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Hey, accidents happen, right?
Mokvon comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Foreplay to me.
Carin replies on Jan 17, 2019:
Talk about liking it rough!
Hey, accidents happen, right?
Stacey48 comments on Jan 16, 2019:
That whole movie is about kinky accidents. Lol
Carin replies on Jan 17, 2019:
What movie is this from? I'm glad it's not real because I thought she might be dead due to that awkward uncomfortable looking position.
She probably thinks it's a cute pair of pink leggings.
AprilFlowers comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Holy cow that has to be photoshopped! lmao!
Carin replies on Jan 17, 2019:
@Hathacat You HAD to point that detail out, didn't you? As if we weren't all traumatized enough already.
She probably thinks it's a cute pair of pink leggings.
chalupacabre comments on Jan 16, 2019:
What was she thinking with those sandals?!
Carin replies on Jan 17, 2019:
Someone nailed Trump's constant pattern of denial! ?
thislife comments on Jan 15, 2019:
This is such a bizarre time to be an American.
Carin replies on Jan 16, 2019:
Also very embarrassing. I have friends & family in a few other countries....
GinaKay comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Nothing new. Trump selects someone his base would approve of. What else would one expect? Are we surprised that these people exist in our country? Are we surprised it's a woman? Then you haven't been paying attention. Who do we think feminists have been fighting against all this time? But I ...
Carin replies on Jan 16, 2019:
@GinaKay Wow--deep thoughts there. Such a rarity these days! I do agree--though he can only surround himself with people who can at least tolerate him if not agree with him or like him. That pretty much eliminates anyone with scruples!
GinaKay comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Nothing new. Trump selects someone his base would approve of. What else would one expect? Are we surprised that these people exist in our country? Are we surprised it's a woman? Then you haven't been paying attention. Who do we think feminists have been fighting against all this time? But I ...
Carin replies on Jan 16, 2019:
I honestly don't think he even cares about his base--he just picks people he can relate to, friends or friends of friends. He would not question this way of thinking because it would seem normal to him. Just like Kavanaugh attacking women did not strike him as being problematic.
I saw this and was immediately reminded how doctors and nurses even more so, do not get paid enough ...
Surfpirate comments on Jan 16, 2019:
We certainly are a jaded bunch of bastards; the birth of a child the passing of a parent and all we can think about is how that remote wound up in that guy's asshole. Personally, I think it is a toss up between him sitting his fat ass on it while watching porn in the nude or his wife making good on...
Carin replies on Jan 16, 2019:
I love how you think!
evidence of the silk road and the role of women in manuscript writing Medieval women’s early ...
Cast1es comments on Jan 16, 2019:
This is much mire detailed than the facebook submission I saw earlier , that showed what appeared to be upper frontal dental work , with tiny holes , where chips of the mineral had been embedded , I believe from the artist perhaps touching the roof of her mouth with the end of the brush having tiny ...
Carin replies on Jan 16, 2019:
Yeah I thought it looked like dental work too--trying to tighten up a loose tooth. This is very interesting to get more details.
Have you ever been in one of those moods?
Emerald comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Every 28 days
Carin replies on Jan 16, 2019:
Oh no! I only had PMS once but wow, it was a really bad one so I sympathize with you. I hadn't had my period in about 5 years due to my first pregnancy & breastfeeding, & then all of a sudden I wanted to start killing people. Like seriously, someone would annoy me & I'd think, they need to DIE. NOW. An image of running them over with my car or something like that would flash through my mind for a fraction of a second. Yikes!! This went on for a couple days & I was wondering what the heck was suddenly wrong with me & then~voila~I had my period & I was back to normal. Thankfully it never happened again--I guess it was just a bunch of pent up period hormones. It made me think of that lady in England a long time ago now, who used PMS a defense in her murder trial. I think she might have even been successful, not sure.
Have you ever been in one of those moods?
TDSkully comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Yes, but I struggle with depression. ??
Carin replies on Jan 16, 2019:
@Sheannutt Me too but luckily I mainly get irritated with myself then, & leave other people alone!
Apologies if the below is too authentic.
sewchick57 comments on Jan 14, 2019:
Sexless marriages are probably more common than you'd think. Virtually every man that contacted me when I would put up a craigslist ad told me their wives either wouldn't or couldn't have sex. I always specified men over 50 but there were plenty in their 30s and 40s that contacted me.
Carin replies on Jan 15, 2019:
Did they ever wonder why this had happened?
Apologies if the below is too authentic.
GreatNani comments on Jan 14, 2019:
I am curious about what their wives would say. If both sides of the couple were asked there would be a lot of surprising things that would come out of that. Marriage is hard. :(
Carin replies on Jan 15, 2019:
It took me over a year to realize he was the reason I didn't like sex any more, so it never came out in marriage counseling. It happened so gradually I just thought it was my hormones dying.
All it takes is that one moment of clarity.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 14, 2019:
I'm a meat eater and always have been. I respect vegans and what they stand for. I do not hunt. If hunting is a sport the playing field is one sided. Just sayin.'
Carin replies on Jan 14, 2019:
@Gooniesnvrdie I don't know--but I do know they can be transported very long distances with no food or water, sliding around in manure & sometimes getting injured. The pigs in the trucks cry heartbreakingly--I've heard them at truck stops.
When a man truly loves a woman does she become his weakness?
Carin comments on Jan 14, 2019:
Disagree completely! In my personal experience it's been completely the opposite. I think most people on a site like this are beyond that kind of simplistic, sexist generalization.
Carin replies on Jan 14, 2019:
I should say, though, that I don't think those men loved me-they were lying. I suppose if we were talking about true love, if it even exists, that neither partner would be weakened. In the real world though, men almost always have more physical, social & economic power.
This should be easy. Name a fad you hated. I hated the Twiggy haircut I was forced to get.
Treehugger comments on Jan 14, 2019:
I was pushed into the red polyester leisure suit. I despise polyester
Carin replies on Jan 14, 2019:
Me too--so sticky & sweaty.
This should be easy. Name a fad you hated. I hated the Twiggy haircut I was forced to get.
Fit50something comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Why past-tense? The fad that I hate more than any other is TATTOOS ON WOMEN! The only word that I can use to describe it is "pollution".
Carin replies on Jan 14, 2019:
@Fit-50something I see! & yeah, I kind of feel the same way about make-up & implants but mainly because it says we're not pretty enough the way we are as women, that we all should look a certain way. Tattoos don't seem that way to me--I see them as self expression, not conformity.
What is art?
bleurowz comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Art has been a part of my life since I was a child. So I'd say absolutely yes to your second and third questions. To the first one, art is a form of self-expression that connects one to themselves and to the world. A way of looking at things in a different way. One also doesn't have to create art to...
Carin replies on Jan 14, 2019:
You expressed that so well! I think you can look at a scene or an object & see it in a different way if you have an artistic mind. Some people notice & appreciate color, or balance, or symbolism in everyday life. They put thought into how they arrange their environment. Some people express themselves in ways that may not fall within the usual accepted realm of art, but they are making those connections.
All it takes is that one moment of clarity.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 14, 2019:
I'm a meat eater and always have been. I respect vegans and what they stand for. I do not hunt. If hunting is a sport the playing field is one sided. Just sayin.'
Carin replies on Jan 14, 2019:
I don't see hunting for meat as a worse way to feed yourself than buying a steak or chicken at the store. At least wild animals get to have a normal life & are spared the trauma of being transported to slaughter.
This should be easy. Name a fad you hated. I hated the Twiggy haircut I was forced to get.
Fit50something comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Why past-tense? The fad that I hate more than any other is TATTOOS ON WOMEN! The only word that I can use to describe it is "pollution".
Carin replies on Jan 13, 2019:
@Cabsmom Me too & I like them. Looks like they are a good way to weed out men with sexist double standards too!
If you have never seen goose egg before to see the size comparison is very different.
JackPedigo comments on Jan 13, 2019:
I have a neighbor/friend who had geese (before the Racoons got them). He once gave us some eggs to cook. The yolk is very orange and the flavor is much stronger than a chicken egg. For a while we tried to find local farmers that sold organic chicken eggs. A lot of them tasted fishy (it is because of...
Carin replies on Jan 13, 2019:
Some brands of chicken feed use fish meal for a protein source. I also found that my hens' eggs tasted better if I avoided those foods, & the manure was not as awful smelling either.
I feel like I'm from a different species sometimes with all my conservative friends.
Jolanta comments on Jan 13, 2019:
You are doing a great job, as you said, occasionally you do succeed. I know it is hard and very frustrating.
Carin replies on Jan 13, 2019:
I agree--any success with those types is commendable.
We refuse to go back to the 50s quietly.
Redheadedgammy comments on Jan 12, 2019:
Love those dresses!! The pink pussy hats add a nice touch.
Carin replies on Jan 12, 2019:
@Redheadedgammy I just assumed, since they're called pussy hats... Hope someone will explain!
We refuse to go back to the 50s quietly.
Redheadedgammy comments on Jan 12, 2019:
Love those dresses!! The pink pussy hats add a nice touch.
Carin replies on Jan 12, 2019:
I don't understand how the hats are supposed to resemble female genitals...2 pointy ends?
I have a question for the women in the group.
evergreen comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Doesn't matter - it's the neck inside the collar, and the head on top of it that counts.
Carin replies on Jan 12, 2019:
@evergreen Mine?
SKH78 comments on Jan 12, 2019:
I will NEVER go into a facility. If I am vulnerable, I will expedite my exit. I will hasten my demise. Every nurse I have ever talked to, who has worked in those places, they all said they will never go into one of those facilities. Horror story after horror story.
Carin replies on Jan 12, 2019:
Sadly, she nearly drowned as a toddler & never had a choice...
Good afternoon everyone. Hope everyone have a good focused productive day.
MissKathleen comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Having a bad cold has relapsed. I was already sick of that shit.
Carin replies on Jan 11, 2019:
@MissKathleen Sinus rinses seem to be helping--trying to avoid antibiotics if possible.
Good afternoon everyone. Hope everyone have a good focused productive day.
MissKathleen comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Having a bad cold has relapsed. I was already sick of that shit.
Carin replies on Jan 11, 2019:
The one going around right now seems to be a long one. My son got a sinus infection from it too.
Woman in vegatative state , apparently assaulted gives birth to a baby boy.
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 10, 2019:
There are so many thing wrong with this situation. This child will likely never know it's mother. The biological father, if identified hopefully will go to prison, and even so at some point in time could get custody of the child. What an awful family tree. If medical science can cure the vegetative ...
Carin replies on Jan 11, 2019:
Apparently the young woman has family who are caring for the new baby. At least there's that....
You deserve someone. ❤?
Mitch07102 comments on Jan 11, 2019:
That someone is you. Stop waiting.
Carin replies on Jan 11, 2019:
@Mitch07102 I don't agree that someone else can't treat a person like they matter just because that person doesn't think they matter. There are lots of really wonderful, kind people with low self esteem.
I have a question for the women in the group.
evergreen comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Doesn't matter - it's the neck inside the collar, and the head on top of it that counts.
Carin replies on Jan 11, 2019:
Blue collar guys are better below the collar though.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Recently Lewinsky said she desperately wants to get past that time in her life. She wanted to talk to Hillary and she just wishes Bill could have said he was sorry. NO, she doesn't. She will bring it up again and again because it is her only claim to fame. She was not a victim.
Carin replies on Jan 11, 2019:
She was very young & he was, after all, the president. Of course it was consensual but I also see her as somewhat less responsible for it all than he is. & after all, he was the one who was married & cheating on his wife. He may have been a good president but his morals are very lacking.
You deserve someone. ❤?
germangirl90439 comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Luckily, I found that someone. (yeah yeah ... I know)
Carin replies on Jan 11, 2019:
I was going to say that but I didn't want to make other people feel bad...
You deserve someone. ❤?
Mitch07102 comments on Jan 11, 2019:
That someone is you. Stop waiting.
Carin replies on Jan 11, 2019:
Not the same. At least not for a lot of people. It's natural for humans to want to be with another human.
You deserve someone. ❤?
Larry-new comments on Jan 11, 2019:
My point is not too much to ask!
Carin replies on Jan 11, 2019:
I know! Why wouldn't someone want to be nice to their partner?
Reading other posts and other people's reactions.
Davekp comments on Jan 8, 2019:
I get your frustration but some girls like it. Sorry.. but you are not the arbiter of what every woman likes.
Carin replies on Jan 9, 2019:
@Davekp Who's Harve anyway?
Reading other posts and other people's reactions.
Davekp comments on Jan 8, 2019:
I get your frustration but some girls like it. Sorry.. but you are not the arbiter of what every woman likes.
Carin replies on Jan 9, 2019:
@Davekp Sorry it was Leigh Shelton! Ooops! I apologize very bigly.
Would you personally date/consider someone with different political beliefs than you?
Untamedshrew comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Minor differences in political ideas are fine. But if we differ greatly in political stance, we wouldn’t be compatible. These beliefs are based on your values, which need to align in a close relationship.
Carin replies on Jan 9, 2019:
Yes, exactly how I feel. But right now I'm considering how very different beliefs could be based on the same values....I do think it's possible.
Would you personally date/consider someone with different political beliefs than you?
Xenocat comments on Jan 9, 2019:
As Untamedshew said, a little difference is fine, but when the ideals are polar opposites, I don't think it would work out. Whether we like talking about politics or not (I certainly don't), your underlying political ideal reflects at least some part of your personality.
Carin replies on Jan 9, 2019:
I must agree that politics can't really be completely separated from personality & therefor values--but it takes a while to really understand why a person feels the way they do about certain political issues. It could be fear, some kind of personal experience trauma, or, sadly, it could just be because they have values that I think are morally questionable.
Reading other posts and other people's reactions.
Davekp comments on Jan 8, 2019:
I get your frustration but some girls like it. Sorry.. but you are not the arbiter of what every woman likes.
Carin replies on Jan 9, 2019:
@Davekp Mind your own business-you are not a woman. I love blocking arrogant people like you. We're talking about unfamiliar men addressing women in an overly familiar & condescending manner, not S & M, practiced by a very few couples. You're still talking about burning bras like it's the 1960's so it's obvious your mind is closed to new information. Maybe I got rage but it's better than your entitled ignorance.
Reading other posts and other people's reactions.
PontifexMarximus comments on Jan 8, 2019:
My piece of advice … DO whatever you like and live with the consequences!!!
Carin replies on Jan 9, 2019:
Self-absorbed much? You are talking about addressing another human being.
Reading other posts and other people's reactions.
EyesThatSmile comments on Jan 8, 2019:
I’ve never really liked the term “Babe” or “Baby” even from a boyfriend. It sounds demeaning. Just my own opinion.
Carin replies on Jan 9, 2019:
It's gotten even worse & really obnoxious with "Bae." Like it's just too much trouble to pronounce even that second B.
Reading other posts and other people's reactions.
RobertNappi2 comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Wow...Tell us how you really feel!!!!!
Carin replies on Jan 9, 2019:
She speaks for most of us.
Reading other posts and other people's reactions.
Davekp comments on Jan 8, 2019:
I get your frustration but some girls like it. Sorry.. but you are not the arbiter of what every woman likes.
Carin replies on Jan 9, 2019:
Looks like she's the arbiter of almost all of the women on this site. Anyway, you CERTAINLY aren't. & by the way, we are not "girls." Everyone on Agnostic is an adult. If you call an actual girl "Babe" that would just be creepy.
Reading other posts and other people's reactions.
LeighShelton comments on Jan 8, 2019:
works both ways really. depending on how its said i dont see the problem. i often say my love but of course your not my love. its just a figure of speech to me.
Carin replies on Jan 9, 2019:
You are male so it's not up to you to "see the problem." Just take our word for it.
Need something to lighten your mood today.
escapetypist comments on Jan 5, 2019:
This looks like a missed opportunity to put up an ad for Viagra on the opposite side.
Carin replies on Jan 9, 2019:
You wine the prize for best comment!
Zappa and his cat
Carin comments on Jan 8, 2019:
This is a good one!
Carin replies on Jan 8, 2019:
I like it better than the David Bowie & Cat one.
Sometimes you just got to stop looking.?
Cast1es comments on Jan 7, 2019:
World wide , available women , significantly out number available men , except perhaps in China and Tibet , where they frequently kill off females at birth .
Carin replies on Jan 7, 2019:
It's true, & I have always gotten the impression that relationships & marriage were more important to the average woman than the average man--yet the guys here say they can't find anyone. Maybe even more women can't but they just don't talk about it as much?
Sometimes you just got to stop looking.?
blumandolin comments on Jan 7, 2019:
A trail of cookies and milk helps works on santa.
Carin replies on Jan 7, 2019:
Or a trail of chocolate if your're looking for a woman....
I was supposed to have a lunch date tomorrow.
SeeCanU comments on Jan 7, 2019:
i went on a date with a girl i met on match.. she asked me how tall i was and then later on said something about netflix and chill. i told her i hope she's not like that. never heard from her again although she said she would go play golf with me a few days later. is sex all they want???
Carin replies on Jan 7, 2019:
@A2Jennifer Why would you eat chili before sex? Seems like a bad choice--either gas or heartburn!
I was supposed to have a lunch date tomorrow.
SeeCanU comments on Jan 7, 2019:
i went on a date with a girl i met on match.. she asked me how tall i was and then later on said something about netflix and chill. i told her i hope she's not like that. never heard from her again although she said she would go play golf with me a few days later. is sex all they want???
Carin replies on Jan 7, 2019:
How does Netflix & chili=sex? Or asking how tall you were?
Religion and Marriage
mordant comments on Jan 7, 2019:
If the JW is devout (and most of them are because they have to be) I'm hard pressed to imagine how they could get along with ANY sort of non-JW. They are just too controlling and dogmatic, even by fundamentalist standards. You'd have to accept that their religion would be actively working to recruit...
Carin replies on Jan 7, 2019:
@Dewayne5068 Since you have an established relationship I think you have a base from which to work if you both go to marriage counseling. And since you have kids I'd really encourage BOTH of you to try & work it out. Divorce, or living with parents who don't get along, is very hard on kids.
Just gonna leave this right here, and see what happens.
dreamsinflux comments on Aug 15, 2018:
I must have left a path of upset people in my wake. I nursed walking through the grocery store on a regular basis. Lol
Carin replies on Jan 7, 2019:
@dreamsinflux I'm a La Leche League leader & so obviously am a strong believer in its physical & emotional benefits. & really, would anyone really want to listen to a hungry baby scream instead of just turning their head if it bothered them. Unfortunately yes....some idiots do seem to feel that way. To heck with them!
Just gonna leave this right here, and see what happens.
dreamsinflux comments on Aug 15, 2018:
I must have left a path of upset people in my wake. I nursed walking through the grocery store on a regular basis. Lol
Carin replies on Jan 7, 2019:
Me too!
Just gonna leave this right here, and see what happens.
Lukian comments on Aug 17, 2018:
a reflection of a twisted society
Carin replies on Jan 7, 2019:
The fact that moms can't just nurse wherever they happen to be when the baby gets hungry, but instead have to hide to avoid possible harassment shows how twisted our society is.
Eating ice cream with 5 rats
SkotlandSkye comments on Jan 5, 2019:
I only have one, but he likes Ice cream on hot days! He loves food in general! Lol ?????❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Carin replies on Jan 6, 2019:
Rats are just the best little pets! I miss ours.
Is everyone in the world crazy?
RiverRick comments on Jan 6, 2019:
I have never had an issue paying taxes... Only how the money is spent! (Or wasted!)
Carin replies on Jan 6, 2019:
You took the words out of my mouth!
Online dating success stories?
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 6, 2019:
I met my ex husband before online dating was a thing, before the Internet was widespread. (I am THAT old.) We were both military members in Germany. There was a publication for the military members and families available at the Exchange (department store) and the Commisary (grocery store) called ...
Carin replies on Jan 6, 2019:
@mikecagain I met a nice guy from a personals ad in a respectable magazine back in the 1970s.
Online dating success stories?
Cabsmom comments on Jan 6, 2019:
I met a wonderful man that is not in the right place for a long term relationship. I'm hoping that changes, but I can't force it. We are still talking. I've also met another wonderful man that just lives way too damn far away. Believe me if he lived closer, we would have a great time. He is a ...
Carin replies on Jan 6, 2019:
@Savage I moved 3,000 miles to be with my guy. I had to move anyway, but a couple hundred would have been sufficient. I drove here in 4 days & have not regretted a thing.
92% of Homeless Mothers Were Sexual Victims - WTF!!!
CaroleKay comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Reality check--->
Carin replies on Jan 6, 2019:
Yeah, being homeless is a big pain in the but.
Social experiment.
Seeker3CO comments on Jan 6, 2019:
I doubt this nonsensical post will help your cause, brother
Carin replies on Jan 6, 2019:
Let us know what happens!
Me tonight "You mean to tell me Bob Ross was STONED?
MissKathleen comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Who? lol, I never watched.
Carin replies on Jan 5, 2019:
You didn't miss anything.
How do you like your partners to be inked (or does it really matter?)
Marine comments on Jan 5, 2019:
I have ink and wish I did not.
Carin replies on Jan 5, 2019:
Are you planning on having them removed?
I've been mulling over something today and I thought I'd bring it here.
JackPedigo comments on Jan 5, 2019:
I kind of know how you feel. It bothers me when people have lost some basic grammar knowledge (like the difference between less and fewer) but, as you said, don't let it detract from a discussion (it still rankles me, though).
Carin replies on Jan 5, 2019:
@JackPedigo The worst word virus lately was "literally" but I think incidences are finally declining. When my kids' teacher used "literally" incorrectly I gritted my teeth & tried not to start yanking my hair out in front of her...
Booze optional. Have a great 2019!
HippieChick58 comments on Jan 5, 2019:
I wanna win the Lotto, but I think that means I have to buy a ticket.... hmmmm.
Carin replies on Jan 5, 2019:
Either way, your chances of winning are almost the same.
This is me most days.
aspiringunicorn comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Ugh, I commiserate! Hang in there!
Carin replies on Jan 5, 2019:
Hanging in there is not what's needed--there are workshops on effective& respectful communication styles.
This is me most days.
ronin73 comments on Jan 5, 2019:
I prefer to speak directly. There's no ambiguity as to what l really mean.
Carin replies on Jan 5, 2019:
Consideration of other people is more important than that. You can usually be honest & kind at the same time, & if you are the person is more likely to accept your ideas & also stay friends with you.
I've been mulling over something today and I thought I'd bring it here.
JackPedigo comments on Jan 5, 2019:
I kind of know how you feel. It bothers me when people have lost some basic grammar knowledge (like the difference between less and fewer) but, as you said, don't let it detract from a discussion (it still rankles me, though).
Carin replies on Jan 5, 2019:
Folks who cain't tell the difference betwixt "fewer" & "less" vex me somethin' terrible too!
One year and 22 hours ago my wife decided to end her life.
Untamedshrew comments on Jan 3, 2019:
I’m sorry for your loss and unhelpful MIL. My husband died last year. We were very open about our atheism. I’ve had people go so far as to rell me I *should* ‘turn back to god’ because it would help so much. Others just post on his fb with. prayers or comments about his residing in heaven. I...
Carin replies on Jan 5, 2019:
I'm so sorry for your recent loss!
I am a virgin trying to have his first sexual experience and find a life partner.
John_Tyrrell comments on Jan 4, 2019:
Take some advice from some old men of my vintage...
Carin replies on Jan 5, 2019:
NO. Bad advice when it comes to relationships. Very bad.
At what "level" do your aspirations end?
Sydland comments on Jan 4, 2019:
I want the t-shirt. So when I reach Level 8 in 2024 I’ll be content.
Carin replies on Jan 5, 2019:
Same here. I'm almost to 8 & after that I don't care. I just want to win the prize!
First new adventure of 2019.
Carin comments on Jan 3, 2019:
Carin replies on Jan 4, 2019:
@Cast1es, @CourreurDeBois Thanks for some helpful ideas. Our area doesn't have parks or I would be doing a lot of that already. I saw a small library though so that's a great place to start. & learning various life skills-great suggestion. They are 12 so they are ready to learn some more complicated cooking & baking, & how to run the sewing machine.
There are times when I feel hopeful and optimistic that future generations will have the wherewithal...
kmdskit3 comments on Jan 3, 2019:
There is a 'possibility' it's sarcasm.
Carin replies on Jan 4, 2019:
That's what I'm hoping!
Just for my insomniac buddies! Love ya. []
Carin comments on Jan 3, 2019:
I want to be reincarnated as my own dog. What a life!
Carin replies on Jan 3, 2019:
Zero stress!
First new adventure of 2019.
Carin comments on Jan 3, 2019:
Carin replies on Jan 3, 2019:
@germangirl90439 Thanks! Finding it hard to keep them entertained with no money. All the fun stuff, & all their friends, are back at their dad's, 3000 miles away. Other than that, we seem to be doing well!
First new adventure of 2019.
Carin comments on Jan 3, 2019:
Carin replies on Jan 3, 2019:
I guess I've signed up to learn how to be a single parent....
There has been a lot of debate on the use of medical robots lately.
John_Tyrrell comments on Jan 3, 2019:
"While robot-assisted surgery has allowed surgeons to perform operations remotely with minimal invasiveness, a 2016 US study found that it was linked to the deaths of 144 people between 2008 and 2013. " ...
Carin replies on Jan 3, 2019:
The Guardian article was pretty superficial so I looked the study they cited. While I admittedly just gave it a quick reading, I could not find anywhere in it a comparison of death & injury rates for robotic vs. human performed surgeries sorted by specific procedures. & to me, that is really the question--which is safer? Many people die due to mistakes made by surgeons--more than we know as they cover up some of them.
There has been a lot of debate on the use of medical robots lately.
JimG comments on Jan 3, 2019:
Given the rates of deaths from medical errors, the numbers of malpractice suits, and incidents medical malfeasance; the robots shouldn't be any worse.
Carin replies on Jan 3, 2019:
Kind of like self driving cars compared to the average moron trying to text or put on makeup at 65 mph.
There has been a lot of debate on the use of medical robots lately.
Lillyfield41 comments on Jan 3, 2019:
I requested robots for my [big] surgery! I had robots and lasers blast and cut stones from my pancreas. If i had been opened traditionally, the healing time and pain would have been greater from what i understand. I was in the hospital fourteen days leading up to the surgery in preparation ...
Carin replies on Jan 3, 2019:
Wow--I've never heard of pancreas stones!
Dog pics for me.... hahaha
Jamespuck comments on Jan 3, 2019:
So now off color pet jokes? Very creative clearly on under visited part of the 'humorspace'.
Carin replies on Jan 3, 2019:
I am clueless about the off-color part. What am I missing? My mind must not be dirty enough. Please help!
Three Wise Women Would Have Asked Directions, Arrived on Time, Helped Deliver the ...
PalacinkyPDX comments on Jan 1, 2019:
Yeah, no myrrh. What the hey do you do with myrrh when you have a newborn?
Carin replies on Jan 3, 2019:
@PalacinkyPDX & they were very expensive gifts too...
Three Wise Women Would Have Asked Directions, Arrived on Time, Helped Deliver the ...
PalacinkyPDX comments on Jan 1, 2019:
Yeah, no myrrh. What the hey do you do with myrrh when you have a newborn?
Carin replies on Jan 3, 2019:
@PalacinkyPDX No--sort of a foreshadowing of him dying for everyone's sins. Or at least that's the interpretation used by theologians.
Leaving the holidays but in the contest of worst gift ever?
Carin comments on Jan 3, 2019:
The worst is to get no gift at all from my significant other.
Carin replies on Jan 3, 2019:
@jlynn37 True, I didn't think of it that way. It is SO important to look at the big picture.
So I am not a girly girl at all.
KKGator comments on Jan 3, 2019:
I like the left better.
Carin replies on Jan 3, 2019:
Me too! The retouched one does not show her vibrance.
So I am not a girly girl at all.
brentan comments on Jan 3, 2019:
I thought the untouched photo has a slightly ruddy look to the skin. The other one is lighter and I think prettier.
Carin replies on Jan 3, 2019:
I like her natural rosy complexion!
This is the end line of a poem written by a young woman named Taylor Myer.
Davekp comments on Jan 2, 2019:
That was one of the comments at the end of my last relationship. After 17 years I had apparently become older looking. Who knew that would happen!! lol
Carin replies on Jan 3, 2019:
& she hadn't?
Three Wise Women Would Have Asked Directions, Arrived on Time, Helped Deliver the ...
PalacinkyPDX comments on Jan 1, 2019:
Yeah, no myrrh. What the hey do you do with myrrh when you have a newborn?
Carin replies on Jan 3, 2019:
@Cast1es Yes it was. Symbolic of his purpose in life--to die.
Should America change the way it elects its president/vice president to the popular vote?
TheMiddleWay comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Better the devil you know.... In going to a popular vote, you only exchange one set of problems with the current system for another set of problems with a new system. Not worth the hassle...
Carin replies on Dec 31, 2018:
@TheMiddleWay Well, democracy is a majority rule thing & I have plenty of "minority" beliefs. I still think Democracy is the best form of government.
And Hadrian's wall didn't keep out the Scott's.
silverotter11 comments on Dec 29, 2018:
Every intelligent person on the planet knows building a wall is a waste of resources, which is *exactly* why trump wants it. trump wastes more money in one day than anyone else on the planet.
Carin replies on Dec 30, 2018:
@silverotter11 Last I heard, he wasn't even going to use American made steel. Seems like I remember some campaign promises to steel workers.... he'll figure out a way to blame Obama or immigrants though.
It's up to us ??
MissKathleen comments on Dec 30, 2018:
We cannot always control the things that happen to us, but we can control our perspective of the things that happen to us.
Carin replies on Dec 30, 2018:
Once we are adults, perhaps....
It's up to us ??
Dave75 comments on Dec 30, 2018:
Unfortunately this isn’t always true. Plenty of people have bad lives with no hope of improvement. My life is good.
Carin replies on Dec 30, 2018:
@Silvertongue What's your worst case scenario for a desperate situation? Just curious. Because there are still orphans in Africa who are born with HIV, for instance...lots & lots of them. They don't get the same medical care we would expect & the orphanages are often short of food & other necessities.
It's up to us ??
Carin comments on Dec 30, 2018:
Nope. If you are given a life in the slums of a third world country, you are given a bad life. & it will already be bad long before you are old enough to try & make it good. & that's just an extreme example.
Carin replies on Dec 30, 2018:
& you are not going to end up lounging elegantly in an evening dress on the end of a pier on a scenic lake just to have your picture taken.
Should America change the way it elects its president/vice president to the popular vote?
TheMiddleWay comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Better the devil you know.... In going to a popular vote, you only exchange one set of problems with the current system for another set of problems with a new system. Not worth the hassle...
Carin replies on Dec 30, 2018:
@TheMiddleWay Why should "states" need more representation than their actual voters? The whole idea of our democracy was based on "one man, one vote"--nothing about states voting. I just don't see any reasonable justification for someone's vote being worth more or less than another person's, just because of where they happen to live.
Today is the 3rd anniversary of my papa's last day alive.
MissKathleen comments on Dec 29, 2018:
Your papa would be proud that you work to help people. He would want you to heal and to be able to be happy. Have yiu sought any therapy to help you deal with your PTSD? Being able to now talk about your experience is a good sign that you are ready to start healing. A therapist could probably ...
Carin replies on Dec 30, 2018:
@AndrewInVail EMDR is great, & yes I was going to suggest that maybe she needed a different kind of therapy, or at least a different therapist.
The night out turned into a dare.
aintmisbehaven comments on Dec 29, 2018:
guilty as charged.....been there, done that not the best of life choices but it's true..... I toe the line most of the time but.... on occasion......
Carin replies on Dec 30, 2018:
@Mokvon What was the lesson? I may have misunderstood your post.
Should America change the way it elects its president/vice president to the popular vote?
TheMiddleWay comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Better the devil you know.... In going to a popular vote, you only exchange one set of problems with the current system for another set of problems with a new system. Not worth the hassle...
Carin replies on Dec 30, 2018:
I have not noticed any problems with senators, representatives, governors etc. being elected by the popular vote. Why is democracy fine for all of those but not the presidency?
Should America change the way it elects its president/vice president to the popular vote?
chalupacabre comments on Dec 28, 2018:
The presidential election should be one that represents ALL of the people on a 1-person-1-vote basis. That's not something the electoral college addresses. We don't use the electoral college in the gubernatorial elections, why use it in the presidential elections?
Carin replies on Dec 30, 2018:
@thinktwice The midwestern farmer's vote should be worth the same as any other citizen's vote--who cares about their occupation & where they live? I don't think my vote should be worth less than anyone else's, but the electoral college makes it so.
Should America change the way it elects its president/vice president to the popular vote?
Dale2006 comments on Dec 28, 2018:
The Electoral College was developed because the founders didn't trust the common people to make the decision. The last election proves that idea incorrect. Actually, I am upset with the candidate getting the most poplar vote not winning the election.
Carin replies on Dec 30, 2018:
It also was set up to favor the slave states as an incentive, as they were more reluctant to join the union.
The night out turned into a dare.
aintmisbehaven comments on Dec 29, 2018:
guilty as charged.....been there, done that not the best of life choices but it's true..... I toe the line most of the time but.... on occasion......
Carin replies on Dec 30, 2018:
@Mokvon Yes, that's exactly my impression,& I wondered why you thought it was "bragworthy."
Sometimes you meet a person ?
Nukdookum comments on Dec 29, 2018:
The not having to pretend is the best part.
Carin replies on Dec 29, 2018:
It's a very brave thing to not pretend--but if you can do it things are so easy & free, or if not, they know who you are from the start & can decide if you are the one for them or not.


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