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Coleman hawkins, HELLO LOLA,.
Budgie comments on Jul 2, 2020:
It is a happy tune, at least that is what I get from it. Can just about see them dancing to it if I have my era right. If not well it is only in my head so it does not matter.
Probably not many are a fan of this song, but I have to play it today: Elmer's Tune, by Benny ...
Budgie comments on Jul 2, 2020:
Great to have memories that are linked to things and a catchy tune as well.
No shit sorry
Budgie comments on Jul 2, 2020:
I can see a wall getting built by both Canada and Mexico to keep the American's at bay I am pretty sure at this point the rest of the world will chip in a bit to make sure no one come to their country from America, it is spiraling out of control there.
[] Cream - Badge
Budgie comments on Jul 2, 2020:
Awesome group love all of their songs. At uni I would sit at the railway station and across from it there was a sleazy hotel, that made me think of the Cream song White Room.
Crosby, Stills & Nash - Southern Cross []
Budgie comments on Jul 2, 2020:
Great band lovely songs. Thanks.
Happy birthday, Buddy Rich.
Budgie comments on Jul 1, 2020:
One of the best tributes to George ever.
Budgie comments on Jul 1, 2020:
A beautiful song performed by some of the best. Thanks
LOL, it just CANNOT get any better imo.
Budgie comments on Jul 1, 2020:
Set up a pentacle in your backyard, go out and lay some food in it give the demon a name and call for him. Put out some water it must be as hot as hell. Then pretend to throw a ball for it to retrieve, pat it etc. Tie a rope to the hill hoist or a tree and spend some time teaching it how to skip, especially when the neighbours are out in their yard. Oh and video please. I would send a letter to Paul Skelley informing him that under no circumstances is he or any of his congregation allowed on your property and should be enter your property then you will be calling the police, quote the phone conversation as your reason why he should not enter. Send it certified with a return certificate. If he or anyone enters your property call the police. Have fun and let us know what happens.
How many times a day do you receive a comment from someone that starts with "I know you don't ...
Budgie comments on Jul 1, 2020:
Doesn't tend to happen to me. I even once sat by myself (my father was in a brass band I had given him a lift in to a performance and was having a cuppa while I waited) as I could see some nutter trying to work the crowd but I must have been too scary and giving off the "Come on make my day vibe." He never came over to my area, I even had a spare chair for him to sit on noticed that he was going after the young Asian women who were by themselves. Coward.
A Photography competition in case anyone would like to enter - []
Budgie comments on Jun 28, 2020:
Thanks for the share don't think mine are ready for this level of scrutiny just yet.
Moon over Motown University Foods Parking lot. 9:45 pm.
Budgie comments on Jun 28, 2020:
All of the contrasting colours in this shot. So many things to notice I could spend ages looking at it.
Well formed Lenticular cloud formation off the Ruahine range taken in Hawkes Bay NewZealand.
Budgie comments on Jun 28, 2020:
I love clouds and the kind of shots you can get with them.
Taken 26 June 2020
Budgie comments on Jun 28, 2020:
Great shots love the colour contrasts.
Two related shots.
Budgie comments on Jun 28, 2020:
Love the black and white one.
Window In The Skies. - U2. How many musical icons can you name? []
Budgie comments on Jun 28, 2020:
I think I could name 28 of them.
Get off the recliner..... []
Budgie comments on Jun 28, 2020:
Been a while since I have heard them. Great band, great music, love the sound of a bass grew up listening to one so a very familiar and comforting sound.
Looks can be deceiving ... []
Budgie comments on Jun 28, 2020:
Given that the ass does not interest me in the least I still read the sentence incorrectly as most of us when reading do not read each word we read words longer than 3 letters and fill in the rest. So I read it as what if I told you the same way that poeple will raed words corrctly even if they are not speled corrctly as long as the first and last letters are correct.
Going out for a Sunday stroll....
Budgie comments on Jun 22, 2020:
They actually entered the church not just had a photo opportunity outside of it.
When you go to one of the most bigoted and least educated states you can find for a rally and claim ...
Budgie comments on Jun 22, 2020:
Even better when you find out that a mass of teenagers rsvped and reserved tickets they never planned on using just to inflate the numbers that we "going" so it would look really sad. Way to go kids.
The demise of Mike, then Murray: a lesson takes a sharp turn to horror.
Budgie comments on Jun 22, 2020:
Saw this a while ago it is still funny, starts by teaching the meaning and then gets silly but awesome silly.
Big oops lol
Budgie comments on Jun 22, 2020:
That has got to be embarrassing and painful, even with the face shield that stuff is going to get to you.
Spelling is important
Budgie comments on Jun 19, 2020:
But but but ... well it has been so long since anyone has been interested in my pubic area that I don't think this is a problem.
A Question of Morality -- Looking for Opinions -- Should saving a puppy mill dog just be written...
Budgie comments on Jun 19, 2020:
Write to your local leaders to get the mills banned comprehensively. Join groups that help to show the conditions in these mills and rescue the animals while getting the thugs that prey on them charged with animal cruelty/abuse what ever laws can be thrown at them. Raise your voice for the voiceless.
Who else is a naughty atheist who invites the Mormons and the Jehovah's Witness's into their home ...
Budgie comments on Jun 17, 2020:
I generally don't want to I am often quite rude (they are on my property they can take their chances) I don't want to waste my time and effort on a worthless task.
I thought I would introduce you to Terry Pratchett.
Budgie comments on Jun 17, 2020:
He is my favourite author, I love his work, he faced DEATH with dignity, he believed strongly in a person's right to choose their ending and even filmed a documentary about it.
A Pastor Wants to Replace “White Privilege” With the “White Blessing” of Slavery | Beth ...
Budgie comments on Jun 16, 2020:
Let's not be making white people uncomfortable, I teach indigenous students and non indigenous and we have open conversations about how race affects people and how some people are judged solely on their race without any thought to them as a person, I TEACH SPECIAL ED and these kids get it, they can talk about how they are treated we talk about The Stolen Generation and why it happened and what happened to those children. One of my indigenous students has stated that he would never go to America as he is too scared he would be shot by the police, and we discuss why some of them are safe to walk down a street in America but he would not be and that is White Privilege. I guess our kids are tougher as they have all faced some sort of discrimination having disabilities so they have some idea of being judged because of that but please note they also have intellectual impairments which affect their reasoning (I have a class with 4 ASD children who are constantly telling each other not to do things and that is not the right way to do something and struggle with changes to routines) but they get the idea of White Privilege.
For me, this is just a sexy song... []
Budgie comments on Jun 16, 2020:
I think it is a beautiful song.
Dusky colors.
Budgie comments on Jun 16, 2020:
Three years ago today in and near Stresa, Italy.
Budgie comments on Jun 16, 2020:
I like number 5 with the plant looking like they are reclaiming the building.
From the local bike trail
Budgie comments on Jun 16, 2020:
Great shots
Made the effort to get up early for the sunrise at about 4:45 this morning.
Budgie comments on Jun 16, 2020:
I like the openess that some landscapes show. These feel free and calm well done.
The thought police are here, judging art for us.
Budgie comments on Jun 15, 2020:
This is stupid as it is the Englishman who is being ridiculed and shown up as an ass. The German's are reasonable and polite for as long as possible.
Okay my fellow Aussies, a recent piece popped up on my Newsfeed that propose a National Drivers ...
Budgie comments on Jun 15, 2020:
I think that the two tiered system was to prevent a federal government from having too much power, however as a teacher my teaching registration board card is useless out side of my state my working with children card is useless outside of my state, I think having national standards and requirements would allow for better movement from one state to another. If I moved to another state I lose all of my sick leave and have to apply for another job. I also have to resign from my current job.
One of my favorite Led Zeppelin songs, performed here by Sheryl Crow live in 1993.
Budgie comments on Jun 15, 2020:
Well at least now I know what I am doing wrong in attracting a man I am not playing an acordian I am not even wearing one better hurry up and find one. She is a great singer like this cover.
Budgie comments on Jun 15, 2020:
I still love listening to this kind of music, reminds me of my parents. I can almost hear my Dad singing along to them.
Kirk Whalum []
Budgie comments on Jun 15, 2020:
Nice thanks for sharing it.
This guy was caught luteing during the pandemic!
Budgie comments on Jun 15, 2020:
There is not a groan button to press. But well done on the pun.
Four years ago today in London, England.
Budgie comments on Jun 14, 2020:
The bus window is great.
Tonight's viewing enjoyment. Love ladybugs & roses
Budgie comments on Jun 14, 2020:
Love the ladybeetles.
Four years ago today in New York City.
Budgie comments on Jun 14, 2020:
The lines in the first are interesting and the statue on the bench is lovely I like the colours of the last two and the areas you chose to photograph.
This is a very interesting question, asking for a friend
Budgie comments on Jun 14, 2020:
I'm fine, or any short sentence with fine in it. Also nothing.
It is Reg Presley's birthday.
Budgie comments on Jun 14, 2020:
I love this song but everytime I hear it I hear and see The Goodies' version of it. I am so warped.
Heather Nova - Rewild Me []
Budgie comments on Jun 14, 2020:
Very nice thanks for the share.
The Ventures, "Walk Don't Run" []
Budgie comments on Jun 12, 2020:
I love the instrumentals from this era.
Good morning .
Budgie comments on Jun 12, 2020:
Got to see him in a small concert in Darwin he is great and a lovely person as well.
Wayne Fontana and The Mindbenders ...from way back in 1965. - The Game Of Love. []
Budgie comments on Jun 12, 2020:
I love the harmonies in this.
Your groaner for the day...
Budgie comments on Jun 11, 2020:
Love the comment, poor little roomba
Leisure cat🤔.
Budgie comments on Jun 10, 2020:
I am more worried about what is being scanned...
A supernatural transference of wisdom?[]
Budgie comments on Jun 10, 2020:
Wondered how that happened.
Something just like this(remix full girl version) i like her version, the beat and the music 🎶...
Budgie comments on Jun 10, 2020:
Not bad I get past the repetitive nature of this music when I am just listening to music but for fire twirling it works well.
The McCoys reminded me of the British equivalents: early boy band: Here are the dave Clark Five ...
Budgie comments on Jun 10, 2020:
I had only ever heard this they have such a cheeky smiles.
One more boyband Herman's Hermits I'm into something good []
Budgie comments on Jun 10, 2020:
One of my friends had one of their records, listen to it so often, bopping around the bedroom.
Audioslave - Original Fire []
Budgie comments on Jun 10, 2020:
Needed something energizing this evening thanks.
Mama's and papas California dreaming
Budgie comments on Jun 10, 2020:
Love this song. Beautiful harmonies.
All shots taken yesterday during my hike on Stone Mountain.
Budgie comments on Jun 9, 2020:
Great shots, I love the stones. And the ones of the creek make me want to jump in.
I hiked Stone Mountain yesterday - oh what a fabulous day.
Budgie comments on Jun 9, 2020:
A beautiful place, love the photos.
My encounter meeting a racist, transphobic, chatterbox, conversation hog
Budgie comments on Jun 8, 2020:
If he is at another gathering and start spouting rubbish, stand up and walk out, come back after a time if he is still speaking walk out again, if he confronts you just tell him he has nothing to say that is valid. Walk away don't respond to him do not validate his replies, after that just ignore him. If others do the same he loses his audience and will be silenced (he is going to say a lot of nasty stuff at you trust me) get others to walk with you.
What can I say - I 💘 🌹 and the blackberries are getting close.... yummy yummy
Budgie comments on Jun 7, 2020:
Great shot with the rose. Love eating berries off the tree/bush/vine/whatever they grow on.
The BunkerBitch came out for a "victory parade" today so the crowds all went to see him to express ...
Budgie comments on Jun 7, 2020:
Good on them.
Someone is missing the fucking point
Budgie comments on Jun 7, 2020:
As someone who uses semantics a lot I sort of laughed at this. It is not a laughable situation and the guy is trying to wriggle out of a difficult situation rather than face the facts that they are acting in a reprehensible manner.
David Bowie & Pat Metheny Group - This is Not America []
Budgie comments on Jun 7, 2020:
Very confronting, but it needs to be confronted, while I can not get behind the destruction of property I can not believe that a human can do what these police officers are doing and being supported to do institutionalized racism is evil.
Budgie comments on Jun 7, 2020:
Love it grew up listening to music like this from my father.
Something Inside So Strong.
Budgie comments on Jun 7, 2020:
An uplifting song, so sad that people are still battling the same problems that we should have gotten past.
Everly Brothers - All I Have To Do Is Dream []
Budgie comments on Jun 7, 2020:
A sweet song their voices are lovely to listen to.
Think we all need a reminder in these times []
Budgie comments on Jun 7, 2020:
I definitely need a reminder at present. I am hoping things get better soon but am feeling worn down with the world at present.
John Lennon Imagine
Budgie comments on Jun 7, 2020:
Hard to imagine a better world at present there is just so much going on. Not much of it good.
Cat Stevens its a wild world
Budgie comments on Jun 7, 2020:
A great song. Always makes me think of a parent when their child is about to set off on their own into the adult world.
I'm from the Buckle on the Bible belt.
Budgie comments on Jun 7, 2020:
G'KAR !!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that show. Been rewatching it lately.
Does a ovo-vegetarian believe in abortion? hmmmm
Budgie comments on Jun 7, 2020:
The two are completely different issues. I eat eggs, they come from my chickens who roam freely and are taken to a vet if they get ill and all have their own names. Chickens produce eggs even if they are not with a rooster so many eggs are unfertilized. I do not eat eggs when I eat out as they would have come from a battery hen and I oppose that. As far as abortion goes I want women to have access to safe and legal abortions but it is up to each individual person to decide for themselves what they want to do in any situation. I actually joke with people when they say "But you eat eggs that I am not okay with murder but I am fine with abortion." So this ovo-vegetarian agrees with women having access to safe and legal abortions.
Three years ago today, we were at Lake Bled, Slovenia.
Budgie comments on Jun 7, 2020:
Great shots, love the one with the statue, and the framing of the one with the trees in the foreground. The flowers are stunning and the birds are scene stealers so cute.
Landscapes — 1: Murlough Bay, Northern Ireland, 1970.
Budgie comments on Jun 7, 2020:
I really like your landscapes.
I took a drive with a friend over to the west side of Kauai yesterday, the farthest I've been away ...
Budgie comments on Jun 7, 2020:
Stunning landscapes. I would love to get over there one day to see it all.
Satire is funny
Budgie comments on Jun 7, 2020:
I always feel for retail workers who have to put up with rubbish from customers.
Who trust the Bible? ..🙄
Budgie comments on Jun 7, 2020:
Probably more truth in that than the bible so I would go with it.
Hare-brained criticism ...[]
Budgie comments on Jun 7, 2020:
It is such a cute bunny I would listen to it. Bunny is wise, Bunny is good.
Well, after all this time of being quarantined, finally had a few friends over to the house for ...
Budgie comments on Jun 7, 2020:
I love the fact the books are still protected. Well done you for that. Bit worried about the open plan bathroom, but I guess each to their own.
Lets do that
Budgie comments on Jun 7, 2020:
Well he just held a bible in front of a church so he should be good with it. I mean being a believer and all.
Why not try to blend in?[]
Budgie comments on Jun 7, 2020:
Never buy a teddy the same colour as your cat. You could lose your cat. Great hiding.
Going to need a shitload
Budgie comments on Jun 7, 2020:
I think we are going to need more than just sage I think.
Dont do that
Budgie comments on Jun 7, 2020:
I love the double entendre.
How many get this ?
Budgie comments on Jun 7, 2020:
Never watched the show but I know the reference.
On my way to pick up a pizza at Sgt.
Budgie comments on Jun 5, 2020:
The purple ones are stunning.
Some lovelies from the walk around my yard (pasture) yesterday.
Budgie comments on Jun 5, 2020:
The shell on the wood is interesting. As is the yellow tube flower. Great closeups.
The Pink Sunset Afterglow.
Budgie comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Sunsets on water always look spectacular.
Hint of Summer
Budgie comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Is the water really that blue? I love the colours in this one. The clouds are great.
Evening Light
Budgie comments on Jun 5, 2020:
A very peaceful photo love the colours.
One year ago today in Stresa, Italy.
Budgie comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Love the shots of the flowers and the street light.
I've been doing StayHome since early March, and heartily tired of it.
Budgie comments on Jun 5, 2020:
I love the tree sticking up by itself and the contrast to the sea behind it. Great shot.
I took a drive with a friend over to the west side of Kauai yesterday, the farthest I've been away ...
Budgie comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Great colours and contrasts stunning scenery.
Taken June 4th (handheld) 1 1/1600 sec f6.3 600mm ISO 250 2 1/1000 aec f6.3 600 nn ISO 200
Budgie comments on Jun 5, 2020:
I am impressed. Well done.
The Weight | Featuring Robbie Robertson and Ringo Starr| Playing For Change | Song Around The World ...
Budgie comments on Jun 5, 2020:
I think the creativity that people are showing is wonderful.
[] nuff said
Budgie comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Chilled music I liked it and the clip is interesting.
Dancing In The Moonlight (Johnny Lectro Remix) []
Budgie comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Love this cover thanks for sharing and brightening my Friday night.
THE GIRL FROM IPANEMA - ARPI PETROSYAN : A famous Antônio Carlos Jobim song by this new wonder ...
Budgie comments on Jun 5, 2020:
While this is a great song I have forever linked it to lift music. I think it played in a lift and my parents started singing it and laughed so now I think of this as lift music.
Sadly Steve Priest died today A fitting tribute. Love the green collar!!!! []
Budgie comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Sad to hear, he brought some people to Darwin and performed Sweet songs. I think he mentioned he had battled cancer so if my memory is correct then it might have been a recurrence or complications of.
Kid Creole & The Coconuts - Stool Pigeon []
Budgie comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Never heard of them before thanks for the share love the music style.
Creedence Clearwater Revival - Proud Mary, live []
Budgie comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Camping and the boys with guitars always played this one (along with House of the Rising Sun) We all sang loudly not sure we always had the correct words or even knew them all but we enjoyed it.
The Beatles - Helter Skelter (2009 remaster) []
Budgie comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Love this one head banging Beatle's music.
Talking Heads - And She Was []
Budgie comments on Jun 5, 2020:
An amazing band love all of their songs.
ZZ Top - Just Got Paid []
Budgie comments on Jun 5, 2020:
Great band great songs.
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