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The president just can't seem to keep his hands to himself.
Piece2YourPuzzle comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Uh, I might be the only one thinking this...........but did they cut those horses tails off and stick that thing in their ass so that contraption doesn't move? Lol
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 22, 2018:
@Piece2YourPuzzle yes, but how else would you refer to that thing on it's rump?
Have you ever fallen for a person simply from viewing a single image,and have felt that person is ...
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 21, 2018:
That is called infatuation , and it might be very dangerous/simply silly to act upon it. Ever see the movie "Ten"?
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 22, 2018:
@WayneDalton the last 2 words in your post....???!
Have you ever fallen for a person simply from viewing a single image,and have felt that person is ...
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 21, 2018:
That is called infatuation , and it might be very dangerous/simply silly to act upon it. Ever see the movie "Ten"?
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 21, 2018:
@WayneDalton ohferpetessake, can you read what was written, especially the "I have"???
Just the sun and nothing else
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 21, 2018:
??? Further explanation, please?
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 21, 2018:
@Hek well, that IS an explanation!
Looking for group style salon to attend, anyone with any info or guidance, suggestions?
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 21, 2018:
I am in Connecticut, albeit the Rhode Island end. When you say "salon", do you mean like a 19th century talkest? I hope......
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 21, 2018:
@Kessy time & sarcasm, yessirree!
@Snickers77, I didn’t want to highjack your mattress thread, so I’ll post a new one.
Delaroux comments on Nov 21, 2018:
I like my extremely firm orthopedic pillow. I don't like my head to sink in. Regular pillows and memory foam are the worst.
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 21, 2018:
Try a Purple pillow! No sinking in, and cool too.
The president just can't seem to keep his hands to himself.
Piece2YourPuzzle comments on Nov 20, 2018:
Uh, I might be the only one thinking this...........but did they cut those horses tails off and stick that thing in their ass so that contraption doesn't move? Lol
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 21, 2018:
They braid the tails and that "rosette" is a poop catcher.
Beware of unintended consequences.
Matias comments on Nov 21, 2018:
The bubonic plague hit Europe in 1348 and it even spread in parts of the world where cats where well respected. By the way rats are rarely killed by our domestic cats (rats are too big)
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 21, 2018:
Cats can find & kill baby rats, plus any size mouse...and in those days, they killed or Friskies in the Dark or Middle Ages!
Aren’t flat earthers so much fun
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 18, 2018:
I want to push them off the edge!
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 20, 2018:
@Hebert54 really large cats, i presume? Lol!
I'm sitting here crying because my friend has lost three loved ones in the last few months.
jacpod comments on Nov 17, 2018:
Whilst I am sorry for your loss I don't quite get your logic 'not so good things are happening all the time whether there is a god or not; you may as well rant at the concept of randomness
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 18, 2018:
@Cabsmom ummm, nobody should ever die? Explain "stuff like this should not be happening?! Try reading Job........
Anybody, husband or wife have experience with Cuckoldry?
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 16, 2018:
I think a fantasy is Much more enjoyable in your mind! Maybe she could don a wig & fishnets, and not drag in bystanders. If they Must have a 3-some, HIRE someone who 1. Knows what they are doing, can "direct" 2. Will disappear awkward holidays, etc. P.S. it is called a "menage...
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 16, 2018:
@openyourmind that's what he says...i would Not like to be the wife after this little arousing fantasy becomes reality...the pestering questions alone would drive me to mutder!
This is interesting, especially this paragraph "According to the document, prosecutor's sought to ...
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 16, 2018:
Assange has had charges pending for child rape for many years, one reason he was living in (and unable to set foot out of) that embassy. He is/was a proven Tool of the Russians in helping elect Drump....think about it! Every week, "oh, tomorrow we will have major dirt on Hillary"...and next week, ...
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 16, 2018:
@powder I never heard it was "confidential", that remark was posted by this poster. I knew about it in 2016, or maybe late 2015, from regular TV news outlets.
This is interesting, especially this paragraph "According to the document, prosecutor's sought to ...
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 16, 2018:
Assange has had charges pending for child rape for many years, one reason he was living in (and unable to set foot out of) that embassy. He is/was a proven Tool of the Russians in helping elect Drump....think about it! Every week, "oh, tomorrow we will have major dirt on Hillary"...and next week, ...
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 16, 2018:
@cava the case in question was sex with a minor....he would not have to "hide out" in an embassy if all that was needed was a blood test. He hid out so long that the victim as well as everybody else involved has moved on......
Anybody, husband or wife have experience with Cuckoldry?
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 16, 2018:
I think a fantasy is Much more enjoyable in your mind! Maybe she could don a wig & fishnets, and not drag in bystanders. If they Must have a 3-some, HIRE someone who 1. Knows what they are doing, can "direct" 2. Will disappear awkward holidays, etc. P.S. it is called a "menage...
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 16, 2018:
@maturin1919 "bystander"? No, but probably pretty gauche if the first time....
If this site has more than 50,000 members, why is it that only a few dozen actively comment, vote, ...
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 15, 2018:
Not true...every day it is Different members. Pay attention!
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 15, 2018:
@celticagent maybe they are following you for some reason. I myself am pretty sure I have never commented on anything from yours....
Sat through another 36 hour of unrelenting weather druids on TV going on and on and on about the ...
silverotter11 comments on Nov 15, 2018:
Very funny post. I won't mention that many men confuse 3 inches with 8 inches.
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 15, 2018:
More female weatrherpersons, please!
If you voted for a Democrat or a Republican, you have given your authorization for the government to...
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 11, 2018:
And if you do not/did not/will not Vote, you are abdicating all responsibility, and are Completely responsible for Cheeto & friends! Politics is Always thre lesser of 2 evils...try stepping up & choosing one, or, hey, why not run for office, instead of sitting on your dead ass babbling about how ...
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 13, 2018:
@GlyndonD just wow....ummm, ignorance is Not bliss, I guess
That look of satisfied!
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 12, 2018:
Umm, that's her feet & knees hurting! Ever ask yourself why men Never pose around like this?
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 13, 2018:
@BusaBudz you would be, like most women, UNpleasantly surprised to find that many if not most men take it as instructional video.....
Test the waters.
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 13, 2018:
Your initial ASSumption, that a plane could not penetrate a building, is just plain wrong. (See excellent commenys, above, about arrow & high winds causing grass to penetrate wood, by Mortal & WilliamFleming. Everything after that therefore fails.
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 13, 2018:
@gregoryL umm, Google it..."tornado" or "hurricane" odd effects, see pix..........actual pix, not silly conjecture....maybe you could Google "silly conjecture" as well. Also, Google basic physics, like "unstoppable force meeting immovable object" physics
That look of satisfied!
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 12, 2018:
Umm, that's her feet & knees hurting! Ever ask yourself why men Never pose around like this?
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 13, 2018:
@BusaBudz i'll bet you think porn depicts sex as it really is...........
Regarding God's Ten Commandments The Ten Commandments, unlike most laws generated by most legal ...
zenith01 comments on Nov 3, 2018:
Lucky then NO GOD
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 13, 2018:
@johnprytz excuse me, but are you entering this debate accepting there IS a gawd in order to debate this Troll? Really?
Trajan61 comments on Nov 12, 2018:
You can buy all the birth control you want so what are you whining about?
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 12, 2018:
At maybe $30 or more a poor women, again, get hit the Worst. And BTW, Viagra is covered.....
That look of satisfied!
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 12, 2018:
Umm, that's her feet & knees hurting! Ever ask yourself why men Never pose around like this?
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 12, 2018:
@BusaBudz because he would know, because he actually wears them? Uh huh
A friendly reminder.
DenoPenno comments on Nov 12, 2018:
Could you be hired to apply that tape to the Donald?
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 12, 2018:
So what, exactly, is the hold up here? Oh, and tape those tiny hands, too....
If you voted for a Democrat or a Republican, you have given your authorization for the government to...
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 11, 2018:
And if you do not/did not/will not Vote, you are abdicating all responsibility, and are Completely responsible for Cheeto & friends! Politics is Always thre lesser of 2 evils...try stepping up & choosing one, or, hey, why not run for office, instead of sitting on your dead ass babbling about how ...
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 12, 2018:
@GlyndonD yup, because throwing your vote away always has such good results...Ralph Nader, anyone?
What is your favorite dance song?
Nevermind345 comments on Aug 16, 2018:
Dance Me to the End of Love. Leanord Cohen.
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 11, 2018:
@Sharlee wasted over 50% of my life on abusive fools, so will Never acheive that. Good for you!
What is your favorite dance song?
Nevermind345 comments on Aug 16, 2018:
Dance Me to the End of Love. Leanord Cohen.
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 9, 2018:
@Sharlee "during my lifetime"...are you dead?! I am enjoying the daylights outta of the best relationship I have ever had in my life...we are both 70 .
If a god was real, which god would you consider worshiping? Answer: Me.
Paracosm comments on Nov 9, 2018:
Even if they were real I wouldn't worship/follow them.
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 9, 2018:
@Bendog OMG, he Thinks! Also, excellent name for your dog!
If a god was real, which god would you consider worshiping? Answer: Me.
Paracosm comments on Nov 9, 2018:
Even if they were real I wouldn't worship/follow them.
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 9, 2018:
@Bendog that's Goddess of chocolate, you twit!
It would be nice to have gay friend i can just be & act gay with in public.
Spudnut comments on Nov 8, 2018:
Can you consider moving to a more gay friendly part of the country? I live in Minneapolis which is extremely friendly to everyone. Plenty of gay bars, gay churches, a *huge* gay pride parade/gathering for Gay Pride Week, full *neighborhoods* that have beautifully revived by gay people, etc. We ...
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 8, 2018:
Sounds perfect for Everyone...except maybe those winters!
Oldest animal cave paintings discovered in Borneo are dated by scientists as at least 40,000 years ...
HankSherman comments on Nov 8, 2018:
Christian scientist have proven beyond all doubt that creation probably , no more than maybe......well somewhere around, based on the bible......just can't see it being more than .......twelve, er, 10, make that six, yeah....six years old
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 8, 2018:
Oh, silly, yesterday, complete with lying fossils & fake memories......
"I have just unfriended a number of people on facebook that gave a positive response to a meme that ...
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 8, 2018:
Except for the dead people, what's your problem, snowflake? THIS IS SARCASM!
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 8, 2018:
@paul1967 no, I meant my Comment was sarcasm. The meme is freaking Awful!
Now this makes me happy -- new members of Congress.
dede18 comments on Nov 7, 2018:
and I read elsewhere, with glee, that Mike Pence will have to swear two of them in on the Qo’ran instead of the Bible ... he will probably choke on that ... hurrah!
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 7, 2018:
@Morphyon just like for jury duty, you can simply state your good intentions to tell the truth.
The Shroud of Turin, and the Stigmata. How do you account for them?
mickeyrom comments on Nov 7, 2018:
I will be waiting, breathless, for your comments.
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 7, 2018:
OMG, do Not hold yer breath on this one!!!
What is the sexiest song you have ever heard?
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 7, 2018:
Joe Cocker's "You can keep your hat on" as done by me at karaoke....yes indeedy!
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 7, 2018:
@maxhyde yup!...i am Such a drama queen...oh, I I can actually sing, too (a "belter")
What is the sexiest song you have ever heard?
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 7, 2018:
Joe Cocker's "You can keep your hat on" as done by me at karaoke....yes indeedy!
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 7, 2018:
@maxhyde come take one! I ad lib too...."but no black socks...too much like a 60's porn movie" and ETC. One time a guy kicked off one shoe at me! Lol!
MOST atheist try to use reason and logic when debating a religious person.
Joenobody comments on Nov 6, 2018:
I'm confused as to why you've now posted two of these types of threads. People in general get emotional during an argument which literally limits a person's ability to think rationally, with the exception of a few of us who just aren't built that way. Over all though, an atheist doesn't have...
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 7, 2018:
@bluefairy And what you call, " not arguing properly....according to Your rules" might just be people trying to present facts and you deflecting? Ever think of that?
A friend asked me about psychics, and clairvoyants - and more specifically mediums.
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 7, 2018:
Refer her to the writings, youtube, etc. of The Amazing Randy...why has no one ever claimed the $1,000, has been Decades
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 7, 2018:
@WilliamFleming and yet, he put up His Own Money.(one million dollars!)...unclaimed for Decades now.....can't be any more sincere than that! And going back further, to a more credulous time, Houdini set up a code word, for after his death...anyone who could provide it would get a Huge $$$ reward...also unclaimed. Are you saying you believe in spiritualism?
Get rid off that mast orange stain
BigTen comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Hillary won't like being washed in her orange prison jump suit!
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 7, 2018:
Ummm, welcome back from Pluto! You may notice that Hillary is Not under Any type of investigation, nor indicted/CONVICTED/plead guilty for anything, unlike Flynn, Cohen, Manafort, those 12 Russians, etcetc.....and undoubtedly more to come, because they are slinging like birds about Actual Facts!
That's right ladies...I eat the pussy
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 7, 2018:
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 7, 2018:
@josh23452 I did see the animal abuser, you! Don't make jokes if you cannot recognize them from others, lol!
Another reason to avoid Waffle House restaurants : Fox News: Man falls through Waffle House ...
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Crazed attic-crawlers are IMO not a reason to avoid you plan to never leave your house on account of things like this? WTF........
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 6, 2018:
@Condor5 sarcasm, sweetie!
So today at the mechanics I'm sitting in the waiting area with several men, including employees.
genessa comments on Nov 5, 2018:
i was at a party once a million years ago. i was in my 20s, and the partiers were both younger and older than i. we were standing/sitting around in small groups, talking and listening, and some guy was talking to the guys in the small group in which i stood, and said something he apparently ...
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 6, 2018:
@genessa politeness towards aggressive men by women is Always perceived as weakness, IMO!
So today at the mechanics I'm sitting in the waiting area with several men, including employees.
genessa comments on Nov 5, 2018:
i was at a party once a million years ago. i was in my 20s, and the partiers were both younger and older than i. we were standing/sitting around in small groups, talking and listening, and some guy was talking to the guys in the small group in which i stood, and said something he apparently ...
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 6, 2018:
Yup, a teaching did Great!
God's Alleged Morality: Yet More Random Thoughts God can't be wrong. Why?
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Have you given one moments thought to how inappropriate, and disrespectful, you are being by posting all this "gawd" drivel on this site?!??
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 6, 2018:
@jlynn37 "the truth"????? Ooookkkkaaaaaayyyyy.......
AP Exclusive: Tests show toxin in chain stores’ jewelry
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 5, 2018:
Because I enjoy my jewelry with a nice beefy gravy & some browned Brussels sprouts on the side. Nowhere do you cite toxicity from actual research happening from merely Wearing the stuff...pretty sure ingesting Many things is a poor
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 5, 2018:
@Lukian thanks..wish you had led off with this article......
Definitely going to hell for this one
Wellspring comments on Nov 2, 2018:
She would actually know its a dog by sense of feeling. You wouldn't know. Try putting on a blindfold, have someone hand you an object, you wouldn't be able to identify it. Take a blind person, hand them the object, they will tell you what the object is, very interesting.
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 5, 2018:
@Hebert54 I was disabled for many years, from a stroke...mixed up my words, fell over a lot. If I could not have laughed, I would Never have stopped crying.
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 5, 2018:
I have always adored white chocolate...of course it is the Worst choice, nutritionally....
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 5, 2018:
@godsAmyth Who cares? YUMMY!
The Real, Actual, and For True Atheists Don't Exist - BionicDance []
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 5, 2018:
Yeah, okay, have some more heroin......
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 5, 2018:
@phxbillcee shocker!
Read the whole tweet but read the last sentence slowly. Is that a confession?
powder comments on Nov 4, 2018:
Sounds like an attempt at sarcasm to me.
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 5, 2018:
@powder. You'll do better next time.....
Read the whole tweet but read the last sentence slowly. Is that a confession?
powder comments on Nov 4, 2018:
Sounds like an attempt at sarcasm to me.
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 5, 2018:
@powder yes, but you failed to modify your descriptor with the word "feeble"!
Read the whole tweet but read the last sentence slowly. Is that a confession?
powder comments on Nov 4, 2018:
Sounds like an attempt at sarcasm to me.
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 5, 2018:
Oh, sweetie, you need brains to try sarcasm......
Is it just me or is there an inverse relationship between how much someone talks and how loudly and ...
AnneWimsey comments on Nov 4, 2018:
Ummm, some of us are simply hard of hearing, it makes you talk louder as you cannot hear yourself. Also please do not ASSume someone has dementia if they give an off-topic answer...also maybe deaf.
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 5, 2018:
@memorylikeasieve I got excellent quality hearing aids, with free testing & warranty, for "only" $1800 at Costco vs. $4500 at hearing aid places like Beltone. And the people do not work on commission so you can trust their recommendations! They even included a little device to adjust input for conditions like restaurants, that i Adore, and Beltone would have charged over $200 more for (!!!!!!!) Just call first, not all Costcos have hearing centers, and you will need an will also have to join Costco for $50...but then you get 1% or 2% back of what you spend at the end of the year, so it kind of evens that cost out.
Some More Thoughts About The Reality Of Space PROOF THAT SPACE IS NOT A THING If space were a ...
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 28, 2018:
Hmmmm, Higg's boson, anyone?
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 3, 2018:
@johnprytz my dear, dear man...since the Boson was actually only Proven to exist in the last 5 years or so, I doubt any of your books are very accurate in their theories.......the Boson has changed the Basics of how science looks at Everything (source: Stephen Hawking)! I was lucky enough to participate in a teaching seminar about 2 years ago exploring the fundamental shift in thought caused by the discovery of an actual Boson. One example: of how things have changed from your obsolete books; the Boson has quite a large (relatively speaking) mass compared to many particles, does have a way of moving on, ya know?
We know that cheating on a partner is unethical, but...
hippydog comments on Oct 30, 2018:
"Why do we never question the reason behind why people in married or long-term relationships might cheat" Likely because they have been cheated on and severely hurt by it, and are unable to forgive.
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 2, 2018:
@hippydog Nope!
Some More Thoughts About The Reality Of Space PROOF THAT SPACE IS NOT A THING If space were a ...
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 28, 2018:
Hmmmm, Higg's boson, anyone?
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 2, 2018:
@johnprytz 1. you would not be babbling on about "space" if you had Any knowledge of The Boson & the way it works. Which would take 3 minutes to research on Google, at best. 2. When I call you on it, you continue to Insist upon "space", clearly indicating you are Chosing to remain ignorant. 3. When I call you on That, you stoop to personal attack because I refuse to engage in a "debate" over false assumptions. Really? I mean, Really?
All Men are Voyeurs and All Women are Exhibitionists. Where does the line begin?
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 31, 2018:
Are you nuts?
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 2, 2018:
@Nevermind345 and that is your business because.....?
Some More Thoughts About The Reality Of Space PROOF THAT SPACE IS NOT A THING If space were a ...
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 28, 2018:
Hmmmm, Higg's boson, anyone?
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 1, 2018:
@johnprytz unlike you, I do not bury a total lack of knowledge of the subject (which you do, a lot) under a thousand pretentious words. 2 minutes on Google reading about the Proven existence of The Boson would tell you that your woeful lack of knowledge, and unwillingness to learn, is embarrassing you. I love to debate someone who actually knows something about their subject! You, not so much.
Radioactive Decay Revisited Now back to radioactive decay, a phenomena which appears to dance to ...
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 31, 2018:
Lotta words to explain arbitrary words.....
AnneWimsey replies on Nov 1, 2018:
@johnprytz trying to give your babbling a bit of respect...but, nevermind. Senseless rant on a subject that you CLEARLY know nothing about, disguised under BIGLY words. Pass it by!
Why are we so embarrassed about nudity? It's the ultimate body celebration
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 30, 2018:
Oh, honey, at 70, i thank whatever gawds there may be for Clothing!
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 31, 2018:
@snytiger6 well, yeah, i agree with the conversation, unless they love Cheeto. But Clothed conversation!
Some More Thoughts About The Reality Of Space PROOF THAT SPACE IS NOT A THING If space were a ...
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 28, 2018:
Hmmmm, Higg's boson, anyone?
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 31, 2018:
@johnprytz nope....
Dating married men?
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 30, 2018:
Men looking for sex will LIE like rugs to get it!
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 30, 2018:
@Meili thanks for noticing!
How do you tell religious people that you're an atheist?
Texasplumr comments on Oct 12, 2018:
I’m a private person and have never felt the urge nor the need to tell anyone that I’m atheist. Obviously, others feel differently. But I’ve never understood why people feel the need either. Is it in hopes of a debate or an argument? In that case, well, I refuse to argue with anybody about ...
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 30, 2018:
Well said!
'Trans-species' woman has spent $60,000 to transform herself into a dragon
PalacinkyPDX comments on Oct 30, 2018:
And your point is... are we required to leave comments about how "she's a freak" or something of that nature? Okay, here goes, you're a normal person and she's bizarre. Does that make you feel better about yourself?
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 30, 2018:
@Dmej114 wow, you are a true master at posting something judgemental and then backpedaling away from the fallout you richly deserve......
We know that cheating on a partner is unethical, but...
hippydog comments on Oct 30, 2018:
"Why do we never question the reason behind why people in married or long-term relationships might cheat" Likely because they have been cheated on and severely hurt by it, and are unable to forgive.
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 30, 2018:
@LizBeth well said! Forgiveness my ass! Just keep the alimony coming & I will be having too much fun to remember you at all!
We know that cheating on a partner is unethical, but...
Marcie1974 comments on Oct 30, 2018:
Thank you for this post. Very soon after our children were born I became very low on my ex’s priority list. By about 10 years into the marriage sex was only 3-4 times a year and became even less frequent to the extent that the last 5 were completely sexless. No hugging or physical affection and no...
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 30, 2018:
@Stepmomofdragons ummmm..i was the one cheated on...completely trusted him, wish I had a dime for every time someone told me what a "fine character" he had. Turned out I was basically living a Lifetime movie about just how dumb a woman can be! He was screwing everything not nailed down for Years, while I did all yard & housework, plus major DIY stuff, home cooking, sexy nighties, and we did what he liked to doin everything, , because I was "so lucky" to have this "fine man". And here you come saying oh it's fine, he musta had a reason. Yeah, selfish, vain, and no empathy whatsoever! I was damn lucky not to catch a serious disease! Took me over a year of counseling to believe "the sky is blue" again, after he ran off with one of those MILF home-porn stars. (Complete with dog & donkey co-stars). Should found out & dumped him a loooonnngg time before I did! Cheating HURTS, even if you don't see it, there is Nothing lonlier than being in a "relationship" by yourself! Your "explanation"/ excuses for it SUCK!
Is there anyone here that values the teachings of the bible, but rejects it's supernatural elements?
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 30, 2018:
"The teachings of the Babble"... not so you mean sacrificing your only child? Pimping out your wife for grazing land? Sleeping with your daughters after your wife gets turned into a pillar of salt? How about offering your daughter to a raging mob? Worshipping a gawd who kills off ...
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 30, 2018:
@Donotbelieve ta for the reminder!
Some More Thoughts About The Reality Of Space PROOF THAT SPACE IS NOT A THING If space were a ...
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 28, 2018:
Hmmmm, Higg's boson, anyone?
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 30, 2018:
@johnprytz Higg's bosons, wall-to-wall, so to speak, fill "space" there is no actual space! It is Not "empty"
Fun fact: tomatoes are in the family of deadly nightshade. Bon appetit.
t1nick comments on Oct 28, 2018:
And if Im not mistaken is technically fruit and not a vegetable. Classification based on how the seeds are stored inside the fruit.
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 29, 2018:
@Beowulfsfriend i think he got elected in 2016...oh, wait, sorry cows!
The USA has the highest per capita level of gun ownership in the world.
Beowulfsfriend comments on Oct 28, 2018:
Check out Iceland. Albeit a small country, over a third of the population has guns and there hasn't been a gun homicide in 4 decades. They do not allow semi automatics and require everyone take training and pass a test. Note that neither of these requirements would hamper the 2nd amendment.
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 29, 2018:
@CeliaVL and the women got the vote (finally!) by withholding sex! You go, Icelanders!
Fun fact: tomatoes are in the family of deadly nightshade. Bon appetit.
t1nick comments on Oct 28, 2018:
And if Im not mistaken is technically fruit and not a vegetable. Classification based on how the seeds are stored inside the fruit.
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 29, 2018:
@Beowulfsfriend do you actually know anyone who eats the plant/vine??!!
Fun fact: tomatoes are in the family of deadly nightshade. Bon appetit.
t1nick comments on Oct 28, 2018:
And if Im not mistaken is technically fruit and not a vegetable. Classification based on how the seeds are stored inside the fruit.
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 29, 2018:
@Beowulfsfriend so, you do not eat fruit?
Respect or Love?
Tomfoolery33 comments on Oct 28, 2018:
Seems to me you can't love someone you don't respect, but you can respect someone you don't love.
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 29, 2018:
Well put!
Some More Thoughts About The Reality Of Space PROOF THAT SPACE IS NOT A THING If space were a ...
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 28, 2018:
Hmmmm, Higg's boson, anyone?
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 29, 2018:
@johnprytz "space" is wall-to-wall (So to speak) Full of the rhings...there is no 'space'
Does anyone on this site come here to talk about Atheism and religion or is it just complain about ...
Silver1wun comments on Oct 26, 2018:
But for the kinds of gods, religions and political ideologies are functionally identical and so are the kinds of fanaticism they foster and propagate. Non-belief is over-rated because the majority of those rejecting theological fanaticism only replace it with political fanaticism; especially when it...
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 27, 2018:
@Lucy_Fehr what a charming person you are, and just brim-full of ASSumptions, too. You should change your name to "Mommy" since you want to care for butts.
Nor'easter coming for us during the night.
RavenCT comments on Oct 27, 2018:
Ah crap. They're saying 1 to 2 inches overnight. Stay safe. (((AmiSue))).
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 27, 2018:
@AmiSue give yourself extra time!
In God's Image - Religion's spirit-body split has produced many dualistic divisions like Hell and ...
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 26, 2018:
WTH are you posting this time-sucking nonsense on here? It is all BS!
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 27, 2018:
@Matias and why, precisely, would I do that? You/ they post, I comment. When I post, I do not run off sobbing if somebody calls BS on it.... And are you the OP's mommy or something? I call 'em like I see '
Does anyone on this site come here to talk about Atheism and religion or is it just complain about ...
Silver1wun comments on Oct 26, 2018:
But for the kinds of gods, religions and political ideologies are functionally identical and so are the kinds of fanaticism they foster and propagate. Non-belief is over-rated because the majority of those rejecting theological fanaticism only replace it with political fanaticism; especially when it...
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 27, 2018:
@Lucy_Fehr awww, the Word Police show up, again. How cute of you to rush to his defense, i'm sure he appreciates your implication that he is unable to speak for himself, (with much bigger words than you use, proving my point Perfectly, so thanks)
Why the Press Sucks So Bad, Part One: A Look Back [ghionjournal.
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 25, 2018:
They have 24/7/365 to fill...when the news came on twice a day, a lot less filler & errors crept in...however, that ship has sailed. Ask yourself...without the free press, would you know about (for one example) migrant children & infants being ripped from their parents, some forever? How about ...
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 27, 2018:
@William_Mary nobody with half a brain trusts government, never has! The true story behind this "immigration horde" is an old familiar one to most that i know. And you are correct that the news can easily be slanted for an agenda....all you have to do to see that is watch Faux for 10 minutes! But I trust individual reporters Because there is glory & profit involved! To break a big story is every reporters dream & brings fame, peer envy, and perhaps a lucrative book deal. Therefore they are highly motivated to dig deep, and I believe I can trust them. Typically the first reports of anything are sensationalized, then the next look is deeper & more detailed, then the "whys & hows" get brought out, after a week of reporters looking into every aspect, a very clear pic emerges, maybe even opposite from what was first reported, but those bones are picked clean! Therefore, with a bit of a time lag, you Can trust reporting !
The Ongoing Enigma of the Crop Circles: Part Three And now for the non-explanations (continued)!...
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 22, 2018:
A board with a rope at one end, and a person (or 2 or 3) can watch them making crop circles, in a surprisingly short time, on YouTube. Occam's Razor! And yes, Sherlock have failed to eliminate the board/rope/ guy!
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 27, 2018:
@johnprytz uuuuummmm, then I prefer aliens.........
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 26, 2018:
Med check? Punctuation? Help!
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 26, 2018:
@Noemi thanks...i still prefer coherence.
Does anyone on this site come here to talk about Atheism and religion or is it just complain about ...
Silver1wun comments on Oct 26, 2018:
But for the kinds of gods, religions and political ideologies are functionally identical and so are the kinds of fanaticism they foster and propagate. Non-belief is over-rated because the majority of those rejecting theological fanaticism only replace it with political fanaticism; especially when it...
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 26, 2018:
@Silver1wun Neitzche said "nailing it"????????!!!! Okaaaaayyyyyyyy....
I think "white" is what happened. I could be wrong though... but...
IdenIzzat comments on Oct 26, 2018:
The fear of demographic change. The immigrants back then are different than the immigrants now.
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 26, 2018:
Science can only provide facts (and there no other way to get reliable facts about our world).
WilliamFleming comments on Oct 26, 2018:
Maybe some people look outside science, not because they are looking for life-meaning that doesn’t exist, but because they just want to enjoy the inherent meaning that DOES exist. They want to bask in the beauty, majesty and mystery of nature. Doing so requires no belief whatsoever, just ...
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 26, 2018:
Well said!
The Ongoing Enigma of the Crop Circles: Part Three And now for the non-explanations (continued)!...
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 22, 2018:
A board with a rope at one end, and a person (or 2 or 3) can watch them making crop circles, in a surprisingly short time, on YouTube. Occam's Razor! And yes, Sherlock have failed to eliminate the board/rope/ guy!
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 26, 2018:
@johnprytz i give up, it MUST be aliens! Now, i have a bridge for sale here, you can make Big Money on tolls......
It's inherited y'all..
TheAstroChuck comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Save maybe Newton, tRump is the best, smartest scientist there ever was, believe you me. ;)
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 26, 2018:
@TheAstroChuck do you have a showroom? And the hours they are open, so i can shop......
Does anyone on this site come here to talk about Atheism and religion or is it just complain about ...
VictoriaNotes comments on Oct 26, 2018:
Please take note of the number of posts listed in the Religion & Spirituality category vs the Politics category. Btw, you can remove politics from your feed. On the home page, to the left of the search button (which is on the right just below "view more"), click on the settings wheel and ...
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 26, 2018:
Don't complain about how you would like to be Site Censor, customize it for you. Then the rest of us can continue to do what we enjoy, or feel is nec3ssary.......
Does anyone on this site come here to talk about Atheism and religion or is it just complain about ...
Silver1wun comments on Oct 26, 2018:
But for the kinds of gods, religions and political ideologies are functionally identical and so are the kinds of fanaticism they foster and propagate. Non-belief is over-rated because the majority of those rejecting theological fanaticism only replace it with political fanaticism; especially when it...
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 26, 2018:
@hippydog I am trying to point out his entire first paragraph makes no sense at all, just a bunch o' words. Because I do understand English, do not use it to blow BS.
Atheist Award to Stephen Fry [forbes.
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 26, 2018:
Arm wrestle ya for it?!
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 26, 2018:
@David1955 who? Dainty l'il ol' me?
Does anyone on this site come here to talk about Atheism and religion or is it just complain about ...
Silver1wun comments on Oct 26, 2018:
But for the kinds of gods, religions and political ideologies are functionally identical and so are the kinds of fanaticism they foster and propagate. Non-belief is over-rated because the majority of those rejecting theological fanaticism only replace it with political fanaticism; especially when it...
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 26, 2018:
Use big words, much, do ya? Is it because if you spoke intelligibly your "ideas" would make no sense, or because your are compensating for shortness elsewhere?
It's inherited y'all..
TheAstroChuck comments on Oct 25, 2018:
Save maybe Newton, tRump is the best, smartest scientist there ever was, believe you me. ;)
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 26, 2018:
Aaaannnndddd, i hear you have a bridge for sale........
Trump Pastor Claims Women Sexually Assault Men By Dressing Provocatively | Michael Stone
AgnosticBear comments on Oct 25, 2018:
If men even talk about their dicks in public it’s a crime. But women can walk around more than half naked no problem. This is when the I agree with the term Libtard.
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 25, 2018:
So, tell me about your dick, you dick....
Trump Pastor Claims Women Sexually Assault Men By Dressing Provocatively | Michael Stone
evergreen comments on Oct 25, 2018:
This makes me want to puke ! In fact, I just might - on the Pastor.
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 25, 2018:
Excellent plan! Need a sidekick?
How can someone be 100% certain that a god doesn't exist?
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 24, 2018:
I am 100% certain about a lot of things! The sun rises in tbe east; death is certain; taxes are inevitable; water is wet, or frozen, or vapor; breaking a bone is not good for you; i like some foods, dislike others; cheat me, I do not forget; and ETC........ Everybody is certain of more than ...
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 25, 2018:
@IdenIzzat no other species?
How can someone be 100% certain that a god doesn't exist?
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 24, 2018:
I am 100% certain about a lot of things! The sun rises in tbe east; death is certain; taxes are inevitable; water is wet, or frozen, or vapor; breaking a bone is not good for you; i like some foods, dislike others; cheat me, I do not forget; and ETC........ Everybody is certain of more than ...
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 25, 2018:
@IdenIzzat " beat death" ...for every species, or just our own? Or not! Death in the bigger scheme of life is a Good & necessary thing! No soil without decay!
How can someone be 100% certain that a god doesn't exist?
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 24, 2018:
I am 100% certain about a lot of things! The sun rises in tbe east; death is certain; taxes are inevitable; water is wet, or frozen, or vapor; breaking a bone is not good for you; i like some foods, dislike others; cheat me, I do not forget; and ETC........ Everybody is certain of more than ...
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 25, 2018:
@IdenIzzat umm, no. Just deny death happens? The sun might come up somewhere else someday? Breaking a bone is a good thing? Sounds pretty silly to me......
The Ongoing Enigma of the Crop Circles: Part Three And now for the non-explanations (continued)!...
Lop-Eared-Mule comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Fantastic claims must be supported by fantastic evidence, of which there is none to support much of anything except pranksters.
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 25, 2018:
@johnprytz I can watch them being made on YouTube! Occam's Razor!
Texas 'Prophet' Joshua Holmes Is 'Jesus in the Flesh,' Followers Say
The-Krzyz comments on Oct 23, 2018:
ANOTHER Jesus?!? He just keeps showing up. Maybe, in addition to crucifying him, they should have driven a stake through his heart.
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 24, 2018:
Love this post!
Does anyone ever get to watching back cracking videos and wish that was you on the table?
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Umm, I went 8 times over 2+weeks, the neck-cracking damaged an artery in my neck and & caused a massive stroke, I was 38. No neurologist will recommend "cracking/snapping" a neck...lower back, fine. Neck no! I am the second person in this area (different chiropractors!) who had this happen, the...
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 24, 2018:
@Maiasaura We are both incredibly lucky people! I wish people would think, and think Again, before allowing someone to twist/stretch/snap the neck, which is packed tightly with nerves and the blood supply to the brain.
The Ongoing Enigma of the Crop Circles: Part Three And now for the non-explanations (continued)!...
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 22, 2018:
A board with a rope at one end, and a person (or 2 or 3) can watch them making crop circles, in a surprisingly short time, on YouTube. Occam's Razor! And yes, Sherlock have failed to eliminate the board/rope/ guy!
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 24, 2018:
@johnprytz since there are no posted plans, nor building inspectors, like I said, just expand the "design" If it gets messed up If you are in a field of corn, which is over your head, no flashlight would show...these things are always in large fields, far from roads & houses. Even fully- grown wheat, oats, barley are up to around the hips, just keep the lights low. Like naturally at the end of your dangling arm...or a lantern on a rope, held low. The board makes lovely neat edges anyway. British people are known for quirky humor, pubs are natural planning grounds.and since everybody knows everybody in a village pub, I suspect the low rate of apprehension might also be due to that. Farmers tend to stick together. In places where starvation is imminent, crop circles would be far less likely, no? These "arguements" are supposed to make me chose Aliens as the cause, not people??
Donald Trump Is Putting Every Journalist in Every Country at Risk | The Nation
AnneWimsey comments on Oct 21, 2018:
Cheeto would be happy to incarcerate most reporters...Dachau, anyone?
AnneWimsey replies on Oct 23, 2018:
@Kimberclimbs yes indeedy, and we have had No enemies/underminers/spies since then........


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