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Pueblo Cafe --Nuevos Tiempos []
Charlene comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Hmmmmm..yeah!!!! Just followed on spotify..thanks!
Plant Your Own Magical Moon Garden With Flowers That Bloom At Night -
Charlene comments on Apr 3, 2018:
I could do this...thanks gf..
You sang that when you read it, didn't you? &MusicFans
Charlene comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Of New
Just out of curiosity...does anyone here have naked pictures on the internet anywhere?
Charlene comments on Apr 3, 2018:
I posted some on xhamster.
Can some answer the question of AD/BC in measuring years when the likelihood that Jesus never ...
Charlene comments on Apr 3, 2018:
It now BCE/CE..or Before Current Epoch & Current Epoch..what work for you?
If you had to list the three biggest issues you think the world faces in order of seriousness, what ...
Charlene comments on Apr 3, 2018:
1.Climate Change 2.Overpopulation 3.Loss of Rainforest
Im not sure if I should be offended or laughing my ass of because in just this last week alone I ...
Charlene comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Baby eater cuz ..Damn they yummmy!!!
Ah my favorite part of Easter: 80% off Cadbury
Charlene comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Mmmmmmm choooocoooolaaate bunnnnnnniiiieeessss!
And yet he still lives.....
Charlene comments on Apr 3, 2018: do! In fact I find them both to be
How do you guys rest/relax your brain when tired?
Charlene comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Masturbation always clears me out...hehe
Casual Encounter Pillow Princess
Charlene comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Welcome to my earworm.... Pink Floyd -"What Shall We Do Now?" NSFW []
Charlene comments on Apr 2, 2018:!!!
I just want to say.
Charlene comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Yeah I agree..
2 weeks ago
Charlene comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Just got this on Saturday.
Charlene comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Casual Encounter Pillow Princess
Charlene comments on Apr 2, 2018:
What's the best bit of advice you've ever been given?
Charlene comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Never pick your nose while advice I've gotten...
LMFAO Well I am not sure you can class this as a jam.
Charlene comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Esoteric as usual.
Charlene comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Lolol..the balls on that throroughbred!!!
Submerge by Come (1992 post-punk influenced song with barbed wire wall of sound guitar and great ...
Charlene comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Were they from Portland?..very Grundgy!
Piss Factory by Patti Smith (1974 song originated as a poem about the time she spent working in a ...
Charlene comments on Apr 2, 2018:
I miss her..we could use some outspoken musicians now!
Whole Lotta Sabbath Led Zeppelin vs. Black Sabbath By Wax Audio []
Charlene comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Beck vs. Janis Joplin I LOVE MASHUPS!!!! HOW ABOUT YOU? []
Charlene comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Lucius - Nothing Ordinary - YouTube
Charlene comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Love it's delish..
Volta Jazz !!!! []
Charlene comments on Apr 2, 2018:
You can hear the cuban influence
High Energy Columbian Pop! Bomba Estereo []
Charlene comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Sweet back beat...
Serena Ryder - "For You" []
Charlene comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Charlene comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Oh yeah...
My newest favorite band - Tune-Yards []
Charlene comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Tracy Chapman! Fast Car, love her deep rich voice. []
Charlene comments on Apr 2, 2018:
I had feeling I this song..
[] Okkervil River
Charlene comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Heeeeey..the links broken...
Your Past Life as a Blast - YouTube
Charlene comments on Apr 2, 2018:
I likey!!!
I am a 46 year old pansexual man, and in the past I've enjoyed bondage and anal sex (receiving both)...
Charlene comments on Apr 2, 2018: it!!!
An older piece of work ,I've been retired awhile
Charlene comments on Apr 2, 2018: it..
So just lately I've been giving a lot of thought to life, the universe and our place in it.
Charlene comments on Apr 2, 2018:
April fools!
Now that's dedication.
Charlene comments on Apr 2, 2018:
I have posted this before, but not in this group.
Charlene comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Love it...
Pretty much
Charlene comments on Apr 2, 2018:
What character traits indicate someone is a "good" person?
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
It's all in their respect quotient of others and themselves..
With out any diplomatic answers,.
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I'm dying! LMFAO :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I tend to have some audiobook I can pay partial attention to playing in the background while doing ...
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Perfect post for TWD..LOL
Too crude?
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Lololololololololol..friggin love it...Lololololololololol
I'm bubblier than the champagne cheers ???
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Trump was tweeting today, in the spirit of Easter.
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
As always..he shows he only panders to his denomination of Amurikans..
Have you ever: ate a whole box of cookies & didn't share?
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Always..cause I live alone..and that's just one of the single life advantages!
Have you ever: lied to your parents?
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Of course..especially as a teen..
Our Ten Commandments
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Yup..that's a hella list..
Happy Resurrection Day everyone!! Not to mention the awesomeness of April Fool's Day simultaneously...
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Well seeing as how my rightwing religitards elders Already have a distasteful attitude toward me ..I don't even bother with them..I did visit my brother Stephen today and as I entered his hospice room I shouted Happy Eostera day and gave him 2 bouquets of flowers and a package of yellow was enjoyable..then off to brunch and a bloody mary..
I think we need to start a new holiday for us non-believers.
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Hmmm,,, how about Ostara day in her honor as she was the Northumbrian/Saxon goddess of spring?
The joys of FB and the south on Easter.
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Yeah..I lived in Atlanta for 20 years..this "Holier than Thou" day was way overboard..ugh..
Do you ever experience euphoria? What's usually responsible for it?
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Bourbon usually does it for me..Microdot use to do it for me...sometimes mescaline..
Can you recommend a book, please?
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
The Alienist is a good one...
Anyone else ever been told “No you’re not” when coming out as atheist to your family?
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Yeah I got the "No you aren't" bs was even worse when I came out Trans..they Still refuse to believe that after 14
How do you feel about the person you're dating talking about their ex?
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
If they blather on about the Ex..fuck that..shows they're not over it..I don't have time or the patients to hold someones hand...
Welcome. Come on in and join the fight.
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Def the truth..
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Trump vs Amazon: Concern or Jealousy? []
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
He's going after Amazon cause they own the Washington Post..which the Drumpfster loaths..
I've posted a few of my old mixes up on mixcloud.
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I didn't see this one in the archives.
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Another father and daughter
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I mIss andy rooney do you?
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I do miss him and his wit!
Up to 10000 bits of plastic in water bottles
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I grew up on tap water..or the garden hose..ain't dead yet..and it don't taste like plastic.
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Ahhh corporate
He has no clue, good xian that he is.
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Remember theme from courtshIp of eddIe's father?
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Lololol...I love Vlad in his Leather pants..
Do you celebrate Easter?
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I'm only in for the Dark Chocolate Bunny..mmmmm
I'm new to the site.
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I love should start a page..have you posted to
cough cough .... ;)
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Oh..hmmmmm..errrrr...well..I ah..ok at least once a week...oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooough...oooh yeah...
If something happened 2 any of us here on the site, how else would anyone else know here ?
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
The Admins would probably close it..eventually.
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
He's is a digusting human..
Well this explains everything..
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
The man's a horror show.
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
This starts with a wonderful premise-- but they just kind of let it run for a couple of minutes.
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Lololololololololol..Mmmm lamb!!!
Did I screw up?
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Oh hell done goood!
Brb..but will he Reeeeaaaally?
Charlene comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Charlene comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Yay!!! Duck Dynasty!!!!!
Well this explains a whole lot!
Charlene comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Nailed It ... ;)
Charlene comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Lololololololololol..Eve you are sooooooo goooing to it..and I'll meet you at the gates!...Lololololololololol
What's your favourite building?
Charlene comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Can't say I have a singular building I love..though I do love Art Deco for a particular style/ your fav.
BBC America is having an X-Files marathon starting tomorrow morning.
Charlene comments on Mar 31, 2018:'t..I just..Caaan't...aaaaaaaah..what time?
Do you give to beggars?
Charlene comments on Mar 24, 2018:
I was homeless and living in a shelter for 18 long months..for the 1st six months I carried 25# of clothes on my back..Not a fucking one of you Understand Exactly what it is to be Without a post your Happy questions about what it's like to be Atheist..Fuck You and your sorry ass White priviledged life..I survived Homelessness And cancer..a the same Fucking read your sorry excusses to people begging is at best worst inhuman..The day of awakening is best know someone that can beg and live on the streets..cause it's about to fall on you're sorry asses..
Do you give to beggars?
Charlene comments on Mar 24, 2018:
Having been homeless myself..yes I do..gladly.
Can WE wage anti-corruption/corp warfare.
Charlene comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Sorry not sure..though in this ReThuglican epoch anything not illegal won't ever be considered for regulation, cuz you know money.
Asteroids Galaxy tour The Golden Age - I'm not sure why I love this song as much as I do (though the...
Charlene comments on Mar 23, 2018:
What year was this?'s her voice..I think..hmmm
Here is my favorite unconventional song by U2.
Charlene comments on Mar 23, 2018:
One of fav U2 allbums..
Having just forced a bowl of mukimame beans down my throat (yuck, but protein, fibre, folate, ...
Charlene comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Food for me is about flavor and texture..if it dosen't fit the texture imperative..then it lands on my don't eat the taste.Hate the texture..same with cottage cheese, it fails visually too..and a few other as well.
Alternative Lifestyles
Charlene comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Def8ne Alternative Lifestyles..aside from the oligrachy lifestyle.
Charlene comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Earl Grey..nuff said..
Continuation of the online date.
Charlene comments on Mar 22, 2018:
I see seperate but happy futures for the both of you!
I don't have any tats.
Charlene comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Like any quality product you have to shop around to diiferent parlors to get a great price..I had my latest done for $200..but it's 10 inches and full color. The first couple of parlor s wanted 400 +. So definetly shop around..
Origin of six-inch mummy confirmed [bbc.
Charlene comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Whattttt?..she's..she's Nooot an Aliiiiiiiiiien?
BREXIT Good to see that after BREXIT , we are returning to the old style blue passport.
Charlene comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Are you a Brexit fan?
As the Great Watsky would say ... []
Charlene comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Only if I can crush their nose first..then a hug.
I found out I lost an additional 10 pds since my last Dr's visit (woot!!) Dr: "Wow! Whatever ...
Charlene comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Lololololololololol..they never do..
POLL: Millennial Women Killing Republican Party - YouTube
Charlene comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Oneofmyfavoritesongs one of my favorite artists []
Charlene comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Colorful Tattoos Inked by Tattoo Artist Mike Boyd... []
Charlene comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Wow! Pretty!
To quote Darius Rucker, “When was the last time you did something for the first time”.
Charlene comments on Mar 22, 2018:
Last time I had sex..
A Hungry Black Hole Devoured a Star, and Its 'Burp' Reveals How It Chowed Down... []
Charlene comments on Mar 22, 2018:


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