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One of 20 sculptures of the history of Oklahoma


Trumps new profile
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 16, 2020:
It's super loser boy, capable of fucking everything up.
Evangelist Franklin Graham: Rainbow Flags Are “Offensive to Christians” | Beth Stoneburner | ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 16, 2020:
It's Ok for Trump to wave the rainbow gay flag just before the election. It's not Ok for me to be told about God's promise of Noah rainbow story, a promise not to destroy the earth. As it's an excuse for a horrible natural environment practice and too dumb to do much about it.
Just desserts
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 16, 2020:
Half my family are Mexicans, he called them criminals. Now, Trump is a hazard to your health.
Texas Anti-Abortion Group Sued for Defamation for Calling Opponents “Criminals” | Hemant Mehta |...
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 16, 2020:
Trailer Trash will continue to fart out babies. Then call them, gifts from God, then vote for Trump.
This 18th century sculpture called Disillusion, which includes an intricate net carved from a single...
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 16, 2020:
I am a professional sculptor, and that is an incredible piece. The netting in marble would drive me insane.
We are in OZ
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 15, 2020:
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Hanging Klansmen art installation stuns Richmond community, makes powerful point | AFROPUNK
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 15, 2020:
I won't be putting one in my backyard. It would be screaming at my garden.
Irony is funny
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 15, 2020:
Satan is not so bad.
KKK newspapers give support to trump
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 10, 2020:
Not all KKK voted for Trump. Some KKK voted for the his party.
Trump now
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 10, 2020:
Trump only rates statue of Liberty a 5. How do Americans rate Trump?
Justice at last
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 6, 2020:
He will be surrounded by them now. Lo.
Not dining there
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 5, 2020:
James Mattis Denounces Trump as Threat to Constitution - The Atlantic
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 4, 2020:
By far, Trump is the worst President for turn over of staff, ever.
THIS! is the real Trump! Beyond words His one accomplishment will have been the ripping apart of ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 4, 2020:
I was refused my US green card because I refused a a war sculpture for Bush. I did a sandcastle at Trump world casino he was happy with it, except he ripped me off. Real nice guys.lo.
Angry Young Preacher: The Bible Says Gay People Should Be Executed (Humanely) | Hemant Mehta | ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 1, 2020:
Atheism is registered as a Religion in the US. There are far more gays in the world than atheists. Gays gather more regarlar than atheist do. Why don't Gays register themselves as a Religion, rather than be punished as being an illegal act in about 80 countries? Tring to change gays to be straight is about 98% failure rate and insane. Have their church symbol in form of a penis or Virgina and be tax free. That would be more humane than worshipping one God who is a fighter rather than a lover. Just a wild thought and more honest.
THIS! is the real Trump! Beyond words His one accomplishment will have been the ripping apart of ...
Castlepaloma comments on Jun 1, 2020:
Trump dropped out of the Paris accord where nearly 200 countries agree upon, and same for the Who health organization protecting from the covid19 virus. Trump only offers empty words and no solid plans or solutions for the problem. With no plans, he is planning to fail on the most important purpose of the Government, protecting the people. Dump the bum.
I'm a member of 2 other art-groups on here already and I'd like to see one that goes in a different ...
Castlepaloma comments on May 31, 2020:
Have been a professional artist for 43 years and my daughter for 10 years. I expressed to my daughter you can gain with awards more than with educational degrees. Also learn more from other artist veterans than classrooms. She followed many of my footsteps, and already international reknowned. Most importantly, love what you do.
One of the weird things about being an adult is...?
Castlepaloma comments on May 31, 2020:
Being an 8 year old, trapped in a senior body.
THIS! is the real Trump! Beyond words His one accomplishment will have been the ripping apart of ...
Castlepaloma comments on May 31, 2020:
I thought nobody could be worst than Bush in my lifetime. I was very wrong. The country is more divided now, since the great depression or civil war.
Not an artist, I just enjoy making a mess. Dad was an artist though.
Castlepaloma comments on May 31, 2020:
Like the houses group on the hills
Anyone get their letter from the IRS, signed by Trump, taking all the credit for Issuing the ...
Castlepaloma comments on May 31, 2020:
Probably not legal, but that doesn't stop Trump. The world record holder for law suits and counter law suits.
No words needed
Castlepaloma comments on May 31, 2020:
Is that small hand, reaching for his balls?
Yikes but right
Castlepaloma comments on May 29, 2020:
Too hardcore for me.
Yeah sure
Castlepaloma comments on May 26, 2020:
He is heavy as a football centre line backer, as his doctor said as he claims Trump is not obese. You can pay people to say just about anything.
Yeah he wears masks
Castlepaloma comments on May 25, 2020:
Last time, Trump wore glasses, because a mask sent the wrong message. Is the message, go fuck yourself.
Ohio lawmaker refuses to wear a mask because it offends God
Castlepaloma comments on May 25, 2020:
God hates when he can't tell who made a sin with a mask on. That goes for Muslim women too. He rather you die, than not have faith in his mini Me's minons face reflection of himself.
Bridging the Food-or-Energy Gap - Yes! Magazine
Castlepaloma comments on May 25, 2020:
Finding success with ducks and geese with solar ,tiny houses and urban farming. Bird mature is the best. They are great for the grass and debugging. Ducks can also make good pets.
Florida scientist fired for refusing to 'manipulate' COVID-19 data
Castlepaloma comments on May 20, 2020:
I think of the first movie, Jaws. Is it safe to go back into the water?.
Trumps secret
Castlepaloma comments on May 19, 2020:
He has mistaken it for his old cocaine.
Study shows covid more deadly than thought
Castlepaloma comments on May 19, 2020:
It's more deadly than I first thought
Castlepaloma comments on May 19, 2020:
Some how SATAN!!! Got into that church and infected all those people. Let's all pray and sent Satan back to crawling on his belly. Or go by the numbers of deaths and science for solutions.
Yup I will
Castlepaloma comments on May 18, 2020:
They are best at fighting themselves.
Does being an agnostic mean that you’re on the wall or you lack acceptance?
Castlepaloma comments on May 16, 2020:
Me, being agnostic, makes it more acceptaning than atheist or God fearing theists. I don't understand religion, yet I am more acceptaning of both groups. It's not fence sitting, it's acceptance of people's differences. They are welcome to their own delusions or beliefs, as I am mine as an artist and of the great unknowns. Although, to prepare your whole life, for the forever after, would not make good sense to me. Since I base my life on good sense. God feels like a Santa Claus for adults that never arrives. I need more physical results for my happiness.
Good idea
Castlepaloma comments on May 15, 2020:
Bring the pizza to our party of sex, drugs and Rock. It's all great for your soul.
Does anything about being in an atheist or agnostic social network provide comfort?
Castlepaloma comments on May 14, 2020:
I just tell religious people I don't understand religion or politics. Been an agnostic all my life, I find Religion dose more harm than good. I do understand the laws of nature and nature would be my religion. I have the.comfort knowing most conversation about religion, I can easily convert them back to nature. Naturally.
Sorry but face it
Castlepaloma comments on May 13, 2020:
I liked the joker movie, it shows how they dumped from mental hospitals or clinics the mentally ill on to the streets.
For the return
Castlepaloma comments on May 13, 2020:
When I see furiest flying red dragons and rivers of lava. Then I will give up my soul, not til then. Because the BS is too huge, thick and deep.
What Doctors Are Learning From Autopsy Findings of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Patients - YouTube
Castlepaloma comments on May 13, 2020:
Tricky virus. You may have this virus and pass it on to two or three other people before you recognize that you have covid19.
Coronavirus Rhapsody (based on Bohemian Rhapsody) - Covid19 - YouTube
Castlepaloma comments on May 12, 2020:
All from one guy, amazing.
Obama slams trump warns about disinformation
Castlepaloma comments on May 10, 2020:
America can not afford more deaths from covid19. For all ready greater than combat deaths of Korea and Vianam combined. If this continues, Americans will die greater than all the americans troops have died in all the wars combined right back to world war two. Trump claims he will win the election by a landslip wail rates himself a ,10 in handling the virus. Throw the bum, Trump, out!!!
Nailed it
Castlepaloma comments on May 8, 2020:
My all time favorite movies, Wizard of Oz. It had many levels from light entertainment to endless deep messages.
Huge difference
Castlepaloma comments on May 8, 2020:
Imagine his followers following that advice.
Praying mantis kills murder hornet
Castlepaloma comments on May 8, 2020:
Alot over hype about the murdering hornets attacking the US. Much like the killer bees at one time. Spiders and praying mantis against hornets are fairly evenly matched. Hornets fight with spiders often. All three look very scary, spiders are most dangerous of the three.
Protesters agenda
Castlepaloma comments on May 6, 2020:
Could turn out to be a bad hair day.
Lying Christian Pastor: It’s “Scientifically Impossible to Be an Atheist” | Hemant Mehta | ...
Castlepaloma comments on May 6, 2020:
An atheist is a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods. You can't scientifically prove God exist or disprove God exist. Although when you add up all the BS that clergyman preach. They are the world champions at BS.
Native Americans ask for tests get body bags instead
Castlepaloma comments on May 6, 2020:
That is the ultimate insult.
MURDER HORNET MADNESS! - 10 Things You NEED to know! - YouTube
Castlepaloma comments on May 6, 2020:
Scary bug!!! Even normal Hornets strings, hurt the most.
No kidding
Castlepaloma comments on May 6, 2020:
The US public has 10 times the guns than the US military. What country in their right mind would ever attack from overseas the US? Canada has alot of hockey players and hunters, but they will never try it. Unless the US invades us for our water.
For those who dont take covid seriously
Castlepaloma comments on May 6, 2020:
Smokers have been killed, more than all drugs combined. It Will kill more people than this covid19. No panic, same for Cancer and heart diseases. Not...
Satire from The Borowitz Report: New Claim That Enemies of U.S. Developed Trump in Lab
Castlepaloma comments on May 4, 2020:
Trump was hatched from the Rothschilds bank saviour and the Rockefeller Casinos as their chairman. Protect by Mafia lawyers or liars. Trump lives in a tower of darkness, built very high upon Bull shit.
Never met this one
Castlepaloma comments on May 4, 2020:
I will pass on the the raccoon crab. Barrrfff. ....Eurrrop....
He just might
Castlepaloma comments on May 4, 2020:
Trump rates himself a 10 for handling the covid19 virus. At 6foot'3, never knew you could piled BS that high.
George Takei jokes that he's' 'starting a rumour' coronavirus turns you gay
Castlepaloma comments on May 4, 2020:
Being gay would be a great outcast to a family of extreme right wing nut Jobs. They tried that gay shit on marijanna once. It won't change nature, naturally.
Difference between paid cowards and vets
Castlepaloma comments on May 3, 2020:
One guy in a public swimming pool went down a waterslide with a gun attached to his side. Only in America.
Great idea love it
Castlepaloma comments on May 3, 2020:
It should have a talking and listening device inside the moving virus. To freak them out, some more.
Barbra Streisand Addresses Trump In New Song: 'Don't Lie To Me' : NPR
Castlepaloma comments on May 3, 2020:
Not a bad song, wow she is alive!
Yeah big choice
Castlepaloma comments on May 2, 2020:
Doctors are having first hand experiences, the science part, is the numbers of dead bodies.
This Chart Shows How Quickly Americans Are Abandoning Organized Religion | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
Castlepaloma comments on May 2, 2020:
I can imagine over a hundred years ago. About 98% of Americans were Christians. Today the fastest growing group are non believers.
NC Pastor: 95% of Everything Virus-Related “Ain’t Real” So Open Churches Now! | Hemant Mehta |...
Castlepaloma comments on May 2, 2020:
Hard to get over a hundred countries to work together on a hoax.
Civil rights leaders had real courage
Castlepaloma comments on May 2, 2020:
Are the masks for the virus or to hide their identity? I know they are not doctors.
The coronavirus was not engineered in a lab. Here's how we know. | Live Science
Castlepaloma comments on May 1, 2020:
Highly likely not, who can really outsmart nature.
The coronavirus was not engineered in a lab. Here's how we know. | Live Science
Castlepaloma comments on May 1, 2020:
Shit happens
Yeah both
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 30, 2020:
Trump has announced the covid19 is a war. By now, the American's covid19 deaths have surpass the deaths of combat troops in Vietnam. Meaning worst war deaths since world war 2, that's beyond my senior lifetime. Vietnam troops had laydown their lives of what they thought was for their citizens. Not the citizens laying down their lives for the President.
Fuckwits in tennesse
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 30, 2020:
What about the weak minded?
Typical hypocrite
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 30, 2020:
Maybe it's a costume.
Makes sense now
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 30, 2020:
Everyone is wearing mask, incase the patience dies, then, nobody knows who did it. Notice Pence is not wearing a mask.
Makes sense
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 29, 2020:
We can't hurt the corporations record profits. FUCK THE POOR!!! Not...
Coronavirus 'currently eliminated' in New Zealand
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 29, 2020:
Great news, we can beat it, like all viruses.
Bird Song Opera.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 29, 2020:
Wow!!!, a beautiful wildlife Tiki house.
Would like to see that
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 26, 2020:
Pence and him should be drinking buddies.
We finished testing early thursday too many positives among chicken plant workers they are going to ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 25, 2020:
Good job.
Would like to see that
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 25, 2020:
Even corporation of these products, warn don't do it , it's very dangerous.
What is more damaging in Western societies religion or conspiratorial thinking?
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 24, 2020:
Most conspiracy are not true, yet some have turned out to be true. Like marijanna, the Government has locked up more marijuana users than all the violence criminals combined. It has ruined their lives and harmed millions of people's families. Where Religion, they will never come out with good enough evidences and do more harm than good.
Nonedecision 2020: 5 Reasons Secular Americans are Poised to become Major Force in US Politics - ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 24, 2020:
I vote green party, only law and or religion I can understand. Why vote between two evils? Or don't vote.
Indutex USA says FEMA seized N95 respirators for national stockpile
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 24, 2020:
Trump is very poor on covid19 PPE equipment. Yet Bragg's about being king of ventilaters. By the time your on a ventilaters, you have a 50-50 chance you will die, worst than Russian roulette. Trump was a chairman for American Casinos, appointmd by Rockefeller. Looks like the house wins the public looses.
GOP Governor Criticizes Trump for Encouraging State Protests Against Stay-at-Home Orders: 'It Just ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 21, 2020:
If they open up testing like in Korea and selected certain safer professions to go back to work slowly, I am all for it.
New York Investigators Could 'Indict' Donald Trump While He's Still President, Watergate Prosecutor ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 21, 2020:
The virus just in New York has killed 4 times what the 9/11 had killed. New York is Trump's home, he doesn't even care for his own family's health. How low can you go?
Insane action
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 21, 2020:
Makes pirates look like the good old boys.
Coronavirus PPE Blocked From States Because of White House
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 21, 2020:
The main job from the Government is to protect the people, they should be all fired, Trump is good at firing the wrong people.
GOP Governor Criticizes Trump for Encouraging State Protests Against Stay-at-Home Orders: 'It Just ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 20, 2020:
I am sure the death toll of over 40,000 from the covid19. They are fixed like his fake lowest unemployment record rate. The death toll is much higher. If he lets a total free for all out for everyone. Than this virus will have caused more deaths than all the US troops killed in combat combined since world war 2.
Trump blaming governors for coronavirus in new reelection ploy - Business Insider
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 20, 2020:
Blame China, blame the democratics , now blame your own Government. I thought Trump was the head of the Government. To shoot your stink off to so many directions, takes a flaming Asshole.
Just got tagged to help with the virus as a medical provider will test and register people this ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 20, 2020:
Mask and gloves. Your braver than me. We are pleased for your humanity service.
Why is the Satanic Temple officially recognised as a tax-exempt religious organisation.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 19, 2020:
@Paul4747 Forever is a very long time. My style is to always be open, I learn more. Most US presidents were lawyers, sorry I have little faith. My faith lays in 80% consciousness of the people, the true leaders throughout human history. Proper nouns such as your name should only be spelled with the first letter capitalized only. ... Corporations are spelled with capital letters. That is right your name in all capital letters is a corporation set up for you by the UNITED STATES Corporation. Another truth is that your Federal Government is a Corporation. Liquidity capitalism or your owners. I am into freemarket capitalist system. I think corporationism is most dangerous for humanity and greed is the worst virtue in the world. Being an artist I do check to see if I am crazy. It's the ones that don't check, probably are. I love my work for 43 years. No other group like the Government is disliked by 80% of the public. There is something mentally wrong there!!! Exspeacially when a person spends most waking hours of their lives,... working.
Crowd Walks Out on Trump in India After He Laughs at Their Culture & Praises Their Enemies - Left ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 19, 2020:
What a constant international train wreck 🤯😱
Stephen king on trump
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 19, 2020:
Trump is scarier than a Steven King Novel. He explains it well on how Trump says things that seem impossible to believe, yet so many buy into it.
This orange asshole will kill everyone
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 18, 2020:
Billionaires like Trump never stop of ways to killing people.
Why is the Satanic Temple officially recognised as a tax-exempt religious organisation.
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 18, 2020:
At least most atheist have the integrity to call out, atheist, is not a Religion. Although, it is registered by the US administration as a religion. How are they not set up like a temple or tax exempt? Where Satanic is a fake religion, a BS religion to the Bible's belief that Satan believes in God, atheist do not. So it makes no sense to me other than it's still promoting God and wasting society hard earn money to bs cause. My only two commandments is to be honest and don't harm. What else is a more dishonest than a religion thats promoting Satan? Satan who is God's direct adversary. God's always talking shit about Satan, it's a vicious cycle. Where there is deep honesty, and promotions of well being in the Arts and culture as a much better alternative than a regurgitative religion of BS. Arts and culture deserves to get a tax break as one of the highest form of human services. Let's stop the crap of stealing our tax dollars on another BS religion.
CDC reviewing ‘stunning’ universal testing results from Boston homeless shelter
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 17, 2020:
No government budget to keep homeless 6ft. apart or less gathering of five. They will be coming from extreme poverty to a greater horrorable situation.
No kidding lmao
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 17, 2020:
When most people think of someone else when masterbateing. Trump thinks of himself masterbateing. For sure he is a great masterdebator.
No kidding lmao
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 17, 2020:
He was successful in pleasing Trump with a cum shot. It looks like. Nothing else pleases Trump more.
Good times lol
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 17, 2020:
To get to this level, use orange sunshine acid.
Criminal lineup
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 17, 2020:
They already donated to God and it's God who is always in need of more money. It's God who will take care of covid19 by sending more of us to heaven. I can never understand religion, at least I try, through BS.
Pastor Who Raped Kids After “Spiritual Baths” Will Go to Jail for 34 Years | Hemant Mehta | ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 16, 2020:
Pink eyes, don't live long in prison.
Good explaination
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 16, 2020:
Most part happy enough mixing the two in a balance. It's too many huge corporationism I don't like.
The new fashion
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 16, 2020:
Hot bubble lady, how do I get inside?
Trumps new wall
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 16, 2020:
Yes, the boarder drug war deaths are worst than the afganastian deaths
Yup scary times
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 16, 2020:
Would a clown taste funny?
Pastor Puts Anti-Gay Sign on Lawn After Realizing His Neighbors Are Lesbians | Hemant Mehta | ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 15, 2020:
Write fag on a sign, then point it back at the neighbors.
Orthodox Israeli Rabbi Claims Coronavirus is God’s Revenge for Gay Pride Parades | Beth ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 15, 2020:
On the KKK burning cross list. Jews are at the top of the KKK most evil priorities list, gays are somewhere in the middle. Maybe these people should get together and have hate Festival and burn each other.
Poll: Most Americans Would Rather Have 4 More Years of Coronavirus Than Trump | The Political ...
Castlepaloma comments on Apr 15, 2020:
I hope American will look at health first, rather than Government helping out record breaking corporation gains first. This virus may have been the turning point for American people power.


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Agnostic, Humanist, Freethinker, Spiritual
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