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Loser loser chicken dinner
BudFrank comments on Mar 9, 2019:
That explains the funny taste
This is a holiday I can get with
BudFrank comments on Mar 8, 2019:
Wish I could. Except I don’t have a dog. And I’m out with the Red Cross in Alabama
How many of us are there in NC?
BudFrank comments on Mar 8, 2019:
I’m in the Charlotte area
Small world.
BudFrank comments on Mar 8, 2019:
Try hard to control yourself
Being attentive is so important to me. It is the very best gift.
BudFrank comments on Mar 8, 2019:
i have a question.
BudFrank comments on Mar 7, 2019:
I don’t know about the paid side. I am guessing so. But I’ve only used the free side and it works like you said. My account never got reset.
are you older than dirt ?
BudFrank comments on Mar 7, 2019:
All of the above
And now Aunt Mary has decided it's time to put all her eggs in one basket.
BudFrank comments on Mar 7, 2019:
Hope it works well
[agnostic.] [agnostic.] My last two posts... Anyone get alerts for these?
BudFrank comments on Mar 7, 2019:
No alerts. And sorry to be a lurker. I don’t know where y’all get such great pics
Somethings to think about!
BudFrank comments on Mar 7, 2019:
Actually I’m French they say double-v
So getting my first colonoscopy in the morning and even though I know how safe it is etc, I am a bit...
BudFrank comments on Mar 5, 2019:
Hang in there. It’s yucky but you can do it
? trying it again... I posted this pic this morning... It was taken down... WTF?
BudFrank comments on Mar 4, 2019:
I do t know why
Clarification: I guess in my efforts to keep this group drama-free, I've caused a shit storm with ...
BudFrank comments on Mar 4, 2019:
You tried the best you could. I don’t blame you
Wake and Bake or Just Wake.
BudFrank comments on Mar 3, 2019:
I didn’t see it but a friend sent me the link
Rather not admit how many times this has happened. Definitely no second chances
BudFrank comments on Mar 3, 2019:
Not all of us, especially as we get older
Whose got the voodoo doll?
BudFrank comments on Mar 2, 2019:
I’ll be glad to
My cat chose to lie here when I'm needing to sleep Yes, my hair is a mess and I have no makeup ...
BudFrank comments on Mar 1, 2019:
You still look good
Guys, this is getting under my skin and I need input.
BudFrank comments on Mar 1, 2019:
Let him be. Maybe he’ll send it back. Otherwise I’ll go get it for you from him. Probably should do him harm for being such an asshole.
I’ll be in San Diego area tonight.
BudFrank comments on Mar 1, 2019:
Sorry. I won’t be there. In NC if you ever get this way
Just a little reminder that we need to be respectful of one another's experiences.
BudFrank comments on Feb 28, 2019:
Each person will have different backgrounds and experiences they bring. I try not to criticize anyone because I haven’t lived their life.
Good morning, At the airport heading to St Maarten.
BudFrank comments on Feb 28, 2019:
Have a great trip!!
What do you expect for the first date?
BudFrank comments on Feb 27, 2019:
I read somewhere that after the first three dates you should have an idea whether or not there are possibilities for moving ahead on key areas of your personal concern (mine include religious acceptance, physical attraction, feeling safe emotionally).
Found this on "just for laughs".
BudFrank comments on Feb 27, 2019:
Love it! That’s why I post rarely on Facebook
I went on a lunch date yesterday for my birthday.
BudFrank comments on Feb 27, 2019:
How many red flags can you have at one time?
Kismet! The good news: I’ve been invited to go to a dance Saturday night, something I’ve been ...
BudFrank comments on Feb 27, 2019:
I hope it goes well for you. But I’ve found long distance dating doesn’t work well
Happy Hump Day, y'all!
BudFrank comments on Feb 27, 2019: Mike? What day is it?
Damn those snakes!
BudFrank comments on Feb 27, 2019:
Snakes! Why did it have to be snakes? ?
@dartagnan6666 short story: I'm not going to Hawaii.
BudFrank comments on Feb 27, 2019:
Here’s a thought for getting peace and quiet on the plane if and when you ever do that again.
Why do so many men include picture of themselves with small children on their dating profiles?
BudFrank comments on Feb 27, 2019:
Seems creepy and dangerous to me.
Feel free to start with “My” if you have one of your own.
BudFrank comments on Feb 26, 2019:
My penis is not really too much going to happen again and then I gotta was a day at a time
It's time to just be happy.
BudFrank comments on Feb 26, 2019:
Share your story??
BudFrank comments on Feb 25, 2019:
Wrecking my Dad’s car
Single again, and grateful for having met someone on this site who captured my heart and made a ...
BudFrank comments on Feb 25, 2019:
Glad you could have that attitude toward “breaking up”
GOOD AFTERNOON EVERYONE!!!!! High winds caused my power, internet and cable to all go out for ...
BudFrank comments on Feb 25, 2019:
Not too windy here right now but was last night. No kitty to take a nap with either.
Who watched the Oscars last night?
BudFrank comments on Feb 25, 2019:
This is interesting, comparing the live aid performance to the movie. I really like the movie.
Major wind warnings in effect for southern Ontario and adjacent states.
BudFrank comments on Feb 24, 2019:
Lots of snow headed in. I’m glad I’m in the south
Who else is tired of winter?
BudFrank comments on Feb 24, 2019:
Major wind warnings in effect for southern Ontario and adjacent states.
BudFrank comments on Feb 24, 2019:
I test out as an ENFP/ENTP but I have always had hypersensitivity, particularly to the emotions of ...
BudFrank comments on Feb 24, 2019:
There is a term “ambivert” for a person who is introverted in some situations and ways and extroverted in others
This might be the right group to find others who have had my experiences with music.
BudFrank comments on Feb 24, 2019:
I cry to music, movies, books, stories people tell. It’s. It always comfortable.
Good Morning! May your day be filled with Love and Peace! Watched Russian Doll in a marathon ...
BudFrank comments on Feb 24, 2019:
And yours too
?how do you guys like cute girls?
BudFrank comments on Feb 24, 2019:
May you be at peace.
BudFrank comments on Feb 24, 2019:
Southern MN is set for TWO snow storms this weekend.
BudFrank comments on Feb 22, 2019:
Be careful
BudFrank comments on Feb 22, 2019:
I’m sorry you had to endure that. Some guys are so stupid.
My heart goes out to any of you (myself included) who have been hurt by rude insensitive people.
BudFrank comments on Feb 21, 2019:
I was the 97 pound weakling of my class. I was also bullied for being intelligent.
Oh I hope so. I know I have friends that feel this way. Would love to find a partner who will, too.
BudFrank comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Me too
Good Morning!
BudFrank comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Good morning!
Word of the day Zaftig /zäftig/ adjective: (of a woman) Having a full, rounded figure; plump.
BudFrank comments on Feb 20, 2019:
I’d love to be with a woman like that
BudFrank comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Great! Congratulations!!???
I got a makeover today! A gift from a dear friend.
BudFrank comments on Feb 20, 2019:
You look good!!
Is dating again after marriage like dating your mom or dad?
BudFrank comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Dating at any age you may be drawn to men who are like your Dad. I’ve dated since my divorce and not felt particularly like it had anything to do with my parents, although I may have been unconsciously looking for someone like my mom
More snow tomorrow...tell me why I didn't go to Fla with my daughter
BudFrank comments on Feb 19, 2019:
I don’t know either. It’s nice here
Do we have a volunteer opportunity, activism opportunity thread here? Did I miss it?
BudFrank comments on Feb 18, 2019:
I volunteer with the Red Cross. It’s not ecology-based but it helps alleviate human suffering.
? Here's an amateur pic... How you like it?
BudFrank comments on Feb 18, 2019:
Where is Waldo?
BudFrank comments on Feb 17, 2019:
Last time I saw him he was in Ohio.
MEN ONLY: What is your race/ethnic origin?
BudFrank comments on Feb 16, 2019:
So not all white men follow slavishly the ruling party and its propaganda. That’s encouraging. Really
Would you move for love?
BudFrank comments on Feb 16, 2019:
Yes I would
not political or religious in nature but I got a job! ? just thought I'd share!
BudFrank comments on Feb 15, 2019:
Yay! Congratulations
BudFrank comments on Feb 15, 2019:
I understand
Heading out today on my maiden voyage in ‘Birdie’, my new home! This first trip will involve ...
BudFrank comments on Feb 15, 2019:
I’ll probably be back in NC by the time you get this way
Hey youngster, you like what you see?
BudFrank comments on Feb 15, 2019:
Who are you calling youngster?
What an absolute fxxxed up week and last couple of days.
BudFrank comments on Feb 14, 2019:
That’s got to be a real bummer
See what happens!!!
BudFrank comments on Feb 14, 2019:
I got fixed so it won’t be my problem
You know we need to pick one goddamn state and all move to it.
BudFrank comments on Feb 14, 2019:
Sounds good to me.
Happy Valentines day everyone.
BudFrank comments on Feb 14, 2019:
Back at ya!
I'm watching "The View " and Doctor Ruth, an expert in sex and sexuality for decades, is a guest ...
BudFrank comments on Feb 14, 2019:
I have found it in most partners. It is the internal manifestation of the clit. It has a different texture to it. Some don’t get particularly strong orgasms from it. The clit is better for them.
Well here I am about to turn 61 tomorrow. Feeling pretty good for an old gal!
BudFrank comments on Feb 13, 2019:
Looking good too. Happy birthday!
and people wonder why there is an obesity epidemic !!!
BudFrank comments on Feb 13, 2019:
Check the contents. May contain soylent green
School for the gifted
BudFrank comments on Feb 12, 2019:
One of my favorite Larson cartoons
I've just blocked a member from this group for the first time.
BudFrank comments on Feb 12, 2019:
I had to unfriend someone today on facebook.
BudFrank comments on Feb 11, 2019:
Good for you for taking that stand
Butte County is glowing green after the fire. Most of this canyon burned hot. []
BudFrank comments on Feb 9, 2019:
After the rains came it started getting green.
Definitely the one on the right.
BudFrank comments on Feb 9, 2019:
Loneliness is , spooning alone
BudFrank comments on Feb 8, 2019:
Like the sound of one hand clapping.
I just sent some texts to a man that I was seeing that needed to be sent.
BudFrank comments on Feb 8, 2019:
Hugs! ?
Just having a crummy day, just feeling blurghy and fed up.
BudFrank comments on Feb 7, 2019:
Hugs and love to you ???❤️?
Okay weather I'll take back my complaining about 16° just stop with the ice storm ?
BudFrank comments on Feb 7, 2019:
That’s why I took my trailer and went to Florida for a month or two
Name the first person you'd call if you won a lottery of over $30M.
BudFrank comments on Feb 7, 2019:
I’d get a lawyer and a financial adviser and draw up a blind trust. The trust would be the one to cash in the ticket.
Anyone else find themselves attracted to grey hair?
BudFrank comments on Feb 7, 2019:
Hair color and style are a part of a wonan’s way of expressing herself. I accept her as she is and wants to do it. Nothing wrong with gray hair. I agree on the boobs and nipples too
Hello fellow Carolinians! I was going to say Tarheels but I remembered our southern sister ...
BudFrank comments on Feb 7, 2019:
Welcome! Glad to meet you
Drove this beauty off the lot yesterday - all mine now! Next up - outfitting her for life on the ...
BudFrank comments on Feb 5, 2019:
Looks grrat!!
New and curious
BudFrank comments on Feb 5, 2019:
Looks yummy
I was going for the LA Rams, until they threw that interception. Argh!
BudFrank comments on Feb 3, 2019:
Me too
Has anyone else experienced a Hoover: attempt to suck you back into toxicity using pity, guilt, ...
BudFrank comments on Feb 3, 2019:
Good for you
After hearing about how bad the dating scene is after 50, I want to hear from you single people out ...
BudFrank comments on Feb 3, 2019:
I have been single for 9 years. I haven’t given up but it’s sometimes painful being out there. You have to get used to getting “no”s. I’m on tinder (where people of our age have to specify we aren’t there for hookups) and okCupid. I am on both because they are free. I like okCupid because of the questions you can answer. They help you find nuances of answers because a lot of them are multiple choice. That having been said I have not found my partner yet. Maybe that’s more about me being picky or commitment phobic than about the sites.
Has anyone else found dating to be really difficult these days?
BudFrank comments on Feb 2, 2019:
Wait until you try it on the 60s
Guess I’m not the only tumbleweed survivor of the Camp Fire in Butte County, CA - my address has ...
BudFrank comments on Feb 2, 2019:
I am normally In Charlotte but am spending some of the winter In southern Florida. You’re welcome to visit either. I was with the Red Cross in Chico for a month so I’d like to meet you.
Guess I’m not the only tumbleweed survivor of the Camp Fire in Butte County, CA - my address has ...
BudFrank comments on Feb 2, 2019:
I am normally In Charlotte but am spending some of the winter In southern Florida. You’re welcome to visit either. I was with the Red Cross in Chico for a month so I’d like to meet you.
Why do men save badly worn-out clothes?
BudFrank comments on Feb 1, 2019:
I don’t know. It’s not my thing. I will pass things along to others who might need them while the clothes are still serviceable.
Has anybody noticed any problem with their bios.
BudFrank comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Mine is fine, but it’s pretty short
I drank some rye. My teammate says rye gives you good sex dreams. I'll take what I can get. LOL
BudFrank comments on Feb 1, 2019:
Let us know how it goes
Does anyone have any experience juggling more than one possible partner?
BudFrank comments on Jan 31, 2019:
I agree with getting to know multiple people while you try to decide which if any of them have long term possibilities. The book “Conscious Dating” recommends this. I think it’s good to tell them know this is your process up front. You should also explore with each of them the issues you see with being in a relationship with him, so he won’t be blindsided when you tell him bye. But when you make up your mind, you don’t have to explain yourself, you don’t have to participate in an argument about why you shouldn’t break up. Your decision to back out should be enough. It can’t work one sided.
Here's a poem I wrote in my youth: BALD My father's pate has lost its hair; It glitters in the ...
BudFrank comments on Jan 29, 2019:
I resemble that remark!
Awesome camping vehicle, what do you think?
BudFrank comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Great! I love it. Mine is drab in comparison
I hope all of you have a great 2016!
BudFrank comments on Jan 28, 2019:
You sure it’s not 2015?
BudFrank comments on Jan 28, 2019:
So many jerks. We guys see them too
I have seen this happen more than once.
BudFrank comments on Jan 28, 2019:
Yes I have seen that before. I tell someone (usually a woman), “first time it shows up, tell me but don’t expect me to know it. Second time it happens, it’s my bad.
Realistic mannequins
BudFrank comments on Jan 28, 2019:
I resemble that remark
Hi all! I’m setting out soon on an endless journey! Wildfire relieved me of possessions and ...
BudFrank comments on Jan 27, 2019:
Sorry you lost your home. I was in Chico CA with the Red Cross during that time. I don’t have any places to recommend but wish you the best.


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painted from a picture by an artist in Virginia
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Agnostic, Humanist, Skeptic, Spiritual
Open to meeting women
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  • Joined Jul 2nd, 2018
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