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The vast collective wisdom of experience! 'How can you mend a broken heart?'
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 26, 2018:
Time plus as much change and distraction as you can cram into a day, even though it will take tremendous strength to do so...dye your hair, buy a new bicycle or kayak, (something you have Never tried before!) Give Karaoke a whirl, learn to luge, whatever....?
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 27, 2018:
@atheist or a puppy...less trouble!
How do you deal with Backstabbers in the workplace?
Beach_slim comments on Mar 23, 2018:
(joke, be forewarned, bad joke ahead). If they stab you in the back, you should try to put pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding, if they hit an organ, you will likely die and need to call 911 to get to the hospital ASAP. If no organ or artery is hit, and it's just a vein, applying pressure ...
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 24, 2018:
Do not remove any protruding knives or whatever until in the ER!
Do you give to beggars?
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 23, 2018:
I gladly offer food/beverages....mostly earn "fuck you" from it because they want cash for drugs........sigh.
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 24, 2018:
@Charlene i offer them up to $20 in food/ beverage, wouldn't feed McD to myself or my worst enemy. They want cash only, that's why they give me such nice comments. WHY do you assume i or anyone else would offer crap? I have been as poor as it is possible to be for a lot of my life......
Posting problems, still?
Admin comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Hi Anne - you're not alone. We have not been able to figure out what browser/computer people are using who see this issue (I don't see it happening). Hopefully others can comment in this post to let us know. In the meantime, you can turn off the new "fancy" text editor on the settings page.
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 23, 2018:
@Admin it is a Whole Bunch better......i did make the change in settings that you recommended...a pleasure to post again, yippee! I know what you mean about the 1 vs, l thing.........nees fixing!
Does online dating actually result in long term happy relationships?
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 23, 2018:
How is being rejected in real life any different from being rejected online, exactly? Statistics say, you will kiss 80 or more frogs before one turns into a prince, and online just widens the pond. 1. Learn to read profiles like you would read real estate ads ("convenient"= next to a Walmart, ...
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 23, 2018:
@sassygirl3869 "relocating" for an extended visit is Not the same as you realize that once you let a person establish residence the entire law is on Their side vs. Eviction?
Posting problems, still?
Admin comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Hi Anne - you're not alone. We have not been able to figure out what browser/computer people are using who see this issue (I don't see it happening). Hopefully others can comment in this post to let us know. In the meantime, you can turn off the new "fancy" text editor on the settings page.
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 23, 2018:
Thanks! FYI I use a Samsung 10" tablet running Android, which supposedly updates to the latest version automatically. It is about 2 years old. And I had No problem replying to you just now.....a clue?
To quote Darius Rucker, “When was the last time you did something for the first time”.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Right now, replacing the newel post & bannisters & spindles on my stairway which I figured would be fairly simple...until the edges of the treads started I am also learning about epoxy wood filler. Be careful what you wish for!
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 22, 2018:
@FrayedBear i want to be just like her when i grow up!
What would it take for you to be a 'whistle blower'?
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 19, 2018:
Not a lot......right is right and sneaky, unethical, nasty etc needs to be called out!
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 19, 2018:
@atheist yes, and I read it at 12 and it has profoundly shaped my life!
What would it take for you to be a 'whistle blower'?
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 19, 2018:
Not a lot......right is right and sneaky, unethical, nasty etc needs to be called out!
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 19, 2018:
@atheist I do know...lots of them stood by as the SS loaded the Jews, gays, etc into cattle cars.......that would not be me
What are the chances
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 17, 2018:
GAWD put him there just for you..............better get hussling with those cookies!
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 17, 2018:
@Qualia GAWD works in mysterious ways, or so I am told............
This is a question for those who have had strong feelings for another but could never get those ...
OpposingOpposum comments on Mar 13, 2018:
I've got two things to say on this topic. 1. Anyone who wants to be with you,will make that happen. Wait for the person who makes the effort you deserve. 2. Ending up alone is not the worst fate. Ending up in a relationship where you feel alone is much worse.
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 17, 2018:
The invading Christians labeled the indigenous people as heathens.
Wrytyr comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Almost all of us have a little indian blood on or hands, one way or another.
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 17, 2018:
@FrayedBear & @GypsyofNewSpain..This guy seems to live in some kind of bubble, and you pricked it!
JohnnyThorazine comments on Mar 17, 2018:
Something had better be done about this (I say for the umpteenth time). I hate this era in american history. Let's go, millenials, fix this shit. You seem to have a mind to.
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 17, 2018:
Please stop discounting seniors...we are still a huge major demographic, we are all scared shitless of what drumpy wants for us (disease & death ASAP) and more importantly, we may not rally or march, but we VOTE!
Relationships with Religious people and people who don't share politcal values the same as you do?
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 16, 2018:
If you both keep your beliefs, or lack of them to yourselves why not?
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 16, 2018:
Type your comment here You are not describing anyone normal.......even a normal religious person. How/when/WHY would you allow anyone such as you describe anywhere near you?!?
With or without music during sex?
Warm_dissent comments on Mar 14, 2018:
I prefer sex with music. It adds to the ambiance of the activity and provides an outside rhythm to keep everyone involved at a similar pace.
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 14, 2018:
Who, pray tell, is this "everyone"? You didn't invite Me??!!
Thinking about a different cell phone with a limited budget.
ProudMerry comments on Mar 13, 2018:
I use a Trac Phone. I just ordered a new one because the current one has almost no memory and doesn't have a dual camera. I ordered through amazon and specifically searched for one with triple minutes. I pay $10 a month to add time to it and I've never run out of anything.
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 13, 2018:
You can get 3x minutes Trac phones and minute refill cards at Walmart
What best describes Trump as a president?
Heart_Truth comments on Mar 12, 2018:
“Dumbass” Not because he is religious, not because he is conservative, because he is “stupid” and “mean”.
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 13, 2018:
WAIT......he's religious!?!!!???????? Wow that was nasty even for this site! LOL!
What best describes Trump as a president?
azzow2 comments on Mar 12, 2018:
Not that I agree with his practices. He did run a multi billion dollar company . Provided he did mature with a silver spoon in his hand. Think a lot of what he does is showmanship much as a comedian would have one liners. If he would just put some constructive thought into the words he utters.
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 13, 2018:
@azzow2 ummmmmmm, Obama was a law professor? Truman worked in retail? Reagan wouldn't know a "deal" if it fell on him? Carter ran a peanut farm, retired from the Navy? Etc. You don't know much history, do you?
What best describes Trump as a president?
gater comments on Mar 12, 2018:
Brilliant humanitarian
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 12, 2018:
What best describes Trump as a president?
azzow2 comments on Mar 12, 2018:
Not that I agree with his practices. He did run a multi billion dollar company . Provided he did mature with a silver spoon in his hand. Think a lot of what he does is showmanship much as a comedian would have one liners. If he would just put some constructive thought into the words he utters.
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 12, 2018:
He ran innumerable companies into Bankruptcy, publicly laughing because he Never risked his own money, just ruined everyone who trusted him! Just nasty!
What best describes Trump as a president?
JanGarber comments on Mar 12, 2018:
He is totally incompetent. He is in breech o his oath of office. He is profitting from the presidency.
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 12, 2018:
@jorj And so that excuses his blatant crapola? Oh, and Obama DONATED that $500,000 to it!
For St.
BeeHappy comments on Mar 11, 2018:
LOL....would love to see those legs! Ha!
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 11, 2018:
@Duke Hellllooooooo sailor!
By the GODS, I am an idiot So, for the past few weeks I've been talking to a young woman who was ...
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 10, 2018:
ANY mention of money at Any stage is a huge red flag! You are very smart
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 11, 2018:
@DerekD so sorry about this....
LeighShelton comments on Feb 10, 2018:
he doesn't understand at all
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 10, 2018:
@GipsyOfNewSpain "once you medicate you are terminally medicted" have no idea what you are talking about in your entire post and i say Phooey!..i have gotten off Coumadin, ferpetessake.
What do you do when your child does something that makes you resentful?
Crimson67 comments on Mar 10, 2018:
I have no idea how to stop it but you should. He is your chid and he is a child. No way to know what made him do what he did and you can't go back and undo it. Just know you made a choice to fight for him and even if it wasn't fully appreciated you can sleep well knowing you put him first and did ...
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 10, 2018:
@Shawappa44820 Just because you are related to someone doesn't mean you have to like them all the time or even ever. Put boundaries in your own mind about how to handle any future drama, you will feel better
Did someone break your heart badly that you're afraid to trust anyone else as far as love?
El-loco comments on Mar 8, 2018:
No. Well, maybe, look, just shove off asking these questions. It still hurts, OK?
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 8, 2018:
Thank you for saying that! How many times do I want to rip those scabs off......?
I was offered a BIBLE !
Mark9393 comments on Mar 8, 2018:
Read it. I have highlighted all of the sex scenes.
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 8, 2018:
There is quite a lot of UGLY sex stuff in there, actually, but i am sticking to cheap modern porn for my light reading!
What are the Benefits
MarcIveson comments on Mar 6, 2018:
I,m told you get xray vision , untold riches and worshipped on a Sunday morning . This only applies at level 6 and above .
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 6, 2018:
All true, but you forgot to mention the unicorn that shows up about a week after you make level 8.....
Why did the secular ambitions of the early United States fail? | Aeon Essays
The_Dude comments on Mar 5, 2018:
I think it was a move toward Christianity after WWII to unify the country against communism. At the time communists were largely viewed as godless so we adopted the motto in God we trust and added under God to the pledge of allegiance.
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 5, 2018:
Totally agree...i was in 4th grade when they added that phrase to the Pledge and you could feel the disapproval of the adults...a line had been crossed! Thanks, Joe McCarthy & Billy Graham!
What's your favorite horror film?
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 3, 2018:
Texas Chainsaw MASSACRE, I&II......II is hilarious!
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 5, 2018:
@Summer the original is scary...when they find the teeth, uck! But the second one is hilarious...Dennis Hopper so spaced out, the other actors say a line, he is obviously supposed to respond, but can't, so they continue As If he had. Then they sling him with about 15 chainsaws, from huge to "baby toy" size and he's supposed to be cutting his way in for the big rescue....but the Styrofoam beams he is cutting keep sticking to the chainsaws & flapping around...among other stuff...maybe 2 of the lowest-budget movies ever made!
Please indulge me in one more question about Karma
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 4, 2018:
What you are describing at the game (and I am a HUGE football fan) is called " momentum", and can indeed be changed by one good play, t happens more than once in many, if not all games. I must disagree with calling it "karma", sorry
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 5, 2018:
@kauva because Karma, if there is indeed such a thing, would not be involved in sporting events every such events, one team will win, one team will lose...there are no "wrongs" to be righted, nor good deeds to be rewarded. I cringe when players 'thank gawd' for some play they completed...oh, wait, maybe that's why these mass shootings, child rapes, etc keep happening? Gawd is too busy watching sports?! (*hollow laughter.....*)
Would You keep dating someone who felt it was necessary to keep you a secret from their kids?
Troy comments on Mar 4, 2018:
Yes. Seriously, mothers who are dating have a lot of considerations in mind that make it perfectly rational and reasonable for them not to tell the kids until they are sure the person they are dating is going to be a long term thing, and is going to be safe for the kids. That sucks, but look at ...
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 4, 2018:
GREAT post!
I Am Beginning To Fall Out Of Love With Humanity!
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2018:
If Cheeto represents "humanity" the Guillotines!
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 4, 2018:
@RobAnybody That!
What's the most "sinful" thing you've ever done?
GodlessVoice comments on Mar 2, 2018:
Sinful? By technicality, denounce the holy spirit? Societally? Spent almost 8 years in lock up. Humanely? Beat people up
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 3, 2018:
Are you available? Because I have an ex-husband who keeps sending the alimony checks late..........
Why does being nice to rude people make the situation worse?
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2018:
With me you get what you ask for swiftly every time x2
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 3, 2018:
@Sarahroo29 don't worry..........unless your name is "toyota" lol!
What's the most "sinful" thing you've ever done?
MarcIveson comments on Mar 2, 2018:
I Once ate pizza with pineapple on it .
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 2, 2018:
@resserts ignore the Hawaiian pizza, more for me! Lol!
What's the most "sinful" thing you've ever done?
MarcIveson comments on Mar 2, 2018:
I Once ate pizza with pineapple on it .
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 2, 2018:
@resserts i like hawaian pizza.......
I Am Beginning To Fall Out Of Love With Humanity!
Akfishlady comments on Mar 1, 2018:
I hear you. I have had some odd responses lately as well. I see that as the site grows there are more 'types' of people joining. I don't know what their mission is but I think it has something to do with just getting people riled up and not really about logical discussion or great ideas. I don't...
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 2, 2018:
@twshield You & i & a few others seem to be in an exclusive club formed by melbates.....
What's something that has never (or will never) changed about you?
Sticks48 comments on Mar 2, 2018:
Being a smartass. Especially the second half of that word. The first half, not so much.
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 2, 2018:
Oh, yeah, That too!
Plain Jane Syndrome
TjallTjall comments on Feb 27, 2018:
I would change my focus, it is not PoC that have anything to do with it. It is not as if they are living large in this culture, and if they get the assistance they deserve, it is not taking anything from you personally. Being disabled is horrible in this culture, you are treated like a leper, ...
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 2, 2018:
@TjallTjallOUTLK You tell the Truth, she attacks!
Plain Jane Syndrome
Levi_Hinton comments on Feb 27, 2018:
Regardless of any factors such as race, getting help when you need it is often difficult. I have noticed a stigma when it comes to how people treat me in regard to disability. I have enough trouble without being shamed for requiring help in the first place.
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 2, 2018:
@Melbates My advice to stop being a Professional Victim!I Shared by many on this thread, all of whom you have attacked
Plain Jane Syndrome
Levi_Hinton comments on Feb 27, 2018:
Regardless of any factors such as race, getting help when you need it is often difficult. I have noticed a stigma when it comes to how people treat me in regard to disability. I have enough trouble without being shamed for requiring help in the first place.
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 2, 2018:
@Melbates I feel quite proud that I have gotten you to, to get you to Listen!
Plain Jane Syndrome
Melbates comments on Feb 27, 2018:
Fuck all of you. If I'd fit into any of the aforementioned categories, this shit wouldn't be empty.
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 1, 2018:
@Melbates your 99.2 temp is absolutel normal! Attention, everybody, her temperature is normal! No, wait, she wants your heartfelt commiseration so then she can slam you about how you just don't get her
Plain Jane Syndrome
Levi_Hinton comments on Feb 27, 2018:
Regardless of any factors such as race, getting help when you need it is often difficult. I have noticed a stigma when it comes to how people treat me in regard to disability. I have enough trouble without being shamed for requiring help in the first place.
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 1, 2018:
@Melbates Yes, let's discuss race....,and you. You changed your post title, but about halfway down your barrage of insults & excuses, you took the time to describe the exquisitely turned-out lady using "$2,000.00 worth of food stamps who is, "you guessed it, black".........NIIICCCE! And a big fat racist are NOT a nice person!
Plain Jane Syndrome
Melbates comments on Feb 27, 2018:
Fuck all of you. If I'd fit into any of the aforementioned categories, this shit wouldn't be empty.
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 1, 2018:
@Melbates You have an excuse for everything, give sarcasm instead of thanks to anyone offering helpful advice, and, oh, wait........20 (twenty!) "Suicide attempts"!!!!! Narcissistic attention whore here, folks, keep moving........
Plain Jane Syndrome
Mark9393 comments on Feb 27, 2018:
No, you have victim syndrome.
AnneWimsey replies on Mar 1, 2018:
@Melbates I can see you have a lot of problems, sweetie. Too bad none of them can be solved by self-pity, nasty aggressiveness, and playing the Blame Game.....and has anyone ever mentioned how unattractive whining is?
Plain Jane Syndrome
RavenCT comments on Feb 27, 2018:
Why are you with MHMR if you don't have those issues? For SSDI you need proof of disability - a Doctor is often best.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 28, 2018:
@Melbates "unemployed for 3 years but could not collect"....because you are white/female/put-upon? Or because you were were fired or working under the table or?
Plain Jane Syndrome
Mark9393 comments on Feb 27, 2018:
No, you have victim syndrome.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 28, 2018:
@mordant i am sorry about your child...nobody should go through that....him or you. BUT do you picture him or you publicly posting a rant about "poor me" ?
Plain Jane Syndrome
Mark9393 comments on Feb 27, 2018:
No, you have victim syndrome.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 28, 2018:
@mordant dear, dear mordant....neither do you...but here you are, all up in everybody's face on her behalf, because i guess you identify with her "white girl" problems?
Plain Jane Syndrome
Mark9393 comments on Feb 27, 2018:
No, you have victim syndrome.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 28, 2018:
@mordant"posters fate"????? You are enabling the heck out of someone who has Decided to become a professional victim!
Plain Jane Syndrome
Eponymous comments on Feb 27, 2018:
Whew, this is where the empathic, tough love in me wrestles with the truth teller. So, you've been consistently underachieving in your life. You really have no socio-economic excuse, other than what you THINK you deserve. You're unwilling to embrace education, and aspire to a position you THINK you ...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 28, 2018:
@Melbates 1. You chose to go into debt 2. Are you the only one saddled with this debt....? 3. Whine, much?
Is anyone else losing hair over this nutjob in the W.H from stress?
TheInterlooper comments on Feb 28, 2018:
During the Obama years, the right claimed: "the end is nigh". Now it is the left telling me that the sky is falling. Blah blah, etcetera, ad nauseam.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 28, 2018:
@TheInterlooper the world as we knew it already has! You aren't paying attention
Plain Jane Syndrome
Mark9393 comments on Feb 27, 2018:
No, you have victim syndrome.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 28, 2018:
@mordant As noted above, i had her " problems" x 50 and never Once did I blame my sex or color........your attacks are inappropriate and enabling at best
Plain Jane Syndrome
Mark9393 comments on Feb 27, 2018:
No, you have victim syndrome.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 28, 2018:
@Melbates Uummm, the entire post is full of race, gender asssumptions...."poor me , I can't get any handouts because I am white, or, now, plain......"
Plain Jane Syndrome
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 27, 2018:
Why, exactly, are you always looking for assistance? I am 69 and the story of my ups & downs would curdle milk. But I have gotten assistance twice in my life...once as a single mom I got food stamps while on strike. No problem at all. Then when I had a stroke at age 38 (turned 39 in the hospital...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 28, 2018:
@Melbates I think your post, regardless of title, does have an element of racism, sorry.
Is anyone else losing hair over this nutjob in the W.H from stress?
TheInterlooper comments on Feb 28, 2018:
During the Obama years, the right claimed: "the end is nigh". Now it is the left telling me that the sky is falling. Blah blah, etcetera, ad nauseam.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 28, 2018:
So, you think Cheeto with his finger on that red button, the other tweeting idiotic nonsense, is jut peachy-keen?
What's your motivation to workout, when you've been sweating buckets for months, but it seems like ...
JiunnWong comments on Feb 28, 2018:
i work out to make sure my body still works and can get jobs done. The hell with how it affects the way my body looks, I do not care, and I care less about people who judge me by appeareances
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 28, 2018:
What he said! Use it or lose it! But you may want to consider changing your routine every 6-8 weeks, too...the body habituates to whatever you do. For example, try interval training, or change the % of cardio you do vs. Weights. Change from high reps to low reps with more weight, etc. Also try Tiny dietary changes. Above all, do as i say, not as i do!!!!
Jesus is a bigot who preached division and rewarded ignorance and stands to torture those who ...
bootaski comments on Feb 26, 2018:
I agree! christian hell is a nasty concept. christianity is deceptive. it offers positive things, but at a price... and puts its own subtle spin on morality in the process
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 27, 2018:
@bootaski got your PM...not one mention of "Hell",plus some really pathetic quotes, for example using the parable of the "banquet in heaven" as grossly punitive, and absolutely no idea of context/history! Oh, and jeezus was a "bigot" because he "preferred Jews"...of which he was one! I stand firmly by my original post!
Why Do We Allow Blatant Bullying Here?
Hellbent comments on Feb 16, 2018:
This is a bit alarming. I haven't been aware of any bullying but that doesn't mean it isn't happening (there are many things that I'm unaware of). I'd just hope that, even when we're dismissing somebody's opinion, even if we think it's ridiculous, we would try to behave with courtesy and good ...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 27, 2018:
@bingst that would be me! the older I get the less time I want to waste on idiots!
Jesus is a bigot who preached division and rewarded ignorance and stands to torture those who ...
bootaski comments on Feb 26, 2018:
I agree! christian hell is a nasty concept. christianity is deceptive. it offers positive things, but at a price... and puts its own subtle spin on morality in the process
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 26, 2018:
@bootaski not from jeezus words.........quote something?
Any superstitions you subscribe to?
Cast1es comments on Feb 26, 2018:
I understand hospitals see a greater number of births during the full moon phases .
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 26, 2018:
Statistics? Source?
Any superstitions you subscribe to?
marga comments on Feb 26, 2018:
I'm not sure that is a superstition, since it's been scientifically proven to affect some people.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 26, 2018:
Ummm, when? Where?
What I find in the dating world too often is once someone finds out you're an agnostic, atheist or...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 26, 2018:
If someone, for Any reason, decides you are "promiscuous", dump them immediately, like the bag of smelly trash they are, and thank your lucky stars (or whatever!) that you have wasted no more time on them! On the other hand, I see no reason you, or anyone, should be announcing their beliefs until ...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 26, 2018:
@Kojaksmom and the difference is???!
If we're serious about drawing distinctions between "acceptably dangerous" and "unacceptably ...
Rugglesby comments on Feb 23, 2018:
yep, very good point, one I certainly wouldn't have considered early enough. Need to have people who understand these things involved in the law making.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 26, 2018:
@jayneonaco, Ummmm quote: "That's sarcasm, by the way" must have short term memory problems, too?
Would you want a Christian God to be real?
SCOTT63 comments on Dec 27, 2017:
I again refer to Lazarus Long Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream up a God superior to themselves. Most Gods have the manners and morals of a spoiled child.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 26, 2018:
Is that why evangelicals are all excited about Cheeto?
Would you want a Christian God to be real?
france18 comments on Jan 23, 2018:
Yes, a Christian believes that God as you say is real. I am glad that he is, he is someone who is powerful ie created the heavens and the earth. I am also glad that he does not use his power to be at the use of us pressing a button and hey presto he has compiled with our wishes, painful that may ...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 26, 2018:
And the problem with that is....?
In case you guys thought otherwise, Webster classifies us as pagan.
HeathenFarmer comments on Feb 24, 2018:
I prefer to be referred to as undeluded. I am not big on virgin sacrifices it seems such a waste a potentially sexual being, maybe instead we could sacrifice televangelists.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 26, 2018:
Damn fine idea!
Jesus is a bigot who preached division and rewarded ignorance and stands to torture those who ...
bootaski comments on Feb 26, 2018:
I agree! christian hell is a nasty concept. christianity is deceptive. it offers positive things, but at a price... and puts its own subtle spin on morality in the process
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 26, 2018:
Ummm, jeezus never mentioned hell, nor does the entire babble except in a few weirder parts of Revelations.
If we're serious about drawing distinctions between "acceptably dangerous" and "unacceptably ...
Rugglesby comments on Feb 23, 2018:
yep, very good point, one I certainly wouldn't have considered early enough. Need to have people who understand these things involved in the law making.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 25, 2018:
@jayneonacobb Gee, i thought I was responding to your sarcasm....silly me!
Does anyone have an opinion of the swinger lifestyle?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 24, 2018:
How much do you enjoy getting HIV/AIDS? Me, not so much.......
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 25, 2018:
@RickWard that leaves 13 days to catch do know you are having sex with EVERYONE your partner has ever slept with, right?
If we're serious about drawing distinctions between "acceptably dangerous" and "unacceptably ...
Rugglesby comments on Feb 23, 2018:
yep, very good point, one I certainly wouldn't have considered early enough. Need to have people who understand these things involved in the law making.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 25, 2018:
@jayneonacobb I was married for over 30 years to an avid hunter, all we ate was game! He had Lots of guns, some inherited. I have NO problem with hunting or shooting as a sport, have known how to use a gun, (rifle & pistol)since age 9 on the farm. BUT we live in a society and a society has the duty and right to protect it's members, particularly the most vulnerable. TANKS are unlikely to be defeated by anything you can are very, very foolish!
silvereyes comments on Feb 24, 2018:
Sometimes I am honest to my own detriment. Like that time in the store a girl I had never met asked me if I liked the shoes she was trying on... It's hard to tactfully say "no" in that situation. I tried my best to say that it just wasn't my personal choice of style, because I don't like lying. ...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 25, 2018:
@silvereyes lol!
Is everyone a pillhead or addicted to meth?
FrayedBear comments on Feb 24, 2018:
Lol. This is interesting. I have the same abhorrence of Marijuana users as I have seen too many of the addicts sucking away from morning to night with a growing paranoid chip on their shoulder because they believe that the world and I owe them their right to selfish stupidity. I also have a ...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 25, 2018:
@FrayedBear well, i lerned a lot from it, some of course i didn't need to know, ever. I look on the bright side, i'm still here, and tough as nails!
Does anyone have an opinion of the swinger lifestyle?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 24, 2018:
How much do you enjoy getting HIV/AIDS? Me, not so much.......
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 25, 2018:
@RickWard yeah? Ex-hubby left me for one...had her own Porn websites too so i''m guessing you guessed wrong. His remark when I asked him wasn't he worried about diseases, " they get tested every 30 days" revealed that I had been married to a MORON for 33 years
Should I write a letter to try to revive a relationship?
think-beyond comments on Feb 24, 2018:
Your answer lies in how you will feel about your question a few months down the road. Will regret not giving it another try? Nothing ventured; nothing gained. As that man said: "What have you got to lose?"
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 24, 2018:
Totally agree!
silvereyes comments on Feb 24, 2018:
Sometimes I am honest to my own detriment. Like that time in the store a girl I had never met asked me if I liked the shoes she was trying on... It's hard to tactfully say "no" in that situation. I tried my best to say that it just wasn't my personal choice of style, because I don't like lying. ...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 24, 2018:
I would have said, "not my favorite, what else have you looked at?" Who would get angry about that?
Is everyone a pillhead or addicted to meth?
FrayedBear comments on Feb 24, 2018:
Lol. This is interesting. I have the same abhorrence of Marijuana users as I have seen too many of the addicts sucking away from morning to night with a growing paranoid chip on their shoulder because they believe that the world and I owe them their right to selfish stupidity. I also have a ...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 24, 2018:
@FrayedBear the maniacal drunk part. Crashed cars, lots of scars (literally & emotional). He was so bad a bar owner put a gun to his side one night....the thing misfired, so his head got layed open by the butt...he came home wanting me to sew him up, then beat me because it hurt. Good times, good times.......
If we're serious about drawing distinctions between "acceptably dangerous" and "unacceptably ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 23, 2018:
You are absolutely correct in your assessment of the semantics! IMO there is actually plenty of law about guns on the books...look them up! (until Cheeto allowed mental cases & batterers to get them!) BUT Congress has, for at least a decade, failed to fund one thin dime for enforcement! That's ...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 24, 2018:
@jayneonacobb LOL! I'll bet real money you dress in camo 24/7 and proudly pay dues to the NRA, dead kids are not as important than your AK-47(s)......your "guns against tanks" remark reveals all I need to know about you.
Is everyone a pillhead or addicted to meth?
FrayedBear comments on Feb 24, 2018:
Lol. This is interesting. I have the same abhorrence of Marijuana users as I have seen too many of the addicts sucking away from morning to night with a growing paranoid chip on their shoulder because they believe that the world and I owe them their right to selfish stupidity. I also have a ...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 24, 2018:
You are describing my first marriage, except genders reversed!
If we're serious about drawing distinctions between "acceptably dangerous" and "unacceptably ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 23, 2018:
You are absolutely correct in your assessment of the semantics! IMO there is actually plenty of law about guns on the books...look them up! (until Cheeto allowed mental cases & batterers to get them!) BUT Congress has, for at least a decade, failed to fund one thin dime for enforcement! That's ...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 24, 2018:
@jayneonacobb and if your right to drive drunk, or shoot at random, infringes upon my right to live a peaceful existence? You know, my "inalienable rights", which the 2nd Amendment is a small part of the document meant to ensure them......... By all means, own all the muzzle loaders you wish,
Should religion be taught in schools?
TonyATO comments on Nov 12, 2017:
Fuck no. There are places for that like church and jail. Schools are supposed to be for learning useful things. Should we teach the kids astrology and read their horoscope in the morning too? Religion is the same thing.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 24, 2018:
JeanLafitteetapas5 cults/ offshoots in any religion always have differences. True wiccans are basically nature worshipping "communities"
Should religion be taught in schools?
TonyATO comments on Nov 12, 2017:
Fuck no. There are places for that like church and jail. Schools are supposed to be for learning useful things. Should we teach the kids astrology and read their horoscope in the morning too? Religion is the same thing.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 23, 2018:
@JeanLafitte45 that neither
What is the most outlandish or improbable theory you've ever heard?
TerriCity comments on Feb 23, 2018:
That the H. Clinton campaign was running a child pornography or trafficking (I've forgotten the details) ring from the basement of a pizza shop. What's really crazy is that a lot of people believed it.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 23, 2018:
Hey....from the basement of the pizza parlor....which a quick check of building plans showed that the entire building HAD NO BASEMENT. But why let Facts get in the way?
If we're serious about drawing distinctions between "acceptably dangerous" and "unacceptably ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 23, 2018:
You are absolutely correct in your assessment of the semantics! IMO there is actually plenty of law about guns on the books...look them up! (until Cheeto allowed mental cases & batterers to get them!) BUT Congress has, for at least a decade, failed to fund one thin dime for enforcement! That's ...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 23, 2018:
@jayneonacobb Ummmm, cars? Exact one has an implicit right to own something that can be deadly, but we as a society find them useful & desrable, so we enact laws to lessen the burden on those injured by their cress use/misuse, and attempt to more severely regulate the really dangerous users.
Should religion be taught in schools?
TonyATO comments on Nov 12, 2017:
Fuck no. There are places for that like church and jail. Schools are supposed to be for learning useful things. Should we teach the kids astrology and read their horoscope in the morning too? Religion is the same thing.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 23, 2018:
@JeanLafitte45 there is no astrological charting in Wiicca
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 21, 2018:
What you describe is a medical job site inflicted disability and qualifies you for instant Social Security disability payments 35% higher than your age 62/67 retirement benefit "earned" ....this is in addition to pension/medical retirement benefit earned. ....if any of these benefits are delayed or ...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 22, 2018:
@GreenAtheist I forgot another daughter married a "smart" guy making "lots of money under the table"...great, until they applied for a mortgage. He had no work history, they only qualified for a mortgage based on her income alone.
Sacha comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Sometimes I wish my boobs were a DDD! tehehehe ;) Then I could smoother all my dirty dark secrets with them lol
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 21, 2018:
@kiramea a good doctor can work with you & get insurance to pay!
GreenAtheist comments on Feb 21, 2018:
What you describe is a medical job site inflicted disability and qualifies you for instant Social Security disability payments 35% higher than your age 62/67 retirement benefit "earned" ....this is in addition to pension/medical retirement benefit earned. ....if any of these benefits are delayed or ...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 21, 2018:
@misstuffy do you know that the IRS pays a reward of 10% of recovered money from tax cheaters to someone who turns them in? Yes indeed! AND to all of you who think it is smart to get paid under the table....not only are you going to be in this gals shoes, but when it comes time to draw Social Security, you will have cheated yourself HUGELY. Not to mention, what a great retirement plan your employer has.........
If man doesn't exist does the the universe exist?
DobbinPitch comments on Feb 20, 2018:
I'm gonna try to be polite, but I'm gonna fail. This question is just as dumb as the tree falls in the forest question. Observation is not necessary for things to exist or events to occur. If a tree falls in a forest and there's an atmosphere for sound waves to travel in, it makes a fucking sound. ...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 21, 2018:
Freaking ! What he said!
What does "coffee" mean to you?
silverotter11 comments on Feb 18, 2018:
You need to do a stand up comedy routine!! TOO funny the way you write about it. I laugh 'cause been there done that. I had one guy when I checked my messages trashed me as a bitch cause I did not response to his text messages - I had given him my phone number and TOLD him it was a land line, no ...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 21, 2018:
Possessing your land line phone number, anyone can get your home address and internet profile in less than a minute! Please, everybody, do NOT give out a landline number to someone you do not know! NEVER,
If you could go back in time and change only one thing, would you?
Or-Humanist comments on Feb 20, 2018:
Wouldn't change anything. The path is how I got to here. And I am pretty happy where I am.
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 21, 2018:
I love where I am in life right now.....everything about it! And I realize it is a product of where I have been. But I would not wish some of my experiences on Anyone, so why would I wish them on me?
Sacha comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Sometimes I wish my boobs were a DDD! tehehehe ;) Then I could smoother all my dirty dark secrets with them lol
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 21, 2018:
No you do not! My first bra, at age 10, was a C and things went downhill from there...many styles look awful with DD boobs, the underwire bras to hold them up are Very expensive & Very uncomfortable, no matter how hard you shop! My trapezoid muscles are completely nonexistent...killed off by bra straps. Doing DIY on my yard & home, I cannot tell you how many times they got poked, slammed, bruised. I just (5 weeks ago) underwent reduction a nice age 69.. They took off 2.5 pounds! It is So much easier to breath, so much easier to stand upright! No more rashes, no more gobs of sweat making the bra soggy, yippee! The recuperation is long, but no way as long as i have suffered with these stupid things poking forward. In addition, plenty of studies show that women with big boobs are perceived as dumber than women with small boobs....i also am finding men looking me in the face of all ages! Plus, i saw my feet while upright for the first time....too funny!
I didn't figure I'd encounter trolls on this site.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 20, 2018:
Oh, sweetie, there is more than one. Smartass-ism is fine by me, what i look for are the posts that require you to posit the existence of a supreme being in order to discuss the ostensible fun fun!
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 21, 2018:
@birdingnut BAH humbug...their hubris ,to post on this site, earns them all I can dish out?
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 19, 2018:
I fervently wish to go back just 20 years where people kept their business, political or religious, to themselves!
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 21, 2018:
@GreenAtheist Monica herself, aged 25, Never alleged any force or coercion...where is that idea coming from?
What was a fact taught to you in school that has been disproven in your lifetime?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 20, 2018:
In 5th grade i made the observation that the Americas' outlines seemed to fit with the African/European outlines and was severly made fun of by the teacher. I find Plate Techtonics absurdly satifying!
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 21, 2018:
My experience happened in 1958, or thereabouts....Plate Tectonics was not invented yet
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 19, 2018:
I fervently wish to go back just 20 years where people kept their business, political or religious, to themselves!
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 20, 2018:
@GreenAtheist So, who in the the highway department ordered her to his room? Because of course they would be named in any lawsuit! Consenting adults, one of whom has made a ton of money & a nice career from her " kiss & tell". Unlike a Real victim such as Anita Hill!
If you could go back in time and change only one thing, would you?
dahermit comments on Feb 20, 2018:
I would never get married. Courting behavior is pleasant enough, but marriage changes everything and is not all that pleasant. I would have gotten a vasectomy and lived out my life as a serial monogamist with no more than a one-year long relationships. I remember the '60's song..."We will live ...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 20, 2018:
I sometimes sing that at that song!
I didn't figure I'd encounter trolls on this site.
RavenCT comments on Feb 20, 2018:
Did you know you can block people?
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 20, 2018:
@RavenCT was their name "Toyota"? Lol!
How to battle the proliferation of political correctness?
godef comments on Feb 19, 2018:
And unfortunately, it tends to be those on the liberal side that are the worse about this, as Bill Maher likes to point out. Author John Grisham once made a statement in an interview that in essence said a casual viewer of child pornography is not bad as a person who creates that pornography, which ...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 20, 2018:
@Betty so you think that children would continue to be abused in this horrible way if nobody was interested in child porn? REALLY?!?!
The Multiple Intelligences Theory: What types fit you best? Least?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 20, 2018:
Tarot readings and horoscopes tell you the exact same things without massive expenditure of tax dollars, because people hear Only what they Want to hear! Prove it to yourself.......hide the month info on any horoscope, it will apply to you. Pick your "best matches" from this list....come back a ...
AnneWimsey replies on Feb 20, 2018:
@silvereyes ain't that the truth!


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