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Hi, Charlene , not to sure about this dating site due to let downs on other sites. Then again nothing gained without trying, right?
About (read Bernie supporter), intelligent, funny, outgoing and out spoken.Creatively sensuous, artistic and open minded. I speak 5 languages and well traveled..I've lived in a few different parts of the world and the U.S, now living in Brookline Ma..
I am also a cancer changed my life in a positive way!
And an FWB would be wonderful, a woman would be awesome!❤❤


Attorney General Merrick Garland: "No One is Above the Law" []
Charlene comments on Jul 22, 2022:
Ya know, he keeps repeating that..
[] I ll ride that bus ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻🦇🦇🦇🦇
Charlene comments on Jul 22, 2022:
Couldn't see much overlay..
Charlene comments on Jul 22, 2022:
I loathe the slug even more now that he's out of office..and Still free..
MSNBC - Trump ‘100% Committed Crimes’: Evidence Moves From Speech ‘Incitement’ To Wider MAGA...
Charlene comments on Jul 22, 2022:
I watched the 8th was horrific, it was disturbing, yet enlightening as to Drumpies mind isn't that he did Nothing, he in fact did Everything he could to Allow his plot to watching it unfold..on Fux News of course..
[] Yeah . I ll take it ♥️🙌♥️
Charlene comments on Jul 22, 2022:
Ain't that the fucking truth...
Armed Citizen Shoots And Kills Suspect Who Assaulted Multiple People And Tried Running Another Over ...
Charlene comments on Jul 21, 2022:
Yup..cause vigilantes are the good guys with guns now.. Need to gets me one o them thar cross breds guns an than hit the roads crisscrossin the cuntry to all the cc states..
Unbelievable Video Shows a Humpback Whale Engulfing Two Kayakers
Charlene comments on Jul 21, 2022:
The lobsterman from Maine was exposed as a hoax..this is quite extraordinary..wowza!
Judge temporarily blocks law preventing abortions in W.Va.
Charlene comments on Jul 21, 2022:
And they'll use those laws to happily drag us back to the 19th century..
JWST has found the Oldest Galaxy yet!! []
Charlene comments on Jul 20, 2022:
It's thought that it formed 300-400 million years after the Hot Big Inflation..
One might be new and one is self-explanatory Sapphic: an umbrella term that includes lesbian, ...
Charlene comments on Jul 20, 2022:
I think Sapphic is more a literate term to describe writing in the same vein as Sappho of Lesbos..
Letters From An American 07/19/2022
Charlene comments on Jul 20, 2022:
This Isn't the first time around with them..more the 3rd or 4th. Each time it's the loss of pertinent information to an investigative body..they even "lost" the recordings from JFK's assination..this time it's 2 days from January 5th and very "unfortunate"..
Charlene comments on Jul 20, 2022:
There was nothing oblique about the Scotus roll back of Roe..
Sexual abuse statistics.
Charlene comments on Jul 19, 2022:
It is horrific..but so long as White Suburban, College Educated, Gaaawd afearin Women vote Rethuglican,we'll be yoked with the ilks of Jordan, MTG, Bobert, Cruz and Cornyn..
New Body Cam Footage Police Attempting To Negotiate With A Shooter They Thought Had Left The ...
Charlene comments on Jul 19, 2022:
376 goods guys with guns stood around waiting for 77 minutes, while 19 children and 2 teachers were Executed..guess their doughnuts were way more important..
Dallas school district joins others in Texas requiring clear or mesh backpacks after Uvalde massacre...
Charlene comments on Jul 19, 2022:
Yup..also get your kids a "Flower Power" or "Love Wins" armored vest with matching Kevlar helmet!'s always guns 1st, cuz fuck you..
Charlene comments on Jul 19, 2022:
Sehr gut, den Nederlanden..habe ich nicht sah..
Ah ha!!!!!! ☝️☝️ Ever wondered how Bigfoot has lived for such a long long long time?
Charlene comments on Jul 18, 2022:
That ain't Bigfoot..that's Dr Bannon a.k.a the not Bigfoot,Ha!!!
House Democrats tout bill to add four seats to Supreme Court | The Hill
Charlene comments on Jul 18, 2022:
They also need to add DC as a state..
Ut oh!!!!! 😲😲 Those of us here likely aren't surprised by this, but there's a whole ...
Charlene comments on Jul 18, 2022:
Yeah..he that screams the loudest, moans the
([] []
Charlene comments on Jul 18, 2022:
I prefer a Tax and Yeet plan..
Supreme Court Tells Cops To Stop Playing Doctor
Charlene comments on Jul 18, 2022:
Bout fucking time..
Five bystanders shot by the police when Denver cops open fire on man holding gun | The Independent
Charlene comments on Jul 18, 2022:
It is a shit show..a never ending story of Shit Shows now sprinkled with obvious Negligent Contempt and Overbearing Arrogance..
Charlene comments on Jul 18, 2022:
So much of this happening behind the political curtain..and none of it good..
Charlene comments on Jul 17, 2022:
I first read that as the Louvre museum..
Jim Jordan Humiliated []
Charlene comments on Jul 16, 2022:
Jim (I don't see pedophilia) Jordan..Drumpies fav ball cleaner..
Loving the photographs from the Harriot Tubman Space Telescope.
Charlene comments on Jul 16, 2022:
That's fucking Awesome..
Arizona Man Sues Clinic for Giving Ex-Wife Abortion Pills 4 Years Ago
Charlene comments on Jul 16, 2022:
Yup clog the courts with lawsuits..especially put claims on Insurance/Airline Companies..for loss of life, especially of 8 week old humans..
Letters From An American 07/15/2022
Charlene comments on Jul 16, 2022:
AG Garlands foot, now knee dragging needs to be ended..he admitted to being hesitant to prosecute Drumptydump stating fears "of enflaming his supporters". Well Merrick You had better pick up the pace, otherwise Joe will pay the consequences... of having Trumpydumpy back in control..and American Democracy Murdered by your lack of a spine..
What a Martian meteorite can teach us about Earth's origins: []
Charlene comments on Jul 16, 2022:
Intriguing article..I'm sure there are fragments of early Earth on Mars as well. There is, in all likelihood, tonnes of ejected material from the Late Heavy Bombardment from all of rocky planets.
I got into an argument in a convenience store with a Christian trying to persuade me to hear his ...
Charlene comments on Jul 16, 2022:
Time to breakout your Atheist kit..
Hobbledehoy noun an awkward, ungainly youth.
Charlene comments on Jul 16, 2022:
Weren't we all a bit hobbledehoi in our teens?
Charlene comments on Jul 16, 2022:
I had many discussions about beauty while art school..the gulf between what I absolutely Knew then as to what I Find now is amazing..
Christians hated people like me for being unconvinced of their arguments.
Charlene comments on Jul 15, 2022:
Turn your hatred in usable, focused action..then stand down and stay ready, their army Is coming for us all..
Aequeosalinocalcalinoceraceoaluminosocupreovitriolic ...
Charlene comments on Jul 15, 2022:
Yup..hard wster..
Letters From An American 07/14/2022
Charlene comments on Jul 15, 2022:
I am no longer playing nice with hypocritical "ProLifer MAGAts" ..fucking D.O.N.E..
Christofascism is the single largest danger facing our nation. []
Charlene comments on Jul 15, 2022:
Indeed it is..they've become a large group of heavily armed cultists of True Believers for the Rightwing Fascist Rethuglican MAGAts.
Nobody expects the American Inquisition! Our chief weapon is surprise, surprise and fear, fear and...
Charlene comments on Jul 15, 2022:
One of my fav skits!
I think I need mental implants.... []
Charlene comments on Jul 15, 2022:
I hope there are plains to image SagatariusA..seeing as JWSt uses infrared to view the universe, it should give us an unparalleled view of its accretion disk.. indeed its structure.
Dr. Becky - An astrophysicist explains the first JWST science images []
Charlene comments on Jul 15, 2022:
The deep field photo reveals an incredible amount of new information. The gravittional lensing images of even older galaxies in exquisite detail is mind bogglingly enticing..
Charlene comments on Jul 15, 2022:
Talking while drunks tend towards jabberwocky. Been there a few times 😳😬😂
Inspirit verb (used with object) to infuse spirit or life into; enliven.
Charlene comments on Jul 14, 2022:
I vino in vivo inspirito..maybe?
Ivana Trump, ex-wife of former President Trump, dies at age 73
Charlene comments on Jul 14, 2022:
Jesse Lee Peterson Conservative radio host, minister, anti-LGBTQ+ loudmouth.
Charlene comments on Jul 14, 2022:
What hell?
We should pin all the debt in the world on one guy and then kill him.
Charlene comments on Jul 14, 2022:
Letters From An American 07/13/2022
Charlene comments on Jul 14, 2022:
Amurikkka's long fascination, and now a short quick step march into Authoritarian Fascism is upon us..guided by White AR 17 Jebus and his White Evangelical Kkkristian Death Cultists and gleefully supportive White Rethuglican money grubbers as well as the True Believers occuping SCOTUS...may they all inherit the Pox of Retribution upon their heads and those of their spawn..
Charlene comments on Jul 14, 2022:
Awesome word Gf, though not sure I'll ever use it except in my head..😬
A surgeon explains why AR-15-style rifles are so deadly
Charlene comments on Jul 13, 2022:
I can only say it again..start showing the little body bags..
Jesse Dollemore - Trump Campaign Manager Says TRUMP'S RHETORIC WAS DEADLY.
Charlene comments on Jul 13, 2022:
Yeah and he's back working for him..guess his guilt feeling lasted 30 days..just like all good Rethugs that lacked spines leading up to January 6th..
Fox News Hosts Whining About Gas Prices Going Down []
Charlene comments on Jul 13, 2022:
Well,they need something to whine about daily..
Charlene comments on Jul 13, 2022:
I have the hap to live in a city with some of the best hospitals. This allows me to not experience a hapless dotage..which makes me a very happy old chica..
Letters From An American
Charlene comments on Jul 13, 2022:
I watched it, it was a connect the dots hearing, it was breath taking at points, unbelievable and nearly comical. Yet in the end, unsurprising.,it is Drumpf after all.
The omicron BA.5 variant is driving COVID reinfections across the U.S. : NPR
Charlene comments on Jul 12, 2022:
Good thing I just got my 2nd booster..
See the deepest image ever taken of our universe, captured by James Webb Telescope This is the ...
Charlene comments on Jul 12, 2022:
Just amazing images..the deep field photo is astounding!!!
Charlene comments on Jul 12, 2022:
I could have used a food galopin in a few of the restaurants I worked, people really dislike cold food.
It's not just Yellowstone that is a cause for worldwide concern.
Charlene comments on Jul 12, 2022:
I'll be long dead so one less for me to worry about thankfully..
Charlene comments on Jul 11, 2022:
Fucking absolutely..he needs to get the idea of neoliberalisms Bipartisanship out his head..Rethugs aren't interested in it, and encourage Sinema and Manchin getting primaried..and support those candidates..Then take his hat out of the ring for President
The oldest, brightest black holes in the universe were born from violent gas attacks, new study ...
Charlene comments on Jul 11, 2022:
I think "Massive Gas Attack" is overstating the info..though the information is enlightening..
Charlene comments on Jul 11, 2022:
New York City is febrile, it's infectious and I love it..
Anti-LGBTQ writer claims she's being "silenced" for her Christian faith
Charlene comments on Jul 10, 2022:
I apologize in advance.
Charlene comments on Jul 10, 2022:
Amurikkka land of the free Except if your in any other group White Kkkristian Amurikkkans don't like..or believe differently.
Voluptuous blonde.
Charlene comments on Jul 10, 2022:
So where's the voluptuous model?
Family found hoarding guns and living in children’s museum - NewsBreak
Charlene comments on Jul 10, 2022:
Jesus fucking Christ..what is wrong with Americans..smfh..
[] I am loving it 😂 Of course . “ I am dead inside “
Charlene comments on Jul 10, 2022:
Charlene comments on Jul 10, 2022:
Yes it's just better if we ignore the ugliness of our history...after all, isn't life a Disneyland of happy princesses, princes and mice?
Charlene comments on Jul 10, 2022:
Glad you finally had a night off..😂😂😂😂
Charlene comments on Jul 10, 2022:
It took me awhile to find my elan..young women actually stop me and ask how I dress so elegantly stylish..I tell them to 'find your own style, and own it'.
No surprise to me.
Charlene comments on Jul 9, 2022:
They knew it caused cancer.
Dem Calls for Michael Flynn to Lose Pension for Fine Over Russia Link
Charlene comments on Jul 9, 2022:
Take his pension, strip him of his rank, seize all his assets, seize his passport. Then arrest him for Treason and Sedition. Try and convict him at a court marshal, send him to Leavenworth , place him in solitary for life..No visitation, No contact, No internet,newspapers,tv,cellphone,no reading material of any kind..just a wristwatch and a clock on his cell wall.
Whoops, Humans Made a Space Barrier Around Earth The kicker?
Charlene comments on Jul 9, 2022:
That's crazy cool..
Letters From An American 07/08/2022
Charlene comments on Jul 9, 2022:
Yes We Can!!!
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about Biden sending gas overseas.... []
Charlene comments on Jul 9, 2022:
Fux News just loves omitting relevant facts..ugh..
Women blink more then men.
Charlene comments on Jul 9, 2022:
Or maybe it's to clear all the BS we hear and see all to often..
Charlene comments on Jul 9, 2022:
Deep Vnecks is my fav decolletage..
Mitch McConnell Says Labor Shortage Will End When People Run Out of Stimulus Money
Charlene comments on Jul 8, 2022:
Yup..fuck McCornhole and his Rethugs..
Took self to dinner .
Charlene comments on Jul 8, 2022:
Glad you got out for some much deserved r&r....and made it home safely.
Letters From An American 07/06/2022
Charlene comments on Jul 7, 2022:
Tuesday's January 6th hearing should be breathtaking in it presentation of new material to be given tomorrow NY Cippeloni and Tuesdays eyewitness..
(I've been known to do this myself, & for the same reason.
Charlene comments on Jul 7, 2022:
Gas will make that happen to nearly everything, especially humans after a few bowls of hot chili..very enlightening article though..
Charlene comments on Jul 7, 2022:
I have coterie of advisors in my head that I generally
305-Million-Year-Old Fossil is Oldest Known Tree-Climbing Reptile []
Charlene comments on Jul 7, 2022:
Ganache noun a whipped frosting or filling made with semisweet chocolate and cream, used for ...
Charlene comments on Jul 6, 2022:
Ganache is never whipped..that would be a Mousse..
On average every 13 hours 59 mins and 37 seconds we have a mass shooting in this country.
Charlene comments on Jul 6, 2022:
It's time MSM grew a spine and Start Showing the Destroyed Bodies of the Executed..that is the only way Murica will stop this madness..
Charlene comments on Jul 6, 2022:
A woman needs to be brusque with men at times..
Over 220 shot and killed, over 570 others injured over 4th of July weekend (New Jersey's new gun ...
Charlene comments on Jul 5, 2022:
And Thomas and his gang of thugs will shoot it down..
Borborygmi plural noun rumbling or gurgling sounds caused by the movement of gas in the ...
Charlene comments on Jul 5, 2022:
Sounds like me after a bowl of chili..
AMANUENSIS - Noun…a literary or artistic assistant, in particular one who takes dictation or ...
Charlene comments on Jul 5, 2022:
Another word added to the library in my skull..thanks!
LACKADAISICAL lack·a·dai·si·cal adjective lacking enthusiasm and determination; ...
Charlene comments on Jul 5, 2022:
Love this word..
I thought this battle over Bristol Bay, Alaska and Pebble Mine had been resolved in Bristol Bay's ...
Charlene comments on Jul 4, 2022:
Ah yes, profit over world health..and fuck the Native American btw..
The Higgs Boson Particle Turns 10 Today. Here’s How It Changed Physics: []
Charlene comments on Jul 4, 2022:
I can't believe it's been ten years..and ,honestly, the article was as vague as a water cracker..and as unfulfilling.
Egalitarian adjective asserting, resulting from, or characterized by belief in the equality ...
Charlene comments on Jul 4, 2022:
Libertie,Egalitaire,Fraternitaie..except if you ain't White or Kkkristian of course, then it's fuck you..
Charlene comments on Jul 4, 2022:
I don't cotton with whifflers nor triflers of the heart...
You’re Not Allowed to Have the Best Sunscreens in the World Newer, better UV-blocking agents ...
Charlene comments on Jul 3, 2022:
We're number 1,We're number 1,We're number 1..except in Healthcare, longevity, education, science research, quality of life, so is this any surprise? I mean lard forbid pharma shouldn't make gobs of money..
Charlene comments on Jul 3, 2022:
I try to vivere vivax..
URTICARIA - Noun…(also known as Hives, Weals, or Nettle-rash) a rash of round, red welts on the ...
Charlene comments on Jul 2, 2022:
This happens whenever I hear Drumpfs voice..or Boris's for that matter..actually Anytime I hear Conservatives speaking..
Jon Stewart outs the Supreme Court. []
Charlene comments on Jul 2, 2022:
Nailed it..
Charlene comments on Jul 1, 2022:
Seems all the gods are termagant..
So it appears @Triphid has blocked me, i guess kindly suggesting his majorly over-the-top outbursts ...
Charlene comments on Jul 1, 2022:
Congrats!!!, so happy for you..
Charlene comments on Jun 30, 2022:
I had no idea where looking for the head from him..amazing..well not really.
WHO: COVID-19 cases rising nearly everywhere in the world
Charlene comments on Jun 30, 2022:
If you don't want a vaxx, fine, stay home and die..
Ladies especially! KNOW THIS: [womenshistory.
Charlene comments on Jun 30, 2022:
Ahhh yes..SCOTUS gonna bring it on home y'all..
Impact play and corporal punishment are common elements in bdsm play.
Charlene comments on Jun 29, 2022:
We all deserve an over the knee, bare bottom spanking on ocassion..😈😈😈


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