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The antagonism to science, as it's ever increasing in our country, is taking us on a path to ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Aug 20, 2020:
"How do you get people to embrace that which they don't understand without calling it religion and making the cornerstone faith, which is antithetical to science itself?" I don't think you can. While I wouldn't call it a religion, I challenge anyone who promotes science to explain even the basics...
273kelvin replies on Aug 21, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay You did not need it for Greek but it was indispensable to learn Egyptian hieroglyphs
The antagonism to science, as it's ever increasing in our country, is taking us on a path to ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Aug 20, 2020:
"How do you get people to embrace that which they don't understand without calling it religion and making the cornerstone faith, which is antithetical to science itself?" I don't think you can. While I wouldn't call it a religion, I challenge anyone who promotes science to explain even the basics...
273kelvin replies on Aug 21, 2020:
@Amzungu Sorry but I stand with Dawkins on this one. Evolution is the rosetta stone of biology. Once it is grasped then everything else falls into place. Why are there such different plants like poison ivy and strawberries? Why do I have an appendix? Why do I have a lighter skin colour than my neighbour? Why are cattle destroying the Montana grassland? Without evolution, you are stuck with "Because God made them all that way". Hardly an understanding at all.
Really getting tired of the sites spell check telling me words are misspelled when they are not.
273kelvin comments on Aug 20, 2020:
I`ve been waiting for 3 years for the apostrophe situation to be sorted. Words, like aren`t, isn`t and it`s have to be put in by spellcheck otherwise you sometimes get a new paragraph
273kelvin replies on Aug 21, 2020:
@FrayedBear All of those are fine if I use them for the apostrophes but if I put it in manually then the above happens. This is the only place where this occurs. It never happens on FB, email, or even in the messages of this site
The antagonism to science, as it's ever increasing in our country, is taking us on a path to ...
273kelvin comments on Aug 20, 2020:
I do not think it is an opposition to science per se, rather than an opposition to science that clashes with what they want to do/think. For example, a Christian may argue with you online about evolution. They will have no trouble with Ohms theorem, Faraday's laws, or even Einstien`s as means of ...
273kelvin replies on Aug 21, 2020:
@FearlessFly Ah yes the Copernican revolution, so typical of the gulf between faith and reason. Firstly because heliocentrism is not self-evident. Just like the dog chasing a squirrel around a tree, one can say that the squirrel orbits the dog just as easily as vice versa. It also gave us our scientific martyr. The major point is that both systems worked it's just that Ptolemy's geocentric model was a pig's ear of a system, whereas the Copernican viewpoint best described the heavens. It is that word "best" that so many theists have a problem with. All scientific law and theory are based upon a qualitative judgement, which theists wrongly take to mean subjective or partially subjective. "If evolution is only a theory then why cannot creationism be accepted as such?" Unlike scripture which is supposed to be immutable (although one would hardly think so considering all the theological arguments over the centuries), science is more akin to a chess opening which states that this is the best move until someone comes up with a better one. Theists only see the fact that it can be changed or amended, they fail to see the immense amount of work that brought us to this point. And that it was done from a pure secularist standpoint not to piss them off but because their starting point is irrelevant. If the bible said that the earth rested on a giant turtle as one other religion does. Then there would be some professor in somewhere like Bosman Montana, claiming to have "proof" that it was true. Like a bad detective, they have their culprit now all they have to do is prove that he did it.
Was told by my ex... i had lesbian fingers... Should I take that as a compliment?
Rignor comments on Aug 19, 2020:
Many years ago, I was involved with a woman who said she was bisexual. She related how she had always gravitated to those who played certain instruments. She said guitar and piano players were her favorite. Intrigued, I pressed her for details, and the obvious dexterity was the answer. However, she ...
273kelvin replies on Aug 20, 2020:
@AnneWimsey Well hellllooooo
The antagonism to science, as it's ever increasing in our country, is taking us on a path to ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Aug 20, 2020:
"How do you get people to embrace that which they don't understand without calling it religion and making the cornerstone faith, which is antithetical to science itself?" I don't think you can. While I wouldn't call it a religion, I challenge anyone who promotes science to explain even the basics...
273kelvin replies on Aug 20, 2020:
I think that the evolution aguement is becoming more relevant in the wake of COVID-19. Many top scientists have looked at the DNA structure of this virus and conclude that it is NOT man-made. However, this conclusion is based upon the evidence that it evolved. They have found no genetic duck-tape so to speak ie no inserted DNA. Without a basic understanding of evolution, one cannot hope to grasp the complexities of biology.
Was told by my ex... i had lesbian fingers... Should I take that as a compliment?
Rignor comments on Aug 19, 2020:
Many years ago, I was involved with a woman who said she was bisexual. She related how she had always gravitated to those who played certain instruments. She said guitar and piano players were her favorite. Intrigued, I pressed her for details, and the obvious dexterity was the answer. However, she ...
273kelvin replies on Aug 19, 2020:
Smart girls go for harmonica players too.
Awhile back , one of my cats brought me a present of a live rat , at 2:30 AM.
Petter comments on Aug 16, 2020:
You should have eaten it right away, as the cat intended you to do. 😂😂
273kelvin replies on Aug 19, 2020:
@Cast1es There are some rat recipes by the famous French chef Auguste Escoffier. He produced them during the siege of Paris 1870-1871.
Goodnight - how's everyone doing this week?
273kelvin comments on Aug 13, 2020:
Try a Netflix film 'the party'
273kelvin replies on Aug 14, 2020:
@RavenCT B/W great twist I have think you would remember it.
Watched the 'The Firm" again with girlfriend.
273kelvin comments on Aug 4, 2020:
I would have put "the colour of money" in but that's because "the Hustler" the was so good
273kelvin replies on Aug 12, 2020:
@Storm1752 Last samurai, even Timothy Spall couldn't lift it
Trump to order China’s ByteDance to its U.S. operations of TikTok. [youtube.]
K9Kohle789 comments on Jul 31, 2020:
cuz he hears that sound in his sleep....tiktok...countdown to V-day VOTE BLUE!
273kelvin replies on Aug 2, 2020:
@K9Kohle789 I think that the battleground will be postal voting. If he can ban that in enough states them maybe. The democrats really need to push their voters to send off their votes ASAP because the GOP is closing polling stations faster than Trump closed his casino.
Trump to order China’s ByteDance to its U.S. operations of TikTok. [youtube.]
K9Kohle789 comments on Jul 31, 2020:
cuz he hears that sound in his sleep....tiktok...countdown to V-day VOTE BLUE!
273kelvin replies on Aug 1, 2020:
@St-Sinner This ain't no poll or political manoeuvre. This is hard cash betting. At nearly 2/1 in a 2 horse race when the incumbent has an historical advantage of 3/1. You can say that this is one sick pony.
Trump to order China’s ByteDance to its U.S. operations of TikTok. [youtube.]
K9Kohle789 comments on Jul 31, 2020:
cuz he hears that sound in his sleep....tiktok...countdown to V-day VOTE BLUE!
273kelvin replies on Jul 31, 2020:
@St-Sinner You can get 9/5 for him to win 2020 online betting. (I can do this because I don't live in the land of the free)
US coronavirus: Nation could see deaths in the 'multiple hundreds of thousands,' group says - CNN
SeaGreenEyez comments on Jul 29, 2020:
What's shocking is how hard hit and disproportionate the minority communities have suffered, I said it early on, when Trump blatantly lied and played down the severity: Hitler had gas chambers, Trump has COVID. (The attached website link is jarring. To think African Americans are 13% of the ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 31, 2020:
@RussRAB it's not just health care. We have universal health care here but a higher death rate per capita. Many ethnic families live in large family groups and need to go out to earn.
Hi folks, still working away in Manchester.
TheDoubter comments on Jul 30, 2020:
great view
273kelvin replies on Jul 30, 2020:
Yeah if I peer between the skyscrapers, I can see Wales. Which is what I can see from home but I'm getting the Pennines as well +Manchester city
Hi folks, still working away in Manchester.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Jul 30, 2020:
## Can you go out on the balcony with a charcoal grill and a cold drink yet?
273kelvin replies on Jul 30, 2020:
Beer yes bbq no. One of the lads slept on the balcony Tuesday night
Hi folks, still working away in Manchester.
Cutiebeauty comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Quite an adventure ☺😜
273kelvin replies on Jul 30, 2020:
Sorry CB my reply is in comments. New phone
Just a question. Can you get a 'double point', first reply bonus by replying to your OWN post?
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 24, 2020:
Yes but it shows you up as a complete tit
273kelvin replies on Jul 26, 2020:
@FrayedBear Yes Manchester is now sorted and I will be back there on Monday night
Hi folks, not too active online atm.
sassygirl3869 comments on Jul 25, 2020:
Hey Kelvin-sorry it didn't work out. See you at Zoom Trivia?
273kelvin replies on Jul 26, 2020:
I will be in trivia tonight but it has worked out, just a whole load of teething problems. The lift is now working, the boss gave us a pep talk and assured us that the construction guys are not hostile. I will be going back on Monday night.
Hi folks, not too active online atm.
Jolanta comments on Jul 23, 2020:
I hope you are standing up for your Eastern European work mate.
273kelvin replies on Jul 24, 2020:
@Jolanta things a little better now. The lifts working and the boss gave everyone a pep talk
Just a question. Can you get a 'double point', first reply bonus by replying to your OWN post?
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 24, 2020:
Yes but it shows you up as a complete tit
273kelvin replies on Jul 24, 2020:
Fb post, which I can't show coz it's late and... Actual London underground sign If you're using a mask made from a bra. Please be sure to use the left cup as you would not like to look like a right tit.
Hi folks, not too active online atm.
Jolanta comments on Jul 23, 2020:
I hope you are standing up for your Eastern European work mate.
273kelvin replies on Jul 23, 2020:
Well there's quite a few fellow scousers on site. I think I might have an informal chat tomorrow morning around the communal kettle. Maybe if they hear a familiar accent from our team, things might run smoother. Can't hurt
Will the news headlines in the future read something like this?
273kelvin comments on Jul 20, 2020:
I think that we might have heard about all those surgeons and operating staff that have been dropping like flies since Edward Jenner introduced them in Victorian times. Not to mention scuba divers, paint sprayers, MDMF workers and such like. Define "prolonged", we have them as mandatory on public ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 20, 2020:
@azzow2 Most of the masks I saw today (yes I was out travelling) were either the simple N95 medical masks or fancy simple black cloth ones. If you really do object to these? Feel free to make your own from organically sourced Irish linen.
MAGA Cultist Pastor: If Churches Don’t Open Their Doors ASAP, the Communists Win | Hemant Mehta |...
273kelvin comments on Jul 17, 2020:
Picture the scene if you will; London 1940, air raid warnings and people hurrying to shelters. Wondering if their homes will be there in the morning? All except for one southern baptist minister who exclaims "You can't tell me to put my lights off or draw the curtains. I am an American citizen and ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 18, 2020:
@LimitedLight I get that and our idiot is not much better. We actually have a worse per capita record than you so far. I think we should ignore them both and follow the experts. More importantly, we should get everyone else to do so too. There is nothing to be done about Trump till November and even then he's POTUS till January.
MAGA Cultist Pastor: If Churches Don’t Open Their Doors ASAP, the Communists Win | Hemant Mehta |...
273kelvin comments on Jul 17, 2020:
Picture the scene if you will; London 1940, air raid warnings and people hurrying to shelters. Wondering if their homes will be there in the morning? All except for one southern baptist minister who exclaims "You can't tell me to put my lights off or draw the curtains. I am an American citizen and ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 18, 2020:
@LimitedLight No, people were not so bloody dumb back then. There was plainly a common enemy and folks got behind the message. Take Churchill as a prime example. Most will know him as a great orator and leader. Fewer will know him as the enemy of the left. An aristocratic strike buster who still thought in terms of the British empire. Yet his cabinet consisted of socialists and union leaders as well as a press baron and industrialists. The point of my humourous rant was to show the absurdity of our current situation. The biggest enemy in the US and for that matter, the world right now is not socialism, popularism, China, global warming or even Donald Trump. The biggest enemy is COVID-19 and until everyone recognises that, things will not improve much.
Religion in schools
DenoPenno comments on Jul 16, 2020:
The only answer to this is to teach all religions. Either you teach all, or teach none. Educators know this. Others who fight for America being a "nation of god" do not. Also, the Constitution has nothing to do with it. Arguments of what part of the world you are in mean nothing. People of various ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 18, 2020:
@DenoPenno Its like sports teams, every fan is convinced that their team is the best in the world. It just a coincidence that mine Liverpool FC actually is. (You can google it)
Picture the scene if you will; London 1940, air raid warnings and people hurrying to shelters.
Philip21 comments on Jul 17, 2020:
The issue is that these people do not acknowledge that they have no right to be wrong ... when it involves the safety of the multitudes ....
273kelvin replies on Jul 17, 2020:
You guys have a severe problem with leadership. Even the most ardent Trumpist cannot say that he has been Churchillian throughout this. And whilst division may get the popularist vote, it is no good in a storm. Who would have thought that we would look back at G. W. with misty eyes? Our guy is not much better but at least his words are unifying if not his deeds.
Florida Superintendent Says Kids Choose to Be Gay. How Does He Know?
SCal comments on Jul 16, 2020:
I think most do choose. All behavior is learned from environment.
273kelvin replies on Jul 17, 2020:
@SCal I was taught how to speak, walk, read and write. Nobody taught me how to masturbate and certainly not what to masturbate about. Yet you say its all learned behaviour. Who showed you how to wank? Did you think about the girl next door or your friend's mom? Where did you "learn" those preferences? Sexuality is so varied and often perverse. I have come across so many different kinks that I cannot see any learnt patterns. Eg. One lady was into wristwatches. I mean around the man's member. How and where could one "learn" that?
Religion in schools
DenoPenno comments on Jul 16, 2020:
The only answer to this is to teach all religions. Either you teach all, or teach none. Educators know this. Others who fight for America being a "nation of god" do not. Also, the Constitution has nothing to do with it. Arguments of what part of the world you are in mean nothing. People of various ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 17, 2020:
That would be a really long class. I mean how many do you teach? Even an overview of the basics Christian, Islam, Buddist, Taoism etc, would take a while. That`s without even touching on sects and splinter groups baptist, anabaptist, 7-day Adventist shoot it would take me all day to type them. Then you have bios. My daughter attended a Catholic college where they had to teach all religions (our laws are different than yours). She said it was like "Here they all are but ours is the only real one"
Florida Superintendent Says Kids Choose to Be Gay. How Does He Know?
SCal comments on Jul 16, 2020:
I think most do choose. All behavior is learned from environment.
273kelvin replies on Jul 17, 2020:
Just some of the gay guys I know. Tom was always different. I went to the same schools as him from 5-16 years of age. He was the clumsy kid that got kicked out of gardening class at 8 when he put a fork through his foot. He was always picked on and bullied. You have to remember this was the 60s-70s and although being gay was legal, it was only just. Any gays in the media were camp caricatures, Bowie only hit the scene in 70-71 and we didn`t even know he was bi. It was much later when I Tom briefly. His voice had changed and it was obvious he was gay. He did not learn that, where was the role-models? This was a working-class white suburb, you could get the shit kicked out of you for supporting the wrong football team. Brian was half Somali, half white protestant He grew up in Belfast at the height of the troubles. You could get knee-capped if you spoke out of turn. Can you imagine how much stick a camp guy would receive on an orange lodge estate? Again where were his role models? Adian is a nice kid from a good Jewish family. From what I know everyone around him is straight. His bar-mitzvah party theme was "My favourite musicals". You tell me how a 13-year-old boy has made some kind of learnt behaviour choice at that age? I could go on but I think you might need to meet some gay people yourself. (Don't worry it's not contagious)
Florida Superintendent Says Kids Choose to Be Gay. How Does He Know?
SCal comments on Jul 16, 2020:
I think most do choose. All behavior is learned from environment.
273kelvin replies on Jul 17, 2020:
Homosexuality is a lifestyle choice experiment; Go go to a working-class bar, the type of place where guys sweat blood all week to make rent. Then ask a bunch of big guys if any of them will have oral sex with you for a week's wages? See if your wife gets the same response? - Check data and pay the hospital bill. Beer or wine, SUV or hybrid, vegetarian or meat is a lifestyle choice. Homosexuality is not.
273kelvin comments on Jul 14, 2020:
Question, what do you get for the man who has everything? Answer, a woman who has nothing. Maybe there is some kind of sub-conscience survival thing in us that will latch on to the person we need, rather than think we want? We may want someone freewheeling when an organised partner is better ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 15, 2020:
@JackPedigo Tempted to say that embers need blowing but won't... Yes I will lol
273kelvin comments on Jul 14, 2020:
Question, what do you get for the man who has everything? Answer, a woman who has nothing. Maybe there is some kind of sub-conscience survival thing in us that will latch on to the person we need, rather than think we want? We may want someone freewheeling when an organised partner is better ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 14, 2020:
@JackPedigo If by Compatability you mean similarities then I beg to differ. Sure similar tastes are essential but there has to be a bit of ying for our yang and vice versa. Consider the survival of our species? If only slobs got with slobs and neat freaks with the same, what would happen over generations? The slobs would all die of botulism and the neats either starve to death because they wouldn`t dirty the kitchen or end up with the immunity of an unopened petri dish.
Here is an old video where Freedom From Religion leaders Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaynor first ...
273kelvin comments on Jul 13, 2020:
I found the atheists responses too weak and was itching to reply myself. The old chestnut of "where is your moral compass without religion?" was not answered well imho. Firstly, to use social control as a basis for belief is both logical and theological fallacies - "You might as well use the same ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 14, 2020:
@itsmedammit I don't know, maybe this virus is showing up the weakness of popularist politics. It is starting to happen in Europe. "An idiot who does my bidding is still an idiot". I hope and believe that the good hardworking people of America may turn on the evangelists when they realise how much longer it takes to get back to a true normal.
Here is an old video where Freedom From Religion leaders Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaynor first ...
273kelvin comments on Jul 13, 2020:
I found the atheists responses too weak and was itching to reply myself. The old chestnut of "where is your moral compass without religion?" was not answered well imho. Firstly, to use social control as a basis for belief is both logical and theological fallacies - "You might as well use the same ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 14, 2020:
@itsmedammit, On the whole, I prefer "The life of Brian" debate. Where Micheal Palin (the nicest man in the world) losses his rag. Then Malcolm Muggeridge and the bishop of Southwark had to admit that they came in 20 minutes late to the movie, missing the plot entirely. 1979 spelt the death knell for Christians trying to impose their rules on the UK.
Church singing ban strikes sour note with California pastor
273kelvin comments on Jul 12, 2020:
On a more secular level, the singing ban might not be as necessary as it seems. A musician friend posted an interesting video/experiment which you might want to try at home. Take a lighted candle and hold it in front of your mouth (Have a lighter handy). First whisper, then talk and then sing. You ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 13, 2020:
@LimitedLight Yeah, the post I saw was from a professional singer. So I suppose the risk is much smaller than from a bunch of Sunday divas
Here is an old video where Freedom From Religion leaders Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaynor first ...
Sgt_Spanky comments on Jul 11, 2020:
Their behavior was very professional but it was frustrating watching them let so many falsifiable comments from the audience and Oprah herself just go by without challenging them. Because of that, I think their appearance on the show left something to be desired. Also, the blonde woman seemed a ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 13, 2020:
I don't think that she was "anti-male" as much as anti-subjugation. The bible relegates half the world into virtual chattels. If I tell you to stfu? You would rightly be pissed. If I tell you to stfu because I have a book from god that says you should? Then you would rightly be pissed at me and my book.
Church singing ban strikes sour note with California pastor
273kelvin comments on Jul 12, 2020:
On a more secular level, the singing ban might not be as necessary as it seems. A musician friend posted an interesting video/experiment which you might want to try at home. Take a lighted candle and hold it in front of your mouth (Have a lighter handy). First whisper, then talk and then sing. You ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 13, 2020:
@Paul4747 True but as the video above shows, it would be the meeting up, talking, hugs and close contact that would be the most dangerous, not the singing.
Church singing ban strikes sour note with California pastor
273kelvin comments on Jul 12, 2020:
On a more secular level, the singing ban might not be as necessary as it seems. A musician friend posted an interesting video/experiment which you might want to try at home. Take a lighted candle and hold it in front of your mouth (Have a lighter handy). First whisper, then talk and then sing. You ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 13, 2020:
@LimitedLight Have you tried it? Its kinda like a water hose when you close it up or open it out.
Back in January (god how long ago that seems) I wrote a short glowing review for "Dracula" BBC.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 11, 2020:
I have over the years collected every version of Dracula ever put to film that is available on DVD and VHS, I make a point to read the novel once a year along with Treasure Island it is my favourite book. Two previous version of Dracula produced by the BBC starring Marc Warren and Louis Jourdan ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 12, 2020:
@LenHazell53 I have not seen Palance as Dracula, I will look out for it as a treat. In the meantime a little humour to take the bad taste away or at least change it to good bad taste if you get me?
"What will you do to me?
omkaraum comments on Jul 12, 2020:
Ohh lalaa
273kelvin replies on Jul 12, 2020:
There is a 2nd part published here. Don't worry it's free. The problem is that I have a writers' block on how it will go from here. I`m halfway through part 3 but I think this might be a bigger story than just a short erotic tale. There is backstories, his perspective and most importantly how far will he take her into the outer limits of sexuality?
Back in January (god how long ago that seems) I wrote a short glowing review for "Dracula" BBC.
LenHazell53 comments on Jul 11, 2020:
I have over the years collected every version of Dracula ever put to film that is available on DVD and VHS, I make a point to read the novel once a year along with Treasure Island it is my favourite book. Two previous version of Dracula produced by the BBC starring Marc Warren and Louis Jourdan ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 12, 2020:
Sorry that you found it not to your tastes. Art is often so subjective. It did receive high critical praise Personally I think that the 2nd half lost a bit of momentum but the reimagining of the Van Helsing character was very creative.
My mom is going back to California in a few days my brother is picking her up from my house so she ...
BitFlipper comments on Jul 11, 2020:
An interesting story, @azzow2. Just yesterday I was standing outside behind a favorite restaurant, talking with a woman I've been interested in for many years. She is in charge of the restaurant and I get to interact verbally with her almost every time I go there. It's nice to be remembered. ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 11, 2020:
@BitFlipper When you run out of things to say and actually long before that, ask about her. This was always my motto. This works with men/women, everyone. If you let people talk about themselves and listen... then you get the reputation as a great conversationalist.
Binge watching courtesy the lockdown.
273kelvin comments on Jul 11, 2020:
Do you have Netflix?
273kelvin replies on Jul 11, 2020:
@Mimee I don't have Amazon but Netflix does me. Here is one that's just come on there.
The Germ Theory of Spirituality []
273kelvin comments on Jul 11, 2020:
Back in 1991 I thourgherly enjoyed the Richard Dawkins Chrismas lectures. At one point he talked about "mind viruses". He started with a craze that went around his school for making paper swans and how that was localised. Then he went on about wearing baseball caps sideways and how that became more ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 11, 2020:
@skado Evolution is neither good nor bad, it just is. It can make something as wildly successful as a dinosaur only to have them wiped out, something disastrously bad for the planet as humans or send a whole species down a dead-end like giant pandas. The more successful species adapt to new environments, just as some religions have adapted and some dead ones have not.
The Germ Theory of Spirituality []
273kelvin comments on Jul 11, 2020:
Back in 1991 I thourgherly enjoyed the Richard Dawkins Chrismas lectures. At one point he talked about "mind viruses". He started with a craze that went around his school for making paper swans and how that was localised. Then he went on about wearing baseball caps sideways and how that became more ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 11, 2020:
@skado "Bio/cultural evolution" - unlike the deadly virus that inflicts now that came about due to cultural interaction with unusual food sources and evolved to reap its havoc mmm
The terrorist organization HAMAS has it's hand in many Charities.
Geoffrey51 comments on Jul 10, 2020:
According to United Nations, Hamas is not a terrorist organisation.
273kelvin replies on Jul 11, 2020:
There is an awful lot of stuff on both sides that never make the news. Like Hamas tying bombs to helium balloons and letting them float over. The Israelis have made up a little rhyme for the children to teach them not to go near them.
Studying behavior on an autodidact skill level is something I have been doing most of my life and ...
273kelvin comments on Jul 10, 2020:
I have never classically studied them. My brother oversimplifies and puts them into 2 categories - the fuck-off test and the hug test. The former starts with YOU did this, said that, did`nt...etc. This is about defining the power dynamics of the relationship. The latter starts with I..have been at ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 10, 2020:
I think that men classify music into time signatures. keys, chords, riffs, beats, and melodies and women dance. and if we lucky? We can find someone to make music with and dance with.
Have you ever wondered why Donald tRump buys his shoes and socks from England and not America?
273kelvin comments on Jul 4, 2020:
Stops you from getting Mixamytoesies
273kelvin replies on Jul 10, 2020:
@Triphid Hey don't look at me cobber. My ancestors were only a "being caught" away from being yours. :-)
People Who Are Less Religious Are More Accepting of Homosexuality, Report Finds | Hemant Mehta | ...
Cutiebeauty comments on Jul 10, 2020:
That makes sense.. My atheist handbook says nothing about homosexuality :)
273kelvin replies on Jul 10, 2020:
You have a handbook?
Have you ever wondered why Donald tRump buys his shoes and socks from England and not America?
273kelvin comments on Jul 4, 2020:
Stops you from getting Mixamytoesies
273kelvin replies on Jul 10, 2020:
@Triphid Yes know all about the stupid introduction of alien species OZ but the word was deliberately misspelt. Mix-a-my- toe-sies (getit)
Everybody assumes that heaven and hell are above and bellow.
BestWithoutGods comments on Jul 6, 2020:
Being a retired lawyer, I must say that most of my fellow lawyers are good, ethical people. There may be a few bad ones out there, but not all lawyers can be blamed for their unethical behavior. It would be like blaming all police officers for the murder of George Floyd. It's just not right.
273kelvin replies on Jul 6, 2020:
@yvilletom love it, never heard that before
The following is part 1 of a 3 part series: "Understanding Donald Trump, Part I" I do not know...
phoenixone1 comments on Jul 1, 2020:
All very good points but I would like to add that the minute he is NOT POTUS...NY is going to be slamming his bloviated ASS with Indictments for TAX EVASION...and the minute that happens the proverbial "cat" is out of the bag for all his financial dealings...that will open the floodgates of exposure...
273kelvin replies on Jul 6, 2020:
@powder Well hacked then leaked. Isreal is knotty one for me which I have gotten stick about and lost friends from both sides so normally I duck the discussion but hey here goes. (I have a Jewish daughter and her grandparents were Israeli Zionist, so is her mum and friends but I live in Liverpool where Corbyn is God) It's all very well taking the Palestinian side 100% and opposed underdogs are an always very legit cause. Except that not everything is always 100% Unless you say the Isreal has no right to exist, which is what Hamas, Syria and Iran to name few believe. In which case it is war and alls fair... And if Isreal has no right to exist then what of the USA, Canada. NZ and Australia, is there a statute of limitations on land appropriation? If so who decides? would you give up your deeds to any property you own to an Aboriginal tribe if the UN told you too? So let us take the stance that Isreal has a right to be. But it does not have the right to annex any more land but what if they buy it 1st? Ah well under what circumstances? But what about Palestinian rights? Much of their land was stolen but not their country. (Palestine was never a sovereign state) Many fled to other Arab nations yet none of them offered to give them the lands that the Jews left behind in Morroco, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Egypt etc. All were just confiscated at the onset of Isreal. Be that as it's may Isreal owes that debt and it should be paid but for that, you would need some sort of negotiation and its hard to negotiate between two sides that just want to kill each other. After over 70 years of conflict, it's no wonder that Isreal is hard right and hawkish. Same goes for the PLO and Hamas. That is all land rights and sovereignty but what about civil rights? Isreal boasts the best civil rights in the region. All citizens vote some are divided into being eligible for conscription, non-jews can claim exception but Bedouins, Druze and many more Muslims that you would think volunteer. If you were a woman, LGBTQ, or just an ordinary Joe Soap, you would not have a fraction of the rights you would have as an Israeli citizen than ANY other nation in the area. Then that is like saying: "I'm the nicest guy in this nick". Then you get the media portrayal of the whole thing. For the most part, they are like me. Fucked either way so they only do the headlines. Isreal pushes its propaganda and smears anyone that vaguely hints and criticism as antisemitic (I have had this and my daughters Jewish ffs). So most goes unreported, from IDF oppression to Hamas floating Helium balloons with bombs attached for kids to pick up and if you dare try and find any middle ground you are viewed as on the side of the aggressor.
Everybody assumes that heaven and hell are above and bellow.
BestWithoutGods comments on Jul 6, 2020:
Being a retired lawyer, I must say that most of my fellow lawyers are good, ethical people. There may be a few bad ones out there, but not all lawyers can be blamed for their unethical behavior. It would be like blaming all police officers for the murder of George Floyd. It's just not right.
273kelvin replies on Jul 6, 2020:
I am sure you're right but in a PC world, there are few people left that we can unload our sarcastic scorn upon. It may be an unfair cross to bear but someone has to be "it". Besides lawyers have all the best lawyer jokes.
The following is part 1 of a 3 part series: "Understanding Donald Trump, Part I" I do not know...
phoenixone1 comments on Jul 1, 2020:
All very good points but I would like to add that the minute he is NOT POTUS...NY is going to be slamming his bloviated ASS with Indictments for TAX EVASION...and the minute that happens the proverbial "cat" is out of the bag for all his financial dealings...that will open the floodgates of exposure...
273kelvin replies on Jul 6, 2020:
@powder I doubt if the people of Ukraine would agree on your assessment of Russia as "non-aggressive" Neither would Georgia or Chechen. As for Putin getting away with it, that is a lot easier if you remove all political opposition, free press and civil rights, then get yourself made president for life. No wonder Trump has such a schoolboy crush on him. May I add that it was not just social media meddling? There are those leaked Hillary emails. We know from the impeachment how much 45 likes to use foreign states to get political dirt.
The following is part 1 of a 3 part series: "Understanding Donald Trump, Part I" I do not know...
phoenixone1 comments on Jul 1, 2020:
All very good points but I would like to add that the minute he is NOT POTUS...NY is going to be slamming his bloviated ASS with Indictments for TAX EVASION...and the minute that happens the proverbial "cat" is out of the bag for all his financial dealings...that will open the floodgates of exposure...
273kelvin replies on Jul 6, 2020:
@powder There is one very important thing that this current crisis has taught us. Is that is is extremely dangerous to assume that our governments are that smart. With the very notable exception of NZ. All of them have acted in a shortsighted and reckless manner. particularly the US, UK and Russia. Then there is the matter of Russian interference in elections. The Muller report* and huge money for the vote leave campaign (Brexit) in the UK. If you are talking about Ukraine? Let me remind you that they are still in the middle of a bitter war of survival. Russia has annexed the Crimea and not too long ago shot down a commercial airliner. So I don't think that they worry too much about the consequences of their actions. I do agree that there are some very slimy rocks yet to be upturned vis-a-vie Epstein and our supposed great and good. Not least Trump himself. Anyone who looks at his daughter that way obviously has a strong taste for fresh meat. *The report stated that Russia did interfere with the US election. On that they are clear. The only thing that could not say for definite was that Trump's team colluded with them. Yet no action was taken.
A guy from the sticks visits New York for the first time and goes to the roof of a skyscraper.
TheDoubter comments on Jul 5, 2020:
is this funny?
273kelvin replies on Jul 5, 2020:
It is certainly angelic
The following is part 1 of a 3 part series: "Understanding Donald Trump, Part I" I do not know...
RiverRick comments on Jul 5, 2020:
You are preaching to the choir, as it were. If you watch him next time someone else is speaking but he is on stage... Just watch his mannerisms. Just like a 10 year old waiting in line for something. The pre-pubescent fidgeting and twisting at the waist. Plus he seems to slouch over and let his arms...
273kelvin replies on Jul 5, 2020:
@RiverRick Actually, on further thought, it's not that redeeming either
The following is part 1 of a 3 part series: "Understanding Donald Trump, Part I" I do not know...
phoenixone1 comments on Jul 1, 2020:
All very good points but I would like to add that the minute he is NOT POTUS...NY is going to be slamming his bloviated ASS with Indictments for TAX EVASION...and the minute that happens the proverbial "cat" is out of the bag for all his financial dealings...that will open the floodgates of exposure...
273kelvin replies on Jul 5, 2020:
@powder The same Russian outfit that is accused of setting this up is the same unit that poisoned those people in Salisbury. So we know they are capable of it. Large amounts of money have been transferred. Okay, no smoking gun but then that's` often the case with intelligence. There are also the reports that British MI6 uncovered are "honeypot" operation that the Russians sprung on Trump involving hookers and watersports. The UK govt. kept a lid on it because they want to keep things sweet with the US for post-Brexit trade deals. If this is true (and it seems credible) then Trumps pro-Russia stance makes more sense
The following is part 1 of a 3 part series: "Understanding Donald Trump, Part I" I do not know...
phoenixone1 comments on Jul 1, 2020:
All very good points but I would like to add that the minute he is NOT POTUS...NY is going to be slamming his bloviated ASS with Indictments for TAX EVASION...and the minute that happens the proverbial "cat" is out of the bag for all his financial dealings...that will open the floodgates of exposure...
273kelvin replies on Jul 5, 2020:
@powder The irony of the whole drug thing there is that a few years back there was a worldwide morphine shortage. Afganistan had fields of poppies that the US was destroying and they could have just bought it but powers that be said no.
Dave Brubeck - Golden Brown []
Redheadedgammy comments on Jul 5, 2020:
I've always enjoyed Brubecks music. Thanks for sharing!!!
273kelvin replies on Jul 5, 2020:
@Redheadedgammy It nice but it's not Brubeck (who I love too). A guy has cleverly lifted parts from Brubeck's quartet recordings and made a musical collage to the tune of the Stranglers hit
I just want to say HAPPY 4TH JULY to all my American chums here on Agnostics! Have a great day!!...
Jolanta comments on Jul 4, 2020:
I wonder how the queen feels about the 4th of July?
273kelvin replies on Jul 5, 2020:
@GipsyOfNewSpain Touche
The following is part 1 of a 3 part series: "Understanding Donald Trump, Part I" I do not know...
phoenixone1 comments on Jul 1, 2020:
All very good points but I would like to add that the minute he is NOT POTUS...NY is going to be slamming his bloviated ASS with Indictments for TAX EVASION...and the minute that happens the proverbial "cat" is out of the bag for all his financial dealings...that will open the floodgates of exposure...
273kelvin replies on Jul 5, 2020:
@powder Yes I read that and it was far from a U-turn. "The memo said that the C.I.A. and the National Counterterrorism Center had assessed with medium confidence — meaning credibly sourced and plausible, but falling short of near certainty — that a unit of the Russian military intelligence service, known as the G.R.U., offered the bounties, according to two of the officials briefed on its contents." Does not sound like they think its bollocks at all. It sounds like they are playing up the uncertain nature of intelligence in order to bail out the boss
Dave Brubeck - Golden Brown []
Redheadedgammy comments on Jul 5, 2020:
I've always enjoyed Brubecks music. Thanks for sharing!!!
273kelvin replies on Jul 5, 2020:
Dave Brubeck - Golden Brown []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Jul 5, 2020:
Saw him in the early 80's
273kelvin replies on Jul 5, 2020:
Its sampled
The following is part 1 of a 3 part series: "Understanding Donald Trump, Part I" I do not know...
snytiger6 comments on Jul 2, 2020:
If he loses the election, the statute of limitations would not yet have run out on his ebstruction of justice as outlined in the Mueller Report. So, he may end up in jail if he loses.
273kelvin replies on Jul 5, 2020:
@JeffMurray Many will try, I suspect that he may die in slightly suspicious circumstances (a heart attack or some such) Failing that he may flee to Russia if the heat gets too hot
The following is part 1 of a 3 part series: "Understanding Donald Trump, Part I" I do not know...
phoenixone1 comments on Jul 1, 2020:
All very good points but I would like to add that the minute he is NOT POTUS...NY is going to be slamming his bloviated ASS with Indictments for TAX EVASION...and the minute that happens the proverbial "cat" is out of the bag for all his financial dealings...that will open the floodgates of exposure...
273kelvin replies on Jul 5, 2020:
@powder I googled this and nowhere could I find any dismissal of "bounty bollocks" other than from Trump or his team. There has been a hastily prepared memo that can see no smoking gun but financial payments were made. "Some former national security officials said the account of the memo indicated that politics may have influenced its production." The latest news item I could find was this. If you have a better source please share
The following is part 1 of a 3 part series: "Understanding Donald Trump, Part I" I do not know...
PBuck0145 comments on Jul 1, 2020:
DJT is not a good president. It would be great if there were a credible, competent candidate to oppose him. Biden ain't it. IMHO the U.S. would be better served by three political parties, one left, one centrist and one right. The Dems could spin off the radical leftists into a new party, and ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 5, 2020:
@PBuck0145 Galloway could not run an ice-cream van and couldn't win a one-horse race. An anti-semite that even the left of the labour party could not allow to remain.
The following is part 1 of a 3 part series: "Understanding Donald Trump, Part I" I do not know...
snytiger6 comments on Jul 2, 2020:
If he loses the election, the statute of limitations would not yet have run out on his ebstruction of justice as outlined in the Mueller Report. So, he may end up in jail if he loses.
273kelvin replies on Jul 5, 2020:
@JeffMurray Nixon was pardoned by Ford who he appointed as his successor. Trump will not have that luxury
The following is part 1 of a 3 part series: "Understanding Donald Trump, Part I" I do not know...
RiverRick comments on Jul 5, 2020:
You are preaching to the choir, as it were. If you watch him next time someone else is speaking but he is on stage... Just watch his mannerisms. Just like a 10 year old waiting in line for something. The pre-pubescent fidgeting and twisting at the waist. Plus he seems to slouch over and let his arms...
273kelvin replies on Jul 5, 2020:
"I cannot think of anything about Donald Trump that is anything close to a redeeming quality." Well, I just did... He makes Boris Johnson look reasonably okay
I just want to say HAPPY 4TH JULY to all my American chums here on Agnostics! Have a great day!!...
Jolanta comments on Jul 4, 2020:
I wonder how the queen feels about the 4th of July?
273kelvin replies on Jul 5, 2020:
At one point the USA wanted to buy the freehold of its embassy in London. So they contacted its owner the Duke of Westminster to see if he would be willing to sell it. His reply was that they could have it for nothing on condition that they return Virginia back to his family.
What do neo-Nordic beliefs have to do with racism?
Storm1752 comments on Jul 4, 2020:
I know this is blasphemy, and I don't necessarily believe it myself, but is it possible white people--as do all races--enjoy certain innate strengths not shared to the same degree by other peoples? We spend so much time denigrating, criticizing, condemning, white people for lording it over others, ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 5, 2020:
@AnneWimsey Not strictly true. There are some problems with things like bone marrow transplants that are ethnically dependant on a match
Q. How do you get an Englishman to take a bath?
273kelvin comments on Jul 3, 2020:
Q, Where do you hide your wallet from an Australian? A, Under a book
273kelvin replies on Jul 5, 2020:
@Triphid No it's not, it's just where they go to make a name for themselves
Q. How do you get an Englishman to take a bath?
273kelvin comments on Jul 3, 2020:
Q, Where do you hide your wallet from an Australian? A, Under a book
273kelvin replies on Jul 4, 2020:
@Triphid Fosters isn't that big here. But we do get all your good writers and the US gets all your actors so fair dinkum
Leonard Cohen (with Laura Branigan). - Lover, Lover, Lover. live []
273kelvin comments on Jul 3, 2020:
An odd song for this site, seeing as it's about faith in god
273kelvin replies on Jul 3, 2020:
@Marionville Me too
Leonard Cohen (with Laura Branigan). - Lover, Lover, Lover. live []
273kelvin comments on Jul 3, 2020:
An odd song for this site, seeing as it's about faith in god
273kelvin replies on Jul 3, 2020:
@Marionville I think it's pretty obvious who the lover is, "I never turned aside he said. I never turned away, It was you who built the temples, it was you who covered up my face". Don`t get me wrong, I have no objection to religious music myself either. In fact, I can do a mean version of "Jesus is on that mainline" when the mood strikes me. I just thought it was an odd choice that's all
The Eurovision song contest - Fire Saga (Netflix) As wonderfully daft as its subject matter
Theresa_N comments on Jul 1, 2020:
I hate what I've heard from Eurovision but I enjoyed the movie.
273kelvin replies on Jul 1, 2020:
It is wonderfully awful. A late great broadcaster Terry Wogan used to cover it each year for the BBC and someone asked him "You keep on saying how bad this is. If you don't like it then why are you here?" "I never said we don't like it. We know it's terrible, that's why we love it" All those stupid OTT production numbers that you see in the movie. Are exactly like what happens IRL. Its an extravaganza of kitsch.
LOL, it just CANNOT get any better imo.
273kelvin comments on Jun 30, 2020:
If you exorcise a demon, does it need to be on a leash?
273kelvin replies on Jul 1, 2020:
@Triphid Good idea but you may need some new commands like destroy, vomit, possess.
LOL, it just CANNOT get any better imo.
KKGator comments on Jun 29, 2020:
If they come onto your property, or try to enter your home, do you intend to file charges? I know I sure would.
273kelvin replies on Jul 1, 2020:
@Triphid I know that Oz is a bit stricter on sims than most countries but I got my phone that was new but very obsolete for £30. (eBay is good for this) It has video and internet. I would try and record this for posterity. It may help in any subsequent court case vis-a-vie trespass and who knows it might even make you a bundle on Youtube. Ask around, maybe someone has an old phone or digital camera you can borrow. As for the light of publicity, I personally think that ridicule and showing up the worst aspects of these idiots is a good thing. If nothing else it can expose the lie to people who say; "Oh leave them be, they're not doing anyone any harm"
Does anyone have any evidence or good reason to think that the pandemic is causing people to doubt ...
p-nullifidian comments on Jul 1, 2020:
Events are typically viewed through a filter, and the externals surrounding the pandemic have tended to calcify ideology. If your filter is tuned toward unquestioning faith, recent events will likely amplify such. If, on the other hand, your belief system abjures religion, and you view human actions...
273kelvin replies on Jul 1, 2020:
The elephant and the Polish problem
Does anyone have any evidence or good reason to think that the pandemic is causing people to doubt ...
Mofo1953 comments on Jul 1, 2020:
Brainwashed minds are great at denial.
273kelvin replies on Jul 1, 2020:
No they're not ;-)
Trump's Fireworks Show at Mt.
PondartIncbendog comments on Jun 30, 2020:
He will blame the Chinese for making the fireworks.
273kelvin replies on Jun 30, 2020:
And we have our 1st bet on Chinese at 40/1 lol
Trump's Fireworks Show at Mt.
Fred_Snerd comments on Jun 30, 2020:
SInce politicians are killing the American public to insure the public votes for them, I think we should blame the public.
273kelvin replies on Jun 30, 2020:
It's the forest's fault, if we had less forests, we would have fewer forest fires. I said to them "Slow the forests down, stop them growing"
LOL, it just CANNOT get any better imo.
KKGator comments on Jun 29, 2020:
If they come onto your property, or try to enter your home, do you intend to file charges? I know I sure would.
273kelvin replies on Jun 30, 2020:
@Triphid Borrow one please
LOL, it just CANNOT get any better imo.
redhog comments on Jun 30, 2020:
I'd greet them with a loaded shotgun on the porch. But thats just me lol
273kelvin replies on Jun 30, 2020:
Sorry but Australia has sensible gun laws.
leonard cohen JOAN OF ARK, ................. an early album []
FrayedBear comments on Jun 29, 2020:
I still consider the observation that "if contrmplating suicide it is always worth listening to half an hour of Leonard Cohen singing his songs to help you decide whether to live or suicide" is pertinent & valid.
273kelvin replies on Jun 30, 2020:
@FrayedBear Well, there are over a decade apart. Plus "Songs of Love and Hate" was his definitive 2nd album. Released in 1971 it defined whether you were into LC or not. No compromises or big production and subject matters that are dark, to say the least. The Jennifer Warnes album "Famous blue raincoat" (which LC sings on here) by contrast, is very 80s. She had a bigger career at that time than LC and it is a real tribute to his songs that she did it at all.
leonard cohen JOAN OF ARK, ................. an early album []
FrayedBear comments on Jun 29, 2020:
I still consider the observation that "if contrmplating suicide it is always worth listening to half an hour of Leonard Cohen singing his songs to help you decide whether to live or suicide" is pertinent & valid.
273kelvin replies on Jun 29, 2020:
@AmmaRE007 Heres a duet of the song he did with Jennifer Warnes
28,000 Images of Abuse: Bible Scholar Likes the Old Testament… and Young Kids | Terry Firma | ...
HannaYou comments on Jun 25, 2020:
ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??????? A year in prison? One Year? I have no faith left in the human race.
273kelvin replies on Jun 29, 2020:
@HannaYou Mushrooms are trivial compared to some other things. It can be hard enough to exact justice from the existing system. Take for example the Hillsborough disaster that effected my city. This happened in 1989, yet it took till 2016 for the truth to come out but still no prosecution of the officials responsible. This is with a very concerted campaign by the families of the victims and support of the people of Liverpool.
28,000 Images of Abuse: Bible Scholar Likes the Old Testament… and Young Kids | Terry Firma | ...
HannaYou comments on Jun 25, 2020:
ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??????? A year in prison? One Year? I have no faith left in the human race.
273kelvin replies on Jun 28, 2020:
@HannaYou "The justice system is designed by us, it's not some entity we have no control over." Really? Wow, you must live in some other place than I because nobody has ever asked me or anyone I know what the minimum sentence should be on any crime or in fact if it is a crime in the 1st place. The laws and judicial system are not made by you and me for our benefit. It is made by the establishment for theirs. Church leaders, Wall St crooks, politicians and rich white folks will always get a smooth ride. If I am wrong then name one that has done hard-time? A case in point, back in 2005 my gf, her inlaws and I decided to try some imported mushrooms of the hallucinogenic kind. This was all perfectly legal and I went to a shop to buy them. We had the trip which I will not describe here but a few months later there was an election. The same administration of T. Blair got in again and one of the 1st things he did was make these mushrooms illegal. I saw no mention of this in his manifesto. It was never hinted at. There did not seem to be any pressing need, no long queues outside the head shop of drug-crazed mush-heads wanting a fix. Yet unilaterally, the govt decides to ban them. So tell me again how the system is made by us.
28,000 Images of Abuse: Bible Scholar Likes the Old Testament… and Young Kids | Terry Firma | ...
Lorajay comments on Jun 23, 2020:
Online access to pornography is definitely changing our world.
273kelvin replies on Jun 28, 2020:
@Observer-Effect The technology is here but we are slowly learning how to police it. Whilst I agree that educating children on how to avoid being exploited is important, that might not always be possible. I would bet that many of those images were of trafficked kids. Our attitudes to pornography have changed with the internet. A couple can exchange pictures that a few decades ago the local drug store would have refused to develop. Yet still, there is a guiding principle of not posting illegal acts. The theory is if there were no fences then there were be far fewer thieves.
28,000 Images of Abuse: Bible Scholar Likes the Old Testament… and Young Kids | Terry Firma | ...
indirect76 comments on Jun 23, 2020:
It’s clickbait. I didn’t find any images of abuse. Just a news article.
273kelvin replies on Jun 28, 2020:
If the guy had a snuff movie would you want that posted? The whole point is that these images are illegal and immoral. to re-post them would be a crime. You don`t have to see crime scene pictures for you to know there has been a crime committed
There was a break in at a pharmacy in town yesterday and a large amount of viagra was stolen.
FrayedBear comments on Jun 27, 2020:
According to an alcoholic of Scottish descent, Viagra doesn't work.
273kelvin replies on Jun 27, 2020:
If they are an alcoholic scot, how can you tell what they said?
I may have thought of entirely obscure axiom.
273kelvin comments on Jun 26, 2020:
I would love to answer this but my sock draw need sorting into a colour coordinated system and my seashell collection will not clean itself.
273kelvin replies on Jun 27, 2020:
@Triphid P.S. Nice use of the "U" in colour. I see now that my time here has not been in vain.
I may have thought of entirely obscure axiom.
273kelvin comments on Jun 26, 2020:
I would love to answer this but my sock draw need sorting into a colour coordinated system and my seashell collection will not clean itself.
273kelvin replies on Jun 27, 2020:
@Triphid Oh no you get me wrong. This is more like a dating site for cloth footwear. Eventually, we hope to instigate a buddy system for laundry excursions
This a subject that came up in the Zoom meeting.
dalefvictor comments on Jun 26, 2020:
"The old lady in a van" is a great movie about a lady that he allowed to live in his driveway and use his facilities. Great sense of helping another out.
273kelvin replies on Jun 26, 2020:
Funny enough, my ex saw him just this Xmas. She had been taken to lunch by her daughter at the Everyman theatre bistro. The place was quite packed and they were trying to get a table. One group looked as if it was gone, leaving one old guy dressed like Col Sanders standing by the table. Her daughter had gone to the bar so she walked up and asked if the table was free? Sure enough, it was and she sat down whilst he got off. Only when he daughter came over with the drinks did she know who he was ha ha.
I walked out to the bird barn and all of the birds were off of their nest I looked down to see what ...
bobwjr comments on Jun 25, 2020:
Not venomous
273kelvin replies on Jun 26, 2020:
@azzow2 Actually all snakes a venomous, even pythons. It is just some have a more powerful venom than others.
What should you do if you are addicted to seaweed? Sea-kelp!
273kelvin comments on Jun 25, 2020:
Unlike all those vegetarian nazis who seek kale
273kelvin replies on Jun 25, 2020:
@whiskywoman A food that gives sadness a flavour
I am bumfuzzled by trump's Tulsa rally.
Storm1752 comments on Jun 20, 2020:
Trump is not unique, of course. ALL Republican candidates benefit from a hard core 40% support before they even get out of bed in the morning. You have to be worse than incompetent and inept to lose an election if you toe the line spewed forth by the "vast right-wing conspiracy," as Hillary so ...
273kelvin replies on Jun 25, 2020:
@AnneWimsey, @Storm1752 I thought you might like to know that the online bookmakers are now offering. 9/5 Trump and 8/13 Biden with the trends lengthening for Trump and shortening for Biden. This a massive turn around from 2/5 at this time last year for the POTUS. When you also consider that only 2 elected incumbents have lost since WW2, he is certainly managing to shoot his own foot Btw this is not partisan polls or any news that's fake, this is cold hard cash money.
The sexiest male nude art ever created.
273kelvin comments on Jun 21, 2020:
I remember Joseph Heller's book "God knows" about the story of David told in the first person and lamenting his life in retrospect (and Yiddish). It goes something like; "And don't talk to me about that statue. It looks nothing like me. More like some Greek shepherd boy he met on vacation. It`s not ...
273kelvin replies on Jun 22, 2020:
@MissKathleen Or it could be that gay men don't like big dicks that much?
Answer to Why don’t atheists have the guts to mock Islam?
Borgovic comments on Jun 21, 2020:
Because governments are shit scared of Islam and seem to have made up rules to protect them...even on facebook....twice now I've been sent off to the Siberian salt mines for calling them goatfuckers....wonder how I'll get on here now that I've said that.?
273kelvin replies on Jun 21, 2020:
@OwlInASack Well said


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