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How to propose.
Carin comments on Aug 6, 2018:
Not to beat a dead horse but.....
Carin comments on Aug 5, 2018:
I bet he's hiding a bunch of plastic shopping bags somewhere too.
Long convo with my daughter today(36 years old).
Carin comments on Aug 5, 2018:
So sorry! I hope you have someone else who believes you.
Fight the marmosets!
Carin comments on Aug 5, 2018:
A big bag of money, of course!
And he is right once again
Carin comments on Aug 5, 2018:
That's why we hear the phrase willful ignorance so often these days.
Unplausable deniability.
Carin comments on Aug 5, 2018:
Re-posting! This is so funny!
Stupidism: The idea that all opinions are equal is nonsense – believing that gave us Trump as ...
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Yes, no matter if they have read a word on the subject at hand, their opinion is just as valid as in someone's who has a Phd in it.
What would life be like if there was not the phrase “in God we trust” in our lives?
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
About the same.
What if any, is the subtext of your life?
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
I think that's mine too.
What's in your garden?
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018: not much else!
My new home in Sarasota
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Congratulations! Great view!
Jim Acosta for president!!
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Who is that?
Does the new parkway drive album suck?
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Never heard of them...
Today is Sunday.
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
You need to publish those!
That shirt has gots to be a chick magnet
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
He doesn't deserve lube.
Pepsi or Coke?
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Neither. Diet Pepsi destroyed my tooth enamel. Soda is very acidic.
Who has had a positive relationship with a father/mother-in-law?
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Mine were great. Pretty hands off. Also a few thousand miles away... They respected that I kept my last name, when my own parents didn't! I thought that was really something.
A light chuckle I saw today probably old and lame. I lost my phone number. Can I have yours. ?
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
I think it's cute! You should try it.
Seems quiet in these parts for a Saturday night. Whats everyone doing ?
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
International Fireworks Competition here in Vancouver BC!
What is the worst job you've ever had? I did telemarketing for a brief few months ?
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Selling solar door to door. But surprisingly, I was fairly good at it. Then burned out fast.
What do yinz think of my hoodie I had made?
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Which god was he talking about? That was a long time ago!
Merry CHRISTmas guys ;)
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Aww--please repost this at Xmas!
Tickling your funny bone
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Pay attention, guys! It's true.
He's the reason for the games.
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Absolutely hilarious! Thanks!
One day someone will ?
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Plenty of people die lonely.
...something associated with an old movie, 'Il Postino'. []
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
That movie was so poignant & you could think of it on so so many levels. Sad at the end though. They guy didn't even remember him.
Breakdancing anyone?
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
I left my abuser over two months ago but I am still struggling and very unhappy.
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
You have done the hardest part & done it well! It's good that you are reaching out online to understanding people. Can you walk around your neighborhood? It's surprising what just being outdoors for a while can do for your mood. If you can get a dog, dog walking is a great way to meet folks.
What's the best purchase you've ever made at a boot sale/Flea market?
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Brand new cast aluminum Dutch oven with long legs for camping. $15. What was amazing was that a camping trip was in the works & were were wishing we could afford ones that size were $100 & up.
Hobbits sure have changed since "Lord of the Rings". ?
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Science has identified a new situation that is climate related.
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
The areas will become almost uninhabitable. What I wondered when reading the article, is if there are already such areas that are naturally occurring.
ANCHORMAN 2 -- Straight from Central Casting.
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Are you going???
Is it difficult to be a good person?
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
No I don't find it difficult. It doesn't have to be some big heroic act or anything--you see a stranger drop something & you pick it up for them. Smile & wave at toddlers. Pick up a piece of litter. Pick up a hitchhiker if you feel safe about it.
Why did you join this website?
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Sorry--it was the memes. Call me shallow.
My TShirt and pen came in the mail! Woo-Hoo! How do I look?
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
OOH! Love the color!
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Actually I like it--the plots get so convoluted in some of them that I need all the help I can get to keep track of what's going on!
I'm never doing that...
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Make everyone clean their plate.
Level 10.
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
I'm just going for the T shirt.
Who has a favorite poem?
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
"If You Were Coming in the Fall" by Emily Dickenson. Or just about anything from her.
To the ladies. How do i tell if a woman is actually interested in me vs. just being nice?
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Time will tell. But also watch body language. If she is turned slightly away from you, arms crossed, maybe not. Or maybe she's just shy.
Interesting read on circumcision []
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Then more male babies would be dying of SIDS/Cot Death...something I have not heard...I'm going to read up on that. Thanks for posting!
Sorry, Chick-fil-A, but my deeply held beliefs only allow eating chicken on Sundays.
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
I won't tell them I'm a vegetarian anyway!
A point well made.
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Oh my goodness! & I used to just worry that god was watching me go to the bathroom when I was a kid.
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Wow--what an explanation! Maybe even a Trumpanzee could understand that?
In case you were wondering what QAnon is but you were afraid to ask.
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Not only stupid but insane? America is doomed.
Scientists and engineers work together on NASA science missions with the engineers having to ...
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Fun post! Are you involved with NASA or some other science related field?
I found Jesus! He was passed out under the sofa.
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Turned too much water into wine I guess....
My newest meme for my Fb memes page. []
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Didn't you just post this? Are you trying to make me cry again? 0:
The Carolina Chocolate Drops covering Ethel Waters’ “No Man’s Mama”. []
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Never heard of them, but I love her voice & personality.
Richard Pryor
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
I do miss him.
LMAO...I know, I know. I deserve it ?
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
I hope it's not that bad! You have fevers a lot more often than you have kids. Before I had my first baby, an older friend assured me that labor felt just like cramps. Holy heck--was she going through that every month?? I think I would have killed myself.
When dating someone new when should one reveal they have odd sexual proclivities?
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Or just come right out & put it in your profile? It really depends!
What do you think? bogeyman​ for children and God for adults
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Yes! Something to scare them & keep them in line! Cool insight.
When dating someone new when should one reveal they have odd sexual proclivities?
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Not the first date for sure...
Good day everyone! A friendly reminder to those of you living in dry climes, please use caution ...
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Goodness yes! 2 counties next to me are on fire. Last year our county lost over 40 lives & 5,000 houses....
What’s your favorite kind of candy bar?
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Chocolate. No nuts or weird stuff. Who the heck thinks it's a good idea to put sea salt, chili peppers, lavender flowers or any of that other crap into perfectly good chocolate??
Fizz-ics. Soda humour
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
I have ordered fence posts and willow fencing for my back yard, I have attached no clue what I'm ...
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
You will be so proud of yourself, even if it doesn't turn out perfectly. Send a picture when you're done!
SERIOUS !!! Please read the post from picture below.
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Horrible. I'll put it on Facebook.
Riding past Newark Airport on my way into NYC.
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
We were just talking about air travel somewhere else here. Your post reminds me of how I used to feel about airports, waiting for my grandmother to arrive, or waving good bye. But for me, times have changed. Did you see the Concorde land in Hawai'i? That's where I saw it. I also knew people who had flown on one.
I am a little pissed.
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
So frustrating! It hasn't happened to me here yet, but yahoo & my goat website do it all the time. I hate computers. & I'm sure they hate us.
Perfect tune for a Saturday afternoon. []
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Love him!
Studying the cause of the Civil War...funny, and not very funny at all.
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Funny but sad, yes.
My newest meme for my Fb memes page. []
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Aww...I actually cried when he & Patrick were getting dried up at the souvenir shop in the Sponge Bob movie.
I've had three spinal surgeries between January and February, and now have a fourth one coming up.
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
What a wonderful idea! People really do want to help but don't know how. Good luck with your surgery!
For all you women that think we have it easy
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
No, you can hide a lot of it by growing a beard or mustache.
always wonder what happened to those people.
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Serves her right!
There are so many things about which I'm conflicted.
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
I think of cars like that as an almost artistic kind of expression of the owner's soul. Don't feel like being creative in the way you are comfortable with is silly.
Trump is destroying the country and yet he has these people cheering him on.
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
I understand. His supporters are scared that people who they consider themselves to be superior to, are getting things they feel only they themselves should be entitled to. I don't see a lot of them changing their minds. I believe we have to motivate liberal minded non-voters to start voting--& get rid of or circumvent the electoral college. Never forget that T.Rump lost the popular vote by about 3 million!
Lies...all lies.
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Any of you ever have your mom spit on a kleenex to wipe your face when you were little? God I hated that!
Hell's infrastructure needs repair.
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Jacobs Sheep I believe. Also the Navajo have sheep with extra horns. But solid black, now that's impressive! I'm sharing this one.
Tickle my pickle
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Yeah, no thanks...
Who is who anymore
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Now all we need to figure out is, which is which.
He did that on purpose!
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
How's he managing to eat a corn dog there? That's the ceiling of the Sistene Chapel.
The last two men I was in love with didn't want to love me back.
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
I don't think you can "want" to love someone--but yeah, I understand. I think the best course of action in both cases is to cut your losses & break up with them. They are wasting your time.
I've been talking to somebody on here that I think I really like, we share quite a few mutual ...
Carin comments on Aug 4, 2018:
Good luck!
Banned from bringing holiday cookies forever.
Carin comments on Aug 3, 2018:
I bet...
Kurt Vonnegut ?
Carin comments on Aug 3, 2018:
Sounds about right.
this may be too soon for some of you, so don't get your panties in a bunch
Carin comments on Aug 3, 2018:
Is she an actress as well?
Reminder: Singles/Mingle/Chat Chatroom Now Opens at 3:00 PM at the Request of Our European and ...
Carin comments on Aug 3, 2018:
Thanks! Now I just have to figure out how to join the conversation. Is there a list of chat room dos & don'ts?
Will New NFL Player Safety Rules Ruin Football Injuries? - The Onion []
Carin comments on Aug 3, 2018:
Love The Onion! I need to subscribe. Thanks for posting.
The miracle of the United States Postal Service
Carin comments on Aug 3, 2018:
What a great article! Educational & thought provoking.
CANADIAN, you say Canadian telescope picks up mysterious signal from deep space []
Carin comments on Aug 3, 2018:
Who thinks it's aliens & who thinks it has a natural source?
In Greece it is computerized, and timed according to the temperature that day.
Carin comments on Aug 3, 2018:
They have these in Vancouver BC. Good for watering new trees who won't need irrigation once they're established.
This us the place on Governors Island where I showed my daughters a couple of years ago where I want...
Carin comments on Aug 3, 2018:
Very pretty there! I do plan on cremation but feel scared to get sprinkled & left somewhere. I think I want to sit on the mantle creeping out my family.
Naughty but nice.
Carin comments on Aug 3, 2018:
What a turn on! Seriously!
no good deed goes unpunished.
Carin comments on Aug 3, 2018:
What a shame that women can't even go out & have a good time without taking all sorts of precautions that men would never even think about.
May You Fall in Love With ......
Carin comments on Aug 3, 2018:
My knight in shining armor...& just as likely to show up too!
Would you call this a perfect date?
Carin comments on Aug 3, 2018:
Yes--if I could talk to a guy like that for 2 hours, I think I'd be in love!
Just curious...
Carin comments on Aug 3, 2018:
Flat earthers seem more hopelessly stupid, & stupid people who think they know it all are irritating,
Should marijuana be legal for recreational use? Please comment your support for your position.
Carin comments on Aug 3, 2018:
No because grow houses attract crime & often catch on fire,
Law of conservation
Carin comments on Aug 3, 2018:
Completely destroyed was referring to what happened to my brain when I tried to think about this, right?
Today I found this set of chairs for my son and his girlfriend for their new apartment.
Carin comments on Aug 3, 2018:
Nice & solid looking!
Hey all, I just started a group for those of us who enjoy thrift shops, garage sales, junk stores, ...
Carin comments on Aug 3, 2018:
Oh great! I love thrift stores! I just got the nicest linen dress for $6!
Carin comments on Aug 3, 2018:
Aw, so sorry. A sad but pretty song that I'd almost forgotten.
Why a free lunch can be such a good thing. []
Carin comments on Aug 3, 2018:
Wow... nice. & the cost is so low compared to all the corporate subsidies & weapons the gov't. spends our tax money on.
What's your favorite hairstyle on the opposite sex?
Carin comments on Aug 3, 2018:
I don't care as long as it's clean & not too stupid looking.
Read a quote that said: "A free thinker is Satan's slave"...The irony of that quote.
Carin comments on Aug 3, 2018:
That's just weird. Who said that? Anti-intellectualism is becoming either more popular or more mainstream in the US lately--the disdain for science being the most obvious, probably.
This is how people see you the moment you say 'libtard'. []
Carin comments on Aug 3, 2018:
There it is! I must say, the guy's beer belly is way too small though.


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