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Well, Bernie is still ahead in the delegate count, and in position to do well on Super Tuesday.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 1, 2020:
Well, I guess now Elizabet W needs Bernie to ask her to be VP, sort of like how she could have helped out the entire. Country in 2016....................too bad so sad, Lizzy
Union of Concerned Scientist dire warning on Pence’s appointment to ‘czar’ on the Corona Virus...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 29, 2020:
The gag order is VERY troubling can we protect ourselves & loved ones without truthful info?
Consider yourself slapped.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Lotta that in DC nowadays......
Stupidity prevails.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Sadly, spot-on
Crazy Religious Lady Flips Out in Meijer - YouTube
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Wow, just wow.......
Holy crap -pardon the pun, this is gross LOL []
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 29, 2020:
For hundreds of years, every street corner had urine-collection buckets for all sexes to use, urine sets dye in clothing and was highly valued.
I am close to paralyzed when it comes to the decision about whether or not to go to Italy March the ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 29, 2020:
The choice may not be in your hands if the illness gets worse, so relax.
Why don't we start by being honest in Dating Sites?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Bah humbug! You get what there is, deal with it.
Listen to some music and have a wonderful weekend.🎢🎡🎢
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 29, 2020:
That is the very best part of going to karaoke!
When I was on the city bus, a guy randomly attempted to "witness" to me.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 29, 2020:
At DMV (changing my name after the divorce) a 30-ish woman with a 98-yr oldish boyfriend in tow tried to get me to be against abortion. I kept repeating versions of "none of my budiness" until she moved away. WTH?!
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 29, 2020:
It's for maintaining Area 51, didn't you see I the movie ndependence Day?
Hand Wash Have you ever considered making yoir own?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Why not just buy Wal-mart version with skin conditioner? Where do you buy high-octane ethanol anyway?
Why Policing Pete Buttigieg's Gayness Is Essentialist - The Atlantic
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Damn I am sick of this kind of BS!.......the harping on Chasen's "pitying" (who says?!) smile alone is sick, creepy, and Wrong.
What do you fear most?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Fascism: People excessively controlling others is Not the way to go!
Better safe then sorry.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 29, 2020:
That's gonna Burn...and not work.....
Anyone ekse give up on companionship?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Find a gal who insisted on paying "half" from the get-go...?
A poll from Trump’s favorite network has him losing to his most likely 2020 opponents
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 29, 2020:
I love, love, love that this was on Faux! Karma, baby!
Trump directing his coronavirus task force to launch attacks on Democrats to avoid blame: report ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Yet another low in the bottomless barrel of drumpdom?..oh, wait, drumpDUMB.
Video Shows a South African Preacher Pretending to Bring a Dead Man Back to Life | Hemant Mehta | ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Wonder how much $$$$ he collected off these gullible fools?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Biden will be dropping out soon....even this poll shows Bernie doing better in most ways. You Boring Biden lovers are quite desperate, aincha?
Another mask meme...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 29, 2020:
I want to explain things to her, but I be scared!
If this doesn't make you think twice about gov.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 29, 2020:
soooooo. A bunch of CRAP.
Don Jr Accuses Democrats of Hoping Coronavirus Kills Millions Donald Trump Jr appeared on Fox &...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Just when I think they have hit rock bottom in the Human Scum Barrel......but noooooo.
And another great woman::: Karen Straughan.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 29, 2020:
When I worked amongst 20,000 men in a shipyard, for 13 years, I realized even ordinary men had to be actually schizophrenic, acting one way around "the guys" and another way, Very different, if women were happened to Me after I left there & the women were Rough on me!
This is insane []
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Don Jr Accuses Democrats of Hoping Coronavirus Kills Millions Donald Trump Jr appeared on Fox &...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 29, 2020:
GeebusHXrist, yet another "it can't get any worse" record shattered........
Everything Posie Parker is great.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 28, 2020:
This was posted already, and Exactly as hate-filled and fact-free as formerly. Her gawdawful hair isn't any better either.
An oldie, but goodie:::
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Well, that would ruin my week for sure......
I have seen this too many times!
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Go to Home Depot/Lowe's, get dust masks cheeeeaaap...get the "best" grade which are pretty good (fine) filters. You are not working in ICU.
"Hey Elizabeth Warren" The danger to women from of the insanity of trans-maniacs.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Why is this bleached-blonde with sloppy roots from the UK blatting at Warren? Without citing a single source, just parroting racist BS? Oh, wait, Jacar posted this....nevermind.
Wow, 121 members?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 28, 2020:
10 Challenges For Flat Earthers - YouTube
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 28, 2020:
You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink......
I'm really ashamed of this group, that identifies as Sexual Deviants that limits things to only ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 28, 2020:
You were looking for detailed descriptions of what, exactly? I'm pretty sure nobody will edit/stop your post(s)
She's cute, but I could do without the gauges
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Do you mean gadgets! As in her bondage outfit?
What is your take on Principles . What is your Principal principle?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 28, 2020:
The Golden Rule.
What is a 'good person' to you? How would you personally define a good person?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Do no harm. Be kind. Think!
Christian Writer Claims Her PMS is One of the “Effects of Sin” | Beth Stoneburner | Friendly ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Huh...orgasms would help her symptoms & her attitude, I bet.
Flowers with lunch.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Thanks for posting!
Mike Pence Touches NASA Equipment Marked 'Do Not Touch' | Time
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 28, 2020:
The guy in charge of quelling Coronavirus. We're all gonna die!
More from my cookbook
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 28, 2020:
What % of those "Real Housewives of" is "Real"? They all look like Stepford wives to me?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 28, 2020:
I Totally agree! Those goldfish lips, OMG!
Airlie Beach Whitsunday Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Found this lovely shrub.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Beautiful, and apparently important to some insects too!
Here's a great video clip showing Bernie getting arrested in 1963 for protesting racial segregation.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Listen up, the 3 or 4 of you on here (The Horror) who ignore/refute Facts about Bernie & his consistent, principled stand-upoutlook & actions for all his life, unlike every other politician I have ever heard of!
Flowers this morning
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Witch hazel tree?
It is Friday people! When being a gentleman is not enough....
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Alrighty then! Lol!
So what is your type?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Smart, funny, interested in life generally, like learning/trying new things.
Is there any critical thinking going on in the current US administration?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 28, 2020:
".....Thinking"........?????!!!?? Welcome back from Pluto, sweetie!
“Look, just because a woman’s got no teeth doesn’t mean she’s wise.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Or it might mean she gives the BJ's of your dreams, but you are too stupid to deserve them.
Hey folks, Do y'all think it is worth dating if you aren't willing to meet immediately or almost ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 28, 2020:
I find 3 or 4 messages (with your antenna on High Alert) is all it usually takes to weed out the weirdest ones, then a coffee date in public needs to happen or everybody drifts off.
[] Labor Union pledges $150 Million to defeat Trump. Good News???? Agree/Disagree?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Unions: No one, be they doctor or ditch-digger, has anything to sell but the actual hours of their life. Banding together into Unions helped end 7-day workweeks, child labor, and seriously unsafe conditions ("next!"). This gave power to ordinary people. The establishment has been fighting Unions since they started, in the early days literally killing organizers & those who joined them. Repugs have Seriously undermined Unions in the last 40 or so years, a major reason for the decline of upward mobility & the middle class
"Be a lady", they said..... []
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 28, 2020:
I started saying, out of nowhere, about 50 years ago, "I ain't no lady, I hate "ladies", but I never knew why until I saw this, which made me feel like bursting into tears. And yes, I wasted a lot of my life being "a lady" even when I thought I wasn't.
Woman's OBGYN told her she needed her husband's permission to get her tubes 2020
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Time for a new doctor!
All the way back in 1917 a famous "miracle" supposedly took place in Fatima, Portugal where three ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 27, 2020:
And you are posting this total BS on here because....?
This is an example of a ridiculous religious discussion that I came across In today’s newspaper.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Jews do not believe in either heaven or hell! What kind of weird post is This?!?
A Brokered or Contested Convention?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Each of them hopes to be VP when Bernie wins the nomination, so this opinion is unrealistic in the extreme. In the last debate Warren was practically polishing Bernie's shoes...... Another St-Shitter winning opinion!
[] East Village of NY shows Harvey Weinstein's severed head on a painted mural.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Too bad, so sad, that it isn't his real head
First Cheetah Cubs Born Via IVF 🐺🐺 πŸ’•πŸ’• []
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 27, 2020:
πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ Barr gives his "view" on the Progressive's agenda.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 27, 2020:
1. I do not care what this fathead thinks. 2. I do not give a flying fuck what this fathead thinks. 3. I will Never care what this freakin fathead thinks 4. AAaaannnddd etc........
27-Hour Hospital Stay Leaves Parents Of A Killed One-Year-Old Not Only In Grief But Also In $175k Of...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 27, 2020:
The biggest cause of bankruptcy in this country is overwhelming medical debt.
Apparently this is their Corona plan
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 27, 2020:
AG William Barr: “Men Are Far Likelier to Obey Rules That Come from God” | Hemant Mehta | ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 27, 2020:
And he would know becuz drumpy sets such a good example of this!??!
It has become abundantly clear that people are insanely preoccupied with definitions down to trivial...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Beavers are Wonderful engineers.
This is quite inventive...and creepy.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Just no.....
Candaulism A sexual paraphilia, where by sexual arousal is achieved by exposing ones partner's ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 27, 2020:
No jury in the world would convict! What a creep!
Who thought men were the only ones sexually active through old age?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 27, 2020:
True Fact: women over 65 are, and have been for about a decade, the fastest-growing "new HIV-positive" demographic in somebody is getting some, but not being very careful about it!
Trump Pardons Booth - Alternative Facts
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Nothing this moron could do would surprise me anymore, he has killed off part of my insides.
Lately ive been feeling doomed and my mind keeps spinning with multible thoughts of negativity.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Get a full physical workup & then counseling if you are okay otherwise. Best wishes!
“If everything on earth were rational, nothing would ever happen.” ---- Fyodor Dostoyevsky
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 27, 2020:
I actually do not believe this At All....stuff is random all the time!
Yes truly screwed
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Simple thingsπŸ˜πŸ€—
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 27, 2020:
That would be me!
We got more snow last night and today. Quite the wallop. Views from my windows.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Leviticus Diet Plan by the Lord
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Damn whatta bunch of nonsense!
Would someone, using logic, show that the so-called "common sense" gun laws are based on logic?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 27, 2020:
There are, in fact, plenty of "gun-control" laws on the books, have been for quite awhile. What lawmakers do, after being able to show you how they are protecting you, is NEVER fund any enforcement, for example inspectors to check that gun-sellers are abiding by laws on background checks....thus they can look good to you on paper while allowing gun-selling to be a free-for-all.
I have to finally go and deal with something today that is stressful.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 27, 2020:
And you will feel so free & happy afterwards!
These articles are part of the reason I find it very difficult to feel optimistic for the future of ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Part of the profits before people culture, just sad......
hey, it worked for the orange moron....
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Love It!!!!
I would like to know how many of you would vote against someone soley due to their open religious ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 27, 2020:
I think we have Plenty of religious influence (in fact waaay too much!) going on right now & do not trust their agenda, they seem to be bent on making me have less freedom, so, no way.
The Definitive 11Foot8 Bridge Crash Compilation - YouTube
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 27, 2020:
I LOL'd, thanks for posting. I cannot help but wonder if they thought the warning sign was "just a suggestion', or maybe "fake news"......
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Well of course just on administrative overlaps alone.....
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Nobody saves a stained dress, nobody except a paid plant. Period
Donald Trump Has Spent Nearly A Third of His Presidency Visiting His Business Properties At Taxpayer...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 26, 2020:
Gee, and here I was thinking his time was spent golfing & tweeting.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 26, 2020:
I am sure this is his idea of leadership, gawdsaveus!
πŸ’ͺ Here's another pic.. You might enjoy this better than the last πŸ˜‹
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 26, 2020:
Meh... probably afraid to mess his hair up....
Utah Sends Employees to Mexico for Lower Prescription Prices
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 26, 2020:
So who is the third world country here?
Trevor Noah eviscerating Bloomberg. What do you think about his chances? []
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 26, 2020:
Oh, boy,another rich businessman! Be still my heart! Ross Perot, anyone?
“Just living is not enough.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 26, 2020:
And hot lingerie.......
Not sure if this link works but it is the same message as given by Greta Thunberg. []
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 26, 2020:
Oooohhh, winding up St-Sinner right before his bedtime, are ya? Me like!
It may be time for me to sign up for online dating again.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 26, 2020:
The cheating, lying, and "getting away with something" are highly rewarding to this type of tomcat, they will play with their "mice" (you & her) because they can. Period. Run!
Do you think your lack of God affects how you feel about the insults of aging?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 26, 2020:
As someone who has died twice, once by strangulation (abusive hubby) I can strongly state, without hesitation, that you should quit yer bitchin' and be grateful for every day, whether in pain, or disabled, or W.H.A.T.E.V.E.R.
Taken in Greenwich Park London yesterday
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 26, 2020:
We are at least 4 weeks until all but the hardiest little plants pop up.....
SO very cool! 🐝🐝🐝 Honey In Space []
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 26, 2020:
Tooooooo cool!
A twofer, just for laughs and music.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 26, 2020:
His best line, about people who criticized him: "I laugh all the way to the bank". You go!
I stumbled across this dude on YouTube recently. I like the way he thinks. []
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 26, 2020:
This guy gets it!
I'm in Fort Myers, Florida for a couple of days and this comic couldn't be more spot on.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 26, 2020:
Bye-bye, so long, farewell, ta ta, cheerio....can it have happened Yesterday, puhleeeze?
Melania Trump Hails ‘Healthy Online Behavior' And People Can't Handle The Hypocrisy | HuffPost
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 26, 2020:
As she got a "Woman of the Year 2020" award from Palm Beach Atlantic University, a faith-based (surprise, surprise!) backwater "college", too. Win-win, sweetie.
Holy shit! They are talking cancelling the olympics if the Coronavirus is not contained by May.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 26, 2020:
Too much money involved! Unless it begins to resemble The Black Death, Olympics are safe.
Faith Healing Kills: Conservative Christian parents in Michigan who refused to get their dying ...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 26, 2020:
You draw the line at death....hopefully, before actual death, but not this time!
Should psychics and fortune tellers be handled like con-artists and thieves?
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 26, 2020:
Ummm, they are already subject to arrest in most places. (Bunco, fraud, taking money under false pretenses, etc) Would you prefer to tar & feather them instead? Or maybe try learning a little about a subject before posting? And would you include astrologers, transcendental meditation teachers, yoga instructors, psychiatrists, et al?
White House Press Briefing on Coronavirus Turns into a Political Advertisement for Trump!!!!!! Live...
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 26, 2020:
Even a possible civilization-changer is All About Him. I would really, really like some actual leadership about now. I must say our Governor here in CT has stepped up!
This comic is hilarious.
AnneWimsey comments on Feb 26, 2020:
What courage!


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