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The family,
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Best time of my life is Now!
Have a tiny RV so we, (me & dog(s), travel as a "family". Good at DIY, maintain my home & yard unassisted so far. Love laughing & making people laugh, singing karaoke, standing under waterfalls and trying new adventures. Costumes optional to enhance fun times. Make a damn fine pie, too.


The quail hatched on the 26th of February 50 days ago and they are already producing eggs.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 21, 2023:
Prey need to be Quick!
All modern American literature comes from one book by Twain called Huckleberry Finn," Ernest ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 21, 2023:
If you are ever in Hartford Ct, touring his home there, built after he became famous, is well worth your time.
Republicans push more measures targeting transgender people | PBS NewsHour
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 21, 2023:
the Party of Hate/Fear/The Closeted. and not a real Christian amongst them despite their BS.
Cephalopods may have traded evolution gains for extra smarts []
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 21, 2023:
When they say 'evolution gains' are they being too human-oriented? They look perfectly suited to their environment to me, except for the poor octopus being tasty, of course.
Anti-domestic violence and gun groups unite to urge Supreme Court to reverse domestic violence ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 21, 2023:
The only reason i am alive today (or, okay, not serving Life in Alabama) is there were no guns around
Minneapolis will let Muslims amplify calls to prayer at all hours. It's a mistake.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 21, 2023:
You mean, like the downtown Mystic (CT) church bells that sound every 15 minutes, and the case was taken to the CT Supreme Court by some asshole (new home buyer) who wanted to stop an almost 100-year tradition? and lost big time plus becoming the Most unpopular neighbor EVER? STFU!
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 21, 2023:
i am So over crowds since the pandemic, was not fond of them even before then.....
“Hope is not optimism, which expects things to turn out well, but something rooted in the ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 21, 2023:
This is a beautiful thought,TFP!
ACIP meeting: Spring booster Cliff notes YLE 04/20/2023
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 20, 2023:
TYFP! i will say i got the booster& my flu shot in the same store was running a coupon bonanza for doing so. NEVER AGAIN, i felt just gawdawful for 3 full days.
Gone are the good old days...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 20, 2023:
try to explain that to the average 21 year old now....they back away because you Clearly have dementia
Fishing for words that would convey the concepts i am wanting.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 20, 2023:
See: The Golden Rule
Shouldn't a Justice of the Supreme Court know the law and observe ethical standards?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 20, 2023:
you'd think......
[] Carole King - It's Too Late [] Carole King - You've Got a Friend
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 20, 2023:
Nevermind the music, i have it all on the F big is that cat???!!!???
The number of senseless, unprovoked shootings of defenseless people grows day by day. Why?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 20, 2023:
Studies on rats and overcrowding done decades ago showed that rats, usually Very socially-concious and co-operative in groups, turned on their own and began vicious murderous behaviors above certain population densities, even if they were not actually in the thickest part of the problem. no reason other than overpopulation was ever found. i believe we have gone Over our threshold, by a large-ish margin.
Controllers for gaming consoles are an integral part of the gaming experience.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 20, 2023:
This asshat posting again.........whoopey doooo
This serial troll who changes his bio every day is fragrantly disregarding the rules of Agnostic.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 20, 2023:
For those below who didn't understand, i presume you have seen all the recent posts talking about 'cures' for ED, some of them daily and every one posted under a different could you miss them?! Criticizing this post, under the 'how can you criticize if you do not name the poster" is absurd, by now the list would be Paragraphs of phony names.....
From one of my Facebook friends.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 20, 2023:
Not the baby goats!!!!!!!! my day is ruined now.........
Sans serif, please.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 20, 2023:
Luuuuv me some Comic Sans! Just used it to send an ecard to my SIL for her birthday, in fact!
McCarthy unveils long-awaited GOP plan to raise debt limit, cut federal spending
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 20, 2023:
Love the pic!!!!!!!! and TA!
This serial troll who changes his bio every day is fragrantly disregarding the rules of Agnostic.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 20, 2023:
He (or maybe she) changes their name frequently but posts the same ol' same ol'....without an Admin, all you can do is block, block, block.
Tipping is appreciated. Overtipping is encouraged.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 19, 2023:
ohhhh, def using the bottom left one for real, real soon.
Robert F.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 19, 2023:
Delusional, are you? Watch Fox to get your 'information', i am sure.........
Doctors in Kentucky, California Received Millions in Bonus Payments for Vaccinating Medicaid ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 19, 2023:
Most of us got our first COVID vaccines from the emergency administration tents set up as soon as it was available, and the later ones at our pharmacies...nobody needs to get them from their doctor & add the cost of the visit to it. i get my flu shots the same way, as i suspect most people do. what a funny little world you live in......
According to number 5, I must be a freakin' genius!! []
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 19, 2023:
ummmm, number 1 is Wrong......did we all (and still do) talk about Drump all the time for years now?
Republican states could be hit hardest by McCarthy's proposed spending cuts | Reuters
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 19, 2023:
You get what you vote for, finally? Good News in the long run........
19th April 1927…🇺🇸 Actress Mae West found guilty of “obscenity and corrupting the morals ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 19, 2023:
No fool she!
Now appearing at your local WalMart
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 19, 2023:
the can got too warm?
Title this "More little old ladies causing trouble" OR "Cat Lovers VS Endangered Natural Wildlife ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 19, 2023:
buncha cat lovers who apparently think the cats are far more important than any other species, including native ones...WTF??!!
Clarence Thomas to amend financial disclosures after ProPublica reports: CNN | The Hill
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 18, 2023:
Just like they defend their darling Donnie against everything........
DeSantis Laughs at Building State Prison Near Disney -- Newsweek
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 18, 2023:
before Disney, it was basically trailer parks and swamps. The taxpayers of Fladuh need to wake the fuck up!
WORLD NEWS AND COMMENTARY from Jeff Childers 'Whoopsies! More bad news for mask lovers.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 18, 2023:
Apparently that study was done on whiny hypocondriacs, but hey, you do you.........
So the English aristocracy used to speak French.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 18, 2023:
same exact thing in Russia....a completely phonetic language, and when i took a course and sounded out my words that were written in Cyrillic they had a French accent built in! Fun!
Trump says hush money ‘not a campaign violation’ | PBS NewsHour
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 17, 2023:
wouldn't know how to follow any rules if they fell on him.......he's a graduate of the Leona Helmsley School, where the rich don't have to pay attention....But wait! She did hard time! Smiling widely, i am........
Good news on abortion from [ballotpedia.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 17, 2023:
Connecticut did that right after the Roe debacle.
Not a bad idea, actually.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 17, 2023:
most of 'em, anyway.
Four words, checking account with interest. ;)
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 17, 2023:
the grief......
[] Down from the Mountain Emmylou Harris, Alison Krauss and Gillian Welch together
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 17, 2023:
Very old time song, done in the authentic form..."bluegrass', not "country"
Always use your grammar rules.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 17, 2023:
it's almost lunchtime and still this is a meh......
why is it a greater risk that chinese capitalists have our tik tok data than american capitalists?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 17, 2023:
If anyone thinks their data, and All their locations over time, (within 3') isn't out there, they need Much more tinfoil and def should live in a cave where they forage for food, period. otherwise, get over it, you are not important enough to notice, although clearly you wish it was so.
Black Family Demands Justice After White Man Shoots Black Boy Twice for Ringing Doorbell of Wrong ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 17, 2023:
Soooo beyond stupid...i suspect malice
Selling the Impossible to Suckers
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 17, 2023:
What a pic!!!!!!!!
Unbelievable precision. Just awesome!! []
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 17, 2023:
lots of fun, but nothing you couldn't see from 100++ kids also playing instruments at any Southern HS football half-time show.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 17, 2023:
wow, this morning @Courtjester made what many thought was the stupidest post Ever, but here comes you........Ukraine a 51st state, yuppers, one of the things i think about daily........
I"m not sure if they should throw the book at this guy or feel sorry for him.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 17, 2023:
shouldn't we have spay/neuter laws for shit like this?
Pang Pha, the Asian elephant, taught herself how to peel a banana | Ars Technica
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 17, 2023:
ever bite into a banana peel? peeling is a Good Thing!
I need some etiquette advice: m\My second husband's second wife just died.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 17, 2023:
send a card for sure, and if you actually knew her a Small floral tribute Or an appearance at the calling hours, if any, if you Want. Blow-back-ers can suck it!
Holy crap! The Phillies got 9 runs in the 1st inning while I was outside pulling weeds.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 17, 2023:
There's a reason every Patriots fan stays until the very end...........well, okay, when we had Brady.
Only four more Grand Juries to answer to. 😨 😩 😰
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 17, 2023:
So far.......
A Christian group has amassed more than 12,000 signatures to oust the Tennessee Republican leader ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 17, 2023:
Actual Christians!!!!!!!! And also voters, should the dipwad maybe think a moment?
I have a problem.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 16, 2023:
the video rocks too... believe in the first seconds that that is the actual sound of flowing lava
HOROLOGY, Is anybody interested in clocks and watches?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 16, 2023:
Been there, tremendously enjoyable!
Trump Warns NRA Convention About Gangs Walking Out of Dept Stores With Refrigerators During his ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 16, 2023:
Jeebus, has Walmart or anyplace sold actual fur coats for 30-ish years? i thought you had to be oblivious and/or cruel to pay money to a specialty place for one....oh, wait..........
1965: Filet Mignon and Double Stuffed Baked Potatoes. 2023:
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 16, 2023:
You got Pretzels?!!!??????
Ann Coulter Issues Two Word Warning About Ron DeSantis' Abortion Ban -- Newsweek
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 16, 2023:
I love that Ms. Coulter, (a nasty piece of work at best) is so upset she went public against DeStupid. i can't help but wonder how many other hardline repugs will also dig in one this issue....does she represent 10,000 of them, 100,000. 1,000,000, 10,000,000? Maybe many many more!!! When i marched on DC twice, both times i carried a coat hanger that had a "21" on it...when asked, i replied that that was the number of women that had personally endorsed my marching for abortion rights...and i was one of 500,000.
My herb garden and Micro Tom - grape salad tomatoes indoors under growlights setting blossoms.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 15, 2023:
Do you fertilize by hand or have fans?
An interesting story about Europa, not the young lady who liked bulls but the moon which carries her...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 15, 2023:
the pix are amazing, but i HATE ''explanations'' that use the worlds ''probably'' and ''may'' or ''may not'' a lot....just state what you see and gather some evidence, please.........
And this was six years ago?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 15, 2023:
Ignorance of how humans have Always been (just one example, Plains Native Americans recognized 5 genders/outlooks) leads to weirdness.
Tucker Carlson is one hell of a fund raiser, just not for the side he thinks
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 15, 2023:
You GO girl!!!!!!!
Judge Who Blocked Abortion Drug Did Not Disclose Controversial Article – Mother Jones
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 15, 2023:
He'll fit right in with the current Supreme Court
Gotcha!!! Clarence Thomas has absolutely violated federal law []
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 14, 2023:
Miserable excuse for a human being since Forever.
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about new developments in the Thomas case.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 14, 2023:
Lock Him Up!!!!! And that Crow person too!!!!!!
Thomas failed to disclose real estate deal with GOP donor who also paid for lavish trips: report | ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 14, 2023:
Noooooo, quelle shocker!
Well, that explains it: Top Tibetan leader says Dalai Lama's 'suck my tongue' comment to a boy ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 14, 2023:
FYI this was triple posted
Here's one of the fruitcakes baking in the stupid oven.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 14, 2023:
your meds need adjusting somebody now.
Florida LGBTQ rights group issues travel warning telling the queer community it may no longer be ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 13, 2023:
Between pissing off Disney and tamping down tourism, their guv is doing a great job of turning Fladuh into, oh, i duuno, Mississippi?
At teatime I’m posting a song in memory of my son Graeme who would’ve been 46 today…he was a ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 13, 2023:
Party of who?....
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 13, 2023:
Trickle Down, dumbest idea and most cunning con EVER.
This is my initial inquiry, perhaps I could find, or someone suggest, other avenues for information.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 13, 2023:
a good therapist (and your family may qualify for state support/help) would be where to start to get the kid what he needs
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 13, 2023:
Ips resa, one would think.......
Anita Hill told us who he was back in 1991.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 13, 2023:
In my working life i met plenty of guys acting exactly as she described.
Wokism is trying to destroy what makes up the essence of culture, what gives it life, i.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 13, 2023:
ohferpetesake, you are totally ignorant about what the term actually means, putting you down there with the 35% or so of MAGA idiots.
BREAKING: Trump sues Michael Cohen for $500 million - MSNBC []
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 13, 2023:
drump's new career, stand-up comedy.........
Donald Trump suing former lawyer Michael Cohen for more than $US500m after testimony: [abc.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 13, 2023:
So, drump's new career is in comedy?
About 9 hours from now, I'll be headed into surgery for a hysterectomy.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 13, 2023:
i had Everything out at age 29 and never missed any of it, even for a second, since.......had so many problems it was Such a relief!!!!!!!! Best wishes!
Kellyanne Conway: Dems Are Turning Young Americans Against Us! [youtube.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 12, 2023:
Kellyanne, the first person i ever heard use the phrase, ''alternative facts'' Boo hoo bitch.
From Steve Kirsch Looking for answers Is there any member of the medical community who is willing ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 12, 2023:
You could easily find one, but you wouldn't listen to him/her anyway as you mind has been willfully filled with nonsense instead. and look, everybody, yet another thread where BD gives all the answers as well as posts the question....too funny if it was not so pathetic.........
New Species Of Semi-Slug Reminds Us Evolution Is A Work In Progress - []
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 12, 2023:
How do they know it is 'new' or simply undiscovered/unnoticed until now? one word: that "extinct" coelacanth (sp?)
Gun in Deadly Louisville Shooting Will be Auctioned Off
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 12, 2023:
Will the money go to the victim's famiies? and how exactly has ownership been established, one would think it is at this early date 'evidence' and in custody somewhere.....
"The shooter was neutralized " That's the common USA response to a shooting, implying that the ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 12, 2023:
IMo a lot like saying 'they passed' instead of 'they dropped dead'.......just a turn of phrase, and could even mean the shooter was taken into custody,.
The Dave Clark Five, Because. []
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 12, 2023:
god looking guys with a sound i Loved!
Cash is no good at Dunkin Donut. [] Can't buy me lunch, oh no no nooo
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 12, 2023:
this is total BS, after i read this yesteray i went to 2 of the myriad DD's near me (sometimes facing each other on opposite sides of the road, it's astonishing!) and paid with cash, no problem.
It rarely happens that I agree with Donald Trump, but when he says on Fox News that French president...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 12, 2023:
it is a Given that when drumps' mouth is moving, he is either outright lying or setting up a Huge misdirection.......i'm not paying any attention to him, and astonished that anyone is.
The Biden administration was lying about its involvement in the raid on Trumps residence in Florida.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 11, 2023:
Geebus, do you Enjoy looking stupid?
Pick 1, only 1.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 11, 2023:
faar too simplistic...disappointing from you.......
GOP Stupidity Repug Holtorf voted against a Colorado disability bill.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 11, 2023:
well, it's a reason...a damned stupid reason, but any reasoning at all in a MAGA is kinda heartening, really
I always wondered why women did that.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 11, 2023:
Gay guys have........
Buster, Murphy, Roxy, Holly, Bluebell, Ben, Colin, Maisie, Max, Inca.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 11, 2023:
Try going to an Agility event, affectionados sometimes go every weekend, and we see the same people over & over, many of which own 4 or more dogs. it is a common thing (by far the norm!) to describe a human by saying ''the gal with the 2 shnauzers, a boxer and that little mutt'' and Everybody knows who you are talking about and nobody has any idea what her name is either......
We had one of these in our warehouse, I had the key, so I got as many as I wanted.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 11, 2023:
THE coldest most wonderful-ness in glass!
Just be yourself.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 11, 2023:
Sounds like lots of work
What does the injunction, "Be yourself!" mean?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 11, 2023:
i have lived a very varied i that abused child? the young battered wife? a mother? that person who loves dogs, gardening, travel? Survivor of numerous medical disasters & procedures? it ALL depends on where i was/am and what i have/had to cope with. The young woman who escaped severe physical & emotional battering Before shelters & hotlines is not the same person i am now, but yet she is, and an abiding source of pride & strength. i would Never want to erase or forget her...and i do not think that is narcissism in any way. However, she does color all my interactions & outlook(s) today in a way that may or may not be entirely functional 50+ years later, but...too bad so sad for y'all around me. (Being myself!) I am, like everybody else, the product of my experiences & environment. To classify someone who acts/reacts based on their history & experiences as a ''narcissist" when things don't go your way, because of things you have no knowledge of in fact, is IMO just hurtful and pretty counterproductive, too.
SciShow - Releasing Invasive Species on Purpose []
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 11, 2023:
Lack of foresight, lack of knowledge, lack of oversight, downright hubris....sound familiar? The story never changes. The only incidence i am aware of that was eventually successful was the introduction of a bacteria to control Gypsy Moths, in the late 1930' began actually showing results about 35 years ago.
How old is Keith, anyway?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 11, 2023:
Once i saw him discussing how he actually died of an OD, sometime in the 70's, and he stated ''they brought me back just in time" Keith, since then it has been animated embalming at its finest.
MURDER AT COSTCO Tired of constantly being broke and stuck in an unhappy marriage, a young ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 10, 2023:
BOOOOOOOOOOO! Hiiiiiiiisssssssssss!
Dalai Lama Regrets Asking Young Boy To Suck His Tongue
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 10, 2023:
On what planet would any quasi-normal person think it was a good idea in the first place???!!!!!
GOP Beware: Bragg’s Case Is Just the Start of Trump’s Legal Jeopardy "Don't be fooled by ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 10, 2023:
From this post to the Universe!
[] 1965 - Animals - For Miss Caulker
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2023:
Very bluesy! but waaaay obscure........
"Racism" has become the universal excuse, justification and explanation in Western societies.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2023:
Open your freakin' eyes and See not only the blatant systemic racism that exists...(George Floyd, anyone?) and it's horrible manifestations, but also it's corellary, the misogynistic attitudes towards women, the hatred of ''differentness"..when you beat down one group, you feel free to beat down others. "Part of the problem, you are.......
Has anyone seen this?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2023:
Being stuck with what's nearby is what i get from it's kinda ugly.
As some of you know President Biden has capitulated to the Radical Kkkristian Right by tossing ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2023:
Charlene, read/reread, what @LenH posted just below. i think you have gotten it backwards.
Happy Easter
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 9, 2023:
Rabbit Is yummy but can give the butcher tularemia...wear gloves to handle until it is cooked!!!!!!!!!


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