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Venting: this is a day 3 of sleepless nights and intractable pain.
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 25, 2020:
oxy, used as per directions, will help you sleep which will lead to faster is not like crack, one dose will not addict you.
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 25, 2020:
@Spinliesel when i needed it after my first knee replacement failed, (2nd surgery before I had healed from the first one, ugh) I primarily took it before going to bed & before phys. therapy...IMO t is important to get ahead of the pain, not merely react once it has got you in its' grip. Best wishes
Mourners Shout 'Vote Him Out' As Trump Pays Respects To Ginsburg | HuffPost
St-Sinner comments on Sep 24, 2020:
I loved the videos. It should happen in every city in every state. Where is Bernie calling for a revolution? Cat ate the tongue?
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 25, 2020:
@St-Sinner So, you dislike him because of his appearance, all-natural? You prefer orange spray-gunned and the Hair from Hell.......
Mourners Shout 'Vote Him Out' As Trump Pays Respects To Ginsburg | HuffPost
St-Sinner comments on Sep 24, 2020:
I loved the videos. It should happen in every city in every state. Where is Bernie calling for a revolution? Cat ate the tongue?
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 25, 2020:
@St-Sinner again, a lot of what you attribute to Bernie simply running, (my you give him gawdlike powers!) Is already happening, or being attempted....and i put the blame squarely where it belongs, on drump......
Mourners Shout 'Vote Him Out' As Trump Pays Respects To Ginsburg | HuffPost
St-Sinner comments on Sep 24, 2020:
I loved the videos. It should happen in every city in every state. Where is Bernie calling for a revolution? Cat ate the tongue?
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 25, 2020:
@St-Sinner oh my you ever listen to yourself?
Mourners Shout 'Vote Him Out' As Trump Pays Respects To Ginsburg | HuffPost
St-Sinner comments on Sep 24, 2020:
I loved the videos. It should happen in every city in every state. Where is Bernie calling for a revolution? Cat ate the tongue?
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 25, 2020:
@St-Sinner because. NONE of that's happening now? And I know very, very few Bernie supporters who "sat out" do know Hillary got 3 Million more votes, right?
A Trump-thing Under Oath!: []
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 24, 2020:
Eric has the brains of an ant.....he will end up saying something seriously injurious to daddy, too bad so sad......
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 25, 2020:
@mcgeo52 hive mind.......
Mourners Shout 'Vote Him Out' As Trump Pays Respects To Ginsburg | HuffPost
St-Sinner comments on Sep 24, 2020:
I loved the videos. It should happen in every city in every state. Where is Bernie calling for a revolution? Cat ate the tongue?
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 25, 2020:
@desertastronomer just makes himself look silly, i know......
Not sure if i should even post this but here goes.
Green_Soldier71 comments on Sep 24, 2020:
Sir, don't be foolish...don't go petting rattlesnakes and vipers...especially in today's will only get bit. Do you know what is a good day in America...sun-up to sun-down you don't see or interact with a cop. Sorry, this is reality for me. When I was in the US, many times I had ...
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 25, 2020:
@Green_Soldier71 oh, I can get behind that could also have been a young white woman married to an abusive white guy in the late-60's South.........
Drama In The OC – Peggy Hall (aka Healthy American) Impersonates Health Official To Maskless Shop...
barjoe comments on Sep 22, 2020:
If I had a store and she came in with false credentials and refused to wear a mask, I would ask her to leave. If she refused I'd call the police. The trick is to post no trespassing sign along with a mandatory mask sign. When asked to leave a premises, if you defy that, it's criminal trespass.
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 25, 2020:
@snytiger6 ummm, in CT, we now have a law that you can be fined up to $100 for not wearing a mask as a customer or employee...we have long had a law requiring masks inside businesses. And, guess what, we are among the healthiest vs. Covid in the nation! So glad I live here!
Hello all! Thought I'd share this video with you.
Joanne comments on Sep 19, 2020:
I absolutely LOVE Indian food. Once I tasted it, Chinese and Mexican food took a distant second and third place.
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 25, 2020:
we used to be lucky enough to have several Indian luncheon buffets around here, and cheap too! Glorious!
Mourners Shout 'Vote Him Out' As Trump Pays Respects To Ginsburg | HuffPost
St-Sinner comments on Sep 24, 2020:
I loved the videos. It should happen in every city in every state. Where is Bernie calling for a revolution? Cat ate the tongue?
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 25, 2020:
St _Sinner: Why, why, why do you disparage Bernie while patently knowing Nothing about him? The speech he just gave, as referenced by @Amzungu, directly above, was as pertinent and stirring as anything i have heard lately. Shame on you!
Have you watched the 2007 movie Flawless?
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 14, 2020:
Netflix? Or........
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 25, 2020:
watched the trailer...Michael Caine & Demi Moore?!? Def funding time!
This is an absolutely amazing lecture given by a brilliant man.
Sgt_Spanky comments on Sep 24, 2020:
I've listened attentively to numerous long lectures from speakers like Hitchens, Aron Ra, and many others on a variety of topics other than religion but this guy is as dry as dust. He's got all the charisma of a tax audit. He may have a message worth hearing but he'd do well to take a public ...
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 24, 2020:
the delivery is at least as important as the topic, duuuhhh, otherwise why are the most successful preachrr/predators so successful?
This is an absolutely amazing lecture given by a brilliant man.
Larry-new comments on Sep 24, 2020:
Nope. Belief in a lie metastasizes...
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 24, 2020:
@Metahuman speak for yourself, buddy!
I read through the terms and it doesn't seem against site rules but I thought I'd ask @Admin or ...
EdEarl comments on Sep 23, 2020:
When you donate, they may sell your email and you can be flooded with spam, unfortunately. I no longer give that way.
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 24, 2020:
I donate through PayPal on ActBlue & that does not happen, ever!
Democrats are so lame if they allow the GOP’s nominee for the Supreme Court to be confirmed.
BitFlipper comments on Sep 23, 2020:
What do you want the Dems to do? Cast a spell? Democrats are in the minority because DUMB VOTERS made it that way.
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 23, 2020:
@Rudy1962 votes=numbers=repubs get their way, period! Unless they get 4 or more Repugs to turn, not happening. This video is pie in the sky..."block every vote"? So, no Covid relief bills? For one example....
To make the country a better place what one law would you add to the books?
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 22, 2020:
Dishonesty is a crime!
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 23, 2020:
@RoboGraham it would have to involve proof........even now if you flog injected bleach to cure Covid you can....oh, nevermind.......
Debate forums?
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 22, 2020:
Why not start a Group or 2 on here? You can make it all one subject, or whatever you & easy!
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 23, 2020:
@JeffMurray I did not look at it that way at first but maybe he IS an arrogant prick?
Did the post about "removing" tyrants get deleted by the user or the site?
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 22, 2020:
Asmin never removes post, requests the poster to remove them only
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 22, 2020:
@JeffMurray so the new Admin is high-handed....did you even get an explanation?
If you could replace any body part with bionics, what would it be?/
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 21, 2020:
Damn knees! I even had one replaced,and that failed after just 4 weeks.......
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 22, 2020:
@wolf041 I hope you got a lawyer! Outrageous!!
If you could replace any body part with bionics, what would it be?/
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 21, 2020:
Damn knees! I even had one replaced,and that failed after just 4 weeks.......
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 22, 2020:
@wolf041 yes, it is Always "complicated" good thing, though, when I try to explain some of the problems I have had , like excessive swelling that bursts stitches (the glue failed on the knee surgery) and I see they are dismissive, I know to get another doctor! Very helpful, actually.......
Did the post about "removing" tyrants get deleted by the user or the site?
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 22, 2020:
Asmin never removes post, requests the poster to remove them only
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 22, 2020:
@JeffMurray really... I have been requested to remove 2 posts....I did not, and got "'jail time" where I had limited reply rights for a couple of days. You might want to check on that, I have been on here since pretty much the beginning & never heard of Admin removing posts....on the other hand, we have a new Admin. Was it recently?
Trump says CNN is liberal fake news! [cnn.]
St-Sinner comments on Sep 21, 2020:
I agree. Extreme far left and only one sided. Why mince words? It is not the same network that Ted started.
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 22, 2020:
@St-Sinner uuummm, UNIONS?
Trump says CNN is liberal fake news! [cnn.]
St-Sinner comments on Sep 21, 2020:
I agree. Extreme far left and only one sided. Why mince words? It is not the same network that Ted started.
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 22, 2020:
@St-Sinner you need to do a bit of Unbiased research on Eugene Debs, a fearless crusader for the working person!
My problem every time I go out!
HippieChick58 comments on Sep 21, 2020:
I keep all my masks in the car. They get worn and I bring them in the house and throw them in the washer. After washing they get pressed, and then taken back to the car waiting for my next trip out. I've got about 10 in the car now, and stacks of fabric for more masks. My goal is to avoid just ...
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 22, 2020:
@HippieChick58 I live in fear of the new (tinier!) hearing aids getting lost in the car!
To make the country a better place what one law would you add to the books?
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 22, 2020:
Dishonesty is a crime!
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 22, 2020:
@RoboGraham Bah Humbug! Are you allowed to yell "fire" in a theater?
Seek daily to fulfill thine - highest - aspirations & dreams - desire & aspire to fully express & ...
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 21, 2020:
I would just be thrilled with finally getting that brush cleared.......
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 22, 2020:
@Cutiebeauty guess today would be a good day to buy a Lotto ticket.......
It has been my observation that the preponderance of the rioters, looters, arsonists, and people who...
barjoe comments on Sep 21, 2020:
Who's advocating killing police?
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 21, 2020:
Whatever alt news @DUMBasork watches, apparently.........
Happy Monday! Have you ever needed/wanted to lose weight? What worked best for you?
Cutiebeauty comments on Sep 21, 2020:
I just lost about 26 pounds of baby weight... I ran for an hour every morning. One hour rest... Calisthenics for an hour.. One hour rest... Long shower then a good breakfast... Every hour thereafter, five minutes of jumping jacks... Diet for the rest of the day , I only ate lettuce, ...
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 21, 2020:
@Cutiebeauty I do admire you! I think once upon a time I was like that......
Happy Monday! Have you ever needed/wanted to lose weight? What worked best for you?
Cutiebeauty comments on Sep 21, 2020:
I just lost about 26 pounds of baby weight... I ran for an hour every morning. One hour rest... Calisthenics for an hour.. One hour rest... Long shower then a good breakfast... Every hour thereafter, five minutes of jumping jacks... Diet for the rest of the day , I only ate lettuce, ...
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 21, 2020:
Jeebus, I'd rather be fat!
Good morning all wonderful Godless members, I hope you are enjoying your Sunday.
St-Sinner comments on Sep 20, 2020:
People, I have a confession to make. I read comments and I realized that most of you did not enjoy going to church but I loved going to temples because Indian goddess statues are made very horny. Those tits and round curvy fat ass is all I dreamed of those days. Real human women there wrapped ...
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 20, 2020:
Who do you want to forgive you? I personally don't give a rat's ass........
Story of the Underground Railroad to Mexico most have never heard about
Charlene comments on Sep 19, 2020:
Just move to New England..
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 20, 2020:
@SeaGreenEyez Southeastern Conne ticut: we all wear masks, everywhere......very safe, it's a good feeling! And "help wanted" signs Everywhere!
The horror!
FrostyJim comments on Sep 20, 2020:
I remember a very popular Pizzeria back at the University of Iowa... their #1 best seller was a Hawaiian Pizza made with Canadian bacon + Sauerkraut + Pineapple over a white Alfredo sauce... it was delicious !!! ...and I have made it at home here in Alaska too!
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 20, 2020:
Sounds delicious! I love that sweet/sour/fatty kind of thing!
A Little historical insight into pendemic []
GoodMan comments on Sep 18, 2020:
This makes me think of when more than 25% of the nation was inoculated for a pandemic that never materialized.
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 19, 2020:
Did you ever think that was WHY it never materialized?
What confuses me is how some people perceive Trump as the savior of America and others see through ...
CourtJester comments on Sep 15, 2020:
I’ve yet to hear facts on what he has done wrong. I’ve heard a lot of feelings and reverberations of what CNN says; I’ve yet to hear facts about what makes him so bad though. I always find it comical
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 19, 2020:
@CourtJester ummm, him speaking at news ops & rallies, at interviews? The guy's own words on you live where there is no TV or internet? Why not Google "trump speaking about our military? Go on, you can do it
Have faith my friends.
Barnie2years comments on Sep 18, 2020:
It warms my heart every time I hear of one of these pastors or anti mask politician getting seriously sick from the diseased they mocked. I guess that doesn’t make me a humanist. But I think dumb should be rewarded.
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 18, 2020:
@girlwithsmiles not "terrible" at all! Profoundly, deeply satisfying!
What confuses me is how some people perceive Trump as the savior of America and others see through ...
CourtJester comments on Sep 15, 2020:
I’ve yet to hear facts on what he has done wrong. I’ve heard a lot of feelings and reverberations of what CNN says; I’ve yet to hear facts about what makes him so bad though. I always find it comical
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 17, 2020:
Lied incessantly, mocked the disabled, dissed our military? I could go on, & on, & on but you are not worth my time....
Question: Does lesbian (girl/girl) sex turn you on? If so, why?
Bungaloebob comments on Jul 18, 2019:
WELL...THAT REALLY DEPENDS...if it's unrehearsed...just spontaneous...and i am there...ABSOLUTELY it turns me on. BUT...lesbian porn...rehearsed, with a director, etc. NO...won't even get a rise out of it because i can always figure their next move...and they spend too much time on each ...
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 17, 2020:
Plus all the scripted meaning, like all xxx movies use the same sound track.
Let's get that scheduled
glennlab comments on Sep 16, 2020:
Even if he says he's not dead, bury him anyway, you know how he can lie.
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 17, 2020:
Let's get that scheduled
Mooolah comments on Sep 16, 2020:
Alive or dead? Alive I would bury him in pennies. Enough pennies to pay off the national debt.. Dead I would leave him for the maggots as they dispose of fetid, ooooze that he is. Bone spurs do not belong in Arlington Cemetery.
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 17, 2020:
Problem! due to more of his incompetence, small change is in Very short supply. How about the cheapest metal washers Home Depot carries?
Report: Mass Hysterectomies Being Performed At ICE Detention Center | Michael Stone
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 16, 2020:
Actually, having had both tubal ligation for sterilization and then a few years later a Complete hysterectomy, for other reasons, i think they Must be doing tubal ligation, if anything at all. Laparoscopic surgery for sterilization has a recovery time of 1-2 days. Hysterectomy is always Major ...
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 17, 2020:
@Tinocca when you said "partial hysterectomy" I was thinking pf my mom who had part of her cervix (only) removed, she could still have have had kids. You meant uterus removal but not oophectomy?
Reasons we may feel just fine in this pandemic isolation. I know I do. []
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 16, 2020:
How about simply people who have learned to be happy with their own know, emotionally mature people......
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 17, 2020:
@wolf041 I have disorders, but am also generally happy with myself. I deserve it!
The most difficult thing to do in my love life...
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 13, 2020:
It is a guy....his dick would make the perfect 3rd balance-weight!
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 16, 2020:
@wolf041 balancebetween the 3 would help!
Report: Mass Hysterectomies Being Performed At ICE Detention Center | Michael Stone
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 16, 2020:
Actually, having had both tubal ligation for sterilization and then a few years later a Complete hysterectomy, for other reasons, i think they Must be doing tubal ligation, if anything at all. Laparoscopic surgery for sterilization has a recovery time of 1-2 days. Hysterectomy is always Major ...
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 16, 2020:
@Tinocca that would not actually sterilize everybody, so what would be the point? The only actual sterilization involves (usually) laparoscopic removal of the Ovaries
It's rumoured that Linda Lovelace couldn't even say the word "dog" after she was forced to fuck one.
EdEarl comments on Sep 15, 2020:
Interesting distinction between zoophiliia and bestiality. Why do dogs hump humans? Is it zoophilia or personality?
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 15, 2020:
Dogs hump a lot of things when "the mood strikes". Taking it personally would just be silly.
Is this the end of America?
EdEarl comments on Apr 20, 2020:
IMO covid is a minor disruption when compared to climate change and the AI evolution. The effects of the covid pandemic are bad, but probably not as bad as the Spanish Flu (1918 flu pandemic) that killed 17-100 million people. Even if covid kills 100M people, it's about 1% of world population. ...
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 15, 2020:
@girlwithsmiles higher temps & more carbon dioxide lead to Incredible plant growth and plants make oxygen. Google views of Earth isn past warmer times.
Corona Virus re-infection?
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 14, 2020:
Most viruses inspire short-term immunity, at best...that is why we repeatedly get the Common Cold & why flu vaccines are a guess, at best.
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 14, 2020:
....Apples vs. Oranges!....changed to reflect knowledge acquisition
Have you watched the 2007 movie Flawless?
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 14, 2020:
Netflix? Or........
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 14, 2020:
@St-Sinner thanks for that info! I have a Smart TV with YouTube, I use it 99% for karaoke, which I miss terribly
Have you watched the 2007 movie Flawless?
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 14, 2020:
Netflix? Or........
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 14, 2020:
@St-Sinner yes but you have to buy Amazon Prime for $50/year to get that.....
Have you watched the 2007 movie Flawless?
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 14, 2020:
Netflix? Or........
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 14, 2020:
@St-Sinner I'm too cheap to pay for both.....
Dear Democrats with Irrational Exuberance.
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 14, 2020:
Imagine a place that will accept our disease-infested selves. (Hint: no where).......better vote like your life depends on it!
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 14, 2020:
@St-Sinner I am in Connecticut USA......"Australia"?
Time to get clean
Lorajay comments on Sep 14, 2020:
That is butt ugly tile.
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 14, 2020:
Cream, ugly tan,and even uglier grey......the 70's be looking for it!
What are you going to do if tRump somehow wins the election?
sassygirl3869 comments on Sep 14, 2020:
I have protested on the streets vs Fuhrer Trump twice so far. He is a danger to the world. I would leave the country - we have an ugly civil war on the horizon. Canada or some tropical island with few storms.
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 14, 2020:
Canada is not letting our disease-carrying people in, at all, hasn't for awhile, nor are many, many other like your life depends on it!
I am posting this video in response to something a friend of mine said to me a few days ...
Deb57 comments on Sep 12, 2020:
That actually happened to me. My husband pretended to be somebody he wasn't for over 17 years. He lied to me about fundamental character traits from the very beginning of our relationship.
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 14, 2020:
Been there, done that, had to get counseling, and tests for STD's........
I guess i have to now joinEVERY SINGLE GROUP on here so i can see posts?
Cutiebeauty comments on Sep 14, 2020:
That's related to posts being made by people you blocked or who blocked you... If you follow someone, you still can't see the post whether you're in the group or not...
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 14, 2020:
I removed all blocks, then just recently put in 2 on "new members" with 0 posts who were "chatting me up", i.e. scammers. How can i find out who has blocked me, or is that not possible?
When you are being sued by almost every artist whose songs you've played, you have to make do with ...
Freedompath comments on Sep 12, 2020:
Maybe the trump team are all that dumb? Then on the other hand the way that group twist reality, it may have fit perfectly, in those minds!
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 13, 2020:
Maybe they just looked at the title? I think it was Perfect!
Why you should worry even if you are young and fit. []
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 13, 2020:
I've been saying stuff similar to this for Months......not looking forward to what happens when schools open, it's going to be Ugly!
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 13, 2020:
@girlwithsmiles yes, because alcohol really enhances restrained behavior......3-4 weeks, we will talk again in 3-4 weeks
Happy Saturday, these are selfies sent by ladies I only did once (have several more and I will be ...
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 12, 2020:
Gotta ask, I assume these ladies know you are posting their pix & experience with you?
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 13, 2020:
@Mofo1953 true,very true,but mostly find out the hard way, lol!
MIT sleep monitor can track people's sleeping positions using radio signals It uses radio signals...
Jolanta comments on Sep 12, 2020:
And it is good to know for.......?
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 13, 2020:
@FearlessFly i have slept 100% on my back for 25+ years, since various surgeries made it mandatory. I have a Purple mattress, No pressure points & not swelter-y like memory foam, a damn fine product...I wake up exactly where I laid down.
My Political Compass Test Results: Economic Left/Right: 5.
barjoe comments on Sep 12, 2020:
Here's mine
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 13, 2020:
Almost exactly like mine, I think the red ball was a smidge higher and an even tinier smidge to the right.
Absolutely perfect
Petter comments on Sep 12, 2020:
Past perfect, present perfect or future perfect continuous?
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 12, 2020:
Oh, i think we should go with French tenses with this...soooo many more choices!
Happy Saturday, these are selfies sent by ladies I only did once (have several more and I will be ...
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 12, 2020:
Gotta ask, I assume these ladies know you are posting their pix & experience with you?
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 12, 2020:
@Mofo1953 thank you for reassuring me...I met up with a guy from here 2x, only to find out he was, quote , "telling (his new friend) all about me"!!!!! Even though it was over,WTF?!??!
Who governs us?
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 11, 2020:
If that farmer was growing "organic" he would have been the one suing, for contamination/loss of the "organic" label. Do you have the right to let your chickens graze your neighbor's lawn, or harvest their crops,or even mow their lawn? You can only trim their invasive trees/bushes/vines to the ...
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 12, 2020:
@Moravian all lawsuits, whether personal injury or any other, take an Average of 5 years to get through the courts.
I am curious what kind of reaction the group has for canine all breed organizations.
RichCC comments on Sep 12, 2020:
We've only ever had one pure bred. He was a rescue by default -- a miniature American Eskimo whose previous owner couldn't handle his problems (likely related to inbreeding). So I've never paid much attention to kennel clubs. Sorry. We agree with you. Cross breeds seem very much to be ...
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 12, 2020:
@RussRAB you are completely wrong about the Jack Russell "killing"thing, no idea where you read that! My good friends were heavily into raising & competing with their 5-6-7-8 Jack Russels (now called Parson's Terriers for about 2 decades) doing Agility & traditional "hunting" scenarios with them for over 20 years, even bought a huge Winnebago so everyone could be comfy every weekend at events.
I am curious what kind of reaction the group has for canine all breed organizations.
GEGR comments on Sep 12, 2020:
Way too much Inbreeding .
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 12, 2020:
A good breeder is very careful of the bloodlines used& will proudly tell you why they used the lines!.....all others are in it for the $$, avoid them!
I’ve been thinking why do the republicans still support trump.
EMC2 comments on Sep 12, 2020:
I have three brothers supporting trump no matter what. One is a pastor, the other a catholic and the third is an idiot. They believe that this is devine and the rapture is coming. So to them this is gods plan.
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 12, 2020:
So, do you get all their houses, cars, bank accounts etc. when they Rapture? I think getting them to sign a Power of Attorney would be an excellent idea!
Non-Vegan: Milk does a body good! Me:
GEGR comments on Sep 12, 2020:
Grew up on a Dairy Farm . There is Nothing like Real Milk .
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 12, 2020:
Loved watching Mom make butter in the Mix-Master,then use the whey to make blueberry muffins!
An interesting report.
barjoe comments on Sep 11, 2020:
They don't have proper testing. They don't attribute their deaths to Covid-19.
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 11, 2020:
Simplest explanation, so undoubtedly True. And i am sick to puke level over the BS about age......we'll talk again after schools have been opened 2 months or so, if indeed that even happens......
I am posting this video in response to something a friend of mine said to me a few days ...
St-Sinner comments on Sep 11, 2020:
Love is overrated. People will begin understanding what love is if they can understand this: 1. Get Disney dreams out of the head, you are now a grown up 2. You are not Cinderella (men or women) 3. Relationships are not about rescuing you if you don't have your shit together 4. Life is not ...
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 11, 2020:
Couldn't agree more!
What is the source of non-religious prudishness or disgust at nudity or sexuality?
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 8, 2020:
Because when i sit down,I want something between me & the person who just vacated that seat! Duuuuhhhhh.......
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 10, 2020:
@MikeInBatonRouge proving that they, too, want to avoid other's icky-ness, but they carry around a grosser-by-the- moment hand towel & I wear something stunning! Too bad, so sad
Respecting ones choice
Jolanta comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Just because they are religious they think they are exempt from being decent humans sometimes, just look at all the so called evangelical christians in the US and other places.
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 10, 2020:
Perfectly stated!
Former NSA chief Keith Alexander has joined Amazon’s board of directors Alexander was the ...
GoodMan comments on Sep 10, 2020:
So maybe their drones and Alexa will get better upgrades
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 10, 2020:
I am not a big fan of opening my front door with 2 dogs on leash & having a drone scaring them into my being in traction for several months. At least i can see the UPS or USPS truck out there & wait the few seconds until it is gone
Do you think the Amish be should not required to wear masks do there belief system?
CourtJester comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Masks are stupid. Absolutely no one should be required to wear one. If you are scared, it should be your responsibility to stay the hell home and away from society. I’m not Amish, but it’s not my responsibility to make you feel safe. It’s 100% yours.
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 10, 2020:
You walk on sidewalks, stop at the crosswalk? Stop at red lights? Wear a seat belt? Comply with "no shirt, no shoes, no service"? Carry car/homeowners insurance? But you have no problem spraying your nasal secrtions all over anybody nearby, and the adjoining surfaces...and endangering the lives of minimum-wage employees who have No Choice but to touch those things you contaminated? What a man!
Defying reality, Trump insists Mexico 'is paying for the wall'
CourtJester comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Have you seen the new amount of tariffs they’d been paying???? Jesus, they’ve paid for the wall ten times over in the past few years. Businesses have moved back to the US because of the tariffs. They’ve paid. Idiots that haven’t seen a single signed check don’t understand that they have ...
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 10, 2020:
Name one of those businesses...I'll wait right here........
Trump The Liar []
CourtJester comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Where is the proof though???
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 10, 2020:
Ummmm, tapes, readily available everywhere except Onan & Faux...
Trump The Liar []
CourtJester comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Where is the proof though???
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 10, 2020:
@Gatovicolo @CourtJester thinks drumpy is a "great president", do not waste your time........
What is the source of non-religious prudishness or disgust at nudity or sexuality?
DavePeet comments on Sep 8, 2020:
Jealous men not wanting other men to look at there women?
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 9, 2020:
Welcome back from 1900....where ya been?
Mayo reports increase in sexual harassment allegations during MeToo movement |
barjoe comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Increase in accusations because the #metoo movement encourages accusations.
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 9, 2020:
"Accusations" or stepping forward with the truth for a change.....?
Chia seeds []
HippieChick58 comments on Sep 8, 2020:
So maybe I should start grinding my chia seeds now.
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 9, 2020:
You can gets spice grinders at almost any yard sale for a buck!
What is the source of non-religious prudishness or disgust at nudity or sexuality?
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 8, 2020:
Because when i sit down,I want something between me & the person who just vacated that seat! Duuuuhhhhh.......
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 9, 2020:
@MikeInBatonRouge weirdness! what does a puppy or kitten have to do with vaginal or anus secretions? And "prude"? R9FLMAO! Ask anyone.......
Happens to me
EyesThatSmile comments on Sep 1, 2020:
I always thought it was to catch the end of my jeans as I put them on and make me stumble across the room.
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 8, 2020:
Silly wabbit!
Trump Now Claims Biden-Harris Are Both ‘Fascist’ and Antifa
freedom41 comments on Sep 8, 2020:
If,he would stay off Twitter, the dumb ass might learn something. Like how to do his job correctly.
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 8, 2020:
You be a major optimist, you are.......
What is the source of non-religious prudishness or disgust at nudity or sexuality?
FuckReligion comments on Sep 8, 2020:
Probably still religious in some ways. Plenty of people try to make it about some objective moral imperative something-or-other, but in reality it's their religious upbringing talking. But considering, for reals, for reals, the best reasons I can conceive in terms non-religiosity, there's a lot ...
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 8, 2020:
Oh, I dunno...."would []i feel unwanted if [] I never everreceived dick pix"???? What, exactly, is wrong with you? Oh, wait, I don't care.......
Trump’s Net Worth Drops $600 Million In A Year To $2.5 Billion
CourtJester comments on Sep 8, 2020:
He can’t run his businesses like he used to and he is donating his presidential salary to non-profit organizations. It’s to be expected.
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 8, 2020:
You might want to look into those "non-profits" he claims to support.....just sayin' are very credulous about what he claims.
Please don't hold your breath waiting for Barrs investigation.
BitFlipper comments on Sep 7, 2020:
He might make some token effort after the election if Biden wins. Or, he might just classify evidence, or even destroy it.
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 8, 2020:
If Biden wins he too can be investigated for Dereliction of Duty!
Curvy me lol
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 7, 2020:
Do you really think this site welcomes you, you, you in front of a messy bed? Try to figure out where you are before embarrassing yourself like this......
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 7, 2020:
@Jessiiqueen you have no idea where you are, do you......
Anybody getting waaayyy too intimate messages from @ArizonaJerry1? Helpful guy.......
BitFlipper comments on Sep 7, 2020:
Intimate messages? 🤣
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 7, 2020:
Oh, yaaaassss.........
first of several of our gardens to qualify.
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 7, 2020:
Butterfly Bushes are hardy, gorgeous, smell Wonderful & actually draw butterflies all season....I have seen 40 or more at once on one bush! Plant a few! You can get small, med, & huge kinds. I also have bluberries, raspberries, and hope to add milkweed soon,
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 7, 2020:
@bigpawbullets around here we have to severly cut them back before winter... they are not a long-lived plant, but so worth it! Mine is on the north-western corner of my house, a damned tough spot, and the scent comes in through the windows!
Weirdest Passages You've Read?
Paul4747 comments on Sep 7, 2020:
Deuteronomy 25:11-12 If two men, a man and his countryman, are struggling together, and the wife of one comes near to deliver her husband from the hand of the one who is striking him, and puts out her hand and seizes his genitals, then you shall cut off her hand; you shall not show pity. ...
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 7, 2020:
@MyTVC15 crispy! And a lower-calorie source of protein (except for the fryiing.....)
Weirdest Passages You've Read?
Paul4747 comments on Sep 7, 2020:
Deuteronomy 25:11-12 If two men, a man and his countryman, are struggling together, and the wife of one comes near to deliver her husband from the hand of the one who is striking him, and puts out her hand and seizes his genitals, then you shall cut off her hand; you shall not show pity. ...
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 7, 2020:
@MyTVC15 light dusting of flour, deep fried, season salt.......
As far as I can tell, atheists are the most depressed and negative-minded people on this site.
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 7, 2020:
Who says things are "bad"? Sounds like you are reading Your negativity into others!
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 7, 2020:
@DangerDave who is "her"?
U will find Peace - Comfort & Solace - in the Realization & - Awareness of - thine Essence as ...
BitFlipper comments on Sep 1, 2020:
@KWAPELL7 you're a bot, aren't you? You're not even a person, you're a program running on a server in St Petersburg Russia.
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 7, 2020:
@KWAPELL7 oooohhhh, my, who knew "GOD INCARNATE" was such a crappy speller & bad poet?
Even as an atheist, I believe that evil exists.
bbyrd009 comments on Sep 5, 2020:
who is promoting an increase in pop?
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 6, 2020:
In this country, & others, the very active war on womens' reproductive rights....every study of population growth ever done showed that if women given the chance to get birth control, they have Many fewer children
hi all 50 and older.. What advice can you offer someone who's only 30?
dave1459 comments on Sep 6, 2020:
Start saving for retirement at 25! It is much more expensive to be retired than you think. I seem to have blasted though high six figures in only 20 years.
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 6, 2020:
I find being retired quite easy, financially... even the health insurance is cheaper & better, car gets lower mileage (plus lower related expenses such as gas, tires, etc) clothing can be cheaper/more casual, & no dry-cleaning, i have all the furniture, jewelry, etc I will ever need. My main expense (or it was before Covid) was eating out & cable/internet. Now travel, that is Priceless, but my RV & Southwest $49 fares go a long way
Homophobia is alive and well in India: []
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 6, 2020:
Not just India.....why are you singling out India?
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 6, 2020:
@TimeOutForMe still not explaining why you are singling out India, when in parts of Africa, for example, "being gay" is a death sentence, literally.
LucyLoohoo comments on Sep 5, 2020:
You'll take it to the nearest post office and send it registered mail!
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 6, 2020:
Registered mail requires someone to sign at the recipient's address, no polling place will accept it! Take to your Town Hall/Registrar of Voters, or just send regular mail!
Q. Why do Fundamentalist Christians, Puritans, Mormons, etc, etc, dislike dancing?
BestWithoutGods comments on Sep 6, 2020:
Having been a Moron (oops, Mormon), I can say that they used to enjoy dancing, and often had dances in the gymnasiums of their churches. I have not been a Moron, though, for decades, so it is possible that they have changed their attitude toward dancing. I recall one dance when I was a mere ...
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 6, 2020:
Thank you for setting this poster straight....pointing out, Again, how generalizations & blanket statements are Such as waste of time!
Payroll Tax Cut: Will You Get One And What You Should Do With It
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 5, 2020:
Completely ignoring Seniors & the disabled, who often live precariously, income-wise.
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 6, 2020:
@Apunzelle keep the economy from totally tanking, keep a few from starving,actually starving, put a few gallons of gas in the tank so they can catch Covid at work......
Is there anything that can be done about people who post things multiple times in the same group?
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 5, 2020:
I have seen this ONCE, this about sending them a message, to be more patient when posting. You get all nuts when you see this Once? "It's getting out of hand". Decaf, buddy, decaf.....
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 6, 2020:
@Theresa_N because scrolling past hurts your hand? DECAF!
This is just one reason why I question the numbers of deaths and infection rates for Corvid 19.
hankster comments on Sep 4, 2020:
Wow! That may be setting a new mark for the most underwhelming evidence ever. Congratulations.
AnneWimsey replies on Sep 5, 2020:
@dave1459 how did she/her relatives get this letter after 6 months??? Because Mail Forwarding, if indeed anybody would put that in for a dead person, only extends 90 days. Very,very fishy!


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