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The lucky charm - talisman.
BitFlipper comments on Sep 1, 2019:
Sounds like you're looking to justify a belief for which there is no evidence.
273kelvin replies on Sep 1, 2019:
I did a positive thing and traveled 30 odd miles on public transport to help her out. I found my knife which made me feel good about myself I applied myself to the job hunt I was still feeling positive when the phone rang This carried over to the interview. No magic, just good actions leading to good outcomes, albeit unconnected
Roll up, roll up folks one and all.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 31, 2019:
Betty Grable?
273kelvin replies on Aug 31, 2019:
@bleurowz I know
Roll up, roll up folks one and all.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 31, 2019:
Betty Grable?
273kelvin replies on Aug 31, 2019:
@bleurowz It's not my only question and one got it wrong even after this comment
Roll up, roll up folks one and all.
Booklover comments on Aug 31, 2019:
Easy peasy! 😁
273kelvin replies on Aug 31, 2019:
Okay smart arse, What film? lol
Roll up, roll up folks one and all.
t1nick comments on Aug 31, 2019:
Patrick McGowen?
273kelvin replies on Aug 31, 2019:
Tomorrow night please
Roll up, roll up folks one and all.
Sticks48 comments on Aug 31, 2019:
Betty Grable?
273kelvin replies on Aug 31, 2019:
Delete this comment forthwith, please. And bring your answer tomorrow as I asked
I never thought that this would happen to me but it did.
dan325 comments on Aug 29, 2019:
Ouch. That's even worse than my regularly getting the senior discount without asking for it.
273kelvin replies on Aug 31, 2019:
@dan325 They are responsible for your lot driving on the wrong side of the road as well. Just think how much more efficiently you could do a drive-by shooting if it was a one man job.
I never thought that this would happen to me but it did.
dan325 comments on Aug 29, 2019:
Ouch. That's even worse than my regularly getting the senior discount without asking for it.
273kelvin replies on Aug 30, 2019:
@dan325 I blame the French. Because of the history and because they're French
I never thought that this would happen to me but it did.
dan325 comments on Aug 29, 2019:
Ouch. That's even worse than my regularly getting the senior discount without asking for it.
273kelvin replies on Aug 30, 2019:
@dan325 Don't blame us English. The guy was a Kaut
I wish this was for real....
273kelvin comments on Aug 30, 2019:
It's not that good as it does not give you the height of the impact point. The velocity would be directly proportional to the amount of drop squared. So it would be smaller on the shoulders than the shins
273kelvin replies on Aug 30, 2019:
Plus you have to factor in whatever velocity our caped crusader may have added by swinging his legs.
The lucky charm - talisman.
seattlepanda comments on Aug 30, 2019:
Statistical anomalies are just that, anomalies. The smaller the subset, the more frequently they will occur. But, feel free to believe in and thank your lucky stars. Does no harm...
273kelvin replies on Aug 30, 2019:
@seattlepanda It does happen. even at the highest levels. One example I read was by this guy who was one of Karpov's seconds. He and the team were charged with looking into a promising variation (pre-internet). So they scoured though all the published games till eventually, they found a refutation from an obscure women's candidate match. The chances of anyone knowing this was minute but a refutation anywhere was not good enough for the world champion and it was dropped. Three months later and his opponent plays it on him in a congress. Dumb luck that he picked the wrong guy to use it on.
I never thought that this would happen to me but it did.
Haemish1 comments on Aug 29, 2019:
At least it didn’t happen on a bus or some form of public transportation;)
273kelvin replies on Aug 30, 2019:
@Haemish1 An interesting look at numbers. The energy soda Monsters logo looks like a large M but it is also 3 Hebrew numbers, which are 666
The lucky charm - talisman.
seattlepanda comments on Aug 30, 2019:
Statistical anomalies are just that, anomalies. The smaller the subset, the more frequently they will occur. But, feel free to believe in and thank your lucky stars. Does no harm...
273kelvin replies on Aug 30, 2019:
I have read several articles about the presence of luck in chess. You would think that such a logical game would have eliminated chance but not so. We all have our good and bad days. It so happened that the knife gave me an up feeling right when the interviews came. Just like meeting an opponent who chooses your favorite opening. The coincidence happened at a "lucky" time
The lucky charm - talisman.
Stephanie99 comments on Aug 30, 2019:
Your explanation is why luck does not exist, and what it really is, rather than why luck does exist.
273kelvin replies on Aug 30, 2019:
I was doing some preliminary roof work on a newly constructed wall. As was up there the boss said "The mortar hasn't set yet so don't put any weight on it. Just use it for balance". Like that wall, I do not trust to luck but I know that it's there and it can help keep me upright.
I never thought that this would happen to me but it did.
dan325 comments on Aug 29, 2019:
Ouch. That's even worse than my regularly getting the senior discount without asking for it.
273kelvin replies on Aug 30, 2019:
@dan325 This kind of benefit comes after you get universal health care. But hey ho emigrate and pay your taxes here and it's yours. You might have got it at home if those darned revolutionary landowners had not been so upperty about state control in 1776
The lucky charm - talisman.
mischl comments on Aug 30, 2019:
That knife (or one very similar) is still being made and sold.
273kelvin replies on Aug 30, 2019:
It does not surprise me, as it is well designed. I think that these were surplus because they had the old West German army logo on them.
I never thought that this would happen to me but it did.
dan325 comments on Aug 29, 2019:
Ouch. That's even worse than my regularly getting the senior discount without asking for it.
273kelvin replies on Aug 30, 2019:
Well, I do have my twirly pass. Fyi a "twirly pass" is the over 60s free public transport benefit that my city gave me for not dying. (Socialism at work). It's valid on weekends and on weekdays after 9.30am. The nickname comes from us coffin dodgers that try and travel before the 9.30am watershed. Bus driver - "You can't use that yet. You're too early"
I never thought that this would happen to me but it did.
Haemish1 comments on Aug 29, 2019:
At least it didn’t happen on a bus or some form of public transportation;)
273kelvin replies on Aug 29, 2019:
@Haemish1 It is not a question of language but more of location. The Metro tram in Manchester is rather like the subway only that it is overground. I realize that getting around a major conurbation maybe rather alien to an inhabitant of Montana. A place that I am informed is so sparsely populated that the traffic cops pull you over because they are lonely.
I never thought that this would happen to me but it did.
Haemish1 comments on Aug 29, 2019:
At least it didn’t happen on a bus or some form of public transportation;)
273kelvin replies on Aug 29, 2019:
Yes, it did. It was the metro tram in Manchester
What exactly was the reason for Europeans toaccept a god from the desert over the local gods who ...
273kelvin comments on Aug 28, 2019:
Rome was the big cheese culture. So even if you were not occupied like Ireland. It must have been very influential. Just as Hollywood and rock-n-roll have been exported from the USA.
273kelvin replies on Aug 28, 2019:
@Spinliesel Why not? John Lennon said, "The Beatles are bigger than Jesus". I meant it in terms of cultural hegemony. Christianity must have looked sophisticated and aspirational compared to primitive religions. It was the god of the powerful winners. It also brought the concept of written language.
Loved listening to this guy forty odd years ago.
ballou comments on Aug 28, 2019:
He was one fine guitarist too. He was a well known session player for a lot of bands, including the Beach Boys.
273kelvin replies on Aug 28, 2019:
@Marionville It is amazing what you pick up in interviews. I saw one with Robert Plant. Like Glen he was a session guitarist in his youth and played on loads of songs. When asked if he remembered any he said "Not really as there were so many but I do remember Shirley Bassey`s Goldfinger as she fainted afterward"
Loved listening to this guy forty odd years ago.
ballou comments on Aug 28, 2019:
He was one fine guitarist too. He was a well known session player for a lot of bands, including the Beach Boys.
273kelvin replies on Aug 28, 2019:
He also played guitar on Sinartras "Stangers in the night"
Nothing says "respect my religion" like child murder...
273kelvin comments on Aug 27, 2019:
Once upon a time, I went to Jerusalem. An odd place for an atheist to be but as I looked around. It was the overwhelming impression that just as in Chicago you are nobody until you have had someone "rubbed out". That in that town, you were nobody until you put a kid on an altar
273kelvin replies on Aug 28, 2019:
@kellymkg They all do it. Be it Catholics preventing birth control in 3rd world countries. JWs withholding blood transfusions. Muslims blowing up a concert in Manchester. I can take you to a cave in Scotland where Presbyterians burnt oner 200 Babtist men women and children alive. Of course, it is more powerful if it's your kid but they all have sacrificed children for their beliefs.
Nothing says "respect my religion" like child murder...
Larry-new comments on Aug 27, 2019:
Dylan: God said to Abraham, Kill me a son Abe said, Man, you're putting me on God said no, Abe said whoa God said You can do what you want Abe, but the next time you see me coming, you'd better run... Abe said, Where you want this killing done? God said, Take him out to highway 61.
273kelvin replies on Aug 27, 2019:
@Geoffrey51 You who build the altars now To sacrifice these children You must not do it anymore A scheme is not a vision And you never have been tempted By a demon or a god You who stand above them now Your hatchets blunt and bloody You were not there before When I lay upon a mountain And my father's hand was trembling With the beauty of the word L. Cohen - Sory of Isaac
No one can tell me why I am here in this mystery.
273kelvin comments on Aug 23, 2019:
I did come across a solution to your ponderings once and it goes like this. If you are truly troubled by the meaning of your existence? Then I suggest that tonight you vacate your comfortable bed and sleep rough. If after a few nights of kipping outdoors you are still troubled? Then renounce all ...
273kelvin replies on Aug 23, 2019:
@LucasfromGR No, I'm not, dad was. The song just sums up my philosophy in this matter
My religions professor is very adamant about convincing us atheists are just as religious as ...
273kelvin comments on Aug 21, 2019:
So many times I come across "The elephant and the Polish problem." * Where people (especially religious ones) view everything else from their own perspective and cannot conceive a view outside of it. They have faith and it is part of their world. The fact that all their bs is about as much concern ...
273kelvin replies on Aug 21, 2019:
@Fernapple A school for embassy children of different nationalities and the new teacher asks all the kids to write a story about an elephant. Everyone writes a story as she asks except for the Polish child, whose story is called "The elephant and the Polish problem"
My religions professor is very adamant about convincing us atheists are just as religious as ...
OldWiseAss comments on Aug 21, 2019:
Is anarchy a form of government? Is silence music? Is your Religion Professor a preacher in disguise?
273kelvin replies on Aug 21, 2019:
Is a teetotaler addicted to abstinence?
Trump’s nothing like Hitler. There’s no way he could write a book
Arizonajerry comments on Aug 21, 2019:
Cutiebeauty, thank you very much for clarifying the purpose of these jokes. These cheesy jokes misled me to loosing hope in humanity and thinking that some people are disrespectful to our president....or worse. Thank you for steering me straight, it is jsut cheesy jokes. I feel much, much better. ...
273kelvin replies on Aug 21, 2019:
Respect is a 2-way street
Just got home from an evening at Shakespeare in the Park (Henry IV) It was a great production - ...
Our_existence comments on Aug 17, 2019:
To drink or not to drink? That is the question. Whether it be nobler to view the play, or join in the revelry across the way.
273kelvin replies on Aug 18, 2019:
@Haemish1 Beer, a consummation devoutly to be wished
Has anybody watched "the Family" on Netflix?
JackPedigo comments on Aug 17, 2019:
I have started but will fast forward past all the magic BS. I am sure it has had a very big effect (I wonder if they courted Obama) but, hopefully, as far as the people go more are becoming wise to this trickery.
273kelvin replies on Aug 17, 2019:
@LimitedLight That`s the one. Every president since Ike has attended
Has anybody watched "the Family" on Netflix?
JackPedigo comments on Aug 17, 2019:
I have started but will fast forward past all the magic BS. I am sure it has had a very big effect (I wonder if they courted Obama) but, hopefully, as far as the people go more are becoming wise to this trickery.
273kelvin replies on Aug 17, 2019:
Obama would not have needed much courting. Remember that he got a lot of support from the black baptist churches
Has anybody watched "the Family" on Netflix?
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 17, 2019:
Thanks for the suggestion. I was unaware of this movie.
273kelvin replies on Aug 17, 2019:
It`s a documentary series
Has anybody watched "the Family" on Netflix?
jlynn37 comments on Aug 17, 2019:
I have not watched it nor do I intend too. In my personal opinion, as with all programs like this, especially on platforms like Netflix, it is fiction and produced for entertainment purposes only. Again, just my personal opinion.
273kelvin replies on Aug 17, 2019:
Give it 5 minutes. Honestly, this is not silver hat conspiracy theories. It goes across party lines and has been in the center of Washington for decades. Involving EVERY US president from Ike to the present day
I guess there's not much hitchhiking going on anymore, but back in the old days it was pretty ...
KKGator comments on Aug 14, 2019:
I remember hitchhiking all over Hollywood, FL when I was a teenager. It was such a different time, that's for sure.
273kelvin replies on Aug 14, 2019:
It is actually safer now. You can take a picture of the number plate and send it off to someone. Similarly, the driver can photo your ID
Agnostic vs Atheist Sorry to rake up this seemingly old one up again but there have been so many ...
Fernapple comments on Aug 13, 2019:
I don't basically disagree with you but I think that the "Where are the scissors Darling?" analogue is not a good one. The real equivalent should be. "There are no scissors in an unknown draw somewhere perhaps on a distant planet." Which is the real meaning of you can not prove a negative, it does ...
273kelvin replies on Aug 13, 2019:
We do not live in a hypothetical world. We live in a real-world with real causes and effects. If I look in the draw and find no scissors? I can say that no scissors exist in the only draw I can look at. When I look at the world and all its history and find no evidence of a god that was believed to exist. Then I can say that he is not here. As for the possible existence of scissors in another place that I have no access to. They are of no use to me and it just does not cut it.
Agnostic vs Atheist Sorry to rake up this seemingly old one up again but there have been so many ...
creative51 comments on Aug 12, 2019:
I hate to be a downer, but I really do not feel this is worth arguing about. If some want to be agnostics, fine, if some want to be atheists, fine. The fate of the world does not rest on resolving this. Why not argue about something really important like are Chevy Trucks or Ford Trucks better?
273kelvin replies on Aug 13, 2019:
@creative51 Did you ever see the UK "Top gear" show where they tried to kill a Toyota truck?
Agnostic vs Atheist Sorry to rake up this seemingly old one up again but there have been so many ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Few thoughts from an agnostic: 1) You cannot know for sure due to the very nature of the god claim. It's like the ontological equivalent of proving that "this sentence is not true" is valid or not. 2) You can prove a negative. It is harder to prove than a positive but it can be done and is done ...
273kelvin replies on Aug 13, 2019:
We can also use statistical analysis to disprove a theory. Like 45s statement "Wind turbines can cause cancer I hear". You can look and see if there are any significant differences in the figures and see if it warrants further investigation. Or Jordan Peterson's assertion that our morals are a result of religious teaching. Even if we agnostic/atheist, it is a residual or osmosis effect from other believers. A quick look at the crime figures around the world will show that there is no correlation between the two. In fact, it is often the reverse, as in Ethiopia, USA or Rwanda. All of which have a population of over 95% believers yet have amongst the highest crime rates and in Rwanda's case was responsible for one of the worst atrocities in living memory.
Agnostic vs Atheist Sorry to rake up this seemingly old one up again but there have been so many ...
BufftonBeotch comments on Aug 13, 2019:
The idea of a g-d is just ridiculous. How could he/she not threatened to pull the car off the road if we kids didn't shut the fu-k up and get along? "I will SHUT this ENTIRE water park day DOWN!" "Do NOT TRY ME!" "Give your brother a juice box, Jimmie. He's looking gray around the ...
273kelvin replies on Aug 13, 2019:
@Moravian He is most probably of Jewish descent and is only respecting his culture
Agnostic vs Atheist Sorry to rake up this seemingly old one up again but there have been so many ...
Marionville comments on Aug 13, 2019:
I am really rather tired of this somewhat artificial division between the two words. I was always of the opinion that the arguments between the two were similar to dancing on the head of a pin. However, since joining this site I have revised my view of those who are adamantly agnostic, a group I...
273kelvin replies on Aug 13, 2019:
Thank you, Marionville. Which is why I question their motives
Agnostic vs Atheist Sorry to rake up this seemingly old one up again but there have been so many ...
SleepingOnABoat comments on Aug 13, 2019:
"A fire-breathing dragon lives in my garage" Suppose (I'm following a group therapy approach by the psychologist Richard Franklin[4]) I seriously make such an assertion to you. Surely you'd want to check it out, see for yourself. There have been innumerable stories of dragons over the...
273kelvin replies on Aug 13, 2019:
The intangible scissors. Just like the ether that has no substance, use or any other claim to existence outside of the conceptual.
Agnostic vs Atheist Sorry to rake up this seemingly old one up again but there have been so many ...
greyeyed123 comments on Aug 12, 2019:
I've pointed out that an alibi proves a negative at *least* to the degree a positive is proven. Demonstrating someone was somewhere else during the time of a crime also demonstrates they did *not* commit that crime (if we all accept time travel is not possible, yada yada yada). But then people ...
273kelvin replies on Aug 12, 2019:
All these go on the presumption of innocence. Unfortunately, society is populated by people that have the presumption of existence, with nothing except faith to back it up.
Agnostic vs Atheist Sorry to rake up this seemingly old one up again but there have been so many ...
azzow2 comments on Aug 12, 2019:
The text that claim a deity can defy the laws of nature and physics should be enough to end the debate if such absurdity existed. Sex is a glandular thing and physical concepts, thought and contemplation of such things could never be compared.
273kelvin replies on Aug 12, 2019:
There is a similarity in agnostic and sex, desire. It can only be the desire to have a chance of a big sky somewhere that would want to keep the embers alight.
Agnostic vs Atheist Sorry to rake up this seemingly old one up again but there have been so many ...
creative51 comments on Aug 12, 2019:
I hate to be a downer, but I really do not feel this is worth arguing about. If some want to be agnostics, fine, if some want to be atheists, fine. The fate of the world does not rest on resolving this. Why not argue about something really important like are Chevy Trucks or Ford Trucks better?
273kelvin replies on Aug 12, 2019:
I agree and for the most part, I prefer to talk about music or other such subjects. It is only that there have been so many posts on this that I thought I might as well add my twopennys worth
Agnostic vs Atheist Sorry to rake up this seemingly old one up again but there have been so many ...
dare2dream comments on Aug 12, 2019:
Because your mind should be open to any new evidence that may come in.
273kelvin replies on Aug 12, 2019:
@dare2dream We can say "There are no f*cking scissors in the draw. I have looked".
Who in History would you have liked to have had a love affair with? My choice for today is Voltaire
RobertNappi2 comments on Aug 10, 2019:
Joan of Arc, religious sex...Oh god...Oh god!!!!!
273kelvin replies on Aug 11, 2019:
Every man falls in love with Joan. Including Mark Twain, Shaw, and L. Cohen
For the history buffs: Interesting article about how Thomas Jefferson created his own "bible".
wordywalt comments on Aug 7, 2019:
Jefferson was a Deist.
273kelvin replies on Aug 9, 2019:
@powder Inspired by
No, you make dinner!!
273kelvin comments on Aug 9, 2019:
Can I have a little bit to eat before dinner?
273kelvin replies on Aug 9, 2019:
@Cutiebeauty Well you showed something closer to my diet
The Beatles and Morecambe & Wise....on ITV (1963) []
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Aug 7, 2019:
Love ''This Boy''! This is great fun! I have an e-friend who lives near the Abbey Road Studios, & I often watch the live camera & see the tourists make idiots of themselves at ''that'' crossing. My pal will wave to me while passing it.
273kelvin replies on Aug 8, 2019:
@Marionville The speed bumps in Penny Lane are brutal lol
I just don't get this.
242Foxtrot comments on Aug 8, 2019:
If there are any you are interested in, give him an contingency bid. I'd hope he's contacted the owners about picking them up, and if they choose not to, he should be able to sell them off to cover his bill. Make him a deal, maybe he's a Tory!
273kelvin replies on Aug 8, 2019:
He is a long way from Tory. (They are thankfully very thin on the ground in my town). Of course, he has contacted the owners where he can but he now has no option other than selling them off.
I just don't get this.
Haemish1 comments on Aug 8, 2019:
My guess is there’s two kinds of people who’d do that - someone who has more money and guitars than they know what to do with, or someone who lost interest in guitars (and probably life in general) I’d think that after a year, they’d become abandoned property (or some such thing). I wonder ...
273kelvin replies on Aug 8, 2019:
Some are from people who have gone abroad I think I reckon that the overheads of running a shop has got to him. Plus all those guitars and amps are just taking up space with no money from them.
The Beatles and Morecambe & Wise....on ITV (1963) []
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Aug 7, 2019:
Love ''This Boy''! This is great fun! I have an e-friend who lives near the Abbey Road Studios, & I often watch the live camera & see the tourists make idiots of themselves at ''that'' crossing. My pal will wave to me while passing it.
273kelvin replies on Aug 8, 2019:
The Beatles tour bus goes passed my house several times a day. I live in between Ringos and Stuart Sutcliffs old homes
Ethics is the attempt to rationally establish morality and to distinguish moral rules that can be ...
273kelvin comments on Aug 7, 2019:
A young Jewish boy asks his dad "What is business ethics?" "I'm glad you asked me that son. Let me try and explain. Say a lady comes into my shop and buys something for $20 but when I get to the till I find there are 2 x $20 notes stuck together. This leaves me with a business ethics problem" "You...
273kelvin replies on Aug 8, 2019:
@BeerAndWine I also heard that Sigmund Freud published a joke book. But no one could get them as they were not only obscure Jewish jokes, they were obscure 19th-century Jewish jokes.
Ethics is the attempt to rationally establish morality and to distinguish moral rules that can be ...
273kelvin comments on Aug 7, 2019:
A young Jewish boy asks his dad "What is business ethics?" "I'm glad you asked me that son. Let me try and explain. Say a lady comes into my shop and buys something for $20 but when I get to the till I find there are 2 x $20 notes stuck together. This leaves me with a business ethics problem" "You...
273kelvin replies on Aug 7, 2019:
@BeerAndWine Because that's how I heard it in Issac Asimov's joke book.
What are your honest thoughts on astrology?
Geoffrey51 comments on Aug 3, 2019:
I have cast astrology charts in my time, still interpret from an online chart maker from time to time (it saves messing around with ephemerides!) Certainly something going on. No idea how it works, but then I’m not too interested in the how, like a TV. Don’t know how it works, don’t care ...
273kelvin replies on Aug 3, 2019:
You may not know or care about how a TV works but somebody does. With astrology, nobody can. If all the planets were aligned at the same time? It would have less gravitational pull than a delivery truck driving past your front door.
Recent events prompted me to produce the following just now.
273kelvin comments on Aug 3, 2019:
When I learned my profession it was "A man who never made a mistake, never made anything"
273kelvin replies on Aug 3, 2019:
Or my own philosophy; Only an idiot does not learn from their mistakes. A wise man learns from other peoples mistakes as well, they're cheaper
Dutch ban on burqas and niqabs takes effect | News | Al Jazeera
ShadowAmicus comments on Aug 2, 2019:
It is a ban on having your head covered - so balaclava, motorcycle helmets, etc are also banned. May be seen by some as an attack on Muslim identity and by others as a public safety / identification issue. If your personal beliefs do not fit with the law of the country you are in, best to move ...
273kelvin replies on Aug 2, 2019:
Yeah coz a gay man would have no problem in coming to the USA from Iran
I was at the petrol station (gas to you yanks) and this guy filled up his Zippo after his car.
IamNobody comments on Jul 30, 2019:
Since there is fire involved, this one must be a "grilled" cheesy joke 😂😂😂 (See what I did? A cheesy joke on a cheesy joke. Now it is cheesy square !! )
273kelvin replies on Jul 31, 2019:
No, he got "grilled" back at the police station
This announcement may bring delight or dismay.
273kelvin comments on Jul 28, 2019:
I will miss him. There are much worse trolls than him on here
273kelvin replies on Jul 31, 2019:
@FrayedBear No, I met her online. She never came to Africa Oye, although I did invite her. It made it kind of bittersweet seeing all those black arses dancing. Nothing else moves like that. I think that's where the victorian fashion for bustles came from
This announcement may bring delight or dismay.
273kelvin comments on Jul 28, 2019:
I will miss him. There are much worse trolls than him on here
273kelvin replies on Jul 30, 2019:
@FrayedBear We have a few music festivals in Sefton park nowadays. To my mind, the best one is this.
This announcement may bring delight or dismay.
273kelvin comments on Jul 28, 2019:
I will miss him. There are much worse trolls than him on here
273kelvin replies on Jul 30, 2019:
@FrayedBear A mate of mine is playing gigs with these girls. Minus the guitarist, plus him
This announcement may bring delight or dismay.
273kelvin comments on Jul 28, 2019:
I will miss him. There are much worse trolls than him on here
273kelvin replies on Jul 30, 2019:
@FrayedBear Hey we got Boris now. He is what Trump would have been if he was sent to Eton
This announcement may bring delight or dismay.
273kelvin comments on Jul 28, 2019:
I will miss him. There are much worse trolls than him on here
273kelvin replies on Jul 30, 2019:
@FrayedBear Alas and alack, Higsons has been gone for decades now. It became Cains but that is also no more. The brewery is now part of what's called "the Baltic triangle". A collection of shabby chic cafes, bars, and antique shops. The center of which is a bar called "Peaky Blinders". After the TV series which was filmed around there. All rather over-priced for my liking. However, if you do return I can show you some great music that's around
@Admin 1.
1of5 comments on Jul 29, 2019:
1. Thier site, thier rules 2. Good taste? 3. Read how groups work 4. Thier site, thier rules 5. Probably because you don't deserve one. You acted rather assholishly on that post and should have been banned. 6. The movement did stop while you were gone. We had no idea you were such an integral ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 29, 2019:
@Marcie1974 Well, I have been a victim of malicious and false accusations. I do not talk about it because of the "No smoke" mentality. I do not and never have harassed anyone but that does not matter. In these cases, there does not seem to be a presumption of innocence
What is a song that can dramatically change your mood when you hear even the first few notes?
Cutiebeauty comments on Jul 29, 2019:
Walk like an Egyptian by the Bangles... It energizes me immediately.... And I usually tear up a little when I hear it...
273kelvin replies on Jul 29, 2019:
It makes me tear up because I remember doing the sand dance to this for my late son when he was little. It made him laugh so much.
Harley the Hog Found a hedgehog in the middle of the road in a housing estate today, so brought him...
273kelvin comments on Jul 27, 2019:
You ain't nothin but a hedgehog Foraging all the time You ain't nothin but a hedgehog Foraging all the time You may be kind of prickly But you ain't no porcupine
273kelvin replies on Jul 28, 2019:
@amymcmxcii I have only de-composed the lyrics
So Climate change is FAKE NEWS and a hoak???? Check out Sargassum Seaweed
Silver1wun comments on Jul 27, 2019:
We were born about ten seconds ago by the ends of our lives in Earth's time terms. Our science/s have existed perhaps twenty seconds in any half-way dependable form. The history of our sciences is one of becoming ultimately incorrect in order to advance their own validity at all. Earth didn't ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 28, 2019:
@Silver1wun Where does this pressure to "find" the right answers come from? Industry - The automobile manufacturers are tooled up for ICE engines and have been resiting all emission legislation for decades. The energy companies run most of their power plants on fossil fuels. Governments - Nearly all our energy infrastructure is based on fossil fuels, as are loads of jobs. Who will get more votes? The guy who says to Pensylvania coal miners "Sorry guys find another way to make a living" or "Its all BS and I will fight for your jobs"? Science is subject to more rigorous scrutiny than politics. Results are published and subject to international examination. From what I can gather, the pressure is coming from the Trump administration and their ilk, to dismiss any EPA findings that contradict his "La la la It's not real" considered standpoint. Not from the sandal-wearing tree huggers.
So Climate change is FAKE NEWS and a hoak???? Check out Sargassum Seaweed
Silver1wun comments on Jul 27, 2019:
We were born about ten seconds ago by the ends of our lives in Earth's time terms. Our science/s have existed perhaps twenty seconds in any half-way dependable form. The history of our sciences is one of becoming ultimately incorrect in order to advance their own validity at all. Earth didn't ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 27, 2019:
@Silver1wun Nature has no "mind" it just is a result of cause and effect. Science studies this and 97% of scientists say that mankind is causing rapid climate change. There is a theory that Australia is mostly desert because of the way aboriginals hunt. They burn all the scrub. Which makes it easy for them to find their prey. Given that they have been doing this for 40.000 years or so. It kind of makes sense but the jury is still out on this. Not 97% of academics agree. It is just a theory. A few years ago we had a problem with the ozone layer. This was caused (we were told) by us pumping CFCs into the atmosphere. We stopped doing this and the ozone layer started to repair itself. - Cause and effect. Whenever I see a difference of opinion, I follow the money. From what you say, 97$ of scientists are in a conspiracy to get us to use green energy. Why? because they are in the pay of wind turbine and electric car makers? Wow, that must be some kickback they are getting. Especially since Tesla has not made a profit yet. Whereas my theory that politicians who are really getting funds from big oil, pooh-pooh it. Do you think that they give a shit what happens to us or the planet? Fuck that, they will be in some environmentally protected condo in the hills or on their yacht when your fucking roof blows off.
So Climate change is FAKE NEWS and a hoak???? Check out Sargassum Seaweed
bobwjr comments on Jul 27, 2019:
It is for the very stupid people or those paid off like republicans or fox news followers or trumpers
273kelvin replies on Jul 27, 2019:
@Antidronefreeman Does that also go for the boiler guy who says you have dangerous carbon monoxide? Btw your comment was almost unintelligible. Is English your 1st language?
So Climate change is FAKE NEWS and a hoak???? Check out Sargassum Seaweed
bobwjr comments on Jul 27, 2019:
It is for the very stupid people or those paid off like republicans or fox news followers or trumpers
273kelvin replies on Jul 27, 2019:
@Antidronefreeman If 97% of all the doctors said that you or your child needed a course of treatment to live. Would you that they are all in it for the medical bills and just leave it to prayers?
So Climate change is FAKE NEWS and a hoak???? Check out Sargassum Seaweed
Silver1wun comments on Jul 27, 2019:
We were born about ten seconds ago by the ends of our lives in Earth's time terms. Our science/s have existed perhaps twenty seconds in any half-way dependable form. The history of our sciences is one of becoming ultimately incorrect in order to advance their own validity at all. Earth didn't ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 27, 2019:
Every sci-fi movie starts with politicians disbelieving the scientists about an up and coming disaster. The question you have to ask is. Who do you go with? 97% of the world's scientists or big oil funded billionaire politicians and far-right Christians that actually want the end of days?
Creed II - Not enough roadwork.
IAMGROOT comments on Jul 26, 2019:
I'm with you. Haven't seen Creed II yet, but have seen all the other films (and own I-V). Stallone hit on a great formula with the underdog wins against incredible odds and he has milked that to the hilt to great success. Part of the appeal of the sequels was watching Stallone's physical ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 26, 2019:
Funny enough there this just came on the oldies movie channel. The leading actress now lives in my street.
I have a question for the people that are 100% certain that no gods exist. How are you THAT certain?
273kelvin comments on Jul 22, 2019:
There used to be thought that there was a substance called the ether. This was what light was believed to travel through in the vacuum of space. Later on, we found out that light has a very small amount of mass and the ether was no longer needed to explain how light travels. Suddenly poof, no either...
273kelvin replies on Jul 23, 2019:
@Leeshi Yes, if I was confronted with Thor complete with hammer in hand or if Posidon came out of the river Mersey? Then, of course, I would believe but seeing as the likelihood of that happening is less than me winning the lottery every week for a year. Then I won't waste any good drinking time wondering about the possibilities.
I have a question for the people that are 100% certain that no gods exist. How are you THAT certain?
273kelvin comments on Jul 22, 2019:
There used to be thought that there was a substance called the ether. This was what light was believed to travel through in the vacuum of space. Later on, we found out that light has a very small amount of mass and the ether was no longer needed to explain how light travels. Suddenly poof, no either...
273kelvin replies on Jul 22, 2019:
@Leeshi What kind of evidence? If we discount the bible then there is none. If I put litmus paper in a liquid and it does not change colour, then I can with 100% certainty that it is not acidic. If I look back through history and see no evidence of a god? When I see people who pray do really terrible things like 9/11 or abusing priests and god cannot or will not answer their prayers with "Stop". Then that is a good enough litmus test for me.
The following is a piece I recently wrote to an old friend turned right-wing and religious: Jim, ...
273kelvin comments on Jul 19, 2019:
A well-written post. - May I boil the end game to a real and almost unbelievable absurdity that even your friend can recognize. I have a friend who grew up in East Germany. As you know everything was heavily state-controlled. Only when the wall came down did she get to read "Winnie the Pooh" in ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 20, 2019:
@wordywalt The problem is that all systems are flawed. Communism was a reaction against capitalism and (in the places where it held sway longest) feudalism. The great war put an end to feudalist ideology. "Lions led by donkeys" broke the back of serving our betters. Capitalism is incredibly efficient at providing goods, services, and some innovation but is cyclical and has no morals. A drug dealer would not sell his grandmother, market forces would look to the price offered 1st. It also motivated too much in the short term gain. I doubt if Henry Ford's reasons for paying $7 a day would hold much sway with the bean counters of today's boardrooms. Communism turned out to be a lie. It purported to empower the proletariat but was instigated and controlled by the elite. With top-down thinking. ( "Revolution is the opiate of the intellectuals" ) * Not that elite is bad but one had to buy into the politics as well. ( I have never known anyone who asks about their doctors' politics ). Where has come into its own, is in the watered-down version of socialism. Every country now runs more efficiently with a greater or lesser degree of socialism. Rather like seasoning in a dish. The debate is not whether it's good or bad but how much do we want? The problem with countering all-inclusive ideologies in an argument is that they are incredibly attractive, especially to the young. It is much harder to put the case for a mixed economy, checks and balances system. * A quote I attribute to Haden-Guest. Died 1936 in Spain. Great uncle of Spinal Tap fame.
The following is a piece I recently wrote to an old friend turned right-wing and religious: Jim, ...
273kelvin comments on Jul 19, 2019:
A well-written post. - May I boil the end game to a real and almost unbelievable absurdity that even your friend can recognize. I have a friend who grew up in East Germany. As you know everything was heavily state-controlled. Only when the wall came down did she get to read "Winnie the Pooh" in ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 20, 2019:
@avron They all say that they need power to achieve their ends but in the end it comes down to "power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely". Rather like the "theory" of gravity. Sure it may not be true but we have not found a case where it does not hold true yet. This works on a sliding scale. If you want to get the best deal from your govt in a democracy. Live in a swing state, better still if its a swing town. The worst deals are when the voters all religiously vote down the line. Irrespective of political parties, a complacent representative is a lazy one. An interesting exception where the jury is still out being China. All our western democratic sensibilities rail against the very idea of a one-party system. Which despite its human rights abuses, it has managed to bring its population into the 21st century with a thriving economy.
The following is a piece I recently wrote to an old friend turned right-wing and religious: Jim, ...
273kelvin comments on Jul 19, 2019:
A well-written post. - May I boil the end game to a real and almost unbelievable absurdity that even your friend can recognize. I have a friend who grew up in East Germany. As you know everything was heavily state-controlled. Only when the wall came down did she get to read "Winnie the Pooh" in ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 20, 2019:
@PontifexMarximus No I haven't but my friend has a few horror stories. Including being forcibly adopted
I'm actually kind of surprised today; I thought the generation before mine in my family at least ...
273kelvin comments on Jul 19, 2019:
Families, what can you do? Yer can't kill em. You never know when you might need a kidney My big brother used to argue with my racist dad all the time. Now I listen to him and my nephew, It sounds like the same record, only that my bro now sounds like my dad.
273kelvin replies on Jul 19, 2019:
@ClaytonE83 It is not about how people regress. Its more about how society progresses and some people do not. If my dad were alive now, I would talk to him about Lous Armstrong then we might have some common ground. If I were you, I would try your uncle on Jimmy Hendrix
Ive just been outside to watch the lunar eclipse, not visible from most if the usa unfortunately.
of-the-mountain comments on Jul 16, 2019:
Now you know why Islam is taking over the U.K.???
273kelvin replies on Jul 19, 2019:
@of-the-mountain "Now you know why Islam is taking over the U.K.???" is not a question, either in the queens or US English, it is a statement. For example, if a lawyer put this to a witness "And that's why you are guilty" the opposing counsel would successfully object. Question marks at the end of a statement could only mean that you are making a very dubious assumption. Like "That is why it is God's will???" I never have maintained that the UK and EU do not have a problem with right-wing and fundamental Islamic knob-heads. However, there is a huge leap from a problem to "Taking over". Just because your tap is leaking does not mean that your house is flooded. The US has a large growing opioid crisis and one of home-grown terrorism. Does that mean that everyone is smacked out or about to be? All the rest are heading for the hills? Of course not and even if I thought that might be possible, I would not be arrogant or ignorant enough to say so without checking it out for myself. It may be pointless for me to explain what life is like on the ground here but I will try. Last night I fancied a drink, so I went over the road to the convenience store. The guy in charge is Allan, I have known him for years, he is a Kurd. I asked what deals he could do me and he asked what my preferences were? We talked about booze and although he is Muslim, he's not very strict, his tipple being white wine. Anyway, after haggling, I walk out with a bottle of cognac for £14. Allan smiles and genuinely wishes me a good night. It does not sound like a big deal and it's not really. Just two neighbors doing business and getting along. The type of thing that happens thousands of times each and every day here but that never makes the headlines. Even if it did fox news et al would dismiss it as fake. One of the reasons I like this site is that I get to talk to real Americans. I hear what it is really like and not what crap that FOX, CNN or the people with an agenda try to tell me. If you really want to understand? then ask a real question.
The following is a piece I recently wrote to an old friend turned right-wing and religious: Jim, ...
273kelvin comments on Jul 19, 2019:
A well-written post. - May I boil the end game to a real and almost unbelievable absurdity that even your friend can recognize. I have a friend who grew up in East Germany. As you know everything was heavily state-controlled. Only when the wall came down did she get to read "Winnie the Pooh" in ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 19, 2019:
@wordywalt I can well believe you. One big thing that they could not stop was music. My friend learnt English off Beatles records, (Hence she now lives in Liverpool). Although she did tell me that living under that regime she had the benefit of a kind of spiritual wellbeing. However harsh, oppressive it was and despite the deprivation. There was the feeling that it was for the benefit of all. Total tosh of course but that's what it's like when you in the middle of it.
Ive just been outside to watch the lunar eclipse, not visible from most if the usa unfortunately.
of-the-mountain comments on Jul 16, 2019:
Now you know why Islam is taking over the U.K.???
273kelvin replies on Jul 19, 2019:
@of-the-mountain A few points here. Firstly putting a question mark at the end of a statement does not automatically make it a question, even if you use 3 of them. (learn how to speak English properly please). Secondly pasting a couple of xenophobic memes does and not constitute evidence. Thirdly, us brits are well aware of our unsavory history. That is why we are rather reluctant to wave our flag all the time. We would be particularly sheepish if the land it is flown from was soaked in a history of theft and genocide.
Question: How sensitive are your nipples?
Mermaidfantasy comments on Jul 18, 2019:
mouth and tongue and a nice warm up and teas but I like them pinched, nipple clamps with a chain from to the other and than pull on the chain.
273kelvin replies on Jul 19, 2019:
Fyi those coat hangers with little pegs on them for pants, make excellent nipple claps
The Beatles - Apple Rooftop Concert (1969) Full Video This video is hard to find on YouTube.
273kelvin comments on Jul 17, 2019:
The latest conspiracy theory is that it was faked
273kelvin replies on Jul 17, 2019:
@balou I am not saying that I give it any credence. Only that it is the latest nut job, silver foil hat wearing "facts"
Ive just been outside to watch the lunar eclipse, not visible from most if the usa unfortunately.
of-the-mountain comments on Jul 16, 2019:
Now you know why Islam is taking over the U.K.???
273kelvin replies on Jul 16, 2019:
And your evidence for that comment is??? Fox News, right-wing posts, have you been here and looked for yourself or are you as I suspect part of the 80% of Americans that do not own a passport and only ever visit another country when they are sent there to steal its oil?
Ive just been outside to watch the lunar eclipse, not visible from most if the usa unfortunately.
of-the-mountain comments on Jul 16, 2019:
Now you know why Islam is taking over the U.K.???
273kelvin replies on Jul 16, 2019:
I was told some disturbing news recently.
Amisja comments on Jul 16, 2019:
Ours would be so bored... 'What do you want for tea?' 'If yer going in the kitchen stick the kettle on'. 'Lets have an early night'.
273kelvin replies on Jul 16, 2019:
Ah but what kind of noises after "early night"?
Man sues over TGI Fridays menu that didn't list drink prices.
Cast1es comments on Jul 15, 2019:
I feel the same way about hospital charges . Some time back , my cardiologist told me he wanted to check my heart . He set up a plan for me . at a not as local as I'd like hospital , as an out patient . I arrived around 10:00 in the morning , and began check-in. By about 12:00 , they put me on a ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 15, 2019:
A while back I did a job for a cab driver and he told me how he got sunstroke in Cuba. They were holidaying there and he fell asleep on a boat trip. It was serious enough for him to spend 4 days in the hospital. As he lay there missing his vacation thoughts of "The bastards are just bumping up the bill" ran through his mind. When they gave him the bill he was shocked to see that it only came to $20. He did not even bother to claim on his insurance.
What is the most absurd thing that you have ingeated?
273kelvin comments on Jul 14, 2019:
A friend of mine was known as "Bob the dog". The reason for this was a few years ago he agreed to look after someone's terrier. They provided him with all the tinned food, then one night dinner for him consisted of a tin of Irish stew. He opened both tins and stared at both. The stew was nearly all ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 14, 2019:
@WonderWartHog99 Salt and pepper.
So, I had a rather curious encounter at work today.
lookinhard comments on Jul 12, 2019:
why did you let nothing happen
273kelvin replies on Jul 12, 2019:
That's where either babies or lawsuits come from
Are you kidding me?
SiouxcitySue comments on Jul 10, 2019:
Does anyone remember the movie star Alan Ladd? In all his big screen closeups, he was so short he usually had to stand on a box to be taller than his love interest.
273kelvin replies on Jul 10, 2019:
The British actor/writer/director Brian Forbes was writing for some Viking/western (Ok it was supposed to be medieval England but it was basically a western plot) with Alan Ladd as the star. In it there was a scene were the castle gets invaded and Ladd knocks a Viking off his horse and rides off to get help. Forbes gets called into Ladd's trailer and his wife berates him. "Alan Ladd does NOT steal a horse! The boy scouts of America would be shocked at such behavior. Rewrite it". So Forbes had to put in some preposterous scene wherein in the midst of the melee, a guy is holding Ladd's horse ready for him to ride off on.
Do we have religious members in this website?
273kelvin comments on Jul 8, 2019:
Interesting question; on the lines of - Strong as the Hulk is, he cannot lift Thor's hammer but what if he lifted Thor whilst Thor was holding the hammer? In some respects, god did set his own limits in the form of free will. Adam made his own choice and other than showing him the way or smiting ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 8, 2019:
@Paul4747 I used Thor and Hulk because they are fictional/mythical characters and not real. Therefore logic has no bearing here. As for Eden, mankind constantly makes choices that will affect future generations. Go visit the zoo and see a great Orc or Dodo. God is a shit, this we all know but as he is about a real as Thor, who cares? Incidentally, he/she/it is also inconsistent. David was only punished by the withdrawal of gods approval.
Is Sport a Religion? | Psychology Today Australia
Matias comments on Jul 7, 2019:
I still think that - in order to avoid confusion - the word "religion" should be reserved to beliefs and practices where the *superhuman or supernatural* is involved. If you are fan of, say , Messi, and you think that he has supernatural powers, in this case soccer is a kind of religion to you....
273kelvin replies on Jul 8, 2019:
@Piece2YourPuzzle Upon further thought, perhaps this is another example of how close sport and religion are. In that, we are so ready to dismiss each others doctrine.
Is Sport a Religion? | Psychology Today Australia
Matias comments on Jul 7, 2019:
I still think that - in order to avoid confusion - the word "religion" should be reserved to beliefs and practices where the *superhuman or supernatural* is involved. If you are fan of, say , Messi, and you think that he has supernatural powers, in this case soccer is a kind of religion to you....
273kelvin replies on Jul 7, 2019:
@Piece2YourPuzzle I said isolationist because it is indicative of much of the American attitude. If it is not a US sport, no one wants to know. There are motorsports fans all over the world that follow F1 and rally yet the US is only interested in homegrown Nascar or Indi 500
Is Sport a Religion? | Psychology Today Australia
273kelvin comments on Jul 7, 2019:
The article failed to point out the biggest similarities between sport and religion. In that it is tribal. The team you support is highly dependant on your family and location, does that sound familiar? In some cases, this will intertwine as in Glasgow or Northern Ireland, where sectarianism still ...
273kelvin replies on Jul 7, 2019:
@motrubl4u Glasgow is divided into Celtic = catholic and Rangers = Protestant. A Celtic manager Jock Steen was asked "If you had 2 great players on the market. One catholic and the other protestant. Which one would you buy?" "The Protestant one" "Why?" "Because Rangers would never buy the catholic one"
Is Sport a Religion? | Psychology Today Australia
Matias comments on Jul 7, 2019:
I still think that - in order to avoid confusion - the word "religion" should be reserved to beliefs and practices where the *superhuman or supernatural* is involved. If you are fan of, say , Messi, and you think that he has supernatural powers, in this case soccer is a kind of religion to you....
273kelvin replies on Jul 7, 2019:
@Piece2YourPuzzle The Europian league (UEFA) consists of over 900 teams from Ireland to Russia Iceland to Malta and revenues are shared. I hear that Japan plays very competitive Baseball but they are not in the "world serries" There are two types of international sport the 1st is National teams such as the world cup and club games like UEFA. The main reason I called storm1752 isolationist is that 2 weeks ago I asked a question on trivia night here "Who are the defending world women's soccer champions?" No one got it and it's your team.
Is Sport a Religion? | Psychology Today Australia
Matias comments on Jul 7, 2019:
I still think that - in order to avoid confusion - the word "religion" should be reserved to beliefs and practices where the *superhuman or supernatural* is involved. If you are fan of, say , Messi, and you think that he has supernatural powers, in this case soccer is a kind of religion to you....
273kelvin replies on Jul 7, 2019:
@Piece2YourPuzzle Some of the best players from around the world play in the UK premier league. There are probably more countries represented there than I could count. However, we do have to compete for their participation with... again I would lose count. So we cannot have the arrogance to call it an international competition. For that, you have to compete internationally. Which btw my home team Liverpool will be playing the champions of S. America, having won the europian champions league recently.
Is Sport a Religion? | Psychology Today Australia
Matias comments on Jul 7, 2019:
I still think that - in order to avoid confusion - the word "religion" should be reserved to beliefs and practices where the *superhuman or supernatural* is involved. If you are fan of, say , Messi, and you think that he has supernatural powers, in this case soccer is a kind of religion to you....
273kelvin replies on Jul 7, 2019:
@Piece2YourPuzzle As for "isolationist brit" UK sports played at an international high level by other counties; Cricket - Australia, NZ, SA, West Indies, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh Rugby; - Australia, NZ, SA, Italy, France, Ireland and Russia Soccer; - Every country in the world including the US (but without any support in their case)
Is Sport a Religion? | Psychology Today Australia
Matias comments on Jul 7, 2019:
I still think that - in order to avoid confusion - the word "religion" should be reserved to beliefs and practices where the *superhuman or supernatural* is involved. If you are fan of, say , Messi, and you think that he has supernatural powers, in this case soccer is a kind of religion to you....
273kelvin replies on Jul 7, 2019:
@Piece2YourPuzzle I don't watch a lot of sports, there is just too much of it. Although I do take umbrage with the US insular view of sport. Only just now did I see a post supporting the USA women's world cup team. Any other country would be cock-a-hoop to have their team beat the rest of the world. As for baseball, I don't understand all the nuances so I cannot really get into it. Also, you have a "world series" played for by only one country?? I watch the Superbowl and it's okay and I used to play basketball in my youth. On the whole, I find US sports more geared towards TV and adverts. Whereas international games like soccer or rugby are more free-flowing with far fewer breaks in the action. If you are going to take that many stoppages, then you might as well go for cricket and watch it unfurl over 5 days.
It's just turned midnight in the UK, making this the 7th of July and for the 1st time in 4 years, I ...
mischl comments on Jul 7, 2019:
Although...people change, and (some) people grow. When wounds heal the right way, they turn into Experience. So, I grew some and so did she. After a year and a half break, we're now three months into a new chapter. Who knows where it will go. I'm enjoying the ride.
273kelvin replies on Jul 7, 2019:
@mischl There are lots of possibilities. Just not with her.
Is Sport a Religion? | Psychology Today Australia
Matias comments on Jul 7, 2019:
I still think that - in order to avoid confusion - the word "religion" should be reserved to beliefs and practices where the *superhuman or supernatural* is involved. If you are fan of, say , Messi, and you think that he has supernatural powers, in this case soccer is a kind of religion to you....
273kelvin replies on Jul 7, 2019:
@Storm1752 Typical isolationist yank
It's just turned midnight in the UK, making this the 7th of July and for the 1st time in 4 years, I ...
mischl comments on Jul 7, 2019:
Although...people change, and (some) people grow. When wounds heal the right way, they turn into Experience. So, I grew some and so did she. After a year and a half break, we're now three months into a new chapter. Who knows where it will go. I'm enjoying the ride.
273kelvin replies on Jul 7, 2019:
I am happy for you and I do hope that things work out. Sadly for me, this is not possible


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