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For those that qualify.... What's your favourite thing about being single?
BD66 comments on Dec 1, 2017:
No longer getting calls from my credit card provider asking whether my card has been stolen every time my wife goes shopping in Chicago.
If you could be a bird for a day, what kind of bird would you be? Why?
BD66 comments on Nov 28, 2017:
A peregrine falcon. I'd love to dive at 240mph.
How best can Socialism come about in my life time?
BD66 comments on Nov 28, 2017:
It already has. You have everything from Canadian socialist medicine to a full-on Communist dictatorship in North Korea. You can take your pick how much socialism (and misery) you want to live under.
Should the US stop its Imperialistic meddling in the Middle East?
BD66 comments on Nov 28, 2017:
Sounds more like Missionary meddling that Imperialistic meddling. If it were good old-fashioned Ipearialistic meddling, we would put the natives on reservations and take all of their oil.
Dating through this site
BD66 comments on Nov 26, 2017:
I'm having a hard time finding any atheist or agnostic women that live anywhere near me. Evidently all the women nearby go to one of the many megachurches in this area. I am enjoying the discussions though.
How many regular church goers do you reckon are closet agnostics?
BD66 comments on Nov 25, 2017:
For a majority of churchgoers, trying to get a definite answer out of them is a little bit like trying to hit Muhammad Ali when he was at his peak in the mid 60's. They will duck and dodge every attempt to get a straight answer out of them. If you ask them "Do you think the Universe was created in 6 days?", they will say "I'm really more focused on the New Testament" If you ask them "Do you think a being that created 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars made a teenage Jewish girl pregnant", they will say "I'm really more focused on Jesus's message" You can then point out that "Jesus's message is just a hodgepodge of other similar messages that were around before him", and they will fall back to "My faith is important to me" At that point they will usually try to cut off the conversation, because they don't like where it is going.
I try to teach my daughter critical thinking.
BD66 comments on Nov 25, 2017:
I had my 10 year old son read a kids version of the bible, and asked him to identify the parts he believed and the parts he did not believe. He immediately picked up on the "Universe was created in 6 days" nonsense, and "The Star of Bethlehem" nonsense. As he gets older, and learns more about science, he will likely identify more and more ridiculous things in the Bible.
Ex Mormons?
BD66 comments on Nov 25, 2017:
My PhD Advisor's PHD Advisor was a man named Glen Wade. He was a great guy. His father was a Utah Supreme Court Justice. He became a tenured professor at Stanford, Cornell, and UCSB. He was very active in the LDS church, and he never ever believed any of the Old Testament, New Testament, or Mormon nonsense was true. When he retired he sent a bunch of letters to the leadership of the Mormon church. They replied to the first few, then they realized he was a lost cause, and they stopped replying to him. He spent the last 15 or so years of his life hosting get togethers for non believers in his home.
Anyone ever wonder why they have to exist.
BD66 comments on Nov 24, 2017:
Pure random chance. We were just one of 100,000,000 sperm who happened to fertilize the egg at just the right time, so we have already beat the odds of 99,999,999 to 1 in order to be alive. We might as well appreciate it and make the best of the life we have.
What do you guys think can be done about the global environmental issues of climate change and ...
BD66 comments on Nov 22, 2017:
What is your estimate of global CO2 levels and change in global mean surface temperature when all the fossil fuels have been burned? I believe global CO2 levels will be between 600 and 700ppm I believe the global mean surface temperature will be 2 to 3 C hotter than it is today. At that time, the CO2 levels and the temperatures will be the least of our problems. Our #1 problem will be "We don't have any more fossil fuels"
What's your take on this evil bloody money grubbing c Joel Olsteen?
BD66 comments on Nov 20, 2017:
I'm with you 100%. I do wish I know how that scumbag can stay looking so young. Probably plastic surgery.
Does anybody as an atheist ever feel that we have to fight for our sanity?
BD66 comments on Nov 20, 2017:
Get out of Oklahoma and move to California. The Christian/Non-Christian ratio is much better there (and the weather is better too).
BD66 comments on Nov 19, 2017:
I base my decision on science. Prior to 5 months, the baby could not survive on its own, so it's up to the mother whether or not to have the abortion. After 5 months, the baby could survive on its own, so at that point it becomes murder. Mothers who decide after 5 months have the option to deliver the child and give it up for adoption.
What about Thanksgiving?
BD66 comments on Nov 18, 2017:
Any time you can get together with your family and have a good meal, it's a good thing. I'm more than willing to sit through a minute of nonsense (saying grace).
The western liberals feel ashamed of their ancestors who enslaved the Africans and killed the native...
BD66 comments on Nov 18, 2017:
My great, great, grandfather walked off his farm at age 50 with his 2 sons to fight with Sherman's army because he thought slavery was so wrong. One of his sons died in battle, another died later of wounds he suffered in battle, so I have nothing to be ashamed of with respect to my ancestors. I'm certainly not ashamed, nor do I feel any guilt for what the ancestors of other white people did during that time just because they were white and I am white. That's every bit as crazy as being ashamed of what the Nazi's did in Germany because they were white and I am white.
Street preaching
BD66 comments on Nov 18, 2017:
That's all part of free speech, and free speech is a very good thing.
Why do we have the arrogance to call ourselves intelligent, when most of our species is at one time ...
BD66 comments on Nov 18, 2017:
We are the only species we know of that builds intelligent robots, then builds a transportation system to get them safely to other planets to explore and send back information of what they have discovered on other planets. I'd say that's enough to call ourselves "intelligent".
How do you answer theists who say "science can't explain the complexity and order of life.”
BD66 comments on Nov 16, 2017:
Science does a better job explaining the complexity and order of life every year. Be patient.
How much longer do you think the human race as a whole will exist?
BD66 comments on Nov 16, 2017:
Most likely millions of years. We were down to a couple thousand 80,000 years ago. If we have a nuclear apocalypse that kills 99.9999% of all humans, that will still leave about 7200, and we'll come storming back to dominate the planet within 100 years.
What's an example of UnIntelligent Design?
BD66 comments on Nov 16, 2017:
An Octopus's alimentary canal goes right through the middle of its brain.
Anyone else watch atheist channels on YouTube? I like Tj Kirk (aka The Amazing Atheist)
BD66 comments on Nov 16, 2017:
"The Atheist Experience" is pretty entertaining.
Fk Phelps
BD66 comments on Nov 10, 2017:
When I read the headline, I thought you had something against Michael Phelps.
Since we are in favor of equality should we not have an equal number of women in our government as ...
BD66 comments on Nov 9, 2017:
Men are bigger, stronger, and and faster than women. That's why you see so few women in the NFL. The fact that you see more men than women in politics probably reflects positively on women and negatively on men.
Have you had a 'near death' (or 'like death') experience?
BD66 comments on Nov 7, 2017:
Twice: I almost drowned when I was 4 years old. I was almost blown off the top of a 12 story building when I was 33 years old.
OK you religious believers.
BD66 comments on Nov 7, 2017:
"The Lord works in mysterious ways." That's their catch-all answer for everything.
Happy to have discovered this group.
BD66 comments on Nov 6, 2017:
Same here in Central IL.
It would be good if atheists were instantly recognisable, both by fellow-atheists and by.
BD66 comments on Nov 5, 2017:
How about big capital "A" tattoos on our foreheads?
When will the anti-theist community have our "Stonewall?"
BD66 comments on Nov 5, 2017:
Nobody is carting us off to jail for being nonbelievers.
Why do you think the USA is more religious than other developed nations?
BD66 comments on Nov 5, 2017:
I saw a great documentary by Niall Ferguson. His thesis is that it's all about the competition. Most countries have state religions, so you have a choice to either practice the state religion or practice nothing. The United States allowed religious freedom from day 1, so churches were allowed to innovate and morph their bullshit stories to gather in the most people to their church.
How Many Writers In This Group?
BD66 comments on Nov 5, 2017:
I write a quarterly newsletter for my clients.
Fun Fact: The prayer position actually originated as a submissive slave stance, offering one's hands...
BD66 comments on Nov 4, 2017:
I never knew that. It makes sense.
What do you like to do to relieve stress?
BD66 comments on Nov 3, 2017:
Walk, Swim, Lift Weights, Get a massage.
Can we just eliminate the phrase " our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their ...
BD66 comments on Nov 3, 2017:
I agree with you, but what's a better replacement phrase?
Why is it when there is a disaster such as a plane crash or earthquake and there are a few survivors...
BD66 comments on Nov 2, 2017:
What I don't get is every time someone wins a football game, tennis match, golf match, boxing match, they say "First I want to thank God". I'm still waiting for the loser to say "It was all God's fault! I would have won but God intervened for the other guy!"
With the USA's soaring debt, is it possible for the country to go bankrupt?
BD66 comments on Nov 2, 2017:
Of course. It happens all the time. Here is a list of several hundred sovereign debt crises:
Is there such a thing as a stereotypical atheist?
BD66 comments on Nov 2, 2017:
I think this web site proves atheists and agnostics are a pretty diverse group.
What religion scares you the most, and why?
BD66 comments on Nov 2, 2017:
Islam has more violent extremists than any other religion.
What Other Things Can You Think of to Prove Humans are Insane?
BD66 comments on Nov 2, 2017:
The Judeo/Christian/Islamic Old Testament examples are hard to beat. With the Universe being created in 7 days, Adam and Eve, Noah's Ark, etc. The New Testament which starts with a being that created 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars impregnating a teenage Jewish girl, then putting The Star of Bethlehem above Jesus's house to guide people to it. However there are many other things that just don't make any sense. For me, one of my favorite examples is fundraising. Let's look at how that evolved: When I was a kid, our little league team would have bake sales. We would actually create something of value (cookies, brownies, dinner rolls, etc.) then sit outside and sell the thing of value to people and give the proceeds to our little league. There are plenty of similar things that go on today like massage therapists giving free massages at fundraising events and asking people to donate funds to charity. That all makes sense. You take one step further, and you get things like the St. Jude Cancer run, and walks to raise funds for cancer and other diseases. The person making the donation is not getting anything of value, but the person asking for the donation is putting out considerable effort in an activity that is good for them. What makes no sense at all are things like the Polar Plunge for Special Olympics, where people strip down to a speedo in January and jump into ice cold water in order to get people to donate to charity. What started as "I'm going to make something of value, sell it to you, and donate the proceeds to charity" has evolved to "I'm going to do something insane and bad for me, so therefore you should donate money to charity" But (in my opinion) the pinnacle of ridiculousness was the "Ice Bucket Challenge" Someone is challenged to do something ridiculous (dump a bucket of ice water on their head) and film it. And if they do that, they DON'T have to donate anything to an ALS charity. However if they refuse to do the ridiculous thing, they feel compelled to donate funds to the ALS charity. If they are really concerned about ALS, why don't they just write a check to the ALS charity? Anyway, that's my take on it, any better examples out there?
Why do you say that you're only 99.9% sure that god doesn't exist?
BD66 comments on Oct 30, 2017:
I said something like 99.9999999%. But here's another take on it. I'm 100% certain the Judeo Christian god described in the Bible does not exist, but there is a non-zero probability that some beings who are much more advanced than we are are exerting control on our lives. We are the most advanced beings on Planet earth, but we're only about 50,000,000 years more advanced than mice. It would be easy to design a scenario where one of could control a mouse for his entire life, and keep him completely in the dark about whether we exist or not. The Universe is 14,000,000,000+ years old, so there is a nonzero probability that other beings out there are 50,000,000 years farther along than we are in intellectual evolution. Those beings could be controlling us without our knowledge.
Got Podcast?
BD66 comments on Oct 30, 2017:
I stopped watching network news when the Election came down to The Donald vs. Hillary. I'll have to say I've been much happier since I stopped.
does sanders have a chance in 2020?
BD66 comments on Oct 29, 2017:
No. He will be way too old, and he's way too far left to get elected President.
After 'Choosing Donald Trump,' Is The Evangelical Church In Crisis? : NPR
BD66 comments on Oct 29, 2017:
If you can believe that a talking snake tricked a rib-woman into eating a magic apple, you can believe that Donald Trump is doing a good job representing Christians.
Hey everyone thx for answering my first question.
BD66 comments on Oct 29, 2017:
It's ironic that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all subject to the same Old Testament nonsense. They spend their time hating each other when they should all be seeking psychiatric help together.
Why are minorities in the U.S. so religious?
BD66 comments on Oct 29, 2017:
I've noticed quite a few African Americans in this group. That was a welcome surprise.
I was raised a fundamentalist from a young age.
BD66 comments on Oct 29, 2017:
Must feel good to be so powerful.
Should Jesusween replace Halloween?
BD66 comments on Oct 29, 2017:
Makes sense. It's a religion based on a zombie.
Why do so many Atheist believe in Ghosts?
BD66 comments on Oct 23, 2017:
I worked with a guy who told me what I thought was a crazy story. His uncle died in a car crash, and at that exact same moment his grandmother woke up and started screaming "My baby is dead." I went home and told my family about the crazy story I had just heard, and there was a long silence while my father, my brother, and my mother all looked at each other, then they told me my father and my brother had had similar experiences. On the night two of my father's fishing buddies died, they "visited" him in the middle of the night. On a night an old family friend had died, my brother had a conversation with him in his dreams (and my brother had probably not seen the guy for 3 years). My father and brother are two of the most sane people I have ever met, so I give their stories a great deal of credibility.
What are your thoughts on holey jeans, jeans with holes in them as fashionable.
BD66 comments on Oct 23, 2017:
It looks like a lot of people just lost a fight with a bobcat.
What do you think about tattoos and body piercings?
BD66 comments on Oct 20, 2017:
I wouldn't get one, and I don't find them attractive on women.
In your opinion, why did Christianity not 'stick' with you?
BD66 comments on Oct 19, 2017:
What's interesting is to look at the scientific knowledge we have today vs. what they had in the year 1 A.D. If you thought the Earth was the center of the Universe, and the stars were just points of light rotating around in the sky, the idea that God created Earth and focused all that attention on it could potentially make sense. Now that we know we are just one tiny planet rotating around one of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in a Universe that was created ~14,000,000,000 years ago, you would literally have to be insane to believe the Old Testament stories.
Would you call yourself a sci-fi/fantasy fan?
BD66 comments on Oct 19, 2017:
Game of Thrones is the big exception to the rule.
"In America we worship God, not Government."-Trump. Scary?
BD66 comments on Oct 18, 2017:
At least Trump is half correct.
How do you deal with Door-knockers?
BD66 comments on Oct 17, 2017:
Take their pamphlet. Tell them you are very busy and need to get back to work, then politely shut to door on them.
Anyone got any tips on how to meet other non-believers in the Bible Belt?
BD66 comments on Oct 17, 2017:
Do things in public on Sunday mornings. The people you meet are not at church for a reason. Sunday morning is a fantastic time to visit the health club. It's almost empty here in this bible-thumping town.
I'm a musician and this lady asks me in a Bar, have you taken Jesus Christ as your personal lord and...
BD66 comments on Oct 17, 2017:
That nice thing about Christian women like that is they advertise they are crazy from the get go. You have to worry about the ones that hide it until they are married.
I was 11 or 12 and was re-reading the Genesis story of creation when I suddenly had a flash insight ...
BD66 comments on Oct 17, 2017:
Same as me. 12 years old. I think at that point you have had enough science education that you can recognize that the majority of what's in Genesis is crazy.
Recently I heard a minister expound about creation.
BD66 comments on Oct 17, 2017:
This is one of the craziest verses I ever read in the Bible: 19 And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. 20 And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. God creates a universe with 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars, creates a man and then brings 3,000,000 species to the man to see what the man he created would name them. I thought this was 100% bullshit when I was a 12 year old boy.
Is there room on this site for Apatheist?
BD66 comments on Oct 17, 2017:
I used to call myself an Apatheist in college. Welcome to the group!
Any conspiracy theorists here?
BD66 comments on Oct 17, 2017:
What about the Clinton Body count?
Assuming you're an apostate, how often does someone attempt to "reconvert" you?
BD66 comments on Oct 16, 2017:
My mother attempts to get me to go to church about every other week.
The best approach I've seen yet regarding sex education for kids was simply saying, "if you're not ...
BD66 comments on Oct 15, 2017:
This conveys the whole message in 41 seconds.
How do you respond?
BD66 comments on Oct 15, 2017:
Smile and say "Thank you"
How many agnostics, atheists are out there who actually want to date another agnostic/atheist?
BD66 comments on Oct 14, 2017:
I think right now it is a community, but if the number of people grows above a certain number, it can function as a dating site. Right now I can't find a single woman close my age within 100 miles, but I'm enjoying the discussions.
Who is your favorite atheist comic?
BD66 comments on Oct 14, 2017:
George Carlin.
How many and which languages do you speak?
BD66 comments on Oct 12, 2017:
English, Spanish, and a very very tiny bit of Mandarin.
New Bus Campaign?
BD66 comments on Oct 12, 2017:
How about this simple test that will easily fit on the side of a bus: "Did a talking snake trick a rib-woman into eating a magic apple?" Yes: National Alliance on Mental Illness 1-800-950-NAMI (6264) No:
Hello everyone, I'm new here.
BD66 comments on Oct 12, 2017:
That doesn't even make sense. If there isn't a God or Heaven this life is all you have, so why would you want to end it? If there is a God and Heaven and Heaven is so much better than Earth, it makes perfect sense to kill yourself and start enjoying life in Heaven. Give them that argument and let us know what reaction you get.
I have a neighbour who just moved in next door, and he asked me what denomination I was.
BD66 comments on Oct 11, 2017:
Paul, It sounds like you are far too nice to let someone like that impose on you. How about next time he comes over, tell him you would like for him to watch some youtube videos by George Carlin, Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, and Neal de Grasse Tyson, then you want to discuss the content of that material. You can have the videos all queued up on your computer. If he refuses to watch them, politely ask him to leave your home and never discuss religion again.
I'm not a psychologist but I sure wish I knew what's inside the mind of the average trump supporter!...
BD66 comments on Oct 11, 2017:
How many Indiana Trump supporters are like this guy? Hopefully not too many or it might be time for a move.
Why are citizens of the US so against socialism when countries like the Netherlands are so ...
BD66 comments on Oct 9, 2017:
The mean GDP per capita is higher in the USA than it is in the Netherlands, and the median GDP per capita is also higher in the USA than it is in the Netherlands, and those numbers are understated. I've been to the Netherlands, and I was instructed to bring back T-shirts for everyone in the family. The cheapest t-shirts I could find were 28 US Dollars.
I thought this was suppose to be a community of like-minded people.
BD66 comments on Oct 9, 2017:
Human nature described perfectly by the Monty Python group:
My dads entire life he was an Atheist.
BD66 comments on Oct 9, 2017:
It didn't do any harm.
What's your best atheist joke?
BD66 comments on Oct 9, 2017:
Here's a good one: Q: What does a dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac do? A: Stays awake all night wondering if there really is a Dog.
I've been puzzling for years over how to create more, and better communities for atheists.
BD66 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
That's a problem for us non believers. Steve Martin summed it up with this song:
How do you feel about the $700 billion dollar military budget?
BD66 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
We should follow the Swiss model for self defense. Every able bodied male must own a sniper rifle, and spend a couple weekends per year honing his marksmanship skills. With 120 million trained snipers, we could cut our "defense" spending from $700B to $70B
Is hate/offensive speech free speech?
BD66 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
Anything short of shouting "fire" in a crowded theater or making bomb threats is free speech.
What book or author has been helpful in your transition from religion to non-religion?
BD66 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
The Bible.
Lines and scenes from drama and suspense movies that you find funny?
BD66 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
"Liberty Valence is the toughest meanest man in the whole territory, next to me"
Who is your favorite author?
BD66 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
Kurt Vonnegut and James Michner.
as an atheist i tend to know the bible better than the believers trying to indoctrinate me.
BD66 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
Reading the Bible is the best cure for religion. Watch "Letting Go of God" on youtube.
When and how to talk about religion on a date?
BD66 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
Ask your date "Do you believe a talking snake tricked a rib-woman into eating a magic apple?"
How far would you be willing to go for love?
BD66 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
My 7 year old son has said on occasion that he doesn't care if he dies because he will go to heaven,...
BD66 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
When he gets a little older (11 or 12) show him this:
How to let your children find their own way?
BD66 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
Have her read the book of Genesis. If she can think rationally, she will conclude it's all a bunch of Jewish fairy tales.
I often am frustrated by the lack of events in my town WITHOUT some kind of religious affiliation.
BD66 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
When at a family dinner, and somebody wants to say grace, what do you do?
BD66 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
Do not close your eyes. Do not bow your head. Wait patiently until the nonsense is over.
Why are there more male than female atheists?
BD66 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
I think with respect to Christianity, many women find the idea of a male figure that loves them and will look out for them to be comforting. I think that idea gives many men the creeps.
Has anyone else helped a person leave religion or god belief?
BD66 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
The best thing to do to convert them is to ask them to read to book of Genesis and ask them if they believe: 1. Humans came into being a few days after the universe was created. 2. A talking snake tricked a rib-woman into eating a magic apple. 3. Humans once lived for 1000 years, but god changed the number of telomere pairs in every cell of their bodies to reduce their life spans to 100 years. 4. There was a global flood that left absolutely no evidence behind.
Lack of STEM and the downfall of American dominance...
BD66 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
As long as we maintain our freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, and the government doesn't spend us into a sovereign debt default, the USA will still be an attractive place for immigrants trained in STEM.
Are we alone in the universe?
BD66 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
Most likely not. There are almost 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars out there. If one in a trillion of them supported life, that means there would be life on a trillion other planets. The spacing of planets around the sun is almost in proportion to a fibonacci sequence. It's likely that that is the case in other solar systems too. That means a significant fraction of solar systems will have a planet at the "sweet spot" between freezing and boiling which would support life as we know it. Plus the fossil data shows that life sprung up pretty quickly on earth. We should expect the same on many other solar systems.
Yo, who else loves mexican food?
BD66 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
I do. I lived in Santa Barbara, CA for 6 years. That's when I was first exposed to high-quality authentic Mexican food.
Have you boycotted certain businesses based on your (non) religious principles?
BD66 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
Chick Fil A makes an incredible spicy chicken deluxe sandwich. I usually get a craving for one on Sunday, then I'm disappointed that they are not open.
What's the last good book you've read? Why?
BD66 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
The Kid: The Immortal Life of Ted Williams. Ted Williams was a childhood hero of my father. My father passed away, and reading the book reminded me of a lot of the stories my father had told me about him. Also, Ted's mother was a hardcore bible thumper, and Ted was an atheist. That's right, the best hitter who ever lived didn't believe in God.
What is the best way to get rid of someone preaching to you?
BD66 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
Did you hear the following joke? One day two people rang my doorbell and when I answered they gave me a blank pamphlet. I said "This doesn't have anything on it" One of them responded "I know, we're atheists"
What nerdy activities do you enjoy? (gaming, cosplay, sci-fi)
BD66 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
Playing video games with my 11 year old son.
Are atheist as racist as religious people?
BD66 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
Most of my closest friends are either atheist or agnostic, and well over half of them are involved in interracial marriage where one spouse is Asian and one spouse is of European descent.
Should I baptize my kids to appease my mom?
BD66 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
No! Do everything you can to support them in rational evidence-based thinking.
What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
BD66 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
Chocolate Raspberry Truffle.
Anyone else slightly obsessed with documentaries?
BD66 comments on Oct 8, 2017:
Well made documentaries are so much better than most of the garbage on TV today. I'm a big fan of Ken Burns documentaries, and there are a lot of good documentaries on public TV. I'm also a big fan of documentary movies. Two of my all-time favorites are Hoop Dreams, about two high-school basketball stars in Chicago, and Racing the Rez. about two different high schools on Indian reservations in Arizona, that dominate cross-country running in the state of Arizona.


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Agnostic, Humanist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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45 members
38 members
37 members
Elon Musk
30 members
George Carlin sayings, memes, etc.
27 members
Nihilism; the good the bad and the ugly
23 members
The Sound Of A Good Book
23 members
Conspiracies & High Strangeness
19 members
Ungodly Truth
17 members
Sports talk
15 members
Oppression Throughout The World
14 members
Truth Seekers
11 members
Anti communism and antisocialism
7 members
Facts and Physics of 9/11/2001
7 members
Sustainable living
5 members
Community Senate
382 members