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The Argumentative Theory
Moravian comments on Dec 19, 2019:
Then it's not really reasoning is it?. Reasoning :- The act or process of drawing conclusions from facts,evidence, etc. Quite different from arguing from the position of ones opinion.
273kelvin replies on Dec 19, 2019:
Reasoning can be one of one argument against another. Take for example the Copernican revolution. We think of it as natural that the earth revolves around the sun. But unlike the curvature of the earth (Flat earthers never existed in medieval times), It is not self-evident. The Ptolomy system worked but it was a pigs-ear of a system. The transit of Mars was particularly difficult to predict. It was Galileo arguing that Copernicus was "better" which eventually won the day
I haven't had luck in any dating site.
273kelvin comments on Dec 5, 2019:
Dating at a later age is difficult at best. I looked at your profile and if I may say, you look very good for 72. The problem I have with online dating is that so many of the women of my age are either beige or appear to be beige. It is not so much physical attraction (although that is a factor) ...
273kelvin replies on Dec 19, 2019:
@EyesThatSmile Beige - the opposite of colourful. As we get older, sexual attraction is less high on the list of qualities that we look for. What becomes more important is personality and interests. Sadly many people seem to think that all they still have to do is be available and the dating world will beat a path to their door. I am sure that many of these women are very nice and kind but I want some fire or at least friction to give me sparks. I am unlikely to find that from someone who lists their main pastime as "Walking the dogs"
Why is there no live chat on this site ?
273kelvin comments on Dec 14, 2019:
There is and I will go there now if you want to chat
273kelvin replies on Dec 17, 2019:
@Axlefoley The best way is to post on here that you intend to do so. Then if you look top the right of the screen you will see "Chat room is open" and just tap where it says to. Then wait to see if anyone else want`s to chat?
Another reason why I love my city []
MissKathleen comments on Dec 17, 2019:
Lady in red jacket didn’t seem so happy about it.
273kelvin replies on Dec 17, 2019:
I think that might be his lady. One can imagine that he may be a bit difficult/embarrassing to live with lol
Had someone lost in my driveway they did not see me right away.
dalefvictor comments on Dec 16, 2019:
I remember that during a garbage strike in New York City a person put their garbage in boxes wrapped them to look like presents and put them in his car and left it unlocked. He would leave it in a parking lot, during work or some other event. Every time the garbage was gone.
273kelvin replies on Dec 17, 2019:
A guy left his piano accordion on the back seat of his car. When he came back, to his dismay he found that someone had broken the rear window and when he looked on the back seat there were two accordions.
Elizabeth is missing - TV movie If you haven`t seen Glenda Jackson for a long time that is because ...
rogueflyer comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Says it's a TV movie but where will I find it?
273kelvin replies on Dec 16, 2019:
BBCi if you can get it
Elizabeth is missing - TV movie If you haven`t seen Glenda Jackson for a long time that is because ...
rogueflyer comments on Dec 16, 2019:
Says it's a TV movie but where will I find it?
273kelvin replies on Dec 16, 2019:
I posted a link where you can buy it but hopefully, it will come US TV soon
Christian Conservative Claims Star Wars Is Based On The Bible | Michael Stone
oldFloyd comments on Dec 15, 2019:
More like the King Arthur stories to me. 🙄
273kelvin replies on Dec 15, 2019:
I agree, substitute Uthred for as the baddie and merge Morgan le Fay with Guinevere and you resolve the love triangle. There you have Star wars
Morrissey CLAIMS he's forgiven Jesus.
jlynn37 comments on Dec 15, 2019:
I'm pissed at Humpty Dumpty and don't think I am capable of forgiving him for his carelessness at sitting on a wall.
273kelvin replies on Dec 15, 2019:
What was a fragile egg doing on a wall in the first place? And wasn't SO convenient for all the king's horses and men to be there at the time? Humptygate! We demand the truth!
So I had a second date Friday evening with someone I connected with before I left the dating sites.
273kelvin comments on Dec 15, 2019:
I used to be on a hook-up site but I gave up on telephone sex. (I only tried it twice) Because the 1st was "Daddy I have been a naughty girl" and the second was far worse. It involved fantasies around her son. The truth is that there are some right weirdos out there of both sexes but we should not ...
273kelvin replies on Dec 15, 2019:
@RonWilliam53 It was not the naughty I had a problem with. It was the daddy bit
Okay, ladies, a question. How many of you on the online dating scene actually make the first move?
Soarfeet comments on Dec 15, 2019:
i cannot imagine paying to participate in online dating and then sitting passively by waiting to be contacted... who knows!? .. may i suggest, if you've NEVER had a woman respond to your dating site profile, pehaps you will re-think what you've written... or, post it here and allow the voices of...
273kelvin replies on Dec 15, 2019:
It may well be his profile but one thing my friend (mentioned in my other comment) pointed out. It can also be how often you are online. He has his on his phone and constantly refreshes it. Therefore whenever women are searching, his profile will pop up.
Catholic archbishop claims LGBT activism is the new communism
Grahame comments on Dec 14, 2019:
If you read the article then you will better understand. To put it into perspective this man lived through a regime of being told what to think. The basis of his argument is that the new spirit of progress and tolerance is actually intolerant. I agree with this part of his argument. There is huge ...
273kelvin replies on Dec 14, 2019:
@Triphid Not everyone's experiences are the same. but in both our cases it was much older men. The fact that yours was more horrific and that you did not have the capacity to resist has my sympathy. However, because your abusers were married and catholic does not necessarily mean that they were not gay, just in the closet.
Catholic archbishop claims LGBT activism is the new communism
Grahame comments on Dec 14, 2019:
If you read the article then you will better understand. To put it into perspective this man lived through a regime of being told what to think. The basis of his argument is that the new spirit of progress and tolerance is actually intolerant. I agree with this part of his argument. There is huge ...
273kelvin replies on Dec 14, 2019:
@Triphid You think that gay men have never tried to "convert" anyone? I can recall at least 3 times in my youth when this happened to me (I was better looking then). Gay men are still men after all. It did not make me intolerant, I have lots of gay friends but it did make me less pushy with women. There is nothing like being Penelope Pussycat to Pepe Le Pew to make you consider the other side of the coin.
The kinks - Come Dancing. []
Marionville comments on Dec 14, 2019:
One of my favourite later Kinks numbers!
273kelvin replies on Dec 14, 2019:
@Marionville I recommend "X-Ray" his autobiography. So many songs that you think are about England are really about his family. This one for example. That aforementioned front parlor was where his dad used to come home from the pub and sing "Minnie the mocha" (You can just imagine it sung in cockney). Ray said "I just wanted to write a song that my dad could sing".
The kinks - Come Dancing. []
Marionville comments on Dec 14, 2019:
One of my favourite later Kinks numbers!
273kelvin replies on Dec 14, 2019:
An interesting back story about what led to this song. Ray was part of a big family with 8 elder sisters. One of whom went off to get married and live in Canada. She came back when diagnosed with a terminal heart condition. She loved dancing and one night she went out and died on the dance floor. He talks about the front parlor that was such a scene of parties and merriment, now containing his sisters' coffin.
Bill Bailey's Downton Abbey Jamaican Dub Reggae Version []
FearlessFly comments on Dec 9, 2019:
Bailey is excited about his Downton Abbey/reggae mash-up. ‘I had to sit through hours of the show to find suitable Downton samples,’ he grins. ‘That was the hardest bit.’
273kelvin replies on Dec 9, 2019:
@Marionville Well done in bringing Bill Bailey home. (Sorry, but someone had to say it)
[] The La’s. - this Liverpool band had a hit with this in 1988. - There She Goes.
FearlessFly comments on Dec 9, 2019:
"There She Goes" has gained a reputation for being about the use of heroin, possibly as a result of the lines: "There she goes again... racing through my brain... pulsing through my vein... no one else can heal my pain"
273kelvin replies on Dec 9, 2019:
I will ask the band next time I meet one of them.
The latest presidential portrait.
SiouxcitySue comments on Dec 8, 2019:
If that plunger is pulled away, what sort of material will spew out?
273kelvin replies on Dec 8, 2019:
@SiouxcitySue, @ProudMerrie I think that if one of the kids he must have bullied as a kid had broken his nose. Then we would be looking at a different person now.
The latest presidential portrait.
273kelvin comments on Dec 8, 2019:
I cannot believe that he is publicly talking about how it takes 10-15 flushes at a time, to get rid of all the shit that comes out of him. Seriously though, it is getting very close to a "Cain Mutiny" type of situation. The guy is becoming more unhinged every day.
273kelvin replies on Dec 8, 2019:
@ProudMerrie The impeachment will stall in the Senate anyway. What worries me is if you guys don't vote him out next year. A once-great nation will decline and may never recover. I was so pleasantly surprised when you voted in Obama. Even more so when he survived 2 terms without being shot. But Trump is an international advert that says "America is stupid". If he stays then I am sorry but you deserve all you get.
In Israel, religious and secular Jews fight over Sabbath shopping on Saturdays - The Washington Post
SCal comments on Dec 6, 2019:
I fail to recognize how there can be such a thing as a secular jew. Claiming jewish is claiming a religious faith, not a race. I also do not accept social conditioning that races are even real. They are not. Therefore, unless you believe in their religious views, I dont understand how one can ...
273kelvin replies on Dec 6, 2019:
Okay, a tomato is a fruit but you don't put it in a fruit salad. Whatever science says about the DNA of this. Centuries of persecution have labeled Jews as a race. But I am sure that if you presented your case to the nazis when they came to round up your neighbors. You would have altered the course of history and saved so many lives. Shame that you were not there at the time.
In Israel, religious and secular Jews fight over Sabbath shopping on Saturdays - The Washington Post
VictoriaNotes comments on Dec 6, 2019:
As of 2019, there are 28 states with blue laws varying by each state and counties. In Bergen County, NJ, shopping for clothing, electronics, and furniture is not allowed on Sundays. Bergen County is the most populous county in New Jersey, with an estimated population of 948,406 in 2017. I ...
273kelvin replies on Dec 6, 2019:
The UK Sunday trading laws in the 60s and early 70s were even more laughable. You could buy a Playboy but not a bible.
In Israel, religious and secular Jews fight over Sabbath shopping on Saturdays - The Washington Post
Jolanta comments on Dec 6, 2019:
I would like all shops to be closed on Sundays, not on religious grounds just because we need a day off from all that pressure of shopping, and don't tell me you don't have to go. Just imagine how peoples lives would change, they now had to do something else than run of to the mall, like cleaning ...
273kelvin replies on Dec 6, 2019:
It was like that in the 60s here and it was awful. I don't know if you have ever heard Hancock's half-hour on a boring Sunday but it illustrates perfectly how mind-numbingly dull Sundays were.
Ok, I flirted with a married coworker and we both went too far with the flirting.
Iamkratom comments on Dec 6, 2019:
Have a feeling it was his wife that might be the issue. There's a lot to loose for both of you over what started as harmless flirtation. Considering that it's his livelihood and yours, I doubt you have anything to worry about. Curious as to who started the flirting and if he is in a position of ...
273kelvin replies on Dec 6, 2019:
@Cabsmom Twofold I think. Yes to stop temptation and but also any follow up texts from you that his wife might see
Happened upon a newer version of H.
273kelvin comments on Dec 5, 2019:
There is a new version of "War of the worlds" that has just been aired on the BBC. It is far closer to the book as it's set in Edwardian England. It is darker than most versions and also most of it is shot in my city of Liverpool. You should be getting it in the US sometime soon. ...
273kelvin replies on Dec 5, 2019:
PS cant find yours on Netflix
There is understandably a lot of discussion about the effect of distance on using this site as a ...
Wangobango3 comments on Dec 5, 2019:
Don't get into sexting unless you are a cunning linguist.
273kelvin replies on Dec 5, 2019:
@Wangobango3 You might like this then
I haven't had luck in any dating site.
273kelvin comments on Dec 5, 2019:
Dating at a later age is difficult at best. I looked at your profile and if I may say, you look very good for 72. The problem I have with online dating is that so many of the women of my age are either beige or appear to be beige. It is not so much physical attraction (although that is a factor) ...
273kelvin replies on Dec 5, 2019:
@TomMcGiverin It is a problem all over I think. I live in a major metropolitan city and quite close to another. Also, my neck of the woods is a multicultural and reasonably bohemian part of town. Yet 98% of the profiles are like this. "I'm a good person I like doing my garden in the summer I like going out and walk for miles I got 6 kids I drink sometimes now and then I am a smoker. I like pop music and old and new music."
There is understandably a lot of discussion about the effect of distance on using this site as a ...
Wangobango3 comments on Dec 5, 2019:
Don't get into sexting unless you are a cunning linguist.
273kelvin replies on Dec 5, 2019:
Most gals go for guitarists. Smart girls go for harmonica players.
Hello I just joined today.
273kelvin comments on Nov 24, 2019:
There quite a few people who have met irl on here and some romances. If you click on "members" that will show you. I believe there are some near Dallas. You are not alone in hating religion and I am sure that you will find some cyber friends at least on here
273kelvin replies on Dec 5, 2019:
@WesShumaker Not to say that we do not have our moments and one or two intransigent members but I will say that we try to be reasonable. In the absence of any higher power or book to tell us what is right. We can only fall back on reason.
Absolute and categoric proof that god does not exist! Number of fatalities by US golfers struck ...
St-Sinner comments on Dec 3, 2019:
Not so fast. I have a closing argument. Trump has always been rich. The rich play golf. The poor play basketball in the neighborhood. Obama played more basketball than Trump ever did.
273kelvin replies on Dec 4, 2019:
All I am saying is. It's not like god hasn`t had a chance here? But WOW imagine for a moment if it really happened? I am sure there would be even quite a few agnostics on here that would be on their knees quicker than you could say, Stormy Daniels or Monica Lewinski. I might even convert my self just for the look on all the alt-right Xians as their jaws drop, ha ha.
How is everyone doing tonight?
nogod comments on Dec 3, 2019:
lt's ok, exes make good speed bumps from what l hear.
273kelvin replies on Dec 3, 2019:
If you bury them in the back yard? Make sure to leave their ass sticking out. It's a handy place to leave your bicycle
Inspiration on how not to do it - The bad sex awards The River Capture by Mary Costello He clung...
resserts comments on Dec 3, 2019:
Were they *trying* to write terrible erotica? 😬
273kelvin replies on Dec 3, 2019:
I think that they may have been trying to be original. Us erotica writers know how hard that can be. However, you can push the envelope too far.
Do people who hate religion do it because of their Atheism or Agnosticism or because of their ...
273kelvin comments on Dec 2, 2019:
There was a special script for a UK comedy called "Black Adder" for a telethon. In it, our hero travels through time to the reign of Elizabeth I where he meets Shakespeare. The then proceeds to cold conk him with a right hand. "What's that for?" asks the bard rubbing his face. "That's for every ...
273kelvin replies on Dec 2, 2019:
@Gwendolyn2018 Oh, I am sure they would. I was not born Muslim catholic or in some evangelical sect. My family was secular with the odd nod to the church at family ceremonies. We were not volunteers. My heart goes out to everyone who has to suffer under religious laws that they do not support.
Today I will roast a chicken so it will be chicken tonight.
Triphid comments on Dec 1, 2019:
Nice menu idea, but mine for tonight is Spaghetti Bolognaise made with a mixture of pork and beef.
273kelvin replies on Dec 2, 2019:
@Triphid I am not a bad cook myself and I am sure that I could get better. It is just that I cannot really be arsed that much when it is just for me. Then you have ingredients. Most of them come in family-sized bags. For example, I wanted a parsnip to go with my chicken but all the supermarket had was a large bag for £1. Luckily the organic shop had some loose wilting ones on offer but if I had bought the whole bag? 90% would go to waste. Any lesser percentage would increase my intake of parsnips close to annual levels.
Today I will roast a chicken so it will be chicken tonight.
Triphid comments on Dec 1, 2019:
Nice menu idea, but mine for tonight is Spaghetti Bolognaise made with a mixture of pork and beef.
273kelvin replies on Dec 1, 2019:
Spag bol, the 1st meal (and sometimes the only one) that guys learn to cook lol
Today I will roast a chicken so it will be chicken tonight.
MissKathleen comments on Dec 1, 2019:
You can make a bit of broth from the bones on the seventh day...
273kelvin replies on Dec 1, 2019:
@MissKathleen Well, I put all the remains of the chicken in a crock-pot with carrots, onions, and garlic maybe some pulses. Then cook it off and on for 3 or more days till its gone. By this time the bones are quite soft and there is not much left to cook.
Today I will roast a chicken so it will be chicken tonight.
RavenCT comments on Dec 1, 2019:
If you habe a freezer it's easy to bag some and rotate meals? I always seem to cook more than one meal so there's a second or third one that goes in the freezer for later.
273kelvin replies on Dec 1, 2019:
I only have a small fridge with an 18" x 6" freezer compartment. (I know it may be shocking to an American but they do make fridges smaller than a sumo wrestlers coffin)
So how many of you guys think this is “fair”?
zesty comments on Dec 1, 2019:
This is why I always pay my part of any expenses. But I almost always have sex on the first date, too.
273kelvin replies on Dec 1, 2019:
Saving up for plane fare as I type ;-)
What is your favorite xmas movie?
NHjulie comments on Dec 1, 2019:
Sorry but going to be very cliche, It's a Wonderful Life. I've been watching it since it started being shown on TV and always watched it the day we decorated our tree with my kids, drinking eggnog. It is sappy, has all the Frank Capraesque characters, and Jimmy Stewart.
273kelvin replies on Dec 1, 2019:
One of the few movies that are better on TV than in the Theatre. I have done both and I much prefer at home with family and sofa. NB. If you watch "Five came back" on Netflix it talks about how the film bombed at the box office. And how it was quite autobiographical, as Capra was a forgotten man in Hollywood on his return from WW2
Today I will roast a chicken so it will be chicken tonight.
FrayedBear comments on Dec 1, 2019:
And if it still had entrails when you bought it you can cast them to divine your future. Sunday roast hot Monday roast cold Tuesday chicken noodle soup Wednesday chicken salad sandwich Thursday curried chicken with rice Friday sliced breast wrapped in cheese breadcrumbed & fried in butter ...
273kelvin replies on Dec 1, 2019:
I am not that much of a cook. Cold chicken for 2 days. Then a slow cooker (crock-pot) with veg, garlic, onions etc. till the bones are almost fluid.
Today I will roast a chicken so it will be chicken tonight.
MissKathleen comments on Dec 1, 2019:
You can make a bit of broth from the bones on the seventh day...
273kelvin replies on Dec 1, 2019:
That's what the stew is
Today I will roast a chicken so it will be chicken tonight.
Mitch07102 comments on Dec 1, 2019:
Save the bones. Bone broth when you get enough........
273kelvin replies on Dec 1, 2019:
That's what the stew is
Today I will roast a chicken so it will be chicken tonight.
MrLizard comments on Dec 1, 2019:
Must be some big chicken.
273kelvin replies on Dec 1, 2019:
I am not that big of an eater. Breasts and legs last three days and the stew another 3.
Today I will roast a chicken so it will be chicken tonight.
Cutiebeauty comments on Dec 1, 2019:
What are you having with the chicken?
273kelvin replies on Dec 1, 2019:
Oh and I just remembered that I have some bacon to roast on top of it.
Today I will roast a chicken so it will be chicken tonight.
Cutiebeauty comments on Dec 1, 2019:
What are you having with the chicken?
273kelvin replies on Dec 1, 2019:
Roast potatoes, carrots, and parsnips (5 mins in the micro then glazed with olive oil and herbs). broccoli and possibly sprouts if they are still not off.
I reviewed the pilot episode of "Nancy Drew Mysteries.
273kelvin comments on Nov 29, 2019:
Sometimes getting lost is the best thing to do. I remember going back to Malta for my birthday. I was born there but we left when I was a baby. My ex and I had drunk too much the night before and she was recovering in the hotel bed. So I caught the bus into Valetta on my own. I wandered up and ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 30, 2019:
@AnneWimsey We used to make a camping trip to the same place on the Welsh coast every year. One time I decided to take a more scenic route. Instead of skirting around the Snowdonian mountains, I chose the highest way I could. At one point it required turning off the main road (such as that was) and heading up a little single track road that was not even signposted. I had to ask a walker if I was going in the right direction. He was quite irate that I was using it and asked if my sat-nav had sent me here? I had to tell him no and that I had picked this route on purpose. Adding that he got to enjoy this countryside every day. Whereas I was usually stuck in city traffic all year. The views were something else. Okay, Snowdonia is not the Rockies but they can still be quite breathtaking.
Should the USA try to keep Muslims out of their country?
273kelvin comments on Nov 25, 2019:
America should not let ANY fundamentalist religious nutjobs into their country! Now if only those natives had thought about this when the Mayflower landed? Happy thanksgiving
273kelvin replies on Nov 29, 2019:
@Grecio We don't thanksgiving in the UK. I had a curry and gave a little thank you that I did not hear Trump that day.
So imagine you've talked to someone a bit and now meeting her/him for the first time.
273kelvin comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Firstly there is their appearance. Does it match their profile pics? If so, then a compliment on how good they look would not be out of order. Secondly, their voice, if you have not talked on the phone then how nice they sound IRL is good, also accents and where they have lived. The venue is worth ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 28, 2019:
@Lucy_Fehr Oh come on, we all like make an effort for a first date (or should do). It is a far cry from complimenting someone's appearance (even if it is their dress sense) in that situation to wolf-whistling a stranger.
Is there a difference between a fundamentalist theist and a fundamentalist atheist?
273kelvin comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Fundamental atheist? Do they condemn agnostics with curses like "You will live in a purgatory of indecision" What tosh
273kelvin replies on Nov 28, 2019:
@bleurowz I agree but we are not going to find any answers in tarot cards
Is there a difference between a fundamentalist theist and a fundamentalist atheist?
273kelvin comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Fundamental atheist? Do they condemn agnostics with curses like "You will live in a purgatory of indecision" What tosh
273kelvin replies on Nov 28, 2019:
@bleurowz, Of course, we live in an exciting age of new discoveries and ideas. But these came about from cold hard reasoning, scientific research, and hard work. Yes, for every answer we get, we find an exponential amount of new questions. The chances of mankind ever getting to the end of these is very slim indeed. However, this does not bode well for metaphysical spiritual. The wonders that you speak of were discovered by reason, for the most part in laboratories and universities, not on a ouija board. Why abandon reason when it has brought us thus far, for the superstition that put us in the dark ages?
Is there a difference between a fundamentalist theist and a fundamentalist atheist?
273kelvin comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Fundamental atheist? Do they condemn agnostics with curses like "You will live in a purgatory of indecision" What tosh
273kelvin replies on Nov 28, 2019:
@bleurowz Exactly! The operative word there is "feeling". noun; emotional state or reaction. idea or belief, especially a vague or irrational one. "he had the feeling that he was being watched" A word so close to "faith" that it is no wonder that rationalists like myself dismiss it. I may "feel" lucky but unless I can back it up with hard cash won on games of chance or bedroom conquests. There is little point in talking about it.
Is there a difference between a fundamentalist theist and a fundamentalist atheist?
273kelvin comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Fundamental atheist? Do they condemn agnostics with curses like "You will live in a purgatory of indecision" What tosh
273kelvin replies on Nov 28, 2019:
@bleurowz For sure there is a vast amount that we do not know. However, can we not close the book on the whole god thing and oil some hinges that are actually squeaking? Quantum physics throws out far more interesting and weird ideas that deserve to be discussed rather than possible deities.
Is there a difference between a fundamentalist theist and a fundamentalist atheist?
273kelvin comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Fundamental atheist? Do they condemn agnostics with curses like "You will live in a purgatory of indecision" What tosh
273kelvin replies on Nov 28, 2019:
@bleurowz There once was thought to be a substance known as the ether. It was considered as the only way that the light spectrum could travel through the vacuum of space. Then we discovered that light had a very tiny amount of mass and the ether was discarded as a theory because it was not detectable in any way and no longer served any purpose. No one is now wasting any good drinking time arguing for the possibility of it still being there. That is not to say that there is no discussion of other possible substances that may or may not exist, like dark matter or energy. But they may or may not help explain certain phenomena. An atheist looks at the subject the same way as the ether. It cannot be detected and serves no purpose - why are we talking about its possibility of existence? If agnostics could produce some reasoning that would shorten the odds of any kind of supernatural being or (for want of a better word) spookiness, then we would listen. In the meantime, then sure there may well be a planet out there that has seas of perfect martinis but let's just concentrate on making a good one here and talk about something else.
Is there a difference between a fundamentalist theist and a fundamentalist atheist?
273kelvin comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Fundamental atheist? Do they condemn agnostics with curses like "You will live in a purgatory of indecision" What tosh
273kelvin replies on Nov 28, 2019:
@bleurowz One one side you have - no god / what you see is what you get vs I don't know there may be more things in heaven and earth etc.. It is not fundamentalist for the former to ask the latter for sources and proofs. If none are forthcoming and the latter condemned, that is not doctrinaire. It is reasonable.
Pere Atkin & Clive James - No Dice Today we learnt of the death of a great writer Clive James.
Garbonza comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Never had much time for James as a writer even during his vogue (compared to say, Henry James) -- always seemed much more of a talker than a writer, and more of a clever-dick than a wit.
273kelvin replies on Nov 27, 2019:
He was never Nobel prize material but his autobiographies were very good. I came to him muchly via his songwriting. For a non-musician he had a great eye for musical archetypes. Like guitarists "Hands that spend their lives creating tension. Wrists that have a lean and hungry, eyes that have a mean and acrid look"
Should the USA try to keep Muslims out of their country?
Grecio comments on Nov 24, 2019:
Of course, all Muslims are not bad people. However, if one reads the Koran and other Islamic literature, there seems to be a lot of "kill apostates". etc.. In addition, Muslims that immigrate to the USA don't seem to assimilate. They take over neighborhoods and towns. Look what is going on in ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 27, 2019:
@Grecio Where the fuck do you get your sources? Faux news or the KKK gazette?
An interesting week or so for the minutia of living.
Cast1es comments on Nov 25, 2019:
It's the SIM card , you need to swap .
273kelvin replies on Nov 25, 2019:
I swopped the SIM & SD cards but some of my phone numbers are still on my old phone. Luckily it has the same kind of battery as my new one, so I can access them as and when I may need to.
Should the USA try to keep Muslims out of their country?
Grecio comments on Nov 24, 2019:
Of course, all Muslims are not bad people. However, if one reads the Koran and other Islamic literature, there seems to be a lot of "kill apostates". etc.. In addition, Muslims that immigrate to the USA don't seem to assimilate. They take over neighborhoods and towns. Look what is going on in ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 25, 2019:
@Grecio I don't really have to ask him those things. Like most Muslims in my country, they traveled here to get away from that kind of shite. Plus I know that he enjoys the occasional glass of white wine. We do not have a separation of church and state in the UK. The queen is secular head of the church of England and bishops, chief rabi and some Muslim leaders are cross-bench members of the house of lords. (the upper house similar to your senate). We take the view that it is better to have them inside the tent... The only western country heading towards a fundamentalist religious church-state is yours I am afraid
Should the USA try to keep Muslims out of their country?
Grecio comments on Nov 24, 2019:
Of course, all Muslims are not bad people. However, if one reads the Koran and other Islamic literature, there seems to be a lot of "kill apostates". etc.. In addition, Muslims that immigrate to the USA don't seem to assimilate. They take over neighborhoods and towns. Look what is going on in ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 24, 2019:
Firstly, it is bad form to answer your own post with a 1stcomment. Secondly, the comment makes an assumption that in my experience is false. I cannot speak for all of Europe, only where I live, Yes we have a large Muslim community. Can they be rather exclusive? somewhat. But they do mingle just not in the usual way like bars etc. I have quite a few Muslim customers and many of them volunteer for things like the local cricket club and such. Then we have food shops. There have been posts about food poverty here. Places where you cannot buy fresh veg for miles around. Not so in my yard, I will post a video of one of the local shops that would not exist if not for the Muslims Next (and again I can only speak for Liverpool) we had huge riots in the 80s. After that, the police stayed away from certain areas. Drug dealers moved in and they became "No-go areas" for the cops. Then the Muslims did something about it. Mostly Samarlli but also from Pakistan and Afganistan. They cleared the place of street dealers and prostitutes. (Not always by legal means) I am not saying that its crime-free but you can bring your kids up there now and people are buying new houses. Last night I fancied a drink so I went across the street to the convenience store. Allan is in charge and although a Kurd and Muslim he is not strict in his worship. We shoot the breeze and swop jokes and then I barter for the best deal he can give me on some booze. Eventually settling for brandy at £14 a bottle. No big news, just local people getting on with the business of life.
An interesting week or so for the minutia of living.
WonderWartHog99 comments on Nov 24, 2019:
## Sounds like a series of thrill packed events. 😁
273kelvin replies on Nov 24, 2019:
The gig was stupendous, plus I stayed behind and partied with the artist and bar staff. (Hence getting another train ticket the next day) I also made a small pilgrimage to mend some fences. Even though the omens were against me. But that is another story.
A Shot in the Dark - Henry Mancini []
273kelvin comments on Nov 23, 2019:
Sellers was very into seeing a medium and would not make a move without consulting him. His agent knew that Blake Edwards would be a great move for Sellers so he went to the medium and bribed him to tell Sellers to be susceptible. The medium told him that he would soon meet someone with the initials...
273kelvin replies on Nov 23, 2019:
@GeorgeRocheleau I know but it's a great story anyway
Any chance someone can get a bottle to me by tomorrow evening's party?
273kelvin comments on Nov 22, 2019:
I once infused vodka with green by just putting in the bottle and leaving it. The odd thing was it was like Pastis or Pernod. in that it discoloured and went cloudy when you added any mixer.
273kelvin replies on Nov 23, 2019:
@WonderWartHog99 It depends on the pot. I sometimes make what we call pollen but others call bubble wrap using ice. It makes more of a spicy taste than a herb. Works very well in cake.
Any chance someone can get a bottle to me by tomorrow evening's party?
273kelvin comments on Nov 22, 2019:
I once infused vodka with green by just putting in the bottle and leaving it. The odd thing was it was like Pastis or Pernod. in that it discoloured and went cloudy when you added any mixer.
273kelvin replies on Nov 23, 2019:
@ProudMerrie Difficult to say as I was smoking as well but I think so
I think we generally agreed a guy who has several pictures of himself consuming alcohol is a ...
Corvislover comments on Nov 22, 2019:
As for me posing with dead animals or fish is an immediate no way. Second only to men posing with women with sexy outfits like hooters etc. Are you looking for a hooker or a play date? Smoking anything is also a hard no. Lastly for me its children. Im childfree but putting pictures of young ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 22, 2019:
The children thing is much more of a no-no when women do it. As the people viewing will be guys. Whereas when men do it (and I'm not saying its right) it will be only women who see it and they are far less likely to be preditors
I have kinda given up on online dating for the time being.
GreatNani comments on Nov 18, 2019:
Brian Adam's LOL! Well, you never know, she could be great in other ways and you could introduce her to other music!
273kelvin replies on Nov 18, 2019:
@GreatNani Not worth the effort. Brian Adams just says vanilla all over.
I have kinda given up on online dating for the time being.
GreatNani comments on Nov 18, 2019:
Brian Adam's LOL! Well, you never know, she could be great in other ways and you could introduce her to other music!
273kelvin replies on Nov 18, 2019:
No, you cannot put any colour into someone that beige
I just had the most superb evening watching this guy.
Coolcaver comments on Nov 18, 2019:
I've been a fan for many ayear....first saw him with Royboy at the Adelphi in Liverpool many moons ago....altho' somewhat shy, even then he was a real virtuoso...playing like a young Jimmy Page...indeed playing JP's Jugula parts... Since then have seen him numerous times, even once totally ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 18, 2019:
Unfortunately, the Lowden wore out. He does give them quite a bash but still uses banjo pegs. My mate had him play "Happy birthday to you" on one string with no frets, just tunning.
Which rock group has four guys who can't sing or play instruments? Mount Rushmore.
Gonzogopher comments on Nov 17, 2019:
Not sure about that, you might be taking it for granite!
273kelvin replies on Nov 17, 2019:
Or they could be just too stoned?
Can anyone with theology knowledge (or knows someone with) explain this?
JustAskMe comments on Nov 12, 2019:
What I see happening in the comments is exactly the problem the poster is talking about. ... Folks jump on the bandwagon of their already held beliefs and it becomes reinforced. However, had anyone looked at the most basic information available to anyone who uses this site, they would have found the...
273kelvin replies on Nov 16, 2019:
@JustAskMe Neither will I or pretty much anyone on this site. However, I was replying to a comment and quoting W C Fields. A man who was famous for saying "Anyone that hates children and animals can't be all bad". Has it got to the stage where every joke now has to be followed by a "lol" or emoji?
Can anyone with theology knowledge (or knows someone with) explain this?
DenoPenno comments on Nov 11, 2019:
The simple truth here is that the Romans did not make everybody go back to their birthplace to be counted. It never happened. This is something added to the gospels to explain how Jesus fits in with the prophesies. It is all manipulated. Imagine Mary and Joseph in Egypt but they had to come back ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 16, 2019:
Can anyone with theology knowledge (or knows someone with) explain this?
glennlab comments on Nov 12, 2019:
From the UK government
273kelvin replies on Nov 16, 2019:
@glennlab As for people not traveling far, bere in mind that the continent of America was colonized by people on horses and carts without the benefit of Roman roads
Can anyone with theology knowledge (or knows someone with) explain this?
JustAskMe comments on Nov 12, 2019:
What I see happening in the comments is exactly the problem the poster is talking about. ... Folks jump on the bandwagon of their already held beliefs and it becomes reinforced. However, had anyone looked at the most basic information available to anyone who uses this site, they would have found the...
273kelvin replies on Nov 16, 2019:
@FrayedBear Maybe we will go the way of W C Fields on his death bed looking through the bible. "Just trying to find a loophole". I think it is more like when you watch a fantasy movie and just one small piece of incredulity catches your attention. Like Lord of the Rings and you think "Why did they not just fly Frodo to mount doom on an eagle, to begin with?" Or "if only Thor can pick up his hammer, what if the Hulk picks him up whilst he is holding it?"
Can anyone with theology knowledge (or knows someone with) explain this?
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Nov 12, 2019:
I posted this in reply to another person, but it bears repeating. I deleted the comments directed toward her. Many (if not most) Xtians believe that Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem to counted in a census. There is no proof of that claim; the census did not take place. A Christian ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 16, 2019:
Thank you for the most detailed explanation of all the comments.
The Day the Music Died
FearlessFly comments on Nov 15, 2019:
. . . die, die, miss american pie :P
273kelvin replies on Nov 15, 2019:
@Beowulfsfriend I think it was Muddy Waters that said: "Where the hell did he find a levy in New York state?"
Can anyone with theology knowledge (or knows someone with) explain this?
Smoke comments on Nov 15, 2019:
During the time of the judges the census was done by the jews themselves, it had nothing to do with Rome. King David actually "displeased" god by doing one which was weird to me since it was common practice before they had a king. If you read the bible cover to cover there are so many contradictions...
273kelvin replies on Nov 15, 2019:
I recommend "God knows" by Joseph Heller. The story of David told in the first person. "How comes I don`t get a book, after all I did for him? God gives that idiot shmuck of a stepson of mine Soloman a book but I get zilch!"
Can anyone with theology knowledge (or knows someone with) explain this?
glennlab comments on Nov 12, 2019:
From the UK government
273kelvin replies on Nov 15, 2019:
@glennlab I doubt not that the Romans conducted continuing censuses. It is returning to your birthplace this does not ring true. Auxiliaries fought throughout the empire. Many would have settled in different regions. Traders also would also have traveled. An accurate census would be very valuable for tax collecting but you would need to count people where they live not where they were born
Can anyone with theology knowledge (or knows someone with) explain this?
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Nov 14, 2019:
And a bit of trivia: what some people do not realize--I did not know for decades--is that in the time when Jesus was purportedly born, there were no "inns" as we think of them. When I was a grad student, I took a course in Medieval lit and we studied the cycle/mystery plays; the plays portrayed ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 15, 2019:
@Gwendolyn2018 I just looked it up and earliest accounts of it are 11th century but I can`t see the basic design changing much.
Can anyone with theology knowledge (or knows someone with) explain this?
Gwendolyn2018 comments on Nov 14, 2019:
And a bit of trivia: what some people do not realize--I did not know for decades--is that in the time when Jesus was purportedly born, there were no "inns" as we think of them. When I was a grad student, I took a course in Medieval lit and we studied the cycle/mystery plays; the plays portrayed ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 15, 2019:
A long while ago I visited Israel and stayed on a kibbutz near Galilee. On there was a staging "inn" on what was the old spice road is known locally as "Jacobs Well". It was cut into the hillside and I got told that animals and livestock would be housed on the ground floor. Whereas the more money you paid the higher your room would be, away from the smells. Also (and I cannot vouch for the authenticity of this but one would assume he made some researches) when I read "Ben Hur" Mee talks about the inn being owned by the house of David. This kinda makes sense as many of the country pubs/inns in England were owned by the local gentry. Hense they have names like "The Earl of Derby" etc.
I have kinda given up on online dating for the time being.
TomMcGiverin comments on Nov 14, 2019:
I can relate. Music is huge to me and I could never date someone who was much of a country music fan, as I hate that genre and the whole culture that goes with it. Same with smoking and someone who is very religious. I am currently dating someone who is a practicing Catholic, but she is not big on ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 15, 2019:
There is country and then there is country. If your talking line-dancing god and flag then no but Willie Nelson, Kriss Kristoferson maybe Jonny Cash. That's different.
Can anyone with theology knowledge (or knows someone with) explain this?
glennlab comments on Nov 12, 2019:
From the UK government
273kelvin replies on Nov 15, 2019:
@glennlab I clicked on the link and even though it is from the UK govt they did not sight any sources. Nor can I find any other sources for insisting that citizens should travel back to their birthplace, other than the bible. Given that YouGov UK has just finished a 13 million pound ad campaign telling us to get ready for Brexit on 31st October which never happened. I will take the link with some salt.
Was watching a video on Facebook , of young Asian women applying makeup .
MissKathleen comments on Nov 13, 2019:
My nephew once counseled me, “there’s nothing wrong with gilding the lily”.
273kelvin replies on Nov 14, 2019:
@MissKathleen Ah yes you have me ouch
Was watching a video on Facebook , of young Asian women applying makeup .
MissKathleen comments on Nov 13, 2019:
My nephew once counseled me, “there’s nothing wrong with gilding the lily”.
273kelvin replies on Nov 14, 2019:
@MissKathleen Oh I know, everybody uses it in the same way that your nephew does. I just thought it might be nice to show the true quote for a change.
Can anyone with theology knowledge (or knows someone with) explain this?
Archeus_Lore comments on Nov 12, 2019:
Theology and knowledge? . . . . those two words are oxymorons . . . . Oxymoron - etymology from a Greek word whose literal translation is "pointedly foolish".
273kelvin replies on Nov 14, 2019:
Do you want to explain patronizing whilst you are at it?
Was watching a video on Facebook , of young Asian women applying makeup .
MissKathleen comments on Nov 13, 2019:
My nephew once counseled me, “there’s nothing wrong with gilding the lily”.
273kelvin replies on Nov 14, 2019:
One of the most famous misquotes of all time. It should read; "Who would perfume the lily or gild the purest gold?"
What are your political views all about? Do they include protecting the planet?
WonderWartHog99 comments on Nov 14, 2019:
## There are a few people that need a good killing. As the Lord High Executor says: As some day it may happen that a victim must be found I've got a little list — I've got a little list Of society offenders who might well be underground And who never would be missed — who never would ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 14, 2019:
Can we add tailgaters and those that block the isles of supermarkets with 2 trollies whilst they chat?
Can anyone with theology knowledge (or knows someone with) explain this?
Archeus_Lore comments on Nov 13, 2019:
Interesting that the Roman Empire fell after the ascendancy of christianity within it!
273kelvin replies on Nov 14, 2019:
It was not instantaneous. It was decriminalized in by Rome 313 and became the state religion in 380. Although Romans pull back from Britain in 410 they still had a considerable empire. Christians believe that their religion took over the Roman empire but the point can be made that it was the other way around. As Rome's military might decreases, then its political influence via the church takes over. The catholic church has a hierarchy that closely resembles that of the Roman army. In that, each leader has 5 immediate subordinates below him. (A system copied by the military and industry the ever since).
Can anyone with theology knowledge (or knows someone with) explain this?
JustAskMe comments on Nov 12, 2019:
What I see happening in the comments is exactly the problem the poster is talking about. ... Folks jump on the bandwagon of their already held beliefs and it becomes reinforced. However, had anyone looked at the most basic information available to anyone who uses this site, they would have found the...
273kelvin replies on Nov 13, 2019:
@JustAskMe Good luck and more power to your elbow in the work that you do. My point was that theists use the bible as an unimpeachable witness. If we can show that it is not so. ie. "Where were you on the night of the 14th?" and the answer is "Watching the ball game" but the witness gets the teams and score wrong. Then our side of the argument holds up the greater.
Can anyone with theology knowledge (or knows someone with) explain this?
JustAskMe comments on Nov 12, 2019:
What I see happening in the comments is exactly the problem the poster is talking about. ... Folks jump on the bandwagon of their already held beliefs and it becomes reinforced. However, had anyone looked at the most basic information available to anyone who uses this site, they would have found the...
273kelvin replies on Nov 13, 2019:
@JustAskMe Who cares? Okay firstly let me put my position down. I live in a reasonably secular society and encounter no problems with my non-belief systems. In fact, the only time that I ever talk about them is on here. Unfortunately, that is not the case for so many of our members. It seems that they have to battle and debate with theists all the time. From what I glean off their posts there is an ongoing struggle to keep the legislature and educational systems of the USA as secular as it should be. To back up their claims, theists point to the bible as the immutable word of god. "Not one jot or tittle". Therefore such a glaring falsification and inaccuracy as the census provides much-needed ammunition to the debate. As my post pointed out, it is hard to argue against miracles as they are faith-based but history and common sense government can provide tangible evidence that the gospels are not accurate. That was my motivation for posting As to "Who cares?" Well, I do not recall ever having as many comments on one of my posts as this one. It has generated so much interest that the comments have gone to 2 pages so far and more keep coming. If I were a points whore, I would be overjoyed.
Can anyone with theology knowledge (or knows someone with) explain this?
JustAskMe comments on Nov 12, 2019:
What I see happening in the comments is exactly the problem the poster is talking about. ... Folks jump on the bandwagon of their already held beliefs and it becomes reinforced. However, had anyone looked at the most basic information available to anyone who uses this site, they would have found the...
273kelvin replies on Nov 12, 2019:
It is not the census itself I have a problem with. It is the requirement of going back to where you were born. It would be massively uprooting and would achieve no purpose. A census is to collect data about the current population, not where they were when born.
Can anyone with theology knowledge (or knows someone with) explain this?
nicknotes comments on Nov 11, 2019:
Can We Have Confidence In the Gospels When They Contain Ridiculous Stories? One of the most ridiculous Christmas stories is found at Luke Chapter 2. 1And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. 3And all went to be ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 12, 2019:
@AnneWimsey But they are not nobody
How is on-line dating affecting relationships? Three interesting new videos []
Julie808 comments on Nov 12, 2019:
I'm not sure I'd ever want to date a man who is on a dating app. From my experience years ago (and throughout my 8 year relationship) guys (maybe girls too?) seem to keep their profile up or hide it but still check in often, to see if there's something better out there, or to cheat while traveling....
273kelvin replies on Nov 12, 2019:
The problem is that it is just about the only way to find someone nowadays. Back in the day, you could meet some in a bar or on a bus. Now wherever you go nearly everyone is on their phone. Casual conversations with a stranger are fast becoming a dying art form.
Can anyone with theology knowledge (or knows someone with) explain this?
nicknotes comments on Nov 11, 2019:
Can We Have Confidence In the Gospels When They Contain Ridiculous Stories? One of the most ridiculous Christmas stories is found at Luke Chapter 2. 1And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. 3And all went to be ...
273kelvin replies on Nov 12, 2019:
@AnneWimsey You would have had auxiliaries from the provinces serving all around the empire. So someone from Thrace might well be on Hadrian's wall. I suppose that traders and specialists such as medical practitioners might also travel the length and breadth of the empire.
Anyone in Australia ?
273kelvin comments on Nov 4, 2019:
Australia does not exist
273kelvin replies on Nov 11, 2019:
@PraiseJeebus ??
Do you have a favorite movie you can re-watch countless times and never get bored of it?
mischl comments on Nov 10, 2019:
Dr. Strangelove (Stanley Kubrick) Saving Pvt. Ryan (Steven Spielberg) Sex and Lucia (including the luscious Paz Vega) Love (by Gaspar Noe) Eyes Wide Shut (Stanley Kubrick) Catch 22 (by Mike Nichols) chiefly because of the great films of B-25's in flight
273kelvin replies on Nov 10, 2019:
I watched Dr. Strangelove again for the umpteenth time this week. I never noticed before but Sellers US president ts very NY gay. It was part of a bbc season on the cold war. I highly recommend Rich Halls documentary on it which talks about the film amongst other things
Has anybody watched "the Family" on Netflix?
UpsideDownAgain comments on Aug 18, 2019:
So it's different than all the other conspiracy theory videos out there?
273kelvin replies on Nov 10, 2019:
Yes, it is. This one is demonstrably real. The annual prayer breakfast is a real event.
Has anybody watched "the Family" on Netflix?
VineetHonkan comments on Aug 18, 2019:
I've seen the family in the stars De Niro, Pfeiffer, and was directed by Luc Bess...wait a're talking about something else aren't you? Lol
273kelvin replies on Nov 10, 2019:
Yes but that was a very good movie
I have never heard of one? Rolls Royce pick up?
KKGator comments on Nov 9, 2019:
Steering wheel is on the left. That's a US custom job. No way it came off the line like that.
273kelvin replies on Nov 9, 2019:
They did make them right-hand drive but that would have been customized. I had the pleasure of playing chess at their works in Crew. The yard was full of old RRs and Bentleys sent for repairs.
Any other women feel this way?
Sticks48 comments on Nov 9, 2019:
And men are... Too bald Too short Too fat Too weak Too strong... or don't have enough money. Being a human being is full of disappointments.
273kelvin replies on Nov 9, 2019:
You left out too old.
Can you post a song with short or sweet in the title?
Haemish1 comments on Nov 8, 2019:
Sweet Allis Chalmers - the only love song written to a tractor.
273kelvin replies on Nov 8, 2019:
@sassygirl3869 When any of them broke up, did they get a John Deere letter?
Baby it's cold outside! 33 degrees.
273kelvin comments on Nov 8, 2019:
Yesterday was dreich (A Scottish word, used to describe cold, wet, windy and miserable weather. That only the Scots could coin). However, today in sunshiny and looks quite nice. I may go out later?
273kelvin replies on Nov 8, 2019:
@Marionville It was a definite duvet day for me
Anyone in Australia ?
273kelvin comments on Nov 4, 2019:
Australia does not exist
273kelvin replies on Nov 7, 2019:
@Triphid "The Duckworth Lewis method" is a concept band devoted to songs about cricket. Well worth listening to but I think the 2nd album is not as good. The 1st album was credited by the Irish team as their inspiration for their victory against England in the world cup.


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