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California National Guard to defy Trump administration's military transgender ban
Charlene comments on Apr 13, 2019:
There's hope out there for my community..
Charlene comments on Apr 13, 2019:
Of course Not..if there's nothing in for him, it doesn't hit his radar screen..p.o.s..
What others say about the Orange Toddler. 😱
Charlene comments on Apr 13, 2019:
And the circus keeps a rollin into hell..
Hello everyone. I hope you're enjoying your weekend so far! Welcome @Sweeteej.
Charlene comments on Apr 13, 2019:
Welcome sweetee! Worked in garden..went for a walk..gonna nap!..?
Assange and Wikileaks only told the truth it was Hillary who lost the election and let Trump get in,...
Charlene comments on Apr 13, 2019:
Yes she did..
Have you ever seen these guys in the same room? Just sayin'.
Charlene comments on Apr 13, 2019:
Fraternal Triplets!
AIPAC targets Bernie Sanders in Facebook ads in key Democratic primary states! []
Charlene comments on Apr 13, 2019:
AIPAC is a Jewish Rethuglican of course they'll attack him...Jehovah be damned..
I would like to address the AMERICAN DREAM! There is no american dream, it was an extreme economic ...
Charlene comments on Apr 13, 2019:
You got that right..
I got these from my sweetie last night, she wanted to surprise me for our 20 year affair ...
Charlene comments on Apr 13, 2019:
Did you ask if you could post them?
Resident dump is acting like a child again.
Charlene comments on Apr 13, 2019:
Sounds about right to me..he's a TwatWaffler .
'President Javanka': Ann Coulter Says Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner Run the White House
Charlene comments on Apr 13, 2019:
I's lil Stevie Miller that's running the W.H..
I’m a long-standing Bernie supporter but interested in others’ thoughts on free college for all.
Charlene comments on Apr 13, 2019:
It's free State/Community Colleges or Trade Schools only. It doesn't apply to private universities or colleges.
This is what Assange was really doing inside the embassy — and what his future Fox News show is ...
Charlene comments on Apr 13, 2019:
Oddly I was think he could revive InfoWars?
Bizarre dating sites you didn't know existed - Pictures - CBS News
Charlene comments on Apr 13, 2019:
Hmmm...maybe I should check out
Clarence Thomas Defends Religious Extremists, Claims Atheists Can’t Be Trusted []
Charlene comments on Apr 13, 2019:
Says the rightwing harasser of employees..pos.
KY Man Sues Hotel Boss After She Tried Exorcising His Divorce “Demons” | Sarahbeth Caplin | ...
Charlene comments on Apr 13, 2019:
That headline explains Everything!😂😂😂😂😂
William Barr Obliterated the DOJ’s Standard for Defending Laws Because Donald Trump Asked By ...
Charlene comments on Apr 13, 2019:
Another boot and ass licker has taken to the stage??
What would you say to send me over the edge?
Charlene comments on Apr 13, 2019:
Kathryn Watkins April 10 at 4:22 PM · I had to pinch and share this because Dr Coldwell was the ...
Charlene comments on Apr 13, 2019:
Hmmmm soo I should have just let my cancer spread into my esophagus? Maybe taken CBD oil or Clove oil, then smoked some pot? Then wait for my body to clear up the squamous cells all by itself? Because my body is creating this cancer to battle the poisons in my body? Do I have this right?.. It's been 4 years since I was treated for Stage 3 squamous sub-lingual carcinoma. My treatments consisted of 7 weeks of 70shades of Radiation and 3 rounds of Chemotherapy using Cisplatin..I'm very happy with my outcome..being alive. Btw.."Dr" Coldwell was born Bernd Witchern, in Germany in1958. His "Doctorate" was issued from the Virginia Health School of Delaware(?)..yeah sounds totally legit.. This should be posted in the Woo group.
We Need to Admit That the Black Hole Photo Isn’t Very Good - I mean, it’s just not that ...
Charlene comments on Apr 13, 2019:
O.M.G BGF ..I thought, like, it was, you know, a real like, you know, thingggg-ah..
I notice that the "in your face" Trump supporters have almost completely vanished.
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
They're not in hiding..they're just waiting.
[] breakfast in bed
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Russia: World No Longer Trusts U.
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Yes indeedy!
With Polls and Private Meetings, Republicans Craft Blunt Messaging to Paint Democrats as Extreme ...
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Wonder if the Centrist Dems will take the high road again?
Mnuchin schooled on law that says turn over Trump’s taxes or face 5 years in prison: ‘There is ...
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
It true USC1603
I sat for art schools for years.
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
This is a beautiful piece and portrait..??
“Later on, Plato also expatiates upon the fact that the tyrant can never truly be happy.
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
I agree with Plato's assessment of the tyrants desire of Power & Prestige Or Gold..
Funniest thing I've read today.
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Ooooh..poor white old man..I feel sooo Not sorry for him at All..
Another week has come to a close.
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Welcome sister!
Trump Says Democrats Are 'Treasonous' On Border And Their 'Horrible Laws' Stop Military Acting ...
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
So says General Bone spurs..fuck him.
What would be the ONE thing you would teach if there could be only one... []
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Always speak Your Truth..define You, support You, embrace all of You..Always present You to the world.
Yes you are!
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Thanks,as are you!
Donald encourages law breaking. []
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
The TwatWaffle breaks them daily..this is not new..and Anybody that believes he'll pay legal fees for breaking the law deserves whatever punishment they get!
Lets have a little competition, who can best explain how a 13.
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Use the balloon example..
Will Drumpf hand over tax returns or drop out of the race or declare martial law? []
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Mcnutmunchin won't hand over Drumps taxes and has Already broken the law by discussing the order with the W.H (USC6301) As for Drump attempting a Coup..yes without a doubt.
Springtime for Fuhrer Trump and GOP.
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Naaaaaaiiiiiiled it!??????
I never get tired of watching these landings.
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Louisiana Black Church Fires: Suspect Arrested In Connection To 3 Cases : NPR
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
No, he's a poor misunderstood, confused white man..and a fine person, beside only Muslims are terrorists!!!!..
"Wikileaks was the future once.
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Lolol..yeah That's a great description of him..
Condemn or Justify?
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Under law 1603 of federal anti corruption any tax returns must be turned over to congressional ...
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Am I the only one here that's painfully agoraphobic?
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Do you Want to live that way?..if not then seek out a therapist you can work with..?
Pence says Buttigieg bringing 'attacks on my Christian faith'
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
For whatever reason, she was big in the U.
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
I thought she was awesome..
Congrats to our Me Too Group -another milestone here -topped 210 members.
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Laura Ingraham: Voters must choose between Trump’s mindful persistence and Dems’ mindless ...
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
She is a mindless, arrogantly self-delusional, insipid panderer to the lowest common denominator.
Illegal aliens!
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Nothing to see here, folks :(
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Yup all of these..and then some..smh
Sewer dweller
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
That'd be enough to make Pennywise reconsider his life choices..
What a pig!
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Poor heart goes out him/her..
White House proposed releasing immigrant detainees in sanctuary cities, targeting political foes ...
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
A Nixonianesque trick...and not a very good one either..
Trump’s Immigration Policies Unify White Republicans []
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Of course it does,he brings out the hate them, so long suppressed.
For those of you who have been focusing your anger and discontent at Trump the past few years, it is...
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Lou Dobbs Eats Crow, Issues Correction for Inaccurate Claim About Trump’s ‘Soaring’ Approval ...
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Dobbs went over to the darkside Years ago..he may,in fact, have been born there😄
Plenty open jobs
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
No Surprise at all...????
Mnuchin postpones decision on handing over Trump tax returns [] Anybody surprised?
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
No surprise what so ever..
Light full color tattoos that feel like water color paintings.
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Gorgeous, simply gorgeous
Ex-Pope Benedict contradicts Pope Francis in unusual intervention on sexual abuse - The Washington ...
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Says the nazi sympathiser
US House votes to reinstate net neutrality rules - JURIST - News - Legal News & Commentary
Charlene comments on Apr 12, 2019:
Of course..sigh..
Hey guys. What's your preference when it comes to dirty talk?
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Depends on the mood..
So, I'm cruising on into level 8! Less than 800 to go.
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Woot woot!
On our way home.
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Good meds I hope..6 weeks in the cast?
The rule of law in America is under attack — by its chief law enforcement officer []
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
He's Drumps stooge and lapdog..
Claims to know nothing about wikileaks, yet praised it during campaign []
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
It all the blow he does..his short term memory is snorted out..
Obama Demands to See Trump’s Elementary-School Diploma [newyorker.
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
More Companies Paying Zero Taxes in 2018 Under GOP Tax Plan
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
BREAKING NEWS: Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin DENIES House Democrats' request for six years of ...
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Looks like subpoena time !!! He also broke the law by discussing the request with the W.H. I loved how Rep.Waters had that worm squirming in his
So many great cartoons this morning.
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Both spot on..
So, how does it feel now that we now live under a dictatorship since tRump has decapitated our ...
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Honestly no different..just this gnawing feeling of a violence that's about to break upon the citizens of our country..
"There’s a moment when you realise you’re prey" - Our Planet's Scariest Moments ...
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Magnolias in my neighbor's yard.
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
They are beautiful..did you know that magnolia was one of the 1st flowering trees?..
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
So was that year your
Hey Girls and Boys.
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Awesome news..congrats on a pain free life!
Hand surgery today part deux. I'll see ya on the flip side. Right thumb joint replacement.
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Oooouch and Congrats!!!
With Assange arrest it brings up a sore point with me.
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
You mean after Drump plead to Russia "please Russia if you find the 32k emails let me know" part?
Out of curiosity, how does the club profile picture tie in with politics?
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Good question..and it Don't at all..
[] if you like giant lizards
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Wow..they're the perfect sized city pets..
More on M87 [] images and meme...
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Meanwhile in heaven should be Meanwhile in the Black Hole...other than that it's all good news!
Elisabeth Rosenthal Explains How U.S. Health Care Became Big Business : Shots - Health News : NPR
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
They're despicable low life's?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls out GOP “rhetoric” after Ohio group calls her a “domestic ...
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Does Anybody want to play nice with Repuglithugs now?..
Nuff said!
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
It epidemic in Alabama and Texas..smh👿
It's now a FACT.
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
National Socialism is socialist in the same way that a hot dog is canine or a catfish is feline.
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
If you're a Fux News fan you'll believe anything..
We're full...
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Nailed it!
Pete Buttigieg's message to the "Mike Pences of the world" - YouTube
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Yeah, No..
Maxine Waters SCHOOLS Steve Mnuchin - YouTube
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
It's hilarious..???????
I was reading about a corrupt judge that committed tax fraud and "earned" $182.
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
When & where?
New Group Liquid Sunshine ?
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019: it about what I think it's about?
This is ...
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Dad humor?
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Julian Assange Arrested []
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Wow...I knew it was coming..I have no great compassion for him..
William Barr Accidentally Concedes His Reason for Withholding the Mueller Report Is Baloney By ...
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
He is Drumps man...
Trump and Putin - are ruling 2 nations together - it is collusion
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Don Jr's real baby Daddy?
Scientists Release First Image of a Black Hole - WSJ
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Absolutely fantastic..
In a thousand years or so when the twentieth century is listed under ancient history someone is ...
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
It's the truth.
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
I guess this makes you a "stud"..bwaaaaaaahaaaaaaa
Trump Goes Beyond Cronyism—To Something Far Worse []
Charlene comments on Apr 11, 2019:
Just be ready to defend our country by "whatever means necessary" to quote Malcom X...
Welcome @Salgal102. Nice to have you with us.
Charlene comments on Apr 10, 2019:
Welcome Salgal..
I laughed. I really did!
Charlene comments on Apr 10, 2019:
Too Much of Putins dick perhaps???!!!
Socialism: A Primer - Socialism is an umbrella term for everything from anarchism to ...
Charlene comments on Apr 10, 2019:
Caring indeed..


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