that's my rights!
DenoPenno comments on Sep 4, 2023:
I worked during the lockdown coz my corporation did a needed task. During that time you could hear me say "shut that door because Covid might get in." LOL When I wore a mask it was because we were told to wear one. The most stupid thing ever was to see people in their cars wearing a mask. OMG, the...
1patriot replies on Sep 4, 2023:
and now Biden is bring the mask mandates back in...
Federal Court Rules Against FDA Over Anti-Ivermectin Posts | ZeroHedge [zerohedge.
anglophone comments on Sep 4, 2023:
I have no time for the intellectual cripples who believe all that nonsense about Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine being effective against Covid-19.
1patriot replies on Sep 4, 2023:
@DenoPenno i have been on chlorine dioxide for the last six months i ain't dead you just keep doing the cool aid you will be fine Mr Security guy.
[] What Is Fenbendazole and How Can It Affect Cancer Treatment?
Petter comments on Sep 3, 2023:
Bloody quack!
1patriot replies on Sep 4, 2023:
go a head and die the world would a better place with out you!
DEMONIC: WHO and UN want schools to “equip children to have sexual partners,” report claims ...
DenoPenno comments on Sep 2, 2023:
When you paraphrase you can make printed items say almost anything. Children do not have to be taught anything about sex except maybe condom use at about age 14. Agencies are not encouraging sex practice in young children. You have a delusion here.
1patriot replies on Sep 4, 2023:
@DenoPenno i am trying to warn you about the shit coming your way as it's passed here in Canada in many provinces! once passed it's hard to repel! unless you think it's a good thing.....i think it's sick mind!
DenoPenno comments on Sep 3, 2023:
you would be a good watchman for truth social. I do agree that the ones who made the vaccine made a lot of profit but the idea was not to kill anyone. You cannot get money from the dead.
1patriot replies on Sep 4, 2023:
@DenoPenno cool i had no idea you old America's don't pay taxes. here in Canada i pay tax on income and on items i buy. so if i die i paid tax until the day i die and most of the world is like that if you have a state tax any thing you buy you pay tax....
St-Sinner comments on Sep 3, 2023:
Give the first shot to Trump and make it mandatory in all churches.
1patriot replies on Sep 4, 2023:
your on your 6th booster going please got to save the planet!
many are believe it or not
barjoe comments on Sep 3, 2023:
I hate one issue guys. The lockdown shut down all the fucking churches, mosques, synagogues and Mormon temples. You've gotta take the good with the bad random "patriot".
1patriot replies on Sep 3, 2023:
@AnneWimsey fuck how many times did you edit it your comment you old heifer!
many are believe it or not
barjoe comments on Sep 3, 2023:
I hate one issue guys. The lockdown shut down all the fucking churches, mosques, synagogues and Mormon temples. You've gotta take the good with the bad random "patriot".
1patriot replies on Sep 3, 2023:
@barjoe i could care more but i care less
[] What Is Fenbendazole and How Can It Affect Cancer Treatment?
Petter comments on Sep 3, 2023:
Bloody quack!
1patriot replies on Sep 3, 2023:
@Petter your spelling ain't very good either...ftom how many jabs your eye is failing!
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 3, 2023:
Read the Bill as passed before you embarrass yourself even further It can be found here
1patriot replies on Sep 3, 2023:
Seattle Children’s Gender Clinic provides gender-affirming medical care for adolescents: now they can take your grand son and de-nut him at age 8 but your a liberal this is ok with you! Whose gender identity is different from their sex at birth Who do not identify with the traditional definitions of male or female We accept new patients ages 9 to 16, who have already started puberty. Patients ages 17 and older and patients who have not yet started puberty will be directed to community resources. Our clinic primarily provides gender-affirming medical care (such as puberty blockers and gender-affirming hormones). Gender-affirming medical care for patients under age 18 requires consent from any parent or guardian that has medical decision-making rights for that patient, unless the patient is an emancipated minor. Brief mental health support focused on family decision making and mental health documentation prior to initiating gender-affirming care is also available. If you are looking for gender-affirming mental health services only, or for ongoing mental health support, here are some community resources.
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 3, 2023:
Read the Bill as passed before you embarrass yourself even further It can be found here
1patriot replies on Sep 3, 2023:
Senate Bill 5599 allows shelters to keep runaway juveniles from their parents to get an abortion and/or gender surgeries TJ Martinell so this is fuck all to guy like you i guess! as your a pedophile any way! The Center Square Washington The Washington House has passed a bill allowing shelters to keep runaway juveniles from their parents to get an abortion and/or gender surgeries that include removing a girl’s breasts or uterus. Although framed by proponents as a bill to protect youth suffering from abuse, SB 5599 only stipulates that the minors be “seeking or receiving protected health care services” for a homeless shelter or “host home” to avoid informing the parents or legal guardians, as otherwise required by state law
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 3, 2023:
Read the Bill as passed before you embarrass yourself even further It can be found here
1patriot replies on Sep 3, 2023:
Sources: The Bill Bill Breakdown: Seattle Childrens Hospital
Ryo1 comments on Sep 3, 2023:
One sensationalised, misleading article.
1patriot replies on Sep 3, 2023:
Sources: The Bill Bill Breakdown: Seattle Childrens Hospital
many are believe it or not
barjoe comments on Sep 3, 2023:
I hate one issue guys. The lockdown shut down all the fucking churches, mosques, synagogues and Mormon temples. You've gotta take the good with the bad random "patriot".
1patriot replies on Sep 3, 2023:
I COULD CARE LESS if they shut down or keep them open.....
[] What Is Fenbendazole and How Can It Affect Cancer Treatment?
Petter comments on Sep 3, 2023:
Bloody quack!
1patriot replies on Sep 3, 2023:
@Petter typical Libtard always pointing out spell mistakes but refusing to discuss the the subject posted.....keep up your MRNA Shots please, we need fresh new blood on this planet get rid of the Libtards
[] What Is Fenbendazole and How Can It Affect Cancer Treatment?
Petter comments on Sep 3, 2023:
Bloody quack!
1patriot replies on Sep 3, 2023:
if you quack to much the coyote will come for you Peter pan!
DenoPenno comments on Sep 3, 2023:
I've been vaccinated my entire life. In school, in the military, and during Covid. I also had Covid and did not work for a month. I get updates on that shot and yearly flu shots. Post all you like. Most of us are not antivaxers. You either get the shot- or you do not get the shot.
1patriot replies on Sep 3, 2023:
that's right it's your decision, just like it's my decision i took the flu shot for 35 years never again 3 dead friends were enough for me! do force any one to get this shot!
DEMONIC: WHO and UN want schools to “equip children to have sexual partners,” report claims ...
DenoPenno comments on Sep 2, 2023:
When you paraphrase you can make printed items say almost anything. Children do not have to be taught anything about sex except maybe condom use at about age 14. Agencies are not encouraging sex practice in young children. You have a delusion here.
1patriot replies on Sep 3, 2023:
@DenoPenno this is what we stopped in Saskatchewan and Manitoba...the Liberal or Democrats are pushing for it in all schools across north America i am doing my part to stop it what are doing? as police officer what, just let the government do what they want?
DenoPenno comments on Sep 3, 2023:
you would be a good watchman for truth social. I do agree that the ones who made the vaccine made a lot of profit but the idea was not to kill anyone. You cannot get money from the dead.
1patriot replies on Sep 3, 2023:
@DenoPenno i was only pointing it out to you as you think the dead are paying for it....yes they paid in more than one way but so did you!
DEMONIC: WHO and UN want schools to “equip children to have sexual partners,” report claims ...
DenoPenno comments on Sep 2, 2023:
When you paraphrase you can make printed items say almost anything. Children do not have to be taught anything about sex except maybe condom use at about age 14. Agencies are not encouraging sex practice in young children. You have a delusion here.
1patriot replies on Sep 3, 2023:
@DenoPenno so your ok with teaching children to masturbate in grade one? or should that be taught in grade 7
DenoPenno comments on Sep 3, 2023:
Gregeese will do it every time. I once had a bibble that claimed Jesus said "not to eat with Shriners or Republicans."
1patriot replies on Sep 3, 2023:
my father was a shrine and a mason i know all about them!
DenoPenno comments on Sep 3, 2023:
you would be a good watchman for truth social. I do agree that the ones who made the vaccine made a lot of profit but the idea was not to kill anyone. You cannot get money from the dead.
1patriot replies on Sep 3, 2023:
but they never took it from the dead they from the tax payer!
Just part of the story
Tejas comments on Aug 29, 2023:
Doesn't this post contradict your other posts about jews?
1patriot replies on Sep 3, 2023:
Just part of the story
Redneckliberal comments on Sep 2, 2023:
1patriot replies on Sep 3, 2023:
pamagain comments on Sep 2, 2023:
Cruel, ignorant, homophobic nonsense.
1patriot replies on Sep 3, 2023:
and we won in these two provinces to stop it!
DEMONIC: WHO and UN want schools to “equip children to have sexual partners,” report claims ...
DenoPenno comments on Sep 2, 2023:
When you paraphrase you can make printed items say almost anything. Children do not have to be taught anything about sex except maybe condom use at about age 14. Agencies are not encouraging sex practice in young children. You have a delusion here.
1patriot replies on Sep 3, 2023:
@DenoPenno like i said your not looking into to are you were just stopped this in two provinces in Canada Sask and Manitoba won in the courts but Alberta and BC it was all passed before we even knew it was made a law in our schools...but we are going to get it changed here in Alberta!
DenoPenno comments on Sep 2, 2023:
WOW! I was reading this crap when I was 30 years old. I'm 77 now and I do admit that armament makers sold weapons to each side. It has always been this way. Do you want to go back in time and stop them? Good luck. I was in Germany 20 years after Hitler and stationed in Nurnberg.
1patriot replies on Sep 2, 2023:
yes keep your eyes closed....their doing it again and you don't give two fucks but my grand children need to know about it and do a whole bunch of other grand children as you don't give a fuck about any of your grand children!
[] Maui must watch
DenoPenno comments on Sep 2, 2023:
Tik Tok, Tik Tok. How in the hell can this be critical thinking? Hindsight is always so wonderful especially if you stir the facts. Remember that you can also stir coals and get a fire going again as well. Fire gone now. People dead and time to start over.
1patriot replies on Sep 2, 2023:
yes the rich will buy them out and build there new sky scrapers! everyone wins in your mind!
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 2, 2023:
Wow even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Well done that man
1patriot replies on Sep 2, 2023:
@LenHazell53 wow you agree that's the first time most the time your insulting me....
LenHazell53 comments on Sep 2, 2023:
Wow even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Well done that man
1patriot replies on Sep 2, 2023:
yes ford sued the USA tax payer in the 1950's for bombing their assembly planets in Germany and won.....look it up don't be lazy unless you don't care i guess...
captfeelgood comments on Sep 1, 2023:
I hear he and Oprah have busy real estate agents working their magic.. 😒
1patriot replies on Sep 2, 2023:
yes, i have read and watched video's on that
[] Canada Fires- Why Was A Back Burn Planned But The Local Residents NOT Informed?
bharats comments on Aug 26, 2023:
Hi, please be careful before believing news that comes up in the media. Quite often, there is misinformation that is posted and spread. Wildfires are complex and this year they are happening across the world. Climate change is an important driving factor. I feel the firefighters are doing their ...
1patriot replies on Sep 2, 2023:
@bharats that's the part that's a lie.....all of man on earth contribute to 6% of the CO2 per year... do you know what is the largest contributor to CO2.....the Oceans after that it's volcano's than all the season planets die and regrow every year..... all of those make up the the other 94% of CO2
For god's sake, she can't see anymore, and she is still in congress.
FrayedBear comments on Sep 1, 2023:
Mind you was she ever allowed a conscience vote or was she always required to vote on party instructions?
1patriot replies on Sep 2, 2023:
@FrayedBear others help her on insider information to either invest or direct payment in the form of donation to family not for profit origination like the Feinstein foundation look into how big that is and what it's worth we have the same thing here in Canada with the Trudeau foundation all these politicians have foundations...
[] 9/11 footage that was taken by a man who happened to be recording.
DenoPenno comments on Sep 2, 2023:
And this means what?
1patriot replies on Sep 2, 2023:
it means it was a planed criminal act by forces like CNN and others like government ....
DEMONIC: WHO and UN want schools to “equip children to have sexual partners,” report claims ...
DenoPenno comments on Sep 2, 2023:
When you paraphrase you can make printed items say almost anything. Children do not have to be taught anything about sex except maybe condom use at about age 14. Agencies are not encouraging sex practice in young children. You have a delusion here.
1patriot replies on Sep 2, 2023:
The said report presented "solid evidence, with many official documents" showing the global organization insisting: "Schools must equip children to have sexual partners." it looks like you never read it?
[] This Is Getting Scary...Fking Joebiden just said it..🤣🤣
Switchcraft comments on Sep 1, 2023:
You may want to consider more journalistic like research and detail in explanation of what you are trying to express. Sources for you information that list more detailed evidence to support your point would also help.
1patriot replies on Sep 1, 2023:
i take it your ok with his
For god's sake, she can't see anymore, and she is still in congress.
FrayedBear comments on Sep 1, 2023:
Mind you was she ever allowed a conscience vote or was she always required to vote on party instructions?
1patriot replies on Sep 1, 2023:
@FrayedBear but they pay her more 40 year in that position at 400,000 += 16,000,000 how much is she worth? if she worth more than that then you know they pay better
With out a doubt!!!
Moravian comments on Sep 1, 2023:
I thought you had been banished to the conservative group where you belong with your crazy conspiracy theories.
1patriot replies on Sep 1, 2023:
more fun here listening to liberal logic get twisted by the group
For god's sake, she can't see anymore, and she is still in congress.
FrayedBear comments on Sep 1, 2023:
Mind you was she ever allowed a conscience vote or was she always required to vote on party instructions?
1patriot replies on Sep 1, 2023:
good question! depends who's paying her i guess
[] no plane hit any of them building!
DenoPenno comments on Sep 1, 2023:
What I watched on live TV must have been a Hollywood creation then.
1patriot replies on Sep 1, 2023:
yes it was.....the live ones were those tourist walking around New York the day it happen with their palm recorders who show it blowing up yet no plane on their video....but you know how it is the guy with palm recorder is so smart he can cut the film and take the air plane out. and you know that 16 gauge aluminum can cut right through a 24" x 12" steel I beam right.... we all seen those video as they were posted around the world...
skado comments on Sep 1, 2023:
How dare a Secretary of State suggest he might want to follow the law!
1patriot replies on Sep 1, 2023:
and what does the law say about these who run for president...they must be born in the USA and what else....
DenoPenno comments on Sep 1, 2023:
Is this a Canadian post? Just wondering.
1patriot replies on Sep 1, 2023:
no if you read at the top it say news and links
With out a doubt!!!
BD66 comments on Aug 29, 2023:
How does burning Lahaina further anyone's agenda?
1patriot replies on Aug 31, 2023:
@BD66 i hope your committed to your 15 min city DB66
With out a doubt!!!
BD66 comments on Aug 29, 2023:
How does burning Lahaina further anyone's agenda?
1patriot replies on Aug 29, 2023:
15 min cities look it up they are starting them every where in the world they don't want you driving any where they want you walking every where they are looking are imprisoning all those people to cities and you will not be leaving to go visit family in other cities and they are doing it in the name of climate change....the Canadian government has 15 min cities written in document.... right now they make it all sound rosy but it won't be....
You should know by now!
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 29, 2023:
The dumbest fuckin' person on ladies and gentlemen!
1patriot replies on Aug 29, 2023:
@racocn8 i am sorry but i am not doctor both you guys should consult a medical professionals
You should know by now!
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 29, 2023:
The dumbest fuckin' person on ladies and gentlemen!
1patriot replies on Aug 29, 2023:
well your admitting it...what other problem do you should speak with a doctor and not announce your personal problem on a social media in reality my your reality is fucked up!
DenoPenno comments on Aug 29, 2023:
Newt is naming people who are not holding any office as a "real corruption." Why would I listen to him? It does not matter. I'm already finding that conservatives post things that I cannot reply to and this happened before the site went down too. Now it is back. Real conservatives on this site have...
1patriot replies on Aug 29, 2023:
would you call CNN or MSN, or google the real new and very reliable? have you seen any of the new from Maui? from none news source as they are not showing any news out Maui about 2000 children missing plus 1000-1400 others missing. you as officer of the law must have an open mine?
The things we know for sure!!!
DenoPenno comments on Aug 29, 2023:
Transgenderism does not bother me a bit. What I do find troubling about it is all of the crowing and pushing that our media is giving it. This leads to a lot of people making stupid comments because they know nothing about it. The transgendered have always been with us. Why are we being beaten over ...
1patriot replies on Aug 29, 2023: Massive Win Against SOGI123 Learning Resources Tanya Gaw shares the WINS in Saskatchewan and Manitoba and Action4Canada's involvement in those wins. She highlights Action4Canada's actions and resources to inform educators and parents of the harms of the SOGI 123 teaching resource and the indoctrination of our children in the education system. why do the government need it in school why do they need story time with children but not in the nursing homes or in hospitals for the elderly
The things we know for sure!!!
racocn8 comments on Aug 29, 2023: I'm guessing the OP fits with the BS about Soros for a reason (that is now apparent).
1patriot replies on Aug 29, 2023:
the Kazazian mafia hide behind the Jewish religion but they are not Jewish at all....
With out a doubt!!!
Tejas comments on Aug 29, 2023:
I'll give you they poisoned our alcohol and they probably killed jfk, but the others here are conspiracy crap in my opinion.
1patriot replies on Aug 29, 2023: Maui D.E.W: Evidence of Direct Energy Weapon? Judge For Yourself..
With out a doubt!!!
Tejas comments on Aug 29, 2023:
I'll give you they poisoned our alcohol and they probably killed jfk, but the others here are conspiracy crap in my opinion.
1patriot replies on Aug 29, 2023:
do you know in 2001 no one had cell phones like they do now....everyone back then was walk around the tourist city of new york carrying a palm have any idea how many took a video of the twin towers as they burned and than exploded and there were no CNN showed the world.... since when does 16Ga. aluminum cut through a 24" x 12" I beam it just can't i will show you a video of Maui now tell me if you think these guys are fake?
Just part of the story
Tejas comments on Aug 29, 2023:
Doesn't this post contradict your other posts about jews?
1patriot replies on Aug 29, 2023:
like what other post, i don't think any of these are real jews they just hide behind the religion and say they are just like the rottenchild's do!
Just part of the story
racocn8 comments on Aug 28, 2023: ...
1patriot replies on Aug 28, 2023:
he brags that he is......Christa Freeland's grandfather was too and they were friends
"Jeffrey Epstein is just the tip of the iceberg, it gets worse!" - Whitney Webb | Redacted ...
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 27, 2023:
In other news, Shock Horror "The sky is Blue!!!!"
1patriot replies on Aug 27, 2023:
do worry keep your head in the sand. i take it your jab on what #4 keep going they have 10 of them for you for free!!!
[] Canada Fires- Why Was A Back Burn Planned But The Local Residents NOT Informed?
bharats comments on Aug 26, 2023:
Hi, please be careful before believing news that comes up in the media. Quite often, there is misinformation that is posted and spread. Wildfires are complex and this year they are happening across the world. Climate change is an important driving factor. I feel the firefighters are doing their ...
1patriot replies on Aug 27, 2023:
open your eyes the ones lighting the fires want to believe climate change is man made, but it has changed since the beginning of the this planet. tell me what is the largest contributor of CO2 on this planet.....
vocaloldfart comments on Aug 25, 2023:
Allofraud has been going on for too long now, As an experiment it is a failure, as mainstream medicine it is an abject failure, for the patient it is a gross failure. Allopathic medicine that cures nothing but alleviates symptoms is a boon for the medical + pharmaceutical companies and governments....
1patriot replies on Aug 25, 2023:
synthetic drugs are all based off natural drugs they can not patent any thing that is natural. natural drugs in some cases work much slower but are very effective and less harmful
[] That’s why he was killed
barjoe comments on Aug 23, 2023:
Whoever smelt it dealt it. I wouldn't trust you around my kids. I have some advice for you @1patriot. Go to and set up an account there. You'll be perfect for that site. If you want to protect your kids? Keep them away from camp counselors, troop leaders, fundamentalist preachers, Catholic ...
1patriot replies on Aug 23, 2023:
another fucking no mind cunt or are prick or 1 one the 52 different gender fuckers lol barbiejoe
'There is only women and men, no in-between': UFC Hall of Famer Khabib Nurmagomedov calls gender ...
Druvius comments on Aug 23, 2023:
Yes, the idea that there are only two genders is Evangelical Christian ideology, and it is crazy, stuck in the Middle Ages like the rest of their ideology.
1patriot replies on Aug 23, 2023:
@Druvius you seem to know some about a bible i don't know what the fuck your jabber jabbing about shit fucker thinks there more than two genders get a fuck life and stay the fuck out of mine
there sure are a lot of liberals on this site
EyesThatSmile comments on Aug 22, 2023:
I am not liberal. More middle of the road…opinionated but not easily swayed. You are correct, there are a lot of liberals here, so I stay out of the more liberal sections…
1patriot replies on Aug 23, 2023:
and where would be, these guys are like a plague LOL
[] Beyond the Magna Carta - Dr. Daniel Nagase
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 23, 2023:
Wow what a reliable source
1patriot replies on Aug 23, 2023:
@LenHazell53 you don't fucking even know where i do so fuck yourself as i am sure you liberal all do! because you surely don't have any friend except each other
Druvius comments on Aug 23, 2023:
He's also a paid shill for the oil and gas industry, and his "arguments" are long discredited garbage. He's paid well though, amazing what people will do for money, nu?
1patriot replies on Aug 23, 2023:
@LenHazell53 get right if your going to tell the story! American theoretical physicist and former director of the Center for Urban Science and Progress at New York University. He is also a professor in the Department of Civil and Urban Engineering at NYU's Tandon School of Engineering. From 2004 to 2009, Koonin was employed by BP as the oil and gas company’s Chief Scientist. From 2009 to 2011, he was Under Secretary for Science, Department of Energy, in the Obama administration.
'There is only women and men, no in-between': UFC Hall of Famer Khabib Nurmagomedov calls gender ...
Druvius comments on Aug 23, 2023:
Yes, the idea that there are only two genders is Evangelical Christian ideology, and it is crazy, stuck in the Middle Ages like the rest of their ideology.
1patriot replies on Aug 23, 2023:
liberals want you to believe there 52 types of gender.....i say there man and women and 50 mental disorders
[] Beyond the Magna Carta - Dr. Daniel Nagase
AnneWimsey comments on Aug 23, 2023:
''rumble''...yeah, that's where i get my thought-provoking facts.......
1patriot replies on Aug 23, 2023:
i don't think you have the skill....
Moravian comments on Aug 21, 2023:
Yup, the ultimate in military technology ---- A box of matches. I worked for the MOD ( Ministry of Defence) in the south of England in the exceptionally hot dry summer of 1976. I looked after training areas including heathland and forest. Early in the summer I caught a couple of young lads lighting...
1patriot replies on Aug 23, 2023:
@LenHazell53 yes that's the liberal version and they have very little skill to read about the real one
[] Beyond the Magna Carta - Dr. Daniel Nagase
LenHazell53 comments on Aug 23, 2023:
Wow what a reliable source
1patriot replies on Aug 23, 2023:
our medical system is being weaponized against us and you post a news article discrediting him written by the state media that we pay 1.5 billion per year to say what the government wants you to hear....
[] The Fall of The Cabal Sequel - Part 28: "Climate Crisis?"
KateOahu comments on Aug 22, 2023:
1patriot replies on Aug 22, 2023:
old music....what you got that's new!
CourtJester comments on Aug 22, 2023:
Is that why Biden, Obama, and Berny has Million dollar houses on the beach??? Because they're "In the know" and they know that sea levels are gonna rise??? They were gonna rise by 1995, then 2000, then 2004, then 2008, then 2010, then 2012, then 2014, then 2016, then 2018, then 2020, then 2022, then...
1patriot replies on Aug 22, 2023:
one big lie the same with most things they are telling us!
After witnessing journalists call Sydney Powell a ‘nutcase’ ‘conspiracy theorist’ ‘liar’...
273kelvin comments on Aug 21, 2023:
Well, Faux Gnus had to fork out 3/4 of a billion because they broadcast Powell's crazy Dominion rubbish so you tell me? Btw, any American who still supports the traitor and Putins botty boy Trump has no right to call themselves "patriot"
1patriot replies on Aug 22, 2023:
@273kelvin fact your a fucking idiot 98% of those scientist are paid to say what you are parroting just like your medical system has been weaponized against the people...using money again all you need to do is follow the stop posting to post if you can't read up on this stuff or i will just block you!
After witnessing journalists call Sydney Powell a ‘nutcase’ ‘conspiracy theorist’ ‘liar’...
273kelvin comments on Aug 21, 2023:
Well, Faux Gnus had to fork out 3/4 of a billion because they broadcast Powell's crazy Dominion rubbish so you tell me? Btw, any American who still supports the traitor and Putins botty boy Trump has no right to call themselves "patriot"
1patriot replies on Aug 22, 2023:
@273kelvin oh you have lots of fucked up lovers don't you ...the thing a fucked up liberals does is attack on the races attack...and tin foil caps because of their narrow mind you ain't free thinker believe flat earth and climate change by man is the problem is that the reason these fucker have banned up IDW
there sure are a lot of liberals on this site
skado comments on Aug 22, 2023:
Welcome! If you stick around we’ll share some of our best bug recipes with you and drive you wherever we think you need to go!
1patriot replies on Aug 22, 2023:
i am sure you have a bunch up your show the way!
yea it's been quite the show, the USA admitted the blew up the pipe line, the admitted they had ...
Robecology comments on Aug 20, 2023:
I don't see that USA admitted to any blown up pipe line, Evidence? I'm agnostic, you know.
1patriot replies on Aug 22, 2023:
@Robecology that all you have in reply 3 meme's very lame
AnneWimsey comments on Aug 20, 2023:
Good News People! with only 91% oxygen this nutcase will soon Not be posting anymore, especially since he is now apparently his own doctor. Darwin works in mysterious ways.......
1patriot replies on Aug 22, 2023:
@AnneWimsey then you should know your body as i know my own but you don't think you can figure out your problems LOL you are so smart but don't read is what it looks like...i hope you got all 6 shots?
Moravian comments on Aug 21, 2023:
Yup, the ultimate in military technology ---- A box of matches. I worked for the MOD ( Ministry of Defence) in the south of England in the exceptionally hot dry summer of 1976. I looked after training areas including heathland and forest. Early in the summer I caught a couple of young lads lighting...
1patriot replies on Aug 21, 2023:
they lit Maui up with DEW and they are using that in Canada also! they have come a long way since 1976
AnneWimsey comments on Aug 20, 2023:
Good News People! with only 91% oxygen this nutcase will soon Not be posting anymore, especially since he is now apparently his own doctor. Darwin works in mysterious ways.......
1patriot replies on Aug 21, 2023:
fuck you bitch! keep listening to you pill pushers!
racocn8 comments on Aug 20, 2023:
I've heard if you wrap aluminum foil around your head, that blocks the EM used to control your brain...
1patriot replies on Aug 21, 2023:
looks like your going to have to do it, doesn't it. this was the national citizen inquiry she does a very good job of explain and showing you the's we the people don't need guys like don't care if you live or die....
After witnessing journalists call Sydney Powell a ‘nutcase’ ‘conspiracy theorist’ ‘liar’...
273kelvin comments on Aug 21, 2023:
Well, Faux Gnus had to fork out 3/4 of a billion because they broadcast Powell's crazy Dominion rubbish so you tell me? Btw, any American who still supports the traitor and Putins botty boy Trump has no right to call themselves "patriot"
1patriot replies on Aug 21, 2023:
fucking geo soros lover are you!
yea it's been quite the show, the USA admitted the blew up the pipe line, the admitted they had ...
Robecology comments on Aug 20, 2023:
I don't see that USA admitted to any blown up pipe line, Evidence? I'm agnostic, you know.
1patriot replies on Aug 20, 2023:
those leading the USA are here to destroy it..... please note the sign same shit in Canada too
yea it's been quite the show, the USA admitted the blew up the pipe line, the admitted they had ...
Robecology comments on Aug 20, 2023:
I don't see that USA admitted to any blown up pipe line, Evidence? I'm agnostic, you know.
1patriot replies on Aug 20, 2023: US openly admits it blew up Nord Stream – Russian FM The pipelines were sabotaged because Washington saw Russian-German cooperation as a threat, Sergey Lavrov has claimed BOMBSHELL REPORT: Joe Biden Gave Approval to Bomb Russia’s Nord Stream Pipeline… UPDATE: White House Responds We just met with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, at the Serbian Embassy in Budapest. Here’s what happened. Renowned investigative journalist Seymour Hersh has reported that the US government destroyed the Nord Stream pipelines that delivered Russian gas to Germany.
Canadian government blocking me from IDW site
BitFlipper comments on Aug 18, 2023:
This is the wrong website for you. This website is for people who think.
1patriot replies on Aug 19, 2023:
looks like your in the wrong place than!
thinking out loud, tell me when the time it right......
Scott321 comments on Aug 17, 2023:
So what communities are being burnt down by what high tech weaponry? Newbie with agenda noted. Soon you will meet the other jackasses in my blocklist.
1patriot replies on Aug 18, 2023:
somethings aren't adding up
thinking out loud, tell me when the time it right......
Scott321 comments on Aug 17, 2023:
So what communities are being burnt down by what high tech weaponry? Newbie with agenda noted. Soon you will meet the other jackasses in my blocklist.
1patriot replies on Aug 18, 2023:
add yellow knife to that list
thinking out loud, tell me when the time it right......
Scott321 comments on Aug 17, 2023:
So what communities are being burnt down by what high tech weaponry? Newbie with agenda noted. Soon you will meet the other jackasses in my blocklist.
1patriot replies on Aug 18, 2023:
Dawn Brown august 14th.... Fyi: I've compiled this list of fire's over the past couple day's.. Are yall familiar with D.E.W's= Direct Energy Weapons?? Ciovo Island of Croatia, Palermo of Sicily Italy, Tacoma Washington, Oroville Washington, Greek Island of Rhodes, Maui Hawaii, Lahaina Hawaii, Portland Oregon, Houston Texas, Anchialos Greece, France, Darkush of Syria, & Morocco.. We need to post fast and furious on where all the fires are in the world right now. Ppl need to be awake to these as controlled burns against the citizens. So the best bet is to forward, post and pass along every fire tiktok, etc you see to everyone you know, everything in your email address book as, friends pals etc. They blew it burning Lahaina....this may be the crack we need to expose their heinous acts present and past. Smart meters are the key to why homes went up but not the trees. do not donate to any large orgs. like Red Cross, Fema, Ùnited Way..its all corrupt. Small trusted down on the ground orgs are the key to helping, in what ever area you are wishing to help. Investigate throughly before donating. Info Via a trusted friend, they know someone living in Lahaina, their house is full of homeless people and another family member is going over to stay in a tent to help for the next 4 months or so. People are deeply traumatized.