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More disappointed by Biden all the time.
CourtJester comments on Jul 10, 2022:
I love that democrats are stating their disapproval of Biden’s slack jawed, booger eating, idiot capabilities.
273kelvin replies on Jul 14, 2022:
@CourtJester You got a bit of wall which Trump had to syphon off funding from the defence budget for. Congress didn't want it coz there was no money in it for the donors. Yeah, petrol (gas) is at record prices all over the world. The price at my pump is £1,88 per ltr which works out at $8.00 per US gallon (maybe more as the £ has risen since we got rid of OUR lying scumbag). So tell me who should I blame, Boris or Biden? Economics 101 the law of supply and demand. When things are in high demand or harder to get, the price goes up. When things are easier to get or demand is low the price falls. During the pandemic, people stayed at home so low demand = low price. Now people can go out and there are sanctions against one of the largest oil and gas-producing countries so prices rise. Do I really have to explain capitalism to an American FFS?
Two sides of the pond
Matias comments on Jul 14, 2022:
it was not moral considerations that led to Boris' expulsion, but pure power politics. It became clear to the Tories that they would lose the next election with Johnson. If he were still popular with the electorate, he could lie as much as he wanted, they would let him get away with anything.
273kelvin replies on Jul 14, 2022:
Mostly correct, they were not guaranteed to lose but Boris is the only factor that could lose it for them
Two sides of the pond
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 13, 2022:
Maybe it's because the British have a parlimentary system for their federal government, maybe not, but it does appear that their Conservative Party, which is their counterpart to our Repub Party, does appear to have a majority that are sane and honest enough to stand up to their leader, unlike our ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 13, 2022:
Oh, we had plenty of Torys that publically backed Boris to the end. Yes, a parliamentary system allows for more decent but sorry tbh the US system is awful. It has been a disaster nearly everywhere it's been exported to. Add to that, the big money donors (which the system via SOCUS allowed) and about 20 people pick who you get to vote for on either side.
More disappointed by Biden all the time.
CourtJester comments on Jul 10, 2022:
I love that democrats are stating their disapproval of Biden’s slack jawed, booger eating, idiot capabilities.
273kelvin replies on Jul 13, 2022:
@CourtJester You don't get subsidies because you're not rich enough to buy a senator. The only things that pass are those that will benefit the corporate donors. You did not get the wall for the same reasons. Even though I disagreed with the idea (and what was built was pretty ineffectual), it did have a mandate, as did the green new deal and build back better but they got squashed too. Don't you think it might be about time the American people stopped all the silly factionalism between Reps and Dems and focused on all the corporate millions pumped into your elections? Whilst that still exists, you will never get what you want. Maybe you might wonder why the US really needs to have the 2 largest airforces in the world. Are Mexico and Canada such a threat? Ps. Quoting the gas price from the middle of a pandemic is a bit lame.
Last year, Biden said that the build back better plan and policies were working because our July 4th...
Trajan61 comments on Jul 2, 2022:
Biden’s war on American energy is the main culprit for the high fuel and inflation cost.
273kelvin replies on Jul 13, 2022:
@Trajan61 But if you look at China and their one child per family policy. It was the REDUCTION of their population that led to industrialisation etc.
More disappointed by Biden all the time.
AnneWimsey comments on Jul 10, 2022:
Soooo, you would like it better if he did Nothing? WTF are you trying to say??????
273kelvin replies on Jul 12, 2022:
@yvilletom Allow abortion clinics to open on federal land. Threaten to increase the size of the supreme court. End the filibuster and pass a bill that makes the right to an abortion a federal statute. But shoot, he won't do any of these things, even to guarantee voting rights. You have to give the GOP one thing. If they wanted these things? They would fight dirty to get them.
More disappointed by Biden all the time.
CourtJester comments on Jul 10, 2022:
I love that democrats are stating their disapproval of Biden’s slack jawed, booger eating, idiot capabilities.
273kelvin replies on Jul 12, 2022:
So you got your wall then?...and did Mexico pay for it?
Last year, Biden said that the build back better plan and policies were working because our July 4th...
Trajan61 comments on Jul 2, 2022:
Biden’s war on American energy is the main culprit for the high fuel and inflation cost.
273kelvin replies on Jul 12, 2022:
@Trajan61 Well let us read your link. The first half backs up your theory but only anecdotally It ends with; " At the national level, there is a clear relationship between income and per capita CO2 emissions, with average emissions for people living in industrialized countries and key oil producing nations topping the charts [10]. High-consuming lifestyles and production practices in the highest income countries result in much higher emissions rates than in middle and low-income countries, where the majority of the world’s population lives [11]. For example, the United States represents just over 4% of the global population but accounts for 17% of the world’s energy use [3, 12]. Per person carbon emissions are among the highest in the world. People living in the United States, Australia, and Canada, have carbon footprints close to 200 times larger than people in some of the poorest and fastest-growing countries in sub-Saharan Africa—such as Chad, Niger, and the Central African Republic [10]. In the middle of the spectrum are the middle-income economies, home to 75% of the world’s population [13]. In these places, industrialization will increase standards of living and consumption patterns over the coming decades [14]. Without changes to how economies tend to grow, carbon emissions will rise." You can see that there is a big difference between million people living near subsistence and the same amount with an SUV, AC, dishwasher, fridge/freezer etc.
Last year, Biden said that the build back better plan and policies were working because our July 4th...
Trajan61 comments on Jul 2, 2022:
Biden’s war on American energy is the main culprit for the high fuel and inflation cost.
273kelvin replies on Jul 11, 2022:
@Trajan61 Firstly it is a myth that high populations have a higher carbon footprint and pollute more. Just look at China, the reason it is so industrialised and such a large polluter is down to its reduction in population. Secondly, if x number of people migrate to the US or any other country, then the world's carbon footprint stays roughly the same* (give or take their travel and higher standard of living). Do you think that Mexicans raking your lawn or cleaning your pool has a similar effect as the US govt subsidising coal? *Kinda l like if the North Pole melts, it would not raise the sea level at all because it's floating ice.
Last year, Biden said that the build back better plan and policies were working because our July 4th...
Trajan61 comments on Jul 2, 2022:
Biden’s war on American energy is the main culprit for the high fuel and inflation cost.
273kelvin replies on Jul 11, 2022:
@Trajan61 Oh sorry I forgot about the coal power stations that immigrants carry in their knapsacks. Can you again please explain how migrants have significantly increased the US carbon footprint? And the funny thing is that Biden hasn't changed Trump's rules at all except in regard to children. Then he hasn`t done very much at all period. You guys call him socialist and progressive and we can't stop laughing at the idea. Oh, do we wish that he had one iota of the left-wing ideology you claim he has? The fact is Biden is (and has been for 50 years), a corporate Democrat, that's why the Dems choose him to run. If they had pitched Bernie you would have a point but they didn't. His only claim to the job is that he is not Trump. Whilst that was good enough to beat Trump by about 8 million votes. it was a very low bar. If he runs, Biden will lose the next election. Not because he is progressive or left. because he isn't Not because the republicans have better policies, because they have no policies ("we own the libs" is not a policy). It will be because he promised a whole lot of good stuff that people wanted, then wimped out on.
Last year, Biden said that the build back better plan and policies were working because our July 4th...
Trajan61 comments on Jul 2, 2022:
Biden’s war on American energy is the main culprit for the high fuel and inflation cost.
273kelvin replies on Jul 9, 2022:
@Trajan61 As a rationalist doesn`t it give any pause to call people that agree with 95% of the world's scientists "nuts"?
Last year, Biden said that the build back better plan and policies were working because our July 4th...
Trajan61 comments on Jul 2, 2022:
Biden’s war on American energy is the main culprit for the high fuel and inflation cost.
273kelvin replies on Jul 9, 2022:
@Trajan61 Biden couldn`t declare war on crabgrass in his yard. If "war" means acknowledging (along with 95% of scientists) that global warming is real, it is already affecting the US and maybe the government should do something? Then it was a Biden "war" ie. "We are going to do something, Oh oops sorry we cant" What's the difference between a Republican and a Democrat? A Democrat is like your nice aunt that promises to take you to Disneyland but never does. A Republican is like your grumpy uncle who tells you there's no money to go to Disneyland and then you discover they went by themselves.
Last year, Biden said that the build back better plan and policies were working because our July 4th...
Trajan61 comments on Jul 2, 2022:
Biden’s war on American energy is the main culprit for the high fuel and inflation cost.
273kelvin replies on Jul 8, 2022:
@Trajan61 The 9.9% was petrol prices, not fertilizer and even that might be out of date by now. So you really think that had Trump not lost in 2020 you would not have had inflation? America would stand alone as immune from all the market forces that affected the rest of the world. All the free taxpayers' money Trump pumped into big corporations and 0% interest rates since 2008 had no inflationary effect at all? I get that you respect Trump and rate him highly but he is not divine.
Bojos obit []
TomMcGiverin comments on Jul 7, 2022:
This Boris Johnson sounds an awful lot like Trump. Maybe our two countries could have traded leaders a while back, in some sort of international asshole exchange program, like we do with high school students..
273kelvin replies on Jul 7, 2022:
Maybe we can find a volcano god that we can both appease by their sacrifice?
Bojos obit []
FvckY0u comments on Jul 7, 2022:
I would be very pleased to hear this gentleman's humorous report on politics in the USA. Well said from our friend across the pond.
273kelvin replies on Jul 7, 2022:
Mcflewster comments on Jul 7, 2022:
Is a 22 Committee decision part of the constitution? . What Constitution? We will never know because I do not think it is part of the plan now, Boris could say he was forced out by "Events , Dear Boy"
273kelvin replies on Jul 7, 2022:
The 1922 committee is a caucus of Conservative backbench MPs. It represents the views of the Conservative Parliamentary Party. So not part of the country's constitution, just the Tory party.
Last year, Biden said that the build back better plan and policies were working because our July 4th...
Trajan61 comments on Jul 2, 2022:
Biden’s war on American energy is the main culprit for the high fuel and inflation cost.
273kelvin replies on Jul 5, 2022:
@Trajan61 You mean the 9.9% increase as opposed to the 14.6% here in the UK?
Last year, Biden said that the build back better plan and policies were working because our July 4th...
Trajan61 comments on Jul 2, 2022:
Biden’s war on American energy is the main culprit for the high fuel and inflation cost.
273kelvin replies on Jul 5, 2022:
@Trajan61 I do hope that you read contracts a little more critically than you read the news. From my understanding. Biden had not stopped drilling on federal land, in fact, the oil companies had 20.000 unused leases already for federal land and not one of them was blocked. What he had done is to stop issuing NEW leases for drilling on federal land. That was as of April 2022. Then he did a partial u-turn and started issuing leases but with increased royalties for the taxpayer.* Even so, can you please explain to this idiot why future leases that might take years to come on stream would have such a significant impact on current prices? Could it be that the oil companies are making a bundle by price gouging and the whole federal lease thing is a distraction? Ps, it will not matter if the Dems are voted out. They will simply claim the election was rigged, lose every court case, stage a coup and get Kamala Harris to pick Biden for a 2nd term. No of course they won't because that would be treason, wouldn`t it?
Last year, Biden said that the build back better plan and policies were working because our July 4th...
Trajan61 comments on Jul 2, 2022:
Biden’s war on American energy is the main culprit for the high fuel and inflation cost.
273kelvin replies on Jul 5, 2022:
@Trajan61 High fuel prices in the US are due to Biden and the school shootings are due to a lack of prayer in schools, yeah right? There is a reason that we are on this site. It is because we prefer to base our views on logic and reason, not on blind obedience and superstition. You know that fuel prices are high all over the world but you blindly adhere to the gospel according to the Republican party. Here is a list of gas price increases country by country. The USA is quite high at 9.9% but not as high as Canada or the UK at 16.4 and 14.6% respectively. True, parts of the EU are seeing prices actually fall but that might be a tail-off from early hikes or govt intervention (let's hope that trend hits both our shores soon). However, I can see nothing in this list that "definitively" backs up your claim. The graph at the top shows an average of 22% increase as opposed to the USA's 9.9% However, this does back up my assertion that had Trump not lost, then you would still have high gas and food prices but it would be Antifas fault.
Last year, Biden said that the build back better plan and policies were working because our July 4th...
Trajan61 comments on Jul 2, 2022:
Biden’s war on American energy is the main culprit for the high fuel and inflation cost.
273kelvin replies on Jul 4, 2022:
@Trajan61 You say"definitely" so confidently yet fuel prices are high all over the world.
Last year, Biden said that the build back better plan and policies were working because our July 4th...
Trajan61 comments on Jul 2, 2022:
Biden’s war on American energy is the main culprit for the high fuel and inflation cost.
273kelvin replies on Jul 3, 2022:
Petrol is £1.89 per ltr. That is around $8.50 per US gallon. Tell me please who should I blame, Biden or Boris?
If the conservatives on the Court won't let the EPA regulate greenhouse gases, and Republicans in ...
CourtJester comments on Jul 2, 2022:
Global warming is nothing more than a liberal tax and controls scheme. Obama (a man that made only a few hundred thousand dollars a year) just purchased a $12,000,000 mansion on the ocean at Martha’s Vineyard and still talks about rising sea levels. I’m calling Bull Shit.
273kelvin replies on Jul 2, 2022:
Let me put it in a language you can understand.
True story
NostraDumbass comments on Jun 26, 2022:
Comrade Trumpov is not, nor has ever been, a businessman. He is a grifter, a swindler, a liar and a fraud who did little more than soil the Oval Office with his vulgar presence while humiliating himself and America on the world stage every time he opened his mouth. Compared to him Nixon was a ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 1, 2022:
@NostraDumbass I'm kinda enjoying it. Throwing factual medicine balls at the guy and he's the fat kid in dodgeball pretending they don't hurt. Yeah, just wait till more Republicans turn their back on the loser. DeSantis is already picking up most of the donors. Also, his blind devotion is so funny. He reminds me of a Liverpool football (soccer) fan I heard in a pub. This is just after their top player Luis Suárez had bit a guy's ear during a game."He was just being playful...It was only a little bite" lol
True story
NostraDumbass comments on Jun 26, 2022:
Comrade Trumpov is not, nor has ever been, a businessman. He is a grifter, a swindler, a liar and a fraud who did little more than soil the Oval Office with his vulgar presence while humiliating himself and America on the world stage every time he opened his mouth. Compared to him Nixon was a ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 1, 2022:
@CourtJester Neither has Hunter and he unlike Jarad has never held office. It is quite a thing to arrest a former president for any crime. The political ramifications would/will be huge. If you look at South Africa where this has happened and all the subsequent riots. And the guy is as bent as a $3 note. The people can see all the cars and mansions he bought with govt money. Yet there are people like you who will back him whatever. So brace yourself man because that shit will hit your fan very soon. Run this through your head. You walk into your local bank and say to the teller (we will call her Wendy). "Wendy, I just need you to find me an extra $11,780 in my account. Now I can make good things happen for you if you do but there will be bad things that will happen to you if you don't...COME ON WENDY, I JUST NEED $11,000 FOR CHRIST'S SAKE! GIVE ME A BREAK!" How long before they called security and if you persisted, arrested you for attempted robbery? That is just one instance of him trying to destroy your democracy, not mine but YOUR country, And if you cannot condemn such behaviour then I'm sorry but you are as big a traitor as he is. Now I know that you will not address this at all but simply say "La la la, I'm not listening" then put up another Hunter meme. So let's look at Trumps' minions. Bear in mind what Trump himself said 6 years ago “The mob takes the Fifth Amendment...If you’re innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?” To date 30 of Trumps' people have pled the 5th. Including Gen Flynn, who could not even say if he believed in the peaceful transfer of power! Then we have Ivanka and Guliani, who have most certainly obtained pardons otherwise they too would have pled the 5th. Not to mention all the Trumpers who asked for pardons. Let us look at Steve Bannon former CEO of Trumps' 2016 presidential campaign and a prime mover in the Jan 6th coup attempt. He gets kicked out after threatening govt officials on Twitter. Then he along with others (who have been convicted) grift millions of dollars in a scam called "We build the wall". They suckered idiots like you to send them money which they spent on cars, yachts and houses. Trump pardoned him before he could go to trial. So okay maybe he felt bad for the guy and didn't want his friend to do time. But would you have him back in the oval office? Why? The guy literally stole millions from people like you and "That's okay, help me overturn the democratic process" When will you wake up and smell the coffee? The people testifying to the Jan 6th committee are not Dems, Libs or never Trumpers. They are once firmly loyal aids. People that believed in Trump just as fervently as you do and worked for him. The only difference is that they were not willing to betray America.
True story
NostraDumbass comments on Jun 26, 2022:
Comrade Trumpov is not, nor has ever been, a businessman. He is a grifter, a swindler, a liar and a fraud who did little more than soil the Oval Office with his vulgar presence while humiliating himself and America on the world stage every time he opened his mouth. Compared to him Nixon was a ...
273kelvin replies on Jun 30, 2022:
@CourtJester Again with the whataboutism. Okay, abuse of family connections in govt. So with Trump being guilty of trying to overthrow your democracy, you want to talk about Hunter Biden and the money he foreign govts. Fine, I concede he looks bent. He got the gig in Ukraine because of his dad, no question. Did they get their money's worth? we don't know yet. So with such concern in these matters, you will be equally shocked by other allegations no matter which side of the political divide it's on, correct? Investigate this with the same zeal and get back to me.
True story
NostraDumbass comments on Jun 26, 2022:
Comrade Trumpov is not, nor has ever been, a businessman. He is a grifter, a swindler, a liar and a fraud who did little more than soil the Oval Office with his vulgar presence while humiliating himself and America on the world stage every time he opened his mouth. Compared to him Nixon was a ...
273kelvin replies on Jun 29, 2022:
@CourtJester So that's a big NO on any actual instances of Trump blocking "pay to play" then? Cheap gas in a pandemic when everyone is staying at home. Wow who would have thought?* (it was 2/3 the price we have now in the UK at that time) I'm still waiting for you to tell me should I blame Boris or Biden for $8.50+ per US gallon for my petrol. Fyi, things like "Trump puts forward new bill to limit big corp political contributions" or "Trumps new plan to force members to reveal their vested interests before voting or speaking". If they had been the headlines during his term? Then he would have had my support, in spite of my personal distaste for the man. But they did not happen. They were not even like his great healthcare plan that was only ever just 2 weeks away. Dont get me wrong, I can see the attraction of big talk saying "drain the swamp". But the reality was that historians now view his administration as the most corrupt since Harding. Your drianed swamp was a real as his wall. Ps. Whataboutism is not an instance of Trump doing f-all. *Isn't supply and demand economics 101?
True story
NostraDumbass comments on Jun 26, 2022:
Comrade Trumpov is not, nor has ever been, a businessman. He is a grifter, a swindler, a liar and a fraud who did little more than soil the Oval Office with his vulgar presence while humiliating himself and America on the world stage every time he opened his mouth. Compared to him Nixon was a ...
273kelvin replies on Jun 28, 2022:
@CourtJester Can you please give me any examples of him bucking the "Pay to play system"? I mean I heard an awful lot of talk about it but no actual instances. I did hear a big oil exec being put in charge of the EPA, his kids in the cabinet, nobody getting to see him if they didn't stay at Trump Tower, wanting to host the G8 at his hotel and ambassadors being appointed after donating $1,000,000 to his inauguration etc. But hey I'm open-minded, give me some examples.
Anyone else get caught making a song reference that went completely over the youngsters' heads
Normanbites comments on Jun 28, 2022:
"Sixteen tons and what do you get?" "... and that's what you get, for making woopie..." "Hey Mr Custer, I don't want to go!..." "Things you are liable to read in the Bible, ain't necessarily so." Yep I have that problem a lot ... AND there's movie quotes, but that's worthy of another ...
273kelvin replies on Jun 28, 2022:
They might get 16 tons because of this
True story
NostraDumbass comments on Jun 26, 2022:
Comrade Trumpov is not, nor has ever been, a businessman. He is a grifter, a swindler, a liar and a fraud who did little more than soil the Oval Office with his vulgar presence while humiliating himself and America on the world stage every time he opened his mouth. Compared to him Nixon was a ...
273kelvin replies on Jun 28, 2022:
@CourtJester Unvaccinated idiots that Trump did nothing to persuade. On the contrary, he promoted division over the subject of simple health precautions. Have you forgotten the WH party that infected dozens? He himself got the jab and kept it quiet for 6 weeks. Or did I miss that broadcast he made promoting the vaccine? He sure had plenty to say on "We woz robbed (send me money)". As I said, it is not the libs he shafts, it's you guys. That is not just inept, it is sabotage. One might wonder if some other hand (cough Putin) was at work? Don`t forget that Benedict Arnold was a trusted hero of the revolution up to that point.
Any comments from the conservatives on this site in regards to the recent court rulings?
CourtJester comments on Jun 26, 2022:
The right to protect one’s self is clearly written into the Constitution of the United States so it is protected on the federal level. Abortion is not listed anywhere within the Constitution so it’s left of to individual states to decide on for themselves. That’s how the founding fathers ...
273kelvin replies on Jun 27, 2022:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Notice that the 2nd amendment uses the term "well regulated" it is the only time the founding fathers used the word "regulated" in the whole constitution. Note also there is nothing about personal protection, keeping the govt in check or open carry. Do you think it was legal to walk around Boston with a loaded musket in 1798? think again.
He didn't think that one through. :)
CourtJester comments on Jun 26, 2022:
Not nearly as bad as what the liberals did the day Trump took office though.
273kelvin replies on Jun 27, 2022:
@CourtJester It is also hard to dispute the audio of Trump trying to solicit 11780 non-existent votes. Try that at your local bank and see what happens. Plus the fake electoral college votes that were sent to Washington. Not to mention all the damming testimony from Republican aids of him trying to subvert the DOJ, National Guard, DHS etc. for treasonous reasons. Your level of credulity makes me wonder if you are secretly religious.
He didn't think that one through. :)
CourtJester comments on Jun 26, 2022:
Not nearly as bad as what the liberals did the day Trump took office though.
273kelvin replies on Jun 27, 2022:
@CourtJester How dare you call those "Beautiful people" and "True patriots" "unarmed idiots"? Have not heard the words of your glorious leader?
True story
NostraDumbass comments on Jun 26, 2022:
Comrade Trumpov is not, nor has ever been, a businessman. He is a grifter, a swindler, a liar and a fraud who did little more than soil the Oval Office with his vulgar presence while humiliating himself and America on the world stage every time he opened his mouth. Compared to him Nixon was a ...
273kelvin replies on Jun 27, 2022:
@CourtJester An opinion backed by the $25,000,000 he had to pay back for his Trump University grift. But don`t worry, he still has the $250,000,000 he grifted from "Stop the steal". When are you guys gonna wake up and smell the coffee? He ain't grifting the libs. It's you, dumb shmucks, that he and his pardoned friends like Banion milk
Trust the expertise of the betting world, they are not interested in parties or politics, only in ...
Mcflewster comments on Jun 24, 2022:
Betting world IS interested in money but it gets MORE money the more mistakes punters make than getting the winning horse, so it is in their interests to promote misleading ideas . What an atmosphere in which to promote the truth !
273kelvin replies on Jun 26, 2022:
@Mcflewster It is a mathematical phenomenon that the collective is far more likely to be accurate than the individual, no matter how expert. eg. They did an experiment where several experts were asked to guess the weight of cattle. Then they asked the crowd to submit their guesses. The average guess of the crowd was far closer to the correct answer.
Trust the expertise of the betting world, they are not interested in parties or politics, only in ...
Mcflewster comments on Jun 24, 2022:
Betting world IS interested in money but it gets MORE money the more mistakes punters make than getting the winning horse, so it is in their interests to promote misleading ideas . What an atmosphere in which to promote the truth !
273kelvin replies on Jun 26, 2022:
@Mcflewster I would probably agree with most of your moral sentiments about betting. However, the internet has changed betting the same as it has so many other things. In the old days, the bookie chalked up his prices based mainly on the weight of money for each outcome but was sometimes influenced by inside information. Nowadays, any punter (outside of the US) can bet the exact odds down to 4 decimal places, on any event happening or not happening, depending on the amount of money bet on each outcome. The "bookie" is just an internet server that facilitates that transaction, much like the stock or commodities market. It takes a very small % as a fee (0.1% if memory serves). So for example, if you have an either-or event like Biden wins or loses and the betting opinion was completely even? For a $10 winning bet, you would get back $19,98. $10 stake - 1c betting fee. = $9.99 + $9.99 won. The machine has no bias, either way, it simply determines the odds based on money pro/con. Now if you are wondering how they make money on such small percentages? That is 0.1% on every transaction. Eg. let us suppose you are a shrewd political gambler? In 2018 Biden's odds were 33/1 so you bet $10 on him to win. Now by the end of 2019, his odds have shortened to 4/1 so you decide to hedge your bets and place $200 on him to lose. Now as it stands you will win $330 -$200 = $130 or $50 - $10 = $40. So at the very least, you're $40 up. The system will allow you to take that $40 equity immediately without waiting for the outcome. Meanwhile, it has taken 0.1% of your initial $10 + the $330 + your $200 + $50. So that is 1c + 33c + 20c + 5c = 49c. Still not a lot but multiply that by the hundreds of thousands and it works out as a large sum with no inside information or bias required. I hope I have explained this without too much complication.
Trust the expertise of the betting world, they are not interested in parties or politics, only in ...
racocn8 comments on Jun 24, 2022:
The betting world was not privy to Trump's coup plans which came very close to working, and were only stopped by a handful of people who happened to act out of character (Corrupt, but not willing to be corrupt for DJT).
273kelvin replies on Jun 25, 2022:
Some bookies did not pay out on the 2020 election until Jan 6th 2021
Trust the expertise of the betting world, they are not interested in parties or politics, only in ...
Mcflewster comments on Jun 24, 2022:
Betting world IS interested in money but it gets MORE money the more mistakes punters make than getting the winning horse, so it is in their interests to promote misleading ideas . What an atmosphere in which to promote the truth !
273kelvin replies on Jun 25, 2022:
I followed the odds for the 2020 election. At the end of 2019 Trump was around 8/13. By the summer of 2020 9/2 only coming in to 9/4 by October. The betting world is a market just like stocks or commodities. It is regulated by market forces. If 10,000,000 people bet $10 on X and only 1,000,000 bets $10 on Y. Then the odds on X is 1/10 against 10/1 on Y. The great fallacy that many gamblers fall into is to think they are betting against the house, they are not. If you make a bet on a horse race, the bookie will make their money regardless of who wins. Odds are shaved to give the house a percentage no matter the outcome. So in reality you are not competing against the bookie, you are competing against everyone else who bets on that race.
I love gas stations in the south. Heart warming.
FvckY0u comments on Jun 17, 2022:
If you took away all the haters in this country we'd likely be the least populated country in the world. So unfortunate that people freely express their ignorance and hate yet offer no solutions other than "ignorance is bliss, be ignorant."
273kelvin replies on Jun 25, 2022:
@CourtJester Your silence speaks volumes
I love gas stations in the south. Heart warming.
FvckY0u comments on Jun 17, 2022:
If you took away all the haters in this country we'd likely be the least populated country in the world. So unfortunate that people freely express their ignorance and hate yet offer no solutions other than "ignorance is bliss, be ignorant."
273kelvin replies on Jun 24, 2022:
@CourtJester So you tell the Taliban you are leaving and expect them to be good little boys and not get ready to take over the country, okay. So you have your wall then? No of course not. Why because there was no money in it for big corp. Unlike the tax cuts that passed like prunes and all bran. The same goes for build-back better and the green new deal. Whilst we are talking about weak arguments. Can you please explain how the Dems (who I agree are pretty incompetent) managed to pull off the heist of the century ie the 2020 election and leave no proof? Meanwhile, Trump collects $250,000,000 in donations from idiots like yourself towards "Stop the steal" yet loses 63 to 1. (Even the NY Jets are not that bad.) Here is a thought. Maybe he did not spend it on lawyers but syphoned it off into his own PAC? (yeah he did that). Again whilst on weak arguments, I just called Trump a traitor and the best you can come up with is anti-Biden memes? Really, the ex-POTUS is being accused of a capital offence and that's your best defence? PS. Still waiting for who I should blame for my high gas prices answer? And how do you feel about Karmala calling 2024 if she loses? I mean she is VP so it is legit, right?
I love gas stations in the south. Heart warming.
FvckY0u comments on Jun 17, 2022:
If you took away all the haters in this country we'd likely be the least populated country in the world. So unfortunate that people freely express their ignorance and hate yet offer no solutions other than "ignorance is bliss, be ignorant."
273kelvin replies on Jun 24, 2022:
@CourtJester Oh and can you please update me on how the wall is holding up. Is Mexico still paying for it?
I love gas stations in the south. Heart warming.
FvckY0u comments on Jun 17, 2022:
If you took away all the haters in this country we'd likely be the least populated country in the world. So unfortunate that people freely express their ignorance and hate yet offer no solutions other than "ignorance is bliss, be ignorant."
273kelvin replies on Jun 24, 2022:
@CourtJester Delusional - characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder. KInda very close to how Bill Barr described Trump as "Detached from reality". So 90% of people that worked for him say he is a self-absorbed idiot who doesn't give a shit if there I nothing in it for him. (the other 10% still work for him, need his endorsement or have been sprung from jail by him). 90% of the damning testimony at the Jan 6th hearings were Republicans. But wait you have Beobert and Green on your side lol Who negotiated the withdrawal with the Taliban at Camp David and set the date? mmm Oh, it was Trump. Petrol at my local pump is £1.85 per ltr. That is around $8.50 per US gallon. Who should I blame Biden or Boris, please advise? Trump used to call himself a Democrat but then he would have to believe in democracy. Which is about how much he believes in God, ie. not at all. I wonder how much you would enjoy Karmala Harris just calling the next election for Biden if he loses? Now I am not a fan of Biden. Your whole system is corrupt and in the pay of big corp. But Trump was inept (how many US citizens died of COVID under his watch compared to other western nations?). and corrupt up to and including treason. Follow the evidence, not your preconceived notions.
I love gas stations in the south. Heart warming.
FvckY0u comments on Jun 17, 2022:
If you took away all the haters in this country we'd likely be the least populated country in the world. So unfortunate that people freely express their ignorance and hate yet offer no solutions other than "ignorance is bliss, be ignorant."
273kelvin replies on Jun 23, 2022:
@CourtJester He really could shoot someone in Times Square and you would still vote for him. Ffs how much more proof do you need that he is a traitor? 10 U.S. Code § 894 - Art. 94. Mutiny or sedition; a - (3)fails to do his utmost to prevent and suppress a mutiny or sedition being committed in his presence, or fails to take all reasonable means to inform his superior commissioned officer or commanding officer of a mutiny or sedition which he knows or has reason to believe is taking place, is guilty of a failure to suppress or report a mutiny or sedition. Trump watched and played pocket billiards for 4 1/2 hours while capital police were being attacked. It was up to Pence to eventually overstep his authority and call in the National guard. Does that sound like "taking all reasonable means"?
Dems denied Hunter Biden's laptop even existed, and claimed it was Russian propaganda.
CourtJester comments on Jun 21, 2022:
The funniest part is the liberals that won’t even look at the facts. I’m still waiting to see Epstein’s client list.
273kelvin replies on Jun 23, 2022:
@Tejas " Epstein, great guy. Loves to party. likes them young though" Donald J Trump
Lots of folks who realized that religion was a tall tale, go on to parrot what they hear from the ...
ChestRockfield comments on Mar 30, 2022:
Assuming all of that is true, how exactly is Russia still not the aggressor rolling into the country and bombing the fuck out of them exactly?
273kelvin replies on Apr 9, 2022:
@Archeus_Lore "George Soros is heavily invested in Ukraine . . . . to the tune of about one billion dollars." Okay, I get that Soros ticks an awful lot of boxes for you guys. He is a Jewish financier, not part of the corporate mainstream, has a dislike/worked against authoritarian regimes (so that automatically puts him on the Trump/Murdock/Putin hit list. Oh and did I mention he was Jewish? Oh yeah, sorry). But here is the thing, he is 94-years old now, don't you think it's about time you let him dribble his oatmeal down his chin in peace? The rest of us are getting embarrassed for you.
What if?
ChestRockfield comments on Mar 23, 2022:
I don't understand what you're trying to say or how it relates to Ukraine...
273kelvin replies on Mar 31, 2022:
@FrayedBear Well, I just got Pravda by simply googling it. Could you say the same about a Russian looking for the BBC?,access%20news%20during%20the%20invasion.
Lots of folks who realized that religion was a tall tale, go on to parrot what they hear from the ...
ChestRockfield comments on Mar 30, 2022:
Assuming all of that is true, how exactly is Russia still not the aggressor rolling into the country and bombing the fuck out of them exactly?
273kelvin replies on Mar 31, 2022:
@Krish55 "Sounds like N. Korea" according to sources from whom? If that source is Russia? then a huge amount of salt is required before you digest it. Bear in mind Russia is not too far from N. Korea itself. All opposition is suppressed, jailed, exiled and/or killed.* As atheist/agnostic members, we value the idea of peer revue over dogma. Flawed as western media is, there is still counter analysis and a free exchange of opinions, if not on CNN/Fox etc. then at least on the internet. When you remove all those checks on misinformation, then the output has to be suspect. *No wonder Trump loves both countries' leaders so much.
Lots of folks who realized that religion was a tall tale, go on to parrot what they hear from the ...
ChestRockfield comments on Mar 30, 2022:
Assuming all of that is true, how exactly is Russia still not the aggressor rolling into the country and bombing the fuck out of them exactly?
273kelvin replies on Mar 30, 2022:
@Krish55 I'm not saying Ukraine is blameless but if you're talking 2014? Are we saying that a 328 -0 parliamentary vote to oust Yanukovych and a subsequent election was a coup/war against Russia?
What if?
ChestRockfield comments on Mar 23, 2022:
I don't understand what you're trying to say or how it relates to Ukraine...
273kelvin replies on Mar 30, 2022:
@FrayedBear What really amazes me is people like yourself that rightly called bullshit on G. W. and Blair, (as did I). Now behave like a MAGA Q nut who has just stepped off the banana boat when it comes to Putin. Just because one side lies, does not automatically make the other side any more trustworthy. It is not like a logic puzzle. As for censorship, you can spout your RT bollocks till your fingers bleed and guess what? Nobody is coming to arrest you, Can you hand on heart say the same about Russia? We are talking about a country with NO effective opposition voices. Every one of them has been jailed or exiled. (You can see why Trump is a fan.) Maybe I'm wrong, maybe it is just a huge coincidence that they all were found guilty of corruption?
What if?
ChestRockfield comments on Mar 23, 2022:
I don't understand what you're trying to say or how it relates to Ukraine...
273kelvin replies on Mar 28, 2022:
@FrayedBear Just because it has been the excuse for American and the west invasions does not make it right. In fact, if any good may come from this it might make us examine those decisions. Imperialism is imperialism, period. "Seemingly" (information source RT = [don't mention the war] Putin). Not exactly kosha.
What if?
ChestRockfield comments on Mar 23, 2022:
I don't understand what you're trying to say or how it relates to Ukraine...
273kelvin replies on Mar 25, 2022:
@FrayedBear So you are saying that if your ex-wife was armed then she couldn't date the guy next door? Otherwise, you would have the right to take over the guy's house? As for Jan 6th, it was an internal conflict. Some of the participants have been punished, more have yet to be. But it is a matter for the US to deal with. It would not justify Canada or Mexico invading (assuming they could), any more than France could when Spain had its parliament attacked in the 70s.
I am pretty chill about most things, but if you bring the cleaner Fabuloso into my house you are ...
273kelvin comments on Mar 24, 2022:
Sea monsters, (not after what happened last time)
273kelvin replies on Mar 24, 2022:
@glennlab They look tough but can't handle their drink.
What if?
ChestRockfield comments on Mar 23, 2022:
I don't understand what you're trying to say or how it relates to Ukraine...
273kelvin replies on Mar 24, 2022:
@FrayedBear Are you happy to be calling it "a Russian incursion"? Not a "special peacekeeping operation" or any other mild euphemism that is allowed under RT rules a la Putin's "Don`t mention the war. Penalty 19 years Jail" bs? I hear a lot crap about Ukraine joining NATO and its change of leadership in 2014. Not one of its proponents can answer this; "Does your ex have the absolute right to date whoever the fuck they want?" If the answer is "yes" then Ukraine has the right to join NATO, EU, or the Klingon empire if they want. Anything else is blatant imperialism.
How to Give Your Cat a Pill By Bob Story Pick cat up and cradle it in the crook of your left...
Organist1 comments on Mar 13, 2022:
Easier: Just get a dog.
273kelvin replies on Mar 14, 2022:
@Triphid There was a great cartoon I saw once that had a man filling the bath for the dog and reaching for the shampoo. The dog is saying "If it's all the same to you, can I have one that's been tested on animals?"
Someone on here recently proclaimed that America, unlike Russia, does not censor people or prevent ...
Alienbeing comments on Mar 8, 2022:
@FrayedBear once again proves he has no clue. ATTENTION Frayedbear. The US Constitution guarantees political free speech. However according to your post, it was YouTube that blocked the post in question. YouTube is NOT the US Government. Since YouTube is an independent corporation it can do as ...
273kelvin replies on Mar 8, 2022:
@FrayedBear Walk into any Liverpool shop and try and buy "The Sun" newspaper. More often than not you will be pointed toward the sign that says; ` No Sun. No excuses". We are not just talking small newsagents here but big the chains as well, Asda (Wallmart), W. H. Smith, Tescos` all of them in the Merseyside area and beyond. This has been a response to a ground-up community campaign that simply said "Go fuck yourself, Murdock!". So what is the difference?
Celebrating another day of greed and superficialness, this day could be replaced with another ...
273kelvin comments on Feb 14, 2022:
Many years ago (when I actually had a lady) I was waiting in line at the local Chinese takeaway. The line was long due to it being the 14th Feb and guys like me were out to buy a treat. In the line was some old guy bemoaning all of us idiots "Daft buggers" I think was the term he used. I did agree ...
273kelvin replies on Feb 15, 2022:
@Cast1es Daft; - Adjective - Meaning foolish, ridiculous, preposterous. Bugger; - Noun; - Term of abuse usually toward men. For some reason milder than the "F" word even if its origin is anal sex. "Daft bugger" is a quite mild form of abuse that it would be difficult to take too much offence at. Something one might apply to oneself if you put your sweater on the wrong way round. On a 1-10 scale if "Stupid SOB" is a 6. Then "Daft bugger" is a 2.
This could be something those billionaires flying in space could possibly market.
LenHazell53 comments on Feb 10, 2022:
The thirty mile high club?
273kelvin replies on Feb 12, 2022:
@LenHazell53 Mangetout Lenny mangetout
This could be something those billionaires flying in space could possibly market.
LenHazell53 comments on Feb 10, 2022:
The thirty mile high club?
273kelvin replies on Feb 11, 2022:
@Triphid Tango being the operative word here. I can imagine any uncoordinated moves ending with both parties crashing into bulkhead (even if they were up against it in the first place). It would have to be a dance. Even then, at least one of the two (or more) would have to anchor themselves somehow. Or so I would imagine. Not that I thought about it much...
This came up in a zoom meeting.
Davekp comments on Nov 25, 2021:
Very nice. Shades of “The Cremation of Sam McGee”.
273kelvin replies on Nov 26, 2021:
In that, it is Kiplingesque, like Robert Service, Yes
This is what we got
St-Sinner comments on Nov 10, 2021:
Ha.. ha.. That's a good one but not as much the la la land dream of 5.3 Trillion had once. It became 3.5 Trillion and after one year of squabbling it is a puny 1.3 Trillion that Republicans had proposed in September 2020. It came in a full circle but just all shrank like a prune.
273kelvin replies on Nov 11, 2021:
5.3 trillion sounds like a lot (and it is) but guess what? China is spending 5 times that right now, not in China but in Africa
This was in mixed TED talks, she makes a lot of sense. []
BD66 comments on Oct 14, 2021:
This is crazy and dangerous. When countries go down the path she proposes, it leads to a sovereign debt default and hyperinflation. We are already starting to see the inflation today. If we listen to lunatics like her, they will lead us over the cliff and we will experience what other countries ...
273kelvin replies on Oct 16, 2021:
What do you mean by "when"? The USA started going down this path decades ago. America has been on an economic war footing since 1945. Combined with a consumer footing too (unlike the USSR and we all saw how that turned out for them). I will give you an example; The new US fighter jet is costing 1.4 trillion dollars to develop and that's just a fraction of defence spending.
“extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” []
St-Sinner comments on Oct 15, 2021:
I got 404. That was Carl Sagan's quote I think. Here are some more examples of super extraordinary claims from Hindu shit. I think the reason for all was none other than ignorant and miracle seeking people. A simple advice was not enough. I have seen rural people in doctor's office in India ...
273kelvin replies on Oct 16, 2021:
Not just simple rural people. I once went to the doc with gastro problems. He advised me to fast for a few days. When I got back my (then) father-in-law complained, exclaiming in astonished tones; "Didn't he give you anything? That's rubbish, the only thing you go to the doctor is to get a prescription" I tried to tell him that you actually go for medical advice that often involves drugs but he would have none of it.
John Otway - Beware of the flowers I've just watched "Otway the movie (rock-n--rolls greatest ...
Marionville comments on Oct 13, 2021:
Interesting…can’t say the lyrics grab me in any way…I can think of scores of songs I’d rate way higher than this one. I will however look out for the movie which I think I will find to my taste.
273kelvin replies on Oct 13, 2021:
@Marionville He is a hoot. I've seen him twice live and there's lots of humour/energy. Check out his version of "I will survive" sung like Bob Dylan
John Otway - Beware of the flowers I've just watched "Otway the movie (rock-n--rolls greatest ...
Marionville comments on Oct 13, 2021:
Interesting…can’t say the lyrics grab me in any way…I can think of scores of songs I’d rate way higher than this one. I will however look out for the movie which I think I will find to my taste.
273kelvin replies on Oct 13, 2021:
If you watch the movie you'll see why it happened. The thing is that Otway has a small but very loyal fanbase. They bombarded the BBC with votes for this a bit like "Boaty McBoatface". Later on, they gave him a top ten hit for his 50th birthday with "Bunson Burner". A campaign that later inspired "Rage against the machine" x-mas number 1. In return, he had 900 of his fans packed into Abbey Road studios to do backing vocals on "House of the rising sun" (all of them named on the credits). Unfortunately, his world tour idea of hiring an Airbus and filling it with fans at £3,000 each, did not get off the ground.
A while back there was a BBC comedy called "Black Adder", staring Royan Atkinson of Mr Bean fame.
Killtheskyfairy comments on Oct 10, 2021:
Loved Black Adder!
273kelvin replies on Oct 10, 2021:
My ginger friend was an extra in one of the time machine Black Adder specials. The scene required Adder to be pursued by 200 red-headed Scotsman up a hill. As it was a particularly hot and sunshiny day in August. The production company laid on an industrial-sized tub of factor 40 sunblock. As my friend dived in and communally slapped on the cream with all the other guys. He never had felt so akin to his "race".
Rich Hall []
JGal comments on Oct 8, 2021:
Fascinating history. Well presented. Thanks for posting!
273kelvin replies on Oct 8, 2021:
You should check out some of his other BBC documentaries. They include Texas, the cold war, road movies and westerns amongst other subjects.
The republicans have gone too far
273kelvin comments on Sep 16, 2021:
Col Vinnman who as we know is no fan of tRump also condemned Milley in so much as he should now resign. Milley, of course, acted on his conscience and probably for the best but he DID usurp the chain of command, not to mention the separation of the executive and military. The fact that he felt the ...
273kelvin replies on Sep 16, 2021:
@glennlab That might be the letter of it and some military politics included but the perception is that he usurped the authority of the C-in-C. For whatever good reasons, he cannot now remain in command for much longer. I predict a resignation within months
The republicans have gone too far
273kelvin comments on Sep 16, 2021:
Col Vinnman who as we know is no fan of tRump also condemned Milley in so much as he should now resign. Milley, of course, acted on his conscience and probably for the best but he DID usurp the chain of command, not to mention the separation of the executive and military. The fact that he felt the ...
273kelvin replies on Sep 16, 2021:
@glennlab I am no expert on the US command chain but I trust that Vinnman is and not only that but he has no dog in the fight either.
The republicans have gone too far
273kelvin comments on Sep 16, 2021:
Col Vinnman who as we know is no fan of tRump also condemned Milley in so much as he should now resign. Milley, of course, acted on his conscience and probably for the best but he DID usurp the chain of command, not to mention the separation of the executive and military. The fact that he felt the ...
273kelvin replies on Sep 16, 2021:
@glennlab So Milley did alter the "normal" chain of command? Not only that but he also contacted a foreign force to assure them they were in no danger of attack. All of which is the prerogative of the executive.
Is it the season for it?
St-Sinner comments on Sep 13, 2021:
I loved the movie and saw it after the "The Poseidon Adventure." I remember a funny event in 1979 in India. A famous Bollywood movie producer did a press conference to announce there will be a Bollywood version of "Towering Inferno" and it will cast all top actors and actresses in Bollywood and ...
273kelvin replies on Sep 15, 2021:
Hindi version of "Burn baby burn"??
Something to keep in mind that is unsettling about the vaccines. []
FearlessFly comments on Sep 14, 2021:
"about 12.6 cases per million second doses administered" fyi, that is 1.26 x 10 -5th, or in other words .0000126 ! "In a recent study of over 19,000 athletes who underwent COVID testing, 3,018 had COVID, and of these, just 0.7% had cardiac involvement.” WHICH one of these outcomes is ...
273kelvin replies on Sep 15, 2021:
"Athletes"? Okay, can I assume from our profiles that we are all out of that degree of fitness? Given that, can we also agree that athletes are more than just sportsmen/women? A very large amount of their income is derived from sponsorship because like it or not they are role models. Otherwise, they would not get that many big bucks for telling you what bits of overpriced plastic to put on your feet. So along with "Stay in school and stay out of trouble", is it too much to ask for them to join in with the best medical advice to the general population?
Give them support
St-Sinner comments on Sep 7, 2021:
We keep doing it right but what about our elected leaders. Why aren't they doing enough instead of partying with lobbyists for their money? What has Biden done for teachers since Jan 2021?
273kelvin replies on Sep 8, 2021:
@St-Sinner Old joke sums up so much. An American asks an old Irish guy "Can you tell me how to get to Cork?" "Well if I were you. I would not have started from here" From what I understand, the infrastructure bill is a start and a hesitant one at that but a start. Although just to put it into perspective. China is spending 5 times as much on infrastructure,,, not in China but in Africa and not as a Chinese only project but in conjuncture/consultation with international bodies.
Give them support
St-Sinner comments on Sep 7, 2021:
We keep doing it right but what about our elected leaders. Why aren't they doing enough instead of partying with lobbyists for their money? What has Biden done for teachers since Jan 2021?
273kelvin replies on Sep 8, 2021:
@St-Sinner You never seemed to be that short of money when it came to corporate bailouts, tax breaks and COVID relief. Not to mention having the most expensive military in the world and 20 - 40 years in Afghanistan. But hey that was "good debt"
THE FLAWED EPISTEMOLOGY It seems an obvious hypocrisy to me that there are pundits who can't ...
273kelvin comments on Sep 2, 2021:
Question to both believers and non? Would you be more or less anxious in a plane if you knew that the pilot was a devout Christian? Then ask the same question if the pilot was Muslim?
273kelvin replies on Sep 4, 2021:
@redbai Logical progression; If a theist pilot makes you more nervous, then it would de facto mean that you would be less nervous with an atheist one wouldn't it mmmm? It is implied in the question.
THE FLAWED EPISTEMOLOGY It seems an obvious hypocrisy to me that there are pundits who can't ...
273kelvin comments on Sep 2, 2021:
Question to both believers and non? Would you be more or less anxious in a plane if you knew that the pilot was a devout Christian? Then ask the same question if the pilot was Muslim?
273kelvin replies on Sep 3, 2021:
@redbai Ffs do you guys really need several court hearings and a supreme court judgement every time to dot all the "I" s? It was a broad stroke question: Are theists less responsible with others lives than atheists? Okay, it was couched in terms that a theist could readily understand but that was deliberate.
THE FLAWED EPISTEMOLOGY It seems an obvious hypocrisy to me that there are pundits who can't ...
273kelvin comments on Sep 2, 2021:
Question to both believers and non? Would you be more or less anxious in a plane if you knew that the pilot was a devout Christian? Then ask the same question if the pilot was Muslim?
273kelvin replies on Sep 3, 2021:
@redbai The question was; "Would you be more or less anxious in a plane if you knew that the pilot was a devout Christian/Muslim? Sure atheism was mentioned specifically but if the pilot was not a believer then what would they be? The obvious point of the question is - believing pilot or non-believing pilot because if the fact that a believing pilot causes you any increased anxiety? Then the alternative is obviously atheist.
THE FLAWED EPISTEMOLOGY It seems an obvious hypocrisy to me that there are pundits who can't ...
273kelvin comments on Sep 2, 2021:
Question to both believers and non? Would you be more or less anxious in a plane if you knew that the pilot was a devout Christian? Then ask the same question if the pilot was Muslim?
273kelvin replies on Sep 2, 2021:
@redbai I thought I kind of implied that with "More or less anxious"
THE FLAWED EPISTEMOLOGY It seems an obvious hypocrisy to me that there are pundits who can't ...
273kelvin comments on Sep 2, 2021:
Question to both believers and non? Would you be more or less anxious in a plane if you knew that the pilot was a devout Christian? Then ask the same question if the pilot was Muslim?
273kelvin replies on Sep 2, 2021:
@redbai Under 99% of most circumstances, it probably would not matter. But if there was a chance in 100 that a believing pilot would stop doing/thinking of, all that they could to save the aeroplane and start to pray? Then sorry but I would have to go for the atheist every time.
THE FLAWED EPISTEMOLOGY It seems an obvious hypocrisy to me that there are pundits who can't ...
273kelvin comments on Sep 2, 2021:
Question to both believers and non? Would you be more or less anxious in a plane if you knew that the pilot was a devout Christian? Then ask the same question if the pilot was Muslim?
273kelvin replies on Sep 2, 2021:
@redbai What the idea that someone thinks everyone gets more than just this life when they have yours in their hands does not trouble you? How about a pilot expecting the rapture any day now? Better still in terms of relevance to US politics, a Senator dealing with climate change legislation or Israel?
Sturgis South Dakota has had a1500% increase in covid cases
Mooolah comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Folks leave town during this abomination in the Black Hills. The problem is the spread. These are the people spreading the disease. As knowingly dispensing HIV or syphilis, they are the irresponsible who belong in solitary confinement.
273kelvin replies on Aug 27, 2021:
@TomMcGiverin What would George Washington do...?
Maybe karma exists
Triphid comments on Aug 20, 2021:
I know it sounds cold, callous, uncaring, inhumane, etc, etc, BUT, it couldn't have happened to a MORE deserving person, not in a MILLION years. And please excuse me whilst I ROTFAPMLMYHO.
273kelvin replies on Aug 21, 2021:
No man is an island, Entire of itself, Every man is a piece of the continent, A part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less. As well as if a promontory were. As well as if a manor of thy friend's Or of thine own were: Any man's death diminishes me, (But some deaths diminish me less than others haha)
Logic puzzle; You are involved in a 3 person duel.
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 19, 2021:
You obviously have to shoot at the 100% shooter...
273kelvin replies on Aug 20, 2021:
@JeffMurray Obviously the choice not to is implied. Ffs man, no wonder you guys need a constitution and supreme court. The rules of a duel always allowed you to shoot away.
My kid's school started on August 4th brick and mortar.
bobwjr comments on Aug 20, 2021:
Could have been allergies, common cold, but they are protected from covid which is more easily blocked by the methods being used, cold viruses can last a long time on surfaces covid not so much, killed by sunlight easily
273kelvin replies on Aug 20, 2021:
There`s a guy I mentioned a few times, James Lovelock, Co-creator of the Daisyworld simulation on climate. Anyway, in a previous job he worked at the common cold centre. His conclusions were that colds were spread by surface contact rather than being airborne. However, the good news on COVID is that surface contact is very slight. Recent tests on UK mainline train stations found hardly any COVID virus on any of the common surfaces like stair rails etc.
Logic puzzle; You are involved in a 3 person duel.
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 19, 2021:
You obviously have to shoot at the 100% shooter...
273kelvin replies on Aug 20, 2021:
@JeffMurray "Where should aim your 1st shot?" (Note, not at whom should you aim your 1st shot)
Logic puzzle; You are involved in a 3 person duel.
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 19, 2021:
You obviously have to shoot at the 100% shooter...
273kelvin replies on Aug 20, 2021:
@JeffMurray I think we can assume that a shot in the opposite direction would miss the target
Logic puzzle; You are involved in a 3 person duel.
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 19, 2021:
You obviously have to shoot at the 100% shooter...
273kelvin replies on Aug 20, 2021:
@JeffMurray Very close, the point is that the outcome is better if you miss. So you aim at the ground or air etc.
Logic puzzle; You are involved in a 3 person duel.
MerlinZap comments on Aug 19, 2021:
How many bullets are in the gun?
273kelvin replies on Aug 20, 2021:
One-shot each turn but an infinite number of turns
Logic puzzle; You are involved in a 3 person duel.
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 19, 2021:
You obviously have to shoot at the 100% shooter...
273kelvin replies on Aug 19, 2021:
Examine what happens next if you hit the 100% and if you miss.
Logic puzzle; You are involved in a 3 person duel.
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 19, 2021:
You obviously have to shoot at the 100% shooter...
273kelvin replies on Aug 19, 2021:
Logic puzzle; You are involved in a 3 person duel.
Fit50something comments on Aug 19, 2021:
I would shoot myself (with only a flesh wound).
273kelvin replies on Aug 19, 2021:
No wrong (and there's no such thing as only a flesh wound)
The many criticisms I hear about our pull out from Afghanistan remind me of the many I received when...
St-Sinner comments on Aug 17, 2021:
Both Iraq and Afghanistan should never have happened - I agree. Biden should not have pulled out unconditionally. Biden failed but is trying to cover up and justify the failure. He has given new ammunition to Conservatives who have campaigned for long that Democrats are weak on Defense. Now I ...
273kelvin replies on Aug 18, 2021:
@St-Sinner The Commonwealth is the biggest ex-wives club in the world. Maybe a testament to how we weren't the worst c^nts as colonialists. Afganistan is not a member because we fucked them up as well. Despite/because of the fact that their only major industry/export is smack dealer to the world. If you examine the USA's record there, then it is on par. So Russia goes in and the US floods the place with guns (because guns solve everything, right?) after 8 years of civil war (in which Bin laden paid/supplied by the US). Not one jot of reconstruction aid or assistance came from the US. Then after 9/11, you got another 20 years of death and destruction. Imagine you are a 55-year-old Afgan? All of your life has seen US arms killing your people. The Taliban are terrible but at least they are stable -ish. Given the choice which way would you go to keep your family safe? About the main international repercussion, that is going to happen is that the price of heroin will go up.
The many criticisms I hear about our pull out from Afghanistan remind me of the many I received when...
St-Sinner comments on Aug 17, 2021:
Both Iraq and Afghanistan should never have happened - I agree. Biden should not have pulled out unconditionally. Biden failed but is trying to cover up and justify the failure. He has given new ammunition to Conservatives who have campaigned for long that Democrats are weak on Defense. Now I ...
273kelvin replies on Aug 17, 2021:
@St-Sinner Man, it is always a shit show. I watched the red of the British empire disappear off the globe like a democratic landslide on election night. Even with all the best planning and political will you can only work with what you've got. If you're lucky maybe you've had a century or more building infrastructure etc and the natives aren't that hostile, then you might stand a chance but even then it can go tits up big style like India. When you have a country with a history like Afganistan that quite frankly has been fucked over by everyone not least the US. Then all this was completely predictable and inevitable.
The many criticisms I hear about our pull out from Afghanistan remind me of the many I received when...
St-Sinner comments on Aug 17, 2021:
Both Iraq and Afghanistan should never have happened - I agree. Biden should not have pulled out unconditionally. Biden failed but is trying to cover up and justify the failure. He has given new ammunition to Conservatives who have campaigned for long that Democrats are weak on Defense. Now I ...
273kelvin replies on Aug 17, 2021:
@St-Sinner It's a shit show alright but it was always going to be so. Either earlier this May under Trump or now, the result was always going to be the same. What makes it sad for me is that you guys dragged Britain into it too. Anyone who had a modicum of military sense would know the place is unholdable. At the height of the British empire, we had 1/3 of our army tied up there protecting the khyber pass. The Russian military broke itself on the same rocks. Even Alexander didn't hang around for long. We will just have to write it off to yet another string of futile headstones sacrificed for nothing other than the military-industrial complex. Suckers and losers indeed.
US coronavirus: 'This is starting to look really ominous in the South,' expert says, as US is among ...
St-Sinner comments on Aug 14, 2021:
Afghanistan and Immigration will be Biden's Achilles heel in 2022 and 2024. Conservatives will not need Covid to win. Not much lipstick is left. Videos of Biden's Parkinson symptoms are all over social media. He is no FDR. Kamala Harris is a discount coupn to get more conservative Republicans ...
273kelvin replies on Aug 14, 2021:
@St-Sinner The one main point I take umbrage with is Trump as an electoral asset. Remember that he lost the popular vote to Hillary (the worst candidate since McGovern). Lost the house - twice, lost the senate and lost to Biden (the 2nd worst... ). As for Jan 6th, the special committee is uncovering new outrages daily and the DOJ will catch up with them eventually (ie 2022). Meanwhile, all Trump has to say is "We woz robbed) and we know how tired that gets if you have a sports buddy who does it. You guys make me laugh when you talk about "progressive policies". Sure Bernie and the gang of 4 can propose the mildly leftish ideas like $15 min wage and expanding healthcare but they have a snowflakes chance in hell of getting past the corporate payola of the house/senate. Ffs you guys think that universal healthcare is progressive. Just how socialist do think countries like Japan and the other 48 top industrial nations are? I can give you 10 sound capitalist/business reasons why it works. But at least some Dems have policies. All the GOP has atm is culture wars and antiscience.
Him-Liberal ans vaxxed.
St-Sinner comments on Aug 13, 2021:
I don't know exactly what this battle about vaxxing is. African Americans are un-trusting because of of the Taskegee experiment, I also can sympathize with "Don't trust everything the government tells us" and also with how the drums of what is good for you start beating to make you listen. This ...
273kelvin replies on Aug 14, 2021:
@St-Sinner I get the distrust of govt (remember we had thalidomide too) but this is not just healthy anti-gov logic. Think more like JWs at your door. Forget logic, reason, critical thinking and for every 100 leading scientists, they will counter with some guy from the University of Bozman Montana. For a bunch of people so married to the capitalist system, you might think that they can read a set of figures but a cult needs no reasons other than what they are told. Only in America has stupidity coalesced into a political movement.
US coronavirus: 'This is starting to look really ominous in the South,' expert says, as US is among ...
St-Sinner comments on Aug 14, 2021:
Afghanistan and Immigration will be Biden's Achilles heel in 2022 and 2024. Conservatives will not need Covid to win. Not much lipstick is left. Videos of Biden's Parkinson symptoms are all over social media. He is no FDR. Kamala Harris is a discount coupn to get more conservative Republicans ...
273kelvin replies on Aug 14, 2021:
Granted Biden is no FDR but I doubt he will run again in 2024. What is going to sink the GOP is its attachment to a maniacal loser. Add to that the anti-mask/anti-vax stand and they are akin to the pope against Galileo. Maybe US voters are not that stupid but that's just a maybe?
The big question has always been: What came first, the chicken or the egg?
Mcflewster comments on Jul 14, 2021:
Answer to both {possibly}. They came pretty much together. Why would you push the cork in if you could not get it out? .Maybe a few experiments separate them both. All sorts of cells are being developed as a chick foetus grows, including the reproductive ones .Template instructions for the ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 14, 2021:
Therefore the 1st chick would have been an egg 1st. However, if you believe in creationism then the chicken came 1st
As some of you may have read, I had a bad experience with a state assigned health worker.
think-beyond comments on Jul 13, 2021:
And entertainment this is. We get to the point that things like this make us ask: And so what else is new? Oh how I wish I were a comedy writer. This would make a hilarious skit.
273kelvin replies on Jul 14, 2021:
"God bless you and keep you" "Who?" "God the father" "Never heard of him" "Our Father in heaven" "Is that off I-95?" "No! God the creator" "Does he sell on Amazon?" (you get the drift...)
Right wing propagandist has meltdown
273kelvin comments on Jul 13, 2021:
Perhaps as a lawyer, she should have read the donation terms and conditions contract that the "Stop the steal" had right up front. Ie. that any contributions under $8,000 would be split between the GOP and Trumps election funds.
273kelvin replies on Jul 13, 2021:
@bobwjr Of course but the funny thing is Jenna Ellis taking this long to figure that out. Jeez, where did she go to law school and did she get her money back?
Happy Bugger off Britain Day all you yanks.
FrayedBear comments on Jul 4, 2021:
What you on about Kelvin it's Monday 5th July now!
273kelvin replies on Jul 5, 2021:
Maybe one afternoon we might see you on our Zoom chats?
Happy Bugger off Britain Day all you yanks.
Marionville comments on Jul 4, 2021:
We don’t need the Yanks to criticise us…we’re pretty good at it ourselves Kelvin…at least the Scots are pretty good at slagging off the English. Oh…and for goodness sake try not to lift the bloody Euro Cup in the Footie championships…you’ll be insufferable by talking about it for ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 5, 2021:
But following England in the footy is not about the winning or the taking part. It's about the dismal slide into inevitable despair.


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