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My Blue Fairy garb . 20 July 2018


What is the most important thing to remember if you catch a cougar? Don't ask her age.
Cast1es comments on Nov 24, 2020:
A cougar has already given her age , if she's on any dating sites . We should be able to take pride in our maturity , it's only those looking for a trophy wife to boost their own egos' , who feel the need denigrate older women . Generally speaking women are in much better shape , than the men the same age . So be very careful , of those you feel the need to belittle .
Prayers went unanswered.
Cast1es comments on Nov 24, 2020:
We all need to agree to end this pandemic , by spending the SAME extended period of time , remaining isolated . We could have ended this pandemic long ago , if the self centered , arrogant , entitled hadn't decided they had the right to spread this sickness among everyone they knew . Congratulations ! You're killing off your family and friends and putting the remaining few into deep debt , by sending them into the hospitals for months at a time . You must feel really proud of yourselves .
Just realized I hit 3 years being on Agnostic.
Cast1es comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Joined Jan 27 , 2018 , so almost two years . I noticed in the most contributors list , everyone is a level 9 , but I didn't see any level 10's . I noticed as well , that in order to become a nine , you pretty much max out on the contributions you're comfortable with . Does anyone ever reach a level ten ?
It has been a mild Autumn, just turned cold now.
Cast1es comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Are these all in your garden ? Very colorful for winter .
The whole Adam and Eve story is just hilarious.
Cast1es comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Actually , Cain killed Able . You seem to have forgotten Lillith , Adam's first wife .
The Elf on the Shelf is feisty this year.
Cast1es comments on Nov 24, 2020:
I think this year's Barbie , is named Karen .
The Power of One!
Cast1es comments on Nov 24, 2020:
I'd like to know what that one word that ends a fight is .
A sign of the times? :-D
Cast1es comments on Nov 23, 2020:
Cocoa Cola , was originally made with coke (cocaine ) , and became a best seller , because it was addictive . They were taken to court and were forced to stop selling the cocaine recipe , so developed a mix using both high caffine and sugar content to keep their addicts buying coke ,l without the cocaine . So you see , they're not all that different .
Hedonic Refugees: ”“Many people seem to be more at home, happier, living in a country not of ...
Cast1es comments on Nov 22, 2020:
If fifteen years were fun and blissful , why did you come back ?
Evangelist: I “Will Never Believe” Joe Biden is President and God Agrees With Me | Hemant Mehta ...
Cast1es comments on Nov 22, 2020:
If God agrees , then why is Biden President elect ?
Word of the year.
Cast1es comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Right on ! Hit the nail on the head !
Some Good Advice, Especially this Time of Year ☮💜
Cast1es comments on Nov 22, 2020:
From my point of view , I'm , "normal ," and the rest of the world is weird .
I recently managed to get hold of a book I read many years ago, and was more than a little shocked ...
Cast1es comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Gotta' admit , sounds exactly like Trump . Being an atheist , I'm wondering how an exorcism by the Pope would accomplish anything . Perhaps , at best , it might encourage some religious radical to do the job for us . Actually , I've been wondering why that hasn't already happened , Considering Lincoln and Kennedy . I've read he's been looking into putting i office a military man who would do his bidding , if he called for a coup .
While planting about 20 flowering and evergreen shrubs and trees today, I learned what it means to ...
Cast1es comments on Nov 21, 2020:
Wash it off . The granit and marble could be attractive amongst your new plants .
Are you ready to reduce your carbon footprint?
Cast1es comments on Nov 21, 2020:
Having retired , I no longer have that drive to go to work , and even doing marketing is mostly a matter of scootering over to Walmart , not using my van . Even when I do drive , most of what I go to , is within five miles of my home . Last time I flew , was to go to Mom's funeral over three years ago . I've had all the windows and doors replaced , to make home more weather proof . I've planted trees to replace every one I had to remove and then some extras , because I like having them , in spite of my neighbors telling me to chop them down . I do what I can .
Are there many success stories here for online dating sites?
Cast1es comments on Nov 21, 2020:
Continued good luck !
Oh Wow! Garden Geeks, listen up.
Cast1es comments on Nov 21, 2020:
So very sweet !
Reading this, I started to cry.
Cast1es comments on Nov 21, 2020:
While I realize we want to put our best foot forward , sometimes hiding our problems , then bringing them forward at a later time , is not the best concept . You wind up with two strikes - one for the problem and one for concealing or lying about it . Saw a bio. the other day , where the guy said up front , that he had an amputated leg and I remember thinking at the time , that he had handled that well .
No splash screen on new mobo.
Cast1es comments on Nov 20, 2020:
Don't take any of your computer equipment , in the shower with you .
Safe is as safe does...
Cast1es comments on Nov 20, 2020:
I've lost several accounts . The computer remembered the passwords for me . Then the computers overheated and died . Micorsoft was willing to replace the overheated computers , but wouldn't let me keep the SIM chip , that stores things in memory . There go my passwords !
Just don't ask where I got it -
Cast1es comments on Nov 20, 2020:
Need me one of them , Hope it tells me when I'm due there as well .
Twitter post featuring Liberty Hangout
Cast1es comments on Nov 20, 2020:
Does this mean , no more POS 45 ?
We've 3 bathrooms in our house.
Cast1es comments on Nov 20, 2020:
You have two bathrooms - Linda's , your's , and a garden .
Ah...that point in life when a good day means you remembered why you walked into that room....
Cast1es comments on Nov 20, 2020:
And perhaps we actually don't want to remember why we walked in there ? Like , it's time to wash the dishes , or do the laundry , or I was planning to wash down the stuffed chairs with upholstery fabric cleaner . Uh , yeah , I'd rather read a romance novel , invest in the stock market , cuddle with the kitty .
The state of Turning Point USA in response to the Harry Styles incident []
Cast1es comments on Nov 20, 2020:
When I was very young , girls were only allowed to wear dresses , and for young girls , the dresses were extremely short and made of light weight cotton , only . I can recall talking to Mom about my legs freezing , while I had to wait at the bus stop and when we were outside during recess , during Maryland winters . Finally she got me some winter pants that matched my coat , and I was allowed to pull them on , up under my dress , before going out , in the coat room at school , but I had to take them off again , before going back into the classroom . Today , girls in pants is a very common thing . No one pays any attention .
Love this.
Cast1es comments on Nov 20, 2020:
Well done !
I took these shots yesterday when I was on my way home! ❤🧡💛 Somewhere in the New ...
Cast1es comments on Nov 20, 2020:
Looks like you have a beautiful walk home .
(Sex talk) She gets to the nitty-gritty however informative. []
Cast1es comments on Nov 19, 2020:
Typically , men speak with men about sex , and their concept is screw , nail , how many times HE comes , how hard HE is pumping , and seldom has anything to do with trying to please his woman . Then he wonders why he isn't getting any .
Indian Joke about Weather Fall was upon a remote reservation when the Indian tribe asked their new ...
Cast1es comments on Nov 19, 2020:
Good one !
A farmer named Van was overseeing his herd in a remote mountainous pasture in Limpopo when suddenly ...
Cast1es comments on Nov 19, 2020:
Good one !
When I was growing up, I tried being a comedian and got depressed (or in trouble for being class ...
Cast1es comments on Nov 19, 2020:
He had me laughing .
Wait what's happening everyone is wearing their mask situation is suppose to be under control.
Cast1es comments on Nov 18, 2020:
I wish that sentence made sense .
How do we define “physical connection” during a pandemic?
Cast1es comments on Nov 18, 2020:
He's male . In his opinion , a visit to his home for the full weekend means , " includes sex ." You commented , according to how he read you , " no it , doesn't ." His response was , why waste his time with you , when he could be having sex with someone else . This year next time , you'll still be alive .
What a horrible year. Fuck you 2020 []
Cast1es comments on Nov 17, 2020:
If that were for real . it would have set the land around the sign on fire , too .
The signs are reaching critical mass.
Cast1es comments on Nov 17, 2020:
Trying to have others add point for them ?
Introverts, are you introverted online too?
Cast1es comments on Nov 16, 2020:
I reached level 9 . I haven't seen where anyone has reached level 10 , although I think some are working towards that . But things changed. Things that helped me get to nine , are now no longer , "counted ." The goal is set so high , apparently no one has reached it yet . Kind of lends a , why bother , to the effort to get ahead .
I will use the flu vaccination as an example for this question.
Cast1es comments on Nov 16, 2020:
I believe vaccines are generally made with dead , not weakened viruses .
Cast1es comments on Nov 16, 2020:
Looks like it needs a helper verb . As in " The enemy of your enemy , may , ipso facto , become , your friend ? "
Definitely thanks for that
Cast1es comments on Nov 15, 2020:
By now , no one cares anyway .
And the answer is---
Cast1es comments on Nov 15, 2020:
In previous periods , if a girl was interested in a boy , there was little she was allowed to do about it . If a boy was interested in a girl he could court her . In some cultures , he could even buy her from her family , to be his wife , with or without her consent . If a girl made moves she was condemed for being forward or worse .
Failures in packaging
Cast1es comments on Nov 15, 2020:
I can't get past the fact that the newest generations , didn't learn English in schools . If you try to teach them better , instead of learning better grammar , they label you a grammar Nazi . They wallow in thieir stupidity .
Although I don't believe the world is ending soon , I believe there's a God, a force that has power ...
Cast1es comments on Nov 14, 2020:
I think you've joined the wrong group . This is .
What is the best group to join and why?
Cast1es comments on Nov 14, 2020:
The groups about things that interest you , are the best groups to join .
[] Tour virtually ancient Nubia through the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston
Cast1es comments on Nov 14, 2020:
I remember when the Tut exhibit was touring . I drove from Md . to DC and waited in a long line to view it . It was a brilliant ancient history display of African history and the advances they made . It was also about slavery , but the funny thing is , since it was about also about Africans who enslaved other Africans , there were no protests from the ACLU . Guess that only happens if it's whites ens;laving blacks .
Give up. It will never work.
Cast1es comments on Nov 14, 2020:
If you already know the answer , why fight it ?
I offer you all a glimmer of hope for the future! :-D
Cast1es comments on Nov 12, 2020:
Uncalled for .
So...... Are you?! 😂
Cast1es comments on Nov 12, 2020:
I have other plans .
Are we celebrating yet?
Cast1es comments on Nov 12, 2020:
So very true .
Karen Barbie.
Cast1es comments on Nov 12, 2020:
Wonder if the original Karen got a percentage ?
I thought this was cool until I realized that mine would probably vomit in the middle of the damn ...
Cast1es comments on Nov 11, 2020:
Or wouldn't be able to reach the litter box in time .
Hate-Preacher: Girls Who Look Like Rachel Maddow Are “Repulsive” to “Normal” Men | Hemant ...
Cast1es comments on Nov 11, 2020:
Why are Agnostics listening to this kind of BS ?
Garden of Alabama
Cast1es comments on Nov 11, 2020:
Perhaps Lilith ?
Islam Wants You!
Cast1es comments on Nov 10, 2020:
Hope you have your head screwed on tight and maybe a metal turtle collar , just to be on the safe side .
A question to the group: What does "being emotionally available" mean to you?
Cast1es comments on Nov 10, 2020:
I think it might be easier to attack this from the back . If a person , for instance , has been emotionally tramatized , they may have to sort themselves out emotionally first , before they are able to trust and love someone else . In that circumstance , they may not be emotionally available . So someone who is emotionally available , is ready to develop feelings for others , when they are with the right others .
I got a new hat today, eight bucks on Amazon.
Cast1es comments on Nov 9, 2020:
Matches your sweat shirt .
John Ossoff.
Cast1es comments on Nov 8, 2020:
I like your photo of him better than the poster photos .
Love it when we learn something new about Neanderthals, our lost cousins.
Cast1es comments on Nov 8, 2020:
Personally , I'm more of the opinion they didn't die out , they instead simply interbred . I've seen folks with some of the neanderthal looking characteristics .
No explanation necessary:
Cast1es comments on Nov 8, 2020:
Never faild .
Happy Sunday Everyone!!!! Just got back from Bob's.
Cast1es comments on Nov 8, 2020:
While I'm extremely glad to see Trump being put out of office , and truly hope Biden is a better man , I have serious doubts .
9,000 year old female hunter's burial upsets (stupid) assumptions about gender roles in ancient ...
Cast1es comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Never underestmate women . You may convince us , in our childhood that we aren't as good , but reality sinks in .
Cast1es comments on Nov 7, 2020:
Let's hope he doesn't buy some of the electoral collage .
When you're a child you want to be a teenager....
Cast1es comments on Nov 6, 2020:
Or a dragon !
Boom! My pretty little coral maple at peak color!
Cast1es comments on Nov 6, 2020:
Absolutely stunning !
Friday morning cuteness
Cast1es comments on Nov 6, 2020:
Fluffy has such beautiful blue eyes ! First to comment , still no double points .
yesterday morning my darling wendy, who would have turned 17 in march, died of unknown causes chief ...
Cast1es comments on Nov 6, 2020:
So sorry . Hugs .
For all who could not open my link the other day from my drive to the Blue Ridge Parkway.
Cast1es comments on Nov 5, 2020:
That first one looks like poison sumac . Hope you didn't get close to it .
They've been anti-science for a long time. Now, they are anti-math as well.
Cast1es comments on Nov 5, 2020:
I knew they stopped teaching coursive , but didn't know about the math .
Ten modern words.
Cast1es comments on Nov 5, 2020:
Make more sense than a lot of the words I've seen recently . You're put a lot of thought into these.
I thank me for my daily bread.
Cast1es comments on Nov 4, 2020:
During the middle ages , when that particular prayer was written , the majority , (the serfs) often had only bread as a meal , particularly in thw inter months , so the term then , was equal to a meal for them .
Cast1es comments on Nov 4, 2020:
Past time to get rid of the Electoral Collage , It isn't working FOR the PEOPLE , as it was supposed to do .
To me, "drink responsibly" means don't spill it.
Cast1es comments on Nov 4, 2020:
I think you've managed to hit every cliche' for our generation .
Big difference in use lol
Cast1es comments on Nov 3, 2020:
I'd like to see some guy , shove that down his throat .
How many of you ladies have seen these pics online dating?
Cast1es comments on Nov 3, 2020:
I thought she ment , standing next to her proud to be with her guy , until I read the comments below . Just goes to show , men hate women .
Here's my belated Halloween post of my favorite costumes and decorations.
Cast1es comments on Nov 3, 2020:
Ruth Vader Ginsberg ?
Please prove me wrong! :P
Cast1es comments on Nov 3, 2020:
Nope . Simply none of his damn business .
What word takes three hours to say?
Cast1es comments on Nov 3, 2020:
Wonder who made tat up . and why ?
A fellow user recently noted a ten year difference between herself and a possible positive ...
Cast1es comments on Nov 3, 2020:
The absolute love of my life , was 14 years my junior . Like you , I felt it was in his best interests , not to accept , when he proposed . Biggest mistake of my life .
No matter who you are in favor of tomorrow may may we all vote in fear.
Cast1es comments on Nov 3, 2020:
The ball of wax , isn't likely to get any better tomorrow . Both primary candidates are anything but respectable human beings .
Any suggestions as to how to emotionally prepare for the election?
Cast1es comments on Nov 2, 2020:
We're getting screwed either way .
these are the reasons why the happiest people on Earth have become the trademark of the ...
Cast1es comments on Nov 2, 2020:
Because they're water logged ?
There is never an excuse for physically beating one's wife/partner/husband etc.
Cast1es comments on Nov 2, 2020:
Agree , although I would fight back if it was a matter of self defense , or defending children .
Why are you voting for your presidential candidate?
Cast1es comments on Nov 1, 2020:
In my opinion , the whole thing is rigged and we're getting screwed no matter who we vote for or who wins .
SO many things have taken on new meaning!
Cast1es comments on Nov 1, 2020:
Calls to mind my morning routine .
A boy asks his father whats the difference between theory and reality, why?
Cast1es comments on Nov 1, 2020:
Funny , if a woman even , hypatheticaly , agrees to have sex with a man other than her husband , she's labeled as a lesser kind of woman . If a man actually does have sex with multiple women , not his wife , he's touted as being a player .
I thought I posted this but can't find it.
Cast1es comments on Nov 1, 2020:
Can't see what flag they're flying .
Might is Right : Ragnar Redbeard : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Cast1es comments on Nov 1, 2020:
Print too small to read .
Yesterday in the supermarket this man was staring at me.
Cast1es comments on Oct 31, 2020:
Just saw the story about Ted Bundy . There have been anumber of other mass murders on Facebook recently . I'd be concenred is some stranger wa staring at me .
“American Christianity’s theological core has been thoroughly structured by an interest in ...
Cast1es comments on Oct 31, 2020:
Male supremacy . Apparently you didn't read any of it . Review the Shira laws and the Bible .
I never knew this.
Cast1es comments on Oct 30, 2020:
I'd suggest some kind of saucer under the candle , to prevent starting an unplanned fire at your house . Umm , no double points , again .
Interesting read about Neanderthals: []
Cast1es comments on Oct 30, 2020:
Looks like science is beginning to catch up with common sense . I knew a kid or two in high school , who looked somewhat like the common drawings of Neanderthaul .
Is an atheist kinder than a believer? What is your experience?
Cast1es comments on Oct 30, 2020:
Have to agree with the previous posters . It depends on the person , not on their religious beliefs .
A dumb blonde walks into a bar and says, "..." Dumb blonde says what?
Cast1es comments on Oct 30, 2020:
Just out of curiosity , what precisely , does being blond , have to do with being dumb ?
My passion again and my working life.
Cast1es comments on Oct 30, 2020:
Never even thought of trying to propagate my ferns , aside from what they do themselves in the garden . Those have reproduced a few on their own .
Cast1es comments on Oct 29, 2020:
Wonder if Dr. Mengolia , is also considered a necromancer ?
Breaking up in an online/texting relationship is crazy.
Cast1es comments on Oct 28, 2020:
With all the scammers , serial murders , and other stuff going on . I've very reluctant about giving out other account or phone information .
Halloween humor
Cast1es comments on Oct 28, 2020:
Potential pumpkin pie .
When it’s to hot for a 1 piece.
Cast1es comments on Oct 28, 2020:
Matches her bikini !
Latest halloween decoration
Cast1es comments on Oct 28, 2020:
Now that's scary !
Wednesday morning cuteness
Cast1es comments on Oct 28, 2020:
According to an on-line friend I chat with in India , it's even worse there than here .
Those eyes...
Cast1es comments on Oct 28, 2020:
Nice kitty .


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Trying to look ferousis .
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Hyacinths , in my window box .
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The pool guys at work , on the moat .
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My castle .
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Tiny wallled garden .
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Oranges growing over the garden wall .
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Hopefully , the , "over the garden wall ," oranges will ripen before they freeze .
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Celebrating Chinese New Year !
Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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