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Watching federal hearings today on election integrity, and Krebs come across as completely in the ...
273kelvin comments on Dec 16, 2020:
Krebs said it was "The safest and most secure election in US history" and Trump fired him. Now from what I understand, the guy is a lifelong republican. He could have said "We don't know yet" or "Maybe" but he didn't and it cost him his job. Bill Barr (hardly a never Trumper) said "No evidence of ...
273kelvin replies on Dec 18, 2020:
@Flowerwall The founding fathers would be shocked at this election. Not because it was rigged but because poor people, blacks and women voted. Here is a link to Trumps brilliant COVID strategy Trump university for one Trump fan consisted of 3 infomercials with lifesize cutouts of the man himself stuck around the office. Then he was told to go home and look at his local real estate market. All for the princely sum of $25,000. The Judge ruled it was a scam and Trump had to pay out 1,000,000 back to his marks. I watched the lawyer testify and then I looked at the court case to see if his evidence stacked up. Let us also bear in mind that whilst all this has been going on. Russia has been hacking US defence and other dept computers. Oh and subject to his usual MO. Trump has said and done nothing about it. Makes you wonder if those reports of a watersports video that they have of him might not be true.
Watching federal hearings today on election integrity, and Krebs come across as completely in the ...
273kelvin comments on Dec 16, 2020:
Krebs said it was "The safest and most secure election in US history" and Trump fired him. Now from what I understand, the guy is a lifelong republican. He could have said "We don't know yet" or "Maybe" but he didn't and it cost him his job. Bill Barr (hardly a never Trumper) said "No evidence of ...
273kelvin replies on Dec 18, 2020:
@Flowerwall Sorry but I have much better things to do than watch a three-hour forty-minute video of a Senate hearing. Much of which I suspect is centred the assumption of a steal. Where does this assumption spring from? Trump of course. The man who literally conned his fans out of their savings with Trump University. Yes, he did, look it up because the guy had to fork over a million bucks in compensation to them. With his record in office, especially during COVID it kinda sounds like someone phoning the cops to report that someone stole their snowman. "But officer, it was there by the fire last night at 10.30 and when I woke up it was gone. Someone must have taken it". As sadly I heard the news that America just past the 300,000 death toll and also the leaked emails about Trump's policy of "herd immunity". I am baffled why so many of you did vote for him.
Watching federal hearings today on election integrity, and Krebs come across as completely in the ...
273kelvin comments on Dec 16, 2020:
Krebs said it was "The safest and most secure election in US history" and Trump fired him. Now from what I understand, the guy is a lifelong republican. He could have said "We don't know yet" or "Maybe" but he didn't and it cost him his job. Bill Barr (hardly a never Trumper) said "No evidence of ...
273kelvin replies on Dec 17, 2020:
@Flowerwall Well, you should think along those lines. For example, when someone talks to me about fake moon landings. I think Okay, well there would have had to be a very good probe because they left a reflector on there which still points this way. So that would need a big team. Then you have all the astronauts and possibly their families. Then countless technicians and NASA staff. Then the film crew and location. And they have all kept silent for 50 or more years. Or you can say that it happened but maybe some of the photos were less than real. The amount of fraud that it would take to steal a US election is huge. Over 150,000,000 people voted. Even if you concentrated on just the swing states? that is still enormous. The smallest margin was Georgia with 20,000. So let us assume that Trump was winning by 50,000 - 100,000? You would have to generate 70,000 - 120,000 fake ballots to be sure. Any cursory examination of the logistics and possible methodology of this and it starts to look like the moon landings were a piece of cake. Look I get that Trump supporters think he is the best thing since sliced bread but you have to concede that a vast amount of Americans think the very opposite. If you take the votes at face value? Then it is clear that many Republican voters became disenchanted with him. Whilst they voted for Republican representatives. They split the ticket and voted for Biden, 230,000 COVID deaths and record unemployment can do that to yer. Trump has been on our news almost constantly since his election (and I live in the UK). Maybe, just maybe, people had grown tired of listening to that voice, I know I have.
Occams razor.
JackPedigo comments on Dec 16, 2020:
And you have to assume the only ones cheating are the Biden supporters!
273kelvin replies on Dec 16, 2020:
True, one MAGA hat looks the same as another. Maybe Trumpers voted several times.
Occams razor.
t1nick comments on Dec 16, 2020:
You are correct. Occams Razor says the simplest answer is usually the best when faced with uncertainty. The more "ifs this happened, and if that happened" that you have the less likely your answer is to be correct. But that's how conspiracy theories are structured, based on an unstainable number ...
273kelvin replies on Dec 16, 2020:
I approached the subject from a criminals point of view. Okay, there is $20 million if you can do it. How hard would it be? The answer is a lot harder than claiming a fake and getting money from donations to fight it.
Watching federal hearings today on election integrity, and Krebs come across as completely in the ...
273kelvin comments on Dec 16, 2020:
Krebs said it was "The safest and most secure election in US history" and Trump fired him. Now from what I understand, the guy is a lifelong republican. He could have said "We don't know yet" or "Maybe" but he didn't and it cost him his job. Bill Barr (hardly a never Trumper) said "No evidence of ...
273kelvin replies on Dec 16, 2020:
@Flowerwall Okay since neither of us can find anything about the alleged "problem" 140000 NV votes. Let's talk about WI. What you are saying is that allegedly some counties had different absentee ballot rules than others. Oh, and... not exactly the Brinks job is it? Even if that were proved to be the case. That is a long way from fraud. A voter receives an application for an absentee ballot. They fill it in, they vote. From what I remember the problem stemmed around whether or not, election workers were allowed to fill in some missing parts of the ballot ID. They were but not all counties were aware of this. Hey, we are in the middle of a pandemic, it might be hard to get the right staff? Occams razor again. Let us hypothetically consider how one might engage in enough voter fraud to sway the election via absentee votes in WI as you seem to imply that it was done. Firstly you would have to have thousands of addresses. No that would be too big, messy, expensive and too hard to conceal. Okay, you could maybe steal all the applications but what if the real people voted? So it would have to be dead people or those you knew for sure definitely would not be voting. The trouble with that one is again it is too easy to be found out. It is true that Right-wing news organisations and Trump's team have published lists of dead people voting but guess what? They turned out to be alive. Then you would certainly have to have lots of your guys on the inside? I mean you couldn't pull a job like that without them. It couldn't be Dems, too obvious. it would have to be Reps but how could you know that they wouldn't double-cross you or be undercover? Then you gotta have premises to work in, okay that parts not too hard but all those different people coming going because you would have to have lots of different signatures. And what about your crew? Can you imagine the number of different signatures you would need, let alone all the pens? How do you keep them sweet till January with Guilinani offering 100 grand for snitches? Whilst we discuss this, please bear in mind that these elections have been signed off by the Republican state legislators in those states
Watching federal hearings today on election integrity, and Krebs come across as completely in the ...
273kelvin comments on Dec 16, 2020:
Krebs said it was "The safest and most secure election in US history" and Trump fired him. Now from what I understand, the guy is a lifelong republican. He could have said "We don't know yet" or "Maybe" but he didn't and it cost him his job. Bill Barr (hardly a never Trumper) said "No evidence of ...
273kelvin replies on Dec 16, 2020:
@Flowerwall Remind me, which party was in control of WI? Oh yes, it was the Republicans.
Watching federal hearings today on election integrity, and Krebs come across as completely in the ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Dec 16, 2020:
> Okay, so we only allow one month and 13 days of topic discussion where local governments obfuscated full inspections of voting machines and the case is supposed to be closed. Actually, it's been 4+ years: Trump has alleged this since before he was elected. It's not our fault that Trump ...
273kelvin replies on Dec 16, 2020:
@Flowerwall Can you provide any credible links to these as I cannot find any?
Watching federal hearings today on election integrity, and Krebs come across as completely in the ...
273kelvin comments on Dec 16, 2020:
Krebs said it was "The safest and most secure election in US history" and Trump fired him. Now from what I understand, the guy is a lifelong republican. He could have said "We don't know yet" or "Maybe" but he didn't and it cost him his job. Bill Barr (hardly a never Trumper) said "No evidence of ...
273kelvin replies on Dec 16, 2020:
@Flowerwall Okay let's apply Occam's razor on this. On one hand, you have DHS and the DOJ saying it the election was fair. (Let's leave all the voter suppression by Texas, Florida, Georgia and other states plus the US postal service to one side for now). All court cases bar one minor win were lost. On the other hand rapist Trump + minions. Say there was. Okay, some obscure physicist says so too. Now let us look at Trump's honesty record. Hillary is not in jail (31 hours of testimony and no case to answer) No tax returns published. "It will disappear like a miracle" "No quid pro quo" And if you take offence at the term "rapist" well over 80,000,000 Americans have said "No" to him and he is ignoring them. (24 cases of sexual assault so far)
Watching federal hearings today on election integrity, and Krebs come across as completely in the ...
273kelvin comments on Dec 16, 2020:
Krebs said it was "The safest and most secure election in US history" and Trump fired him. Now from what I understand, the guy is a lifelong republican. He could have said "We don't know yet" or "Maybe" but he didn't and it cost him his job. Bill Barr (hardly a never Trumper) said "No evidence of ...
273kelvin replies on Dec 16, 2020:
@Flowerwall Meanwhile whilst Trump plays musical chairs with his staff and fires all none yes-man. Most of the DOJ, DHS and FBI sent to find non-existent fraud...
Watching federal hearings today on election integrity, and Krebs come across as completely in the ...
273kelvin comments on Dec 16, 2020:
Krebs said it was "The safest and most secure election in US history" and Trump fired him. Now from what I understand, the guy is a lifelong republican. He could have said "We don't know yet" or "Maybe" but he didn't and it cost him his job. Bill Barr (hardly a never Trumper) said "No evidence of ...
273kelvin replies on Dec 16, 2020:
@Flowerwall No that was right at the start (which tbh all I could take). The chairman opened with words like "Impartial" and then said something like "Russian election interference in the 2016 election hoax", A "hoax" that the FBI says was real. So I kinda lost interest after that.
Watching federal hearings today on election integrity, and Krebs come across as completely in the ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Dec 16, 2020:
> Okay, so we only allow one month and 13 days of topic discussion where local governments obfuscated full inspections of voting machines and the case is supposed to be closed. Actually, it's been 4+ years: Trump has alleged this since before he was elected. It's not our fault that Trump ...
273kelvin replies on Dec 16, 2020:
@Flowerwall But NO evidence, no credible witnesses, not one case of fraud brought before a court. All that with $200,000,000 to play with. Bounties have been offered of $100,000 for anybody that has evidence of fraud. All that came forward was a drunken Karen, that was a convicted felon.
Watching federal hearings today on election integrity, and Krebs come across as completely in the ...
273kelvin comments on Dec 16, 2020:
Krebs said it was "The safest and most secure election in US history" and Trump fired him. Now from what I understand, the guy is a lifelong republican. He could have said "We don't know yet" or "Maybe" but he didn't and it cost him his job. Bill Barr (hardly a never Trumper) said "No evidence of ...
273kelvin replies on Dec 16, 2020:
@Flowerwall "Sen Ron Johnson of WI at federal hearing today, "There is no question there was fraud, " SAID... SAID So f*cking what! I can say anything. like Elvis lives or I saw the Loch Ness Monster. It doesn't mean diddly. I am damn sure that many senators swear that the earth is only 6,500 years old but that doesn't make it so. Proof m`lad is a long way from a politicians word. He also "said" that this was to be an impartial hearing and then used the phrase "Russian interference hoax" so forgive me if I run for the salt cellar.
Watching federal hearings today on election integrity, and Krebs come across as completely in the ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Dec 16, 2020:
> Okay, so we only allow one month and 13 days of topic discussion where local governments obfuscated full inspections of voting machines and the case is supposed to be closed. Actually, it's been 4+ years: Trump has alleged this since before he was elected. It's not our fault that Trump ...
273kelvin replies on Dec 16, 2020:
@Flowerwall From what I hear all the paper ballots matched the digital ones. There were 2 recounts in Georgia, Two in Penselvania (different counties) and some in Michigan I think. None have turned up any significant differences. Again I put this to you again (seeing as you ducked it last time) Why has not Guiliani with his $200,000,000 plus legal war-chest brought any allegation of fraud before a court?
Watching federal hearings today on election integrity, and Krebs come across as completely in the ...
273kelvin comments on Dec 16, 2020:
Krebs said it was "The safest and most secure election in US history" and Trump fired him. Now from what I understand, the guy is a lifelong republican. He could have said "We don't know yet" or "Maybe" but he didn't and it cost him his job. Bill Barr (hardly a never Trumper) said "No evidence of ...
273kelvin replies on Dec 16, 2020:
@Flowerwall I am not going into the minutia of "Why Elvis lives" with you. Many of these cases were brought before Republican-appointed judges. Some of them by Trump himself. They concluded that there was insufficient evidence, period.
Watching federal hearings today on election integrity, and Krebs come across as completely in the ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Dec 16, 2020:
> Okay, so we only allow one month and 13 days of topic discussion where local governments obfuscated full inspections of voting machines and the case is supposed to be closed. Actually, it's been 4+ years: Trump has alleged this since before he was elected. It's not our fault that Trump ...
273kelvin replies on Dec 16, 2020:
@Flowerwall I have read some of what I think was Delfino`s hypothesis, published in a far-right Australian "news" outlet. I then put the link of FBs snoops tips for a greater opinion. The best that came up was that it is in isolation. The so-called voting anomalies are meaningless without looking at previous voting patterns. Either way, there were hard copy votes that were recounted in many places (twice in Georgia). If any real evidence and by that I mean real, not accusations or drunken Karen rants but real. Do you not think that Guiliani and a $200,000,000 legal war-chest might have brought them to a court?
Watching federal hearings today on election integrity, and Krebs come across as completely in the ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Dec 16, 2020:
> Okay, so we only allow one month and 13 days of topic discussion where local governments obfuscated full inspections of voting machines and the case is supposed to be closed. Actually, it's been 4+ years: Trump has alleged this since before he was elected. It's not our fault that Trump ...
273kelvin replies on Dec 16, 2020:
@Flowerwall VW had some fraudulent data on exhaust emissions. How does that affect my Ford? The machines that were used in Venezuela were from a different and competing company.
I was raised feeling that my existence is a burden to others.
Moravian comments on Dec 16, 2020:
They fuck you up, your mum and dad. They may not mean to, but they do. They fill you with the faults they had And add some extra, just for you. But they were fucked up in their turn By fools in old-style hats and coats, Who half the time were soppy-stern And half at one another's throats....
273kelvin replies on Dec 16, 2020:
You beat me to it.
The woman that posted this in my FB feed is smart.
Thirst2learn comments on Dec 13, 2020:
Get out of the basement you bunch of pussies
273kelvin replies on Dec 14, 2020:
Haven't you heard? Not wearing a mask is a sign that you're closet gay.
A Newzealand band that came up in Zoom last night. []
azzow2 comments on Dec 14, 2020:
Very talented.
273kelvin replies on Dec 14, 2020:
You might recognize the guy on the left as the baddie in "Men in Black 3"
‎Friday, ‎November ‎20, ‎2020 I AM - an Individuation of GOD - being - One Self - I AM a...
Triphid comments on Dec 13, 2020:
Just a small question/query here @KWAPELL7. Does your anus ever exhibit any signs of jealousy, etc, etc, when your mouth usurps its role so continuously?
273kelvin replies on Dec 14, 2020:
@KWAPELL7 Try learning to communicate in English rather than some newspeak text language. If you have something to say, then say it as well and as correctly as you can. If you couch your ideas in the equivalent of hieroglyphics? Then I can only conclude that they were not worth reading in the first place. Unless; - U no U R shit.
‎Friday, ‎November ‎20, ‎2020 I AM - an Individuation of GOD - being - One Self - I AM a...
Triphid comments on Dec 13, 2020:
Just a small question/query here @KWAPELL7. Does your anus ever exhibit any signs of jealousy, etc, etc, when your mouth usurps its role so continuously?
273kelvin replies on Dec 13, 2020:
@KWAPELL7 Perhaps you might learn a little punctuation and grammar. It can make the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit.
I wonder when the Trump Christian alt-right will leave the cult?
nogod4me comments on Dec 12, 2020:
"Good Christians"? I think you mean ashamed, willfully ignorant, embarrassed believers who were forced to accept that they are being scammed.
273kelvin replies on Dec 13, 2020:
There are many "good Christians". You elected one for POTUS and there is one running in Georgia.
Please enlighten me on this topic.
273kelvin comments on Dec 6, 2020:
Who cares? you've already got your t-shirt
273kelvin replies on Dec 9, 2020:
@Seeker55 Its discontinued now.
Has anyone had to leave a relationship involving children due to conflict with spouse over religion ...
Thirst2learn comments on Dec 5, 2020:
Dumbest thing to break up over, what's important is does this person work against your goals, or do they support your goals and work as a team?
273kelvin replies on Dec 6, 2020:
There was a post a while back and the guys' wife had gone born again on him. To make things worse, she kept insisting on playing Christian videos all the time. Now the consensus was that the relationship was doomed but he still wanted to make a go of it, So I suggested he take up housework when the videos start. You know vacuuming around her feet, dusting the TV scene/table. Never did hear how it turned out.
Please enlighten me on this topic.
LucyLoohoo comments on Dec 6, 2020:
Thanks for asking the question...I've never thought about this but we should all know the answer.
273kelvin replies on Dec 6, 2020:
Actually, I think you lose them as in a deleted post. That's why points sometimes go down.
It's lovely when you not only learn something new but also add to a joke that you've heard before.
azzow2 comments on Dec 4, 2020:
I liked the ridiculous lyrics those are so fun to repeat in your brain.
273kelvin replies on Dec 4, 2020:
I think he is most famous for the Elements song where he lists all the periodic table to the tune of "Modern Major General"
It's lovely when you not only learn something new but also add to a joke that you've heard before.
Petter comments on Dec 4, 2020:
I love these songs from a Harvard professor of mathematics. Tom Lehrer was brilliant.
273kelvin replies on Dec 4, 2020:
Is actually, he's sill alive.
MerlinZap comments on Dec 3, 2020:
Think she wants you to "Do her" with the whiskey bottle?
273kelvin replies on Dec 4, 2020:
@Petter Okay, I think she wants to do you with the whiskey bottle
Hi - I'm not sure what to do about something.
273kelvin comments on Dec 3, 2020:
If you think that is bad? Try writing a little satirical humour. A couple of years back I wrote about women who sit on their boyfriend's shoulders at festivals. The gist being, that if you're gonna block everyones view then at least take your top off. Like I said it was an attempt at humour but so ...
273kelvin replies on Dec 3, 2020:
@kmaz Yeah right
In February 2021, a man goes to the White House to see Donald Trump.
azzow2 comments on Dec 2, 2020:
That might be a tad off being politically correct because the military is generally in favor of conservative presidents.
273kelvin replies on Dec 2, 2020:
Maybe not one that turned their workplace into a COVID hot-spot and infected 130 security personnel, just sayin
Pastor: After God Overturns the Election Results, Atheists Will Finally Convert | Hemant Mehta | ...
tioteo comments on Dec 2, 2020:
Has he been doing LSD? Smoking too much pot? Eating the wrong mushrooms?
273kelvin replies on Dec 2, 2020:
@SeaRay215ex "LSD is more stronger than shrooms." Not since the 80s in my hood
OMG! This Santa movie looks very dark but hilarious! []
273kelvin comments on Dec 2, 2020:
If this was done as a straight movie then it might go down with "Plan 9 from outer space" as a must-see. Do you think it was done so or is it tongue-in-cheek? My money is on the former as Hollywood doesn't do irony that well.
273kelvin replies on Dec 2, 2020:
@Killtheskyfairy The revues say that the trailer is the best bit.
Covid-19 Will Deal a Huge Blow to Organized Religion: Many people go to church out of habit.
273kelvin comments on Nov 30, 2020:
I find your reasoning sound, However, there may be many that will miss the social aspect of the church. As evidenced the pubs that were very well attended in our summer time-out from lockdown.
273kelvin replies on Dec 1, 2020:
@SeaRay215ex I think that's the point. Once Tweety pie has left office and is no longer poking the fires of division. Maybe we can get back to what unites us rather than what separates. Which is exactly what is needed at this time.
Covid-19 Will Deal a Huge Blow to Organized Religion: Many people go to church out of habit.
273kelvin comments on Nov 30, 2020:
I find your reasoning sound, However, there may be many that will miss the social aspect of the church. As evidenced the pubs that were very well attended in our summer time-out from lockdown.
273kelvin replies on Dec 1, 2020:
@SeaRay215ex Your comment got me thinking of a nice old lady customer of mine. She plays the organ at St Barnabas church off Penny Lane. She never preaches or tries to convert me and I keep my atheist views in my tool-box. So we share our thoughts on music when we chatter but I'm sure that she has missed being with her friends just as much as we all have.
Made my first fire in my fireplace! Needed a friend’s coaching since it’s been 45 years since I ...
azzow2 comments on Nov 30, 2020:
I am very curious about how do you make a fire with less heat? I am want to know because in my experience fire always seems fairly hot.
273kelvin replies on Nov 30, 2020:
I heard a native American observation. "We make small-fire, keep warm. White man make big-fire, keep warm... collecting wood"
Old records came up in Zoom last night and I talked about a phenomenon called "Northern Soul".
BitFlipper comments on Nov 30, 2020:
Wigan: my father's family came from Wigan.
273kelvin replies on Nov 30, 2020:
It's improved a lot since George Orwells day
Julia Naked (romcom) 2018 - Netflix Based on a Nick Hornby book who you might remember from "Fever ...
Killtheskyfairy comments on Nov 29, 2020:
Annie exchanged one self absorbed narcissist for another so not really a romcom.
273kelvin replies on Nov 30, 2020:
Psssttt, next you will be trying to say that "Die Hard" is not a Christmas movie
Some of yous might want to check this article out about how covid19 and the fever checker are not ...
273kelvin comments on Nov 29, 2020:
If a temperature check catches only 20% of COVID cases and 10% are other causes. That is still a significant % of cases taken out of circulation. Proper mass testing should reveal much more but it has to be in conjunction with tracing.
273kelvin replies on Nov 30, 2020:
@azzow2 That is true but then you have practicality issues. Ideally, we would have COVID tests at every store with instant readout results but as yet there is no such test. So far the best we can do is an antibody test that takes about an hour and that is not the most accurate. It can tell you that you haven't had it but not if you have it. So a temperature test at Wallmart or Costco, whilst not eliminating most of the COVID cases. Will flag up some of them.
A few times on Zoom I have tried to explain about a uniquely British stage tradition called ...
FrayedBear comments on Nov 25, 2020:
Brings back the memories Kelvin. Of course in this nanny state the jokes are evidence of sexual harassment & denigratio n of women. And as for that domestic violence! - "Is respect earned or simply demanded by the undeserving ; Government desirous of destroying society?"
273kelvin replies on Nov 29, 2020:
@FrayedBear You can say that panto is full of misogynistic/misanthropistic unresolved LGTBQ gender issues... or you can say OH NO IT ISNT
leonard cohen JOAN OF ARK, ................. an early album []
FrayedBear comments on Jun 29, 2020:
I still consider the observation that "if contrmplating suicide it is always worth listening to half an hour of Leonard Cohen singing his songs to help you decide whether to live or suicide" is pertinent & valid.
273kelvin replies on Nov 29, 2020:
@FrayedBear She also dueted on the "Dirty Dancing" song "Time of your life". However, if you read the wiki bi-og I posted? You will see that she was more into the folk side than movies/pop. She started off as one of LCs backing singers, went on to be his support act and a creditable artist in her own right. We should not hold the fact that she is most famous for singing on 80s romantic movies against her. If you say, Randy Newman? Most people will think "Toy Story" not "Short People". And whilst we are at it, spare a thought for Jeff Beck. Undoubtedly one of the finest lead guitarists to come out of the 60s. Yet what was is only hit? "Hi-ho Silver Lining"
leonard cohen JOAN OF ARK, ................. an early album []
FrayedBear comments on Jun 29, 2020:
I still consider the observation that "if contrmplating suicide it is always worth listening to half an hour of Leonard Cohen singing his songs to help you decide whether to live or suicide" is pertinent & valid.
273kelvin replies on Nov 28, 2020:
leonard cohen JOAN OF ARK, ................. an early album []
FrayedBear comments on Jun 29, 2020:
I still consider the observation that "if contrmplating suicide it is always worth listening to half an hour of Leonard Cohen singing his songs to help you decide whether to live or suicide" is pertinent & valid.
273kelvin replies on Nov 28, 2020:
@FrayedBear Not even the movie? They were both bloody huge man, especially amongst the ladies in the 80s.
leonard cohen JOAN OF ARK, ................. an early album []
FrayedBear comments on Jun 29, 2020:
I still consider the observation that "if contrmplating suicide it is always worth listening to half an hour of Leonard Cohen singing his songs to help you decide whether to live or suicide" is pertinent & valid.
273kelvin replies on Nov 28, 2020:
@FrayedBear "Love lifts us up where we belong" from "Officer and a gentleman" with her and Joe Cocker. Jointly written by Warnes and Buffie St Marie. Which I am sure paid a few bills for both of them. At the time she did her album of L.C. songs. He acknowledged that her career was doing much better than his.
""Uncle Frank".
273kelvin comments on Nov 27, 2020:
I was going to do a review/recommend for this on Netflix,
273kelvin replies on Nov 27, 2020:
@rogueflyer But its on the theme of uncles
A few times on Zoom I have tried to explain about a uniquely British stage tradition called ...
FrayedBear comments on Nov 25, 2020:
Brings back the memories Kelvin. Of course in this nanny state the jokes are evidence of sexual harassment & denigratio n of women. And as for that domestic violence! - "Is respect earned or simply demanded by the undeserving ; Government desirous of destroying society?"
273kelvin replies on Nov 26, 2020:
Taking panto humour a tad too seriously I think. Also, there is the quid-pro-quo side of them where the "principal boy" is generally some rather fit woman in thigh boots and leggings, that take just as much piss out of the male of the species.
How atheistic are we?
273kelvin comments on Nov 25, 2020:
I would say 100% but that would make me too closed-minded. So the way I phrase it is this. A guy made a bet that Elvis would ride Shergar down Pall Mall in London then go on to beat Lord Lucan in the Wimbledon singles final. I find that idea slightly more plausible than the existence of god. As for...
273kelvin replies on Nov 25, 2020:
@Davekp Hey it was a Brit that made the bet. Funny thing is it was a £5 bet at 1,000,000/1 but the bookmaker had to contact the guy to take it back and change it to 5p. Otherwise, they would have had to keep £5,000,000 in escrow till after the Wimbledon final.
Brentwood man who hanged Joe Biden dummy from noose says he is not racist. []
273kelvin comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Normally the phrase "I am not a racist" is followed by "but..." As for his moment of lunacy, it seems to be indicative of the divisions that Trump has nurtured and fed upon. Some of his neighbours have come out as saying he`s okay really but I noticed there were no brothers saying "Yay, the man's ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 24, 2020:
@FrayedBear I didn't notice
A few times on Zoom I have tried to explain about a uniquely British stage tradition called ...
t1nick comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Lol. For some reason their act reminds me of Benny Hill.
273kelvin replies on Nov 24, 2020:
Same tradition. You can see a lot of pantomime in Stan Laurel too.
Just realized I hit 3 years being on Agnostic.
273kelvin comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Just checked, Oct 28 2017, so I have 4 weeks on you :-)
273kelvin replies on Nov 24, 2020:
@FrayedBear Ah but look at Keith Richards
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am in the UK but I have been following this very closely. The saddest thing I came across was from a fellow AG member in Illinois. If I was to use a brief description I might say a nice old lady with cats. She has bought a gun for the 1st time in her life. She is that genuinely afraid of what ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 24, 2020:
@Trajan61 Update on my previous comment. Trump's legal team are now 1 for 35. One of their wins got overturned on appeal
So my oldest told my wife that he doesn't want anything to do with us for a while.
273kelvin comments on Nov 15, 2020:
Keep sending Christmas and birthday cards with a banknote in them. You have to play the long game
273kelvin replies on Nov 24, 2020:
@2muchstupidity I was briefly estranged from my youngest. Fortunately, I did have her bank details for paying in. So I sent her a card with a monopoly note and a message on the back saying I had paid the money into her account. We are good now and when I asked her what she thought about her card, she thought it was cool. Sending cash is not buying love. It just says "I am thinking about you, have a drink on me"
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am in the UK but I have been following this very closely. The saddest thing I came across was from a fellow AG member in Illinois. If I was to use a brief description I might say a nice old lady with cats. She has bought a gun for the 1st time in her life. She is that genuinely afraid of what ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 23, 2020:
@Trajan61 The democratic candidate won the election. Who is calling for people to stand back and stand by?
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am in the UK but I have been following this very closely. The saddest thing I came across was from a fellow AG member in Illinois. If I was to use a brief description I might say a nice old lady with cats. She has bought a gun for the 1st time in her life. She is that genuinely afraid of what ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 23, 2020:
@Trajan61 Firstly, like so many Americans you tend to think only in terms of the US of A. That Iran deal was made with the co-operation of many other countries including mine. It was an attempt to halt Iran's nuclear program which continued unabated since Trump rejected it. Secondly, I am not about to fall into the Trumpist gambit of "What about the other guy?" This is about as useful as exclaiming to a cop that pulls you over for a DUI "Why arent you after all those paedos rapists? Why aren't you going after them?" Suffice to say that all of Trump's allegations have ended up turning out as baseless. The man had the DOJ so under his thumb that they ended up fighting a sexual assault case for him in NY. Yet with all this investigative power at his disposal, no evidence of any wrongdoing from Biden has been submitted to the court and his case against Hillary was also found to be baseless. The man is a pathological liar. Just google "How tall is Trump?". Now to my mind if a guy cannot even tell the truth about something like that,? Then I would fact-check every word that comes out of his mouth. All that is not relevant to the present situation that the USA finds itself in. You state; "There was definitely a lot of irregularities going on during the 2020 US presidential election and an investigation into that is fully justified." What gave you that idea? Because Trump said so? How about the guys who were charged with looking after the election? The dept of homeland security? They said "It was the most secure in American history" * After that Trump fired Kemp the guy in charge. So what motivation did Kemp have to lie? He could have said "we don't know yet" or "maybe?" and kept his job but he didn't. So, on one hand, we have the word of a guy that lies about his height and on the other a man who put his job on the line and got fired. Okay, let's look at how Trump's legal team have been doing when all these cases of fraud came to court. So far they are 2 for 33 and those 2 wins have been very minor ones. But this is Trump's business MO. If he owed money that he didn't want to pay? He would bombard creditors with lawsuit after lawsuit until it was cheaper for them to give up on payment. You might want to think of Trump as the greatest thing since sliced bread but many others would severely disagree with you. At the time of the polls, America had 230,000 COVID deaths, the highest of any other nation. Trump is on record about knowing how bad it was going to get, yet he lied to you saying "It will all be over by April...You see it will disappear like a miracle". When all the scientists were saying "avoid large gatherings" Trump was holding superspreader events and made mask-wearing a political statement. The guy turned the White House into a COVID hot-spot and ...
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am in the UK but I have been following this very closely. The saddest thing I came across was from a fellow AG member in Illinois. If I was to use a brief description I might say a nice old lady with cats. She has bought a gun for the 1st time in her life. She is that genuinely afraid of what ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 22, 2020:
@Trajan61 "Trumps domestic and foreign policies were far better than anything the democrats ever did." Trump is playing golf rather than attend the G20 COVID summit. Does that sound like a great POTUS to you? If this was just a question of left vs right then you might have some valid points but its not. This is personality cult vs consensus politics. I have to ask whether you give any credence to all these voter fraud allegations. So far Trump's team are 2 out of 32. He is using 2nd rate lawyers to file bogus claims that are nearly all thrown out of court within minutes. Meanwhile, he has a defence fund asking for donations. The thing is that if you read the small print, any contributions under $8,000 go directly to his campaign fund and RNC. Since these lawsuits only cost around $5,000 a pop. He is fleecing his base and pissing in the well. Just how great do you think America is looking to the rest of the world right now?
Got a message from a new account .
Hathacat comments on Nov 19, 2020:
You should ask them to send a dick pic. Shock them that someone ASKED. lol jk, JK!
273kelvin replies on Nov 19, 2020:
I`ve been asked a few times
Sorry its a bit late but as your election was looming.
Robecology comments on Nov 12, 2020:
I wonder who's the owner/driver now?
273kelvin replies on Nov 14, 2020:
@GwenBFree One the places that the Rolls would certainly take you is The Philharmonic pub (the Phill). A favourite haunt of John And Paul when they were at college. (Paul recently did an impromptu gig there.) A very opulent art nouveau interior with you can see if you click, THE most elaborate men's bathroom.
Sorry its a bit late but as your election was looming.
Robecology comments on Nov 12, 2020:
I wonder who's the owner/driver now?
273kelvin replies on Nov 13, 2020:
@GwenBFree And I would just adore to show you my city x
Sorry its a bit late but as your election was looming.
Robecology comments on Nov 12, 2020:
I wonder who's the owner/driver now?
273kelvin replies on Nov 12, 2020:
Okay, I do apologise but that is not the original J L Rolls that I saw. (mistake not intentional) The real one was bought by a Canadian businessman and is in the British Columbia Museum. The one I saw is a replica that was built by a Liverpool taxi driver. He now gives bespoke Beatles tours of the city in it
nicknotes comments on Nov 11, 2020:
Candy is dandy...but liquor is quicker.
273kelvin replies on Nov 11, 2020:
Oden Nash
Amazing post borrowed from Facebook.
Heavykevy1985 comments on Nov 10, 2020:
White people bad... black and brown people good. Without scandal? Ever hear of Edward Snowden? The AP Scandal? Fast and Furious? Using the FBI to spy on Trump’s campaign? Benghazi? Using the IRS to target right-leaning NGOs?
273kelvin replies on Nov 10, 2020:
Budgie is completely correct. If you read the post as we have done, it talks about Christian forgiveness and understanding. The amount of leeway that the evangelicals have given Trump is so disproportionate to the vitriol handed out to Obama. That one cannot help but draw conclusions from their all-white congregations.
"Like an untrustworthy liquid fart" - Love it []
JackPedigo comments on Nov 9, 2020:
What is really disturbing is it took a major, global pandemic to get rid of him. Without all the sicknesses and 200,000+ deaths and this country being the no. 1 in virus infection rates he might very well have won. We really do need a literacy test for people to vote. With today's misinformation ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 9, 2020:
One thing he won't have to worry about is his speeches being plagiarised.
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am in the UK but I have been following this very closely. The saddest thing I came across was from a fellow AG member in Illinois. If I was to use a brief description I might say a nice old lady with cats. She has bought a gun for the 1st time in her life. She is that genuinely afraid of what ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 9, 2020:
@Trajan61 I thought you might like this funny British slant on your election.
Biden Wins! Congrats to the Democrats for electing Biden and Harris! It's been a rocky and ...
273kelvin comments on Nov 8, 2020:
On this side of the pond, we are looking forward to some Trump-free news. I have often stopped watching because of his continuous bs. It was interesting to see how the press has already changed their attitude to him. Major networks cut him off and one journalist called out "Are you a sore loser?" It...
273kelvin replies on Nov 8, 2020:
@LucyLoohoo Behind every silver lining is a cloud ;-)
Biden Wins! Congrats to the Democrats for electing Biden and Harris! It's been a rocky and ...
273kelvin comments on Nov 8, 2020:
On this side of the pond, we are looking forward to some Trump-free news. I have often stopped watching because of his continuous bs. It was interesting to see how the press has already changed their attitude to him. Major networks cut him off and one journalist called out "Are you a sore loser?" It...
273kelvin replies on Nov 8, 2020:
@LucyLoohoo Obviously you have never followed Englands football team. It's not the winning, it's not the taking part, it's the soul-crushing masochistic inevitability of disillusionment.
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am in the UK but I have been following this very closely. The saddest thing I came across was from a fellow AG member in Illinois. If I was to use a brief description I might say a nice old lady with cats. She has bought a gun for the 1st time in her life. She is that genuinely afraid of what ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 8, 2020:
@Trajan61 Try telling that to the Kurds and most of Europe for that matter. At least we can both agree on one part of Trump's team we can glad of not seeing any more of.
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am in the UK but I have been following this very closely. The saddest thing I came across was from a fellow AG member in Illinois. If I was to use a brief description I might say a nice old lady with cats. She has bought a gun for the 1st time in her life. She is that genuinely afraid of what ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 8, 2020:
@Trajan61 Maybe time will tell which of us has the better assessment of Trump and Biden. I think you might guess my view of Trump. Biden appears to me to be a career public servant in the mould of Bush Snr. Like Bush, he seems to be a people person. So let us look at how the next 2 months play out. If you are right then Trump in addition to his election court cases will continue to do COVID briefings and work tirelessly tackling the crisis. He will work for the good of the country and try to ensure a smooth transition. He will campaign in Georgia for his party in the senate runoffs. Biden will be gathering his cronies and set out a socialist agenda. If I am right Trump will not do any more COVID briefings. His press conferences will consist of ranting about cheating Dems with no or very little press questions. The rest of the time will be spent either in the WH tweeting about Cheating Dems or on the golf course. He will not work on the transition and mostly sulk. He also won't attend the inauguration. Although he may do Georgia it will be about him and not the GOP senators. Biden will assemble his COVID team 1st. My bet is he will place a fired Fauci in charge. He will do COVID briefings and try to work as much as he can with governors of both parties. Either Cuomo or Warren will be attorney general. Watch this space.
A month or so ago I read that one of Trumps favourite films was Citizen Kane mmmm
Triphid comments on Nov 7, 2020:
What, you mean Humpty Grumpty tRumpy could ACTUAL watch a movie, could he actually comprehend the script, etc, though?
273kelvin replies on Nov 8, 2020:
I was quite shocked at the article in the Guardian in that such an intellectual film would be in his collection. Although to be fair all the others were mostly trash. Perhaps he caught onto it after the Simpsons parody?
A month or so ago I read that one of Trumps favourite films was Citizen Kane mmmm
bobwjr comments on Nov 7, 2020:
He wishes
273kelvin replies on Nov 7, 2020:
The thing is, its not even his original idea
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am in the UK but I have been following this very closely. The saddest thing I came across was from a fellow AG member in Illinois. If I was to use a brief description I might say a nice old lady with cats. She has bought a gun for the 1st time in her life. She is that genuinely afraid of what ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 7, 2020:
@Trajan61 And so it goes on. Tell me just how well is the politics of division working out for your country?
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am in the UK but I have been following this very closely. The saddest thing I came across was from a fellow AG member in Illinois. If I was to use a brief description I might say a nice old lady with cats. She has bought a gun for the 1st time in her life. She is that genuinely afraid of what ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 7, 2020:
@Trajan61 I think that this is a time for pragmatic politics. For magnanimity, in triumph and conciliation in defeat. The politics of division may feel great when spouted from a podium and chants of "Lock them up" can move a mob but they have no place in dealing with the immense problems that the US (and the rest of the world) has now. You say that I know nothing of US politics. Yet I do know that Biden has a reputation as a bipartisan senator. I also know that most of the senate work is not done on the floor or in committees but in the corridors and private offices. If you take an unbiased look at his work with Mitch McConnell with Obamacare. (Yeah you don't like it but I'm talking about the means, not the end) A certain amount of optimism is called for. It is a universal political truth that things only happen when people of different views but with common aims get together to make it happen. There will be some very difficult times ahead. Trump's willful denial of COVID has to lead to his followers taking their cue from him. * For the time being (Georgia runoffs notwithstanding), the GOP will control the senate. But even without that impasse, both parties will have to work together to turn the country around. I truly believe that Biden may be the best guy to achieve that. Either way, he is the only captain you have. *
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am in the UK but I have been following this very closely. The saddest thing I came across was from a fellow AG member in Illinois. If I was to use a brief description I might say a nice old lady with cats. She has bought a gun for the 1st time in her life. She is that genuinely afraid of what ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 7, 2020:
@Trajan61 Well you really don't do listening very well. Like I have stated it is not a case of left vs right. (Trump was a Democrat for many years). It is a case of a personality cult. Most people think of dictators such a Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, Castro or Hitler but you do have democratically elected cults. Thatcher, Berlusconi, Chavez and Trump fall into this category. They all develop hardcore blinkered support that is totally uncritical. To emphasize my point please take a look at your head of state atm. Just how "statesmanlike" is he behaving?
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am in the UK but I have been following this very closely. The saddest thing I came across was from a fellow AG member in Illinois. If I was to use a brief description I might say a nice old lady with cats. She has bought a gun for the 1st time in her life. She is that genuinely afraid of what ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 5, 2020:
@Trajan61 See here is what all cult members do. When put on the spot about your leaders lies and ineptitude, you deflect it away by saying "well the world is bad and he is better". It is the politics of division, tribalism and sectarianism. Just like religion
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am in the UK but I have been following this very closely. The saddest thing I came across was from a fellow AG member in Illinois. If I was to use a brief description I might say a nice old lady with cats. She has bought a gun for the 1st time in her life. She is that genuinely afraid of what ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 5, 2020:
@Trajan61 I am sorry if this has gotten a bit antagonistic but to my mind, this is not left vs right. This is personality cult vs reasonable discussion. We can both agree that God and religion is bs. There is no evidence for and lots of evidence against, so we reject it like reasonable people. So when faced with a pathological liar we... a, Fact-check everything they say? b, Take everything on faith like a good believer? All I ask is that you use your natural scepticism you apply to religion to what has become a political (and for some Trumpers religious) cult.
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am in the UK but I have been following this very closely. The saddest thing I came across was from a fellow AG member in Illinois. If I was to use a brief description I might say a nice old lady with cats. She has bought a gun for the 1st time in her life. She is that genuinely afraid of what ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 5, 2020:
@Trajan61 Okay do you believe Trumps whining about election fraud? Bear in mind this is the man who said; We are gonna build a wall and Mexico is going to pay for it. I will release my tax returns if I am elected. Crooked Hillary will be locked up (31 hours of testimony and no charges) COVID will disappear by April. It will be like a miracle. There will be a vaccine ready before election day. The military will deliver it So I re-ask the question. How much of his bs do YOU believe?
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am in the UK but I have been following this very closely. The saddest thing I came across was from a fellow AG member in Illinois. If I was to use a brief description I might say a nice old lady with cats. She has bought a gun for the 1st time in her life. She is that genuinely afraid of what ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 5, 2020:
@Trajan61 You wanna talk nut jobs? Check out the religious cult Barrat belongs to. And she was pushed in there despite what all the Repubs said was wrong in 2016. The thing is now the gloves are off and "can do it" has replaced "should do it" so you all lose.
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am in the UK but I have been following this very closely. The saddest thing I came across was from a fellow AG member in Illinois. If I was to use a brief description I might say a nice old lady with cats. She has bought a gun for the 1st time in her life. She is that genuinely afraid of what ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 5, 2020:
@Trajan61 "Crooked, power-hungry" really after the way the Rep shoved through their religious nutcase SCOTUS? mmmm, Still so many of my questions left unanswered, How much of Trumps bs do you believe? Armed militia outside polling stations - no problem with that? Hey its the nature of democracy. I happen to live in a very left city. You might not think it but I`m considered quite conservative by my friends. Yet we have BoJo and the Torys bumbling the COVID response (he is worse than Trump 47,250 dead with approx 1/5 of the US population). So on top of the understandable resistance to masks etc. We have an absolute distrust of the govt and its figures too.
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am in the UK but I have been following this very closely. The saddest thing I came across was from a fellow AG member in Illinois. If I was to use a brief description I might say a nice old lady with cats. She has bought a gun for the 1st time in her life. She is that genuinely afraid of what ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 5, 2020:
@Trajan61 I have worked in construction for over 40 years. In that time I have seen regulations get tougher, then relaxed, then get tougher and so on depending upon how quickly/cheaply the govt at the time wants things built. On one hand, tough regs cost money and slow things down so you loosen them and things go great... until you get a fire like Grenville and people die. You can remove EPA regs and the economy picks up until you get water like Flint Mi. Atm the UK and USA are in trade talks. The USA wants to export food to us but cannot until we leave the EU. This is not because of trade tariffs. This is because your foods regs are a joke and don't measure to the EU requirements. You are allowed to have up to 9 rat hairs per kilo in pasta, chlorinated chicken and up to 5% puss in milk to name a few. Bon appetite. Okay if you want to talk disrespect, you might wonder why I am so anti-Trump? After all, I live so far away and it should not bother me that much? So I will tell you. 3 years back Trump re-Tweeted a far-right racist organisations fake-news video that purported to show Muslim violence in the UK. The video itself was shown to be bogus, it came from Holland and the guy was not even Muslim. Did Trump retract his tweet? did he say sorry? Did he shite as like? He had his blond idiot Conway spew out lies and carried on to his next lie. So I tell you sunshine if you insult MY country you have me as a permanent enemy. As for BLM you might want to look at why they are so pissed off instead of acting so butthurt. If you had to give YOUR kids a talk on how to stay alive if a cop stops you, then you might not call it crap.
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am in the UK but I have been following this very closely. The saddest thing I came across was from a fellow AG member in Illinois. If I was to use a brief description I might say a nice old lady with cats. She has bought a gun for the 1st time in her life. She is that genuinely afraid of what ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 5, 2020:
@Trajan61 Another question; I have just watched on the news that armed Trump supporters are outside of counting places in Detriot and Arizona. Trump could very easily ask them to go home but he has not. Armed militia threatening your democratic process and he does zilch or worse zilch to stop it. Does that not give you any pause for thought?
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am in the UK but I have been following this very closely. The saddest thing I came across was from a fellow AG member in Illinois. If I was to use a brief description I might say a nice old lady with cats. She has bought a gun for the 1st time in her life. She is that genuinely afraid of what ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 5, 2020:
@Trajan61 I have to ask, just how much of his bs to you believe? To my mind, Trumpers are like that Peanuts cartoon where she always takes the ball away before he kicks it. You would think that eventually, he would get wise but he never does.
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am in the UK but I have been following this very closely. The saddest thing I came across was from a fellow AG member in Illinois. If I was to use a brief description I might say a nice old lady with cats. She has bought a gun for the 1st time in her life. She is that genuinely afraid of what ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 5, 2020:
@Trajan61 Trump has been the most corrupt POTUS since Harding. The stuff we know about now will seem like nothing compared to what will come out later. I suggest that you look at his Trump University scam. For which he has just been ordered to pay back $25,000,000. No really, just take an unbiased look at it. The people he conned were just like yourself. They were Trumpers who believed all he said and they got scammed. One guy spent $25,000 for his course. Trump said he would have himself and the best people teaching him how to become a real estate millionaire. What he got was an infomercial in an office with Trump cutouts and then he got told to study his local real estate market...period.
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am in the UK but I have been following this very closely. The saddest thing I came across was from a fellow AG member in Illinois. If I was to use a brief description I might say a nice old lady with cats. She has bought a gun for the 1st time in her life. She is that genuinely afraid of what ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 5, 2020:
@Trajan61 Man if you think Biden is radical left then Gengis Khan was a liberal.
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am in the UK but I have been following this very closely. The saddest thing I came across was from a fellow AG member in Illinois. If I was to use a brief description I might say a nice old lady with cats. She has bought a gun for the 1st time in her life. She is that genuinely afraid of what ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 5, 2020:
@Trajan61 If we look at Trump retrospectively (we might as well as it does look like he is going). We can argue the toss on his economic successes, (a rising market and a 2 trillion dollar deficit) but it's his negation of America's role in world politics and how your nation is viewed that I would like to examine. Yes, he can claim some success in N.Korea but he has not stopped them developing nukes, nor has he done so in Iran. The west is in an ideological battle with its long time enemies China and Russia. We hold that our democratic systems and freedoms give our citizens the best opportunities for the pursuit of happiness. We form alliances with each other to defend those freedoms. He has to a large extent turned his back on those alliances. Okay, him wanting other NATO allies to pay their way was fair (The UK already did so) but he went a lot further than that. All he really seemed to care about was his re-election. If half the things George Conway has revealed about his geographic ineptitude are true, then it is no wonder that other NATO leaders were laughing behind his back. So much for his foreign policy as such. He is not the 1st POTUS that sucked and unfortunately, I doubt he will be the last. But America is more on the world stage than just one administration's policies. It is quite literally "the leader of the free world" (or should be). It is Trump's insular perspective domestically that has had the most far-reaching consequences. The Chinese can say with some truth that "No, we have a much better system. Look at how we have tackled COVID, look at the riots in the US and look how embarrassing their election process is". In fact, Trumps Chinese nickname is (roughly translated) "Making China great". The divisions that he has fostered has done no good to your country. You can complain about libs and Dems all you want but they ARE a part of your country. Just as the cons and Reps are. Neither of them is going anywhere and to have them at each other's throats just shows you up as suckers and losers.
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am in the UK but I have been following this very closely. The saddest thing I came across was from a fellow AG member in Illinois. If I was to use a brief description I might say a nice old lady with cats. She has bought a gun for the 1st time in her life. She is that genuinely afraid of what ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 5, 2020:
@Trajan61 If... if my aunt had balls she would be my uncle. If Hiter hadn't invaded Poland, Churchill would be a footnote. The thing is it did happen and just like G.W. with Katrina, Trump was found extremely wanting. The obvious fact that so many citizens preferred to vote by mail rather than in person in a pandemic should have been something embraced by a good leader. Instead, we have had Trump calling into question your democracy for months before the election. Do you want to talk "if"? If Trump had taken COVID seriously? If he spent his energy on making sure the postal ballots were easy to use and all kosha. Instead, we have him whinging about cheating, his supporters trying to stop the count. When all I can see on the news is decent officials trying to do their job as well as they can. This does not reflect well on your nation. As for Kamala (with a K), you could do worse and have done.
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am in the UK but I have been following this very closely. The saddest thing I came across was from a fellow AG member in Illinois. If I was to use a brief description I might say a nice old lady with cats. She has bought a gun for the 1st time in her life. She is that genuinely afraid of what ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 4, 2020:
@Trajan61 Well he has won the popular vote and although very close it looks like an electoral college win too. If one football team gets 39 points and the other 38, that's still a win.
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am in the UK but I have been following this very closely. The saddest thing I came across was from a fellow AG member in Illinois. If I was to use a brief description I might say a nice old lady with cats. She has bought a gun for the 1st time in her life. She is that genuinely afraid of what ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 4, 2020:
@Trajan61 Of course oil and gas will be around but it is a weaning process. You have to move from one to another. The pace and scale of that are a matter of politics/economics. It depends on what you call a battery? Near me, in Wales, there is a small mountain with a reservoir at the top. Water is pumped up when electricity is cheap like at night and released when demand is high.
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am in the UK but I have been following this very closely. The saddest thing I came across was from a fellow AG member in Illinois. If I was to use a brief description I might say a nice old lady with cats. She has bought a gun for the 1st time in her life. She is that genuinely afraid of what ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 4, 2020:
@Trajan61 Watching the news and it looks closer than thought but a squeak in for Biden. What worries me is possible unrest from Trump's brownshirts if he lets them loose. Personally, I lean left but can see merits/demerits on both sides. The problems that you face how do you heal the rifts that he has widened. If Trump loses, where do the Republicans go without the personality cult?
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am in the UK but I have been following this very closely. The saddest thing I came across was from a fellow AG member in Illinois. If I was to use a brief description I might say a nice old lady with cats. She has bought a gun for the 1st time in her life. She is that genuinely afraid of what ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 4, 2020:
@Trajan61 Most of the unrest is in urban areas which tend to go Dem. I like the way you can project what someone you don't know is frightened of. Actually, it's the unrest and breakdown of society that tRump has instigated. As for his foreign policy, I just watched Thatcher's former foreign secretary (hardly a libtard) say that he has given up the leadership of the free world just at a time when it was really needed.
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am in the UK but I have been following this very closely. The saddest thing I came across was from a fellow AG member in Illinois. If I was to use a brief description I might say a nice old lady with cats. She has bought a gun for the 1st time in her life. She is that genuinely afraid of what ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 3, 2020:
@Trajan61 Well I knew that oil and gas were subsidised, that puts me one up on you. All 1st nations are in the process of phasing out fossil fuels. There is this thing called "global warming". Now you might try and deny the science like those pastors that pray away COVID but it`s here to stay and just like COVID, it's only getting worse. Perhaps if you had a leader that listens instead of putting his foot in his Twitter account. Or had people around him that don't believe in the exorcisms held in the oval office, you might get in line with the rest of civilization? Most of your previous comment was ranting insults. oh, how familiar. "Had it not been for Covid he would have been a shoo in for re-election!" But it did happen and the politics of division has been found to be severely lacking. When you needed an FDR, JFK or Reagan what you got was a peacock who cared more about his Twitter and TV ratings than American lives.
I was watching the debate and I started to think if I were a money-hungry congressperson who do I ...
273kelvin comments on Oct 23, 2020:
I think the bombshell of ending oil subsidies answers that.
273kelvin replies on Nov 3, 2020:
@Trajan61 "Oil is not subsidized" Oh it must be the Mexicans who are paying for that.
I was watching the debate and I started to think if I were a money-hungry congressperson who do I ...
273kelvin comments on Oct 23, 2020:
I think the bombshell of ending oil subsidies answers that.
273kelvin replies on Nov 3, 2020:
@Trajan61 Well here we have the bridge buyers gambit. Say something that is not true but don`t even fact-check it 1st. What is really insulting is that you assume the rest of us cant google too. A simple search "US federal oil subsidies" brought lots of information. Now, this comes with a warning. Some of it has big words and real facts. Try Wiki 1st
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am in the UK but I have been following this very closely. The saddest thing I came across was from a fellow AG member in Illinois. If I was to use a brief description I might say a nice old lady with cats. She has bought a gun for the 1st time in her life. She is that genuinely afraid of what ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 3, 2020:
@Trajan61 "So ... the election is today Has anybody seen this COVID vaccine we were promised? Today's the day. Right? Trump said we'd have a vaccine BEFORE THE ELECTION. He said it more than once. Many times. He berated Dr Fauci for saying it would be next year at the earliest. Donald Trump promised you a vaccine by TODAY. Has anybody seen it? Anybody had the vaccine? Anybody? Hello? The military will be stopping by shortly with the vaccine, right? I mean, Trump gave America his word, right? He said he was mobilizing the military to deliver the vaccine. To you. Today. So, where is it? Where? Nowhere, that's where. It doesn't exist. Fauci was right, Trump was wrong. Again. Trump's promises are garbage. His word means nothing. He's a liar and a con artist and goddamn scumbag. If you vote for him, so are you."
The Queens Gambit - Netflix mini-series Chess is the most difficult subject to portray in any ...
callmedubious comments on Oct 30, 2020:
anyone who ever played chess would enjoy the netflix Documentary on Bobby Fischer; who many consider to have been the greatest chess player ever but had a hard short life.
273kelvin replies on Nov 3, 2020:
@callmedubious It wasn't just US geopolitics. I have a friend who served out there with NATO. The atrocities he encountered were not BS.
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
273kelvin comments on Nov 2, 2020:
I am in the UK but I have been following this very closely. The saddest thing I came across was from a fellow AG member in Illinois. If I was to use a brief description I might say a nice old lady with cats. She has bought a gun for the 1st time in her life. She is that genuinely afraid of what ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 3, 2020:
@Trajan61 So its all the Dems fault is it? Tell me who has been in the White House for the past 4 years? Tell me who has had control of the senate? Tell me where does the buck stop? The divisions in your country have been whipped up and used by Trump, just like he uses the Christians. "If the radical democrats win it all we may have civil war." Doesn't that just sum up what he has done to your country? What you have just said is "If the people of my country do not vote the way we want. We will use force". Whatever happened to government by the people? It's like saying "have sex with me or I will rape you." Oh and then we get the same old same old "The Democrats will take away your guns". Yeah "And I won`t come in your mouth". Eight years of Clinton, still got yer guns. Eight years of Obama, still got yer guns. Yet every election they tell you the same old lie and you end up with a mouth full of jizz. NB. Biden said he will stop new fracking on federal land period. Not ban fracking completely.
Hello senators! Hypothetically speaking, are cartoons of Prophet Muhammad acceptable to be shared ...
Krish55 comments on Nov 2, 2020:
1. Will you be posting similar cartoons of Jesus and Moses also? Just as similarly degrading as the Hebdo cartoons? For example, the Virgin Mary getting knocked up due to infidelity? 2. Will you be posting cartoons against the existence of Apartheid Israel, the criticism of which has been ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 2, 2020:
Like I said in my comment. There was a guy who posted Jesus and Mohamed cartoons on here and they were very funny. As for Corbyn and his suspension from the Labour party. Things are a little more complex than at first sight. Yes, there were antisemites in the party. Two of my local MPs were victims of very nasty hate mail and threats. This happened on Corbyn's watch and he failed to deal with it adequately, which is what a party inquiry and report said. Corbyn disagreed with the report's scale of the problem and said so. The party has suspended him until this can be looked into. Okay, that is the official side. On the other side, the labour party is split along factional lines. Corbyn represents the far left, Starmer the moderate centre aka Blairites. A bit like Bernie and Biden. Whilst Corbyn had huge support from the rank and file of the party, he had little from the parliamentary party and if you look at his election record, not much from the country as a whole either. So the Blairites decided that rather than having an unelectable protest leader who might squeak through an election result that could give him a voice in opposition. They secretly worked behind the scenes to ensure that he lost badly and get their man in charge. Antisemitism in the party was one stick they could use against him and they amplified it as much as they could. I hope that clears things up :-)
Hello senators! Hypothetically speaking, are cartoons of Prophet Muhammad acceptable to be shared ...
girlwithsmiles comments on Nov 2, 2020:
Your call, we all know they, (Muslims) take that kind of thing pretty seriously. Do we have any ex Muslims on here?
273kelvin replies on Nov 2, 2020:
Yes, at least we used to.
The Queens Gambit - Netflix mini-series Chess is the most difficult subject to portray in any ...
callmedubious comments on Oct 30, 2020:
anyone who ever played chess would enjoy the netflix Documentary on Bobby Fischer; who many consider to have been the greatest chess player ever but had a hard short life.
273kelvin replies on Nov 2, 2020:
@callmedubious The other side of the story is that the money for the match was put up by a Serbian gun runner and war criminal. If you recall at the time, there were widespread international sanctions in place which he busted.
The Queens Gambit - Netflix mini-series Chess is the most difficult subject to portray in any ...
callmedubious comments on Oct 30, 2020:
anyone who ever played chess would enjoy the netflix Documentary on Bobby Fischer; who many consider to have been the greatest chess player ever but had a hard short life.
273kelvin replies on Oct 30, 2020:
There was a film on Netflix I watched that kinda said he was pushed into insanity by the pressure of the Spassky match. I tend to go with Kasparoffs analysis, in that he was already insane but chess was a world that he could control and function in. As for a short life, he was 64 when he died. Okay, not a great innings but no Jim Morrison either. He did get another moment in the sun when he replayed Spassky in the 90s. Gossip has it this was prompted by a love affair with an 18-year-old Philipino lady. "Did you used to be somebody?". His chess achievements cannot be underestimated. I looked around my club and it was surprising how many of us were exactly the same age. Putting us at 14 in 1971 when he hit the world stage. The wonder and the tragedy of Fischer was that he did it mostly on his own. If he had used more help in chess, he might have been more ready to accept it when dealing with his mental health.
FL Pastor and Son Accused of Sexual Cyberharassment by High School Cheerleader | Hemant Mehta | ...
redhog comments on Oct 26, 2020:
This right here is why we still need a death penalty
273kelvin replies on Oct 27, 2020:
@redhog So how IS the death penalty working out for you yanks? Keeping the murder rate down, is it?
FL Pastor and Son Accused of Sexual Cyberharassment by High School Cheerleader | Hemant Mehta | ...
redhog comments on Oct 26, 2020:
This right here is why we still need a death penalty
273kelvin replies on Oct 27, 2020:
The death penalty, really! I mean this is very bad and the boy/ possibly the dad should be punished but to death? From what I understand there are laws and procedures to stop this kind of thing but they ain't gonna be used against a white pastors son.


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