I'm a medical coder by trade. This means a steady work schedule which, as a single mother, is invaluable. I collect random skills in moments of boredom. I'm currently working on learning French and getting back to reading a few books a week. I've been considering combining the two.
I tend to lean towards the stranger things in life.
I may correct you if you're wrong, but I'll likely cite my source in the process (it's not about being right...I just dislike misinformation). People are often surprised by my knowledge base. I'm told I can be intimidating. This makes me sadder than it probably ought to.
I find religion to be the main source of evil behavior. It also seems to be the ultimate excuse for violating/stealing human rights. This is why I'm an antitheist.
Side bar: That tshirt question seems to have overlooked that those of us with a large chest wear larger shirts than would otherwise be necessary. Not well thought out, that question.