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Is this the end of America?
Omnedon comments on Apr 20, 2020:
I believe the USA will recover, but I admit I am not an expert, and I have no data to cite. Although I'm usually skeptical and sometimes cynical, I nevertheless have some degree of optimism for the future. Trump has been a step backwards, and of course the virus is wreaking havoc -- but the latter ...
273kelvin replies on Apr 20, 2020:
seattlepanda comments on Apr 17, 2020:
273kelvin replies on Apr 17, 2020:
@Cast1es Mmm tricky point there. A few years back I was having unprotected sex with quite a few partners over the year or so. In the end, I got tested and all clean. But if you tell a woman that you've been tested? it can be a real turn off. The best thing is to do it quietly.
A guy walks into a bar and says to the barman "I have a great Trump joke" The barman looks at him ...
GEGR comments on Apr 15, 2020:
The Dumb is Real and Exponential .
273kelvin replies on Apr 16, 2020:
A joke doing the rounds in Germany atm "What borders on stupidity?" "Mexico and Canada"
Who avoids discussing religion and spirituality?
273kelvin comments on Apr 8, 2020:
I do not avoid it, I often welcome it. That might be because I live in a mainly secular society or because I am an argumentative kind of person. To be fair my few Christians friends are Christian-light. They do not preach and only when the occasional remark like "It`s gods will" impels me to ...
273kelvin replies on Apr 8, 2020:
@OldWiseAss South Liverpool and yes I do have a sofa.
Is it bad to want to get married so I don't quarantine alone. It's seriously boring!
273kelvin comments on Apr 5, 2020:
If it gets too painful? Remember that someone is now locked up with your ex 24/7
273kelvin replies on Apr 7, 2020:
@Triphid I get it. The shortage of bog roll is having serious repercussions on my sex life.
Is it bad to want to get married so I don't quarantine alone. It's seriously boring!
273kelvin comments on Apr 5, 2020:
If it gets too painful? Remember that someone is now locked up with your ex 24/7
273kelvin replies on Apr 7, 2020:
@Triphid Not aware of Mrs. Palmer you will have to enlighten me.
Is it bad to want to get married so I don't quarantine alone. It's seriously boring!
273kelvin comments on Apr 5, 2020:
If it gets too painful? Remember that someone is now locked up with your ex 24/7
273kelvin replies on Apr 7, 2020:
@Triphid No thank you. After 3 of my own, I have come to the conclusion that children are like real fires. Very nice in other people's houses.
Is it bad to want to get married so I don't quarantine alone. It's seriously boring!
273kelvin comments on Apr 5, 2020:
If it gets too painful? Remember that someone is now locked up with your ex 24/7
273kelvin replies on Apr 6, 2020:
@Triphid, @MrChange Shoot, I live by myself and I think I'm fast becoming a victim of domestic abuse
Is it bad to want to get married so I don't quarantine alone. It's seriously boring!
273kelvin comments on Apr 5, 2020:
If it gets too painful? Remember that someone is now locked up with your ex 24/7
273kelvin replies on Apr 6, 2020:
@Triphid Ooh ouch !!
1918 Spanish Flu historical documentary [youtube.
creative51 comments on Apr 5, 2020:
My paternal grandfather died in the 1918 epidemic. My father was only 3 years old then and did not get ill. For all practical purposes my father never knew his father.
273kelvin replies on Apr 5, 2020:
Trump's grandfather died from it
1918 Spanish Flu historical documentary [youtube.
Varn comments on Apr 5, 2020:
Yes! Strangely, I’d watched that around a year ago.. Then again last week! What I recall as chilling was both it’s virulence, and mutations. People having symptoms ‘that morning,’ then dying ‘that evening!’ So when our idiot president proclaims something like ‘this has never ...
273kelvin replies on Apr 5, 2020:
Trump's grandfather died from it
Fellow inmates, I feel compelled to draw your attention to a looming crisis.
chiara23k comments on Apr 5, 2020:
I don't think anyone could watch all of the shows that are out there in a life time.???? Read a good old fashioned book. If you can't read, have an ebook, get a hobby, garden, make crafts, talk to a friend. There are hundreds of things to do.
273kelvin replies on Apr 5, 2020:
I cannot watch most of is produced in normal times and I do not stand alone. That said, it is the quality that is diminishing rapidly. (Either that or we are overdosing on our scene time) Like our cupboards, old dusty items will have to do. Up to and including that jar of tofu preserve your new-age friend gave you three years ago.
Trump asks medical supply firm 3M to stop selling N95 respirators to Canada [nationalpost.
DenoPenno comments on Apr 5, 2020:
If you wanna know if it's true just follow the Trump Tweets. They change often and even contradict each other. In my mind this totally defines the Orange Turd. in FB my relatives are posting on how I want to see Trump fail and they immediately start talking about other people. If you wanna see ...
273kelvin replies on Apr 5, 2020:
The thing about a statement like you want to see him fail is unfair. The situation in the UK with Boris is only slightly better than with Trump. Whilst our buffoon did not play down the virus in the same way that 45 did, large errors in policy were made and we paying the price. Firstly, if wishing made it so? there would not be enough lottery wins to go round. Secondly, let us assume a conservative wet dream. Trump and Boris really stepped up to the plate. They took heed of the scientific experts and learned all the lessons from China. Consequently, both our countries had a much smaller infection/ death toll. Not only that but their leadership was bordering on the Churchillian. We would not be crying into our beer. Sure we would have to grudgingly admit they did a good job.this time but shoot, that is what they are paid to for. Do they really think that we would want more deaths just to prove a point? If you bought a car that your relatives all said was a lemon and were proved right, would they laugh?
Fellow inmates, I feel compelled to draw your attention to a looming crisis.
TomMcGiverin comments on Apr 3, 2020:
It might be different in the UK, but here in America I would be very happy for a couple months if someone started showing all the episodes of Monty Python's Flying Circus. Never get tired of that show and need the laughs.
273kelvin replies on Apr 3, 2020:
I dunno if you have seen this one but its classic. Quite a few of the Python team in it. Or these
Fellow inmates, I feel compelled to draw your attention to a looming crisis.
ZantiMisfit comments on Apr 3, 2020:
If they start airing classic Doctor Who I'll be a happy man for a while :)
273kelvin replies on Apr 3, 2020:
@Hastur The Talons of Weng-Chiang. Baker in Sherlock Holmes mode. Not sure if K9 was there yet but it was a real low point in Who FX.
Fellow inmates, I feel compelled to draw your attention to a looming crisis.
ZantiMisfit comments on Apr 3, 2020:
If they start airing classic Doctor Who I'll be a happy man for a while :)
273kelvin replies on Apr 3, 2020:
So long as it is not Tom Baker and the giant Sumatran rat.
How much of the money that the government is offering people to help them get through the COVID ...
273kelvin comments on Apr 3, 2020:
Here is a thought; Why not give ALL the bailout money to ordinary Joes. A large amount of extra money in the economy will stimulate the market and will quickly trickle up to the big corps. If the big companies really do need a bailout? It should be on the same basis as the self-employed help that...
273kelvin replies on Apr 3, 2020:
@seattlepanda I remember when Liverpool docks had huge redundancies. Over a few years because of containers, it went from a workforce of over 2,000 to less than 200. However, the dockers did get a large payout and the resultant surge in property prices and new small businesses gave us a lot of green shoots.
An interesting turn of events: Florida Governor DeSantis today declared a shutdown of all ...
tinkercreek comments on Apr 1, 2020:
I'll tell you WTH: greedy, self-serving, ignorant, uncaring, inconsiderate, foolish, reckless, egotistical, impotent, devious, hurtful, angry, psychopathic, soulless, boot-licking, desperate, shell of what began as a human being. Did I miss anything?
273kelvin replies on Apr 2, 2020:
Arrogant, sociopathic and vain.
TheMiddleWay comments on Apr 1, 2020:
"because I don’t believe that any governor has the constitutional authority to tell me we can’t." He may be right. Actually, I think he is right. The constitution does allow states to curtail meetings but only if applying evenly across the board. This is not what we are seeing now given that ...
273kelvin replies on Apr 2, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay Yes, you Americans are a very litigious people. It comes with having a written constitution I suppose. Like the bible, it is open to interpretation. I would venture to say that freedom of assembly is much the same as freedom of speech. In that, you are not free to shout "Fire" in a crowded theatre. The state be it local or federal can close an individual bar or restaurant down for public health or public safety reasons if it is deemed to pose a significant risk. Similarly, if martial law is imposed and a state of emergency is only one step down from that. In the UK, all bars, cafes, etc. have been closed as of Friday last. McDonald's, and Subway had already closed their doors to seated customers but stopped take-away trading on Friday too. We still have some takeaways open but only for delivery. In general, businesses and churches have reacted responsibly here. When this is over and the dust has settled. Perhaps it might be time to remember which organizations did the right thing and which did not? Along with those lawsuits, maybe some peaceful pickets outside of the church on Sunday. With placards saying things like "Where was my right to life?"
TheMiddleWay comments on Apr 1, 2020:
"because I don’t believe that any governor has the constitutional authority to tell me we can’t." He may be right. Actually, I think he is right. The constitution does allow states to curtail meetings but only if applying evenly across the board. This is not what we are seeing now given that ...
273kelvin replies on Apr 1, 2020:
It is not a level playing field and nor should it be. Food is an essential item, Most liquor stores sell food too and most supermarkets sell booze. Plus if you are telling people to stay at home but deny them a drink? It would be less adhered to. The small amounts of shopping I have done since lockdown has involved queuing at a safe distance to be a limited number of people in the shop. Churches are about congregating, it is not religion that is prohibited, just large gatherings.
Now that the morgues are getting full. Will we see a spate of panic-dying?
whiskywoman comments on Mar 31, 2020:
spate a lg number of events occurring in quick succession still not funny
273kelvin replies on Mar 31, 2020:
Gallows humor
Now that the morgues are getting full. Will we see a spate of panic-dying?
whiskywoman comments on Mar 31, 2020:
needs an explanation
273kelvin replies on Mar 31, 2020:
Now that the morgues are getting full. Will we see a spate of panic-dying?
Cutiebeauty comments on Mar 30, 2020:
273kelvin replies on Mar 31, 2020:
Here’s a factoid.
Fit50something comments on Mar 28, 2020:
For some reason, this reminds me of the guy who is both a veterinarian and a taxidermist. His motto is, "either way, you get your dog back."
273kelvin replies on Mar 29, 2020:
Ogden Nash put it eloquently thus "Professional people have no cares. Whatever happens, they get theirs"
Hello fellow scribblers, I was sat ere.
Petter comments on Mar 28, 2020:
@273kelvin we're only going to supply ideas - it's your project to incorporate them into the grand narrative. However, it needs more contributors to this post.
273kelvin replies on Mar 28, 2020:
"Well, what about his recent tweet declaring that black was white?" "Lisa I think that you are viewing that statement in entirely the wrong light"
Joe Cocker - You Can Leave Your Hat On (LIVE in Dortmund) HD []
273kelvin comments on Mar 28, 2020:
It's interesting when you compare this version (and Etta James or Tom Jones) with the original Randy Newman version. Whilst the former comes off like a raunchy love song the latter is sung by a creepy sexual bully. (his words) It just goes to show what a difference the singer makes. ...
273kelvin replies on Mar 28, 2020:
@Marionville Both have merit but for different reasons. Yes, the raunchy versions are great as straight get-it-on songs. But Randy writes songs in the first-person and some of those people are not very nice. It is the dark shadows of our psyche that he casts light upon. That`s why I like him.
Living in the Dallas Metroplex and surrounding areas, we have 4 major counties.
azzow2 comments on Mar 26, 2020:
It makes me think that this is some kind of drill only because I am aware that there are other viruses out there that could make this one look like a walk in the park.
273kelvin replies on Mar 26, 2020:
@IrishTxJudy It is the lag inherently involved with any measures. Rather like a huge oil tanker, it takes time for results to show. So if a full lockdown reduces the infection rate down to say 5%. But before that, the rate was 55%. Then for 2 weeks, you will see an increase in infections and deaths will rise for many more weeks.
Louisiana church hosts more than 1,800 people amid COVID-19 outbreak |
Triphid comments on Mar 24, 2020:
In Australia we now have restrictions on Funerals and Weddings, ONLY 10 Mourners are permitted at a Funeral and ONLY 5 at any Wedding. Hey, the great news is, the Dunny Paper ( toilet paper) hoarding stampede has come to a halt, hotels, Night Clubs are closed down, restaurants can ONLY sell Take ...
273kelvin replies on Mar 26, 2020:
@Triphid My chip shop across the road is still open
Louisiana church hosts more than 1,800 people amid COVID-19 outbreak |
Triphid comments on Mar 24, 2020:
In Australia we now have restrictions on Funerals and Weddings, ONLY 10 Mourners are permitted at a Funeral and ONLY 5 at any Wedding. Hey, the great news is, the Dunny Paper ( toilet paper) hoarding stampede has come to a halt, hotels, Night Clubs are closed down, restaurants can ONLY sell Take ...
273kelvin replies on Mar 25, 2020:
The Uk has gone further. NO religious services except funerals. Most fast food outlets have stopped even take-aways. McDonald's, Subway, etc.
A little bit of inspiration in these dark times.
Marionville comments on Mar 24, 2020:
If you tell us the name of the song and the artist I’m sure we could find it ourselves.
273kelvin replies on Mar 24, 2020:
@Marionville ??
A little bit of inspiration in these dark times.
Marionville comments on Mar 24, 2020:
If you tell us the name of the song and the artist I’m sure we could find it ourselves.
273kelvin replies on Mar 24, 2020:
This is from a FB group. All the posts are from artists who are posting during this crisis. Some are covers others are original material. We are just trying to lighten everyone's spirits. If people want to look then it`s up to them.
Britain is now in full lockdown.
hankster comments on Mar 23, 2020:
feels like it's bound to happen everywhere, by rule of the suits or rule of nature itself.
273kelvin replies on Mar 23, 2020:
It seems that countries that lockdown early gets ahead of this but you need testing too. The US is a very large country and many parts are rural so maybe state by state is best but I doubt it.
Silver1wun comments on Mar 23, 2020:
Wrong and right are, as I'm certain you're aware, as subjective as left and right and for some some faithful (believers) their own perceptions are considered, beyond anything cognitive to the contrary, to be objective. There are no theological eternal, unquestionable truths. The same applies to ...
273kelvin replies on Mar 23, 2020:
@Silver1wun Time will tell about decay? Like many Americans, you have no idea what is socialist and what is not. Did you go to a private school? drive only on toll roads? have a private fire service? All economies are a mixture of socialist and capitalist systems. None can function without some elements of both. It has been the history of industrial nations to move closer to socialist ideas rather than laissez-faire capitalism. That kind of thinking belongs to the 19th century The best resource of any country is its people. Is your govt investing in this or is it only bothered about the top 1%? Remind me who did Trump put in charge of YOUR children's education and has he been spending more or less? On balance, which way would you think would make America great?
Silver1wun comments on Mar 23, 2020:
Wrong and right are, as I'm certain you're aware, as subjective as left and right and for some some faithful (believers) their own perceptions are considered, beyond anything cognitive to the contrary, to be objective. There are no theological eternal, unquestionable truths. The same applies to ...
273kelvin replies on Mar 23, 2020:
@Silver1wun "The peoples will" in this case is rather a moot point considering the popular vote. But let's leave that for now. Trump has been far from Churchillian in this crisis. His natural approach of divide and insult is not what your (or any other) country needs. When asked a perfectly reasonable softball question "What would you say to Americans who are frightened at this time?". Instead of remaining calm and collected (which is what his answer should have been). He threw a tantrum! Add to this all the gaffs and lies, This is his Katrina You deserve better.
Silver1wun comments on Mar 23, 2020:
Wrong and right are, as I'm certain you're aware, as subjective as left and right and for some some faithful (believers) their own perceptions are considered, beyond anything cognitive to the contrary, to be objective. There are no theological eternal, unquestionable truths. The same applies to ...
273kelvin replies on Mar 23, 2020:
There is nothing subjective about "We have a few cases, not many. These will probably be down to 5 maybe none in a few days?". And where we are now. Again nothing subjective about "We have tests for everyone that needs one" and the reality of the situation. It is one thing to lie to the nation when "all" that is at stake is the election or impeachment. It is quite another to lie when people's lives are on the line. At times like these, a nation needs to be able to trust their leader. That includes ALL the nation, not just a fan base.
For those of us living alone during our covid19 isolation, my new pet spider says we'll be fine!!! ...
Cutiebeauty comments on Mar 23, 2020:
Is his name Peter Parker?
273kelvin replies on Mar 23, 2020:
My money is on Boris
Sugar Sugar, The Archies []
273kelvin comments on Mar 22, 2020:
Originally written for the Monkeys but they were disillusioned with their record company and wanted to go their own way with stuff they had written themselves. The producer ended up getting a bunch of session musicians to record it instead whilst the Monkeys went ahead with "Randy Scouse Git".
273kelvin replies on Mar 22, 2020:
@FearlessFly "Randy scouse git" was a phrase from popular UK TV comedy show "Till death do us part" (the US version was "All in the family"). The actor that played the son-in-law which the phrase was directed at, was Antony Booth. Whose own son-in-law was British PM Tony Bliar
500,000 infected?
273kelvin comments on Mar 21, 2020:
This was my advice sent to me from my doctor (UK) via group text as of 17th March. If you get ill and suspect you have been infected or have symptoms. STAY AT HOME. only contact us if you get worse and only then online
273kelvin replies on Mar 21, 2020:
@Flowerwall Thankfully not as yet
500,000 infected?
bbyrd009 comments on Mar 21, 2020:
ha ok look virtually the whole world is going to get "infected" ok, the whole point of the isolation is to "flatten the curve" so your healthcare (sickcare, actually) providers do not get overwhelmed with everyone showing up all at once. You do get that like 80% of those infected exhibit no symptoms...
273kelvin replies on Mar 21, 2020:
@bbyrd009 Keep reading those chicken entrails
Valerie - Amy Winehouse - If you cannot teach me to fly, teach me to sing. []
FearlessFly comments on Mar 21, 2020:
"Valerie" is a song by English indie rock band The Zutons from their second studio album, Tired of Hanging Around (2006). The song was later covered by Mark Ronson, with lead vocals provided by Amy Winehouse, reaching number two on the UK Singles Chart in 2007.
273kelvin replies on Mar 21, 2020:
Zutons lead singer asked my exes daughter out. She turned him down and told her mom "Nah, he`s a dick"
A little higher on the scammer IQ scale but still scammer, I think.
Bobbyzen comments on Mar 21, 2020:
Taking conversations offline in early stages is a red flag 🚩 Scammers will sell your email and/or directly spam you. Use caution, weigh the risks vs the benefits 😉
273kelvin replies on Mar 21, 2020:
That said I often go off-site with potential dates. Sites like POF and even this one are quite slow in their messaging software. Serious prospects will get my FB account (that way they can find out I`m genuine) and lesser ones can chat with me on gmails Hangout. I do have an extra email account for such things
Lockdown Jukebox Whilst so many of us are at home now and musicians are without gigs.
EyesThatSmile comments on Mar 20, 2020:
I joined. Not a musician, but it is great stuff to listen to.
273kelvin replies on Mar 21, 2020:
@EyesThatSmile That`s great thank you. Maybe we can get some good things going out of this situation?
Lockdown Jukebox Whilst so many of us are at home now and musicians are without gigs.
EyesThatSmile comments on Mar 20, 2020:
I joined. Not a musician, but it is great stuff to listen to.
273kelvin replies on Mar 21, 2020:
You can join anyway. That way if you like something? You can share it and your likes/comments will be our virtual applause.
Supermarkets here are getting stripped by panic buying.
LimitedLight comments on Mar 20, 2020:
I have only one disagreement with this The water may keep running, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's the best drinking water. That is certainly the case for Flint, Michigan.
273kelvin replies on Mar 20, 2020:
@LimitedLight Okay
A funny topical version of "Torn" (apologies it's only available via FB) []
FearlessFly comments on Mar 20, 2020:
. . . some of us don't/won't do FB :P
273kelvin replies on Mar 20, 2020:
@FearlessFly Not the same version. Mine was live and by someone else but thank you
A funny topical version of "Torn" (apologies it's only available via FB) []
FearlessFly comments on Mar 20, 2020:
. . . some of us don't/won't do FB :P
273kelvin replies on Mar 20, 2020:
@FearlessFly It was on my FB page taken by a friend. (I think it was St Patricks night). I had no inclination to search the internet to see if it was on youtube just so I could share it with people that don't do FB. I did say sorry but that`s the way it is. You could always just scroll right
A funny topical version of "Torn" (apologies it's only available via FB) []
FearlessFly comments on Mar 20, 2020:
. . . some of us don't/won't do FB :P
273kelvin replies on Mar 20, 2020:
I do know that but this is not a Youtube song. Lot`s of us musicians are online now, trying to cheer people up in lockdown. If FB is the only or best way to do so? Then so be it. Be happy and stay well.
Supermarkets here are getting stripped by panic buying.
raymetcalfe comments on Mar 20, 2020:
I work in a supermarket I am on holiday from work at the moment but went in yesterday to buy some bread. The staff looked exhausted shelves where empty one bully had try to take tins of beans out of the trolley of a disabled person the staff on the till are abused normally ( i don't work in the ...
273kelvin replies on Mar 20, 2020:
I suspect that they may call you into work. Supermarket staff are now considered "essential workers" here and we are keeping schools open for their kids. Funny how last month you were not worth a pay rise and now you are "essential".
Supermarkets here are getting stripped by panic buying.
LimitedLight comments on Mar 20, 2020:
I have only one disagreement with this The water may keep running, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's the best drinking water. That is certainly the case for Flint, Michigan.
273kelvin replies on Mar 20, 2020:
I assume you have a water filter?
Home Sweet Home! Woke up this morning not feeling great! Is it psychosomatic?
Buddha comments on Mar 19, 2020:
Actually Cuomo hadn't been a favorite of mine, but I will say he is stepping up front and becoming a leader in this crisis!
273kelvin replies on Mar 19, 2020:
Maybe now but it is too little too late. The countries that have gotten ahead of this have done best. China, after initially being complacent tested isolated extensively and reports say no new cases today. I predict that other countries will see results quicker. Italy and S. Korea obviously because they got it early but also locked-down early too. Mainland Europe and Ireland next, with the UK later. The US will be slow to beat this because a, They have tested late (Trump refused the WHO testing kits) and locked-down late b, The private health system, and c, The logistics and individualistic nature of its population. Even with this unprecedented global crisis, Trump cannot resist electioneering and casual racism. He has not put into power anyone with great ability in your govt depts. Instead, they are populated with yes men. Not the best way to deal with a crisis. In times like this, you really need people that tell you when you're wrong. I watched his briefing today and he spent an inordinate amount of time talking about some US guy he got freed from Syria. If he had any real good news to impart about the most pressing matter in hand, do you think he would do this?
Supermarkets here are getting stripped by panic buying.
Paddypereira comments on Mar 18, 2020:
People... different places, same attitude! Ok, this thing is causing quite a disruption but you better keep calm!!! Panicking doesn't solve anything. What can you do???
273kelvin replies on Mar 19, 2020:
@Paddypereira Call into a small store and pay him upfront. Introduce yourself and make a friend. Ask him to hold some bread etc. for you till tomorrow or when he gets some. Then remember that "friend" when things get better.
Supermarkets here are getting stripped by panic buying.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 18, 2020:
Local chain, Giant, cut hours and only seniors can shop 6am to 7am starting tomorrow. I'll check that out. Should be at the best it will be stocked.
273kelvin replies on Mar 19, 2020:
@whiskywoman Personally I am more likely to walk. The supermarkets are not too far away and if needed I can get the bus back later if the shopping is heavy
Supermarkets here are getting stripped by panic buying.
girlwithsmiles comments on Mar 19, 2020:
Sounds like Allan and Mario are pretty sound, I wish I had a loo roll contact right now 😉 good for you 🙂
273kelvin replies on Mar 19, 2020:
Nice guys and when I need booze at night (unexpected visitors). They will let me haggle the price down on dusty bottles
Supermarkets here are getting stripped by panic buying.
davknight comments on Mar 19, 2020:
What I find comical is all the fat people, piling their shopping carts with candy, cookies, doughnuts, pies, and cakes!
273kelvin replies on Mar 19, 2020:
The thing is most of the fresh vegetables are still available
Supermarkets here are getting stripped by panic buying.
Marionville comments on Mar 19, 2020:
I went to my local shop in the village yesterday and they had everything in stock....except toilet rolls! I will just keep popping in there for fresh bread, milk and veggies as I need I live on my own my toilet requirements are modest and if I run out of loo roll I can use cut up ...
273kelvin replies on Mar 19, 2020:
Funny that they put the OAP shopping early in the morning. Us oldies don't travel before our "twirly pass" kicks in at 9.30 am.
Supermarkets here are getting stripped by panic buying.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 18, 2020:
Went to my local Aldi's today...other than a few "limit 2 per customer" on a few items, and no toilet paper, I got everything else I needed easily.
273kelvin replies on Mar 18, 2020:
Aldi, does that 2 items extend to diving suits and MIG welders? ;-) Seriously though, nice to see some sanity restored
Supermarkets here are getting stripped by panic buying.
xenoview comments on Mar 18, 2020:
LOL! Hand sanitizer only kills 99.9% of the germs, leaving only the strongest to survive. Then that strongest breeds to make the rest stronger. I use good old soap and water to clean my hands. I think the panic will subside next week.
273kelvin replies on Mar 18, 2020:
That 99.9 is a legal kind of agnostic thing. If you want to see a species that no one has ever seen before? Look at some dirt through a microscope. You will see some bacteria and there are millions perhaps billions of types of them. So many that no one knows them all. Consequently, a liquid cleaner like bleach or hand sanitizer cannot say that it kills all germs because we don't know all of the germs. Just all the ones it kills.
Supermarkets here are getting stripped by panic buying.
Techpriest comments on Mar 18, 2020:
I just got back from my local Walmart and I am SCARED. It was like an apocalypse movie, empty shelves and sections. No tv dinners, no hamburger, no pot pies, so much emptiness.
273kelvin replies on Mar 18, 2020:
Hopefully, things will calm down in a week or so? In the meantime maybe get creative in your cooking. A stew can last quite a while if you don't mind eating it for more than one day?
Supermarkets here are getting stripped by panic buying.
skado comments on Mar 18, 2020:
I have heard the word panic used a lot, but I don't see much panic really. If there is a chance we might be asked to not leave our homes for a few weeks, it seems pretty reasonable to buy up enough food and supplies to last a while - more than you might ordinarily buy. And if everyone is doing ...
273kelvin replies on Mar 18, 2020:
@SeaGreenEyez The two times I went shopping this week. I have seen people buying several multi-packs of TP. My contention is exactly that. These are strange and unusual times. We need to pull together if we are going to get through it. This not a time for "fuck-you" attitudes. If you keep going to the gym etc. This will spread quicker. We all need to be responsible.
Way, way back in the old days when the Police rode about the Outback towns on horse back, the local ...
273kelvin comments on Mar 18, 2020:
A police-horse. The only animal with an arsehole on its back Seeing as people are now being fined £50 for dropping cigarette-ends on the street. I have wondered what would happen if one got dropped/flipped under a police-horses poop?
273kelvin replies on Mar 18, 2020:
@Triphid But would you get fined and would they have to shift the shit 1st?
Supermarkets here are getting stripped by panic buying.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Mar 18, 2020:
Local chain, Giant, cut hours and only seniors can shop 6am to 7am starting tomorrow. I'll check that out. Should be at the best it will be stocked.
273kelvin replies on Mar 18, 2020:
They have started that here too. The trouble is, us oldies tend not to travel early as we have bus passes* that doesn't start till 9.30 am *Colloquially known as a "twirly pass" due to bus drivers refusing to accept them. "Too early"
Supermarkets here are getting stripped by panic buying.
Paddypereira comments on Mar 18, 2020:
People... different places, same attitude! Ok, this thing is causing quite a disruption but you better keep calm!!! Panicking doesn't solve anything. What can you do???
273kelvin replies on Mar 18, 2020:
If you have elderly friends, family or neighbors? You can ask them if they need anything before you go shopping? Keep in touch as much as you can by phone or text. If someone does fall ill they might really need your help and it`s reassuring to know that you're there.
Supermarkets here are getting stripped by panic buying.
St-Sinner comments on Mar 18, 2020:
Wow, in the UK too?
273kelvin replies on Mar 18, 2020:
So much so that the white goods stores have run out of freezers. People must be doubling down on stockpiling.
Supermarkets here are getting stripped by panic buying.
skado comments on Mar 18, 2020:
I have heard the word panic used a lot, but I don't see much panic really. If there is a chance we might be asked to not leave our homes for a few weeks, it seems pretty reasonable to buy up enough food and supplies to last a while - more than you might ordinarily buy. And if everyone is doing ...
273kelvin replies on Mar 18, 2020:
Even with a lockdown, nobody needs that much toilet paper. The tap water in my town is okay so why stock up on bottled? This means less room in the truck for pasta, rice or beans which I grant you it might be prudent to stock up on.
Are you tired of everytime you're looking a profile or talking to a person that you have interests ...
sassygirl3869 comments on Mar 16, 2020:
I don't find men like that. Especially on this site obviously. In the general public not really.
273kelvin replies on Mar 16, 2020:
No offence but astrology, healing crystals, tarot cards, and reiki massage tend to be in the realm of women believers. Not that us guys don't have our own superstitions but they would tend to be things like "lucky underpants"
Are you tired of everytime you're looking a profile or talking to a person that you have interests ...
Silver1wun comments on Mar 16, 2020:
I feel the same way with Republicans, Democrats, Union people, Climate Change enthusiasts and pseudo-whored, granted science devotees. All are protection rackets meant to separate morons from their money, individually or 'legally' in return for myths that will make them feel more secure and ...
273kelvin replies on Mar 16, 2020:
Wow, that does not leave much!
Good Morning Everyone! Well Mayor of NYC, Bill de Blasio, and Governor Andrew Cuomo have closed all...
Robecology comments on Mar 16, 2020:
Stocks are about to open; and "futures" are down over $1000....this should be another shocking week economically.
273kelvin replies on Mar 16, 2020:
@Robecology Stocks have been rising since 2008. We were due a recession anyway, this virus just precipitated it. Any recovery will only be what they call a dead cat bounce
273kelvin comments on Mar 16, 2020:
Aldi on Friday. No beans, little bacon, not many toilet rolls either. Things were worse on Sunday.
273kelvin replies on Mar 16, 2020:
@Cutiebeauty Cans of baked beans
Dating in the COVID era?
Petter comments on Mar 15, 2020:
In African societies, the man walks ahead, whilst his wife and children remain a respectful three paces behind. Isn't it already a bit like that in the bible belt?
273kelvin replies on Mar 15, 2020:
The same with Muslims. I don`t think it is cultural or religious. More like a woman's comment on his choice of shirt
Why do the nonreligious let that go unchallenged?
meister268 comments on Mar 14, 2020:
America is the most religious Christian country on the planet, more so than Vatican City. Basically, I think Americans need to believe in God because they can't believe in their President.
273kelvin replies on Mar 14, 2020:
Ironically through a statistical anomaly, Vatican City has the highest crime rate per capita in the world. But don`t rush to use this, because its due to only having a few hundred residents. Yet it has thousands of visitors, all liable to be pick-pocketed etc.
Trump and Biden neck and neck in the betting.
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 13, 2020:
Sometimes I wish in America we could bet on elections. It's not like it would change anything, like elections being fixed to get a desired result. We already have plenty of that where computer voting machines are used...
273kelvin replies on Mar 13, 2020:
Edison's 1st patent was for an accurate voting machine. It went down like a lead balloon. So the next thing he patented was ticker-tape machines that told you how the stock market was doing
Silly ones .
Gemini-1947 comments on Mar 12, 2020:
Maybe he was arrested for possession of catnip.
273kelvin replies on Mar 13, 2020:
@gemini1947 It`s she, a neighbor knocked and told me that this female volunteer cop had been looking around my front yard. Then showed me a FB site where the cop had said how she found this "starving" cat. (My cat always has food BTW) And took her to a charity vet place. Turned out to be to animal rescue charity shop across the street. I caught them before closing time and there she was, in a cat box crying. The thing is, my cat is black so she should have known to run and hide from cops
Silly ones .
Gemini-1947 comments on Mar 12, 2020:
Maybe he was arrested for possession of catnip.
273kelvin replies on Mar 12, 2020:
You guys can laugh but my cat did get arrested (sort of ) last year
Ladies, if you and a new prospect agree to meet, do you find that he leaves all the logistics up to ...
273kelvin comments on Mar 11, 2020:
There is a question of where the lady feels safe? So as a guy, I would not try and say my local pub or my place unless she is okay with it. As in all negotiations, it is the party that wants to close it most that will compromise the most. So if he says "Anywhere or anytime is good for me. What`s ...
273kelvin replies on Mar 11, 2020:
@Wildflower The worst one I heard was on a hookup site. He wanted to meet in a cattle market
Why Vinyl ?
whiskywoman comments on Mar 10, 2020:
lol so true and the fragility
273kelvin replies on Mar 11, 2020:
@FrostyJim Did I ever (okay not a nickel, different coin) and also stood over the arm with a finger ready to add weight if it started jumping. This can often re-grove the track and fix it.
Why Vinyl ?
273kelvin comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Okay here is what my brother told me before my eyes glazed over. However good digital is? It will always be an approximation of the sound. Like Pi or any irrational number, sounds will be rounded up or down to get it into 1s and 0s. That is before it might be compressed into MP3. Then you have ...
273kelvin replies on Mar 11, 2020:
@FrayedBear, @Haemish1 A legacy of being an oldie is that I tend to play the full album. This can infuriate my younger friends who have been brought up in the MTV/Youtube generation, where you just play the tune out of context. I have to tell them that so many albums deliberately had one duff track. This was so that you had the excuse for someone to go out and make some toast.
Why Vinyl ?
273kelvin comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Okay here is what my brother told me before my eyes glazed over. However good digital is? It will always be an approximation of the sound. Like Pi or any irrational number, sounds will be rounded up or down to get it into 1s and 0s. That is before it might be compressed into MP3. Then you have ...
273kelvin replies on Mar 11, 2020:
@FrayedBear You mean valve amps? Microphones have not changed in their basic design since Bell invented the telephone. Valve amps again give you a warmer more rounded sound and we still have those higher maths conditions previously mentioned. However, solid-state is more flexible. I have a guitar amp (solid-state) that can recreate the sound of any of the popular amps you want, from a Vox A-30 to a Marshall 100. Something as simple as a graphic equalizer would take an enormous amount of equipment to produce in analog. Then you would also have problems in switches with dust etc.
Why Vinyl ?
whiskywoman comments on Mar 10, 2020:
lol so true and the fragility
273kelvin replies on Mar 10, 2020:
@FrostyJim Yes but a CD will either play or it will not. It is never a little bit pregnant. Whereas vinyl often will carry the scars of every party you took it to in your youth but still be ready to boogie
I wonder if Sir Patrick Stewart has ever been hoisted on his own Picard?
Cast1es comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Not likely , but I imagine Mrs. Stewart was .
273kelvin replies on Mar 10, 2020:
He`s gay
The Kinks - "Oklahoma U.
Marionville comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Our waking dreams are the fantasies that take us out of our mundane world and into what we think is a more desirable or glamorous one. The cramped city dweller dreams of wide open spaces and life on the range whilst the country dweller longs for the excitement and bright lights of the city! These ...
273kelvin replies on Mar 10, 2020:
@Marionville I know but think of all those great English-centric songs they did in the meantime. I doubt if "Village green preservation society" or the above album would have come about if the had been busy touring the midwest
The Kinks - "Oklahoma U.
Marionville comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Our waking dreams are the fantasies that take us out of our mundane world and into what we think is a more desirable or glamorous one. The cramped city dweller dreams of wide open spaces and life on the range whilst the country dweller longs for the excitement and bright lights of the city! These ...
273kelvin replies on Mar 10, 2020:
@Marionville Frankly it is amazing that they have worked together for so well and so long. If you look at their discography it spans 3 decades or more. I think it is only Dave's bad health that is stopping then now.
The Kinks - "Oklahoma U.
Marionville comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Our waking dreams are the fantasies that take us out of our mundane world and into what we think is a more desirable or glamorous one. The cramped city dweller dreams of wide open spaces and life on the range whilst the country dweller longs for the excitement and bright lights of the city! These ...
273kelvin replies on Mar 10, 2020:
There were a lot of contributing factors to that relationship. Firstly Ray had 8 older sisters and was spoilt rotten as the only boy, then Dave came... Add to that it seems that they had different fathers. Ray put it this way; "You have your family and siblings. Normally that means you see them on Christmas and holidays, the odd special occasion. Imagine working with them and living on tour?"
How on earth is The Big Lebowski a classic, cult comedy?
Omnedon comments on Mar 10, 2020:
"shomer Shabbos" One of my favorite comedy movies is "Young Frankenstein". Ever seen it? With this one, it helps if you've also seen the original Frankenstein movie from the '30s. And speaking of that... Although that movie was undoubtedly a classic, it also demonstrates that movies diverging ...
273kelvin replies on Mar 10, 2020:
"What hump?"
How on earth is The Big Lebowski a classic, cult comedy?
JayOleck38 comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Yeah, as big a Coen Brothers/Jeff Bridges fan as I am, that was not one of my favorites for them. O Brother Where Art Thou is my favorite for the Coens and the Fisher King is my favorite for Bridges. What kind of movie(s) do you like?
273kelvin replies on Mar 10, 2020:
@JustAskMe The Coen bros remake of "The ladykillers" is very funny. Also, I would recommend "Dead in a week or your money back" and "The death of Stalin" both on Netflix
Dang no sleep at all. Quarter to three. Hey isn't that a song?
Petter comments on Mar 10, 2020:
You're a bit early...
273kelvin replies on Mar 10, 2020:
No, it`s this one "It's quarter to three, There's no one in the place Except you and me..."
Just a reminder for any Joe Biden fans out there what sank his ship so many years ago []
St-Sinner comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Biden is going to implode...... Brace for four more years of Trump.
273kelvin replies on Mar 9, 2020:
@St-Sinner Regan ended the cold war. We don`t look back and say it was wrong just because he was an idiot
Just a reminder for any Joe Biden fans out there what sank his ship so many years ago []
St-Sinner comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Biden is going to implode...... Brace for four more years of Trump.
273kelvin replies on Mar 8, 2020:
@St-Sinner But universal healthcare has to make sense?
Just a reminder for any Joe Biden fans out there what sank his ship so many years ago []
St-Sinner comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Biden is going to implode...... Brace for four more years of Trump.
273kelvin replies on Mar 8, 2020:
But you have posted loads of anti-Bernie stuff and I know your no Trumpist. Why not get behind a Dem who at least has popular support?
Just a reminder for any Joe Biden fans out there what sank his ship so many years ago []
1of5 comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Bet for every actual Biden fan here there's 10 Trump fans.
273kelvin replies on Mar 8, 2020:
Heres the thing I don`t get as a brit. I see lots of Bernie and Trump fans on the internet but no real Biden fans. Yet it looks like he will be the nominee
No matter how well you look after yourself, how much exercise, healthy food, lotions, and potions ...
BitFlipper comments on Mar 8, 2020:
I'd love to be called sprightly. Nobody calls me anything now.
273kelvin replies on Mar 8, 2020:
@DUCHESSA Dogs and fleas man, dogs and fleas
No matter how well you look after yourself, how much exercise, healthy food, lotions, and potions ...
BitFlipper comments on Mar 8, 2020:
I'd love to be called sprightly. Nobody calls me anything now.
273kelvin replies on Mar 8, 2020:
Pick a side in the election and go online. You will be called lots of things;-)
A Panda, dressed like a cowboy, with a ten gallon hat and a pair of six-shooters, walks into a ...
273kelvin comments on Mar 7, 2020:
How did the sheriff know that it was that panda?
273kelvin replies on Mar 7, 2020:
@Cutiebeauty Down in black and white?
Is it time for America to repeal its double jeopardy law?
RoboGraham comments on Mar 7, 2020:
I think that if the justice system fails to prove my guilt, that's it, I'm innocent. If they want a second chance, Fuck Off. By the way, it's not a law, it's an essential part of a constitutional amendment in the Bill of Rights put in place by the founding fathers.
273kelvin replies on Mar 7, 2020:
@RoboGraham We abolished the death penalty in the 60s (except for high treason but that's gone now too). Like every other 1st world nation no capital punishment and universal healthcare.
Is it time for America to repeal its double jeopardy law?
RoboGraham comments on Mar 7, 2020:
I think that if the justice system fails to prove my guilt, that's it, I'm innocent. If they want a second chance, Fuck Off. By the way, it's not a law, it's an essential part of a constitutional amendment in the Bill of Rights put in place by the founding fathers.
273kelvin replies on Mar 7, 2020:
@RoboGraham I suppose that we have more faith in the impartiality of our judiciary because it is not elected. It is very separate from the executive. Of the 2nd cases that have been brought, there has not been one occasion that has resulted in a not-guilty verdict. We are talking about evidence so stong that would normally be accompanied by a guilty plea
Is it time for America to repeal its double jeopardy law?
Rob1948 comments on Mar 7, 2020:
Are you crazy? Allowing a second shot at trial after acquittal would encourage prosecutors to abuse the system and vindictively go after individuals no matter what. The law as it stands is an attempt to stop political prosecutions and a means of encouraging prosecutors to not abuse the system. ...
273kelvin replies on Mar 7, 2020:
How it works in the UK is, only when there is overwhelming evidence of guilt. Usually, it would be DNA or some scientific forensic evidence that was not available at the time of the 1st trial. The prosecution must make a watertight case before it would be considered.
Is it time for America to repeal its double jeopardy law?
RoboGraham comments on Mar 7, 2020:
I think that if the justice system fails to prove my guilt, that's it, I'm innocent. If they want a second chance, Fuck Off. By the way, it's not a law, it's an essential part of a constitutional amendment in the Bill of Rights put in place by the founding fathers.
273kelvin replies on Mar 7, 2020:
Firstly, I doubt very much if you would ever commit murder or rape which is the only cases I am aware that this has been used for in the UK. Secondly, if by any unfortunate circumstance one of your family was a victim of such a miscarriage of justice. I also doubt that you might be as adamant. Even without any personal involvement and the victims are strangers, there should be a case for justice. I know it is in the constitution but that does not automatically make it right (sorry).
Is it time for America to repeal its double jeopardy law?
TomMcGiverin comments on Mar 7, 2020:
The main reason for double jeopardy is to prevent political persecutions of dissidents from the ruling government being endlessly hounded with repeated prosecutions for the same alleged crime. It is a safeguard against dictators keeping their opponents jailed while they continue to fabricate new ...
273kelvin replies on Mar 7, 2020:
The UK cases are for rape, murder or both. There is a very high bar set by the judiciary.
I did not know where to put this post so here seems the best place.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Mar 6, 2020:
## When I was three years old, my parents took me to a deer park which was full of fawns. They were working with the premise I'd pet the fawns. Our youngest son is cute. Fawns are cute. It'll be a bonding experience. The fawns had a different premise. The fawns head butted me, knocking me on the ...
273kelvin replies on Mar 7, 2020:
@WonderWartHog99 It was pretty hard-baked and the frosting too, just a couple of minor chips came off. She does laugh about it herself now
Is it elitist to think we have a responsibility to others?
273kelvin comments on Mar 3, 2020:
"There are some guys that need to be in an institution!" Una looked at the room as it took in her remark "You know the guys. They just HAVE to BE... in, an, IN-STI-TUTION Her Armagh brogue spelling it out for those that did not get it. "You know those guys who HAVE to join something. It ...
273kelvin replies on Mar 6, 2020:
@brentan No Una was my neighbor in the flat downstairs. All that is how I remembered it
Can anyone tell me if this is a red flag?
273kelvin comments on Mar 6, 2020:
I tend to go for early dates. You are either interested or not and a coffee date will clinch if there is any attraction. To my mind "Let's talk some more" sounds like "Can I think about it" to a salesman. In other words "No but I am too polite to say so". Put it this way, how long would you have to ...
273kelvin replies on Mar 6, 2020:
@demifeministgal Online dating is a bit like job hunting. You might end up spending 20 years of your life there or just a few weeks. Profiles are CVs, texts are applications and coffee dates are interviews. In my experience, endless texts are a waste of time. If I am not interesting enough to meet after a few days then chances are it won't happen at all. This does not mean that I want to rush headlong into bed or romance with every woman I contact. Only that if (and that is a big if) there is a chance of romance then it will come from a natural conversation and not via texts. That said "If it should be done. Then it be best done quickly". That way a true assessment can be made and both parties can either move on or take their time to really get to know each other.


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