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Mike Pompeo called on to resign or be impeached himself []
Charlene comments on Nov 21, 2019:
He'll pull a Guiliani disappearing act, down in the basement hiding under the oil tank.
Charlene comments on Nov 20, 2019:
It's a positive start..
46 Percent of Americans Say Their Financial Status Has Stayed the Same Under Trump, And 21 Percent ...
Charlene comments on Nov 20, 2019:
Soooo much winning..
Happy hump day beauties!
Charlene comments on Nov 20, 2019:
So far all I learned from the hearing is that Trump is fucked in ways that would offend even his ...
Charlene comments on Nov 20, 2019:
Oh yes!
Mike Pompeo reportedly told Republicans he plans to resign to protect his reputation.
Charlene comments on Nov 20, 2019:
He has No reputation TO protect...
breaking news ... new pix from the White House
Charlene comments on Nov 20, 2019:
I reckon Sondland done scuttled the💓😂😂
Have any of you guys used the female condom or had a partner that did. What did you think?
Charlene comments on Nov 20, 2019:
A vaginal Dam? Seen them, never used nor experienced one..
The Bible is a manual for misogyny.
Charlene comments on Nov 20, 2019:
From start to finish...
Working in Secret, Bill Gates-Backed Solar Company Reveals Tech That Could Spell the End of Fossil ...
Charlene comments on Nov 20, 2019:
Study Finds That Bar Discipline Is Totally Racist Shocking Absolutely No One
Charlene comments on Nov 20, 2019:
Again not at all..smh
Quiz: Which of these 2020 Democrats agrees with you most? - Washington Post
Charlene comments on Nov 20, 2019:
Bernie & Warren..
Charlene comments on Nov 20, 2019:
Applies to any of Drumpty Dumps speeches.
Most Christians I know, including my mom and grandma, actually do believe that the Bible is "The ...
Charlene comments on Nov 20, 2019:
Wow! Scorching.
Charlene comments on Nov 20, 2019:
The Buttplug needs to be indicted for obstruction..
Conservative Christians Rage After Chick-fil-A Promises To Stop Hating Gays For Jesus []
Charlene comments on Nov 20, 2019:
Pooor Kkkristian snowflakes...must be too hard to give up their oh so pure bigotry.
Stunning Fossil Discovery Uncovers the Second-Most Primitive Flying Bird []
Charlene comments on Nov 20, 2019:
Wowzah..enlightening, thanks..
My newest hero
Charlene comments on Nov 19, 2019:
They weren't joking about Separation of Turch and State...too bad we're Not doing the same!
Tax avoidance by the rich could top $5 trillion in next decade
Charlene comments on Nov 19, 2019:
If you're gonna steal, Steal Bigly!👿👿👿👿👿
One I crafted myself after viewing the hearings today... and a few more....
Charlene comments on Nov 19, 2019:
That actually a photo of Dohtetah..cuz ah yah retahted?
Yipick from Homie Depot 🤣🤣🤣🤣 []
Charlene comments on Nov 19, 2019:
Hilarious..been there after a few martinis..about the same lipstick skill set as well..😂😂😂😂
I'd like to hear about what your local kink/sex positive scenes are like.
Charlene comments on Nov 19, 2019:
In Boston? Nonexistent..sadly.
Buttigieg CAUGHT On Video Praising Tea Party - YouTube
Charlene comments on Nov 19, 2019:
This says it all about this Clintonian Center Right worm. Any Dem that takes Wall St. Money is NOT a true Democrat..Buttiege/Biden are prime examples.
Atheists Sue TN School District for Constantly Pushing Christianity on Kids ...
Charlene comments on Nov 19, 2019:
About damn time..
Gollum! 😡 Stephen Miller planted anti-Rubio stories in Breitbart during 2016 campaign, leaked ...
Charlene comments on Nov 19, 2019:
Miller is a rabid dog..
Charlene comments on Nov 19, 2019:
Nasa needs to return to Europa, for long term scientific research, much like Mars.
Charlene comments on Nov 19, 2019:
Fuck the king of pedophiles..
Never Trumper America!
Charlene comments on Nov 19, 2019:
Did you watch the hearing? Feeling better?
Happy Tuesday all! Woohoo 😊
Charlene comments on Nov 19, 2019:
Happpy happy
Are the Dark Ages returning?
Charlene comments on Nov 19, 2019:
No, there already here..and have been since Reagan.
Last night Joe Biden states marijuana is a gateway drug and he will not legalize it.
Charlene comments on Nov 19, 2019:
Minimally..then again I wasn't voting for a Clintonlite candidate.
Sounds the whitehouse?
Charlene comments on Nov 19, 2019:
Ummm yes.😂😂😂
Christine Blasey Ford receives ACLU courage award | TheHill
Charlene comments on Nov 18, 2019:
She deserves it..
Vegan rainbow trout could hit market soon - Aquaculture North America
Charlene comments on Nov 18, 2019:
But how does it Taste? I don't think hard core anti GMO adherents would go for it..and I'm sure the price per pound will be high.
😄😂😅🤣 GOP congresswoman’s impeachment hearing stunt fueled a $1 million fundraising ...
Charlene comments on Nov 18, 2019:
Yeah she needs to year..😀😀😀
Not off the mark ..[]
Charlene comments on Nov 18, 2019:
He's leading in Iowa, guess it workin..😂😂
Sexy classy gams 💋
Charlene comments on Nov 18, 2019:
I am Not afraid heights..
Just in time for xmas, for those hard-to-buy-for republicans on your list....
Charlene comments on Nov 18, 2019:
Trump edition!😂😂😂😂
Trump Proves To Be TOXIC For Republicans In Tight Races - YouTube
Charlene comments on Nov 18, 2019:
He's toxic to life its self..Look what what he's done to his kids..
Got To Give lt Up - Marvin Gaye - YouTube
Charlene comments on Nov 18, 2019: per usual!.. Where you been? How goes all?
Mary had a Little lamb, little lamb, little lamb.. Mary had a little lamb... And some salad too..
Charlene comments on Nov 18, 2019:
Oddly enough, I'm having Lamb stew for dinner..mmmmmm
AP News: US officials knew of Ukraine’s Trump anxiety []
Charlene comments on Nov 18, 2019:
The world has Drump anxiety..
Trump turns on Pompeo as diplomats star in impeachment probe []
Charlene comments on Nov 18, 2019:
It was only a matter of time..
Trump's visit to Walter Reed 'not protocol' for routine visit, source says.
Charlene comments on Nov 18, 2019:
I'm not at all..
From CNN: House investigating whether Trump lied in his written answers to Mueller. []
Charlene comments on Nov 18, 2019:
Whether???!!! More like When Doesn't he!😂😂😂😂
Movies that bring a tear to your eye?
Charlene comments on Nov 18, 2019:
Watching a Trump speech..
A handful for Monday....
Charlene comments on Nov 18, 2019:
SCOTUS's Decisions on Trump’s Taxes Could Be Bigger Than Impeachment []
Charlene comments on Nov 18, 2019:
2 more days...😀😀😀😀
Trump is invited to testify before the Impeachment committee []
Charlene comments on Nov 18, 2019:
He'll never show..even If he said he would, his lawyers would gage and chain him in a chair.
Charlene comments on Nov 18, 2019:
Sounds like a title for a Stephen King novel..😀
Possible pay-to-play scheme for ambassador role in Trump administration uncovered by CBS News
Charlene comments on Nov 18, 2019:
Trump isn't the only Pres to do so.. Though he is the first to give a major post to a large donor.
Oppidan adjective of a town; urban.
Charlene comments on Nov 18, 2019:
Sounds like an addiction to a new it though..apparently I'm an oppidan
Panda Mischief LOL 😛 (These Pandy Nannies have the best job on the planet.
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
"DUMPTY" a book by John Lithgow.
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
Thanks Gf..💓
Bernie Sanders Lands Endorsement From Youth Arm Of California Democratic Party
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
My 2 faves, Sanders & Warren..
He believes Putin, and Putin's playing him.
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
I heard selected excerpts from it..he Is Putins Fuck Puppet.
Several Colorado sheriffs say they won't enforce red flag gun law
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
Watched a segment on this on 60 minutes..20 counties have established "2nd Amendment sanctuary counties" as protest against Red Flag laws..
America dumbs down: a rising tide of anti-intellectual thinking
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
It's been publicly extolled since Raygun..
From the movie Blue Velvet — this was the scene at the bordello where Frank ( Dennis Hopper at his...
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
Talk radio host Craig Silverman fired mid-show after criticizing Trump - Business Insider
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
It is all about the genuflect towards Drump!
Simony noun the making of profit out of sacred things.
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
Like Church its self..gobs of cash to be made, ask ol'Joel.
Texas appeals court blocks Rodney Reed execution
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
Read that's fantastic..
If christianity is fake and Osteen is a fake christian is that 'fake squared'?
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
Ahhhj yes he's the leader of "The WRONG" branch of the Kkkristian cults.
We can hope he has more than discomfort! 😄🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞 Trump Chest Discomfort ...
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
May he experience many more...
Venice's devastating floods are the 'canary in a coal mine' for coastal cities worldwide ...
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
Yes it is..Boston is taking small steps to safe guard the city..Small is no longer an option imho.
The Liberty Bell Award goes to Obama And the newest award by liberty goes to Trump
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
Trump's A Dumb Ass -I can hear him saying that can't you?
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
Red was awesome!
Let him eat crow..
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
Mr.Hypocrit incarnate!
Hello im a newbie here.
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
Stunning! Welcome!
Trump's our sucker and fool!
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
And that's the Truth of Drump.
My daughter came to America to study. Your gun culture killed her - Los Angeles Times
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
We're at the top of the International list of "Hazardous to Life" .
tRump's very own personal (fat) Joseph Goebbels! (Propaganda minister to Adolf Hitler) William ...
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
He absolutely HAS to be Impeached, he's been pushing Drumps Facsist agenda for months now.
How about starting the day with an extraordinary birth.
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
I like to talk dirty, especially to women.
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
Wow, sophomoric conversations..nah.
Louisiana Governor's Race, Another Indictment Against Trump
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
It's good news all around, though Edwards is an ultra Dem conservitard.
Stephen Miller Can Push Racist Crap, but ‘The President Has His Back’ []
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
Not surprising..
What are your thoughts on anthropomorphic sex (keep in mind that this is completely different from ...
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
Furry sex doesn't do it for me..neither does calling pets "my fur baby".
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
Our Federal Reserve does it an attempt to stave off the inevitable economic collapse due to massive tax cuts for the Uberlords and a untenable defence budget in trillions.
Russia Loves the Impeachment Hearings Because GOP Is Parroting Kremlin Propaganda ...
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
The Rethuglicans on the committee get their daily talking points From the is it really surprising that Puti has input?
What do you all think of my answer to why women can't wear latex everyday? []
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
Not so much socital judgement as it's more about the cost, and for me, the sweat. That said, I've seen many women wearing latex and not just in NYC. The fashions of latex have expanded beyond the fetish stage.
Evolution of the Greedy Old Pustule
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
Woooohooo! Love go Gf!😂😂😂💓💓💓💓😬😬
Some tasteless memes
Charlene comments on Nov 17, 2019:
I am the Wicked Witch of Everything..just sayin..😀
SO much of how Repug Congress is acting (exhibit 1, Lindsay Graham now vs.
Charlene comments on Nov 16, 2019:
Drump can only focus on One thing at a Biden & son.
Thousands of Glorious 'Ice Eggs' Wash Up on Finnish Beach | Live Science
Charlene comments on Nov 16, 2019:
I'd love to experience something like this..
Trump was by no means the first I got mine, screw you president
Charlene comments on Nov 16, 2019:
Yes he did..St.Ronny of the Raygun..👿👿 he also wanted ketchup listed as a vegetable.
David Koch Still on Wrong Side of River Styx After Refusing to Pay One-Cent Ferry Tax
Charlene comments on Nov 16, 2019:
Motherfucker still trying to get blood from a rock..
Sexy and classy!
Charlene comments on Nov 16, 2019:
How do you deal with Christmas?
Charlene comments on Nov 16, 2019:
I partake in the festival of Saturnalia😀
Why do conservatives refuse to acknowledge Trumps Crimes?
Charlene comments on Nov 16, 2019:
They're addicted to his Kool-ade..
There are so many on Facebook this morning.
Charlene comments on Nov 16, 2019:
The Bieber meme is awesome..
Completely out of the blue last night, a person known to me only via online/text and having never ...
Charlene comments on Nov 16, 2019:
JFC..Dems are low life's? This dude is the poster child of it!..
So many memes....
Charlene comments on Nov 16, 2019:
Fyododor nailed it!
White Supremacy Is Terrorism, Not a Difference of Opinion | The Nation
Charlene comments on Nov 16, 2019:
Yes it is..most assuredly it always has been terrorism.
[] So unfair all the things happening to your President 🤔
Charlene comments on Nov 16, 2019:
It's dumbfounding really...😂😂😂😂😂
Charlene comments on Nov 16, 2019:
My granddaughter has a pawkish grin at times..
Jury Finds Abortion Foes Harmed Planned Parenthood, Awards Over $2 Million []
Charlene comments on Nov 16, 2019: it. Finally a bit of justice drops on their heads.
And he continued.....
Charlene comments on Nov 16, 2019:
And she kept on explaining and telling her truth.
Satire from The Borowitz Report “Everywhere She Went Turned Bad,” Says Man with Six ...
Charlene comments on Nov 15, 2019:
Who is that Unnamed man? Asking
For your consideration....
Charlene comments on Nov 15, 2019:


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