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What makes you unique?
273kelvin comments on Mar 15, 2018:
My very name. I am the only Kelvin Matchett in the world
Who talks about god more, the atheists or the religious people?
273kelvin comments on Mar 15, 2018:
On the face of it, you yanks. I suppose the UK must be more secular than the USA. Occasionaly I have had the subject broached ny some of my christian customers, not by muslim or hindu (I do domestic joinery) but never by a work colleague
Here is another of my short stories archived at Perihelion Science Fiction.
273kelvin comments on Mar 15, 2018:
I liked it slightly, predictable in outcome but a good read nevertheless.
Is sex a touchy subject for you to talk about?
273kelvin comments on Mar 14, 2018:
It is sad to hear you talk like this. You are not the first woman to feel this way and sadly you wont be the last. Sex can be so lovely, beautiful and intermate it seems a shame that it is denied to some because of the horrors that some men do. I hope that one day you may find a guy who will be patient, gentle and understanding. It may be this new friend but he seems to be getting impatient. I think you need to sat him striaght and see if he will stay the coarse. I have been with many woman who have been abused (it is difficult to find any that have not) I tend to start with just touching. Hand, head, neck and foot rubs are a good start and work slowly from there.
Do you like attention, and just how much do you like?
273kelvin comments on Mar 14, 2018:
I write songs and sing them on stage so I guess I do like attention. I dance well plus I dress flamboyently so yes I love it.
I think I'm dyslexic and I didn't noticed that until now.
273kelvin comments on Mar 14, 2018:
I`ve never been diagnosed but I thnk I have mild form too. My handwritting is terreble and I cannot spell well at all. On top of that I never learnt my times tables (it sounded like brian washing). I know I am not thick I used to work in a bar before tills added up for you. I could serve 3 customers at once and add all their drinks up in my head. Plus when I played chess I could remember the Ruy Lopez opening to 8 moves including all popular variations. How are you on left and right, do you get confused? Btw proofreading is always a good idea even if your ok. I wish that more would do it lol
All the Trump fans here on the site might not like me for this one. Sorry.
273kelvin comments on Mar 14, 2018:
I did read that mental hospitals had dozens of people claiming to be from the future sent back to kill him.
[] this is really cool
273kelvin comments on Mar 13, 2018:
There be dragons :-)
As an atheist, I think Homosexuality should not come into mainstream. What's your take ?
273kelvin comments on Mar 13, 2018:
It depends on your definition of " mainsteam " . If you say the majority then that`s never going to happen. If you say accepted by society at large then for sure. You say that you were homosexual and then turned. You fail to say how. Did you meet someone? Have an epiphany or what? and that is just you. One of the main things that bug me about religion is some bugger telling me how to live my life. Now you say that you`ve now rejected your homosexual past but that does not negate it, it was still you at the time. Should you (then) have been vilified, ostracized. penalized, discriminated jailed or tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail? I attended a gay bar mitzvah last year. I say gay, his mom and dad were both striaght but the lad in questions choosen theme for the party was my favorite musicals. Nuff said, he is a really nice kid and I am glad that he can grow up and live in a world that will accept him for who he is. I remember how much the gay lad in my school got bullied and it is so much better now. I have many gay friends and each one has said " This is not a choice " Many seem to make mistake of thinking it is a lifestyle choice because offten gay and lesbians sometimes do straight. Well guess what there are a lot of striaghts who sometimes do gay. My cat ate a broccoli stem last week, it dont`make her veggie The US is supossed to be founded on life, liberty and the persuit of happiness. What gives you or anybody else the right to deny any adults their rights to the same. Even if it is " Psychological " ??
So this is probably my all time favorite joke.
273kelvin comments on Mar 13, 2018:
There`s 45 mins of my life I wont get back lol
Did They Really Believe That Nonsense?
273kelvin comments on Mar 13, 2018:
Lenin thought that religion would die out as the old ladies who went to church finaly popped their clogs. What he failed to realize was that more old women would come along and replace them. Unfortunatly I cannot see and end to christianity in any kind of forseeable future. Especially with it`s rise in Africa.
I do not think that can let this day go by without reference to the passing of my cities favorite ...
273kelvin comments on Mar 13, 2018:
Do you read the bible to get knowledge about it, and to be able to understand why it is fiction?
273kelvin comments on Mar 12, 2018:
Song of songs is a good read
The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Chapters One through Eight: In which our intrepid heroes ...
273kelvin comments on Mar 12, 2018:
It is an almost genetic certainty. That each of us is the descendant of at least one war lord.
Mommie Dearest by Christina Crawford.
273kelvin comments on Mar 12, 2018:
On a lighter side, has anyone watched " Feud " the story behind " Whatever happened to baby Jane? "
Logic when technology fails.
273kelvin comments on Mar 12, 2018:
One of my favorite trips was to Normandy. 6 guys in a farnhouse no computers (this was the 80`s) no tv, radio or electric. Just a guitar for entertainment, a well for water and an open fire to cook on. We sang, told stories and drank. Makes you wonder if all this is that good in the end. A few months ago the govt of Togo switched off the internet to try and stiffle the opposition. It tended to backfire as most people just resented them for it. Plus most of the sex meet ups happen online there. What did happen was people went out more, libraries got frequented and people talked to each other instead of their phones. Maybe it would be an idea to have an internet holiday once or twice a year? Like a bank holiday but more wide ranging.
Favorite positions?
273kelvin comments on Mar 12, 2018:
Henny James learnt to read braile, so he could read in bed without hurting his eyes.
Mommie Dearest by Christina Crawford.
273kelvin comments on Mar 11, 2018:
There are often 2 sides to a story. Like the Ike and tina Turner thing. From what I heard Ike was in jail with a $100 a day coke habit and 1/2 mill tax debt. When her lawyer comes in and says sign this for $100,000. This being a disclaimer that says " my client can say what they like about you and you cannot deny it or do anything "
Would you avoid naming your child a name with religious connotations?
273kelvin comments on Mar 11, 2018:
I am named after a scientist Lord Kelvin. One of the last great 19th century thinkers. He had over 200 papers puplished before he was 21. Did work on superconductivity (hence the SI unit) and helped design the 1st trans-atlantic phone cable. How many other scientist names would make good 1st names? Ohm perhaps? Watt maybe? Newton for sure. Wouldn`t it be great if our kindergarden classes were full of Dawkins`s, Darwins, Rutherfords and Curie`s. Crick`s, Mendel`s and Pasture`s?
Musicality. What is music?
273kelvin comments on Mar 11, 2018:
My earliest musical memories is standing on our front garden wall singing " I wanna hold your hand " by the Beatles. I must have been about 6 at the time and Liverpool had been placed at the center of the map by the fab 4. My 1st record was " Popeye the sailor man " I never used to admit to this (even though I was only 8 at the time), till I found out that it was written by the same guy who wrote " take the A train " for Duke Ellington. A few years later and heard " Pinball wizard " by the Who. From then on I was hooked. Most of my life has revolved around music in some form or other. I payed for my own guitar lessons at 14, busked, giged and now write my own songs.
This is way too funny and way too creepy...
273kelvin comments on Mar 11, 2018:
Stalking is just a romantic walk that only one person is aware of
Gonna start here.
273kelvin comments on Mar 10, 2018:
Ist heard it in its original form, BBC radio 4 serial. Then I bought the books when came out. Including the Dirk Gently books
The Texan looked up at the top of a tall building and discovered a man ready to jump! "Stop," he ...
273kelvin comments on Mar 10, 2018:
Lol. a battle that lasted 6 days or 2 hours depending which version you believe.
What would you ask for, if you knew the answer was yes?
273kelvin comments on Mar 10, 2018:
Xmas 1979, a New-York radio asked the British ambassador what he would most like for xmas. It being not too long since watergate etc. the ambassador thought about it and asked for something small just in case. The next day they reported " We asked all the ambassadors what they would most like for xmas. The Indian Ambassador asked for an end to poverty, the Chinese world peace, whilst the British ambassador asked for a pipe and a new pair of slippers "
Every gain has a cost.
273kelvin comments on Mar 10, 2018:
It can be argued that the invention of the plough and agriculture itself is an experiment that has yet to prove its worth. From about 10,000 bc we have had a growing civilization. With priests, doctors, philosophers, scientists and sportsmen. A whole kit and caboodle leading to what we have now. Only time ill tell if we end up a, killing ourselves or b, fucking up the planet so it becomes untenable.
Lots of questions being asked on here so I just thought I'd put this out there ;-)
273kelvin comments on Mar 9, 2018:
Chemotherapy Blues Woke up this morning (now there`s a result)
I am writing third paper at college.
273kelvin comments on Mar 8, 2018:
If your looking for funny narcissist jesus nutters. You do with taking a look at southcottians. A very obscure english sect, followers of Joanna Southcott. She believed (in her late 40`s) that she was going to give birth to the 2nd coming. It turned out to be an hysterical pregnancy Anyway if start with those guys and laugh at their idiocy, the rest just falls into place.
Does anyone have a funny meme to share or a good joke?
273kelvin comments on Mar 8, 2018:
Look in the " cheesy jokes " section of this site and read some of my better ones.
Why are religious people against gay marriages?
273kelvin comments on Mar 8, 2018:
My brother is not religious at all but he does not approve of gay marrage. He is quite old fashioned (he`s older than me), whilst not all out homophobic, he dislikes gays being so much on TV and films etc. His point is that gays make up only 2% of the population wheras there seems to be a gay couple in most storylines now. I point out that cops, writers and journalists make up far less but they sure have a lot of shows and films. Plus you are 20 times more likely to see a talking animal on screen than a gay couple kiss (porn excepted). We both have been married with kids and whilst I view it as just one of those things that I did, he still views it as very special. My opinion is why cannot gays have the same right to be as unhappy as us straights?
Any of you fellas think people lived before agricultural revolution were happier than today’s ...
273kelvin comments on Mar 6, 2018:
We certainly paid less taxes. They did a survey on the most taxed parish in medieval England in the middle ages. I think it was about 38 days to the Lord. As it happens the same parish has a Mercedes plat there now and the workers pay 3 times more tax
How do I stop my negative self-talk?
273kelvin comments on Mar 6, 2018:
I was dicussing this very subject with a friend of mine last night and what I told her is what I would tell you. Be the best person you can, be kind and thoughtful. wash regulaly. Then the rest of the world can take you as they find you or do one. As to beating yourself up about stuff. Take pride in your own atchievments, be they ever so humble. You have your own place, which you keep nice. You hold down a job, you`re going to collage to better yourself. That`s just the little things that I already know about you, there must be many more that you can come up with?
Do you have a favorite movie?
273kelvin comments on Mar 5, 2018:
I love really old movies like " the African queen " or " a matter of life and death ". I watched " the red shoes " again for the 1st time in ages, it was stunning. I tend to find mordern movies rather banal. the last one that I liked was the Coen brothers version of " the lady killers " but then I love their work. like " Fargo " and " Oh brother where art tho " .
Acupuncture. Any thoughts about it?
273kelvin comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Many years ago Mrs Thatcher when she was PM, had an operation on her hand using acupuncture as an anesthetic. Legend has it at the same time all around the country thousands of wax dolls writhed in agony.
Musicians joke.
273kelvin comments on Mar 4, 2018:
For all those that really don`t get it. This song will explain it all
I've started watching Neil deGrasse Tyson's "Cosmos" on Netflix.
273kelvin comments on Mar 4, 2018:
I`m hooked on " the ministry of time ". A spanish tv show in subtitles. Learnt a whole load about Spanish history
Have you ever had someone meet you just to try to convert you?
273kelvin comments on Mar 4, 2018:
I had an odd one night stand (ok we went for two coz the sex was great) with a Nigerian woman I met online. She lived quite a way from me so we were never going to be steady but we dug what each other said online so off I go. She was a collector of sorts, loved sex in all it`s weird and wonderful guises and could tell me of adventures that would make a sailor blush. Turned out that she was a very committed Christian, The rampant sex not withstanding. In the intervening hours of non-coitus, discussed theology. Very odd indeed.
There are days when I feel like I'll never find love again.
273kelvin comments on Mar 4, 2018:
It happens when it happens. In the meantime comfort yourself with toilet seats left down and no missed pan. Watching what you want to watch on tv and no empty cartons of milk replaced in the fridge.
So this should be fun.
273kelvin comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Crucify a Christian a day and you won't go too far wrong
What do you think about those religitards standing on the street corner shouting about the bible and...
273kelvin comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Live and let live unless you invade my space. Then the gloves are off I`m afraid. If it`s a woman then I quote that BS about women being silent in the temple. If it`s a guy then I get really uppity and ask how dare he be so vain as berate anyone with his particular brand of nonsense when there are so many different versions of it out there? How dare he make assumptions about all insundry without knowing who or what they might be? Vanity, vanity all is vanity, is my chant. Well it passes the time whilst my daughter is in a girly shop and I`m having a smoke outside he he.
Do you ever get the urge to want to take a religious nut's bible and slap the shit outta them with ...
273kelvin comments on Mar 4, 2018:
I just tell them my daughter is always answering back and dissing me, so I ask them to recomend a good slave market where I can sell her. Plus my ex wife continues to wear cloths of a different weave so I want to know how many good stonnings there are in the area.
Silence In Court These are from a book called Disorder in the American Courts, and are things ...
273kelvin comments on Mar 3, 2018:
I love it. Reminds me of John Mortimer. Judge " Do we have the document in question here? " Barrister " No your honor we are having it faxed though " Judge " pardon? " Barrister " He`s faxed it up your honor " Judge " It appears so ".
Fun fact for the day ! The Guillotine was still in use in France, when the first Star Wars film was ...
273kelvin comments on Mar 3, 2018:
People in London traveled by tube to see the last public exercution
I'm so glad you guys opened the door for the "your mom" jokes.
273kelvin comments on Mar 2, 2018:
Yo momma went for swim in Loch Ness and the monster came out and picketed the lake. Another time she was on the beach and a lifeguard said she would have to leave because the tide was waiting to come in. She doesn't use knicker elastic she uses swish rail. When she comes to stay all the rats start throwing themselves on the traps.
Different path?
273kelvin comments on Mar 2, 2018:
Lets look at another revue of "a road less traveled". I too (Mr Frost) took the road less traveled. At first all seemed well, a gentle downhill gradient led me through the yellow wood for about an hour and a half, until I came upon a ford across a stream. This might have been quite a pleasant passage in times of drought but at this particular time of year it was an impassable raging torrent. So with saddened heart and lessened bravado I did a 180 and started to return in the the direction I had whence came. The gentile downhill walk that had previously seemed so pleasant was now an uphill climb. Well I thought it could be worse, it could be raining. Guess what? You got it, the heavens opened to make matters worse the grassy undergrowth concealed a large pot-hole which I inevitably fell into. Up to my waist in mud and seeing no way of escape I cried to the heavens for some deliverance. Just then there came along three stout fellows "my luck has changed" thought I. Not so as they demanded payment for their services ie. all my cash,phone and watch but not surprisingly they left me with this stupid fucking sat-nav.
What is the most important trait you want in a lover?
273kelvin comments on Mar 2, 2018:
Show up.
These cheesy jokes might have seemed like a Gouda idea at the time, but I don’t know if I ...
273kelvin comments on Mar 2, 2018:
Enough already with the cheese jokes or have you still-tons of them left.
Hello @273Kelvin -- and welcome to the group. Named for the man who gave us absolutely nothing, eh?
273kelvin comments on Mar 1, 2018:
What questions might that be?
You guys need to read this.
273kelvin comments on Mar 1, 2018:
How about 40 acres and mule?
Jack and Jill have grown up.
273kelvin comments on Mar 1, 2018:
That`s like the guy walking across a very narrow bridge, when a naked young woman starts walking from the other side. He didn`t know whether to toss himself off or block her passage?
Saying that you do believe in god, but you don't beleive in magic is a bit like saying, I don't have...
273kelvin comments on Mar 1, 2018:
How low can you go.!
Why does being nice to rude people make the situation worse?
273kelvin comments on Mar 1, 2018:
I am reminded of something I heard about " the bonzo dog doo-dar band ". If you don`t know of them they were a kind of alter ogo to the Beatles. Anyway they were travilng across the US in a large car when they were pulled over by a state trouper. He took a look at their long hair and asked " Do you have any drugs? " " No " said Vivian Stanshall, the band leader. " Any guns? " " No " Vivian replied again. " How do propose to protect yourself then? " the trouper asked. " With good manors " said Stanshall with perfect English aplomb.
Do you believe in any superstitions?
273kelvin comments on Feb 28, 2018:
People often tell this joke about Einstein but I first heard it from Issac Asimov. A young man has an appointment with Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss. The great man is not in when he first enters his office but he notices a horseshoe behind the desk, hung up in the appropriate manor so all the luck will not fall out. When Gauss arrives the young man asks what it is doing there and is he superstitious? " Of course not " Gauss replies " but I am reliably informed be people who know of such things. That it works whether you believe in it or not ". Many years ago I used to busk for a living. Amongst other things it would entail trimming my nails so as to play guitar. Then I heard a superstition that said it was bad luck to cut your nails on a Friday. Every time I did this I made a lot less money, so I would trim my nails on another day instead. Yes I do know this was probably psychosomatic but made more money so...
Apparently there are large animals in Africa which have a huge trunk that a turning to religion and ...
273kelvin comments on Feb 27, 2018:
I went to the doctor because I used to keep putting my shoes on the wrong feet. He said that I had mixamytoesis
Are you in favour of a revolution?
273kelvin comments on Feb 27, 2018:
Ancient Chinese curse " May you live in interesting times " . Yes most are unhappy with our current system but more disgruntled than revolutionary. What would you replace it with? The chances of getting a consensus on that would be astronomical. Most revolutions end up with a far worse govt than before.
Ok people, I'm writing a piece on "what is a assault weapon and why it should be banned" and I ...
273kelvin comments on Feb 27, 2018:
A worthy piece I am sure but from this side of the pond it seems far too tame. US liberals are pussies compared to the European left. The campaign should be to repeal the 2nd amendment. Go for the jugular. I know its sounds untenable but then so many other things have been. Universal civil rights for blacks, women and LGBTV. Ask for $10 an hour and settle for $7.50 for now. The repeal of of the 2nd could be argued and fought for. a, It is not the 1st amendment to be repealed That I believe was the 13th. b, It does not necessarily take anyones guns away. (Other countries have guns owned by their population without it being in their respective constitutions). It merely gives individual states the right to legislate what guns are permissible and who can own them without stepping on the constitution. Just as they do with traffic laws like motorcycle helmets. Repeal the 2nd would by a catchy slogan and would send shivers down the pro gun lobby, forcing them to make larger concessions than they would like.
Are you allergic to anything? If you are, what?
273kelvin comments on Feb 26, 2018:
Nickel, I cannot wear a watch even a leather strap if it has a chrome buckle
What do you do when missionaries or Jehovah's Witnesses come to your door?
273kelvin comments on Feb 26, 2018:
I live in a house with 6 flats. Unfortunately mine is number 1, so anyone calling rings my bell 1st. From delivery guys to cops, muggins has to answer the door. When JW`s call I just say no thank you and then they ask if anyone else in the building would be interested? I say " I doubt it but ring their bell and ask them but leave mine alone please ".
Which religion in your opinion is the worst? Islam or Christianity?
273kelvin comments on Feb 26, 2018:
Islam is like Christianity except it`s still in its adolescence. Look at Christendom around the 1400-1500`s. That`s where Islam is now.
Two guys from Alabama decided they wanted to try ice fishing so the loaded up and went to Minnesota,...
273kelvin comments on Feb 26, 2018:
A guy was fishing off of a railway bridge, so this other guy asks him " how many have you caught? " He answers " your the third "
Do you hate arguing or do you enjoy it?
273kelvin comments on Feb 26, 2018:
Let me tell you a secret. Men do dot argue with there partners if they are right, only if theyre wrong. " What do mean? Its a sad day when a guy can`t disappear for a weekend without all this hassle " or " look what you made me do " " WTF I will be in my den "
Do you hate arguing or do you enjoy it?
273kelvin comments on Feb 26, 2018:
Hello @273Kelvin -- and welcome to the group. Named for the man who gave us absolutely nothing, eh?
273kelvin comments on Feb 25, 2018:
Well he did help communication between our two isolated languages ie. the 1st trans-Atlantic cable
You hear about the guy who got hit by lightning 20 times? He always conducted himself properly.
273kelvin comments on Feb 25, 2018:
It reminds me of Dorothy Parker who brushed off her infertility with " Why I`m so popular, I cannot conceive "
Okay I'm warning you this joke may be of bad taste.
273kelvin comments on Feb 25, 2018:
How many married men etc? I told you I would change it. You don`t have to nag me every 18 months !!
I have a neighbour who is very loud and extremely obnoxious. Now I know how Canada feels
273kelvin comments on Feb 25, 2018:
Try being English. Scots Irish, Welsh, French and the US of A all have their day. We have too much hegemony to crow.
I used to write a long time ago.
273kelvin comments on Feb 25, 2018:
Is there something that needs to be done that you really hate to do? Allocate the time to do then sit in front of your keyboard. It is surprising how procrastination can be used in this way. (last time I did this, it was tax returns and got a song I had been working on and off for a year out).
Myself and a friend bought the DR WHO boxset and we watched every episode back to back.
273kelvin comments on Feb 25, 2018:
" Your barred get out now " A time lord walks into a bar
New Job for the College Graduate A young man, hired by a supermarket, reported for his first ...
273kelvin comments on Feb 25, 2018:
A guy gets a job sweeping up in an steel foundry. The foreman hands him his broom and some goggles. " What are the goggles for " he asks " To protect you from the sparks " relied the foreman " You`ll be getting no sparks off this broom comrade "" said the guy.
What did the Zen master say to the hot dog vendor? Make me one with everything!
273kelvin comments on Feb 25, 2018:
And lets look at it in action replay
Liberated and waiting?
273kelvin comments on Feb 25, 2018:
Asking out is one thing but sex is another. In today's climate I feel it is imperative that a woman make her intentions clear. If want to have sex with a guy or vice versa let him know because us guys need that up front nowadays.
Should I write a letter to try to revive a relationship?
273kelvin comments on Feb 25, 2018:
Write the letter. For all you know she might be writing one to you right now or thinking of writing one. Love is a rare and hard thing to come by. Tell how much she has been on your mind and that might allay her doubts. He who dares wins
Does being in a gay relationship with a Jehovah's witness (not baptized) work?
273kelvin comments on Feb 25, 2018:
To best of my knowledge the bible says nothing about lesbians. However I do think that there will be a lot of heartache is store for her along the way.
What is something you should never say to the opposite sex?
273kelvin comments on Feb 25, 2018:
Question Does my bum look big in this? Politician I`m delighted that you asked me that question and firstly I`d like to make two points perfectly and absolutely clear. It is a mater of record that your previous boyfriend thought that your arse was enormous and totally out of proportion to the rest of your body, which has (let me finish) which has left us with a legacy of spiraling poor self -esteem that we are still dealing with to this day. . But do you think my bum looks big in this? It is a mater of record that your previous boyfriend thought that your arse was enormous and totally out of proportion to the rest of your body, which has left us with a legacy of spiraling poor self-esteem that we are still dealing with. jUST ANSWER THE BLOODY QUESTION. DO YOU THINK MY BUM LOOKS BIG IN THIS ? . That`s not something I would care to go into too much detail about until I`ve reviewed all the figures carefully and at length.
What is something you should never say to the opposite sex?
273kelvin comments on Feb 25, 2018:
BBC iPlayer - BREAKING NEWS: Man ruins romantic weekend... Video for BREAKING NEWS: Man ruins romantic weekend away by saying what he really thinks...? 1:06 BREAKING NEWS: Man ruins romantic weekend away by saying what he really think
What is something you should never say to the opposite sex?
273kelvin comments on Feb 25, 2018:
A man should never make reference to a womans weight, however obliquely. It is merely the elephant in the room
How many times have you moved in your life so far?
273kelvin comments on Feb 24, 2018:
Wow I forget sometimes how vast your country is. It has given me an idea for a post called " violent graffiti " writing it now.
Has anyone ever pawned anything?
273kelvin comments on Feb 24, 2018:
I pawned some jewelry years ago Interestingly it is the origin of the nursery rhyme " Pop goes the weasel " The " weasel " being cockney rhyming slang for a coat. (weasel-stoat-coat). To " pop " meaning to pawn. Where I come from there`s an expression "popped his/her clogs " ie. died. Shoes, boots or clogs being the last things to get pawned.
Top 5 fav artists ( groups and individuals)
273kelvin comments on Feb 24, 2018:
Ry Cooder Leonard Cohen Randy Newman Roy Harper Rolling Stones
Iceland to Ban Boys’ Circumcision, Introduces 6-year Jail Term for Offenders
273kelvin comments on Feb 24, 2018:
This is a difficult subject. On one hand I can see the justification of such a ban but I can also see the religious and cultural side too. I read an article by an Anglican vicar who was jewish by birth. He said how he felt guilty not circumcising his son. He talked of how in the camps they tried to eliminate their religion and how the jews fought so hard to maintain it. " For if it is lost. then we are lost ". For him it was almost like a betrayal of the suffering of his people. This might be easy for those of us not born into that culture to dismiss but not so for those who are. Prima facie law would draw no distinction between male and female on this subject. Them both being actual bodily harm to a minor, however the historical, cultural, religious and medical differences are vast. A ban in more multi-cultural countries than Iceland would create a legal firestorm which would (if it did nothing else) unite Jews and Muslims. The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prevents Congress from making any law respecting an establishment of religion, PROHIBITING THE FREE EXORCISE OF RELIGION, or abridging the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the right to peaceably assemble, or to petition for a governmental .
Do you think some religious attitudes could be the downfall of the human race?
273kelvin comments on Feb 24, 2018:
So many of the alt right christians in the US believe in the " end of days " . They actively seek and end of the world as we know it.
I have just read your profile! Or quite likely have recently.
273kelvin comments on Feb 24, 2018:
Because profiles are one sided (pun intended).
I like this sort of stuff, especially f you have ever looked into the origin of the originals.
273kelvin comments on Feb 24, 2018:
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. A conspiracy theory if ever there was one. a, Did he fall or was he pushed? b,What was all those kings horses and men doing there at that particular moment? c, What was a person with such a fragile shell doing on top of a wall in the first place? d, All the kings horses and men couldn`t put him together again... Why wasn`t a physician called? Were they there just as a cover up? Humptygate, We demand to know the TRUTH !!!
I like this sort of stuff, especially f you have ever looked into the origin of the originals.
273kelvin comments on Feb 24, 2018:
The Geogie Porgie rhyme would end better with " bi "
Want to See Gun Control Enacted? Support a Movement to Arm Black Folks En Masse | Alternet
273kelvin comments on Feb 23, 2018:
If you do have to have guns, they should be restricted to mothers only.
I’ve been shot in combat.
273kelvin comments on Feb 23, 2018:
If it happens then at some time so will this. A teacher will draw their weapon walk up to an unruly child, putting muzzle next to his temple and say.... " I said open your book and quietly read page 42 or do feel lucky kid "
How was your process of leaving religion?
273kelvin comments on Feb 23, 2018:
I was laying floor tiles, unfortunately I had started at the wrong end and ended up in the corner of the room with halogen lights glaring down on me. It was horrendous and I lost all my faith but was afraid to tell anyone. lol
What is the most outlandish or improbable theory you've ever heard?
273kelvin comments on Feb 23, 2018:
When I was a young man I met a dotty old lady who thought that bad weather was caused by cars passing each other. They created tiny whirlpools which spiral upwards. I have since heard someone spout a similar theory but this was more specific, in that the northern hemisphere should drive on the left, southern on the right. The resulting whirlpools making the correct spiral directions. I find all faith based religion quite pathetic but the Southcotians are very amusing. I do suggest you check them out.
A controversial one.
273kelvin comments on Feb 21, 2018:
England is currently debating an opt out rather that opt in case for organ donation. The difference that makes to the amount of organs is quite staggering, Whilst it still maintains the right of an individual not to donate, for religious or other reasons. If you do wish to donate (as I do) your body barts.Please talk this over with your family now. As they will be the ones asked to make the the decision if or when.
Why do criminals murder innocent people?
273kelvin comments on Feb 21, 2018:
I have met two people that have killed in my lifetime. One seemed to be quite a decent guy, affable and friendly. Only after knowing him a while did he let slip the fact that he was out on licence. (a parol term for convicted killers). I can only assume it was a mistake of youth, a fight taken to exteem or some such. The second was a woman who had killed her husband. By all accounts he was a guy who deserved all he got. After years of abuse she had finally snapped and stabbed him to death. Her nickname was Paranoid Penny (it being the custom of the community to give people such nicknames). She had a strange and wild look in her eyes, like that of a cornered and frightened animal. I only met her once and that was in a room full of guys sitting around chewing the fat and some such as guys do. When she entered the room it fell silent. Gone was all the bonhomie. There was not even a trace of flirting that would usually accompany the entrance of a woman into an all male conclave. Insead every guy sat quite silent with crossed legs until she left. The third case is by far the most tragic. I never met the killer in question but I knew his father and he told me the tale. His son was mentally ill with paranoid schizophrenia, here are his dads words as best as I can remember them. " We knew that he was going to kill someone, it was obvious. Both me and his mum went and pleaded with the doctors/police anyone in authority who would listen and said " Hes going to kill someone " but they could not or would not do anything. And then he killed someone and now hes in a hospital for the criminally insane "
Do we really value free speech anymore?
273kelvin comments on Feb 19, 2018:
An interesting look at modern (or post modern) free speech
Do you "people watch?"
273kelvin comments on Feb 19, 2018:
I adore people watching. There are so many ways to enjoy it. For example you can make up stories around them, like that old couple. He wanted to go Italian and she Chinese and they`re both sulking at the compromise. Conversely you can simply observe. This can be very rewarding as you get an insight to human behaviour. This is how fortune tellers and their ilk make a living. My friend would often ask me to predict how someone would act. I usually bet £1 on the outcome and rarely lost. For example a couple came into the bar and I said that she would buy the 1st drinks. I won and when he asked how I knew this would happen I told him that the guy was much better looking and that she was having to try hard to keep him. Once I even predicted what car a woman owned.
So I got a 7 year old, Easter is coming up soon and he wants to know is Jesus really real and will ...
273kelvin comments on Feb 19, 2018:
My dad was an atheist and when I asked about it (at about your childs age) He told me the truth. He also said that this is what he thought, not necessarily what I should think and when I grew older I should make my own mind up about it. The fact that I am here shows which way I went. I would also tell your child that easter goes back along way before Jesus and is to do with spring. When the trees and the flowers start to come back to life and so we celebrate it with eggs and bunny rabbits. It is also when christians have chosen to celebrate the resurrection.
Personal religious stories
273kelvin comments on Feb 19, 2018:
A story I tell to christians that I like My ex is Jewish and we visited Israel together quite a few years ago. As we were on a tour bus heading down the Jericho road on the way to the dead sea. The tour guide said " On your right you can see the inn mentioned in the story of the good Samaritan " . My ex gave me a look of complete ignorance and said " Whats she talking about? " I then proceeded to tell her the parable from what I could remember back in sunday school. Its a good story and she liked it saying " Oh that`s where the suicide prevention guys The Samaritans comes from then? " The reason I tell this to likable christians is that I got to tell the tale to someone who never heard it before, on the road where it is set.
Can someone recommend a good movie to watch on Netflix or Hulu tonight.
273kelvin comments on Feb 17, 2018:
if your a movie buff then " 5 came back "
Do we really value free speech anymore?
273kelvin comments on Feb 17, 2018:
The problem has been that we have had a narrowly defined parameter of allowable debate. The rise of the right in both the US, Europe and the UK has a least widened those boundaries. I cannot speak for the US so I will concentrate on the UK. Two years ago we had a referendum on brexit. One of the key issues was immigration. Prior to that there was an election gaff by the sitting PM Gordon Brown. It happened when he met a middle aged working class woman whilst campianing. She complained that migrants from the EU were taking UK jobs. Brown fobbed her off with the usual politicians no-speak and returned to his car. Unwittingly he had left his mic still on, the terms "racist" and "bigoted" were overheard. This led to three things, 1st he had to go back to the woman and give a groveling apology, 2nd he lost the election and 3rd it brought out the whole subject of immigration into the political arena, leading to the brexit referendum itself. Let me state that i personally voted to remain but I do come from a blue collar, building trade background and I can sympathize with many of the opposing views. If you were to read any of the social media at the time of the referendum, you might have supposed that it was a slam dunk for remain. Anybody supporting a leave position was shouted down and branded as if not racist then at least xenophobic. Consequently the brexiteers kept schtum till the vote. No great debate was possible. The population of the UK narrowly voted to leave the EU mostly because whole sections of it felt disenfranchised and wanted to be heard. I may disagree with your views but I will defend to the death your right to express them. Forgive me if I have misquoted that but I would go further. In a democracy I have a right to be offended. If nothing offended me then that in of itself would be an offence! Society changes, moral boundaries move. We cannot expect to have a progressive society without the opportunity for progress and that means hearing stuff that you don`t like. I was listening to Richard Dawkins on the radio a while back and this christian woman said that homosexuality was a lifestyle choice. Dawkins replied "well the the great thing about a statement like that is that you can just dismiss it " . The guy in charge of the debate said " but she has a right to say it? " Then Dawkins said " Of course she has a right to say it but she`s wrong so we can dismiss it ".
Do you make your bed every day?
273kelvin comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Fitted bed sheet and a duvet. No need to make it. I change the sheets if I am expecting company but has been sadly far too long ago.
Friday night-Are you home alone in your PJ's?
273kelvin comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Playing online poker and not really watching crap tv. Maybe Sunday I will venture out, there is 2 open mics close to me.
How do you feel about (boy) scouting?
273kelvin comments on Feb 16, 2018:
Does your hair salon or dresser listen to how you want your hair cut?
273kelvin comments on Feb 16, 2018:
I would not know. The last time I went for a hair cut, the guy put me on a high chair and gave me a lollipop. Also (and this may shock) I do not shampoo, simply rinse. After a few weeks the natural oils kick in and it becomes silky.
MST3K Johnny At The Fair - YouTube
273kelvin comments on Feb 15, 2018:
I loved the original movie.


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