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Recently I stumbled upon this gem of a series: After Life with Ricky Gervais.
273kelvin comments on Jun 14, 2019:
I posted about this a while back. An excellent series
Good morning all! Today's topic : the wet spot.
273kelvin comments on Jun 16, 2019:
Quite soon after my divorce, I met the lovely R. and we made a beautiful daughter (making baby sex is the best). She was not very sexually active before she met me and come to think of it not after we split either (once you have tasted the fruit of the Kelvin). Anyway, the subject of wet spots was asked: "how do married people deal with it?". I answered truthfully that changing the sheets once a month was no biggie.
What would you have said?
273kelvin comments on Jun 16, 2019:
It's nice to be nice
So what kind of music (if any) do you enjoy during sex?
273kelvin comments on Jun 17, 2019:
My last lover introduced me to the delights of opera. Not usually my bag but it sure hits the spot for passion etc.
Should we all become teetotalers because there are alcoholics?
273kelvin comments on Jun 18, 2019:
I don`t quite agree with the post. Your argument goes roughly like this. Just because religion has the potential for great harm like alcohol or the internet doesn't mean that it is inherently bad. The big difference is that booze or the net do not seek to impose on others. Sure drunken revelry may wake us up on the weekend but nobody would suggest that we close down TV and shops in order that people can visit bars instead. As was the law in the UK when I was young, regarding churches on Sundays. No one is saying that we should cease teaching established science and simply make children surf the net for answers because all internet is true "So sayeth Albert Einstein, inventor of the lightbulb". What makes religion inherently bad is the notion of absolute certainty and moral superiority. You may believe that Bud light is the best drink in the world? A religious person would seek to impose that belief on all bars and the populace. Even in its mildest form, religion seeks to control the lives not only of its members but others as well. Sometimes this can be for the good, other times not so. What makes the difference is no matter how strongly the secular person may believe in any given subject and seek to impose their will. They cannot claim a divine right.
The pros and cons of being single! Just ran across these today.
273kelvin comments on Jun 20, 2019:
Pro - I can leave a mess Con - I live in a messy flat Pro - I don't have to trim my beard Con - I have no one to trim my beard for Pro - I can watch what I like on TV Con - I have no one to watch TV with Pro - I don't have to listen to someone talking all the time Con - I talk to myself Pro - I don't have to deal with someone else's problems Con - I have to deal with mine by myself Con - I get bored sometimes Pro - Sometimes I write Con - I don't have regular sex Pro - I have had lots of different sexual partners and each time its special Con - I have no one to go out with Pro - I go out by myself and make friends I lived with women most of my life. Only for the past 6 1/2 years have I lived alone. It gets a little cold now and again but I settle into my ways.
Today is nude hiking day. Who's going for a hike?
273kelvin comments on Jun 20, 2019:
In the same vein
Okay, a wee fun type question here, What song, popular or otherwise would say was your own personal...
273kelvin comments on Jun 24, 2019:
Laughing Boy - Pete Atkin
273kelvin comments on Jun 28, 2019:
Masturbation is and by now would be the default option. A third party, of either a prostitute or worse an affair, could be disastrous. Even with the wife's permission. She does not want to address the issue, so counseling although ruled out can be brought in by the back door. If he reads and watches a lot of sex therapist manuals. He could use the techniques without telling his wife. For example, most recommend massage as an ice breaker. The idea is that they give each other a massage with sex off the agenda. In most cases, it comes back in but he has to be prepared to have a hard on the size of Miami and not push it. If she is reluctant to try things like this then he has to be very honest with her. By that, I mean VERY honest. He has to tell her how he feels. That sex for him is not just a base act but the feeling of intimacy that he misses. How lonely she is making him feel and if need be, he needs to cry.
if there is not God, I would like to know where did everything come from?
273kelvin comments on Jul 2, 2019:
It is only a simple question if you can only accept simple answers. For example; "Why is the sky blue?" "Because god made it blue" or "It is the refraction of sunlight caused by the earth atmosphere, leaving us just the blue end of lights spectrum to see". The former is an adequate answer to shut up a 5-year-old but grown-ups require truthful if more complex answers. To ask "Where did everything come from" is easy to ask but far from easy to answer. If you require simple answers to complex questions then all you will get is lies. Be that from the pulpit or the political hustings. There are smarter people than me who can explain the big bang theory. Yes, it is a theory and not a fact but it is the best idea we have at this time to answer your question. The real differences between it and creationism are that it is formed from observable data, it can be altered or changed when better ideas or new data comes along and no one is going to be burnt at the stake for disagreeing with it.
Religious indoctrination in public schools.
273kelvin comments on Jul 6, 2019:
As Marionville has stated Uganda was based on the UK system. Here is my experience with it. I went to a church of England (C of E) state school. It has often been mentioned that the C of E is an inoculation against religion. My experience was thus. Morning assembly constituted school news followed by prayers and hymns. Where gods love would be attempted to be instilled into you by the same sadistic bastards who would quite happily smack your hand with a ruler for any and all infractions of rules or insubordination. Hymns would be mouthed and mumbled through, only when something caught our attention like "Jerusalem" or the odd Christmas carol, could we be arsed giving any voice. R.E. (religious education) was 1-hour compulsory mixed bag. Primary school, the basics of Christianity. Later we got an ex-missionary who was quite free-thinking and would open up discussions on such subjects as abortion. Surprisingly, taking the pro-choice stance. After him, we ended up with a last chance no-hope teacher. who we all knew was only there fill in the hour. Add to all this, interminable, dia Sundays. TV limited to late evening and all the shops/pubs closed. This has left me and most of my contemporaries with a healthy contempt for the god squad. I am not bitter or spiteful. If someone wants to walk that road? then good luck to them but I will be in the pub. Which thankfully is now open all day Sunday.
Is Sport a Religion? | Psychology Today Australia
273kelvin comments on Jul 7, 2019:
The article failed to point out the biggest similarities between sport and religion. In that it is tribal. The team you support is highly dependant on your family and location, does that sound familiar? In some cases, this will intertwine as in Glasgow or Northern Ireland, where sectarianism still runs rife. I suppose that it may be true in US sports too, I doubt that Notre Dame has many Presbertian fans?
Last night I went to listen to some live music and dance for a couple of hours.
273kelvin comments on Jul 8, 2019:
I once did 85mph in a 30mph zone and all I got was a friendly wave from a cop. There were road works and the road had been reduced to a single lane. When a police car came up behind me, sirens and lights flashing. I sped up till there was room to pull over and let him pass.
A cold case of beer, some YouTube videos of Christopher Hitchens Hitchslaping bible humpers, and ...
273kelvin comments on Nov 13, 2018:
I recently watched a bio doc on George Harrison. A very spiritual guy but he quoted an Indian philosophy that goes like this. "If there is a god? then you must be able to see him. If there is a soul? then you must be able to perceive it. If you cannot? Then there is no point lying to yourself and the rest of the world"
Who thinks asking inane questions is a good way to get points?
273kelvin comments on Nov 13, 2018:
Like this one?
Is a shame she don't read half of anything I write.
273kelvin comments on Nov 14, 2018:
If I am a god of sorts then may I offer some words, if not of wisdom then at least direction. Write better! "Is a shame she don't read half of anything I write." !! Why does that not surprise me? Read it back to yourself. Does it sound correct? Scan? Can I improve on that sentence? I had a songwriting partner who bemoaned that his gf was reluctant to sing his songs. It was not out of malice that I said "Then write better songs then" His songs were too introspective to the point of narcissism. The over use of "I" that started nearly every line or appeared in that line must have put her off, I know it did me. Not that Im saying you have the same fault but sorry your post was not an easy read. Basic rule of relationships 101 = Do not expect them to fancy you if no one else does. Similarly don`t expect her to read your stuff if no one else wants to. I hope that I have not been too harsh. My intention was not to hurt but to improve. Everything that you put on the page must be read over at least once. Then again till it is right. PS. I read and edited this comment 3 times.
Name a Movie Quote That Gives The Film Away Without Saying the Title! Gooooo!
273kelvin comments on Nov 14, 2018:
No Mr Bond I expect you to die youre only supposed to blow the bloody doors off were gonna need bigger buns Fill yer hands you sons of bitches Do you like Denis Roussos? I like Demis Roussos do you? So which one is it Houseboy or stud? There's 106 miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark out, and we're wearing sunglasses.
Peter Sarstedt. - Where Do You Go To My Lovely (1969) []
273kelvin comments on Nov 15, 2018:
My claim to fame is that I did a gig in a pub the Saturday after he gigged there
I got woken up at 7 o’clock this morning by someone knocking on my bedroom door.
273kelvin comments on Nov 16, 2018:
It was the ghost of sex in that bedroom past
Do Relationships Have These 3 Rules?
273kelvin comments on Nov 17, 2018:
Dont expect them to fancy you if no one else does
Just in case you ladies were thinking of trying this.
273kelvin comments on Nov 19, 2018:
All A&E doctors get to deal with this. They also get all the ridiculous excuses for it. I heard one say that this guy almost had hm convinced. "He told me how he had come out of the shower and flopped straight down on the sofa etc. I was very convincing until we actually removed the phone from his anus and it had a condom on it"
Do you think inheritance of millions or billions of dollars is good for children?
273kelvin comments on Nov 19, 2018:
Well lets look at someone who had that kind of money from birth. Emmm can you tell who I am thinking about?
Would you date someone with herpes? Considering everything else about them was great...
273kelvin comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Well, my brother is at my house, not really for the holiday, just happens to be here, but I still ...
273kelvin comments on Nov 22, 2018:
I miss mine too. Dad was hardly there and mum was crazy. So it was just me and John. Now he goes on about brexit, Tommy Robinson and Trump. Where is that guy that introduced me to the Stones, Zep and Roy Harper? My best advice is...Drink copious amounts of alcohol
Reminds me of the scene with The Oracle in that movie 300.
273kelvin comments on Nov 23, 2018:
John Allen Chau, Preacher killed by Natives, Appalling Atheist Reactions - YouTube
273kelvin comments on Nov 23, 2018:
So a guy thinks that he does not have to steer his car because god will save him. He then crashes into a tree. So what! one less idiot. We would be thankful that no one else was hurt. That guy was the same only worse. The overwhelming vanity of it all is what pisses me off. Its bad enough when they shout at you on the high street "Repent sinner before its too late." I shout back "Who the fuck are YOU to tell me what I should do and think? What gives YOU the right to say that you are any better than me or anyone else." It was not the love of god that drove that man. It was his colossal vanity.
Is this group open to join?
273kelvin comments on Nov 23, 2018:
Just click on "join"
We once discussed who should pay for a first date.
273kelvin comments on Nov 24, 2018:
There is another reason that men should pay. Woman spend a lot more time and money on looking good. I am very happy that you do so I dont mind taking the financial burden of a meal etc.
As part of series of occasional questions which I will entitle, ‘Strange but Bollocks’, I direct...
273kelvin comments on Nov 25, 2018:
"Now lady you must bare in mind that the cards are symbolic and not necessarily literal". The gypsy looked worried as she looked at the card and this apprehension was mirrored on the face of the lady. "Please can you show me the card?" "It may only be symbolic" "Just show me the card!" Reluctantly the gypsy turned the fateful card over for all to see and it bore the sign of the gullible cow.
Now what? (Obligatory 10 characters).
273kelvin comments on Nov 26, 2018:
Thats like giving a vegan venus fly trap soup
The Crying Game.
273kelvin comments on Nov 26, 2018:
When I hear this I always laugh how it should have been used for that film
Am I evil for liking to make hyper-religious people squirm?
273kelvin comments on Nov 28, 2018:
My favourite is always "Does your god love all his children or just the straight ones?"
Just heard a very funny joke that I did not expect today.
273kelvin comments on Nov 29, 2018:
A guy asks a gypsy "What hedgehog tastes like?" "Like a cross between rabbit and cat"
This was fun on FB, but I'm sure you guys will make me squirm. yay!
273kelvin comments on Dec 1, 2018:
You or smoking?.....And a woman is only a woman, but a good Cigar is a Smoke.
A Unified Theory of Time Travel: Part Two There’s still one very nasty loose end here.
273kelvin comments on Dec 2, 2018:
There is a theory that time or parallel universe travel is not possible because if it was someone would have come and said hello by now. However there is another theory that says it is possible except that it drives you mad and you end up drinking strong cider on a park bench, talking Glaswegian.
273kelvin comments on Dec 2, 2018:
I will shave if she wants it. Not bothered if she does not. Interesting to note that crabs are fast becoming an endangered species. As most players now are shaved.
Equality or not
273kelvin comments on Dec 3, 2018:
It will happen but it will take a long while. There was a time when black or natives were not seen a human. This has changed even though the remnants remain in discrimination.
Guns I would like to hear thoughts from others in this group on their feelings about guns and gun ...
273kelvin comments on Dec 4, 2018:
Being from the UK I have no dog in this fight but all the NRA arguments for the right to own guns. Could be used for north Korea having nukes.
Have you ever considered going to church just to meet people for friends or possible relations?
273kelvin comments on Dec 6, 2018:
Why is it some people who are demonised when alive become pretty okay guys when they die.
273kelvin comments on Dec 6, 2018:
Its funny that no one remembers him being head of the CIA when they were propping up the Pinochet govt and thousands "disappeared". Seems that only american lives matter.
The “War on Christmas” Revisited.
273kelvin comments on Dec 7, 2018:
The christians stole yule tide anyway
How real is this? []
273kelvin comments on Dec 10, 2018:
I posted this a while back but I still think its good. Question "Does my bum look big in this?" Politician "Im delighted that you asked me that question and firstly I`d like to make two points perfectly and absolutely clear. It is a mater of record that your previous boyfriend thought that your arse was enormous and totally out of proportion to the rest of your body, which has (let me finish) which has left us with a legacy of spiraling poor self -esteem that we are still dealing with to this day." . "But do you think my bum looks big in this?" "It is a mater of record that your previous boyfriend thought that your arse was enormous and totally out of proportion to the rest of your body, which has left us with a legacy of spiraling poor self-esteem that we are still dealing with......" "JUST ANSWER THE BLOODY QUESTION. DO YOU THINK MY BUM LOOKS BIG IN THIS ?" . "Thats not something I would care to go into too much detail about until I`ve reviewed all the figures carefully and at length."
I need some advice.
273kelvin comments on Dec 10, 2018:
What what you say it seems that you are always returning serves. "He says something, I reply. I usually keep replying as long as he's writing until he says goodbye or I have to go" So he has to think of all the topics etc. I get this myself from ladies and its hard work to make all the running. If your into him then you should go 1st now and again.
[] As Jake would say when introducing this song, "This next song is dirty".
273kelvin comments on Dec 11, 2018:
I do a mean version of it myself
So, my response to a stressful day seems unusual to me, but I'm not really sure what others do to ...
273kelvin comments on Dec 12, 2018:
Us guys will put up with a lot when we are into you. Just be careful not to overload the washer.
Good morning.
273kelvin comments on Dec 12, 2018:
One day wont be enough
7 Tips For Doggy Style, The Best Sex Position For Hitting The G-Spot []
273kelvin comments on Dec 12, 2018:
8. Find a street where your not known
Not necessarily deviant but I am absolutely craving skin on skin contact.
273kelvin comments on Dec 13, 2018:
Yours for plane fare xx
How long are you content to go without sex in a committed relationship?
273kelvin comments on Dec 14, 2018:
When I was married it came down to once a month. Glad Im not with her anymore.
It's so off-putting when guys state they're really serious about finding a relationship, or settling...
273kelvin comments on Dec 14, 2018:
If you have casual sex whilst still looking for "the one". You are making an informed choice not out of desperation or sexual need but on a deeper emotional level. A bit like going food shopping when you have already eaten. You end up with less crap.
Okay, new party thread.
273kelvin comments on Dec 16, 2018:
This is so un PC but I will say it anyway. My ex is from Malawi. It is the custom there to enhance certain parts of a girls body. When we 1st made love I could not help but notice that the normally little cover on he clit was 2 inches long! She told me that when she was about 10 yrs old she was sent off to an old lady with several other girls and they would sit opposite each other and pull at them till they grew. The idea is that if a girl ends up with a small guy she can tuck then in and close up her virgina. These were as sensitive if not more than her clit and made cunigingus very interesting with my cheeks resembling a hampster. I do not in any way condone this practice but as a recipient of the results I must say it was very enjoyable
Who are two of your favorite musicians, singer/songwriters who you feel should have more of an ...
273kelvin comments on Dec 16, 2018:
The 1st one would be Roy Harper. He sang the vocals on "Have a cigar" for Floyd and had loads of great musicians on his albums. Jimmy page, Kate bush, Ian Anderson even Paul and Linda McCartney. Perhaps because he has never "sold out" his recognition has been limited. The next is one I have posted often on here. Pete Atkin. The lyrics are written by Clive James. A well known broadcaster and writer but his songs are left to a small cliche of supporters which include Stephen Fry to promote.
Lol... I think of my son when I see this.
273kelvin comments on Dec 17, 2018:
Im sure that truck drivers become immune
273kelvin comments on Dec 19, 2018:
I get what your saying and its not fair. You might be a great guy but not that good at online chat ups. Well big surprise life is not fair. The problem is numbers. I youre a woman on a dating site your gonna get tons of "hellos". Loads "Hi I think youre cute/hot etc. Just like the posts on here you will look though and respond only to something that engages you. If you meet someone irl in a social or work setting. Would would spend some time finding out a, Are they single? b, Are they looking? c,What are they into? This is fast forwarded online and you already have your answers. You could waste a long time lusting after a woman at work only to find out that she has a bf and is into christian rock! So lets look at how you can use that to your advantage. Okay the big 1st three questions are answered. So next are you into them? Again this is a numbers game so you weed out all those that are non-starters. A brief look at your profile says to me you like independent left leaning politically aware women. So after the age, distance, smoker etc. lets rule out theist, girly girl and 45ers. That will give you about 5 or 6 prospects. First message should be about their profile. If you met at a gig or at work you would have the band or the boss to talk about but online they have already given you your cue. This is a learnable skill. For example (forgive me AnneWimsey I will use you here). "Hello AnneWimsey, I read your profile and would like to get to know you. It must be great having the freedom and independence an RV gives you? I sing karaoke too whats your favorite song?". This will tell her 2 things. a, You have taken the time to read her profile and not just look at her pic. b, That you are making an informed choice to send her a message that is personal and inquiring. Now if she responds will depend on whether or not she likes what she sees in your profile but I will say that a msg like that will at least get them to look.
Chris Stapleton. Tenessee Whiskey. []
273kelvin comments on Dec 25, 2018:
Its really a re-working of...
Reminder: Tonight, December 30th is our next Trivia Nite in the Singles/Mingle/Chatroom at 6:00 PM ...
273kelvin comments on Dec 30, 2018:
Im so sad that I probably will be there. Still getting over last Sunday night, when I was so incredibly drunk that I did an open mic with no recollection of it at all. Apparently after the 1st two songs I stood there like a rabbit caught in the headlights then sang "Youll never walk alone" and had the whole pub standing and singing at the top of their voices. I have absolutely no memory of this whatsoever
Does this happen to you? Seems it is always me doing the changing...
273kelvin comments on Jan 3, 2019:
Equation? If X uses 10 times more paper than Y then there will be 10 times more likelihood of X running out. Simples
I mean... really?
273kelvin comments on Jan 4, 2019:
Now if the gender were reversed? It would be a different story
This struck a chord with me. Do I pretend to be a better me when I meet someone?
273kelvin comments on Jan 4, 2019:
We all pull our gut in a little at first.
A father walks into a restaurant with his young .
273kelvin comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Only thing wrong with that story is that she hands him back the nickel
a new post post
273kelvin comments on Jan 8, 2019:
I am not sharing this post because someone might take a fence?
What's everyone's number 1 favorite band/artist and their favorite song or album by them?
273kelvin comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Too many but here is 3 from my list. Ry cooder - Paradise and lunch Leonard Cohen - Ten new songs Pete Atkin - A king at nightfall
Serial vs parallel dating.. have i posted this topic already?
273kelvin comments on Jan 13, 2019:
It depends on how serious the relationships are. It does not just have to mean sex. I will have sex in parallel but not if we get to "going steady"
So the Brexit deal was voted down. Does this end Theresa Mays and the Tories hold on power?
273kelvin comments on Jan 15, 2019:
At any other time yes but not this time. Her deal is dead, there will be a vote of no confidence in the commons but she will probably win it with the support of the Ulster unionists. Any other leader would stand down but she seems determined to cling on. Even tories that tabled a no confidence vote in their own party against her will support her in the commons vote because the alternative is an election which might well bring in Corbyn.
Wtf, I Saw this woman over a year ago, we've been trying to to rekindle things lately, but she can't...
273kelvin comments on Jan 16, 2019:
You have to be strong. Lay it out on the line in an honest to goodness way. "Honey I think the world of you and I really want you in my life. We tried before and I regret that we couldn't stay together but if you want me to say sorry that I dated when we were apart then thats a no, I am not a monk. how long should I have waited for you to come back? A year? two? three? ten? for ever? If you you want me then I am completely and exclusively yours. I will try my utmost to make you happy but if you cannot get over this then it would be best for you to find someone that you can accept. That would make me truly sorry because we have a chance at the real deal. We cannot change the past, only the present and the future. Its up to you, you can put it in a box like a bunch of old love letters and leave it in the closet gathering dust and we can make a life together or take it with you and go"
Okaaay, Kats and Kittens- Time to 'fess up and tell us/show us WHERE AND HOW YOU LOST YOUR ...
273kelvin comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Kinda half then full. 1st when I was 14. She was 16 and we were both virgins. We had been heavy petting for months when one day in my bedroom she let me enter her. I was probably the wrong guy to be her 1st because I was too big. It really hurt her so we stopped and that was that. We broke up soon after and it left me traumatized. I had never wanted to hurt her, I was just a horny kid. Then at the age of 20 (yes it took that long to get over it). A single mum of 32 took a shine to me. We fucked all night to the sound of Van Morrison's moon dance album and I gave her 3 orgasms. I knew then I had found my calling.
I posted this link to a viral Facebook post and it was prejudged as itself being prejudiced, without...
273kelvin comments on Jan 18, 2019:
A good friend of mine changed his name by deed poll to Ricky Raccoon. Unfortunately this caused him a problem because he was born on April 1st. So he gets food poisoning, after suffering for about a week he manages to drag himself out of his flat to hospital. Looking like death and up to reception. "Name?" "Ricky Raccoon" "Mmmm Date of birth?" "April 1st 1962" "Listen joker this is a busy hospital and we haven't got time for idiots who are taking the piss" "No that is my name and birthday. I am not joking. I Really am ill (sobs)"
What's the craziest place you have had sex in...?
273kelvin comments on Jan 18, 2019:
My head
Care ?
273kelvin comments on Jan 19, 2019:
I am reminded of a story I read many years ago. (tied to google no joy). A sultan has a daughter who is a phenomenal chess player. So much so that he offers her hand in marriage and half his kingdom to any suitor that can beat her. Many try but she defeats them all with contempt. Then a dashing young man tries his hand. After a long hard game she resigines but he refuses to accept the wedding. Preferring instead to just take the money. To which she says to him. "Fie on you, you callus scoundrel. Had I known that you were so base I would have mated you"
(A great James Mason movie with an unexpected ending.
273kelvin comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Based on a true story. The information he sold them about the Normandy landings was rejected by German intelligence. The black espionage run by the allies was too strong. Like Patton reviewing a dummy army near Dover. All the other spies were false or turned agents run by us
Fuck you all. I can't live without you. You're like fucking siblings or something.
273kelvin comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Hi missed you xxx
EDIT; There. That’s better! ?
273kelvin comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Girls love a guitarist. Smart girls look for an harmonica player. I am both. Its a shame you live so far away. Last session I drank at least 4 squirts
Major life changes coming right up.
273kelvin comments on Jan 21, 2019:
I you fancy traveling? Then you have a friend in Liverpool xx
Rape Culture No Myth.
273kelvin comments on Jan 21, 2019:
In my experience a woman is far better off getting a few rent-a-thugs to give her justice than the legal system
Why can't I get over my first true love?
273kelvin comments on Jan 22, 2019:
All is fair in love and war. Love is beautiful and all the things that hallmark cards say but it is also selfish, demanding and possessive. You say that "He is the one and only" That no one else can or will do. That if you phoned him then he would be yours but you cannot do that to her. Fuck that and phone him. It is your life that you are responsible for not hers. Also what kind of a marriage can this be if all it takes is your call to end it. Better for all to make that call and test your theory. If he comes to you then you will have your love to help with the consequences. If not then some kind of closure to help you move on but to stay in emotional limbo is just a waste of time and we only get one innings
Just ran across a smoker's dating group.
273kelvin comments on Jan 22, 2019:
Even funnier if you thing about it using the slang english term for a cigarette......"fag"
Can someone own enough gear?
273kelvin comments on Jan 24, 2019:
I was watching an interview with Mark Knopfler the other day. He was saying that theres a particular amp he would love to own. When the interviewer ask him why he hadnt acquired it (its not like hes short of money). He said "I still want to want something"
Oh the silly place names that I have visited over the years, Hell, Elbow and Orgasm to name a few.
273kelvin comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Cockermouth count as one?
Here is another rubber boot.
273kelvin comments on Jan 26, 2019:
Time wasted on scammers could be used to find a genuine guy
Question for the ladies: how many of you on the dating websites (excluding this one) actively look ...
273kelvin comments on Jan 26, 2019:
According to this its about 3.5 to 1 but my experience is only scammers and one lady who was far too old for me messaged 1st.
This might have been asked before, but I can't seem to find it.
273kelvin comments on Jan 27, 2019:
Off and on with an african so I get it for real.
I’m an asshole, and I’m proud of it. ?? Dennis Leary, Asshole Song: []
273kelvin comments on Jan 28, 2019:
This was used in an anti drink driving advert in the UK
When you’re way off! ?
273kelvin comments on Feb 2, 2019:
With music and lyrics
Dances with Dicks
273kelvin comments on Feb 2, 2019:
"Big dicks theory" "Saturday night dicks""have dicks will travel"
A Christian Bible Camp Brought in a Fake “Atheist” So Kids Could Stump Him | Hemant Mehta | ...
273kelvin comments on Feb 5, 2019:
The use of a foil is quite common. Plato and Galileo both used them in a phoney debate to promote their ideas. The difference here is the deception involved. Of course they could not have invited a real atheist, the risks would been too great. Although some of the guys from the conservative group on here might have been dumb enough to get their arses kicked by kids.
Why would someone not have a profile picture on a dating site?
273kelvin comments on Feb 6, 2019:
There can be many reasons. A poor self image, being afraid if getting stalked, working with the public like the bar trade and not wanting anyone at work seeing you, a little ashamed that you have to resort to the internet to get a date (yes there are some people who still think like this), Those are good reasons but of course there are bad ones too.
News in from the UK identifying disturbing societal behaviour: []
273kelvin comments on Feb 7, 2019:
It was November 5th two years ago. She got very drunk and was up till 6am. I stayed sober and should have gone to bed but the noise would have kept me up anyway. In the end we argued and she started throwing things around my flat. Then she picked up one of my guitars with both hands and looked as if she was going to smash it. I managed to wrestle it off her and told her to leave. She refused and I tried to push her out of the door then she slapped me. I slapped her back. I am not proud of it but it was just a knee jerk reaction. Upshot was she called the cops. What I should have done in hindsight is disappear but I had not done anything wrong so I stayed and they took us both in seperate cars to the station.I was asked if I had been drinking to which I truthfully replied not for several hours and not a great amount at that. Had I slept that night? No so they told me I had to wait in the cell until I had rested. Sixteen hours later!! I was questioned and released with no charges for either of us. If any of you find yourself in a similar situation. Then walk around the block. Do not be there when the cops come. You can go the the station later to answer any accusations but if you are Johnny on the spot you will be sitting in a police cell all day.
Only 5 Weeks until St Patrick's Day! What is your town/city doing to prepare for this Irish ...
273kelvin comments on Feb 7, 2019:
Liverpool has been a city racked with sectarian divide. In consequence on st Patrick's night 60% of the drinkers will be out celebrating. Then a few months later the other 60% will be celebrating the 12th of July
Pretty faces .... That's this weeks scavenger hunt.... Just the face....
273kelvin comments on Feb 8, 2019:
Scavenger hunt plus my crush. Victoria Coren. A classic English rose face but also witty, sassy and intelligent. The only two times winner of the european poker tour and smart mouthed TV quiz mistress
Can You Cuddle Naked Without Having Sex?
273kelvin comments on Feb 12, 2019:
Yes I can. My last partner and I used sleep naked. We were together for 15 years and not every night was a sex night (sometimes we had afternoons instead lol). Add to that we still slept together for six months before I moved out. It was not a big deal to just cuddle. She gets drunk with me now and again and we just cuddle. 15 years of great sex has left us just very good friends.
(L)The power of pink
273kelvin comments on Feb 12, 2019:
I would love to get closer to the real pink
Every time I get on plenty of catfish, I immediately get messages from random women looking to ...
273kelvin comments on Feb 12, 2019:
Not too many on the UK site. Thats.maybe one of the benefits of brexit. Looks like the UK is going down in the " I wanna live there" stakes.
Hard of Hearing?
273kelvin comments on Feb 13, 2019:
A artist thankfully removing her stuff from here was telling me that Michelle Obama was a man and ...
273kelvin comments on Feb 16, 2019:
If she is a man then I gonna be gay (just for her/him).
273kelvin comments on Feb 17, 2019:
Heres a tip when buying white goods. They always try and get you to buy a warranty. So string them along and ask if theres a discount if you do? Most shops will knock something off the purchase price for getting their unnecessary overpriced care package. Soon as you get home with the goods, cancel the warranty. The discount will still stand.
This is currently relevant to the UK but could affect any western countries.
273kelvin comments on Feb 18, 2019:
Lets first look at the facts. She is a UK subject, she has the absolute right to return. She joined an organisation which is at war with the UK. ISIS has killed british people. Now lets look at some mitigating factors. She is/was very young. She has already lost 2 babies. However would she be wanting to comeback if she had somewhere else to go? All things considered she should of course be allowed back but must take responsibility for her actions (to the degree that the law thinks a minor should). She is potentially guilty of treason and should be charged with such, unless she fully co-operates with the intelligence services.
How about "Hit Me with Your Best Shot?"
273kelvin comments on Feb 18, 2019:
The only unspoken forbidden subject....time.
For some reason when I browse through members here, I often find myself drawn to men from the UK.
273kelvin comments on Feb 18, 2019:
I am not complaining x
Question: Have you dated someone who was outside your comfort zone in terms of things like age, ...
273kelvin comments on Feb 19, 2019:
It depends on what you mean by comfort zone. I have dated outside my race, age and income but I am more fascinated by differences than discomforted.
I think i am at the point where i just want to find a dance partner.
273kelvin comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Just show up at the dance school. Women will outnumber men anyway.


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