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You can call me "A" for short ;)


Please tell me there is a way to block a user.
Admin comments on Feb 10, 2018:
Yes, click on the "Block" link on their profile... that should make them invisible to you and you to them. Sorry about the member's behavior.
Atheist to Agnostic
Admin comments on Feb 10, 2018:
check out "Which term(s) do you identify with?"
Admin comments on Feb 9, 2018:
About 25% of the members are here for "community only". All are welcome!
I’m having problems posting photos on here.
Admin comments on Feb 9, 2018:
Yes, there is a bug we're trying to fix... thanks for the heads up!
Just tried to upload a picture in response to a post, and it wouldn't let me.
Admin comments on Feb 9, 2018:
Yes, there is a bug we're trying to fix... thanks for the heads up!
Yes, it's been a while since I’ve posted an update about the site as we've been swamped working on...
Admin comments on Feb 9, 2018:
And yes... I know. There's a bug in photo uploads in replies. Will try to get it fixed in the next 12 hours... :(
For those who have read my book
Admin comments on Feb 9, 2018:
Looks interesting. :)
Left Coast non believers group is happening.
Admin comments on Feb 9, 2018:
Since groups are just now rolling out (and features added every few hours), this post is ok in the general list for now. Later today, you should be able to make a post from the group and have it contain a link to the group.
Admin comments on Feb 9, 2018:
Sorry, was tweaking the algorithm to let members get a few more points based on how many people respond to your posts. Now you can earn up to 10% of the next level's points when members comment on your posts. (was 5%, then 20% and now to 10% which I think is about right).
I am having an awful time delting my account
Admin comments on Feb 9, 2018:
Yes, you can delete your account from the account page at However, another option is just to "Pause Account" which basically hides your account until the next time you log in. This way, you can still get newsletters (if you like, you can turn them off too on the account "settings" page) and come back whenever you like. If you prefer to delete your account, you'll see a button labeled "Delete Account". When you delete it, please fill out the form letting us know why. Thanks! Thanks for the question! You can read more help tips on the FAQ page (see link at the bottom of every page).
Admin comments on Feb 8, 2018:
Aha, right. Looks like a bug... perhaps it was connected to this group when I was working on the code. Will resolve it later tonight (or tomorrow).
Have you been to this conference before? How was the experience?
Admin comments on Feb 8, 2018:
This will be my first time to this conference. I've been to a few local meetups so I'm excited to meet others from around the country (world?).
blocking a god believer?
Admin comments on Feb 8, 2018:
If someone is posting mumbo jumbo, let us know.
It's tough trying to recruit new members.
Admin comments on Feb 8, 2018:
We're trying our best... we know it's hard but it's a good cause :) We will do next phase of promotion in a few weeks...
I’ve shared this site multiple times on my Twitter account and have never received the points for ...
Admin comments on Feb 6, 2018:
Thanks for sharing our site on Twitter. You will get automatic bonus points only when your friends sign up via the link you shared. I assume your friends haven’t signed up yet. But I did add 100 gift points to your account just now. Thanks for your participation.
I'm not getting my email updates...and yes I checked my settings
Admin comments on Feb 6, 2018:
Please confirm your email by clicking the link we sent to! Send again? Are you able to receive the confirmation email? (check Yahoo's spam filter). I'm happy to debug more later too
Good evening.
Admin comments on Feb 6, 2018:
Can you give me more info? Are you using Chrome? iPhone/Android? What error are you seeing?
How to Ruin Your Relationship
Admin comments on Feb 5, 2018:
Purple shirts are good :)
Has anyone noticed an increase in troll activities lately?
Admin comments on Feb 5, 2018:
We have a new person skimming posts and looking for trolls. How about post some links to questions with troll-ish behavior and we'll review? Remember, you can link to posts by putting q: then the post num (see the number 21323 in this URL) in your comments.
Following posts we commented on?
Admin comments on Feb 5, 2018:
Sure! Just mark if a "favorite" (gold star)
How do I block the troll?
Admin comments on Feb 5, 2018:
If a member is being annoying, you can just block them by clicking the “Block” link on their profile page. If you do that, you won’t see any of their posts and they won’t see yours. We will also keep an eye on the member to see if further action should be taken. We rely on our members to help keep discussions civil. Thanks! You can see who you blicked byclicking on the "gear" icon on the top of every page, then click the "Blocked" tab. You can unblock someone by going back to their profile page and clicking "unblock". Thanks for the question! You can read more help tips on the FAQ page (see link at the bottom of every page).
Hi Admin, I posted a link but it was broken.
Admin comments on Feb 4, 2018:
Hmmm... ok, send me the like (if possible) and I'll investigate.
Admin why add this new feature of liking a post and always getting notifications whenever someone ...
Admin comments on Feb 4, 2018:
Hello, you can customize your alert setting under "My Account"--"Alerts"---"Pick Alerts".
Admin comments on Feb 4, 2018:
Yay me! I have reached level 7! .
Admin comments on Feb 4, 2018:
High-5! :)
Does this site have plans to create an app?
Admin comments on Feb 3, 2018:
We are working on the app and hopefully will release it soon.
Uploading photos
Admin comments on Feb 2, 2018:
Here's the steps to upload a photo: 1. Go to the main home page and click "Upload photo" link. 2. Click on the text "Tap here" and select a photo from your computer or phone (note: if you're on a computer, you can also drag and drop a photo from your computer). 3. Once the photo is uploaded, you can crop and rotate if needed. Thanks for the question! You can read more help tips on the FAQ page (see link at the bottom of every page).
REPEATING POSTS Our little site is growing by leaps and bounds with many new members so what should...
Admin comments on Feb 2, 2018:
I'll make a post tomorrow about ways we are going to reduce repeated common posts. :)
So long, and thanks for all the fish :) I enjoyed visiting this site when it had relatively-few ...
Admin comments on Feb 2, 2018:
Hey, I'm really sorry to hear that the site experience has changed for you. I agree that as we grow, the velocity of posts increases and it is harder to form relationships with other members. We are working on some projects to address this. The first one will be "groups" where members can discuss specific topics. The plan is to have them live sometime next week. Happy to hear your ideas on how we can improve the site! :) We don't need to build a hyperspace byway here...
Does anyone know if there is an app for this site and where do I go to shut off email notifications?
Admin comments on Feb 2, 2018:
The app is in final debugging/testing and hopefully out very very soon. You can adjust notifications under account / settings (gear icon).
What is a level?
Admin comments on Feb 1, 2018:
There are lots of ways for you to earn points so your level will increase. Take a look at the "Levels" page at for more details. The points/level system is just a way to help us reward active members by giving more access and perks to members as they increase their level. Don't get too hung up on the points/levels as they are mostly just a way for us to keep scammers away. Thanks for the question! You can read more on the FAQ page (see link at the bottom of every page).
Thank you to admIn for creatIng thIs sIte!
Admin comments on Feb 1, 2018:
Wow, made my day (will share with others here too)!
Admin comments on Jan 31, 2018:
Can you try logging in now?
Working for likes Since Yesterday, has anyone else noticed you have to tap the like button really...
Admin comments on Jan 31, 2018:
Yep, it's fixed :)
Admin comments on Jan 31, 2018:
Yep, it's fixed :)
Does anyone else’s “like” button stick?
Admin comments on Jan 31, 2018:
Fixed... and made it about 4x faster. Do you see a difference?
Admin, how does one block specific users?
Admin comments on Jan 31, 2018:
If a member is being annoying, you can just block them by clicking the “Block” link on their profile page. If you do that, you won’t see any of their posts and they won’t see yours. We will also keep an eye on the member to see if further action should be taken. We rely on our members to help keep discussions civil. Thanks! You can see who you blicked byclicking on the "gear" icon on the top of every page, then click the "Blocked" tab. You can unblock someone by going back to their profile page and clicking "unblock". Thanks for the question! You can read more help tips on the FAQ page (see link at the bottom of every page).
Why can't I upload a photo?
Admin comments on Jan 31, 2018:
Here's the steps to upload a photo: 1. Go to the main home page and click "Upload photo" link. 2. Click on the text "Click here" and select a photo from your computer or phone (note: if you're on a computer, you can also drag and drop a photo from your computer). 3. Once the photo is uploaded, you can crop and rotate if needed. Thanks for the question! You can read more help tips on the FAQ page (see link at the bottom of every page).
How do I block someone? Thank you for your help. :)
Admin comments on Jan 31, 2018:
If a member is being annoying, you can just block them by clicking the “Block” link on their profile page. If you do that, you won’t see any of their posts and they won’t see yours. We will also keep an eye on the member to see if further action should be taken. We rely on our members to help keep discussions civil. Thanks! You can see who you blicked byclicking on the "gear" icon on the top of every page, then click the "Blocked" tab. You can unblock someone by going back to their profile page and clicking "unblock". Thanks for the question! You can read more help tips on the FAQ page (see link at the bottom of every page).
How Many Profile Questions Show On Your Profile?
Admin comments on Jan 31, 2018:
We added about 30 more profile questions last week. You can view them on your account questions page (click the "Gear" icon, then "Questions" tab).
Original posts and their OPs' user names (but not profiles, or any comments) visible in Google ...
Admin comments on Jan 30, 2018:
Users can make their profile visible to members only (see account settings page)
This may be asking too much of this site but is there a way to see all of my own postings since ...
Admin comments on Jan 30, 2018:
Hi Skyfacer, You can view all the questions and comments you've posted since you joined the site under your own profile. But currently the replies you've made to comments are not viewable in your profile. That might be a feature we can consider working on. Hope this answers your question?
How do you TAG a member?
Admin comments on Jan 29, 2018:
To tag a member, please add @ in front of their username. For example, to tag you, I will just say Hi, @Duchessa.
Lightsaber Science... []
Admin comments on Jan 28, 2018:
The error in his logic is that he's assuming the width of the energy beam as what we see as visual light that is radiating from it. It is much more likely that a real light saber would use a beam 1000x+ less wide than what you see. This would just be enough to vaporize a tiny fraction thin line of flesh and produce a cauterized effect. Just sayin'.
Asked and answered.
Admin comments on Jan 28, 2018:
I think I just came up with an algorithm with be able to predict if you've seen the similar topic before or not. Might take a bit to code it up but will think more about it...
What are these tags?
Admin comments on Jan 27, 2018:
Tags are just keywords that are related to the post. It's use to help locate your post later.
So I've made it to Level 7.
Admin comments on Jan 27, 2018:
Cheers! I'll get started on a parade too :)
Finally read the tutorial
Admin comments on Jan 27, 2018:
Thanks! Will fix :) 100 pt bug bounty.
How new is this site?
Admin comments on Jan 25, 2018:
About 4 months new
The more you weigh,the harder you are to kidnap, stay cake!
Admin comments on Jan 23, 2018:
Just saw the sequel Jumanji ... cake!
Can anyone tell me where the secret room where they serve cake for reaching level 6 is located?
Admin comments on Jan 23, 2018:
Do you know the secret hand-shake? Well, then. ;)
This is not a suggestion, but a thought.
Admin comments on Jan 23, 2018:
Are we all a member of some minority group?
Introducing Humanism: Non-religious Approaches to Life
Admin comments on Jan 23, 2018:
Here's a secret... ... look familiar?
Admin comments on Jan 22, 2018:
Thanks for the heads up. Are you sure it said "6"? I see 2 notices for level "4"... but none for level "5". Odd.
This site requires usage .
Admin comments on Jan 22, 2018:
Thanks for the post! We just made a change yesterday to make it a bit easier for new members to reach level 2 (writing a bio and answering profile questions now get points). As a non-profit, we don't want to charge for the site... but do realize that time=money so we might consider some alternatives.
How many here support Trump?
Admin comments on Jan 22, 2018:
Hi Dave - I'm just making a friendly comment here to remind others about how we want to debate ideas and not people here. While your opinion of Trump might not be popular here, we are happy for your involvement!
Has anyone noticed that the "update comment" button seems to be broken when you try to edit one of ...
Admin comments on Jan 21, 2018:
I think it's been fixed... mind trying again? :)
Admin comments on Jan 21, 2018:
Perhaps something along with the link?
Time/date info
Admin comments on Jan 21, 2018:
After some deliberation, we decided to put the date on the post search results. Our original intention was to let the posts be "timeless" but since the site is more active than what it appears, we relented and put them in the listing rows.
@Admin, Is there a way to 'sticky" or "pin" your post on the formatting standards for the site or...
Admin comments on Jan 20, 2018:
We've no sticky posts yet. For formatting, check the FAQ :)
I am noticing that after I have read new posts and comments frequently ones that I have marked as ...
Admin comments on Jan 20, 2018:
How are marking posts "read"? It happens automatically. Also, "pupup again as new" can you explain more? Thanks!
I'd like to see an assortment of groups added to this site. How about you?
Admin comments on Jan 20, 2018:
Good idea ;) Yes, I've been working on it the last few days and hope to have the first event posting for it as well later this week.
There is no agnostic vs. atheist! The peeve I have...
Admin comments on Jan 20, 2018:
Amen. This is a really good post.
HEY ADMIN! Finally embraced the follow option. How about adding follow 'comments' too?
Admin comments on Jan 20, 2018:
Not a bad idea but I fear members would get overloaded as we get about 20x more comments than posts. You can see comments on the member's profile page.
An irate mother throws a BF when her atheist son confess to being an atheist.
Admin comments on Jan 19, 2018:
Many of us have been there :(
There may be a bug in the message you send out to members who reach level 6.
Admin comments on Jan 19, 2018:
Grrr... it's my debugging code for the iphone app. Thanks for telling me!
For the Powers That Be
Admin comments on Jan 19, 2018:
We've over 20k members in the last 3-4 months. You can see demographics by going to your profile's questions page.
Ok so I am now on level 4. What does that mean?
Admin comments on Jan 19, 2018:
Just like age, it's just a number. Welcome!
Discussion about the latest site footer It reads "Agnostic.
Admin comments on Jan 19, 2018:
Wow, what a good discussion... makes me hesitant to make changes though. I'm leaning towards something more descriptive such as: " is a non-profit community for atheists, agnostics, humanists, freethinkers, skeptics and others happy without religion" Boring but clear and informative.
Discussion about the latest site footer It reads "Agnostic.
Admin comments on Jan 18, 2018:
I always enjoy your feedback as it gets me to step back from coding/etc and think big picture. I recently attended an Atheist meetup where they presented some the PEW research findings that showed atheists and agnostics are 3% and 4% of the US population respectively (see ). The follow up questions devolved into some squabble over definitions and I was just thinking "Hey, what's the benefit of labels when it just divides us". Our goal here is make non/un-believers feel welcome and to energize the community to be more bold and visible. I would be happy to work with someone (group?) to rework our messaging. What would you suggest for a footer/tagline?
Is anyone else finding it hard to keep up with discussions on this site?
Admin comments on Jan 18, 2018:
I've been working on a way to group tags better... you see it (in development) at but I need help coming up with themes and picking top tags for each. I'll make a post to crowd source it (I'm swamped!)
Wouldn’t it be cool to have an agnostic.comCon?
Admin comments on Jan 18, 2018:
We're thinking about going to the American Atheist convention in mid-March in Oklahoma. We'll post something here as soon as have plans.
What is the anniversary of this site?
Admin comments on Jan 18, 2018:
We did a soft-launch in September with ads starting more at end of month.
What the hell happens when I follow someone here? I feel stalkerish lol
Admin comments on Jan 18, 2018:
Haha, yeah. But seriously, all you're doing it getting notified when that person makes a public post. You show up in their "who follows you" list. If things become stalkerish, that person can block you. Good questions.
What pet would you be ?
Admin comments on Jan 18, 2018:
I would like to see a Post category for Outdoors & Recreation.
Admin comments on Jan 17, 2018:
I'm thinking about a few new categories and will add this to the list. At some point, lots of categories make things harder. Working on groups as well..
They don't have a category for writing so I just picked music movies and books.
Admin comments on Jan 17, 2018:
Yes, I hear ya. We don't yet have a category for member's creative work. Will consider it.
The first message I receive here other than a standard admin greeting was a guy telling me that 1.
Admin comments on Jan 17, 2018:
Oh man, that sucks. Please report the member and we can address it.
Just joined after seeing it on FB several times - thought it was a dating site, but hey ho, I'll see...
Admin comments on Jan 17, 2018:
Yes, please send them to "me" by either a direct message or contact form. I eat bugs for breakfast... and unfortunately, lunch and dinner.
I can't believe it-made it to Level 8!!!!!
Admin comments on Jan 17, 2018:
Hey congrats! So as your bonus, you can pick a new feature or improve something that annoys you (sorry, I can't change the President). Just let me know! A.
Is there a way to search for people by percentage match, regardless of level or location?
Admin comments on Jan 16, 2018:
Not yet... for now, just search by search form. We have around 22,000 members in last 3 months so you won't be swamped :)
I have put an invitation on my FB Post to invite people to join Agnostic.
Admin comments on Jan 15, 2018:
Thanks! If you use the URL on you should see who joins using the link.
This point system really sucks.
Admin comments on Jan 15, 2018:
It allows us to have a 100% free site while avoiding floods of fake accounts. It is also to help people identify active members. Perhaps think of it like karate belts?
Is anyone else finding it hard to keep up with discussions on this site?
Admin comments on Jan 15, 2018:
Thanks for the post. We're working on how to show more posts that are of interest to you. For now, click the "gear" icon that's above "Recent Member Activity" and select which categories of posts you'd like to see more/less of. Obviously, since you made the post, we're not doing a good enough job on that. Open to hear other members' ideas too!
Do you block the trolls around here?
Admin comments on Jan 15, 2018:
This is a good observation. We created some better admin tools to find which members have the most abuse reports and blocks and are getting faster at removing these types of members. Determining between a troll or an unpopular opinion maker seems to be more an art than a science. I like art so I'm optimistic we can do better. Thanks!
Pinned posts?
Admin comments on Jan 14, 2018:
Good ideas to consider. I like the idea of category for common questions or at least a page for it.
To site mgmt: could we add date stamps to posts and their comments?
Admin comments on Jan 14, 2018:
We put dates on comments and comment replies... but not posts for now. We want to have posts that are timeless (see FAQ).
Upvoting a tag on mobile (Google Chrome, Android) removes it from the current view.
Admin comments on Jan 14, 2018:
Thanks for the bug report - fixed. 100 points "bounty bonus" :)
I wish users with no pic could get a pic, even just a flower or an animal or something, so I can ...
Admin comments on Jan 14, 2018:
Good idea. Thanks
Assuming the person you're trying to contact is a level one, will they even get the message?
Admin comments on Jan 13, 2018:
Yes. All message sent are received by the person you're sending.
How do you let people know you're interested in meeting them if you're a level one?
Admin comments on Jan 12, 2018:
Make it to level 2... it's not that hard. Make a few comments.
I'm not interested in gaining points or levels. why the hierarchy ?
Admin comments on Jan 12, 2018:
For making it harder for scammers and to show appreciation to our active members.
Fake accounts?
Admin comments on Jan 12, 2018:
We delete one or two per day.
Is already dying?
Admin comments on Jan 12, 2018:
We're growing more than ever. However, in the last 3 days we had to turn off advertising as the server couldn't handle the traffic. I think we finally sped up the code enough to turn it back on TODAY. We're currently working on groups and event calendar (they're connected) and hope to have it live in a few weeks.
Why has someone commented on Facebook that this site is not free ?
Admin comments on Jan 12, 2018:
If you can find it, let me know! We're 100% free. I guess the only catch is that you have to interact a bit before you can message other members. Time is money? Seriously, we are and will always be free.
Not a great deal.
Admin comments on Jan 11, 2018:
Thanks! It was like that for a couple months already... making the fix now :)
I’ve noticed less “autocorrect” of my typing on this site (compared to texting for example).
Admin comments on Jan 11, 2018:
Well uh we uh don't do no fancy autocorrectin' here sorry.
Jesus! I am level 6, how did that happen?
Admin comments on Jan 11, 2018:
A miracle?
Admin. I got the same message when I tried to open the last reply you sent me about 15 minutes ago
Admin comments on Jan 11, 2018:
Thanks for your patience on this (and help!)... fixed it :) I combined a bunch of reasons to get that page and made it too loose. Boosted you 200pt for the help
@Admin: there is a minor prob with the 3 buttons at the bottom of every post; they are arranged and ...
Admin comments on Jan 11, 2018:
Very good points! We'll put it on the list. We need to rewrite how most of the buttons work before we can fix that tho... so give us some time. Thanks :)


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
Open to meeting women, trans women and genderfluids
  • Level9 (272,516pts)
  • Posts255
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  • Followers 71
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  • Fav. Posts 77
  • Joined Jul 11th, 2017
  • Last Visit 2+ weeks ago
Admin's Groups