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Greetings Freethinkers I’m an x Mormon, widowed 7 years ago.
Carin comments on Jan 27, 2019:
Hello & welcome! I hope you meet someone!
Thought it best to put this here than within a separate post, because I wanted everyone to see it.
Carin comments on Jan 26, 2019:
Glad you are feeling a bit better.
If you're poor, would you date?
Carin comments on Jan 26, 2019:
I am poor right now & have been before. We all need love & companionship. I don't see a conflict as I'm not into fancy dates anyway.
Wakey wakey
Carin comments on Jan 26, 2019:
Actually just going to bed....
I leveled up!
Carin comments on Jan 25, 2019:
I have to say, i do hope this site keeps expanding .
Carin comments on Jan 25, 2019:
It seems to be gaining members steadily!
Is it better to lie?
Carin comments on Jan 25, 2019:
It sounds miserable for you! What would happen if you said "no thanks" to the books & changed the subject whenever he brought up religion? Does he really deserve to feel better when behaves so disrespectfully towards you? If you are against lying, don't compromise your integrity He's treating you like a child. Well that's all just my opinion--I know all to well how impossible it is to stand up to family members.
True love...
Carin comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Relationships take effort from BOTH parties.
Wait... I didn’t know the Sin Cave had a doorbell!!! (Insert evil sarcastic laugh here!)
Carin comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Can't be serious....
Isn't it funny how India and Israel, both countries receive billions in aid, can have a space ...
Carin comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Yet kids in Africa & Yemen are starving...something is very wrong with our foreign aid.
Like, wtf someone wants to curtail how many male friends I have on here!!!?! Ahhh, hello....see ya!
Carin comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Sounds like he's the one friend you should curtail! What nerve!
I have raised this topic before on this forum, so those of you familiar with it may want to skip ...
Carin comments on Jan 25, 2019:
I can't imagine people's faces if I'm not with them. Very weird.
Shush your 'not good enough' voice.
Carin comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Easier said than done.
Is it just me
Carin comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Being such a wimp.
"Came out" as an atheist a couple years ago- Live in the mid-west USA feel very alone.
Carin comments on Jan 25, 2019:
That sounds hard! Glad you found this website.
Is marriage your relationship end game?
Carin comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Interesting--I would have thought you'd have to live together to be in a domestic partnership. How far apart are their houses & why did they decide to do what they are doing? At this point in my life I can't imagine feeling the need to get married again. Divorce is horrible, slow & expensive, & I'm done having kids. I'm happy just living with my boyfriend.
Who else relates to this??
Carin comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Yeah for sure.
Looking for some feedback.
Carin comments on Jan 25, 2019:
That was how it was with my only sibling. It was hurtful & eventually I decided to just stop & wait till I heard from her....8 years went by & then she accidentally made a friend request to me on Facebook, thinking I was someone else.... I accepted it of course, but still rarely hear from her. So just consider that as a possible outcome in your situation. I was sad for about 2 years.
Ya’ll know the saga of my problem with family, particularly my son and his wife.
Carin comments on Jan 25, 2019:
I'm so very sorry...these people obviously have no respect for you. You must be so hurt!
Don't throw that shirt away!
Carin comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Awesome frugality tip!
I've had a life so far, that has exposed me to all sorts of really gross stuff - partially because ...
Carin comments on Jan 25, 2019:
I have a bona fide hair phobia.
Here is a quote I made up.
Carin comments on Jan 25, 2019:
That will never be a problem for me! (Random Zen-like photo for no reason.)
Something I found on Facebook what brings me some comfort in knowing I have done most of the things ...
Carin comments on Jan 25, 2019:
If only I'd been able to do this decades ago...finally older & wiser. Well older for sure, hoping the wiser part stays with me.
Here we go again ?
Carin comments on Jan 25, 2019:
I'm sure they won't even come close to the shamefulness of T.Rump's campaign & "election."
Good evening folks been away for a bit but thought I'd come back and be a part of something again.
Carin comments on Jan 25, 2019:
So should I be feeling incredibly satisfied that I reached level 8?
Carin comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Yes of course! & here's a warning--when you fill out the thing to get the T shirt, finish it all in one go. I got interrupted before I was done & it vanished, never to be seen again. I really wanted that shirt too....
This one went up in April of 2017, but I thought I'd give it another go here. []
Carin comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Many if not most people are already unconscious when they die, so I wonder how often anyone actually recalls later the very last thing the person said.... I would think it's not often anything profound. Like my mom's last words turned out to be telling the nurse her age. & she was wrong too.
Coming to the conclusion that real love doesn't exist.
Carin comments on Jan 25, 2019:
I don't know if it exists or not, but you sound really depressed. I have depression myself, although after years of counseling, meds & some huge life changes I'm doing pretty OK. So I feel like I can recognize it in others pretty well. I hope you will take this advice & go to counseling or see a doctor. If you've already tried that & it didn't help, please consider a different sort of therapist. You don't have to be completely miserable even without finding real love.
Ok, i just watched a Hallmark Movie.
Carin comments on Jan 24, 2019:
I don't know--I've never knowingly watched a Hallmark movie.
For info: The 116th Congress is officially open for business.
Carin comments on Jan 24, 2019:
What is CFI?
Years later...
Carin comments on Jan 24, 2019:
That right there is funny, I don't care who you are..... (Larry the Cable Guy)
Watching a British cop show.
Carin comments on Jan 24, 2019:
They were?
Looks like the sequel to Brokeback Mountain
Carin comments on Jan 24, 2019:
Who are they?
Albert Camus once said "People should reject god defiantly in order to pour out all their loving ...
Carin comments on Jan 24, 2019:
I agree.
In bed, top sheet or no top sheet?
Carin comments on Jan 24, 2019:
Unless you have a duvet with a cover, it's nasty to sleep without a top sheet.
Which excursion should I choose for my cruise stop in Athens?
Carin comments on Jan 24, 2019:
I vote for the temple because it might be near the water & also less crowded.
It might just be the wine talking but,... Oh, and I loved George. One of a kind.
Carin comments on Jan 24, 2019:
Oh wow-never thought about it like that before. We are doomed.
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Carin comments on Jan 24, 2019:
How often are swallows actually laden, that you needed to specify otherwise?
Currently read the Expanse. Any fans here?
Carin comments on Jan 24, 2019:
I didn't know it was a book! I must go out & get a copy. I liked the show but had trouble keeping track of what was going on & why. I do much better with the written word.
A mother’s love - or she couldn’t get the little hitchhiker off.
Carin comments on Jan 24, 2019:
Sweet. Of course she wants him (or her) to be there.
Thought I'd share this here
Carin comments on Jan 24, 2019:
Real feminism benefits men as well.
Going with relatively modern anthropology spanning recent centuries in America, I am hoping for ...
Carin comments on Jan 24, 2019:
Makes you wonder how many people still alive today are sick, mentally or physically, from experiments they didn't even know they were part of... & also, do we believe this stuff has been entirely stopped or has just become even more secret?
Here is something i was sent.
Carin comments on Jan 24, 2019:
He is so childish--that's just perfect.
Mississippi May Mandate Ten Commandments and Pledges to State, U.
Carin comments on Jan 24, 2019:
Jeez. I just moved here in November & believe me, it's already bad enough! One of my kids' teachers invites students to pray before tests. My son says she doesn't lead them in a specific prayer but just pauses for a while. I wonder if any of the kids pray aloud? If I wasn't planning on getting out of here in a few months I might bother saying something or asking some questions, since it seems a slippery slope to me if nothing else. This place is pretty bad--I hear they are the last state to have the confederate flag on their state flag. It's really very primitive here--for example, there are railroad tracks all over the place & no arms come down when a train is coming. There are flashing lights where they cross main roads, but on small roads like the one right in front of my kids' school there are just wooden signs, no lights, bells or anything...really bizarre.
Chemistry Is Weird, Brain Chemistry Is Weirder: Part One Despite the fact that most of us were ...
Carin comments on Jan 24, 2019:
The most fun I've had reading about chemistry in as long as I can remember. & how cool to learn about composites. Thanks!
Hello mates, I am new here, I am from Afghanistan, and I am a proud Atheist-Agnostic, I question...
Carin comments on Jan 24, 2019:
Hello! Is it dangerous to be atheist or agnostic in your area of Afghanistan? I'd love to hear about your experiences & thoughts.
I am handicapped and I appreciate the aid people extend to me but i am also appalled at the number ...
Carin comments on Jan 23, 2019:
Here in Mississippi there seems to be no enforcement whatsoever. Not so in CA--I rarely saw anyone disobey the signs. I don't know if it was better law enforcement or just a higher level of conscientiousness .
Horse walks into a bar. Bartender says, "So. Why the long face?"
Carin comments on Jan 23, 2019:
That's an oldie--first time I heard it I laughed so hard I almost fell off my dinosaur.
I came across my wedding cake topper cleaning out a drawer and now I am sitting in the dark ...
Carin comments on Jan 23, 2019:
I'm so sorry! Of course you're still raw & tearful, it's hardly been any time at all.
So I have a pot belly pig.
Carin comments on Jan 23, 2019:
It sounds like you don't have much affection for him--or perhaps I'm mistaken? He's pretty cute. How much does he weigh?
April Come She Will (Live at Central Park, New York, NY - September 19, 1981) - YouTube
Carin comments on Jan 23, 2019:
Beautiful but sad indeed. I listened to Simon & Garfunkle endlessly as a young teen.
My kids want to skip their baths tonight.
Carin comments on Jan 23, 2019:
I grew up with a European mother & spent part of my childhood in Europe. I only had to bathe once a week. Didn't know how lucky I was. I still don't think skipping a bath now & then is a problem for pre-pubescent children. They don't get B.O.
I write in a blog of mine from time to time.
Carin comments on Jan 23, 2019:
I'm sure once you figure out what you want to do to help other people, you will find that you feel better. It sure worked for me.
I was to the store the other day and had a Muslim check out clerk.
Carin comments on Jan 23, 2019:
Seems like the clerk could have used gloves or tongs or something...besides, it was packaged, right? It's annoying when people make a big show of their religiousness.
You live with what you got.
Carin comments on Jan 23, 2019:
You have no other choice, after all.
How long should two people be in a relationship before the idea of marriage is brought up, assuming...
Carin comments on Jan 23, 2019:
At least a year.
The real philanthropists. I love Barbara Ehrenreich, great author, great books.
Carin comments on Jan 23, 2019:
Very well put.
S.I.M.P. (Squirrel In My Pants) | Disney Video
Carin comments on Jan 23, 2019:
That was a great episode!
I used to believe in the Bible.
Carin comments on Jan 23, 2019:
Welcome! I survived catholic school too. Well sort of...a few mental scars!
Most of you will remember when this story broke, it is getting closer to a conclusion []
Carin comments on Jan 23, 2019:
Thank goodness he has been apprehended! What a creep.
Dan Barker is one of my favorites
Carin comments on Jan 23, 2019:
That is wonderful!
I have found him at lollapalooza
Carin comments on Jan 23, 2019:
You are saved!!!
Here's a Smoker's Dating group, just created- &kissanashtray
Carin comments on Jan 23, 2019:
Great idea!
[] I always try to get as much sleep as I can, when I'm around men.
Carin comments on Jan 22, 2019:
Nah, I have better use for them than that! Sleep when they aren't around.
The joys of pet ownership!
Carin comments on Jan 22, 2019:
I know it's just a funny meme, but there's a way to prevent this behavior, which is very real! Many dog owners walk their dog around till they potty & then take them back inside, especially in cold weather. Since most dogs love to be outdoors, they learn to hold it to get longer walks. It's almost like they're being punished for pottying by having their fun walk ended! The easiest thing to do is have one or 2 set routes for their walk. If they're already using this strategy they may not potty by the end of the walk, but don't deviate. Go home. Wait as long as you think is safe & then go on the same exact walk. Hopefully you won't have to repeat the process too often, but keep the faith & don't deviate. & whatever you do, after they potty continue along the route as normal--no rushing home or turning around! You could even give them a small treat for pottying. Myself, I have a short route & a couple longer routes, depending on how much time I have or what the weather's like. The dogs tend to have their favorite stops for sniffing & leaving messages for other dogs. Animals do well with a little routine for stuff like that. Happy walking!
Speaking of poop from an earlier post reminded me of the website I came across a long time ago.
Carin comments on Jan 22, 2019:
Not even going to click on it. I live with 2 twelve year old boys so I hear enough poop (& fart) comments already. The 46 year old boy isn't much better.
Inside the Car Company That's Resurrecting the DeLorean
Carin comments on Jan 21, 2019:
My best DeLorean sighting--my then husband & I had climbed a dirt track up a small mountain to a modest & mostly ruined castle in Germany. Looking down from the one restored tower we beheld, parked in the stone walled courtyard, a DeLorean.... I have a photo somewhere. Something about DeLoreans & time travel crossed my mind. I would love to see the DeLorean made again. Cars look too much alike these days.
I don't know what anyone else thinks, but I don't this is good at all.
Carin comments on Jan 21, 2019:
I bet we are in more danger from Trump & his white supremacist followers & appointees than from these 2 people. & why is Israel always such a sacred cow, anyway? I tend to sympathize quite a bit with the Palestinians having their land taken & being kept behind walls & barbed wire. I'm not condoning terrorism or anything; I'm just saying it's very very far from black & white & the Palestinians are suffering & dying a lot more than the Israelis.
Cutting Benefits...
Carin comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Seems that nobody has come up with anything...where are you, Trump supporters? I know there are a couple of you here...
We end up in toxic relationships because.....
Carin comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Most of us end up in toxic relationships because that's all we've ever known, even as kids, so it feels familiar. I really don't think people are responsible for what was done to them as children. And I would say that without a lot of outside help, many victims are unable to see their situation for what it is, much less to fix the damage done to them to the point where they are able to protect themselves.
Izzy and I relaxing and watching the world go by.
Carin comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Cute pup!
my facebook page popped me right into here interesting
Carin comments on Jan 21, 2019:
HI! That's how I got here too!
Dating with Kids
Carin comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Since I have kids I kind of prefer to date guys with kids too. They understand that my kids will always be my priority.
Back in the era of Big Hair, Pubic Hair, and good drugs. []
Carin comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Who did the cover of that a few years ago?
25 Books by Indigenous Authors You Should Be Reading SEPTEMBER 6, 2018 KAITLIN CURTICE ...
Carin comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Some very intriguing sounding titles; they make me want to start reading right away. I hope at least a couple of them are at our meager local library....
A new spy disguise
Carin comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Things done right and without Shutdown.
Carin comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Seriously, I wonder how they manage to plow that high.
Every Time guiliani defends his client the unpresident... This Is The Result!!!!!!
Carin comments on Jan 21, 2019:
That's very original & quite apt.
Animal Agriculture's Battle against Clean Water -
Carin comments on Jan 21, 2019:
It's industrial agriculture. Industry is all about profit at any cost to consumers, the environment or the communities around them.
Anyone care to share their online dating horror stories? New group alert: []
Carin comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Nope. I guess I've been pretty lucky.
Cookie dough and Monty Python binge. Yes this is a good way to end the day.
Carin comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Oh yeah!
Savage Magic 8Ball answers!
Carin comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Oh that is good! Sad, but good...
I know some folks will be triggered, so here I go.
Carin comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Well, that's all fine & well until they crash their car & get taken to the emergency room. I just don't understand how the US is stubbornly resisting following every single one of the other industrialized nations in just having simple tax payer funded health care for everyone. We pay more than anyone else for health care that is not as good.
This is gold
Carin comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Getting pretty fancy there with the home cooking!
Fans (hidden)
Carin comments on Jan 21, 2019:
I wonder if it's when you follow someone? I just "followed" you so you can see if that turned me into a fan. I'm not that new here, but most of the time I still have no idea how things work!
Fans (hidden)
Carin comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Oh OK--your fans are hidden to everyone but you.
Fans (hidden)
Carin comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Wow, never noticed that. I have to go look now!
Carin comments on Jan 21, 2019:
They are flattering themsleves. Buy stock in Viagra.
This place has 2 goals.
Carin comments on Jan 21, 2019:
It shouldn't be showing you gay men--maybe you need to check how you answered all the questions....
I just lost my brother yesterday and needless to say it’s been a long difficult week.
Carin comments on Jan 21, 2019:
My sincerest sympathy, Jewel! It really is hard to know what to say, especially if the person has not experienced that kind of loss themselves.
This sums things up pretty well.
Carin comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Me too!
Carin comments on Jan 20, 2019:
The link doesn't work for me, but cheating is cheating.
Does the thought of a pansexual or bisexual partner make you uncomfortable because you think they ...
Carin comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Yes. I don't "think"--I know. Never again.
Has anyone else ever thought (maybe I should quit thinking) how it is easier to find the perfect pet...
Carin comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Well, I have had the wrong dog, cat & rabbit. Along with the wrong rooster & several fish. But yeah, I still agree with you.
Major life changes coming right up.
Carin comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Wow--change is good!
Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people.
Carin comments on Jan 20, 2019:
It's someone else's turn now. I'm about used up.
G'day there friends, I'm Triphid, aka Tony, from Broken Hill, N.S.W., Australia.
Carin comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Hi Tony!
I look like my mom.
Carin comments on Jan 20, 2019:
I HATED it when people said that! My dad was going bald & he was a GUY! Don't say that stuff to kids!
Meeting people?
Carin comments on Jan 20, 2019:
There just don't seem to be as many members in the south.
I should have been way more clear.
Carin comments on Jan 20, 2019:
What do you mean by resolved a relationship?


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Atheist, Secularist, Freethinker
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