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FearlessFly comments on Jan 21, 2020:
It was written by Michael and David Austin, and produced by Michael. Michael wrote "You Have Been Loved" about his lover, Anselmo Feleppa, who died of an AIDS-related illness in 1993
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 21, 2020:
He said in an interview that he smoked an ounce of weed a day after his lover's death due to grief. He also, slyly added, that he could afford great weed. He was really hurting to deaden his emotions so.
Hillary is trying to undermine Bernie's campaign again.
ToolGuy comments on Jan 21, 2020:
She follows the Neoliberal tradition of her husband. Would have been better than Trump but not much. Fewer lies per day.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 21, 2020:
@JeffMesser and @ToolGuy I said from day one of HRC being picked that she sucked - pragmatically she is eons above tRump. Her latest on Bernie is deplorable and my point is she would have been so much better than him- at least a car in park isn't rolling backward down a hill and crushing people along the way. Call her a cunt, especially now, but don't make it sound like she would have been near as bad as the orange menace. Whoever gets the Democratic nomination needs to be supported or expect to "lose all hope who enter here" - New writing on the Statue of Liberty.
Hillary is trying to undermine Bernie's campaign again.
ToolGuy comments on Jan 21, 2020:
She follows the Neoliberal tradition of her husband. Would have been better than Trump but not much. Fewer lies per day.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 21, 2020:
Not much? WTF? She wouldn't have been good, but far from a crooked, thieving destroyer of the Constitution.
Pretty please?
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2020:
The repub God, GWB says "sorry"
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 20, 2020:
GHW made student loans NOT a part of bankruptcy. You can lose your house, but forever be in debt. Unless you have a business - like a tRump, then 6 bankruptcies and no financial loss to yourself (most likely even financial gains).
Man made traps: (some more dangerous than others)
birdingnut comments on Jan 20, 2020:
Rom-com movies typically depict women secretly trying to influence their boyfriends to propose to them, but in my experience, it was always my boyfriends who became obsessed with me marrying them. I'd reject, or deflect marriage proposals, but knew that once men became fixated on marriage, the days ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 20, 2020:
I read a study from quite a while ago, decades, that the average man falls in "love" on the 7th date while women fall in "love" on the 20th date. Averages.
Why prayers don't stand a chance...
ToolGuy comments on Jan 17, 2020:
There is truth in some humour! Love it.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 17, 2020:
Just as there is humour in much truth.
These are long overdue after a lifetime of blond women jokes! []
Cast1es comments on Jan 17, 2020:
It is still trying to associate the color of your hair , with your intelligence . Just jealous of , blonds have more fun ?
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 17, 2020:
I had a very good therapist who told us, after a couple of months, that she was blonde, and died her hair to get more respect. Pretty sad commentary on the idea of hair color meaning something.
One more run at it.... "like drop"
AnonySchmoose comments on Jan 16, 2020:
Would like Hotfix patch to fix my need to describe what I'm thinking about to the internet in order to find the word or the phrase I forgot but still need to use.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 16, 2020:
We could all use that update
New product by demand
TheDoubter comments on Jan 15, 2020:
who demanded it?
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 15, 2020:
Folks who eat at Taco Bell.
Presidential Score Card
AnonySchmoose comments on Jan 15, 2020:
Maybe Interpol could locate others of the pres's partners in crime, and there could be another row on that scorecard.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 15, 2020:
Too well connected. I'm not an illuminate freak, at al, but the richest folks have been, for so so long, protected. Until the dirt starts to cling, he will continue his reign of terror.
Agnostic wicca
maturin1919 comments on Jan 14, 2020:
Just another flavor of horse manure. Except for energy. We know about energy. That's a real thing.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 14, 2020:
We know naught about "if" there is consciousness energy. We only know energy cannot be created or destroyed - thus, people ask what happens to all our stored energy at death. The simple and most scientific answer is that it is eaten by creepy crawies and microbes.
Here, from Readers Digest of all places, are 25 "hard" riddles upon which to test yourself.
ZantiMisfit comments on Jan 13, 2020:
I flunked them all.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 13, 2020:
I Missed most.
It's a Trekkie thing.
Cast1es comments on Jan 13, 2020:
The red tee shirts , are always the ones to die .
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 13, 2020:
Actually, some people with way top much time, did a statistically analysis of the differing colored shirts death by percentage and it turns out more gold shirts die by percent. The red shirts are simply like pawns, more to lose.
Why There Are So Many Incompetent Male Leaders
linxminx comments on Jan 12, 2020:
Of the 30 years in education I've had, I can only name one educational leader I worked under that I feel was competent, and she was a woman. Education is a revolving door for administration. Most look at positions just as stepping stones to the next level. They look to pad their CV's, and move ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 12, 2020:
I'm ready for our AI overlords.
Jesus convenience store.
SiouxcitySue comments on Jan 12, 2020:
Don't find that on every corner where I live. You Do find a mormon church. Same thing?
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 12, 2020:
@JackPedigo hypocrites rule their religions
Less fear of hell?
Geoffrey51 comments on Jan 12, 2020:
Go on a trip with Dante and Vergil. That will bring the paranoia back. But there is a happy ending which makes the journey worthwhile. You have to put yourself into the mind of an Italian medieval mercantile or politician for it to work though.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 12, 2020:
Hell makes for great reading and entertainment. That is all. Ah, writing about Dante in grad school.
Less fear of hell?
xenoview comments on Jan 12, 2020:
I gave up the fear of Hell at the age of 15, when I became a pagan. As an atheist, I have no fear of Hell. Hell is a religious thing created to control christians.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 12, 2020:
Created to control many religious types
You've Been Conditioned for War | Psychology Today
Charlene comments on Jan 12, 2020:
It was drilled into my my young head by my Dad (a WWII vet) and by photos from the Viet Nam. War is a reprehensible and always a last action,it's the untimate failure of diplomacy.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 12, 2020:
@Charlene by the time I enlisted the war was over. I had been against the Vietnam war and my Mother said I could go to school in Canada if it continued. I was looking forward to that prospect, then the war ended and I was told I would go to the local stare school - a good school, but I wasn't set to stay around.
Why do most humans love a religion?
Seeker3CO comments on Jan 12, 2020:
Because they were taught since infanthood to do so. That is the entirety of it.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 12, 2020:
Now that is the case. But the first few thinkers trying to see how things worked - why assume a superior being? They weren't any stupideder than folks today, then again, they are just like people today, easy to control.
How can you tell?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Jan 8, 2020:
If you drown a house fly, then place it on a pile of salt, it will revive - it's a miracle, scientifically explained.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 12, 2020:
@dave1459 until unresponsive. Very hard to do - I tried it, cruel me. The salt trick really works. And, it is a trick of science - internet explains it all.
Jesus convenience store.
SiouxcitySue comments on Jan 12, 2020:
Don't find that on every corner where I live. You Do find a mormon church. Same thing?
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 12, 2020:
Mormons are a no beer zone.
You've Been Conditioned for War | Psychology Today
Charlene comments on Jan 12, 2020:
It was drilled into my my young head by my Dad (a WWII vet) and by photos from the Viet Nam. War is a reprehensible and always a last action,it's the untimate failure of diplomacy.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 12, 2020:
My Dad, too, was a WWII vet - a medic (most likely with PTSD). He hated Vietnam, going as far as to say that we were aiding the wrong side. He wasn't happy when I went in the Navy (long story- etc etc).
This doesn't have anything to do with being agnostic.
MarkiusMahamius comments on Jan 11, 2020:
Assuming youre not already on medicare, you shpuld look at states that have expanded Medicaid and generally a better reputation for taking care of their rsidents. If something hapoened and you need a safety net, FL is a bad place to be.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 11, 2020:
I second all you say. Florida is not friendly to anyone with out great insurance.
Attacks by Urban Coyotes Have Been Increasing As more and more humans settle into their usual ...
AnonySchmoose comments on Jan 11, 2020:
It would be no surprise if some people would adopt coyotes and gradually domesticate them just like humans did long ago with dogs.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 11, 2020:
That process takes a while, and like wolves, they would still be a wild, albeit tamed animal, and not fully domesticated for generations (look up the Russian scientist who made a domesticated fox-dog, starting around 1957 and moving into and beyond multiple generations).
The New York Times’ 1619 Project promoted in schools across the US - World Socialist Web Site
ToolGuy comments on Jan 10, 2020:
It is packed with misinformation about the causes of The American Revolution. True revisionist history.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 10, 2020:
So much history is a rewrite.
We come into this world naked and alone.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 10, 2020:
None of us want that path. A person working in a funeral parlor once told me they wanted death with dignity. I replied that death has no dignity. We are born toothless and bald headed. If we live long enough we might exit this same way.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 10, 2020:
There is just death and dignity is only an illusion and a made up idea of "what is proper." Dignity has meant falling on your sword, yet, not so much any more.
We come into this world naked and alone.
LatentumCattus comments on Jan 10, 2020:
Knowing my luck, I'll die in some sort of weird and absurd way. Like a giant molasses flood (such has happened once... [the flood, i mean, not my dying], a hundred years ago). Then I'm donating my carcass to science.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 10, 2020:
"Weird and absurd way." Damn, you must be lucky. That is how I want to go.
Illusion or Delusion...
Bobbyzen comments on Jan 10, 2020:
Looks about right to me, at least when thinking in stereotypes 🤓😉
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 10, 2020:
That view is more common in women as society has impressed upon them "standards" built on malarkey. Some men, however, also have image issues. I would surmise that most teens, female and male, have some image issues.
Does anyone else have a homophobic family member?
Barnie2years comments on Jan 10, 2020:
What exactly is a “bad experience with gay people.”? Was he sexually molested or raped? Or was he simply approached and asked for a date? I know that some men react to a simple solicitation as if they have been violated in some way. They are often the same people that are most pushy at ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 10, 2020:
I wondered the same. What exactly is a bad experience? I expect he is exaggerating his encounters.
Mnuchin Tries to Delay Trump’s Travel Costs Disclosures Until After Election Treasury ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Jan 10, 2020:
He and his family are scum sucking democracy destroyers.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 10, 2020:
@johnnyrobish yep, claiming democrats would have leaked his attack.
Army Veteran Has Prosthetic Legs Repossessed After VA Refuses to Pay for Them: 'Medicare Did Not ...
azzow2 comments on Jan 9, 2020:
This is where the CEO of the prosthetic company should have stepped up to the plate and have done the right thing and donated it to the patient the free positive publicity would have been way better than dishonouring one of our own.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 10, 2020:
But then, "they" would all expect it. This is capitalism at its finest.
Iran strikes US bases in Iraq as Pentagon deploys B-52 bombers - World Socialist Web Site
Beowulfsfriend comments on Jan 8, 2020:
WWIII will only happen if Putin says so.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 9, 2020:
@Bobby9 Nope. But, what the hell. Trump is Putin's boy.
Iran strikes US bases in Iraq as Pentagon deploys B-52 bombers - World Socialist Web Site
moosepucky comments on Jan 8, 2020:
Each has a payload of OVER 70,000 pounds of ordnance. 20 nukes or enough iron bombs to level a mid sized town Only 6 B-52s were moved to Diago Garcia. There are still a "bunch" in the US with a range to go to anywhere and come back to re-arm. At any given time their are 20 +/- in the air ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 8, 2020:
@moosepucky I was there a couple generations ago. There is another, smaller island nearby with a butt load of electronics and towers. Not on Google maps. I only passed through for a couple of nights. The airfield is huge though, we were in a C5 on the way in from Oman and then again on the way out. That was the only place I went through customs.
Iran strikes US bases in Iraq as Pentagon deploys B-52 bombers - World Socialist Web Site
moosepucky comments on Jan 8, 2020:
Each has a payload of OVER 70,000 pounds of ordnance. 20 nukes or enough iron bombs to level a mid sized town Only 6 B-52s were moved to Diago Garcia. There are still a "bunch" in the US with a range to go to anywhere and come back to re-arm. At any given time their are 20 +/- in the air ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 8, 2020:
I figure they moved the ones to Diego Garcia as to not have to use Turkey.
Has the US become the attack dog for the Saudis?
Geoffrey51 comments on Jan 6, 2020:
Iran and Israel are not the best of mates either!
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 6, 2020:
Nor Turkey
A close friend of mine goes back and forth between extreme antithiesm and Pascal's Wager.
of-the-mountain comments on Jan 6, 2020:
Anything created by man is flawed! Just as nature is flawed and unpredictable! Male and female have never been considered equal by the vast majority of past and present cultures. In the past they were very few independent females, the ones that did exist were used or should we say allowed ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 6, 2020:
I agree with all your statements except "nature is flawed." Unpredictable for sure, but it simply exists as it does for no concerns about us.
You don't have to scratch very far below the surface of the Soleimani assassination to get a whiff ...
oldFloyd comments on Jan 5, 2020:
Two weeks ago Iran was having its own problems internally with protests against the government, fortunately for us and our glorious leader we're now a better target.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 5, 2020:
Because we have an idiot who has replaced those around with yes men who won't tell him real shit.
A good read... []
Allamanda comments on Jan 5, 2020:
It's The Christian Delusion: Why Faith Fails Paperback – April 27, 2010 by John W. Loftus
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 5, 2020:
Thank you for being the brave one and expanding upon the post. It was very nice of you to do so for the new guy.
Live near Philly enjoy searching for answers in spiritual realms including existential and non ...
zeuser comments on Jan 4, 2020:
I don't see cheesesteaks, the iggles or the phillies in that list. Do you *really* live near Philly?
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 5, 2020:
@zeuser no Wawa for me (don't do that company). My son lives down there and I honestly have had a number of good ones - I just love how the locals tell me the absolute best, and, they are all correct - good food.
Will There Be a Draft? Young People Worry After Military Strike []
ToolGuy comments on Jan 5, 2020:
Just plead bone spurs!
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 5, 2020:
@TheGreatShadow Navy used to go to 35 and for a while the Army went to 40. Talking not that long ago. Not that I suggest doing so. I was in, no wars, and got a great old GI bill - no college debt. That said, it is always the chickenhawks who start the wars, at least since WWII. And since Korea, the U.S. has been building and spending massively on war machines. Remember historically how we used to use our wealth to fund other shit between wars. Me neither.
Vegan Hunting Photos
TheGreatShadow comments on Jan 5, 2020:
Shot my first turkey yesterday! Scared the shit out of everyone in the frozen food section! Jokes aside, I wonder if vegans will eat a veggie if it was fertilized with animal waste. Few years ago I went deer hunting. We didn't get anything, but I posed by a corn stalk bail with a rifle. I ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 5, 2020:
Or any animal waste - as many fields are, even organic ones as shit is organic. Personally, if human waste is cleaned well enough, i believe it wpuld be a great fertilizer. If not cleaned well enough, you get parasites like up to 2/3 of North Koreans.
Live near Philly enjoy searching for answers in spiritual realms including existential and non ...
zeuser comments on Jan 4, 2020:
I don't see cheesesteaks, the iggles or the phillies in that list. Do you *really* live near Philly?
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 4, 2020:
Not all from Philly do the phillies, however, cheesesteaks are argued about daily and all want to know where is the best in your humble opinion.
Senator Bernie Sanders leads preliminary Democratic fundraising totals for fourth quarter and all of...
ToolGuy comments on Jan 4, 2020:
So the Democratic Party will redouble its efforts to nominate a Neoliberal such as Buttigieg or Biden who will then lose to Trump as he escalates the so-called “defending of America against the evil Iran.”
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 4, 2020:
No gay will be allowed, especially openly and "too" young at the top spot at least.
He's not gay. 😂🤣🤣
Beowulfsfriend comments on Jan 4, 2020:
Except, like most birds, a rooster doesn't have a penis.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 4, 2020:
@Cast1es they still mate sex organ to sex organ. I raised birds. Some males even masturbate on their perches - seen it in real life and at stores.
"Geopolitical and Energy Implications of Qasem Soleimani's Death"
Robecology comments on Jan 4, 2020:
First of all, it was an unprovoked strike. It didn't have to approval of Congress. Trump and his war-hungry allies never even notified them. We obviously had had Soleimani on our radar for many years now. He has been a leading agressor of Iran. But to take him out this way was unusually ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Jan 4, 2020:
First, I believe this was a provoking incident to give tRump a poll boost with supporters and will bring more death to Americans. That said, Congress, under the Patriot Act et al, gave up its rights to stop this and any President from "small" attacks or incursions. Also, by placing the Revolutionary Guard on the terror list, the administration can simply say they killed a terrorist, not a ranking member of a sovereign state.
A GOP legislator in Washington called for a 51st state led by a military Christian government
xenoview comments on Dec 31, 2019:
A far right nut job. Hope the FBI does something about him soon.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 31, 2019:
With what he has said and done, had he been anything but an xtion he would have been arrested already.
A GOP legislator in Washington called for a 51st state led by a military Christian government
LiterateHiker comments on Dec 31, 2019:
Good luck with that, right-wing idiots! They are pissy because Washington State has a Democrat governor and a strong Democrat majority in both the state House of Representatives and Senate. King County (Seattle) taxes pay for Eastern WA roads, hospitals, clinics, schools, police and fire ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 31, 2019:
@dalefvictor And build a fucking big wall around them.
FearlessFly comments on Dec 31, 2019:
"Auld Lang Syne" is a Scots-language poem written by Robert Burns in 1788 and set to the tune of a traditional folk song. It is well known in many countries, especially in the English-speaking world, its traditional use being to bid farewell to the old year at the stroke of midnight on New Year's ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 31, 2019:
@Marionville He has a statue in Denver Colorado in the downtown park. When in the Navy, yes Navy in Denver, some of my rowdy friends would meet there to smoke some cannabis. We enjoyed meeting at Bob's.
FearlessFly comments on Dec 31, 2019:
"Auld Lang Syne" is a Scots-language poem written by Robert Burns in 1788 and set to the tune of a traditional folk song. It is well known in many countries, especially in the English-speaking world, its traditional use being to bid farewell to the old year at the stroke of midnight on New Year's ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 31, 2019:
Randy Robby Burns had 12 children, I believe, to 4 women.
'The end is coming': Army vet's daughter prepares to deport on immigration foul-up - U.S. - Stripes
glennlab comments on Dec 31, 2019:
This administration has no heart, and no brain.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 31, 2019:
The guy is a white Col. Trump could look good with his people by giving the kid citizenship.
A gentle start to your New Year's Eve... []
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 31, 2019:
NPR interviewed him fairly recently. He said he would refuse to say or talk about his brother for his "Mum's" sake.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 31, 2019:
@Kymmacg I think you are correct. Sorry, I confuse the two. Both are good musicians, but I keep none of their stuff myself. It seems so many brother bands have bad blood - although some do heal (I read the Davies brothers of the Kinks, are working together again).
One resolution at a time:
St-Sinner comments on Dec 31, 2019:
Do it on the priests first and more....
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 31, 2019:
More..... Yes, much more, and painful as well. I was never catatonic, er, ah, catholic, but I know at least three people who were abused by them. One is a solid friend who married and converted to Judaism; she is extremely liberal however, especially after both daughters came out sexual gay or bi.
Who has noticed in the last day or so there has been a resurgence of Islam bashing.
Bilbobagins comments on Dec 31, 2019:
I can’t say I’ve noticed that but there’s increased persecution and attacks on Jews. Particularly old order conspicuous Jews. Especially in the USA
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 31, 2019:
Every day last week in NYC, at least one attack on a Jewish person occurred. I got that from a person I trust and, full disclosure, haven't checked yet - thus no posting outside if right now.
Who has noticed in the last day or so there has been a resurgence of Islam bashing.
Storm1752 comments on Dec 31, 2019:
I hate all Abrahamic religions equally. Coming from the Christian 'tradition,' though, I don't FEAR Christians quite as much; Jews I FEAR the least. But hate? I can't single out one branch for especial scorn. They are equally wrong and deserving of contempt.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 31, 2019:
I agree on Abrahanic religions; I always reply to those who fear and use the word Sharia law with, yes, I oppose ALL Abrahanic law as evil.
Who has noticed in the last day or so there has been a resurgence of Islam bashing.
WilliamFleming comments on Dec 31, 2019:
I haven’t noticed. There is a continuous bashing of “Evangelicals” here and in the media in general. If possible I think it is better to understand and respect people rather than bash them.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 31, 2019:
I hope you are being sarcastic as the evangelical groups are building that argument to ensure their "right" to curtail the rights of others.
Who has noticed in the last day or so there has been a resurgence of Islam bashing.
DenoPenno comments on Dec 31, 2019:
This is because Trump blames Iran for what is happening in Iraq at our embassy. Rather than an increase of Islam bashing it appears to me as a resurgence.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 31, 2019:
Trump needs an enemy to ensure reelection. Fighting Iran for the Saudis didn't look promising as too many are realizing how guilty the Sauds are for 911. Fighting Iran for an attack on Americans would be helpful.
Last bad pun of the year?
Killtheskyfairy comments on Dec 31, 2019:
These two are coconuts.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 31, 2019:
The coconuts are in a police lime-up.
PA GOP Wants Death Certificate, Burial For Fertilized Eggs That Don’t Implant
CS60 comments on Dec 29, 2019:
Gawd, I didn’t realize how backward the PA GOP is.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 29, 2019:
As James Carvel said while running Clinton's first campaign, "Pennsylvania, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh with Alabama in between." It is. Born here - it is a mixed bag. State legislature set up to give power to the bigger areas not population. Except we have, currently, a good governor, a Democrat. Thus some recent abortion bills and shit like that will get vetoed and although in charge of the state legislature, the repubs have no super majority. We also have an awesome Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman. I would live to see him speak at the convention. He is smart, liberal, and looks like a big bad ass.
Between 1419 and 1712 Europe went through 42 significant Wars (there were many more small ...
raymetcalfe comments on Dec 29, 2019:
Being the right kind of christian in northern Island is still relavent today it is still divided along roughly religious lines the violence as mostly stopped but the division lines are still there and i think will remail there untill religion is kicked out of the education system.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 29, 2019:
@Marionville Fermanagh is listed as to where the caves exist. According to a letter and a lot of information in the 80's from a retired policeman who sent them to all the Daughtons he could locate - the family arrived in 1169 in the Anglo-Norman invasion, thus my Norman nose😁
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 29, 2019:
I always found them talented. I'm more blues oriented, however, I really enjoy your enthusiasm. And, of course, I love British spellings like favourite. I loved teaching much of British literature.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 29, 2019:
@Marionville I don't think you get carried away; I believe you are enthusiastic.
Between 1419 and 1712 Europe went through 42 significant Wars (there were many more small ...
raymetcalfe comments on Dec 29, 2019:
Being the right kind of christian in northern Island is still relavent today it is still divided along roughly religious lines the violence as mostly stopped but the division lines are still there and i think will remail there untill religion is kicked out of the education system.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 29, 2019:
@Marionville What do you think will happen if closed borders return again because of Brexit? I'm pretty pessimistic, but I'm not there. I do want to get there one day - been to Asia and Africa and still no Ireland where my great grandparents came from. There is even a cave or mineral springs with the family name (the daughton).
Between 1419 and 1712 Europe went through 42 significant Wars (there were many more small ...
xenoview comments on Dec 29, 2019:
People are using islam to kill people that don't believe as they do.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 29, 2019:
More than just islam. Hindus and Buddhists and, still, Christians.
Between 1419 and 1712 Europe went through 42 significant Wars (there were many more small ...
Marionville comments on Dec 29, 2019:
Quite often the reason certain groups or sects emigrated to the New World was because the religion they wished to follow was more extreme than the ones already being practiced. In the case of the Puritanism of the Pilgrim Fathers they wanted to be more austere and closer to the edicts in the ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 29, 2019:
Very well said. The Northern coast if now New England was dominated by the Puritans for many years. Thankfully the Unitarians came in and twisted things a little (they never fully caught on, but the political right keeps saying WE were founded as a xtion nation by xtion founders - mist were liberal xtions even then). The South was built by and on slaves and indentured servants. The indentured servants could then move West.
Mike Huckabee Argues LGBTQ People Are ‘Biggest Threat’ To American Morality | Michael Stone
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 16, 2019:
This coming from a guy who finds it morally acceptable to play his bass with a guy who admitted to screwing underage women/ girls.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 29, 2019:
@TomMcGiverin The "Wango Tango" type. Enough info? Or, Teddy Nugent, who admitted to having sex with underage girls while on tour.
In three days we'll all have 2020 vision! :P
Cast1es comments on Dec 29, 2019:
But will still need to wear glasses .
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 29, 2019:
At this rate, rose colored ones.
If you can’t get this video.
Redheadedgammy comments on Dec 29, 2019:
Not able to see this one unfortunately.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 29, 2019:
Even though I am an atheist, I recognize that we have had great theologians, whose thoughts are ...
mordant comments on Dec 27, 2019:
You cross-posted this in Religion ... cross-posting is generally discouraged if not against the rules (can't remember). Pick a place and post it once. I think it might be okay to link from here to the other post, though.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 28, 2019:
"Etiquette" or whatever "seems" to dictate asking a moderator, but no rules against. I don't know, I've never done it. Just some perceived watching.
He told me he's a psychopath.
KKGator comments on Dec 27, 2019:
ALL women should take a self-defense course. Even if they think they're a badass. Stature is irrelevant if you know how to defend yourself. The tiniest person (man or woman) can take down someone significantly larger, IF they know what to do. Even if there is a weapon involved, be ready to ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 27, 2019:
You know, a couple years ago I got to spend a day with all three of my kids. The two youngest (30's) still tease. It was very reassuring (maybe odd for some) when my son pestered his sister about demonstrating her kicks and then punches at him. When he stopped to tell her to change up her style and then asked about breaking a nose, my daughter said, very firmly, "I know how to break a nose!"
I have wondered for a long time why so many old people are content to sit in silence and not comment...
St-Sinner comments on Dec 27, 2019:
I am old but I am not withdrawn, silent or content. I am hungry and energetic and getting my eye candies out there all the time. Like Shakespeare said... the spirit is willing....
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 27, 2019:
@St-Sinner Pun intended?
Be Christ-like...
AnneWimsey comments on Dec 25, 2019:
I want a whip, and I want it Now!
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 27, 2019:
Anne, I want you to have a whip. I believe you would use it on the "right" people.
I hear from my brother frequently about how concerned he is I'm going to hell.
David_Cooper comments on Dec 27, 2019:
A deity that tolerates a hell in its "perfect" creation and sends people there to be tortured in fire for eternity for not believing in that deity is not a God, but a Devil. Your brother's understanding of God is faulty if he attributes that viciousness to it. God would not send anyone to hell.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 27, 2019:
Universalists belief.
I hear from my brother frequently about how concerned he is I'm going to hell.
Deb57 comments on Dec 27, 2019:
"...means it in a nice way." No. No, he doesn't. Without a shred of evidence, he believes in, and even worships, a being so elusive that its existence can't be proven, while also believing that this being consigns good people to eternal torture for the "crime" of not believing it exists. How can ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 27, 2019:
@DesertInfidel Ah, most evans say you wont remember the dead who go to hell. Hmm, "hi son, gee isnt it odd you dont have a mother, god is so great."
This article made me so happy that I don't have the kind of recall these folks experience.
Davekp comments on Dec 27, 2019:
A curse and a gift.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 27, 2019:
I had a student like that who said those exact words. He FB posts a lot of Onion stories as he knows so much little news he needs something to entertain himself.
Chapi how many of us would laugh
Cutiebeauty comments on Dec 27, 2019:
Nooooo 😊😂😂😂
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 27, 2019:
There are times that would feel good to say. 😊😊
I was having a conversation with a Christian friend about free will.
Rashede comments on Dec 26, 2019:
Your friend must not be familiar with the Bible stories. There are countless story where God forced someone to do what he wants against their will. People argue saying: "if the person didn't do so and so then they would not receive that blessing or God knew that the experience would make them grow ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 26, 2019:
Few "xtions" are actually aware of what is in their holy text.
Look out santa
TheGreatShadow comments on Dec 25, 2019:
Dude that is fucked up.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 25, 2019:
In a good way
The stress and loneliness of the holiday season, combined with feeling under the weather from an ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 25, 2019:
I agree on holidays. They just make mindfulness more difficult m
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 25, 2019:
Also, I do wish you peace and better feelings. Beat wishes.
I am bemused that people would talk so much about religion, mostly Christianity, on here.
Nightshade1313 comments on Dec 21, 2019:
Grahame im with you! Im an Atheist I couldnt care less about religious debates, or agonistic means what to whom. I think this site is now maybe 80% xtains who are on the fence and feel guilty they have turned their backs on "gods."
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 24, 2019:
Many here are ex xtions and such, but I don't think nearly, at all, such a high percentage are on the fence. And guilt? Sure, some are, but I believe most, with whom I have spoken are more relieved.
Santas little helpers ...nor for the easily offended []
ToolGuy comments on Dec 23, 2019:
Something wrong with the link. Took me to my own FB page.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 24, 2019:
Maybe that was the joke. We all go to our own pages.
Have you ever thought about why religions think they need to sacrifice a goat, a lamb, a virgin or a...
ToolGuy comments on Dec 23, 2019:
Humans have a psychological need to make sense of the world and when faced with bad things often decide to blame — something, somebody, whatever. A few years ago I googled the word blame and it took me to a Wikipedia article on scapegoating and a narrative, now gone, about ancient villagers ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 23, 2019:
@ToolGuy he hasn't been a new in 2k years. 🤣
Why do we behave as we do?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 23, 2019:
Similar ideas within teaching strategies.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 23, 2019:
@wordywalt individuals learn by differing methods
Have you ever thought about why religions think they need to sacrifice a goat, a lamb, a virgin or a...
ToolGuy comments on Dec 23, 2019:
Humans have a psychological need to make sense of the world and when faced with bad things often decide to blame — something, somebody, whatever. A few years ago I googled the word blame and it took me to a Wikipedia article on scapegoating and a narrative, now gone, about ancient villagers ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 23, 2019:
Hmm. Biggest scapegoat in history? That is an excellent question. My first response is the Jews (considering more recent history from the xtions ). But, there is a lot of history to think upon more.
How long would be long enough?
ToolGuy comments on Dec 23, 2019:
My mother lived to be almost 101 and I resemble her. But I would want my last few years to be better than hers or not at all.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 23, 2019:
Hey @Toolguy, im sorry but, and i know what you meant, i keep hearing the i resemble her in very weird ways. Happy xmas.
Maybe adding appeal to secularism, rather than talking stink on religion, is a more productive ...
Heraclitus comments on Dec 23, 2019:
Not a bad idea, but how exactly would you do that? Appeal to a particular form of humanism, maybe? The real appeal of secularism to me involves things like personal freedom, freedom from self-delusion, the appeal of reason and logic, etc. But how would you convince theists they are missing these ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 23, 2019:
As stated well here by @Heraclitus, remember many religious types want to curtail freedoms like marriage or abortion or women's rights or fill in mass things here. Granted, one could argue that some non religious authoritarian regimes do the same, but they often follow religions' play books. Think of North Korea - their god is from the Kim family and enshrined in their constitution.
Smarty cat! 😂🤣😂
Cutiebeauty comments on Dec 23, 2019:
Lost electron ?! That's a **CAT**astrophe!!
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 23, 2019:
Don't be negative!
Do you approve capital punishment?
DiThor comments on Dec 22, 2019:
I have read the comments on this thread. As someone who have 3 people sitting on death row in 3 different states...I can assure you all three are guilty of murder...they admitted to their crime. They would rather be sitting on death row then be in prison for life. I don’t understand it either and ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 22, 2019:
@benhmiller I would need to see statistics on that assessment. Fundamentalists in most religious groups are, from what I've seen, big supporters of the death penalty. Many catholics hold views against it, but not all (it is a part of their Vatican doctrine).
No one teaches a newborn human to breath.
273kelvin comments on Dec 22, 2019:
Every man is a god to his dog* Just because something is not innate does not make it not true. We learn that 2+2=4. People surmise the existence of higher powers through teaching and often through emotional experiences. We on here reject the illogical idea of a deity, others do not. Who are we to ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 22, 2019:
I like the joke: my dog is dyslexic, it thinks it is a cat.
No one teaches a newborn human to breath.
Moravian comments on Dec 22, 2019:
All animals have those instincts, or are you saying they are religious as well ?. Does you DOG have a GOD ??
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 22, 2019:
Too many people like to say, "My dog thinks I'm god." I usually just ask, "And how quickly would the dog reject you for another if you didn't feed them and some one else did?"
No one teaches a newborn human to breath.
KevinMR comments on Dec 22, 2019:
Or taught morality. Kids can be mean but there's also some innate love in there, which for most people wins out after adolescence.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 22, 2019:
Not everyone is born with innate love. There are true sociopaths; most sociopaths learn what is acceptable behavior and adhere to it.
I just recently discovered this song. I'm not unique; but, why wait for anyone else?
FearlessFly comments on Dec 22, 2019:
Helplessness Blues is the band's first studio album to feature bass guitarist Christian Wargo and multi-instrumentalist Morgan Henderson. It is also the only Fleet Foxes album to feature drummer and backing vocalist Josh Tillman, who left the band in 2012 to pursue his solo career under the name ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 22, 2019:
Washington State Lawmaker Accused of Terrorism Won't Resign: A new report found that Trump-loving ...
bobwjr comments on Dec 21, 2019:
Jail this fuck
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 22, 2019:
If he weren't a xtion they would. If he were a mussie or an atheist or a hindu or etc he would be in jail.
Ex-KY Governor: I Pardoned a Child Rapist Since His Victim’s Hymen Was Intact Leave it to a ...
WonderWartHog99 comments on Dec 21, 2019:
## Welcome to wild, uninformed speculation for children who need to have their brains warped and spines curved. >Maybe he sodimized her anally? Maybe he stuck it between her breasts and rubbed his dick between them until he came. Maybe he got a blow job or stuck it her nose or . . . . ...
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 21, 2019:
I think we all knew @TheGreatShadow meant that as "any kind of b.s response" by the tRump supported republican. Seems you are defending that type of b.s. If not, sorry for the following; if so, anyone defending a child rapist is just as fucking guilty, including whomever.
My wife would tell you that I dated a few dogs before meeting and marrying her LOL
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 20, 2019:
In one of his works, Kurt Vonnegut wrote about using people with fetishes to be ambassadors to other worlds. I remember one of the worlds did the butt sniffing.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 20, 2019:
@bklynite53 I love that collection. Im gifting my just recently reread copy to my GF's sister who likes him.
From the seriously they can't be serious files.
BDair comments on Dec 20, 2019:
This was an actual product. Just because you only drive your 4x4 in town doesn't mean you can't have that rugged offroad look.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 20, 2019:
I know. Those guys driving around the city with breather tubes that cost a couple thousand and they will NEVER use them.
Cluster B Personality Disorders consist of some very concerning traits, in fact it could be argued ...
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 19, 2019:
Damn, concentration camps????? Not all cluster B's turn out bad. The current administration is already talking about locking up more mentally ill. BTW - there are fairly accurate ways to test for personality disorders by age 3. So why not just exterminate them?
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 19, 2019:
@Secular_Squirrel if you thought I meant that seriously, reread, I was giving an as good a solution as "concentration camps." Your suggestion of concentration camps for people with mental health issues sounds pretty North Korean like to me.
Its that time of year again and the Darwin Awards are out.
ToolGuy comments on Dec 19, 2019:
Funny even if not true.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 19, 2019:
That is from an old one of the Darwin Awards - they do verify. The old one I remember from their site was set in Louisiana.
Dino Christmas Tree.
Tooreen comments on Dec 18, 2019:
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 19, 2019:
Asteroid killed the dinosaurs.
Tempted by the idea of God?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Dec 17, 2019:
What helps me - some alone time, walking and relaxing, music, and if really down a little pot.
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 19, 2019:
@citronella I've been up there. Blaze books sells you a stack of used books and gives you "gifts." Nice prices.
I know it is really cold up north and some of you may be tempted to move south, a few things you ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Dec 18, 2019:
No thanks. Been to Texas. And this is coming from a guy that lives in a village of under 700 people in Nebraska! Hell, when I lived in Phoenix, my landloard didn't know where Nebraska was!
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 18, 2019:
My son thinks it funny that I got stationed briefly in Omaha, while in the Navy.
I know it is really cold up north and some of you may be tempted to move south, a few things you ...
TheGreatShadow comments on Dec 18, 2019:
No thanks. Been to Texas. And this is coming from a guy that lives in a village of under 700 people in Nebraska! Hell, when I lived in Phoenix, my landloard didn't know where Nebraska was!
Beowulfsfriend replies on Dec 18, 2019:
I spent a week in Waco, Nebraska ONE night.
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