16 Like Show
The process we are in the center of at this time is happening whether or not we want it to.
HippieChick58 comments on May 2, 2020:
I don't know what you wrote, and yes as the mod I should read that. But cut me/us some slack and use some white space in there. One solid block of text just is not appealing, so your ideas/thoughts are getting lost.
AnneWimsey replies on May 2, 2020:
It has good sentiments, but could be Hugely improved by simply removing every 3rd sentence, and, yes, paragraphs would be Great!
Funny meme
AnneWimsey comments on May 2, 2020:
Actually I do not think there was cocaine until Cortez got it from the Incas?
AnneWimsey replies on May 2, 2020:
@bobwjr I know, but accuracy counts! How about Ergot?
If your Dad wore shoes like this...
ToolGuy comments on May 2, 2020:
I am that dad’s age but never wore those.
AnneWimsey replies on May 2, 2020:
@Athena I totally agree with that!
If your Dad wore shoes like this...
ToolGuy comments on May 2, 2020:
I am that dad’s age but never wore those.
AnneWimsey replies on May 2, 2020:
Well, praise gawd!
As has happened for me several times before on here, this past week, not one, but this time two ...
Robecology comments on May 2, 2020:
I find a lot of attractve young "players" on WWF...who suddenly disappear. I even got my first bribe email suggesting they've "watched and filmed me" and demanding bitcoin for be careful out there...
AnneWimsey replies on May 2, 2020:
As If you were scared........
Trump Says He Has Evidence Coronavirus Came From A Chinese Lab President Trump said Thursday ...
omkaraum comments on May 1, 2020:
Its man made epidemic for sure .
AnneWimsey replies on May 2, 2020:
Because The Black Plague & smallpox & cholera & all the other plagues came out of labs, too....get a grip!
How religion gets in the way of progress.
dalefvictor comments on May 1, 2020:
When I see things like this I am reminded of the treatment of Alan Turing. Breaks the German secret code, helps save lives in the second world war, helps science take a jump in computing and since he was gay is told he has to take a treatment to cure the gay or go to jail. He committed suicide, what...
AnneWimsey replies on May 1, 2020:
Very saddening, and massively stupid!
Religion can heal and harm. We've seen both during the pandemic - CNN
Mofo1953 comments on May 1, 2020:
Unfortunately I must disagree with you, even poison can heal. The acts of "generosity" have to be seen as how they originate, out of religious guilt or because they want to go to heaven, very few are really unselfish acts, and nowadays I see tons of moronic religious crap in social media saying how ...
AnneWimsey replies on May 1, 2020:
Or, as the ex used to say, "Even a blind squirrel finds a nut sometimes"
Why do liberals think Trump supporters are stupid? []
nogod4me comments on Apr 29, 2020:
As Fannie Wolfe pointed out when she tweeted: "White evangelicals get abortions in secret, cheat on their spouses, fuck people of the same sex in secret, rape people, abuse their kids, and hate women. Trump is a reflection of their secrets, not some aberration. Stop acting like his base will abandon...
AnneWimsey replies on May 1, 2020:
Well said!
[] Trump just tried to express empathy for Covid-19 victims but it didn't go well.
LenHazell53 comments on May 1, 2020:
Well I would rarely agree with anything espoused by David Icke, but Trump I could well believe is a lizard man, he certainly has the mental and emotional capacity of a crocodile and the empathy of a gila monster.
AnneWimsey replies on May 1, 2020:
What Barnie2years said!
Just watched a collection of trump comments on "Morning Joe" that apparently came from "Trevor Noah"...
HippieChick58 comments on May 1, 2020:
There is a definite disconnect between brain and mouth.
AnneWimsey replies on May 1, 2020:
"Brain"???!!!! Nope......
Trump murdered 50,000 Americans.
dalefvictor comments on Apr 30, 2020:
I think you are overestimating his efforts. Personally I am looking forward to the International Court to deal with him. Personally I hope he is not reelected buy a large volume of votes, I think he will not be alive long enough to go on any kind of trial, his ego is so large that he will not be ...
AnneWimsey replies on May 1, 2020:
@dalefvictor on to crossing that river!
Gnostic Atheist, Agnostic Atheist, Agnostic Theist, or Gnostic Theist?
linxminx comments on Apr 25, 2020:
I'm a gnocchi atheist. Light and fluffy, covered in browned-sage butter sauce. (Sorry. I know your post is serious, but I just couldn't resist a wise-ass remark. I'm a strong atheist, so I would be closest to Gnostic Atheist of the diagrams you provided).
AnneWimsey replies on May 1, 2020:
@SergeTafCam keep the actual gnocchi, just give me a spoon.......
Interesting opinion .
AnneWimsey comments on May 1, 2020:
You know how your G Spot is about 3" in? Nothing more is needed!
AnneWimsey replies on May 1, 2020:
@ToolGuy ohferpetessake. I will admit, when DIY'ing, very difficult without tools.....
I would laugh, but.....
racocn8 comments on May 1, 2020:
And the Bernie supporters still don't care. Not unlike Trump.
AnneWimsey replies on May 1, 2020:
Ummm, what? Oh, wait, WTF?!
There are some really good ones here. Which is your favorite? []
AnneWimsey comments on May 1, 2020:
How does one get Press credentials...?
AnneWimsey replies on May 1, 2020:
@BitFlipper that was a snarky question becuz I want So Badly to ask those questions!
AnneWimsey comments on May 1, 2020:
Save actual PPE stuff for health care workers, factory farm workers, and the like! I will continue to wear my double-layer homemade thick fabric mask when I go out. Took me about 15 minutes to make 2 with a needle & thread.
AnneWimsey replies on May 1, 2020:
@sassygirl3869 I did see that, that is why I specifically stated PPE masks.
Somewhere out there is a planet with no war, no hunger, no killing, no pollution, and no evil.
AnneWimsey comments on May 1, 2020:
No there isn't.
AnneWimsey replies on May 1, 2020:
@Kynlei no, drawing a "conclusion' in the way you just did is silly & illogical. You wanna fight, find somebody else.
Expect changes in the guidance for suspected COVID-19 infection! We have been instructed not to go ...
AnneWimsey comments on May 1, 2020:
Since there is no actual treatment of any kind, why Would you go to the hospital until you need a ventilator??!? You can lie face down on your couch, duhhhhh.
AnneWimsey replies on May 1, 2020:
@Flyingsaucesir I have a CPAP, which is now fully approved to assist breathing.
Buddha comments on May 1, 2020:
He said , she said... Idk ? , but there are so many other reasons that he's not a desirable candidate.
AnneWimsey replies on May 1, 2020:
Reason # 1-1,000, he isn't drump!
What are the necessary and reasonable thoughts of a long term relationship budding in this whole ...
Bierbasstard comments on Apr 30, 2020:
The biggest issue would lie in getting those darned STD tests out of the way.
AnneWimsey replies on May 1, 2020:
Know before you go.......
Trump murdered 50,000 Americans.
dalefvictor comments on Apr 30, 2020:
I think you are overestimating his efforts. Personally I am looking forward to the International Court to deal with him. Personally I hope he is not reelected buy a large volume of votes, I think he will not be alive long enough to go on any kind of trial, his ego is so large that he will not be ...
AnneWimsey replies on May 1, 2020:
@dalefvictor btw, nice new pic!
Trump murdered 50,000 Americans.
dalefvictor comments on Apr 30, 2020:
I think you are overestimating his efforts. Personally I am looking forward to the International Court to deal with him. Personally I hope he is not reelected buy a large volume of votes, I think he will not be alive long enough to go on any kind of trial, his ego is so large that he will not be ...
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 30, 2020:
Sadly, I do not believe he is capable of "seeing what he has done" in any way shape, or form. He is devoid of empathy, always has been.
[] Why are patients with Covid-19 stroking out in their 30s, 40's and 50s?
LenHazell53 comments on Apr 30, 2020:
high stress life styles, bad diet, smoking and drinking?
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 30, 2020:
Smoking has been shown in several reputable studies to Protect against the ravages! Please stop blaming the victims. Blood clots can form from a million things, including surgery (like for joint replacement) in any body. And in the NPR link posted by Barnie2years, above, far more prevalent during Covid infection in young fit people!
Caught my friend playing with his Wang!
BudFrank comments on Apr 30, 2020:
Haven’t seen one of those in decades!
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 30, 2020:
@glennlab about freakin' time, no kidding!
What do you think of George Monbiot’s ideas here? []
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 30, 2020:
I think he fails, sadly to draw a Distinct line between tabloids and real journalism. I could get behind some of his premises, but this "lumping together" thing leaves me cold.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 30, 2020:
@ToolGuy Washington Post? NY Times? Et al.....
MissKathleen comments on Apr 30, 2020:
Unfortunately, I do not believe any other state is doing so. 😢
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 30, 2020:
Today California announce testing for Everyone on demand! Good for them!
Federal Judge Halts Sale of Industrial Bleach as COVID-19 Cure From South Florida Church
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 30, 2020:
The dumber the herd, the more it needs thinning!
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 30, 2020:
@LucyLoohoo how do you get from what I thought we were discussing, Social Security, to whatever you just went off about? And it might interest you to know A Whole Lot of younger people get SS due to disabilities, or being Veterans....not just "old people".......I guess you want to abandon them to doorways?
What do you think of George Monbiot’s ideas here? []
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 30, 2020:
I think he fails, sadly to draw a Distinct line between tabloids and real journalism. I could get behind some of his premises, but this "lumping together" thing leaves me cold.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 30, 2020:
@ToolGuy what I see is enormous pressure to be "first" with "breaking news" which many times causes things to go awry. But responsible news bureaus/people will run corrections as soon as they become available. Those are the sources I trust! In addition, I strongly believe we would never know about the incarceration/"losing" of immigrant children, for one example, without the press!
Federal Judge Halts Sale of Industrial Bleach as COVID-19 Cure From South Florida Church
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 30, 2020:
The dumber the herd, the more it needs thinning!
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 30, 2020:
@dave1459 that is a Corruption problem & should Never be visited upon those who paid in, and indeed had no choice about paying in.
Federal Judge Halts Sale of Industrial Bleach as COVID-19 Cure From South Florida Church
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 30, 2020:
The dumber the herd, the more it needs thinning!
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 30, 2020:
@dave1459 how is dispersing what we paid into a "budget problem"????????
Why are we condoning our members wishing infection and death upon people for flaunting gathering ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 29, 2020:
Ummm, because by their reckless uncaring behavior they are infecting/killing everyone They come into contact with? Therefore IMO removing them from my regard for their lives. Too bad so sad, sayonara!
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 30, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay so, you are getting them to use common sense how...?
Trump Plans to Limit Daily Coronavirus Briefings
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 25, 2020:
Finally showing a bit of common sense.......or, one of his staffers tranquilizer-darted him.......
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 30, 2020:
@godlessinal on the other hand....could we tell if it was acting, or is he just being him?
US legislators abruptly cancel plans to return to Washington, DC
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 28, 2020:
They ever hear of Zoom?
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 30, 2020:
@AnonySchmoose that is up to the moderator of the session. Is he a Leghorn kinda guy?
Why are we condoning our members wishing infection and death upon people for flaunting gathering ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 29, 2020:
Ummm, because by their reckless uncaring behavior they are infecting/killing everyone They come into contact with? Therefore IMO removing them from my regard for their lives. Too bad so sad, sayonara!
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 29, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay no, they have access to the same (incessant) info as we all do, and CHOOSE to indulge in reckless behavior. They are going to be vectors knowing full well that they are, making them undeserving of my regard,IMO undeserving of anyone's regard. Get them out of the gene pool ASAP!
The garlic mustard is just coming into flower in the rough hedge bottom adjoining my neighbors ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 28, 2020:
Cooking tips please? Blanch & saute, or steam, or chop finely & use raw...? And put on or in what?
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 29, 2020:
@Fernapple I think I can find some growing out back, thanks!
Trump uses Defense Production Act to protect meat packing industry.
motrubl4u comments on Apr 28, 2020:
As someone with a friend who's a restaurant owner i can see both sides of this. He only was able to get 3 cases of brisket this week (normal 4 times that) and probably won't get any at all next week. Brisket is a major part of his menu I hate trump with every fiber of my being. But in the end...
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 28, 2020:
So he has been open and full of customers this entire time?????????
HippieChick58 comments on Apr 28, 2020:
One of my kids told me she has a dry cough, and it was all I could do to stop myself from driving to her house and taking her temperature. She's 35.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 28, 2020:
She can take her own temperature!!! Stay the heck Home!
Do these arguments also apply to the political left?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 28, 2020:
Apples & oranges, IMO
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 28, 2020:
@domos fascism = religion?? so?
A different perspective; Is the fight against COVID19 worse than the disease?
xenoview comments on Apr 27, 2020:
Is there any proof that you can get immunity to covid19?
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 28, 2020:
Several studies suggest no, and/or that it mutates like the common cold, so you get another version...maybe deadlier.
Coronavirus detected on particles of air pollution | Environment | The Guardian
bobwjr comments on Apr 27, 2020:
No evidence of contagion from them
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 27, 2020:
Except for several cases, including what is now thought to be the first case, waaay back, where the ill woman had not been anywhere.....airborne? Pollen is beautifully designed to disburse. And is pretty indestructible itself, they find it in the pyramids, still viable, and in fossil records, mostly unchanged. A perfect "vehicle", in fact.
A different perspective; Is the fight against COVID19 worse than the disease?
linxminx comments on Apr 27, 2020:
I watched this the other night and thought about posting it as well. He is advocating a balanced approach. Exposure, but with caution. My question is, "what does that look like and who gets to decide?" I think the hard part is we just don't know enough about the virus yet. I just read a story ...
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 27, 2020:
Maybe we could look at previous runaway pandemics before "germ theory" and the like....1/3 of the population dead.......
Not sure everyone will find this funny but the music is great. []
BestWithoutGods comments on Apr 26, 2020:
I enjoyed that movie. The animals look real, but they are made to talk and sing like humans. :)
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 27, 2020:
@NoMagicCookie I could watch this 100 times a day!
Let's just do the math one trillion dollars is a thousand billion there is 1% of u.
Drew69 comments on Mar 7, 2020:
ok to you Grammar. Nazis little clue about the Nazis speaking of which. Hitler was voted for and use the Nazis National Socialist Party and used a lot of propaganda sending leaflets telling the people what he's going to do rallied hate against the Jews not undifferent than what the Democratic ...
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 27, 2020:
Are you really as ignorant as this post makes you look?
Have we normalized hypersexuality in the USA?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 26, 2020:
Needs a lot more choices IMO
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 27, 2020:
@domos okay, behavior....plenty of men are passive, even very passive, I was married to one for decades..... Sorry but there are too many assumptions & too little inclusiveness in this poll for me. It is, in your defense, a HUGE subject, I doubt any poll could begin to cover it.
Have we normalized hypersexuality in the USA?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 26, 2020:
Needs a lot more choices IMO
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 27, 2020:
@domos to start with, there are far more "genders" than simply male & female. Anyone could be turned completely off by the incessant use of sex to sell stuff, to name just 2...just "no" doesn't cut it
Hi Everyone! I've been Zooming with local friends all day and got an idea.
MissKathleen comments on Apr 26, 2020:
Isn’t there a charge for Zoom? I am trying to cut expenses, not add to them.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 26, 2020:
@sassygirl3869 the Zoom Free use is limited to 45 minutes.
Americans Prefer Lip Service to Action Well, America - we're now finally "once again" down to ...
Buddha comments on Apr 9, 2020:
unless dementia joe changes a lot of his policy positions and picks a progressive VP, I'll go green ..
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 26, 2020:
@Buddha consider the source of those allegations! And "shouda woulda coulda" is a loser chant at any stage. Nobody, unless you run yourself, is going to be a perfect choice. But drump is the Worst Possible Choice. Period. And BTW I am from Ct and we think very highly of Lieberman here.
Americans Prefer Lip Service to Action Well, America - we're now finally "once again" down to ...
Buddha comments on Apr 9, 2020:
unless dementia joe changes a lot of his policy positions and picks a progressive VP, I'll go green ..
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 26, 2020:
@Buddha did you see my questions above? Could you educate yourself as to how we got Bush instead of Gore? HINT:Ralph Nader) no drump supportedps will vote anything other than drump, therefore a Green or "other" vote is one less vote for Biden, therfore a vote for drump.
The Satanic Temple Is Now Officially an IRS-Approved Tax-Exempt Church | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Apr 25, 2020:
Does this mean I can join, become a priest, convert my apartment into a temple, and claim tax exemption?
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 26, 2020:
@snytiger6 I think 3 or maybe it!
The Satanic Temple Is Now Officially an IRS-Approved Tax-Exempt Church | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Apr 25, 2020:
Does this mean I can join, become a priest, convert my apartment into a temple, and claim tax exemption?
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 25, 2020:
Under IRS guidelines, you only have to have a gathering of adherents once a week & use part of your house (like an alcove) exclusively for "church" business (like working on/storing your sermons, or vestments, or candlesticks, up, it is Easy! Just be sure to actually do it!
Americans Prefer Lip Service to Action Well, America - we're now finally "once again" down to ...
Buddha comments on Apr 9, 2020:
unless dementia joe changes a lot of his policy positions and picks a progressive VP, I'll go green ..
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 25, 2020:
@Buddha because there are only 2 real choices, Biden or Drump. Yes, you could vote 3rd party, which would also be a vote for drump...think any trump supporters will vote Green ( or whatever)? Ever heard of Ralph Nader?
skado comments on Apr 24, 2020:
An interesting question might be... does your vote hinge on this issue? If you knew for a fact that the allegation was legitimate, would it keep you from voting for Biden?
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 25, 2020:
Nothing would keep me from voting NOT DRUMP!
My husband once asked me if I knew why most people do not warm up to me.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 25, 2020:
What a passive-aggressive, no, Hostile question! Does he do this nasty put-down stuff often? Because Once should be too much IMO.....he, i assume, is "perfect"???????
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 25, 2020:
@ForTheBirds well, fine, but before you were married you were Miss Congeniality, right????????!!...not changing my original comment at all, in fact double it!
Who thinks this might taste good in the right places?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 25, 2020:
Weeeeeelllllll, maybe, but if they start frying eggs, I'm outta there!
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 25, 2020:
@1of5 donchu worry.......
‘Extinct’ Clouded Leopard Spotted for the First Time in 37 Years in Taiwan
HippieChick58 comments on Apr 25, 2020:
It isn't good if there is only one.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 25, 2020:
The articles talks about multiples
Coronavirus has other symptoms, it appears.
Mooolah comments on Apr 25, 2020:
Dr. Sanjy Gupta of the fake news channel CNN says that a loss of smell is an early indicator. Smell & taste are connected. I wonder if taste is affected.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 25, 2020:
Ummm, I have read at least 5 or 6 sources that stated this thing about smell
Young people with coronavirus are dying from strokes - The Washington Post
barjoe comments on Apr 25, 2020:
So sad. Apparently these are like embolisms.. Let's not think this is entirely people in their 80s that are all the fatalities.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 25, 2020:
Umm, the highest # of dead exclusive of nursing home residents is the 40-55 age group.
Wash your hands, drink warm water, don't smoke and don't get too close. No kissing.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 25, 2020:
Warm water? Because...?
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 25, 2020:
@Jolanta yeah, okay........
Who thinks this might taste good in the right places?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 25, 2020:
Weeeeeelllllll, maybe, but if they start frying eggs, I'm outta there!
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 25, 2020:
@1of5 well, hell, I do believe some new toys were just delivered, guess I should check them out.......
The Satanic Temple Is Now Officially an IRS-Approved Tax-Exempt Church | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Gatovicolo comments on Apr 25, 2020:
Asatru, the druids, Wicca and satanists. They’re all posers.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 25, 2020:
Yes, but tax evasion, I mean exemptions
Alrighty then, things reopen so they can sell goods & services & save the economy.
MissKathleen comments on Apr 23, 2020:
I console myself with the fact that all of this reopening bullshit will ultimately diminish the number of trumpster idiots in the country...perhaps enough so that he won’t get re-elected.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 25, 2020:
Especially with the new Fed roll-out of free bleach & syringes on every streetcorner.....
He just gets crazier and crazier.
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 24, 2020:
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 25, 2020:
@Mofo1953 much better!
A beautiful lady gone. Peggy Lipton, the "Mod Squad" girl and one of the crashes of my youth ...
Robecology comments on Apr 22, 2020:
Died a whie ago; last May; lived to be 71...not bad...
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 25, 2020:
@Robecology jeebus, if you are 74 I must be 182.........what-s your secret?
Damn do we have a fuck load of SUCKERS on this site.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 25, 2020:
I do not remember when you got appointed "reply czar", sorry.....
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 25, 2020:
@creative51 I you are indeed correct she is not what she appears, but do you not think we are intelligent enough to notice? Take a chill pill!
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 24, 2020:
I would be more than Happy to assist anyone who thought this was a good idea, preferably before they breed, but whatever.....
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 24, 2020:
@Philip21 trumpeters doin' it? Eeeeeewwwwwwwww
Thank Gadzooks It's Friday
ToolGuy comments on Apr 24, 2020:
Thanks for the information. I might not have known otherwise!
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 24, 2020:
If it wasn't for the alimony checks (yes, he uses snail mail) I would have no idea what day it is.......
I just had a frightening thought.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 24, 2020:
Maybe a few will borrow Mom's syringe & try injecting bleach.......
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 24, 2020:
@wolf041 couldn't happen to a nicer bunch, or fast enough for me!
Should countries follow the New Zealand approach to decriminalizing sex work?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 22, 2020:
Why not look at the Netherlands where it has been so for quite awhile?
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 24, 2020:
@dave1459 no job is all roses, is it?
2021 is the year I will renounce the Democratic Party I do acknowledge that I no longer regard ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 22, 2020:
So you are supporting drump.......
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 24, 2020:
@Blackatheist1985 so, punish them (and us all!l) by actions that stick us with drump for another 4 years....Good on You!
2021 is the year I will renounce the Democratic Party I do acknowledge that I no longer regard ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 22, 2020:
So you are supporting drump.......
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 24, 2020:
@Blackatheist1985 yes and we could have had Gore instead of Bush, but noooooooooooo. It was, plain & simple, the siphoning of votes by Nader that made it happen. Do you think you might want to actually look into that (before dismissing it with words that make no sense!) before falling into that same trap?
Read a comment that said being "atheist" was claiming there is no god.
David1955 comments on Apr 24, 2020:
Some theists and even agnostics claim this. It is false. You don't have to prove a negative. And anyway, there are literally thousands of gods in human culture. Ought atheists prove each one does not exist? Stupid. In response I usually say, "Do you believe in dragons? No? Then prove they don't ...
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 24, 2020:
@Word ohferpetessake, he means "dragons" in the fairy tale sense, but then, you knew tgat......
The first anti-Covid-19 vaccine trials have begun in the UK. []
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 23, 2020:
Is it going to be as fabulous as when 50% of the people trialing drumpy' fav hydrochloquinone died from heart problems?
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 24, 2020:
@Petter well alrighty then !
Saw my naturopathic doc today for the first time since my dad died Told her of a conversation at ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 23, 2020:
I deeply distrust people that suggest scary things to get your loyalty!
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 24, 2020:
@OwlInASack well said! Ignorance is Not bliss!
Saw my naturopathic doc today for the first time since my dad died Told her of a conversation at ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 23, 2020:
I deeply distrust people that suggest scary things to get your loyalty!
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 24, 2020:
@Larimar what a charming, open-minded person you are, aaannnd delightful to be around......
Saw my naturopathic doc today for the first time since my dad died Told her of a conversation at ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 23, 2020:
I deeply distrust people that suggest scary things to get your loyalty!
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 23, 2020:
@Larimar really? You whole post is full of "being frightened" & you can't see it?
I've found a new way to weed out the majority from dating sites.
ToolGuy comments on Apr 23, 2020:
So your imagination will trump all else.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 23, 2020:
I see what you did there.......
A beautiful lady gone. Peggy Lipton, the "Mod Squad" girl and one of the crashes of my youth ...
Robecology comments on Apr 22, 2020:
Died a whie ago; last May; lived to be 71...not bad...
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 23, 2020:
@Robecology you mean, like in the last month, or since drump got elected...or both?
[] The unexpected culprit thats killing our love lives. Agree/Disagree?
Lauren comments on Apr 23, 2020:
I'm not sure about the streaming bit. I think this might be an extension of cable television where many times people seem to watch the same shows repeatedly. I got rid of cable about 20 years ago and only watched DVDs (granted, now also Netflix and Hulu). People used to be shocked I didn't watch ...
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 23, 2020:
That's what a DVR is for, I NEVER watch live TV, plus the ability to fast-forward thru commercials, endless reruns of a disputed sports call, etc., means I save hours a week!
Stock-piling is NOT for those with insufficient willpower?
zeuser comments on Apr 23, 2020:
This is why I never ever buy a half gallon of ice cream.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 23, 2020:
@zeuser I hear it calling me......
2021 is the year I will renounce the Democratic Party I do acknowledge that I no longer regard ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 22, 2020:
So you are supporting drump.......
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 23, 2020:
@Blackatheist1985 ummm, Ralph Nader running.....?
I say thoughts and prayers.
joe1334us comments on Apr 23, 2020:
A long rope tied to Nothing! Dozer says a Rock!
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 23, 2020:
Dozer is a goooooood boy!
2021 is the year I will renounce the Democratic Party I do acknowledge that I no longer regard ...
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 22, 2020:
So you are supporting drump.......
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 22, 2020:
@Blackatheist1985 so you understand that you Are actually re-electing trump but it is more important to you "make a point"?
What do you all think of WikiLeaks? Are they trustworthy?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 22, 2020:
Buncha rabble-rousing BS!!!!!!
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 22, 2020:
@FearlessFly no, making stuff up like pizzagate. Shame!
Why in the world would you ever be here long enough to actually reach Level 10 1,000,000 Points?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 22, 2020:
I think I might be getting close to #9, but never check...I enjoy the quality of thought as opposed to, say, FB on here, and enjoy snark-izing trolls, too. Wait, this seems troll-ish........
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 22, 2020:
@Apunzelle you know I might have been thinking of Level 10.......nevermind!
Alrighty then, things reopen so they can sell goods & services & save the economy.
WalterWhite comments on Apr 22, 2020:
Due to high demand it looks like the prices for coffins will be going up, especially in the Bible Belt States and wherever State Governors have the brains of a possum.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 22, 2020:
Oh, now, I do not know if I can get behind your denigration of possums here......
BitFlipper comments on Apr 22, 2020:
***I would absolutely pay for sex.*** I have spent substantial amounts of money over the years on dates, hoping to cultivate a connection, only to find that the women weren't interested to begin with. Not to mention the emotional expense. I mean, how many platonic female friends does a guy need? ...
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 22, 2020:
Well, hellloooooo sailor! LOL!
Should countries follow the New Zealand approach to decriminalizing sex work?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 22, 2020:
Why not look at the Netherlands where it has been so for quite awhile?
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 22, 2020:
@ToolGuy "decriminalization" makes me think of "don't ask, don't tell, namby-pamby avoidance that helps nothing but yet better than the alternative.
Why in the world would you ever be here long enough to actually reach Level 10 1,000,000 Points?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 22, 2020:
I think I might be getting close to #9, but never check...I enjoy the quality of thought as opposed to, say, FB on here, and enjoy snark-izing trolls, too. Wait, this seems troll-ish........
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 22, 2020:
@ToolGuy I gotta pay more attention!
What do you all think of WikiLeaks? Are they trustworthy?
Biblebeltskeptic comments on Apr 22, 2020:
They seem to be pretty real. I've been reading some about the Podesta emails and Pizzagate. It first sounded like a conspiracy. And everything in Google says it is. But there are other sources outside of WikiLeaks to back some stuff up too. Hmmm...
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 22, 2020:
Pizzagate: "pedophile ring in the basement of a strip-mall pizza place," when 30 seconds of public records search (online) at theBuilding Permit office would reveal the place is constructed on a concrete slab, no basement. Dumbness !
Why in the world would you ever be here long enough to actually reach Level 10 1,000,000 Points?
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 22, 2020:
I think I might be getting close to #9, but never check...I enjoy the quality of thought as opposed to, say, FB on here, and enjoy snark-izing trolls, too. Wait, this seems troll-ish........
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 22, 2020:
@ToolGuy huh........
A beautiful lady gone. Peggy Lipton, the "Mod Squad" girl and one of the crashes of my youth ...
Robecology comments on Apr 22, 2020:
Died a whie ago; last May; lived to be 71...not bad...
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 22, 2020:
HEY ! I am 71!
As today is the 50th year of "Earth Day" activities, I put together a little animation of the pace ...
motrubl4u comments on Apr 22, 2020:
I've always been in favor of IQ tests to have children. Below a certain threshold you get sterilized. Yeah its extreme but look at the numbers. Stupid people breed like fucking rabbits. (Shocked if this comment doesn't get removed since its a poll from one of the Admins)
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 22, 2020:
Yeah, I totally agree!!
Accurate for most days.
ToolGuy comments on Apr 22, 2020:
About right. But today I went down to my favourite store to buy some light bulbs for the light over my sink. Now I can see the dirty dishes and dirty sink. Damn!
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 22, 2020:
We all make mistakes....forgive yourself, do penance by cleaning up.
Who wants to Zoom meet?
Petter comments on Apr 21, 2020:
Still waiting for a new microphone.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 22, 2020:
@NoMagicCookie never heard of MEET. Is it a Playstore app? Oh and don't forget the Tablet runs Android, not Firefox or whatever "overlay" is needed, in fact conta-indicated. I'm surprised you have any lag at all .......
Skeptoid covers Göbekli Tepe: [skeptoid.
AnneWimsey comments on Apr 21, 2020:
I have read studies of contemporary hunter-gatherer societies that show they spend about 4 hours a week getting sustenance and have the rest of the time to "play"...danc, e song, various arts & crafts. Compare this to our so-called 'easy" shopping, where you drag home the stuff after driving ...
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 22, 2020:
@AstralSmoke locust hordes, anyone?
Trump cockcrows once again treating Covid-19 as an opportunity to promote his chances of ...
Charlene comments on Apr 22, 2020:
Nah, he thinks inexperienced Americans are gonna jump all over low wage, labor intensive jobs on California farms..and work 14hr days and get paid by the bushel. So not only are migrant farm workers out work, farmers are about to lose their crops and farms...
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 22, 2020:
And if anybody thinks a shortage of toilet paper is serious, try shortages of all produce!
Second try to post this. []
Freedompath comments on Apr 22, 2020:
What a bully...all this time and no payment! This has been trump’s MO over his lifetime! I sure hope that he is embarrassed to the hilt (if that is possible), over ripping people, counties, cities, states and even Countries off! Our president with a criminal mind...what a deal?
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 22, 2020:
You have to have empathy to feel embarrassed
Who wants to Zoom meet?
Petter comments on Apr 21, 2020:
Still waiting for a new microphone.
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 22, 2020:
@NoMagicCookie I have NO lag on my tablet, but I am religious about cleaning & deleting, and find it necessary to shut off completely for 30 seconds or longer & then restart every 10 days or is little!
It is amazing how touchy some folks are around here (SOME, not by any means ALL).
Omnedon comments on Apr 22, 2020:
You always seem to end your messages with a single initial. Hannibal Lecter did that too. Are you like him?!?
AnneWimsey replies on Apr 22, 2020:
@genessa gennessa, omnedon is trying to make you laugh & you are giving him wordy, serious answers....lighten up!


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