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I’m just me, older, wiser, and even more cynical than ever.


I just finished installing my tankless water heater.
48thRonin comments on Dec 30, 2018:
Hey smart move love mine and never going back
I switched the lily-white picture of Jesus on my aunt's phone to the one below.
48thRonin comments on Dec 30, 2018:
Seriously if you really want to make her flip shit then point out that per the Bible’s own description this is the face of Jesus
I had stated before that the cops don't have to protect you, the cops on here said I had ...
48thRonin comments on Dec 29, 2018:
As a former law enforcement officer I can tell you that they’re not legally obligated to sacrifice their lives for anyone but are expected to isolate the perpetrator/s if possible and to guide victims to safety if possible and to observe and report until backup arrives or the threat has been neutralized. I mean don’t get me wrong he should’ve made his way towards the gunman but to believe that a school officer is going to have swat like training and intuition is actually pretty ignorant. Most of them are placed there because they have the right demeanor and/or they’re not as street worthy as they or their department might want them to be. I agree that the officer should’ve been replaced from his post and maybe placed in a no conflict position but politics is pretty powerful in events like this. And unless it could be proven that the officer had been directly involved with this event then the lawsuit was useless and to maybe force policy changes. But unless they take on the U S Department of Justice they’re not going to change the expectations of police in these instances.
All the more reason to secure the southern border.
48thRonin comments on Dec 29, 2018:
Let’s be real you could build the wall of China along our border and as long as we have a prohibition state that has essentially created the price of these drugs to be extremely inflated which means that criminals make all the profit. And where there’s criminal profit you will have criminal’s and surprise they’re going to do criminal things. But if we can curb their attraction to our country then chances are we’ll have fewer to deal with. I’m pretty sure that the people of Juarez would appreciate it as well so blaming those who see our weakness as their way out of poverty is no worse than what we’ve done to every small oil producing country since the 70’s.
Checkmate Flat Earthers
48thRonin comments on Dec 29, 2018:
Found this earlier today
I went to the post office today to get a po box.
48thRonin comments on Dec 29, 2018:
Yeah that VA I D card is as useful as a baseball card in the eyes of a lot of people and it shouldn’t be. Hell if I had it my way the only way to obtain full citizenship in this country would be to serve in the military or to serve the people through the government. Because just like you did you sacrificed way more than most and you’re damn near second class because of it. I served in desert storm and I’ve been to the Va twice and that was in 2015 and was because I got a from DOD to get tested for something they believed that I came in contact with in Iraq. The nurse practitioner was quick to tell me that she wasn’t going to help me get any money and that’s when I showed her my state employment I D and insurance card. I looked at her and made it clear that I have all of my limbs, my sight, and most of my mind so I don’t need their money and it would be better if it went to keep a truly disabled vet from being homeless. All she could do is tell me where to go take their test and where to come once they had their results. Honestly I fucking hate Veterans Day because they shit on the old ones and they just keep making new ones. Hopefully the post office will be able to come to their senses for you but if not you can go to certain UPS stores and they have secure mail boxes with a real street address if you need to have a secure mailing site. Thank you for your sacrifice sir and have a better weekend ??
Well, this is a depressing theory:
48thRonin comments on Dec 29, 2018:
This planet has gone through how many life forms and how many civilizations and this planet is anything but dead for a reason
Boston here I come, show me what you have.
48thRonin comments on Dec 29, 2018:
Bars, cars and yards ?
Russiagate, Memes and Pokemon Ads: Can Our “Democracy” be This Easily Subverted?
48thRonin comments on Dec 29, 2018:
It isn’t what you sell but how you sell it and the false narrative was easy because most Americans are still completely ignorant when it comes to Russia and their own country for that matter. HRC and her team went the laundry list of who was at fault for her loss because it wasn’t her couldn’t have been she gave us the monster to fear she gave us the enemy in trump but as we all know just because you put a bigger pile of shit next to a smaller pile of shit “ They’re both still piles of shit!!” But then she remembered that in 2012 the state department authorized a political coupe against Putin and the answer was easy it must’ve been the Russians they hate us they...must love trump because trump didn’t act like he hated them. There you go the starting line for it all and now they’re getting caught in their lies just like they did when it was discovered that a British firm was being paid by the pentagon to create ISIS films or some Texas contractor is watching his old trucks rolling across what was supposed to be Iraq filled with isis fighters. But this is America and wait five minutes and the focus will be on something else. Seriously it’s so easy to convince people of something when they have the attention span of a dog on a car ride. So let’s see if people even remember any of this in a week and if they don’t then hopefully something new will come up to undo all of this Russian gate bs. And as far as republicans wanting to vote for Bernie I had converted at least 15 or so that year because he didn’t actually bash people and they found it kind of refreshing to hear a politician talk strictly about us and our needs instead of each other. But that’s another we’ll see.
'Nude Selfie' Obtained In Mueller Inquiry, Says Court Filing By Indicted Russian Firm | HuffPost
48thRonin comments on Dec 29, 2018:
Or it belongs to someone who actually works at concord but y’all want to see the mushroom really bad I guess.
The science of bagpipes.
48thRonin comments on Dec 29, 2018:
Seems legit
I grew this hybrid rubber plant. i think it's ready to be picked.
48thRonin comments on Dec 29, 2018:
Led Zeppelin's First U.S. Concert Happened in Denver Fifty Years Ago | Westword
48thRonin comments on Dec 29, 2018:
Nice ?
Does Technology Enhance or Diminish Childhood?
48thRonin comments on Dec 29, 2018:
Diminishes it not just in the lack of physical activity but has destroyed the activity of exploration and discovery. And creativity is all but gone. But I will say that it has enhanced children in languages and cultures other than their own as well as adapting to newer technology which is constantly evolving.
Very interesting. Haven't researched this yet. Anyone knowledgeable about this stuff?
48thRonin comments on Dec 29, 2018:
Yes it’s actually true originally all forms of sexual activity was at least tolerable and some still are like child brides and boy kissing in Afghanistan. But when the British arrived in the Middle East they’re influence was definitely felt especially once they installed the Saud family as the rulers of Arabia and with it Wahhabism which is as Islamic as a ham sandwich. The intent was to create a completely loyal and subservient culture around Islam and with certain behaviors such as sexual relations other than between a husband and wives ? as well as little to no self expression. Which is why Saudi Arabia has been hell bent on eliminating the leadership of countries that allow an open environment for Muslims.
This is petty
48thRonin comments on Dec 29, 2018:
Cause now I’m freee!! Free ballin
And stop calling me Shirley
48thRonin comments on Dec 29, 2018:
After a break from this site,I have returned,enjoy?
48thRonin comments on Dec 29, 2018:
Well welcome back
No love for the coyote
48thRonin comments on Dec 29, 2018:
Wedding vows my ass
48thRonin comments on Dec 29, 2018:
I can speak from experience that death is a nice place to visit just like most tourists sites there’s always someone who just vacated that room and most likely there’s someone who’s already booked it before you’re ready to leave.
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
It can be beautiful.
Are you a Marvel fan?
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Deadpool and Wolverine ?
So seriously, I think this is the root of our problems.
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Actually that’s a good question but technically I believe that the earths population would actually fit into Alaska with everyone having a 1/4 acres of land. The only problem that we really face is in cities where the populations are near 10 million. Everyone is stacked on top of one another and it just creates nothing but waste and pollution.
I have a poll going at Cullinary Arts about food cravings and what they indicate.
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
I follow 300 restaurants and 100 chefs on Instagram what do you want to know? ?
As a Dog lover this makes me ill and fearful for our dogs. []
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
There’s mixed info on this both confirming and denying this. So I guess that most likely someone took an isolated case or two and blew it up into something greater and racial
Only a true horror fan can appreciate this ?
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
What no leather face!? He actually had a job
This is getting bizzare.
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Several of us have posted a report by Jimmy Dore involving the senates investigation of the Russians involvement of cyber interference during the 2016 election and LoL its not what they expected.
Old is new again
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Do a rotary swap ?
This is why I also love twitter.
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Gawd damn ????
Hello fellow Agnostics.
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
‪Has anybody noticed the increase of reporters dying since Trump call them the enemy of the ...
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
2007-2009 there actually more journalists deaths per year than 2018 just saying facts are facts
My friend Andrew Valerievitch Skorobogatov, from Yekaterinburg, Russia, sent me a message, citing a ...
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
I can’t ?
Where is the best place to buy a car online with the least hassle?
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Caravan or car max
Don't you love fairy tales
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Kangaroos that’s all I have to say?
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Yes!! ????
Fairly new here and trying to make my way to level2
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Just browse some post and participate you’ll be there in no time
When I looked at who viewed me, it said "Hovered". What does that mean?
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
I get hovered like a landing pad and it gets annoying sometimes
How do you explain to others that you have morals and ethics despite not being religious?
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Hi ?? I’m a human being and with a human being I recognize other human beings. And since I can directly relate to other human beings and not invisible god’s I have chosen to accept and treat other human beings as i would want to recognized and treated
Just an fyi to anyone here noticing my existence.
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Well have fun and be careful and plenty of us notice your existence btw. ?
$4,700 is all... Shit.. no wonder Liberals are so pissed if that's all they spent... ?
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Hey I’m glad to see this is catching on. ??
Oh, yes he did.
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Can you tell me how to get to fucking Sesame Street. ?
How nonsensical is this?
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
He doesn’t have Microsoft’s money either
[] I Got Demons
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Good ol rockabilly ? gotta love it
An eye watering experience
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Where did this idea that people should live in a world where they are never offended come from?
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
It actually started in the 70’s when it was actually needed because of the victory of the civil rights movement and more and more women were entering the workplace as something other than secretaries. And unfortunately because some people were purposely out of touch with the changes in society well that and companies just didn’t need or want any lawsuits or bad press from the ACLU or other rights groups. Which is what lead to sensitivity training and workplace harassment classes and now sexual orientation and identity have been added ( I identify as a human being btw ) But now the REAL reason for all of this is because mommy and daddy are part time as fuck because the economy demands that they both work and society says that they should also go to the gym or hangout with friends and coworkers their are raising themselves. And since they’ve been instructed to never hit no matter what and other kids are always going to be douche nozzles they get bullied and have no outlet. So after a while of this they decide to go to school one day and eliminate their tormentors. So because this has happened a couple of times a year a segment of society instead of actually punishing bullies or hell just letting these kids get it on and out of their system they have decided that we’re not going to use trigger words. Which guess what guys rest soully upon the receiver. YAY!! So if me and you want to talk about the game while in the lunch room and Mary j uptight hears us and decides because her ex boyfriend from 10 years ago was a verbally abusive football player that now it’s crippling to her to have to listen anyone talking about football. And since common fucking sense is on the path of the dinosaurs our workplace is going to make it so that no one can talk about football. Now the real issue with this is if anyone remembers when the schools told our kids that no matter what you do your parents cannot punish you physically and if they do you just call Child protective services and the police will come and arrest your parents. So the next they got mad at you they destroyed something and then informed of their new power. Well guess what folks they’re grown up now and have learned that being offended can get people that they don’t like fired or attacked on social media. Congratulations us protecting our kids has turned them into vindictive little fucks ????????
We could possibly be related. We share the same last name. LOL!!! []
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Welcome to Murica ?
Now this is damn funny!
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Nailed it ?
Apparently some people don't hear the F Bomb. [] Give Grover a break.
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
They are Trump supporters and aren't afraid to come out now. LOL!!! []
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Oh because they’re white!???? app missing from the Apple App Store? @Admin
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
I posted this other day and no one from the site had replied so I guess it is what it is
Party on Wayne! I'm at 7.5! And when did I start giving a shit about points btw?
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
I might just meet you there.?
Explained: The Russian effort to help Donald Trump?
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
I’ve got a video from Jimmy Dore that well ?
Syrian Army Enters Manbij as YPG Withdraws, Asks for Protection []
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Good it’s their country and their flag should fly over it. But it was also a good thing that Syria and Russia held turkey back from doing anything harmful to the mission of the stabilization of Syria.
What a classy administration. Think Mueller’s getting an eyeful of mushroom? []
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
It doesn’t say just who the selfie belongs exactly to and from what I read it appears to belong to an employee of concord. When trump work for concord?
A citizens Duty
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Yeah but when I speak out against imperialism people don’t like it.?
It makes sense that the far right is so anti-mind altering drug in it's platform.
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
They’re self appointed morality police just as certain members of the left have become but most importantly their reasoning for not accepting the legalization of certain drugs comes from their separatist ideology. They equate these drugs with ghetto dwelling minorities and white trash so therefore they condemn drugs so that their children won’t associate with these people. Just good ol ignorance and hate nothing more nothing less.
It appears that to thrive on this site one must hate our President....
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Yeah this is not a trump friendly zone and barely an independent zone. I think that it’s because there’s people on here that simply equate religion to republicans because of their deep resentment towards either. And then you have some liberal extremists who have mainly the opinions of their media source to guide who and what to hate. Me personally I believe that trump is his greatest enemy and should out of respect for our he should resign. And also that he’s the greatest thing that Hillary Clinton has ever done for the Democratic Party. But enjoy the hate ?
Saw Bohemian Rhapsody tonight.
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Yes it was an awesome movie I actually saw it in imax because of the music and you should get this album right here it has their very best on it
Honestly I think if I'd been gay I'd have done well i seem to attract a lot of Male attention
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
I attract a lot of negative male attention which is why I don’t go to bars or clubs anymore and also when people say that they wish that they were big like me I just laugh. But seriously I’d take it as flattery or narcissism whichever fits.
Think About This....
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
You double posted this btw. Are you ok today?
Treat yourself , like you treat someone you love .
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Most people don’t know themselves well enough to do that.
Everyone keeps telling me that I need to work on myself first before seeking a relationship.
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Question do you truly love yourself? If not then how can you possibly love someone to the extent for which they may need. And if you’re simply getting a mate to fill in the gaps of what you feel are missing then will rest of that person truly matter or are you simply looking for a codependent relationship? With that being said you must ask yourself are you a taker, a giver or a sharer? Because a taker and a giver have to be in a relationship in order for it to work and sharers have to be together for theirs to work. So like I said ask yourself these questions and answer them very honestly before you bring someone in and create more questions.
When Life, Truth and History are Not Funny...
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Another irony is that we wanted that wall down so that we could end the Cold War but now we want another Cold War ?
The problem with kitchen drawers... So funny!????
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
That’s why mine go into a utensil holder and never ever a drawer.
I'll never force my children into religion...😅😂😅
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Why not both?
Beginning n end
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Of course it’s going to end. Actually it ends whenever we end because this world is made by us. And also Adam and Eve weren’t the first or only humans that’s actually pointed out through the story of Cain and able. Eve is also Adam’s daughter through Lilith hence why it was a sin to partake in carnal knowledge. Nonetheless before someone comes on here screaming and ranting about all of it being fake. I am fully aware that most likely none of these people existed and everything else so save your breath and let someone just speak for a change. Thanks
Pat Robertson versus Young Earth Creationism Pat Robertson, faith healer, extreme fundamentalist ...
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
My grandmother use to watch the 700 club and after the Waterboy came out I went to visit her and as soon as he came the tv I couldn’t help myself I pointed at the tv and said “ Look gramma it the devil “ sadly she didn’t find it as amusing as I did.
Do Science & Religion Conflict Over Morality?
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Lord of the flies
Writing poetry is the best plunger for my brain
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Plunger for my brain ? ok I now have a title for my book.
How many of you know the song "Lying Ass Bitch" by Fishbone?
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Why does anyone actually watch her other than to see her try to paint turd gold. Seriously she’s no where was entertaining as spicy or Scaramucci ? I miss them
Trying to get a hold of an old friend of mine who is australian and lived in new south wales.
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
New South Wales Australia would be a great place to start? But seriously if that person is deeply involved in certain hobbies and/or work then I’d say look for sites or groups that focus on those in that area or believe it or not linked in I’ve had people find me that I hadn’t seen in nearly 30 years. But good luck with your search
Mmmm foood!?
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Lmao ??? Jeffery if you can’t beat em then eat em Dahmer
Family Dinner!❤
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
All my dogs will eat is her nutrish brand of dog food
I want to just throw this out there....What about a Bernie and Beto ticket for 2020?
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
No Beto and possibly no Bernie ones proven that he’s as progressive as HRC and the other says no compromise and then gives in. Well that and if we were to attempt to steer this country extreme left too soonwe could actually create an even greater divide between each other which could honestly split this country beyond repair. Just me personally from the existing field of candidates Biden and Tulsi both are strong people and Tulsi I believe would be more capable of taking over the presidency in case something were to happen to Biden. And as a wild card option we go split ticket Biden and John Kasich from Ohio just to get the really left leaning and possibly some moderate republicans on board. Only because they’re not feeling as though their party exists anymore and if we give them a political home they might stay there long enough to get shit done or at least repair the damage from the current administration.
Is that enough?
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
It was just about enough ?
America needs this wall...
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Can anyone tell me what this image represents? My grandson had it on his hand.
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Well it’s either to not confuse the letter z with the number 7 or he’s a member of the polish secret police. But seriously if he keeps it there or starts writing it on multiple personal items then get with the school and see if it’s a marking for a certain group or wannabe gang.
Hospitals will soon have to publish prices for the public to see
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Good maybe they’ll settle on a reasonable rate for all
Almost all vowels are covered. No such thing as I pud?
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Ba da dump tsssss
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
There should be French fries eating competition called championchips
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
And for those who train for this event they should be sponsored by rascal scooters and any company involved with diabetes treatments. ? Just saying them starches are worse than sugar itself.
A more recent Poem that I wrote while basking in the Florida waters.
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Nice ??????
We all can get along
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Here here ??????
Should America change the way it elects its president/vice president to the popular vote?
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Even though i support it above the electoral college there was still evidence discovered when Jill stein demanded a recount in Michigan, Pennsylvania and I believe maybe Wisconsin. But anyway those states were write in states and during the recount in Michigan the amount of write in votes for Sanders that were placed in the ballot boxes of HRC was nearly 5 digits when the recount was called off. There has to be a completely infallible method of voting before we go completely to a popular vote system and we need to have open primaries as well.
UN report on the White Helmets in Syria. Dodgy dodgy bastards. Who fell for the propaganda?
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Actually Tulsi was one of the first representatives from America to learn about who and what the white helmets actually were when she was shown video from locals who lived in the area of the second supposed gas attack of the white helmets staging the scene before the attack with children who had been kidnapped shortly before the supposed attack. But our media still wants people to believe that we liberated area of Syria that we were no where near. So no shock here.
It's not suppose to work that way . . . .
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Damn it man what did you do to deserve the distinction of Mofucker? ?
The term Agnostic was coined by . . . .
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
I can see that ????
Look what was in the drive-in lane at my bank in Shawnee, Ok.
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Well now
Conservative Sen.
48thRonin comments on Dec 28, 2018:
WOW!! What a cunt and she deserves to not be allowed to have any opinion after that shit. Seriously even though I’m not a big fan of Warren I hope that she at least attempts to scalp her stupid blonde ass
The non belivers I know seem to be more balanced mentally more tolorant of others opinions, show ...
48thRonin comments on Dec 27, 2018:
I can say that for the most part everyone that I’ve met and communicated with personally was pretty balanced and really judgmental. But then I got on the internet and WTF!??? I didn’t realize that there were that many people who felt abused and controlled by religion so much that if you even bring up any matter of religion they jump to shut you down and on Facebook and here they’ll try to get you kicked off if they believe that you’re talking too much about it. And then there’s the ones that it’s honestly about politics. Hell you even had one comment on this post about right wingers. I’m guessing that since most republicans and conservatives are Christian that they feel as though they’re obligated to be an atheist or agnostic. Because real liberal would ever go to church lol shit sounds like Jeff sessions talking about people who smoke marijuana. ? I don’t know maybe it’s because those that I know publicly are already in my circle that I don’t ever recall hearing such ignorance or broad stroking prejudice coming from any of them but this is the internet so I guess when you cast a bigger net then you can only expect to get things that are unwanted.
Good morning!
48thRonin comments on Dec 27, 2018:
Don’t tell anyone but I’d hug that little fucker all day ?
How does one human?
48thRonin comments on Dec 27, 2018:
Well first you’ve gotta catch one, then kill it and cut the muscular areas off... Oh I’m sorry I thought you said how does one eat a human? Well never mind moving on then ??‍♂️
How will the Trump presidency end?
48thRonin comments on Dec 27, 2018:
3 and 3 because I called it before he actually won the election.
I like mine medium
48thRonin comments on Dec 27, 2018:
Oregon the medium rare steak of America ?
Comedian Artie Lange has destroyed the cartilage in his nose from abusing drugs...
48thRonin comments on Dec 27, 2018:
When I was 15 my parents caught me smoking weed and made me volunteer at a rehab center. There was a guy that worked there that use to do a lot of coke and he showed me how it had eaten at his nostrils to where he could put a Kleenex in one side and pull it out the other. ? Seriously between that watching junkies withdrawal I couldn’t begin to touch anything stronger than weed.
I pray to Odin.
48thRonin comments on Dec 27, 2018:
Actually seen it on a T Shirt a few times
Upto No Good
48thRonin comments on Dec 27, 2018:
Take it from someone who’s been divorced Let her go!! I say this if you cross the line she could take your freedom and is anyone really worth that?
Always found these apeeling
48thRonin comments on Dec 27, 2018:
What a rotten gifts
‪It’s so funny that the wall supporters think it’s the answer.
48thRonin comments on Dec 27, 2018:
First we need to quit messing with the leadership of these countries and let them have the representatives that they choose. Second if The United Nations was as capable as they claim to be the issues that have led to these migrants coming here most likely would be far less than they are right now. Third this last group from Guatemala actually reeks of being politically motivated just as this wall has been and will until we learn that prevention is far more valuable than reacting. Also a wall wouldn’t have had any effect on 9/11 considering as to how much of it was an inside job just saying that 3 buildings 3 planes are completely destroyed but a paper passport makes it. ?
The Art of Waiting: Reclaiming the Pleasures of Durational Being in an Instant Culture of Ceaseless ...
48thRonin comments on Dec 27, 2018:
Very true there is no wasted time but only time wasted.


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Agnostic, Freethinker
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