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On holiday in Killarney...but I haven’t forgotten my A-friends.
BudFrank comments on Jun 8, 2019:
Looks like you must be having fun
... Then there's "us".
BudFrank comments on Jun 8, 2019:
The ban wagon pulled into town today.
BudFrank comments on Jun 8, 2019:
Bye bye!
BudFrank comments on Jun 8, 2019:
I started out searching since 2010. It’s painful but it’s the best way I know to get through it.
Going to be laying low for the next week or so.
BudFrank comments on Jun 7, 2019:
Is this real?? Please tell me this is real.
BudFrank comments on Jun 6, 2019:
I just checked with a nurse. It is real, for a chest x-ray.
Out of curiosity, what is your favorite holiday for sex (be it because of the theme, availability or...
BudFrank comments on Jun 6, 2019:
I like New Year’s. It’s starting over, and what better way to start something new?
Just wanted to post a feel good video. Cutest thing I've seen in awhile. []
BudFrank comments on Jun 6, 2019:
So cute!
Last night I ended up taking the night off of work.I used a vacation day. Why?
BudFrank comments on Jun 6, 2019:
Good for you!!
It certainly does.
BudFrank comments on Jun 6, 2019:
We had ladybird books for our kids when we were In England. It was good for reading skills. Somehow we missed this one.
Found at Bed, Bath, & Beyond.
BudFrank comments on Jun 6, 2019:
Interesting reading on that tag. Wonder if somebody got fired for that.
Dumbo has other ideas
BudFrank comments on Jun 6, 2019:
So what does he do with that trunk? It might make oral interesting.
I hope you got good snacks!
BudFrank comments on Jun 6, 2019:
I bring the wine
BudFrank comments on Jun 6, 2019:
That’s ok. You be yourself. Don’t let anybody dictate who you are.
What are some reasons you are afraid to commit?
BudFrank comments on Jun 6, 2019:
I got messed up with my second marriage. She was angry and controlling. Since I got out of that in 2010, I haven’t been willing to commit long term. A couple of years ago I did find a woman I loved, but she felt I suffocated her and she cut off everything. Sometimes life just sucks
I'm such a divided person.
BudFrank comments on Jun 6, 2019:
I understand the feeling
Today I am thankful for the churches.
BudFrank comments on Jun 5, 2019:
In know the Red Cross is there too. It’s one location I could go when I’m available next week
Today would have been our 15th wedding anniversary.
BudFrank comments on Jun 5, 2019:
Any advice?
BudFrank comments on Jun 5, 2019:
Yes, I have done that. I spent a couple of years in a Codependents Anonymous group that helped some getting my head screwed on better.
Has anyone else experienced emotionally unavailability?
BudFrank comments on Jun 5, 2019:
Yes I have, and have been accused of it too. If one of you is emotionally available and the other is not, that’s a recipe for heartache and failure.
Genetics won. Curses, foiled again!
BudFrank comments on Jun 5, 2019:
I’m glad you found the generic. Hope it works for you!
Good morning, my lovelies :) I hope you're all doing well.
BudFrank comments on Jun 5, 2019:
Bad spelling and grammar are a couple of them. There are lots of ways that shows up. I don’t isually respond but that affects my thinking about the person to some extent. Myself, I will make mistakes, but they are usually typing mistakes and poor proofreading.
Can a potential romantic relationship move too slow?
BudFrank comments on Jun 5, 2019:
On top of old smoky all covered with snow I lost my true lover By courting too slow. I feel dating is like two cars driving side by side. You want to find someone who has the same end destination as you, as well as is happy going the same speed in developing the relationship. If both are not true, you’ll move apart and eventually disappear. I have had this happen with me, often with me being reluctant to commit, but the other way too.
This question is prompted by a conversation I had with a coworker at lunch today.
BudFrank comments on Jun 4, 2019:
I hoped to be in better places financially, but I suspect many of us are in that boat. I am living in my travel trailer, and it is paid for, which is somewhat of a dream. I’m able and willing to volunteer and have had a number of opportunities to do so this last year. It’s not what I envisioned but I love it
Heterosexual men like women’s breasts.
BudFrank comments on Jun 4, 2019:
I like breasts of all sizes, but that is not the most important thing by far. I even have dated women who have had mastectomies and not rebuilt, and have caressed their chests lovingly.
To catch or not to catch.
BudFrank comments on Jun 4, 2019:
A skyscraper wouldn’t be good. I agree there has to be a healthy medium somewhere. I just don’t know what it is. Still if it was a skyscraper, you should be able to say you tried.
I'm finally here after all these years.🤗
BudFrank comments on Jun 4, 2019:
Congratulations to @scurry on making it to level 8.
BudFrank comments on Jun 4, 2019:
Congratulations scurry!!! 🎂🎊🍰🍰🎈
Sorry guys but this really made me laugh. Lol
BudFrank comments on Jun 2, 2019:
Could be, with some at least
I am sure there are more out there! I still have hope.
BudFrank comments on Jun 2, 2019:
You are the sexy single of your area. Hopefully another will move nearby.
Who's working tonight?
BudFrank comments on Jun 2, 2019:
Hope it’s not Carlos
Happy Sunday, all! If the details work out I’ll be driving a van full of students to downtown ...
BudFrank comments on Jun 2, 2019:
I hope you feel calm enough to enjoy it properly.
This is a thing!
BudFrank comments on Jun 2, 2019:
Wish I had more than one toilet so I had a good reason to buy several. Maybe as gifts?
This is for the ladies who are in this group.
BudFrank comments on Jun 2, 2019:
Dear is often misused by scammers. To me it can have positive or negative connotations. “Take our the trash, dear” or “yes,dear” can be passive aggressive or negative. For that reason I don’t use it much.
Helocopter Parents & Bulldozer Parents cause great damage to their children's ability to function as...
BudFrank comments on Jun 2, 2019:
I see my job as a parent was to prepare my child to be a responsible adult, give them the freedom to make their own choices. I did pretty well. I don’t like bulldozer or helicopter parents.
Personal maintenance to look decent increases as we get older
BudFrank comments on Jun 2, 2019:
You look great just like that!
Lol agree or disagree?
BudFrank comments on Jun 2, 2019:
Absolutely! That’s why I have a policy not to talk about it
Are women in charge of their own bodies?
BudFrank comments on Jun 2, 2019:
When you meet someone who tries their hardest to stick by you regardless of how difficult you ...
BudFrank comments on Jun 2, 2019:
Yes. For sure!
I doodle. Is it a meme?
BudFrank comments on Jun 2, 2019:
I resemble that remark sometimes.
Been planning a week long trip for four weeks.
BudFrank comments on Jun 1, 2019:
I WILL not say it happened for a purpose
I hurt my sweet baby Toyota Corolla today.
BudFrank comments on Jun 1, 2019:
I’ll send it some flowers
Going on my fourth date on two weeks.
BudFrank comments on Jun 1, 2019:
It can be wearing emotionally.
So a man messaged me for the first time on a dating site today.
BudFrank comments on Jun 1, 2019:
He’s saying you’re sleeping with anybody you date. There’s a totally different paradigm of dating that you seem to be following: getting to know men casually without the sex. You can be talking to several men, but not commit until you’re sure.
I was offered a faculty job in Panama City Fl yesterday.
BudFrank comments on Jun 1, 2019:
Congratulations on the job! I was there with the Red Cross after hurricane Michael and some parts of town were bad, but others not so. Hope you can find a good place.
I say this every year!
BudFrank comments on Jun 1, 2019:
And I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up
A benefit of getting older? I am reaching the age where men don’t even look twice...
BudFrank comments on Jun 1, 2019:
I look twice at you, but not boys
Is this a good suggestion?
BudFrank comments on Jun 1, 2019:
Yes. That changes what it is, but it works for me
Mine is vegetarian, what's yours?
BudFrank comments on Jun 1, 2019:
Hand tossed with lots of cheese and pepperoni
I was just resting here, listening to one of those nature sounds thunderstorms things.
BudFrank comments on May 31, 2019:
I see severe thunderstorm warnings around. Hope it’s ok there.
I want you! I am dewy with anticipation! Aroused, wet, needy, wanty, liquid, aching, swollen, ...
BudFrank comments on May 31, 2019:
I think of wet, well lubricated
Good morning and TDIF! So after yesterday's question, I'm going easy on you all :) What's the ...
BudFrank comments on May 31, 2019:
Hot peppers. Actually I ate very spicy meals in Africa and Mexico, but don’t go looking for them. And some peppers are just too hot for me
Stolen from Lizzy the Lezzy on Facebook.
BudFrank comments on May 31, 2019:
Touching of any sort, putting their hand on my arm, leaning into me when I put my arm around her, especially if she’s got on a crop top: skin on skin. Her smile when we see each other.
Help, please! Whoring for points.
BudFrank comments on May 31, 2019:
I see you got it! Congratulations!
Give it to me! What's your favorite adjective for Male arousal?
BudFrank comments on May 30, 2019:
I use hard most often
It definitely gets your attention.
BudFrank comments on May 30, 2019:
Actually I find that in sex play, this isn’t totally accurate either.
His character was awesome.
BudFrank comments on May 30, 2019:
Very good advice
Good morning! I was the first one at work today at around 7:30 a.
BudFrank comments on May 30, 2019:
Hang in there, dear unicorn! Hope it gets better. One day you’ll find your match 🦄!
Can't get easier than this.
BudFrank comments on May 30, 2019:
I wonder. Is that before or after they’re cooked?
Here comes the rain again... oh goodie!...
BudFrank comments on May 29, 2019:
Hope it’s not too bad. Hot again in NC
It's a big day.. 4 years CANCER FREE TODAY
BudFrank comments on May 29, 2019:
Congratulations !
Mystery solved. We are homo-saperthals.
BudFrank comments on May 29, 2019:
BudFrank comments on May 29, 2019:
I understand. Except no guys have pinched my ass lately.
Some days are like this...
BudFrank comments on May 29, 2019:
My favorite FarSide! I resemble that sometimes
Having spent some time with Ancestry.
BudFrank comments on May 29, 2019:
What timing! Wow! I know it did affect your family.
12 Reasons Why it is Hard for Femal Empaths to Find the Right Man. []
BudFrank comments on May 29, 2019:
Been in that kind of friendship. It didn’t make it to a “relationship” because of some of these qualities.
Just not right in the head
BudFrank comments on May 29, 2019:
No, it’s not just you.
Sounds about right
BudFrank comments on May 29, 2019:
I’d be glad to help
Pattern placement!
BudFrank comments on May 29, 2019:
And the problem with that is???
This cross-country trip has been good for me and Bella.
BudFrank comments on May 29, 2019:
Has anyone thought about retiring in Costa Rica? I think about it a lot, but can't decide.
BudFrank comments on May 29, 2019:
I have thought of it. Still do occasionally. When do we leave? But, honestly, right now I’m enjoying volunteering with the Red Cross. Maybe I could there too
An Orthodox Jewish organization released a powerful video campaign about sexual abuse that should be...
BudFrank comments on May 28, 2019:
Sigh! So sad.
Good Morning All.
BudFrank comments on May 28, 2019:
I see increasing numbers of disasters. Unfortunately it’s more opportunities for service for me with the Red Cross
Guten Morgen ... right on to today's question: When did you last cry in front of another person?
BudFrank comments on May 28, 2019:
Watching the Memorial Day concert on tv Sunday
So blocking the vents with cabbage leaves didn’t work, It would be interesting to know what plan ...
BudFrank comments on May 28, 2019:
Plan B: move
Oh. My. No. God. Look what I found at the bottom of a tub-o-stuff. 1993!
BudFrank comments on May 28, 2019:
Beautiful, then and now!
The world at large
BudFrank comments on May 28, 2019:
So true!
Ahoy there mate...
BudFrank comments on May 28, 2019:
That swimmer must be French!
Hi everybody.
BudFrank comments on May 28, 2019:
I’m glad you have a good reason for positive emotions. There are so many negative reasons to cry in our world today.
After analysis of this group I have found that most over 50s are far better at commentating than ...
BudFrank comments on May 27, 2019:
Good point
Good morning! Here's today's "question:" Complete this sentence: “I wish I had someone with whom...
BudFrank comments on May 27, 2019:
I’ve made it to California! My car has logged 6,330 miles since April 4.
BudFrank comments on May 27, 2019:
Glad the trip has been good. Enjoy!
I need to go get a fan or something for he illusion of cool.
BudFrank comments on May 27, 2019:
Charlotte will be in the mid 90s this next week too. All the rain is going to the mid west
Is it a sign of a scammer when one of the frequent questions they ask is what your last meal was, or...
BudFrank comments on May 26, 2019:
Reminds me of the comment that when Facebook went down, we had to go knocking on doors telling our neighbors what we had to eat.
changing times
BudFrank comments on May 26, 2019:
Gotcha. Good one!
Trust me, I'm not happy about it either!
BudFrank comments on May 25, 2019:
Yep, sitting at home reading this, too
"If you ain't country, you ain't shit" Does that imply.
BudFrank comments on May 24, 2019:
Actually in terms of strict logic, it means “if you are shit you are country.” I didn’t say it. I’m just deciphering it in terms of Boolean logic
Facts be factin'.
BudFrank comments on May 24, 2019:
Introverts unite! No, wait! That’s an oxymoron.
2 seasons , winter and
BudFrank comments on May 24, 2019:
Seems about right
Literally any takers. I'm not picky.
BudFrank comments on May 23, 2019:
I've earned a few of these.
BudFrank comments on May 23, 2019:
Yeppers. Most of them I think
A couple of weeks ago I made a post about if anyone had chatted with someone from an online site who...
BudFrank comments on May 23, 2019:
It is amazing how far some will go.
One of the things that really annoys me is change! You learn all this computer stuff and they change...
BudFrank comments on May 23, 2019:
Job security for those in the computer industry
Good morning! Here's today's loaded question (for me anyway): How do you feel about your ...
BudFrank comments on May 23, 2019:
My mother is not emotional. She’s very matter of fact about things. I’ve not been very close to her, but it’s never been abusive, just distant
Update for those of you who had advice about following up and possibly meeting the guy with the ...
BudFrank comments on May 23, 2019:
That’s one reason I post a full length picture of myself on my profile, for full disclosure purposes. I’m suspicious if a woman has no pictures, or just head shots, that she’s not comfortable with her body
I’ve been grappling with this for some time.
BudFrank comments on May 23, 2019:
I’ve been in that situation before. I’ve had trouble letting go of a person I was in a relationship with. It’s very hard.
LMFAO!!!! Michael Avenatti has been charged with stealing from his former client, Stormy Daniels...
BudFrank comments on May 22, 2019:
Oooooh kaaaayy! Funny! 😆😜
It's hump day, that should count for something.
BudFrank comments on May 22, 2019:
And what’s wrong with wine before noon?
I went out with a man I met from another site Sunday.
BudFrank comments on May 22, 2019:
Moving right along.... that’s one of the frustrating things of online dating. You have to be ready to see the vast majority of people you meet as non-starters for relationships. A site like this is a little better because at least you have the good possibility of compatible world views. And it’s not all about dating. On another note, my life has had a lot of improbable and amazing things happen, and it would be easy to blow me off if I told my story.
Sounds perfectly reasonable
BudFrank comments on May 22, 2019:
What could go wrong? Reminds me of the post in the attached picture.


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painted from a picture by an artist in Virginia
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Agnostic, Humanist, Skeptic, Spiritual
Open to meeting women
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