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My Blue Fairy garb . 20 July 2018


Minor makeover of my bedroom, which as is typical for me, started at around 11 PM last night.
Cast1es comments on Aug 12, 2018:
Hope the changes , help you sleep . I don't sleep , "flat," anymore , either . I think the slight raising the the head of the bed , makes breathing a bit easier . Good luck, hon .
I have a pinched nerve that is making my cramping fasciculation syndrome go nuts.
Cast1es comments on Aug 12, 2018:
Could a chiropractor help ?
The search nearby seems to be messed up.
Cast1es comments on Aug 12, 2018:
The difference in pure numbers and the ones showing up when you look for them , may have to do with your profile . You may only be getting ones that fit your profile requirements . For instance , instead of getting a general count of everyone within an easy commute for , lets say a generic social gathering of some kind , you may only be looking up those of the opposite gender , who fit within a certain age range , who's children are grown and on their own , etc .
Cast1es comments on Aug 11, 2018:
Fairy tales end by saying they got married , but that's not the end of the story . It's the happily ever after , that's important . A part of the problem with online , is that you only see what they want you to see . It's the hidden parts that cause the problems .
I moved cross country to escape my narcissistic abuser.
Cast1es comments on Aug 11, 2018:
It won't be easy . You can start by checking with the charity groups for help getting a better place to live . Then , find a job . It won't be easy either , but the best way to not have to put up with what others demand , is to be independent . Find a place of your own . Then you can live your life the way you want to live it .
I have a master's degree I was born to my parents, in an apartment, in Tacoma, WA.
Cast1es comments on Aug 11, 2018:
I sincerely hope that someday , you'll find all the love you missed out on , while growing up . The real thing , not just words . You deserve it .
Boltonia asteroides, the False Aster
Cast1es comments on Aug 11, 2018:
Looks a bit like a daisy ..
MAKING OUT WITH YOUR EX - My ex and I are still friends and we still go out and do things ...
Cast1es comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Perhaps she believes she is seeing changes in the person you are presenting to her . Perhaps you're treating her with more attention , more respect , actually listening to things she says . Holding real conversations ? If you're going to go back to being the person she was married to , then it won't last .
Tokyo medical school admits changing results to exclude women
Cast1es comments on Aug 9, 2018:
If men were really men , they wouldn't have to keep cutting women down to their own size . You can't prove you're really better , if you can't stand on your own two feet .
Ghosts do you believe or not? Have you had any ghostly, spiritual experiences?
Cast1es comments on Aug 9, 2018:
People have lived and died for thousands of years on this planet . Can you imagine how many ghosts there would be floating around here , if each left a ghost behind .
This is true!
Cast1es comments on Aug 9, 2018:
I think Mom's was a TV , radio , record player .
'Who is America?' on Showtime 4 words..Sasha Baron Fucking Cohen Omg, this guy kills me.
Cast1es comments on Aug 9, 2018:
This makes sense ?
I have a question someone may know the answer to.
Cast1es comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Perhaps there was a blockage , that has now broken free ? Think of a garden hose , you've turned the water on , but you're holding a fold in the hose until you get to where you want to water . Initially , when you let go of the fold , it sprays out pretty hard , but then soon drops off . Although that would only bring it from very slow/soft , to normal as all the others , in the long run .
So within meeting someone on here, how quick are you to give out your personal number, email, social...
Cast1es comments on Aug 9, 2018:
I've noticed a recent , sharp , up trend in the number of contacts I've received , recently . Couldn't think of anything I'd said recently , to cause it . Then I thought of some photos I'd posted recently . Um Hum . So now when they ask for more contact , I do give it to them , but I also tell them about the scammers I'd recently been approached by and my , " Never wire anyone money ," rule . The scammers eliminate themselves immediately . I never hear from them again .
9 Most Powerful Quotes From Emma Watson's UN Speech on Gender & Equality — VIDEO
Cast1es comments on Aug 9, 2018:
She's much more diplomatic than I've ever been . But what she's says is so very true .
I just received a letter that said "Cards enclosed for your birthday - Please do not bend".
Cast1es comments on Aug 9, 2018:
I've learned a few things from them , and I do like that they tend to stand up for the senior generation when it comes to Federal Laws . They are worth supporting .
Rename America by Daniel Greenfield []
Cast1es comments on Aug 9, 2018:
News to me .
This song is one of my all-time, lifetime favorites! Who here has been to a revival?
Cast1es comments on Aug 9, 2018:
I love the one about the time the squirrel got loose in the revival .
Erm...give it time...
Cast1es comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Maybe , if the weather stays nice today , it'll heat up the pool , and I'll go out and float around for awhile . I really need to use it more , to make it worth the costs of having it .
Violent storm during the night. Stargazers in the morning.
Cast1es comments on Aug 9, 2018:
They just needed that little sip of water .
Hopefully my pastry photos show up this time lol
Cast1es comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Congratulations on your retirement !
And Paris' shot on Achilles was a natural 20 as well...
Cast1es comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Why kill the gazebo ?
You have been warned?
Cast1es comments on Aug 9, 2018:
Panties , but not Y fronts ?
I asked the librarian where the books on paranoia were.
Cast1es comments on Aug 9, 2018:
They're watching you .....
Deciding on what to eat.?
Cast1es comments on Aug 8, 2018:
Adam should have stuck with Lilith , the smart one .....
Don’t know exactly what’s going on here.
Cast1es comments on Aug 8, 2018:
Looks like your spider was eating your other bugs .
I think I like ole Sam!
Cast1es comments on Aug 8, 2018:
Who's old Sam ?
I had my cataract evaluation appointment today.
Cast1es comments on Aug 8, 2018:
GLaucoma means the pressure inside your eyeball is too strong . The current treatment , is a pair of injections directly into your eyeball every six weeks or so . I have yet to figure out how adding more fluid inside your eyeball , reduces the pressure , although , mine is now leaking , and dry . Isn't that weird . I continue to wonder if they truly know what they're doing , or if they've just developed something else strange and ,"medical," that requires repeated procedures they can charge you for , without actually killing the goose that laid the golden egg .
Does this hat make my butt look fat?
Cast1es comments on Aug 8, 2018:
Only when you wear your hat on your butt ....
Goodnight Kitty - tonight it's one of mine posing for International Cat Day.
Cast1es comments on Aug 8, 2018:
How did your orchid survive ? My cats have an unhealthy interest in plants .
An arty boot. Sharpies and dubbing. Saved myself many pounds.
Cast1es comments on Aug 8, 2018:
Very well done !
Another entry from Eavesdropping at Ruby’s Diner Opening a Vein I thought I could imagine it...
Cast1es comments on Aug 8, 2018:
Ouch , that had to hurt . Emotional tailspin .
We All Meet The Reaper.
Cast1es comments on Aug 8, 2018:
Love Terry Prachette's Mort !
Something I've thought about for some time now.
Cast1es comments on Aug 8, 2018:
Unfortunately , I have indeed met men like that , the first being my Dad . He was a hard working man , but less educated than Mom , He accomplished a lot , but seldom gave Mom credit for her labors .
What do you do when you are bored?
Cast1es comments on Aug 8, 2018:
There are always lots of things that need to be done , boredom is just that you aren't interested in doing them . It helps if you are doing things along with someone else , rather than on your own . Check out your local library . See if they're offering classes in things that could interest you . Sign up and go . Learn a new skill . Create something , Develop a new hobby . It could turn into a new source of income , a new and interesting job , start a new business . Get rich , powerful , and become attractive . It's all up to you !
Ethically Responsible Negative People
Cast1es comments on Aug 8, 2018:
I believe , step one in fixing a problem , is recognizing that there is a problem and exactly what that problem is . You've already accomplished that . Good for you . Next , you need to decide what , if anything , you want to do about it , and is doing something about it , going to make your life more of what you want it to be ? I think if you're not fully there yet , you are at least well on the way . Next is to identify what you can actually do . Although you feel a counseling would be your first choice and most effective , you also feel it is out of your price range . Check with your local government offices to see if they can provide any free counseling services . So what next ? You've already mentioned others using self help books . Perhaps a trip to your local library ? You may also want to look at this from the perspective of what is going to make you happier rather than just how it will affect others . It can be mutually beneficial .
Bottled happiness
Cast1es comments on Aug 8, 2018:
If it takes away some of the pain , nausea , twitches , muscle spasms , epileptic episodes , etc . then it will indeed induce happiness .
I've been considering making another trip back to the Caribbean to see if there are any worthwhile ...
Cast1es comments on Aug 8, 2018:
Golf course at the Princess ?
Cast1es comments on Aug 8, 2018:
He forgot to mention worms . Dig around in the soil , find a few worms and add them to your compost pile .
I love sleep, good night all.????
Cast1es comments on Aug 8, 2018:
Sometimes it's the other way around . Sometimes , it's any , some , or all of those very things , which prevent you from sleeping .
This is going to be a long 80 days waiting for these bananas
Cast1es comments on Aug 8, 2018:
it's amazing how fast the banana trees grow . My neighbors have one that was just peeking over the fence earlier this spring , now it's approaching the roof of their two story .
Edit: Okay, I don't know why my paragraphs didn't show up or why the hell it's in italics.
Cast1es comments on Aug 8, 2018:
Just read in another post , that if you put a star (*) , a capital number 8 , around words , it puts them in a gray box and makes them italic . * Look to see if you have added stars. *
Before you eat God’s chicken!
Cast1es comments on Aug 8, 2018:
Or perhaps it's intended so you can clear the taste from your mouth after you've eaten .
I don't know if this has been said, but it would be nice to see who all is in a group chat room ...
Cast1es comments on Aug 8, 2018:
For me , so far , they've always been empty , when I dropped in .
In thinking about another post about being on a date that's going really well, "what do you do?
Cast1es comments on Aug 8, 2018:
Letting you know , it's time to practice ? Decide what doesn't work , ahead of time .
Does this vine look familiar to anyone?
Cast1es comments on Aug 8, 2018:
Not poison ivy ! Yeah !
Formatting Yet again I read that people are having difficulty in formatting their precious ...
Cast1es comments on Aug 8, 2018:
There are only two magical letters . I'd be interested in seeing the third , please .
So is there any chance we could ever have a game room?
Cast1es comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Hope you have a soon to be very happy BIRTHDAY !
I just had to share this in case you missed it.
Cast1es comments on Aug 7, 2018:
While I recognize Tux is the villian of the story , still , he's one against a semi feral of equal size and a full grown human . Somehow , I feel empathy for all three .
Hold it in?
Cast1es comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Always go , before you go , and go again when you arrive .
Hold it in?
Cast1es comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Snickle snort !
Goodnight Kitty:
Cast1es comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Pumpkin eyes !
Do you feel physically secure in today’s world?i
Cast1es comments on Aug 7, 2018:
So far , at least , I've survived the Houston flooding , with ease , but I do believe there is worse to come . I also think I can survive the next round . Was without electricity for eleven days , earlier and survived that as well . I worry about where Trump's actions will land us. To the best of my knowledge there are no local nuclear plants . Texas is encouraging solar panels for homes , although I don't think homes could charge the entire grid for a long time to come , yet . I am concerned about Shareria (sp) Law . I'd likely be killed fighting against that . On the other hand , I've nearly reached the average life expectancy age for women in the US , so giving my life for that cause would be a great investment . Although my cupboards are stocked with some foods with future expiration dates , I set that up more with coming home from surgery and not being able to go grocery shopping for a period of time . Not with long term political intrigue , in mind . Unfortunately , one of the greatest threats for women in this country comes from their relationships with men . I've read that approximately nine out of ten times women are murdered , it was at the hands of some man in her life - husband , father , lover , brother , uncle , nephew , or perhaps a friend or a friend of a relative . At this point , my only close living male relative is too sick to accomplish that , although there were periods of time , when I honestly thought he had it in mind .
Any groups dedicated for love and relationship?
Cast1es comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Welcome to this site . If you haven't done it yet , fill out the questionair, write a bio , and post a photo , then join in the questions and answers .
'That Damn Ball' by DHMcCarty Part 2 of 2 Charley sat in silence until Harley was out of sight.
Cast1es comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Interesting to see it from the dog's perspective .
I was walking across a bridge one day, and I saw a man standing on the edge, about to jump.
Cast1es comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Too true to be funny .
Would you date someone that said they had a government job that was so classified they couldn't even...
Cast1es comments on Aug 7, 2018:
I was that person . My employer was the third largest employer in the state . I retired over eleven years ago , or I wouldn't even admit this much .
I am a member of a minority group.
Cast1es comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Welcome to the club .
Any groups dedicated for love and relationship?
Cast1es comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Yes. Click on discuss or browse , go to groups . Scroll down until you find those that appeal to you . Just off the top of my head , there's a singles group , a deviants' group , an offender's group , and an older women . younger men's group . There are other interests as well , and I'd suggest you look into things that interest you there as well as it helps us to get to know you ..
This explains it. Lol.
Cast1es comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Perfect explaination !
Sometimes, we write to heal. My Time You had so much time. Two years?
Cast1es comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Wow, to the point , with precision . He made his choices , mistakes are costly . Pain teaches us lessons we never wanted to learn . He destroyed the best , the trust , the loyalty , the love . But now they're gone , he wants them back . He can't have what he chose to destroy
I’d like to float an idea.
Cast1es comments on Aug 7, 2018:
I'm curled up with a cat and a cuppa . Where's that story ?
My insomnia seems to come in waves.
Cast1es comments on Aug 7, 2018:
My insomnia started with a break up . Guess I loved him a lot more than I realized . Figured I'd get over it in time . Took a **lot** longer than I thought possible . It somehow turned from insomnia into sleep apnea (hospital confirmed) . Then my doctor decided to control my diabetes medication caused kidney problems , by putting me on strong diuretics . Even if or when I finally nod off , I won't stay asleep long , because I'll have to get up to go pee . After which , I can't get back to sleep .
I wish I had a little white fur baby!
Cast1es comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Perfect !
Here's a little essay I wrote a few years ago: I’m going to present an idea here that has grown...
Cast1es comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Rather like a woman who loves her abuser .
300 More Predator Priests
Cast1es comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Very sick !
Any John Carpenter fans out there?
Cast1es comments on Aug 7, 2018:
The only one I've seen is the space alien , who looks like her deceased husband .
The Hearse Song (the worms crawl in, the worms crawl out) Performed by Harley Poe []
Cast1es comments on Aug 7, 2018:
I remember hearing the worms crawl in and the worms crawl out in elementary school , but I've never heard the entire song . Didn't even know there was one .
Cast1es comments on Aug 7, 2018:
For some of us , making new friends isn't easy . If you're moving , check out where they hold their meetings and join for the opportunity of making new friends , who won't feel imitated by an intelligent woman . Who knows , maybe your next relationship will work out better if you're dealing with an equal .
I am somewhat dyslexic.
Cast1es comments on Aug 7, 2018:
Dyslexia is , I believe a physical problem , not a mental one . As I understand it , somehow while going through the the vision channels transferring what is on the page to the brain , the characters and figures get twisted or flipped . For instance , you may see a ," b ," when what's actually on the page is a ," d ." It's hard to read and write and understand when the symbols aren't consistent and don't match what you've been taught they look like and what they mean . Sometimes , I wonder if my computer is suffering from dyslexia . I type in something , and my computer chooses to pick up what I've typed in and move it to a different spot , like in the middle of some previous sentence . Arrrgh ! So frustrating ! That does not mean you aren't smart or intelligent or even learned . It means you have to work twice as hard as the rest of us to get there . I know it's not easy for you , but I have to admire you for working so hard to make your grammar , sentences , and spelling so great , while others who , comparatively speaking have it so easy , but just don't bother .
What do you call your mother-in-law?
Cast1es comments on Aug 7, 2018:
In the beginning , if I was speaking with my boyfriend , I'd say , your Mom . Or if speaking to someone else , his Mom . Occasionally , by her name . By the time we'd separated , I was working at purging her from my mind altogether . I can remember later , when I found out she'd died , sitting at my desk singing in my mind , "Ding dong the witch is dead , which old witch , the wicked witch ." I hereby apologize to all witches . I actually enjoy witches . They are wise , intelligent , and often self educated .
I wonder; is it possible to learn what can cause people to fall out of love with a significant ...
Cast1es comments on Aug 6, 2018:
There are a LOT of kinds of love , but when you get to the base and look to see what each of these have in common , the lowest common denominator is , "Love is what we feel , for those who make us feel good about ourselves ." If your love makes you feel special in the way that you are , you will want to be around hem . You will want to please them . Love dies , when they no longer make you feel special - they put you at the bottom of their priority list , when your favorite movie star actor marries someone else , when they tell you nothing you do or are is good enough , when the politician you worked hard to get elected , suddenly only cares about getting rich , instead of helping those who need their help . People kill love .
First post here.. Just came random question. When someone sneezed do you say God bless you?
Cast1es comments on Aug 6, 2018:
The term , " bless ," means to make happy . I have no problem with , " Bless you ."
Smoke in the air from a 90,000 + fire near Yosemite has me digging into my major stash of guitar ...
Cast1es comments on Aug 6, 2018:
Leave sooner rather than later , if you must . Better safe than sorry . Take care !
Now that's a cake
Cast1es comments on Aug 6, 2018:
I bet the Dark LAdy , would include that on her blog !
2011 My granddaughter had this Jester hat and we made her costume around that theme.
Cast1es comments on Aug 6, 2018:
Nice going !
Cast1es comments on Aug 6, 2018:
They'll start building square houses , when they start growing square trees . Measure twice , cut once . Righty tighty . lefty loosey . Last in , first out .
Psst…. ?…
Cast1es comments on Aug 6, 2018:
Actually , there is a huge ship , on a frozen mountain top in Turkey , filled with cages , that some claim was the original , now frozen in time .
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be, and why aren't you there already?
Cast1es comments on Aug 6, 2018:
When I was approaching retirement , I gave a lot of thought to where I wanted to live , even including moving to another country . I spent 4 years looking at homes online , and made a few trips to view homes , in person . I had arranged to fly in and meet with a real estate agent , on a Wednesday , and sent her the MSL numbers of homes I wanted to see . I asked her to check for what flood plain they were on , which eliminated a few , and asked her to plan a circle trip to view as many as we could , which eliminated a few more . I was away for the preceding weekend , but Monday , after work , I stopped in at the library and viewed some more . I sent her a new MLS listing and told her it was the OMG house , to please add it to the list , which she did . After viewing the OMG house , we stopped at a Chinese resturant for lunch . As I was getting back in her SUV , lightening cracked directly overhead . Not thunder , CRACKED . I looked up , said , "OK , I got it ," got in her car and told her instead of looking at more houses we may as well go back to her office and write up the paperwork .
Are you a phubber or simply being phubbed?
Cast1es comments on Aug 6, 2018:
Click on ( at the top of this post and it will tell you .
How does a nun get sex from a priest? She dresses as an altar boy.
Cast1es comments on Aug 6, 2018:
That surprised a snort out of me .
Looking for a girlfriend.
Cast1es comments on Aug 6, 2018:
Good luck , hon .
Today is the anniversary of the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima.
Cast1es comments on Aug 6, 2018:
It was a little before my time , but as I understand it , we were not at war with Japan , when they sent their planes to Hawaii and bombed it . Even after this sneak attack , the ambassadors , who were in the states at the time , were allowed to return to their homes . The US was prepared and ended the war with Japan swiftly and without question . Yes , it was and remains horrible , and yes both military and civilians were killed , permanently disabled , and injured , homes were destroyed , as were businesses and schools , as well as military buildings and equipment . And had the war been allowed to carry on for years , would the same have occurred even if nuclear weren't used . Would there have been more bombs dropped on mainland US ? I hate war . I wish no one ever had to deal with war and the long term results .
Six Crows fly from the hilltop down to the tree with bare limbs where they like to sit, ...
Cast1es comments on Aug 6, 2018:
Nor a murderer .
Road signs I would love to see !
Cast1es comments on Aug 6, 2018:
Not the parts of town I normally visit .
Road signs I would love to see !
Cast1es comments on Aug 6, 2018:
Are those for the drug pushers as well , or just for the sex workers ?
The owner asks the clerk, "What's with that guy over there by the wall?
Cast1es comments on Aug 6, 2018:
That's cruel . Funny , but cruel .
Remember that slow little city garden up in Nova Scotia?
Cast1es comments on Aug 6, 2018:
Perhaps you're going to get a tomato/cucumber hybrid = easier to make your salads and sandwiches /
Would you run a background check on a potential boyfriend or girlfriend?
Cast1es comments on Aug 6, 2018:
I think a background check , would be just that . You'd learn some specific details about , for instance arrest records , but you wouldn't learn their on going personality traits . Just something to allow you a certain amount of reassurance , that it's probably alright to get to know them better without the risk of being murdered in your sleep , having your home burned down around your ears , finding yourself in deep debt , because they ran up charges you didn't know about on your credit card ,
Residual Warmth []
Cast1es comments on Aug 6, 2018:
I gather a dream sequence ?
Road signs I would love to see !
Cast1es comments on Aug 6, 2018:
I may be wrong , but I don't think brothels or even pick up prostitutes are legal in most states , at least not yet .
I am planning a trip to Vietnam/Cambodia.
Cast1es comments on Aug 5, 2018:
Seems like an odd destination . Any particular reason for Vietnam/Cambodia ?
In his image? ?
Cast1es comments on Aug 5, 2018:
I try to get them reading . I find that the door knockers are trying to sell , what they havent' even bothered to learn , yet .
Had to repost this. It's just so factual. From @coralisthree
Cast1es comments on Aug 5, 2018:
So , I'm guessing , the one on my right , is texting , while carrying a vision restrictive load , and crossing a road ?
One of my favorites treats.
Cast1es comments on Aug 5, 2018:
Shrimp , yeah . Oysters . don't think so .
The Last King Of Sotland 6th Installment by DHMcCarty "Bobbie was in the Intensive Care unit at...
Cast1es comments on Aug 5, 2018:
This was such a beautiful story ! Mad me cry .
Who else here doesn't actually have recipes in the general sense but goes by instinct for the most ...
Cast1es comments on Aug 5, 2018:
Mom made the most wonderful Brownies . Very moist ! One year the PTA decided to publish a little recipe book and sell it , to bring in some money . Mom was kind enough to include her Brownie recipe . Then she started hearing complaints that the recipe didn't taste like hers . Someone had decided to , "correct ," her recipe prior to publication . Everyone , who used the published recipe said the Brownies were too dry . They were ! Someone had upgraded the , "fat," from shortening to butter . Sounds good , but a big mistake,
This was my "old house" 8(edit: 10) years ago, after I had a new roof put on, before I started an ...
Cast1es comments on Aug 5, 2018:
A while back I started a group I called Home Remodeling , please bring your photos to this group . You'll fit right in !
Don't want to go pee?
Cast1es comments on Aug 5, 2018:
If you don't get out of bed , and go , you'll wet the bed , then you need to get up to change all the bed clothing (hopefully you had a mat over the mattress) , wash up , change all your clothing , and pee , anyhow . Easier to just get up in the first place .
Dinner plate
Cast1es comments on Aug 5, 2018:
Hibiscus ?


16 Like Show
Trying to look ferousis .
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Hyacinths , in my window box .
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The pool guys at work , on the moat .
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My castle .
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Tiny wallled garden .
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Oranges growing over the garden wall .
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Hopefully , the , "over the garden wall ," oranges will ripen before they freeze .
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Celebrating Chinese New Year !
Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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