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Whigmaleerie noun a whimsical or fanciful ornament or contrivance; gimmick.
Charlene comments on Jan 25, 2022:
Are nipple piercings considered whigmaleerie? Asking for my 2 friends..
Jerry Falwell Jr.
Charlene comments on Jan 25, 2022:
Obviously ol' Jerry wasn't a grande as Granda in the sack, or pool..
Charlene comments on Jan 25, 2022:
I'd rather be a an erotic muse..😳😬
Murphy Showed Up At Mass. -
Charlene comments on Jan 24, 2022:
COVID’s Turbo-Mutation Is Killing This Vax Dream, So What’s Next?
Charlene comments on Jan 24, 2022:
This is goodish news, developing panorama vaxxes absolutely is the only way to go..
Inveigle verb (used with object) to entice, lure, or ensnare by flattery or artful talk or ...
Charlene comments on Jan 24, 2022:
I need to rehone my feminine wiles in the art of inveigle due to the pandemic..
Charlene comments on Jan 24, 2022:
Hmmm, I'm feeling a bit peckish for a nosh..
Bank of America’s CEO gets real about the labor shortage: ‘We don’t have enough people now’ ...
Charlene comments on Jan 24, 2022:
Money talks, Bullshit walks muthafucka..
“Davos Man”: How Billionaires Devour the World & Fuel Global Inequality, Prolonging the ...
Charlene comments on Jan 24, 2022:
They just keep hoarding the time to yeet these fuckers into the sun..
List of Companies That Have Resumed Donations to GOP Election Objectors "Those companies, ...
Charlene comments on Jan 24, 2022:
They've bought most members of both parties..
Weekend Update: Sarah Sherman on Staying Cozy in the Winter - SNL []
Charlene comments on Jan 23, 2022:
This was how she shreds Collin Jost!..
Weekend Update: New M&Ms & Hong Kong Hamsters - SNL []
Charlene comments on Jan 23, 2022:
The Kids, t.h.e Kiiiids..πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Cinema Classics: Gaslight - SNL []
Charlene comments on Jan 23, 2022:
Home - OnlySky Media
Charlene comments on Jan 23, 2022:
Looks awesome..thanks Paula❀❀❀
News Literacy Project
Charlene comments on Jan 23, 2022:
I really have my doubts about MSN news here in the U.S..ever since Corporations have bought them up, they've been tepid at going after politicians that flagrantly broke laws. This whole "Fair and Balanced" reporting has seeped down to local outlets as well.
Glenn Kirschner - Trump's Draft Executive Order for Military Seizure of Voting Machines: Deeply ...
Charlene comments on Jan 23, 2022:
Not surprised..
If only our lines of communication were so open and free. lol
Charlene comments on Jan 23, 2022:
Actually, rain has gotten me wet..
Ingraham Angle Cold Open - SNL []
Charlene comments on Jan 23, 2022:
Weekend Update: Chen Biao on the Beijing 2022 Olympics - SNL []
Charlene comments on Jan 23, 2022:
It was hilarious last night..🀣🀣🀣
Michigan GOP Chair Pushes Conspiracy About Schools Supplying ‘Litter Boxes’ for Students ...
Charlene comments on Jan 23, 2022:
Yup. Any insanely stupid accusation is seen as gold for the MAGAt pols and followers. I mean they waited a week for JFK JR to pop into existence in Dallas..I was shocked that neither Teddy Boiii nor Looney Louie didn't make miracluous if you'll excuse me, I have multiple furballs and a litter box to clean up after last nights FurrieFest..
NASA Solar Sail Spacecraft to Chase Tiny Asteroid After Artemis I Launch []
Charlene comments on Jan 23, 2022:
How cool is this mission, 2 firsts in 1!
Hendrix's lost weekend to appear in new film | Movies | The Guardian
Charlene comments on Jan 22, 2022:
Another need to see..he was awesome! Are you experienced?
Mitch McConnell under fire after saying African Americans vote as much as 'Americans' Top Senate ...
Charlene comments on Jan 22, 2022:
The ultimate in Freudian slips..fuck him and his Klan bros..
SORE POINT The Omicron symptom that could help you predict infection BEFORE a Covid test ...
Charlene comments on Jan 22, 2022:
I have an issue with this article. It states that Omicron is 'milder', which is misleading.Omicron is Milder Only when Fully Vaxxed. Covid -19 and it's variants are deadly, as we've witnessed across the world, for those Not vaxxed.. Otherwise it informative..
How to make sure your N95/KN95 mask is real and where to buy a real one
Charlene comments on Jan 22, 2022:
Thanks for this info..
Trae, the liberal redneck.
Charlene comments on Jan 22, 2022:
Yeah, time to dump the bullshit concept of the holy grail of "Bipartisanship"..
Charlene comments on Jan 22, 2022:
So would a woman be a Lotharia? Asking for a friend..
dishabille 1a archaic : negligee b : the state of being dressed in a casual or careless style 2...
Charlene comments on Jan 22, 2022:
My fav attire during the summer months..
About bloody time too! Polish archbishop issues "instructions" for protecting minorsThe Catholic ...
Charlene comments on Jan 22, 2022:
Wow, at least 1 of them is taking things seriously..and it's not just lip service.
Contumacious SHOW IPA adjective stubbornly perverse or rebellious; willfully and obstinately...
Charlene comments on Jan 21, 2022:
Yup, that's
Rudy Giuliani Called ‘Mastermind’ in Plot to Overthrown 2020 US Elections The Washington Post...
Charlene comments on Jan 21, 2022:
It boogles the mind that Rudy's a mastermind of anything legit. Hell he's got Merlot dripping out his head..
Eat the rich!
Charlene comments on Jan 21, 2022:
So, others have to risk their lives just to keep idiots out of the Darwin Awards.
Charlene comments on Jan 21, 2022:
(Sigh) smfh..
"‘If I Die, I Die’: Meat Loaf Spurned COVID Rules Before Death" Meat Loaf’s daughter ...
Charlene comments on Jan 21, 2022:
Another idiot musician goes buh-bye..moron..
Trump campaign officials, led by Rudy Giuliani, oversaw fake electors plot in 7 states "Trump ...
Charlene comments on Jan 21, 2022:
Garland now has enough evidence to Arrest these seditionist..perphaps the DOJ could use the RICO laws...Do Your Job Merrick!
Sharing Saliva: The One Clue Babies Use To Tell Who Has Close Relationships []
Charlene comments on Jan 21, 2022:
This study brought to mind my own saliva sharing with my kids..especially as they moved from baby foods to solid foods. Could there be specific chemical signals that humans use to bond in Thick relationships familial or otherwise..interesting. Thanks Bill!
NASA Ingenuity Mars Helicopter Grounded: First Flight Delay Due to Inclement Weather on Another ...
Charlene comments on Jan 21, 2022:
Is it Sandstorm season on Mars?
Using Ice To Boil Water: Heat Transfer Discovery Expands on 18th Century Physics Principle ...
Charlene comments on Jan 21, 2022:
That's impressive info..I wonder if use ice chips reduces the amount of liquid water to extinguish fire.
Christians Refuse To Sell House To Gay Couple, Cite Anti-Gay Scriptures As Reason
Charlene comments on Jan 21, 2022:
No one should be surprised by their religiously inspired, condoned and amplified's what "Good Kkkristians" do daily.
Charlene comments on Jan 20, 2022:
Why would you play this lifeless vultures lame attempt at defending a racist law,using crocodile tears and pleas for non existent " Bipartisanship"? Sinema is nothing but a money grubbing charlatan.
Criminal Statutes Applicable To The Forged Electoral College Certificates.
Charlene comments on Jan 20, 2022:
Arrest them..
I got Shingles shot 2 yesterday.
Charlene comments on Jan 20, 2022:
I had the same reaction, felt like crap for 2 days..but better that than full blown shingles
Senate votes down reforms to its filibuster rules, dealing the fatal blow to Democrats' voting ...
Charlene comments on Jan 19, 2022:
Time to destroy the ModDems and their Rethuglican counter parts..I am done with the Clintonian Mianchin and Sinema and the Spineless leadership of Schuman..either fight,threaten the members, or get the fuck out the game.Politics is no place for Pattycakes..
Epicurean SHOW IPA adjective fond of or adapted to luxury or indulgence in sensual ...
Charlene comments on Jan 19, 2022:
I'm a proud Epicurian..
The Young Turks - Right-Winger On Ventilator Blames Dems, BLM, China For COVID []
Charlene comments on Jan 19, 2022:
Shut up and Die already douche bag..
Possible Achilles’ Heel Discovered for Respiratory Viruses – Like COVID-19 – That Hijack ...
Charlene comments on Jan 19, 2022:
Yup Science, and Not the BoJ, will eradicate these viral threats..
More Than Two-Thirds of Adverse COVID-19 Vaccine Events Are Due to Placebo Effect ...
Charlene comments on Jan 19, 2022:
That's an amazing analysis of after effects of the mnra vaxxes..with the heavily reported adverse effects across all MSN outlets, I wonder how much of an influence it played on people's expectations of adverse reactions after receiving them.
Florida Governor Wants ‘Special Police Force’ to Monitor Elections In a move voting rights ...
Charlene comments on Jan 19, 2022:
String this pos up..
Charlene comments on Jan 19, 2022:
In the TV series Dispatches from Elsewhere the Jejune Institute was the was an excellent series with lots of surreal scenes and twisty dialog..
NO it is not from the onion it is true πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜… Taliban order beheading of shop ...
Charlene comments on Jan 19, 2022:
Sounds exactly like what Evangelical s are striving for here, a 12th century feudal theocratic directorate..
‘Born Again’ Baseball Star John Wetteland Charged With Sexually Assaulting 4-Year-Old ...
Charlene comments on Jan 18, 2022:
Betty White & Johnny Carson in Funny Skit as Adam and Eve - Carson Tonight Show []
Charlene comments on Jan 18, 2022:
The Whitewashing Of Martin Luther King - SOME MORE NEWS []
Charlene comments on Jan 18, 2022:
Oh yeah.. they've cherry picked his quotes, just as they do with their holy books.
Corporate Journalists are Blind to a Big COVID Lesson | Ted Rall's Rallblog
Charlene comments on Jan 18, 2022:
We grow more dystopian sad to watch hardworking people buy into a dream permanently out of their reach. It's the same old story of Daddys money will fix it for me..
Wondering if anyone else on this site listens to the Lex Fridman Podcast.
Charlene comments on Jan 18, 2022:
Blahblah blah,Capitalism...blah,blablablablaaah..Free Markets!..
Charlene comments on Jan 18, 2022:
Girl your a can of cohn..
Scientists Discover How To Halt and Control Cellular Death Process – Previously Thought To Be ...
Charlene comments on Jan 18, 2022:
Oh brother..πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„
So very brave and heroic.
Charlene comments on Jan 17, 2022:
Oooh Snaaaap!🀣🀣🀣
Charlene comments on Jan 17, 2022:
This constant hunkering down during covid is growing wearisome..
[] I am dead inside πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ
Charlene comments on Jan 16, 2022:
Awwww Snap..🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣
Charlene comments on Jan 16, 2022:
You must hear this shit hourly 24/7..yup Jaaazuz is the cure all..smfh..
If for no other reason (& yet, there are many...)
Charlene comments on Jan 16, 2022:
Damn Bill you on a roll today..🀣🀣🀣
Which of these seems more like wishful thinking...
Charlene comments on Jan 16, 2022:
I'll go with Hawkings..
My Letter to the Editor was published in the local news today.
Charlene comments on Jan 16, 2022:
Of course we're behind on anything climate long as we're out spent by the Fossil fuel companies, to our politicians..
Charlene comments on Jan 16, 2022:
Does the dictionary have a photo of Trump under the word Glaur-hole? Asking for a friend..
Still Sunday...
Charlene comments on Jan 16, 2022:
Or centuries..
Sunday, the Day of Giving...
Charlene comments on Jan 16, 2022:
Yes indeed...
A clump of the savior...
Charlene comments on Jan 16, 2022:
Letters From An American 01/14/2022
Charlene comments on Jan 15, 2022:
SCOTUS has obviously bought into the Qanon lifestyle..
Florida Republicans Propose Forcing Teachers to Wear Mics So Parents Can Monitor Lessons CBS News...
Charlene comments on Jan 15, 2022:
Perhaps we should makethese Rethuglican pols a rope necktie to remind Not stray into Fascism..
Charlene comments on Jan 15, 2022:
Yup, I'm dazed and frazzled after 2 years of Covid..
Trump is a minger.😁 []
Charlene comments on Jan 14, 2022:
Nailed it..
It's me. previous month click
Charlene comments on Jan 14, 2022:
Charlene comments on Jan 14, 2022:
I shan't miss the ennui of this
Glenn Kirschner - Kevin McCarthy Says He Won't Provide House Committee Evidence/Information about ...
Charlene comments on Jan 13, 2022:
Did Anyone seriously expect that spineless Turd to be truthful?
Jordan Klepper Confronts Matt Gaetz on Anniversary of Jan.
Charlene comments on Jan 13, 2022:
Love the Daily..
Unvaxxed father of 11 dies of COVID. You can't make up what happened next []
Charlene comments on Jan 13, 2022:
Yup , I sent 2 truck loads of tots and snares for Mom's New House y'all..I'm such a good GCB, ain't I?
Will-o'-the-wisp noun a flitting phosphorescent light seen at night, chiefly over marshy ...
Charlene comments on Jan 13, 2022:
Could be drunk fairies setting their farts afire..just sayin..😳🀣
Astronomers Catch Stellar “Intruder” Redhanded – Chaotic Streams of Dust and Gas ...
Charlene comments on Jan 13, 2022:
Isn't that more like White Hot handed..amazing..
The leader of the right-wing Oath Keepers was arrested and charged with seditious conspiracy in the ...
Charlene comments on Jan 13, 2022:
String'em up..
Oath Keepers leader arrested, charged with seditious conspiracy for Jan. 6 riot : NPR
Charlene comments on Jan 13, 2022:
Here's to hoping they all get convicted of Sedition..and tossed out of the windows on the Washington monument on a rope..
Mike Lindell Now Claims He Has Enough Evidence to Put 300 Million Americans in Jail The pro-Trump...
Charlene comments on Jan 13, 2022:
I'm pre-emptively planning a prison break, ala Dusk till Dawn..who wants in?
Charlene comments on Jan 13, 2022:
You can't accuse Trump of dissimulation, obsifucation is his stock in trade..
They're all in the hole, which is where they belong.
Charlene comments on Jan 12, 2022:
Yeah..they All Need lessons from Amy Schneider..Jeopardy's newest millionaire, 32 wins!
Noosphere: the sphere of human consciousness and mental activity especially in regard to its ...
Charlene comments on Jan 12, 2022:
Interesting, I would suggest that plants and trees use mycelium systems to form a noosphere as well..
Charlene comments on Jan 12, 2022:
Yup..we're living through a era when cupidity is held as a vaunted trait..
For at least one hundred thirty two years, racism & class warfare have been the preferred US ...
Charlene comments on Jan 11, 2022:
Protect it at All costs Joe..and use Manachin And Semolina by having them Drawn And Quartered as an example to all against this bill at your risk..
Skookum adjective large; powerful; impressive.
Charlene comments on Jan 11, 2022:
Unlike my little snookums
The 14th Amendment bars insurrection plotters from government.
Charlene comments on Jan 11, 2022:
I find it odd that a paraplegic would support Nazis seeing as how they'd liquidate him if they took power.
Omicron’s toll in New York and Seattle, two cities with timely data.
Charlene comments on Jan 11, 2022:
These are perfect graphs on how Darwinism works..thanks for the posting..
This is the 10 year challenge posted by Stacey Abrams on Facebook. Best one I've seen so far.
Charlene comments on Jan 11, 2022:
I lived in Atlanta for 20 years..I left cause I couldn't take take the ChristoRethuglican fascism any longer. This is great news and awesome graphic..however we r with the new voting laws, not sure it's gonna help
Charlene comments on Jan 11, 2022:
Bellicose saber rattling comes to mind..
Republican State Senator Says Teachers Must be ‘Impartial’ When Teaching about Nazism and ...
Charlene comments on Jan 11, 2022:
Yup, he's a White Supremacist ..
Letters From An American 01/10/2022
Charlene comments on Jan 11, 2022:
Here's to hoping they win..
Cantillate verb (used with object) to chant; intone.
Charlene comments on Jan 10, 2022:
I cantillate loudly during sex, is that weird?
Vaccine Appointments Quadruple After Quebec Requires Shots For Liquor Stores | Crooks and Liars
Charlene comments on Jan 10, 2022:
I believe the old adage 'liquor is quicker' is true, as in ths
Charlene comments on Jan 10, 2022:
It seems the movie on Netflix "Don't Look Up" is getting a lot of attention.
Charlene comments on Jan 10, 2022:
It is pretty on point describing Rethugs and some Dems..
I am attempting to attach electronics to a machine lathe, so I can run custom configurations on it.
Charlene comments on Jan 10, 2022:
Wow you mean to tell me Joe's keeping the tariffs?
Poll Finds Canadians Worried About Millions of US Refugees if Trump Regains Power Former National...
Charlene comments on Jan 10, 2022:
Yup..I'm with you Mexico sounds better, living in New England you get a taste of Canadian winter. No thanks is all I can say, and Beunos Dios Cabarone!


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