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Charlene comments on Feb 11, 2022:
I had that for quite awhile, still do to a certain extent.
Erlking noun a spirit or personified natural power that works mischief, especially to ...
Charlene comments on Feb 10, 2022:
As a Grandma, I love being the erlking, maybe to
Ohio Republican Mayor Warns Ice Fishing Leads to Prostitution Republican Mayor Craig Shubert of ...
Charlene comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Yup, I know I always want a SW with a frozen hole..
Ancient Cave Shows Modern Humans Ventured Into Europe Far Earlier Than We Knew: [sciencealert.
Charlene comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Amazing, but not surprising..
Cat·er-cor·nered adjective adjective: catercorner situated diagonally opposite someone or ...
Charlene comments on Feb 10, 2022:
I grew up with kittycorner
Dave Chapelle proved he is an uncaring, fucking capitalist.
Charlene comments on Feb 10, 2022:
The Liberal Rednck on Florida bill to outlaw talking about being gay in schools. []
Charlene comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Yup life in DeSantistan..
Ok ladies in Oklahoma, get ready to register your wombs.
Charlene comments on Feb 10, 2022:
It''s fucking disgusting..more fanatical Fascist Kkkristian laws from the GQP..
John the Baptist washes sins away shorts - YouTube
Charlene comments on Feb 9, 2022:
‘Gazpacho police’: Nazi gaffe lands Republican congresswoman in the soup | Republicans | The ...
Charlene comments on Feb 9, 2022:
As a former Exec Chef..I've been a Food Nazi, but I know the difference between Gazpacho and Gestapo. One is delish, the other is only good for the balls.
Eggcorn a word or phrase that is a seemingly logical alteration of another word or phrase that...
Charlene comments on Feb 9, 2022:
Happens to me all
‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill Passes Florida State Senate Axios reports the Florida State Senate has...
Charlene comments on Feb 9, 2022:
Geezus. Are they really that stupid in Florida?.I mean, they've got the "Florida Man" app..guess they need a "Stupid Florida DeSantis law" app to go along with it..
Charlene comments on Feb 9, 2022:
Senator Marco Rubio (R Fl) comes to mind..or Teddyboi Cruz. Hell every Rethug for that matter..
Faith Healer Convinced Pregnant Woman That Hammering a Nail in Her Skull Would Result in Baby Boy
Charlene comments on Feb 9, 2022:
SMFH..just no words for stupidity anymore..
One in five applicants to white supremacist group tied to US military | The far right | The Guardian
Charlene comments on Feb 9, 2022:
An Army within an Army..fucking awesome..
You might want to read this interesting article I brang you ... or is it I have broughten?
Charlene comments on Feb 8, 2022:
I did done brang a gifted gift..
Chimpanzees Observed Applying Insects to Their Wounds: []
Charlene comments on Feb 8, 2022:
Is this a hint at how our hominid ancestors passed on medicinal knowledge?
Let's Visit the Human Composting Facility! []
Charlene comments on Feb 8, 2022:
Or let's Not..
Charlene comments on Feb 8, 2022:
I try not to get fash by the news, and utterly fail..
Letters From An American 02/07/2022
Charlene comments on Feb 8, 2022:
Using the word Progressive and Hillary's name together in a sentence is a bit of stretch. I believe the word best suited to describe her organization is Neo-Liberal.
Who knew?????? 🤔🤔🤔 Hitler's Nephew Who Fought In The USA Navy Against Him []
Charlene comments on Feb 7, 2022:
Dayum..thanks for this tidbit..
Yeah, I MIGHT be a deviant in our so-called modern society.
Charlene comments on Feb 7, 2022:
You could always visit Nevada..
Ted Cruz Wants Truckers to ‘Starve-Out’ People in Vancouver With Empty Shelves Former ...
Charlene comments on Feb 7, 2022:
Lol..well since he can't pull a hissyfit about Ukraine, he's gonna try to stir the Canadian Qanon pot..thereby triggering an international crisis with Canada, thereby giving him a chance to Demand action from "Brandon". Biden will ignore it, thereby giving Teddyboiii an opportunity to call Biden weak on the Canadian Crisis..which he created specifically for that singular purpose...Brilliant!🤣🤣🤣
Charlene comments on Feb 7, 2022:
Doctors seem to enjoy this word..
I'm waiting for this bikini to go on sale. What do you guys think? []
Charlene comments on Feb 6, 2022:
Girl, look up Sling Shot one pieces..
I'm waiting for this bikini to go on sale. What do you guys think? []
Charlene comments on Feb 6, 2022:
My brain does think on these terms.
Charlene comments on Feb 6, 2022:
Charlene comments on Feb 6, 2022:
If I ever need a lawyer, I want the Rat's lawyer...🤣🤣🤣
Don Jr and Mike Lindell Go Crazy for Karens []
Charlene comments on Feb 6, 2022:
Don Jr IS a Crusty Dried Up sock. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Charlene comments on Feb 6, 2022:
Dinky for sure isn't a nice word here..Dink is also disparaging, as in The Orange Dink with the Dinky Hands and Mushroom Dink is incapable of empathy or rational thought. His spawn are examples of how a family of Dinks act and appear. I had a collection of miniature cars as a kid, they were called Matchbox, could this be Dinky with a name change?
Compound in the Herb Rosemary Could Be a Two-Pronged Weapon Against COVID-19
Charlene comments on Feb 5, 2022:
Money Mule Scams | American Bankers Association
Charlene comments on Feb 5, 2022:
Well hell, the best way to stop Elder Mules is to give us a substantial raise in SSI benefits. Change from DIR to AIR..that way SSI keeps up with Actual cost of living standards..
It'll never stop.
Charlene comments on Feb 5, 2022: doesn't Ever Stop..
‘He is wrong’: Pence rebuts Trump claim that he could have overturned election | Mike Pence | ...
Charlene comments on Feb 5, 2022:
So Mikey grew a pair, amazing..guess he's the next to be hung by the RNC..
What do you think?
Charlene comments on Feb 5, 2022:
It needs to be abolished, it isn't the "Deterrence" that the right claims it to be, in fact it's racist...
Republicans Censure Liz Cheney and Label Jan 6 Insurrection ‘Legitimate Political Discourse’...
Charlene comments on Feb 5, 2022:
Well, the RNC has finally completely crossed over to the darkside, I'm sure the Orange Emperor is gloating over this..I'm guessing Mit and Craycray Collins will fall in line after the hanging..
COQUETTISH - Adjective…(usually of a woman) behaving in such a way as to suggest a playful sexual...
Charlene comments on Feb 5, 2022:
Ahhh yes behave as a coquette, I miss doing so...
Aver verb (used with object) to assert or affirm with confidence; declare in a positive or ...
Charlene comments on Feb 4, 2022:
I aver that I am a Democratic Socialist..
Sooooo, the first week in February in Southern New England.
Charlene comments on Feb 4, 2022:
Yeah..I remember building igloos that lasted till the end of March..not happening anymore..smh..I hate it for my grand daughter..she'll never have those memories..
7-Year-Old Boy Killed While Being Punished For Failing To Memorize Bible Verses "Christian love:...
Charlene comments on Feb 4, 2022:
But, but. But...Jabus!..
I'm trying to change my tone of posting.
Charlene comments on Feb 4, 2022:
Love it..maybe all the scrutiny that's all over them is finally helping..ok..doubt it, but hell, you never know
Charlene comments on Feb 4, 2022:
I've been hearing about this for awhile now..seems a lot farfetched..
BRAGGADOCIO - Noun…boastful or arrogant behaviour; a show of great confidence in one’s own ...
Charlene comments on Feb 4, 2022:
He that shan't be named comes to mind, immediately..
There Are About 73,000 Tree Species on Earth, New Study Shows: []
Charlene comments on Feb 3, 2022:
I wonder how species existed 10k years ago..
Its 2022 and 14 States Limit Teaching Of Black History And Racism Says it all really
Charlene comments on Feb 3, 2022:
And every one of them are Red..
Punxsutawney Phil Proclaims Six More Weeks of Winter Pennsylvania’s most famous groundhog ...
Charlene comments on Feb 3, 2022:
Phil's an asshole...ugh winter..🤬
Charlene comments on Feb 3, 2022:
So, does any use an analog phone?
Heard this word on the radio: gal·li·mau·fry /ˌɡaləˈmôfrē/ Learn to pronounce noun ...
Charlene comments on Feb 3, 2022:
I love wearing a galimaufry of rings and bangles..
So I see this handle "someguywhoreviews" Do you think I should be sent back to junior high?
Charlene comments on Feb 2, 2022:
Lol..for a sec I thought it was legit..😂😂😂
Trump calls for Congress to investigate his own vice president
Charlene comments on Feb 2, 2022:
He definitely suffers from Big Feet in Mouth disease, now his tiny hands can't extract them..
Ohio Doctor Claims Vaccines Are a Plot To Turn Us Into Rabid Transhumanoids Ohio osteopathic ...
Charlene comments on Feb 2, 2022:
Thank the 5G Overlords I got the J&J vaccine, I'm clearly nano free..although I did get the booster..hmmmmm..egads.. Does that make me a 5G Transhumanist cyborg Cell Tower
Charlene comments on Feb 2, 2022:
I've never heard of willy-nilly being used on someone forced to collaborate, on the other hand I've been told to stop running about willy-nilly..
The ongoing threat to democracy posed by Trump's fake electors
Charlene comments on Feb 1, 2022:
On going,and pushed by the GQP..
It's Official! A New Trojan Asteroid Has Been Discovered Sharing Earth's Orbit: [sciencealert.
Charlene comments on Feb 1, 2022:
Ain't that awesome!
Critics Say Trump Threat to Unleash Supporters on US Cities 'Should Ring Alarm Bells' "We can ...
Charlene comments on Feb 1, 2022:
He openly admitted to an attempted Coup in that speech.. the Garland and Joe show needs to get fucking moving..arrest this Orange Shitgibbon already..
Growing Ground “Bulge” Detected Near Three Sisters Volcanoes
Charlene comments on Feb 1, 2022:
That ain't good..
Ataraxia noun a state of freedom from emotional disturbance and anxiety; tranquility.
Charlene comments on Feb 1, 2022:
We could all use a bit of antaraxia right now..
ALL of this!
Charlene comments on Feb 1, 2022:
VAGARY/VAGARIES - Noun…an unexpected and inexplicable change in a situation or in someone’s ...
Charlene comments on Feb 1, 2022:
English is a collection of vagary nouns,verbs and syntax pilfered from other languages, cannibalized and sutured together and presented to the world as a coherent, easily understood language..
So trying to liven up this group, share one of your sexual kinks, mine are my very sensitive ...
Charlene comments on Feb 1, 2022:
Water..water .water..
He Makes Music With A Bottle. She Takes Care Of Him. Mississippi Delta People. 1980 - YouTube
Charlene comments on Jan 31, 2022:
Says an "error occurred "..maybe it's my phone..
[] The oldest living being on Earth at 190 years old.
Charlene comments on Jan 31, 2022:
Out lived 39 presidents and 7 cool is that..
You Are Not as Human as You Think "If the fact that a 1-2% alternation in our DNA from chimps ...
Charlene comments on Jan 31, 2022:
Those bacteria ,viruses and fungii help keep us all alive.. from micro to macro..they keep our bodies functioning .
Hitler, the Drug Addict With World War II dragging on and the Nazis losing ground in 1944, Nazi ...
Charlene comments on Jan 31, 2022:
The Entirety of the 3rd Riech was strung out on speed...from Hitler all the way to the lowly was amazing that it didn't crumble sooner..
Charlene comments on Jan 31, 2022:
I use cocoa butter as my unguent for it's moisturizing and healing properties..
Priorities for next 14 days : No matter what , making sure I have no wear down panties on and ...
Charlene comments on Jan 30, 2022:
Stones of any kind ain't No fun at all..I passed One once..I bled a bit, screamed and just about tore a toilet off the floor..praise Jebus it was only heart and everything else goes out to Gf..hope you piss it out B4 work..❤❤❤
Forfend verb (used with object) to defend, secure, or protect.
Charlene comments on Jan 30, 2022:
I use to forfend my this point, I'm more like fuck
Epidemiologist explains why Omicron is infecting more kids
Charlene comments on Jan 30, 2022:
It sad so many assholes, world wide, are Choosing to ignore the science and data behind the covid vaxx..they should be herded together and dumped in make it or die..
Howard Hesseman, the hard rocking DJ on 'WKRP in Cincinnati,' dies at 81 - CNN
Charlene comments on Jan 30, 2022:
Ok..that's sad..
Today's BEST person A young female office stops senior officer from abusing a handcuffed ...
Charlene comments on Jan 30, 2022:
I fucking hate pigs..
Sabine Hossenfelder - What might the new Webb telescope discover? []
Charlene comments on Jan 30, 2022:
I think it'll be amazing, whatever it finds..
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about Biden's executive order and Vanessa Guillen.
Charlene comments on Jan 30, 2022:
About fucking time!!!
Charlene comments on Jan 30, 2022:
Isn't Transmografication what happens to the wine and bread just b4 communion?
Weekend Update: President Biden Works to Prevent Russia/Ukraine War - SNL []
Charlene comments on Jan 30, 2022:
Weekend Update: Peloton Heart Attacks & Alcoholic Mountain Dew - SNL []
Charlene comments on Jan 30, 2022:
Charlene comments on Jan 29, 2022:
Snow S.U C.k S
woo-woo adjective \ ˈwü-ˌwü \ Definition of woo-woo : dubiously or outlandishly mystical, ...
Charlene comments on Jan 29, 2022:
It's now just Woo..
Mary Trump interview with Fiona Hill. They cover a lot of ground. []
Charlene comments on Jan 29, 2022:
Mary Trump holds nothing back, nothing.
I don’t know how to pronounce it but I like it!
Charlene comments on Jan 29, 2022:
I've met a number of them..usually Rethuglicants..but a few Communists as well Lololol
Charlene comments on Jan 29, 2022:
Great word..JFK JR was the Scion of his family..after all why would the Q-Magats stand around,in Dallas, waiting for his magical reappearance..🤣
Uncovering the Secrets of the Big Bang With Artificial Intelligence []
Charlene comments on Jan 28, 2022:
Yup..let's teach computers how to help us learn, and not just to watch porn..😳😅
Zoologist Solves the Bizarre 0-Year- Mystery of the Floating Phantom Midge []
Charlene comments on Jan 28, 2022:
That's crazy cool..
Sarah Palin Dining Out in NYC After Testing Positive for COVID The Washington Post is reporting ...
Charlene comments on Jan 28, 2022:
It's Always Sarah,Sarah, Sarah..
Charlene comments on Jan 28, 2022:
Love the sound of this my head..
MSNBC - Creator Of Banned ‘Maus’ Graphic Novel: I Just Know The People That Banned This Are ...
Charlene comments on Jan 28, 2022:
He was on Joy Reed..
Pruinose adjective covered with a frostlike bloom or powdery secretion, as a plant surface.
Charlene comments on Jan 27, 2022:
Coke heads have pruinose...
Especially for my ADHD friends.
Charlene comments on Jan 27, 2022:
I spuddle on
Fashion question. Polyurethane - hot or not?
Charlene comments on Jan 26, 2022:
It can be..
Mystique noun a framework of doctrines, ideas, beliefs, or the like, constructed around a ...
Charlene comments on Jan 26, 2022:
I try for an air of mystique in
Two Arrested After Fatal Shooting of 8-Year-Old Melissa Ortega, Reports Say []
Charlene comments on Jan 26, 2022:
Good news..
MSNBC - Irish Fishermen Plan To Disrupt Russian Naval War Games: 'Our Presence Is Our Protest'...
Charlene comments on Jan 26, 2022:
Astronomers Discover Mysterious Object in Our “Galactic Backyard” – Unlike Anything Seen ...
Charlene comments on Jan 26, 2022:
How awesome is that..
Webb Space Telescope Reaches Destination a Million Miles From Earth – Achieves “Halo” Orbit ...
Charlene comments on Jan 26, 2022:
Now the wait for photos..
Late Night with Seth Meyers - Biden Curses Out Fox Reporter on Hot Microphone []
Charlene comments on Jan 26, 2022:
Charlene comments on Jan 26, 2022:
I was made my brothers executive. It included pecuniary responsibilities.
Baby 'Turns Blue' After Granddad Gives Her Ivermectin Following Advice From QAnon Telegram Group
Charlene comments on Jan 26, 2022:
How a Handful of Prehistoric Geniuses Launched Humanity’s Technological Revolution The stone ...
Charlene comments on Jan 26, 2022:
They weren't dumbies..
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - Meanwhile.
Charlene comments on Jan 26, 2022:
Hospital refusing heart transplant for man who won't get vaccinated
Charlene comments on Jan 25, 2022:
He's a fucking moron is what he is..
Unvaccinated 28-Year-Old in Denial of COVID Diagnosis Dies After Ripping Off Oxygen Mask
Charlene comments on Jan 25, 2022:
This guy Deserves the Darwin Platinum award..


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