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In a discussion about knowledge of good and evil being the basis for logic, i had someone mentioned ...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 26, 2022:
As admitted in the comments, there is so much subjectivity and essentially meaninglessness to the words 'good' and 'evil,' to attempt to frame them as statements of logic is just silly. The whole point of using logic is to find validity and soundness to your statements, and pretty much any statement...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 26, 2022:
@Word "Valid" and "sound" have very specific meanings in logic and they convey the same information from any person to any other person. "Good" is always ambiguous, subjective or both. I'm sorry you don't understand the difference. The fact of the matter is even your examples of "goodness of knife cuts" you think clearly shows how it is a form of logic are completely ambiguous and solely dependent on the subjective viewpoint of any given person, their feelings, their knowledge base, their familiarity with the situation, etc. One person may think it's "good" for a doctor to cut someone open to remove a tumor from a loved one while their spouse or sibling could think it's evil for a multitude of reasons. Really, how do you not get this? You *already* admitted how subjective these words are...
In a discussion about knowledge of good and evil being the basis for logic, i had someone mentioned ...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 26, 2022:
As admitted in the comments, there is so much subjectivity and essentially meaninglessness to the words 'good' and 'evil,' to attempt to frame them as statements of logic is just silly. The whole point of using logic is to find validity and soundness to your statements, and pretty much any statement...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 26, 2022:
@Word All of that is still quite subjective... And I don't really have "knowledge of good". I don't put much stock in that word. Even stuff I find preferable I realize is very outside of the norm, and I'm not even a masochist or one of several other types that *really* turn the concepts of good, not good, and evil on their heads.
Now that American citizens have had six months to feel the effect of their governments policies ...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 25, 2022:
I generally don't give a fuck. Whatever the US actually did or you think they did is not a provocation for or justification for starting a war with another country.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 26, 2022:
@FrayedBear To swing one's fist is not illegal, at least not in normal countries. People swing their fists all the time. They may do it when they dance or run, during sports or cheering for their team. There's about a million ways people swing their fists. They may do it and accidentally come close to 1mm away from someone's skin, and that *still* wouldn't be illegal. If they were verbally threatening to them, *that* would be illegal. So simply having weapons, training troops, or any other type of preparation is not equivalent to assault (like the threats that are illegal). We have a shit ton of nukes. Russia has even more. So they're 10x more guilty of "having munitions" or "training" than Ukraine is. (Do you really not see how dumb that argument is?) *Also, bullying is not illegal in the US at least.*
It is unrealistic for a woman to expect a man to know how to pleasure her sexually.
HippieChick58 comments on Aug 25, 2022:
Communication is the key. You have to be able to tell your partner what feels good to you, and listen to your partner.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 25, 2022:
This. Plus paying attention.
Now that American citizens have had six months to feel the effect of their governments policies ...
Moravian comments on Aug 25, 2022:
My neighbours dog bit me the other day but it was my fault. I provoked it by petting the cat on the other side of the street.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 25, 2022:
@FrayedBear As stated above, I don't need to disprove that because I don't care whether or not it's true.
Now that American citizens have had six months to feel the effect of their governments policies ...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 25, 2022:
I generally don't give a fuck. Whatever the US actually did or you think they did is not a provocation for or justification for starting a war with another country.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 25, 2022:
@FrayedBear Don't care. Plotting and planning is not invading. It's like how you can say whatever shit you want to someone to get them to swing first. If you can't control your temper, you're the one that gets in trouble and the person who was taunting you was just defending himself.
Now that American citizens have had six months to feel the effect of their governments policies ...
Moravian comments on Aug 25, 2022:
My neighbours dog bit me the other day but it was my fault. I provoked it by petting the cat on the other side of the street.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 25, 2022:
@FrayedBear You are confused. It wasn't my metaphor...
Now that American citizens have had six months to feel the effect of their governments policies ...
Moravian comments on Aug 25, 2022:
My neighbours dog bit me the other day but it was my fault. I provoked it by petting the cat on the other side of the street.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 25, 2022:
Apparently those two can't grasp metaphors.
It’s funny because it’s true
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 24, 2022:
I imagine there's probably interstate commerce laws that govern that at a level much higher than a state can do anything about. Also, not for nothing, but your side is always walking out the trope about how bad it is for the country being hostile to businesses, but think liberals should want to ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 25, 2022:
@CourtJester The "Commerce Clause" *is* part of the Constitution. *On February 4, 1887, both the Senate and House passed the Interstate Commerce Act, which applied the Constitution’s “Commerce Clause”—granting Congress the power “to Regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States”—to regulating railroad rates.* *When Congress failed to act, some states adopted their own railroad regulations. Those laws were struck down in 1886, when the Supreme Court ruled in Wabash v. Illinois that the state of Illinois could not restrict the rates that the Wabash Railroad was charging because its freight traffic moved between the states, and only the federal government could regulate interstate commerce.* I don't know for sure, but based on this info, and the fact that private jets are used by federal employees, I'd imagine that it would be hard for an individual state to ban private jets. If you can find info proving otherwise, post it up.,%E2%80%9D%E2%80%94to%20regulating%20railroad%20rates.
Favorite sport??
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 24, 2022:
Why are football and soccer together?
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 24, 2022:
@FearlessFly Sure, but then why isn't American Football on the list? That's probably a lot of people's favorite sport.
GOP Candidate Said It's "Totally Just" To Stone Gay People To Death - LGBTQ Nation
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 23, 2022:
He was divorced due to his abuse of wife and kids, a real piece of shit. Also, if he so much wants to stick to his reading of scripture, his divorce isn't valid (while the supposed Jesus never railed on gays, he certainly railed against divorce), he is committing adultery now and should let himself ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 24, 2022:
@Beowulfsfriend Eh, I guess I wasn't counting JWs. They identify as Christians, I guess. I generally use the definition of Christian as one who believes in the divinity of Jesus Christ. The "definition" of Christian is one who believes in and abides the teachings of Jesus Christ, however, an exceedingly small percentage of people who identify as such actually follow any of what Jesus taught, so to me it only makes sense to use the definition that most accurately describes the largest percentage of that population. (See: countless memes of "Republican Jesus") I also generally don't care about what something *was* or how it *started* when it has drastically evolved since. Would you consider the Republican party to be an organization that cares about small government and individual liberty? I sure as hell don't. So why would I think about that definition when I say or hear the word 'Republican' if that's not what it means or stands for anymore? As for the "he is still using xtion arguments" bit, you grasp that *I'm* not making the argument that god hates homosexuals or homosexuality, right? I don't believe in god, nor do I give a fuck about Christians, what they want, or what they believe. I'm not trying to advance their position or argue their side. The point is to show how horrific Christianity is and force people to pick a side. It is not dissimilar than pointing out all of the awful shit Trump has done to the religious right. e.g. "Hey, people who tout their belief in the sanctity of marriage and morality, that guy you're considering voting for cheated on 3 wives, divorced two, fucked a porn star then paid her hush money, etc. etc. Are you willing to compromise all of your beliefs to get him elected? If you are, I refuse to let you vote for him without facing the fact that you're betraying everything you claim you stood for." So similar to that, I'm saying, to anyone who supports any Christian organization in any way, shape, or form, that they need to own all the ugliness of it. That their organization hates on homosexuals. That it funds methods of protecting child-molesting clergy. That it helps elect people that fight against equal rights, social progress, voting rights, general tenets of democracy, and about a billion other terrible things about that party. So please don't misunderstand the point of my words.
GOP Candidate Said It's "Totally Just" To Stone Gay People To Death - LGBTQ Nation
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 23, 2022:
He was divorced due to his abuse of wife and kids, a real piece of shit. Also, if he so much wants to stick to his reading of scripture, his divorce isn't valid (while the supposed Jesus never railed on gays, he certainly railed against divorce), he is committing adultery now and should let himself ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 24, 2022:
@Beowulfsfriend There are Christians that don't believe Jesus is god?
GOP Candidate Said It's "Totally Just" To Stone Gay People To Death - LGBTQ Nation
Flyingsaucesir comments on Aug 24, 2022:
Well this is some crazy shit this guy is putting out there, but it's not at all surprising. Christian nationalists don't even pretend to follow the teachings of Jesus. They're all about wrathful Old Testament retribution, patriarchy, and getting the AR-15 into the hands of as many white "Christian" ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 24, 2022:
It's not limited to the Old Testament... Romans 1: 26-27 26 Because of this, God gave them overb to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 1 Timothy 1:9-10 We also know that the law is made not for the righteous, but for lawbreakers and rebels, the ungodly and sinful, the unholy and irreligious, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers, for the sexually immoral, for those practicing homosexuality, for slave traders and liars and perjurers—and for whatever else is contrary to the sound doctrine
GOP Candidate Said It's "Totally Just" To Stone Gay People To Death - LGBTQ Nation
OldMetalHead comments on Aug 23, 2022:
Does the bible actually say you should stone gay people to death, or does it just say it's an abomination like shrimp or 50/50 cotton poly blend? Also, pretty fucking sure it says adultery and divorce are huge nono's, but that never seems to be mentioned.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 24, 2022:
Maybe not stoned specifically, but killed. *Leviticus 20:13 If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.* Combine that with the fact that A LOT of the putting to death was done with stones, I think it's a fair bet that's how homosexuals were supposed to be killed.
GOP Candidate Said It's "Totally Just" To Stone Gay People To Death - LGBTQ Nation
anglophone comments on Aug 23, 2022:
I would love to see his reaction if he was told that all heterosexual people should be stoned to death.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 24, 2022:
@RussRAB His mixed threads must cancel out the divorce.
GOP Candidate Said It's "Totally Just" To Stone Gay People To Death - LGBTQ Nation
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 23, 2022:
He was divorced due to his abuse of wife and kids, a real piece of shit. Also, if he so much wants to stick to his reading of scripture, his divorce isn't valid (while the supposed Jesus never railed on gays, he certainly railed against divorce), he is committing adultery now and should let himself ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 24, 2022:
@Barnie2years Jesus *is* god. God *is* Jesus. Omniscient. Omnipresent. Given the tenets of faith of Christianity, there's no legitimate way to claim he didn't. Any claim to the contrary is nothing but doublespeak, an attempted loophole to avoid the devastating consequences of the juxtaposition of the powers they purport he had and the text they claim he wrote and inspired. God (and thus Jesus) did not mince words anywhere in the Bible about how detestable homosexuality was.
GOP Candidate Said It's "Totally Just" To Stone Gay People To Death - LGBTQ Nation
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 23, 2022:
He was divorced due to his abuse of wife and kids, a real piece of shit. Also, if he so much wants to stick to his reading of scripture, his divorce isn't valid (while the supposed Jesus never railed on gays, he certainly railed against divorce), he is committing adultery now and should let himself ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 23, 2022:
God, and thus Jesus, did hate on gays plenty in the Bible, both Old and New Testament. When the WBC says, "God hates fags" it's because he does, in fact, hate homosexuals. This is why all gay people should abandon any religion based on the Bible.
I need to post this often.
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 21, 2022:
Yup. This is the idiocy of the Bernie Bros through and through.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 23, 2022:
@rainmanjr My rule is always vote for the candidate you think would be the best in the primary and always vote for the better candidate/lesser of two evils in the general. Because of Duverger's Law, literally nothing else makes sense in a two party system.
Just a bit of perspective.
BD66 comments on Aug 20, 2022:
You need to avoid the situation where the next Amazon Facebook Netflix Microsoft or Tesla is started in another country because the taxes are too high in the USA. Corporations are leaving states like Illinois and California for lower taxes and more business friendly laws. If we continue to raise ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 22, 2022:
@redbai Also, they could just as easily add a tax to imported goods of companies that moved their operations overseas to dodge taxes as a way to make the same (or more) money, incentivize companies to stay, and punish companies that don't. The only reason they wouldn't is so they can watch companies leave and then say, "See, companies leave. THAT'S why we have to let them pay no taxes!"
I need to post this often.
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 21, 2022:
Yup. This is the idiocy of the Bernie Bros through and through.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 21, 2022:
@rainmanjr That's another topic, and I don't disagree. As for our current state where there's no magical button that ends all human life, there *was* a correct vote in '16.
I need to post this often.
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 21, 2022:
Yup. This is the idiocy of the Bernie Bros through and through.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 21, 2022:
@rainmanjr Not those that voted correctly...
Wow! ...looks delicious?
glennlab comments on Aug 20, 2022:
At least it's not a jellol mold with bit of spam in it.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 21, 2022:
I made a Jell-O mold with alcohol in it for a party, people seemed to like that. 😝
Wow! ...looks delicious?
Beowulfsfriend comments on Aug 20, 2022:
We had a neighborhood picnic once and one neighbor brought her "specialty," hotdog spaghetti.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 21, 2022:
Was it *this* rendition of hot dog spaghetti?
Just a bit of perspective.
BD66 comments on Aug 20, 2022:
You need to avoid the situation where the next Amazon Facebook Netflix Microsoft or Tesla is started in another country because the taxes are too high in the USA. Corporations are leaving states like Illinois and California for lower taxes and more business friendly laws. If we continue to raise ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 20, 2022:
@BD66 Companies leaving states and companies leaving the US are not really analogous. And there are measures that can be taken to prevent this move. Also, that highest corporate tax rate in the world thing is total fuckin' bullshit. Tons of companies pay no or only a couple percent in taxes. In 2020 loopholes allowed companies to dodge $180 billion of the $550 billion that should have been paid. That means that the 21% rate that companies should be paying collectively is actually about 13.7%.
Wow! ...looks delicious?
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 20, 2022:
How are hot dogs WW friendly?
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 20, 2022:
@FrostyJim It's hot dogs. Probably one of the least healthy things you can put in your body, no? I'm shocked it's a Weight Watchers recipe...
Proving how stupid¹ USA is?
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 19, 2022:
Again, you're citing those dumb fuckin' rules of stupidity.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 20, 2022:
@FrayedBear Care to counter these claims, or are you just like a religious person that sticks their fingers in their ears because they want to continue to believe? 1. Always and inevitably everyone underestimates the number of stupid individuals in circulation. *Patently false, though anyone who knows anything about the word 'always' wouldn't be dumb enough to make this claim. There are, inevitably, people who think ALL humans are stupid, thus, it is impossible that EVERYONE underestimates the number of stupid people because there can't be a number higher than all.* 2. The probability that a certain person (will) be stupid is independent of any other characteristic of that person. *Again, false. There are obviously characteristics that would increase the probability that a person is stupid. I shouldn't need to go into this. For instance, if you find out that a person averaged 4 car accidents a year with stationary objects every year since they started driving, do you really think there is not even a slightly higher probability they're stupid?* 3. A stupid person is a person who causes losses to another person or to a group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring losses. *Not only is it not stupid to cause losses to another person / other people who are enemies, it's actually quite smart especially if the person is your enemy through no fault of your own and/or the potential loss you would incur is not something you value highly.* 4. Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals. In particular non-stupid people constantly forget that at all times and places and under any circumstances to deal and/or associate with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake. *This assumes that you always have a choice who to deal with when you have to deal with someone. That, of course, is false.* 5. A stupid person is the most dangerous type of person. *Patently false. A smart person who wishes to cause harm is obviously more dangerous than a stupid person.*
Proving how stupid¹ USA is?
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 19, 2022:
Again, you're citing those dumb fuckin' rules of stupidity.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 20, 2022:
@FrayedBear I'm not talking about the substance of the post. I'm taking about that idiotic "fundamental laws of stupidity" you keep posting. They don't make any sense. The guy who wrote that obviously didn't think any of that shit through, and that fact that you keep posting it after I pointed out the flaws is pretty silly of you.
The left liberalists are just as bad as the right conservatives if not worse than them .
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 17, 2022:
"At least the right will listen" he said on a site with the whimpiest, echochamberiest, snowflakiest bitches anywhere, that block anyone who even dares to walk even the tiniest bit out of lockstep with their nonsense. Try selling that bill of goods to people who've never interacted with pussies like...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 19, 2022:
@laidback1 That ain't it. None of us got blocked because we don't believe in freedom of speech. You can think that if you want, but then you'd just have to add that to the list of shit you're wrong about. No, most of us got blocked because we didn't get down and suck Trump's dick like all of them do every day.
BULLFIGHTING Some people think this a majestic battle between man and beast! Personally I think ...
St-Sinner comments on Aug 18, 2022:
All these primitive and barbaric sports of spectators watching, cheering and enjoying the hurting of animals and humans should be outlawed.... this includes all sports that have similar instincts, tendencies and sadistic spirit in them like boxing, cock fighting, dog fighting, American football, ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 18, 2022:
@St-Sinner I admire your consistency. I, too, am consistent. Not sure why, but I find that to be the most important aspect of moral determinations.
BULLFIGHTING Some people think this a majestic battle between man and beast! Personally I think ...
St-Sinner comments on Aug 18, 2022:
All these primitive and barbaric sports of spectators watching, cheering and enjoying the hurting of animals and humans should be outlawed.... this includes all sports that have similar instincts, tendencies and sadistic spirit in them like boxing, cock fighting, dog fighting, American football, ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 18, 2022:
Should the hurting of animals for other purposes also be outlawed in your opinion?
Some of the best news in almost six years has come out in the last couple of weeks. 🙂
Barnie2years comments on Aug 17, 2022:
Now if only one could at least take a big ol' bite out of his ass!
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 18, 2022:
I've never wanted to be wrong about something more in my entire life.
My car is being fixed after someone reversed into it.
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 15, 2022:
Your insurance doesn't cover a rental??
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 17, 2022:
@Jolanta For sure. My existence is super sad and awful.
The left liberalists are just as bad as the right conservatives if not worse than them .
Paul4747 comments on Aug 16, 2022:
"At least the right will listen"? Have you been watching the same nation I have? Who on the right has been listening to the increasingly overwhelming evidence about Trump's corruption, lies, and probable felonies? Who on the right has been listening to the facts about the 2020 election and ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 17, 2022:
@laidback1 Even if you hate Biden, unless you were born on January 20th 2021 after noon EST, saying Trump was the best president of your lifetime means you're a complete fucking idiot. Also, if you think Trump was better than Obama, you definitely are a Trump fan.
The left liberalists are just as bad as the right conservatives if not worse than them .
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 17, 2022:
"At least the right will listen" he said on a site with the whimpiest, echochamberiest, snowflakiest bitches anywhere, that block anyone who even dares to walk even the tiniest bit out of lockstep with their nonsense. Try selling that bill of goods to people who've never interacted with pussies like...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 17, 2022:
@laidback1 Then you're probably in an echo chamber and you have similar views that prevented them from blocking you. A hundred other people on this site have been blocked by the pussy bitches in the Conservative Atheist group. *A piece of shit that's used to its own stench wouldn't understand how bad it smells in an outhouse...*
Liz lost her primary as expected.
rainmanjr comments on Aug 17, 2022:
And it's on to the road for President. The national vote might be greater than the WY vote. A great Primary would be her vs 45.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 17, 2022:
@rainmanjr Strength of candidacy in the Republican party follows a different set of rules. Polls are too "in a vacuum" for that party because of their electorate's ability to be spineless piles of trash. One need only look at Trump's primary challengers from '16 to see evidence of how this plays out. They'll talk shit about him, but as soon as he gets the nod, they all suck his dick. Trump still holds massive power over that party and they know he's petty and selfish enough to hold the whole thing hostage because he doesn't care about the party or have any actual ideals. All he cares about is himself. @Barnie2years I would fucking love for Trump to have a stroke big enough to debilitate him and make him incontinent, but not so big it killed him. On the list of things I want to happen to him that's closer to the top. I still highly doubt we will ever see Trump or any other former president behind bars.
Liz lost her primary as expected.
rainmanjr comments on Aug 17, 2022:
And it's on to the road for President. The national vote might be greater than the WY vote. A great Primary would be her vs 45.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 17, 2022:
She would get slaughtered. I honestly think anyone running against Trump in the primary will get destroyed, but DeSantis would probably do the best.
Liz lost her primary as expected.
Garban comments on Aug 17, 2022:
Could you imagine her versus Michelle Obama in 2024, the debates would be about substance not ego! I seriously doubt this is possible, but I can dream about respectful political discourse.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 17, 2022:
The Republican party may never run a woman, but certainly not someone most of their constituents think is a traitor.
The left liberalists are just as bad as the right conservatives if not worse than them .
CourtJester comments on Aug 16, 2022:
I ran a guy with a Biden sticker into the ditch on my way home today. Im a Dr. and I didn’t even stop to see if he was okay.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 17, 2022:
@CourtJester You could post proof right here, but you never do.
The left liberalists are just as bad as the right conservatives if not worse than them .
Druvius comments on Aug 16, 2022:
Try reasoning with someone who believes the 2020 election was stolen. @@
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 17, 2022:
@phxbillcee 100% that fuckin' dipshit is not a doctor.
The left liberalists are just as bad as the right conservatives if not worse than them .
CourtJester comments on Aug 16, 2022:
I ran a guy with a Biden sticker into the ditch on my way home today. Im a Dr. and I didn’t even stop to see if he was okay.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 17, 2022:
Ah ha ha ha ha! NO ONE FUCKIN BELIEVES YOU'RE A DOCTOR, DUDE. You've been trying that nonsense for years.
My car is being fixed after someone reversed into it.
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 15, 2022:
Your insurance doesn't cover a rental??
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 16, 2022:
@Jolanta It's like an old guy trope about paranoia and getting taken advantage of. "Don't eat the bread and salad when it comes. They *want* you to fill up on that because it's cheap. That's how they get you." And while a lot of the time the claims of how they get you are 100% accurate, constantly thinking about and behaving in a manner to avoid getting got in a way makes you get yourself.
My car is being fixed after someone reversed into it.
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 15, 2022:
Your insurance doesn't cover a rental??
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 16, 2022:
@Jolanta I guess I've become the 'that's how they get you' guy...
I have an upcoming procedure at the VA hospital.
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 15, 2022:
Black coffee is a clear liquid. Coffee with cream is not. In Bronch, we don't let people have anything after midnight except sips of water to get down essential medications (we don't follow the typical 2/6/8 NPO guidelines) so recognizing "people won't function without coffee" is not at all part of ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 16, 2022:
@azzow2 I don't doubt that. Just don't think that's part of the decision process. My dad was a veteran and he literally didn't drink anything non-alcoholic except coffee.
My car is being fixed after someone reversed into it.
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 15, 2022:
Your insurance doesn't cover a rental??
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 15, 2022:
@Jolanta I would take it simply because it is owed to me. Unless they're willing to give you money to not take the rental (which they should but won't) then I'd take it.
‘The Socialists Are Taking Over,’ Whole Foods CEO John Mackey Laments | The Guardian
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 14, 2022:
Yeah, I love eggs, but I can't fuck with them right now. If they drop to about $2 every couple weeks I scoop up a dozen, but it's hard. Within the past couple years I was buying a dozen eggs for a low as $0.25 from the Aldi on the more rural side of me (I think there's a lot of people with chickens ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 15, 2022:
@barjoe If it's between $5 orange-yolked pasture-raised dozens and $1-2 pale-yellow-yolked regular eggs, especially for anything where the egg isn't standing alone, I'll take the yellow.
My car is being fixed after someone reversed into it.
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 15, 2022:
Your insurance doesn't cover a rental??
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 15, 2022:
@Beowulfsfriend Even if their insurance doesn't (or they don't have insurance at all) if you have rental coverage, you should be able to get one for "free".
Funny because it’s true
DenoPenno comments on Apr 17, 2022:
It must be a game. Just last Friday a man was telling me how Covid was created to kill off older people and how "they" (whoever they are) want you dead so they can get your social security. I replied that social security is an insurance program. If you are dead nobody gets the money. It is only a ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 14, 2022:
@DenoPenno Exactly. I think the conspiracy theory is that they want to kill off people who draw SS so there's less people drawing. I don't know what goes on in their heads.
After FBI search of Mar-a-Lago, Republicans defend Donald Trump
CourtJester comments on Aug 14, 2022:
I’d just like to know what he has done that was wrong that no other president has done.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 14, 2022:
@FearlessFly I think he's saying Jester is brainwashed and says ridiculously stupid shit because he watches Fox News, OAN, etc. which *are* extremely right wing.
Funny because it’s true
DenoPenno comments on Apr 17, 2022:
It must be a game. Just last Friday a man was telling me how Covid was created to kill off older people and how "they" (whoever they are) want you dead so they can get your social security. I replied that social security is an insurance program. If you are dead nobody gets the money. It is only a ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 14, 2022:
I think he meant the government wants your SS money to stay in their coffers...
After FBI search of Mar-a-Lago, Republicans defend Donald Trump
CourtJester comments on Aug 14, 2022:
I’d just like to know what he has done that was wrong that no other president has done.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 14, 2022: You have Google...
‘The Socialists Are Taking Over,’ Whole Foods CEO John Mackey Laments | The Guardian
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 14, 2022:
Yeah, I love eggs, but I can't fuck with them right now. If they drop to about $2 every couple weeks I scoop up a dozen, but it's hard. Within the past couple years I was buying a dozen eggs for a low as $0.25 from the Aldi on the more rural side of me (I think there's a lot of people with chickens ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 14, 2022:
@barjoe I think we will. And I'd bet it'll happen in a year or less.
‘The Socialists Are Taking Over,’ Whole Foods CEO John Mackey Laments | The Guardian
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 14, 2022:
Yeah, I love eggs, but I can't fuck with them right now. If they drop to about $2 every couple weeks I scoop up a dozen, but it's hard. Within the past couple years I was buying a dozen eggs for a low as $0.25 from the Aldi on the more rural side of me (I think there's a lot of people with chickens ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 14, 2022:
@barjoe Yeah, seems like it goes in a cycle because of this. I think what's happening is that they have to destroy a bunch of hens all at the same time. Then there's an overcorrection/all young hens so there's a price-tanking surplus. I hope that comes soon.
‘The Socialists Are Taking Over,’ Whole Foods CEO John Mackey Laments | The Guardian
Barnie2years comments on Aug 14, 2022:
Never been there. They obviously are looking to cater to a wealthier clientele. This may help them get rid of the people who budget.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 14, 2022:
@barjoe This is the only John Mackey I like.
It does make sense if you think about it.
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 13, 2022:
I don't get that joke...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 13, 2022:
@glennlab What I mean is there aren't chemical, nuclear, psychological, conventional, and guerrilla clocks, parents, etc. so why would it mean there are those types of women.
Forget wars, forget exPresident's home being raided, Australia mourns the death of Olivia ...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 9, 2022:
Would have been much better if Trump would have died of breast cancer.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 13, 2022:
@FrayedBear True words are true words regardless of who speaks them.
Forget wars, forget exPresident's home being raided, Australia mourns the death of Olivia ...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 9, 2022:
Would have been much better if Trump would have died of breast cancer.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 13, 2022:
@FrayedBear That's your definition of democracy? Seems more a prelude to a plea for a philosopher king. Which, of course, would also get corrupted by nature of the selfishness and awfulness of humans. *‘Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…’* -Winston S Churchill, 11 November 1947
Did anyone have evidence of violations of the Espionage Act for their August bingo card?
MizJ comments on Aug 13, 2022:
Took them long enough to nail him red-handed with something! What will the MAGAs say now?
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 13, 2022:
@glennlab You can declassify *after* the offense has been committed? Doesn't seem like it would work that way...
Forget wars, forget exPresident's home being raided, Australia mourns the death of Olivia ...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 9, 2022:
Would have been much better if Trump would have died of breast cancer.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 12, 2022:
@FrayedBear If you think any of those people are worse than Trump, you have no idea what you're talking about. Trump very nearly ended our democracy. (Some say he actually did and we no longer classify as a full democracy.) If you think a democratic USA is bad for others around the world, you'd shit your pants if we were a dictatorship.
And we wonder why there are so many lawyer jokes....
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 11, 2022:
But the assholes this cartoon is making fun of aren't [necessarily] lawyers, they're Republican politicians.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 12, 2022:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Oh, hundred percent.
And we wonder why there are so many lawyer jokes....
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 11, 2022:
But the assholes this cartoon is making fun of aren't [necessarily] lawyers, they're Republican politicians.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 11, 2022:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Those don't *have* to be lawyers (even though they happen to be) either. They're essentially also Republican politicians, too. When they are as partisan as they are and legislate from the bench and are appointed by politicians via litmus test, what else can you call them?
Texas lawsuit aims to gut birth control and HIV medication coverage from health insurance plans - ...
silverotter11 comments on Aug 11, 2022:
Somebody has got to convince Biden to expand the Supreme Court.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 11, 2022:
@silverotter11 More is impossible with our system of government. Get that out of your head right now because a belief in the impossible makes people make bad decisions. Two functional parties is also a huge stretch at this point as well. The party is a reflection of its members, and I don't see them suddenly becoming rational.
Forget wars, forget exPresident's home being raided, Australia mourns the death of Olivia ...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 9, 2022:
Would have been much better if Trump would have died of breast cancer.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 11, 2022:
@FrayedBear Woah, I think you're taking this one step too far. One shouldn't have to verbally acknowledge every single event another could use some whataboutism on before stating their piece. That would be intellectually and logistically impossible. The only time the whataboutism would invalidate their claim of wrongdoing would be if the claimant based their admonishment on the underlying claim that they were the moral authority. Also, I don't think people are demonizing Russia*ns* per se. But Russia/Putin. I sure hope the rest of the world doesn't blame *me* for Trump's actions...
Forget wars, forget exPresident's home being raided, Australia mourns the death of Olivia ...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 9, 2022:
Would have been much better if Trump would have died of breast cancer.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 11, 2022:
@FrayedBear Well that ain't me. I don't know who exactly would say the US hasn't done fucked up shit (let alone the highest quantity of the most fucked up shit). Do you have examples of that happening here? An American claiming the US hasn't done awful shit and that's why they can admonish Russia? Please quote, tag, and use the q link so I can see it.
Texas lawsuit aims to gut birth control and HIV medication coverage from health insurance plans - ...
silverotter11 comments on Aug 11, 2022:
Somebody has got to convince Biden to expand the Supreme Court.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 11, 2022:
That's probably a terrible idea at this point. Doubt we could even get the votes to change the Senate rules to make it possible. Even if we do, the likelihood he can appoint and comfirm 4 Justices before January is a huge gamble. If the Republicans take the Senate before that's all done, McConnell will hold the rest of the seats open for 2 years and let a Republican fill them. And even if they don't, as soon as the Republicans have a chance, they'll expand the court again and regain the majority.
Forget wars, forget exPresident's home being raided, Australia mourns the death of Olivia ...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 9, 2022:
Would have been much better if Trump would have died of breast cancer.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 11, 2022:
@FrayedBear Again, I don't care about any of that. I already said I wasn't taking about Ukraine. But just because your own country has done fucked up shit doesn't mean you can't call out another country for doing fucked up shit, especially when you also agree your country was wrong in its actions...
Facebook DMs lead to arrest of a mother and daughter for using a Plan B pill 2 weeks too late.
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 10, 2022:
Been saying it for years, everyone needs to delete their Facebook.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 10, 2022:
@FvckY0u Lyme disease is going to be a HUGE problem in the coming years because of climate change. It's notoriously hard to diagnose, even for doctors that work in areas that see Lyme disease. But the breeding ground and breeding time are expanding and the dying off period is shrinking, so there are going to be tons of doctors that are stumped long enough for it to be too late for the patient and permanent effects set in. But I'm sure all that's just a liberal hoax.
Facebook DMs lead to arrest of a mother and daughter for using a Plan B pill 2 weeks too late.
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 10, 2022:
Been saying it for years, everyone needs to delete their Facebook.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 10, 2022:
@FvckY0u Well, you won't have to look far to find someone that thinks it's a travesty Trump got raided, that all abortion should be illegal, or that vaccines are bullshit.
Facebook DMs lead to arrest of a mother and daughter for using a Plan B pill 2 weeks too late.
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 10, 2022:
Been saying it for years, everyone needs to delete their Facebook.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 10, 2022:
@FvckY0u I feel like I should delete this app too. I don't believe it's even a tenth as egregious as FB, but I spend way more time than I should arguing with idiots on here.
Unfortunately I've never been careful of what I say on Facebook.
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 10, 2022:
Can you let her know for me she doesn't need a Ferrari?
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 10, 2022:
@Garban Oh, I'm an idiot. I get it now.
@TheMiddleWay blocked me.
Tejas comments on Aug 10, 2022:
I mean he's not wrong though, you're an asshole. Embrace it or don't, I don't care, but you sir are indeed an asshole.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 10, 2022:
@Tejas We're like two peas in a pod then.
Unfortunately I've never been careful of what I say on Facebook.
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 10, 2022:
Can you let her know for me she doesn't need a Ferrari?
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 10, 2022:
@Garban Got one of those...
@TheMiddleWay blocked me.
FearlessFly comments on Aug 10, 2022:
(I'm aware admin is 'awol' ) I have long advocated that every profile should contain lists of a) all individuals this member has blocked b) all individuals that have blocked this member c) (new thought) all groups this member has been "booted-out-of" I have blocked no one :)
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 10, 2022:
I definitely block people who block me (if I become aware of it) so that they can't continue to post in relation to the argument while I can't.
@TheMiddleWay blocked me.
Tejas comments on Aug 10, 2022:
I mean he's not wrong though, you're an asshole. Embrace it or don't, I don't care, but you sir are indeed an asshole.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 10, 2022:
I'm only an asshole to people who deserve it. Which is precisely why you think I'm an asshole. 😝
Forget wars, forget exPresident's home being raided, Australia mourns the death of Olivia ...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 9, 2022:
Would have been much better if Trump would have died of breast cancer.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 9, 2022:
@TheMiddleWay Also, I'd like to point out that as inflammatory as you think the three of us are YOU were the first person to personally attack another member of this site. @FrayedBear and I disagree about as much as two people can and neither of us made a personal attack on the other. Same with @Flyingsaucesir and Bear. I imagine they don't see eye to eye on anything, yet neither of them made a personal attack. And if you would like a ladder to get down off that high horse of yours, you might recognize a LOT of people have blocked you, too.
Forget wars, forget exPresident's home being raided, Australia mourns the death of Olivia ...
TheMiddleWay comments on Aug 9, 2022:
Aaaaannnnndddd.... ....just like that a post that could have united us under the common love of Olivia Newton John... ... devolves into a fucking pissing contest between kids, complete with childish cries of "he started it!" No fucking wonder you three are *consistently* blocked by people ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 9, 2022:
If someone would block me for responding to a plea to forget about an ex-president's home getting raided, and by extension, forget about what he did that precipitated that raid, then I don't want their idiocy in my feed anyway. I'll consider them more deserving candidates than ONJ for losing a battle to breast cancer, too.
Forget wars, forget exPresident's home being raided, Australia mourns the death of Olivia ...
Flyingsaucesir comments on Aug 9, 2022:
ONJ was great, but I am (we are) NOT forgetting about Putin's illegal, immoral, illegitimate, and ill-conceived invasion of Ukraine. Nor are we taking our eye off the Orange Foolius and Christian nationalists who are trying to turn us into a theocratic dictatorship.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 9, 2022:
@FrayedBear You're barking up the wrong fuckin' tree with this one if you're trying to gain the sympathies of Americans. There is likely single digit percent of Americans that give a single fuck or more about the assassination of a dude that helped plan 9/11. I'm liberal as fuck, and generally don't disagree with the premise that weak poor countries will need to do whatever they need to to fight back, and even I couldn't possibly care less about that, ESPECIALLY at a time when everything is falling apart at home and people are losing fundamental rights.
Forget wars, forget exPresident's home being raided, Australia mourns the death of Olivia ...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 9, 2022:
Would have been much better if Trump would have died of breast cancer.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 9, 2022:
@FrayedBear I wasn't talking about Ukraine. And I don't give a fuck about precipitating events that *you* think justify what Putin is doing, nor do I even know who you're referring to. First you said successive governments, then you refer to a single person. I suppose if that single person you're talking about was Trump, I clearly wouldn't disagree with the label "moronic murdering psychopath". All *I* said was that the piece of human excrement that was the 45th president would have been a much more deserving candidate for a long painful failed battle with breast cancer than ONJ, or pretty much any other human being I can think of on the face of the planet.
Forget wars, forget exPresident's home being raided, Australia mourns the death of Olivia ...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 9, 2022:
Would have been much better if Trump would have died of breast cancer.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 9, 2022:
@TheMiddleWay Nothing like a straight white upper-class man to say you shouldn't talk about the strife of women and minorities caused by the worst most dangerous president this country has ever seen because "it doesn't make for *nice* conversation".
puff comments on Aug 8, 2022:
Medical consent is required for all medical treatment. Consent must be informed and freely given without coercion. When consent can't be given, Hippocratic Oath. Simple really.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 9, 2022:
@puff That's two different institutions. There's no reason or expectation that they have to coordinate their rules. Again, I'm fine with any organization determining for themselves their rules for participation related to vaccinations.
puff comments on Aug 8, 2022:
Medical consent is required for all medical treatment. Consent must be informed and freely given without coercion. When consent can't be given, Hippocratic Oath. Simple really.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 9, 2022:
@puff So I don't know anything about this situation other than what I've read on agnostic. I couldn't possibly care less about tennis; they could disband every single tennis organization in the world and never play a single match anywhere ever again and I wouldn't bat an eye. Two comments up, you made it sound as though the United States requires all participants to be vaccinated to play here, but Australia does not require vaccination there. I'm failing to see how that's discrimination.
puff comments on Aug 8, 2022:
Medical consent is required for all medical treatment. Consent must be informed and freely given without coercion. When consent can't be given, Hippocratic Oath. Simple really.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 8, 2022:
@puff Again, I don't have any problem with a government or business determining rules for entry based on vaccination. We already do it for children attending schools, for medical professionals, for certain types of travel, etc. Why should we suddenly clutch our pearls when it's to travel to play a game? If you ask me, governments should be *more* strict when the travel is not vital.
puff comments on Aug 8, 2022:
Medical consent is required for all medical treatment. Consent must be informed and freely given without coercion. When consent can't be given, Hippocratic Oath. Simple really.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 8, 2022:
@puff I don't know anything about the rules they have set, but it's their rules to make and enforce as they see fit.
puff comments on Aug 8, 2022:
Medical consent is required for all medical treatment. Consent must be informed and freely given without coercion. When consent can't be given, Hippocratic Oath. Simple really.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 8, 2022:
I don't think anyone is advocating for forced vaccinations, but there's nothing wrong with businesses and institutions being "pay to play" so to speak to protect others. Don't want to vaccinate? No problem. You can home school your kids, have everything delivered to your home, etc.
A man calls Pizza hut to order a pizza... CALLER: Is this Pizza Hut?
mischl comments on Aug 7, 2022:
On a more realistic note, we have a pizza place here whose products are far and away better than any other pizza place I know about. It's Mellow Mushroom. I think it might be a chain, but DAMN they're good. And worth driving 10 miles to get.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 8, 2022:
@mischl I wish you could taste the Serious Pepperoni from Pizza BOGO.
A man calls Pizza hut to order a pizza... CALLER: Is this Pizza Hut?
mischl comments on Aug 7, 2022:
On a more realistic note, we have a pizza place here whose products are far and away better than any other pizza place I know about. It's Mellow Mushroom. I think it might be a chain, but DAMN they're good. And worth driving 10 miles to get.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 7, 2022:
I was not at all impressed with Mellow Mushroom. Paid for the larger pizza, but it was the same size as the smaller one. What's that all about? Also their crust is all whole wheat? Come on...
I am trying to figure out something I can make and sell, has to be made of wood, could be a special ...
Charlene comments on Aug 6, 2022:
Says page not found..
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 7, 2022:
Proof the Earth is Flat | FYI
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 6, 2022:
That reads like satire. It's also a site that pays by performance, not product, so it could just be intentional to try to go viral. Flat Earthers are stupid as fuck, for sure, but they're just not a thing I worry about. There are a ton of Republicans that are actively ruining our lives and taking ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 6, 2022:
@SeaGreenEyez All about the clicks, baby.
Polio fears rise in New York amid possible community spread
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 5, 2022:
This is not something anyone should care about. Polio vaccine is 100% effective, really available, and likely free for children 19 and under if they otherwise can't afford them. If anti-vaxxers get polio, you are not going to see me shed a tear.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 5, 2022:
@Mb_Man For sure, but tons of stuff parents do is tantamount to child abuse (in my opinion) and is perfectly legal. I mean, you can't change this anymore than you can change any of those other things, so you're wasting that worry.
Price Break Wilmington DE is like 45 minute drive for me, but some in my area it's 15min.
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 5, 2022:
My Sam's Club is $3.65 right now.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 5, 2022:
@barjoe Suburb of Cleveland, OH.
@Marionville got me thinking about Friday songs.
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 5, 2022:
This is a Friday song...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 5, 2022:
@Beowulfsfriend Did @Marionville comment? I can't see it, but I can see her and her like.
BitFlipper comments on Aug 2, 2022:
Nobody who can afford to rent a place would tolerate living in slave quarters. Those cabins cannot be authentic.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 4, 2022:
@BitFlipper Guess it depends on your definition of authentic and how the updates were done...
My dear lady friends, your choice is now very clear and simple.
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 3, 2022:
This was the choice they had in '16. Enough of them didn't choose correctly. Hopefully more of them will take it more seriously now.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 4, 2022:
@MizJ I wonder about that. How do we know that the fact that those toys are taken to isn't wholly or mostly resultant of nature? People can push stuff on children and sometimes they love it, or sometimes they hate it even more as a result. Personally I'm of the belief that neither of those things are under our control, so the exact mixture is more interesting than relevant. Either way I'm still happy about the promise Kansas shows.
My dear lady friends, your choice is now very clear and simple.
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 3, 2022:
This was the choice they had in '16. Enough of them didn't choose correctly. Hopefully more of them will take it more seriously now.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 4, 2022:
@mischl I would venture to guess more people act against their own best interests than the other way around. All those poor rural motherfuckers that are voting Republican certainly are. All the women voting Republican. Most minorities voting Republican. Actually, almost everyone voting Republican is likely a good place to start. I think a lot of them get tricked into thinking less important stuff is their primary concern. I think the common denominator is stupidity; stupid people are easy to trick.
Imagine a world in which scientists divided themselves according to whether they were sincere in the...
Fernapple comments on Aug 4, 2022:
It exists already.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 4, 2022:
I mean, he has to know that, right? He wrote it as a question to point out the absurdity of it all, no?
My dear lady friends, your choice is now very clear and simple.
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 3, 2022:
This was the choice they had in '16. Enough of them didn't choose correctly. Hopefully more of them will take it more seriously now.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 4, 2022:
@MizJ All 100% true. However, everyone knew the winner was going to get AT LEAST one appointment *and as we know it turned out to be 3.* McConnell held that seat for almost an entire year, so the entire campaign as Trump talked about pro-life judges and punishments for women who get abortions everyone knew that was 100% part of the consequence of their vote. Now if a misogynist didn't care because he hated women and Clinton, or a racist didn't care because he hated Obama, then that sucks we have to live in a country with racist, sexist piles of shit, but women are a majority, and if enough of them cared about their own reproductive rights, we'd be in year 6 of Clinton's presidency and there'd be a pro-choice liberal super majority on the court (among a million other positive effects of Trump not being the president). Unfortunately, women are no more pro-choice than men. In one poll Maher referenced, men are actually *more* pro-choice now. It's a sad state of affairs all around to be sure, but the people that a law will impact the most need to be the most mobilized by it. As you stated, apathy is a huge problem. If you can't even get the people most affected by it to vote correctly, why would you expect anyone else to? For instance, if there was a constitutional amendment that all Americans got to vote on that would allow white people to own black people, I would *hope* every last person no matter what would vote against it, but I would EXPECT every single black person to. That may not sound analogous, but it is. Abortion access is not simply about terminating an unwanted pregnancy, and hopefully enough Americans will get a taste of that on a personal level that it will guide their voting for decades to come. Women have already died as a result of overturning Roe. They had parents or children, or spouses, or siblings, friends, coworkers, loved ones that all have to needlessly suffer a little more. Maybe parents of raped children that were able drive to the next state over for an abortion are going to want to maintain that there *is* a "next state over" for the safety of their children and others. These are some of the most horrible ways imaginable to change a vote, and it would be a travesty if it didn't even work. The Kansas outcome was a glimmer of hope; I hope that trend continues forever.
My dear lady friends, your choice is now very clear and simple.
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 3, 2022:
This was the choice they had in '16. Enough of them didn't choose correctly. Hopefully more of them will take it more seriously now.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 4, 2022:
@MizJ True, but getting from the lower court to the one that really matters *only* happens as a result of a presidential election and vacancy. Trump vowed to put pro-life judges there with every vacancy. He told his crowds, 'If you don't like me, too bad, you have to vote for me anyway because I'm going to give you the beautiful judges'. And while there was already a vacancy and Trump was campaigning on pro-life appointments, Clinton was repeatedly saying she'd protect Roe. No matter who did what amount of groundwork, all that matters is who gets to make the appointments. It was on the ballot in '16 more than it has been in at least a half century, and enough women didn't care enough about their own rights.
Alex Jones concedes Sandy Hook attack was ’100% real’
Organist1 comments on Aug 3, 2022:
He should be made to outright admit he lied, and what his motives were, because we all know it was for $$$$$. Maybe if his fans knew they were grifted, it would teach them a lesson.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 3, 2022:
Not so sure about that. People who were scammed and fucked over by Trump still overwhelmingly say if it's Trump vs any democrat, they'd still vote Trump.
Some good news.
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 3, 2022:
Next step, oust the fuck out of Republicans in every state to put abortion rights in the constitution...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 3, 2022:
@AnneWimsey With what an absolute fucking shit show the wording of that was, I'm so pleasantly surprised how the voters did the work and took it to those cheating fucks! Here's Seth Myers talking about it...
Informed opinion []
Druvius comments on Aug 2, 2022:
A case study in bad science reporting.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 2, 2022:
@puff When has the American "vibe" meant anything or been remotely accurate. We're the fuckin' country that elected Bush twice and Trump once (so far).
BitFlipper comments on Aug 2, 2022:
Nobody who can afford to rent a place would tolerate living in slave quarters. Those cabins cannot be authentic.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 2, 2022:
Or they could have been updated in the past 150 years?
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