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A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: I'm sure most of you don't do this, but if you do or know of someone...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 30, 2020:
I think there are plenty of reasons for it. Let's say you'd be happy with $50, you list for $60 OBO so that the buyer feels like they're getting a discount and it creates a sense of urgency, (i.e. "Oh, they're willing to take X% less, if I don't move on that they're going to agree on a price with ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 31, 2020:
@lerlo Dude, are your heels just too dug in? I already said, "especially considering even if you don't list something as OBO, people will try to negotiate you down anyway." Don't be butthurt just because people are pointing out your theory is all kinds of incorrect. I even said that it's only wrong because people are illogical.
Chew on this for a while, then tell us what you think. []
CourtJester comments on Aug 30, 2020:
Not a fan of Christians, but I love what the kid did and how he reacted. I’m more upset that he’s being prosecuted for it.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 31, 2020:
@Redneckliberal @creative51 A couple weeks ago both in a comment and on his bio he said he was a couple months away from being a doctor. I called him on it and told him no one believes that. My reasoning: med students graduate and become residents July 1st every year. Magically, after that he suddenly became a doctor. A couple months can go by in a jif in fantasy land.
Chew on this for a while, then tell us what you think. []
CourtJester comments on Aug 30, 2020:
Not a fan of Christians, but I love what the kid did and how he reacted. I’m more upset that he’s being prosecuted for it.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 30, 2020:
@CourtJester Then you're alone in that party. It's not known for consistency...
Chew on this for a while, then tell us what you think. []
CourtJester comments on Aug 30, 2020:
Not a fan of Christians, but I love what the kid did and how he reacted. I’m more upset that he’s being prosecuted for it.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 30, 2020:
It's stuff like this that tells me the divide in this country will never, ever be rectified. That there can be two polar opposite opinions about this is baffling. I wonder what the right-wing media would be saying is if Kyle was black or if one of his stray bullets hit a Republican or a cop. He'd probably be a thug.
A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: I'm sure most of you don't do this, but if you do or know of someone...
K9Kohle789 comments on Aug 30, 2020:
On ebay they have that because the selling is probably hard right now. The person has a price of it's worth/value so he states it $100 but since he realizes he probably won't get that price due to slow sales he'll take best offer. So people can make him an offer and he can accept it or reject it if ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 30, 2020:
@K9Kohle789 We listed several ways by owner first, I honestly don't remember where, but ultimately needed help. It's a group of young guys that travel around to sell houses, and they're very good, but they are selective in what houses they'll represent. I'll see if I can dig up the name.
A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: I'm sure most of you don't do this, but if you do or know of someone...
jlynn37 comments on Aug 30, 2020:
If there was an item for sale that I wanted and I thought it was a fair asking price, I would pay the asking price and be done with it.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 30, 2020:
My buddy's GF is the exact same. She was appalled that her BF and I negotiated an additional $20 off an item that we would have still bought if the seller said no. And, of course, there's something to that. Even at asking price it was a good deal for us. If the seller had gotten another offer for asking or $10 less and we missed out, we would have felt like idiots.
A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: I'm sure most of you don't do this, but if you do or know of someone...
Cutiebeauty comments on Aug 30, 2020:
I reserve the right to reject any offer(s) for any reason
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 30, 2020:
@lerlo "Best offer" does not mean "Highest offer". What gave you that idea? A cash offer of $90 today when the buyer will drive to me is way BETTER than a check for $100 next week that I have to go pick up.
A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: I'm sure most of you don't do this, but if you do or know of someone...
K9Kohle789 comments on Aug 30, 2020:
On ebay they have that because the selling is probably hard right now. The person has a price of it's worth/value so he states it $100 but since he realizes he probably won't get that price due to slow sales he'll take best offer. So people can make him an offer and he can accept it or reject it if ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 30, 2020:
@lerlo Again, there are tons of reasons to augment listing prices and stating (or in the case of property, assuming) an OBO on it. We decided to list a house below market value * and what it ultimately ended up selling for * for two very good reasons. 1. It put it into two adjacent categories of search results (e.g. 275,000-300,000 and 300,000-325,000) generating more views. 2. More views equaled more people at the open house at the same time which drove up urgency, desire, and ultimately led to a bidding war. There are tons of other psychological factors that also play into stuff like this like FOMO, thrill of winning, pride, etc. People do not use logic very often. Hell, I cannot tell you how many times I've seen people bid up items on eBay higher than the same item available with a Buy-it-Now.
Here’s a question.
codyMW comments on Aug 30, 2020:
i dont know dude sounds like you want to be a cult member
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 30, 2020:
Here’s a question.
hazhapard comments on Aug 30, 2020:
Describing oneself as an atheist is solely about one particular thing you **don't** believe in - i.e. theism. It has nothing to do with what any given atheist **does** believe in. I think it would be a fool's errand to try to find any commonality of belief among atheists besides our atheism. My ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 30, 2020:
Yeah, we can't even agree on the definitions of the words we use as labels... 😝
Would you like to block me, too?
TheMiddleWay comments on Aug 29, 2020:
What would you like to happen as a result of our thoughts? For example, let's assume we agree that that block was ill-given, unwarranted, and petty. What actions are required IYO of the site and customer service moving forward? Conversely, let's assume we don't agree that those blocks were ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 30, 2020:
@TheMiddleWay I wasn't suggesting we regulate blocks. However, if it were up to me, I don't know that I'd have that option on a debate site (no one thinks this is a dating site anymore, do they) or at minimum, I'd fix it so you couldn't block and continue to respond without them getting to defend themselves. If you weren't doing something ban-worthy, though, why should you be getting blocked. A. I agree. It * is * hard to pin down, which is why admin has to dedicate resources to investigate every single report. So whether * we * find it frivolous is irrelevant. However, in this case, it seems almost impossible to surmise admin would find it anything * but * frivolous. * She * used vulgar language, I did not. * She * incited others to attack and report me. Yet she reported * me * for breaking community standards. B. She's still here, and from the looks of it, she's been doing stuff like this for a while. Others on this very thread have reported very similar stories, and given the proof I have above, there's no reason to doubt their accounts of her behavior. It could be true that she hasn't called the [chrome] kettle black enough times to warrant a ban yet, but that begs the question, if it wasn't enough yet, will it ever be enough? C. One could be happy/complacent/tolerant of a certain level of something, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be better if there was less. There is a legal allowance for insect parts and rodent hairs in our food, but I think we all wish there was less, right? I'm sure it's at least a mental calculation if not a written formula admin uses to determine the best uses of resources between chasing down frivolous reports and alternative options, but if there was something the community could do to help alleviate some of that calculating and resource expenditure, it would be beneficial for all. Being aware of, and collectively condemning (or at minimum, refusing to take part in) such behavior is a good start. Even if there weren't financial aspects to this problem, it would still make the community a better place to be. Notice MissKathleen below say "this" is why she participates less. It seems as though she was alluding to my post, but whether she knows or admits it, what she doesn't like is a direct result of LiterateHiker's irrational behavior. If she hadn't been vulgar, rude, hypocritical, and reporting inappropriately, this post wouldn't even exist. Another way to think about the "happy with this amount of reporting" potential: imagine for a moment the community started policing itself a little better and less frivolous reports were logged. Can you picture admin thinking, "I wish there were more reports for me to deal with like there used to be"?
Christian Crowdfunding Site Hosts Drive For Alleged Kenosha Gunman
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 29, 2020:
Even if he doesn't go to prison, he'll need the money to go into hiding and get a new identity, because if he doesn't, I bet someone is going to hunt him down and kill him. And he'll deserve it.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 29, 2020:
@TomMcGiverin Oh, me too. But what about this country this year makes you think something appropriate will happen?
Christian Crowdfunding Site Hosts Drive For Alleged Kenosha Gunman
Fred_Snerd comments on Aug 29, 2020:
“Kyle Rittenhouse just defended himself from a brutal attack by multiple members of the far-leftist group ANTIFA – the experience was undoubtedly a brutal one, as he was forced to take two lives to defend his own,”
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 29, 2020:
@IAJO163 Uugh, you're not kidding. That shit was awful.
Christian Crowdfunding Site Hosts Drive For Alleged Kenosha Gunman
TomMcGiverin comments on Aug 29, 2020:
Even if he doesn't go to prison, he'll need the money to go into hiding and get a new identity, because if he doesn't, I bet someone is going to hunt him down and kill him. And he'll deserve it.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 29, 2020:
A million cops have gotten away with murder and I doubt any of them had to go into hiding. The right is propping this kid up as a hero. He may go to prison because he doesn't have a badge, but either way he'll be fine.
Christian Crowdfunding Site Hosts Drive For Alleged Kenosha Gunman
Triphid comments on Aug 29, 2020:
Wtf is wrong with Americans, a 17 y.o. goes berserk with a Military style Assault rifle killing and wounding people and No-one wants Gun Control? How many other killings have occurred over the last few years or so where school kids and innocents have been slaughtered and yet so many of you hang on ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 29, 2020:
It seems like the Republicans are trying that too. 😝
Would you like to block me, too?
TheMiddleWay comments on Aug 29, 2020:
What would you like to happen as a result of our thoughts? For example, let's assume we agree that that block was ill-given, unwarranted, and petty. What actions are required IYO of the site and customer service moving forward? Conversely, let's assume we don't agree that those blocks were ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 29, 2020:
Oh, oops, I thought I was bringing this directly to the attention of members. I wasn't aware the sections were anything other than labels is the general content of the post. With that in mind, I just thought it was the only section I thought it fit in. If I didn't have to pick one, I wouldn't have. At any rate, she already involved admins in this nonsense, so... Honestly, my best hope is that people who think she was in the right in this interaction even though she was rude, vulgar, conniving, and hypocritical will say so and then block me. As you can most assuredly attest, I have no problem disagreeing with someone, so it's not about only being surrounded by people that think like me. It is, however, about being around people who have reasons for what they think and say and support them logically. The more people who don't conduct themselves in this manner that block me, the better my experience will be in the future. Now that you bring it up, however, there probably * should * be consequences for inappropriately reporting people (and encouraging others to do the same). Admins have to address each of these reports and assess whether or not they have any merit. The more resources they put into that, the less they can put into other things that would be beneficial to the community at large. (Similar to how you're not allowed to "prank call" 9-1-1.) Thank you for your comment. I knew I could count on you for a middle way kind of take like that. 😝
Would you like to block me, too?
JuniorMadame comments on Aug 29, 2020:
the only thing you're wrong about, is taking yourself as seriously as she takes herself. Its a personality disorder you don't want, no matter how attractive it seems, and how many people on this site are at least tinged with it. Stay strong.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 29, 2020:
Thank you. You're right. I contemplated just ignoring all of it, but this kind of thing keeps happening on this site (I'm not on any other social media, but I imagine it happens everywhere). Anyway, after I reread it and saw I wasn't even snarky (like I know I can be) I thought I was losing my mind that so many people agreed with her considering how irrational and nonsensical she was being. Hoping I can get anyone who would think she was in the right there to block me now in the hopes it will reduce the likelihood of this happening again or at least as frequently.
Would you like to block me, too?
Fred_Snerd comments on Aug 29, 2020:
There's definitely some snootiness going on at As the election draws near, the showpeople try to secure their positions of power. It's a blessing being blocked. That means less assholes to deal with. Also, you can see their comments in private browsing and innocently challenge them ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 29, 2020:
That's a really good point. It prevents me from inadvertantly interacting with someone that's disingenuous, conniving, and irrational. I hope anyone who thinks she was in the right, comments as such and blocks me too. I don't want an echo chamber, I just want to discuss stuff with people that can back up their positions logically.
Would you like to block me, too?
hankster comments on Aug 29, 2020:
Sounds to me like a pissing contest is all it amounts too.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 29, 2020:
@hankster Can't say I didn't at least try to understand. Anyway, thank you for what you did share.
The choices this time are so depressing, I might just sit this one out. 🙄🍷
K9Kohle789 comments on Aug 29, 2020:
Vote or else!!! The Non-Voters Who Decided The Election: Trump Won Because Of Lower Democratic Turnout So if you're republican stay home and ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 29, 2020:
@Sgt_Spanky Nooo. If people can't see the value in voting, you really want them at the polls? By force no less? That will result in catastrophe.
The choices this time are so depressing, I might just sit this one out. 🙄🍷
think-beyond comments on Aug 29, 2020:
The way it works in this large country, it that we pick the better of the two knowing it isn't perfect. It can never be perfect with so many different points of view, points if interests, and points of need. We need your vote. Sitting it out is also a vote. So you can't win that way. Right now we ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 29, 2020:
He's voting for Trump.
The choices this time are so depressing, I might just sit this one out. 🙄🍷
KevinMR comments on Aug 29, 2020:
If everyone sat out in protest of the f'd up system which routinely gives us poor choices maybe we could get actual change for the better. I don't see another way anymore. All we're doing is becoming more tribal and that trend will not change until independent thinkers get into power.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 29, 2020:
There is no such thing as * everyone * sitting out an election. The votes that actually elect the president are not cast by people as citizens.
The choices this time are so depressing, I might just sit this one out. 🙄🍷
FunkHead comments on Aug 29, 2020:
Please don't sit this one out. They're both pieces of trash, but one of these potential presidents will continue the cycle of spreading homicidally bad misinformation, perpetuating the smear campaign against the media and science, and continue to allow unmarked government vehicles snatch people up ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 29, 2020:
Above, he stated that he won't fence-sit and has decided that Trump is the better choice...
Would you like to block me, too?
hankster comments on Aug 29, 2020:
Sounds to me like a pissing contest is all it amounts too.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 29, 2020:
@hankster Not at all. Cutie stated it didn't matter what her thoughts were. I let it go. But you came out and said that in your opinion, I lose. If you're going to declare a verdict, I just think it would be nice if you'd at least explain why you sided that way.
Would you like to block me, too?
hankster comments on Aug 29, 2020:
Sounds to me like a pissing contest is all it amounts too.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 29, 2020:
@hankster Except I'm asking to hear it... If you have a good reason, you should share it.
Would you like to block me, too?
hankster comments on Aug 29, 2020:
Sounds to me like a pissing contest is all it amounts too.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 29, 2020:
@FearlessFly Well, it kinda seems like you already know the score then. I've seen your responses countless times and not once have they come across as rude, vulgar, or deserving of banning/blocking. The fact that she blocked you as well means you probably challenged her in a way she was too fragile to handle and couldn't formulate a counterargument to. I posted the gist above. The photographic evidence, though unfortunately illegible to you, should at minimum suggest that I'm not lying about what transpired. If anyone would like them emailed, however, I could do that as well.
Would you like to block me, too?
hankster comments on Aug 29, 2020:
Sounds to me like a pissing contest is all it amounts too.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 29, 2020:
@hankster I would appreciate hearing your reasoning considering she was being vulgar and rude and I was just arguing a position that wasn't even my own.
Would you like to block me, too?
MissKathleen comments on Aug 29, 2020:
THIS is why I participate less these days.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 29, 2020:
My post, or how poorly she mischaracterized our interaction in her own post and how she reported me yet she was the one that was vulgar?
Would you like to block me, too?
hankster comments on Aug 29, 2020:
Sounds to me like a pissing contest is all it amounts too.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 29, 2020:
@FearlessFly I just realized that. I posted smaller segments. I am being told the original post is still up, so she may have blocked you, too.
Would you like to block me, too?
ZantiMisfit comments on Aug 29, 2020:
I read through your interactions in the link above. I saw no insulting behavior on your part. I wouldn't worry about it.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 29, 2020:
Thank you.
Would you like to block me, too?
hankster comments on Aug 29, 2020:
Sounds to me like a pissing contest is all it amounts too.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 29, 2020:
@FearlessFly I posted screenshots of the the entire thread.
Would you like to block me, too?
Cutiebeauty comments on Aug 29, 2020:
Apparently, you don't understand the use of apparently...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 29, 2020:
I'm fine with you not agreeing about the nuances of that discussion; as I said, I agreed with her and was just playing devil's advocate. But do you think my conduct was deserving of being reported for banning or broke community guidelines?
Would you like to block me, too?
hankster comments on Aug 29, 2020:
Sounds to me like a pissing contest is all it amounts too.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 29, 2020:
@hankster I hear you there. People don't do anything the way they should based on fairness.
Would you like to block me, too?
hankster comments on Aug 29, 2020:
Sounds to me like a pissing contest is all it amounts too.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 29, 2020:
Very true. But did I deserve to be blocked or reported for my level of urination?
"Pray for Louisiana and Texas" This was a Facebook post by a woman I've known for many years and I ...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 27, 2020:
This is kind of the go to meme to post on shit like that.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 29, 2020:
@lerlo I'm a nurse, not a doctor. Unless you were being facetious. In which case I'm sorry I bothered, I was only trying to help.
One of my biggest issues with Christianity is the viral aspect—the directive to all believers to ...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 26, 2020:
> Let them believe what they want. I have a fundamental problem with this. There are a million reasons this shouldn't be a policy everyone follows.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 28, 2020:
@AgeofReason Again, to be clear, my fundamental problem is with the philosophy that has an inability to object to others beliefs/practices, it said nothing of preventing or banning. I think you are again missing the fact that it is impossible to control what other people believe. I don't even believe it's possible to control what you believe yourself, so I would never suggest or endorse a position or philosophy that includes such a thing. I think we agree on a lot more than this thread seems to suggest.
And we don't bitch about it because we fully understand we're responsible for making life and death ...
LucyLoohoo comments on Aug 26, 2020:
BRILLIANT! I'll share with every nurse I know! Doctors prescribe....NURSES HEAL!
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 28, 2020:
@Amzungu I think the nurse managers have a lot to do with it with the culture they create and promote and how hard they go to bat for their staff.
"Pray for Louisiana and Texas" This was a Facebook post by a woman I've known for many years and I ...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 27, 2020:
This is kind of the go to meme to post on shit like that.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 28, 2020:
@lerlo Oh this is an online-only friendship? Regardless, you are walking on eggshells so much so that you needed to vent here about censoring yourself. That doesn't seem healthy for you. I say post what you wanted to, and whatever happens, you're better off.
"Pray for Louisiana and Texas" This was a Facebook post by a woman I've known for many years and I ...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 27, 2020:
This is kind of the go to meme to post on shit like that.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 28, 2020:
@lerlo I did. What I was alluding to was that if you're walking on eggshells all the time, it's already not a friendship.
"Pray for Louisiana and Texas" This was a Facebook post by a woman I've known for many years and I ...
nicknotes comments on Aug 27, 2020:
The Christians voted for Trump and he says Climate Change is a Chinese hoax. Don't the Christians realize the hurricanes are getting more powerful due to climate change?
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 27, 2020:
Of course not. They think they are getting worse because two boys kissed each other.
"Pray for Louisiana and Texas" This was a Facebook post by a woman I've known for many years and I ...
Leelu comments on Aug 27, 2020:
I tell people "praying is challenging gods will". If you're asking him to change his mind with prayer aren't you challenging his wants? Aren't you, in fact, saying "my wants are better than gods"? They don't like it much because it makes them have to think. lol
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 27, 2020:
@lerlo Yeah, I often wondered if people on both sidelines were praying, and god was inclined to listen to the prayers of one side over the other, wouldn't that mean he was partial to that team? If so, wouldn't they win * all * their games forever? Or is it just which side prays more? I'm so confused.
"Pray for Louisiana and Texas" This was a Facebook post by a woman I've known for many years and I ...
Leelu comments on Aug 27, 2020:
I tell people "praying is challenging gods will". If you're asking him to change his mind with prayer aren't you challenging his wants? Aren't you, in fact, saying "my wants are better than gods"? They don't like it much because it makes them have to think. lol
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 27, 2020:
If God knows everything, then he already knows if you'll pray hard enough that he'll be persuaded by your prayers. But wait, since he already knows if he's going to intervene and what will happen then how could your praying help? Oh but then, wait, you can't not pray cause he knew you were going to. So then if you did refrain from praying and there weren't enough prayers for him to intervene then did you prove god wasn't omniscient? But that can't be right, so he knew you weren't going to pray. None of this shit makes any sense!!! 🤯
"Pray for Louisiana and Texas" This was a Facebook post by a woman I've known for many years and I ...
thundergod comments on Aug 27, 2020:
. . . ALL events, situations, even ones that seem 'bad or 'negative' are for the greater good even if our small minds cannot reason it to be so at the time it occurs, often we're just not blessed with seeing the whole picture or how it fits into the greater scheme
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 27, 2020:
Wait, what? Am I reading stuff about intent, propose, or a "plan" for our existence? I think you're on the wrong website...
"Pray for Louisiana and Texas" This was a Facebook post by a woman I've known for many years and I ...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 27, 2020:
This is kind of the go to meme to post on shit like that.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 27, 2020:
@lerlo If that would ruin the friendship I have some bad news for you...
One of my biggest issues with Christianity is the viral aspect—the directive to all believers to ...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 26, 2020:
> Let them believe what they want. I have a fundamental problem with this. There are a million reasons this shouldn't be a policy everyone follows.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 27, 2020:
@AgeofReason Intolerance of intolerance is not equivalent to intolerance of something based on an arbitrary reason, but that's a whole other debate. Yes, you quoted me, but where in that quote does it say I want to ban religion?
And we don't bitch about it because we fully understand we're responsible for making life and death ...
Cutiebeauty comments on Aug 26, 2020:
Priorities are screwed up in the USA.. Too expensive they'd say... 😡
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 27, 2020:
@Amzungu And when we make the tiniest mistake, even if it doesn't reach the patient, we get in a ton of trouble. Am I jealous of cops right now? 🤮
And we don't bitch about it because we fully understand we're responsible for making life and death ...
Emerald comments on Aug 26, 2020:
Yeah but then they'd have to pay cops more. Won't happen.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 27, 2020:
We pay teachers shit and require a ton of qualifications. Pay is irrelevant. Also, do we really need to incentivize becoming a cop for people?
And we don't bitch about it because we fully understand we're responsible for making life and death ...
FuckReligion comments on Aug 26, 2020:
Allow me to be the literal devil's advocate: People in the medical industry don't have their life constantly threatened by others.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 27, 2020:
A nurse I used to work with just switched jobs. His first day at his new job, he had a death row inmate tell him it was his goal to kill a nurse before he gets put to death. Just sayin'.
And we don't bitch about it because we fully understand we're responsible for making life and death ...
linxminx comments on Aug 27, 2020:
That's less than teachers depending on the state. Texas used to (may still) require 60 CE's every year for teachers. That was more than any other profession in the state including medical professionals. I wonder if there are studies that have been conducted showing degrees in criminal justice ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 27, 2020:
If I had to bet, I'd say degrees in anything would likely correlate with less violent behavior.
And we don't bitch about it because we fully understand we're responsible for making life and death ...
AnneWimsey comments on Aug 27, 2020:
And nurses don't carry guns.....
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 27, 2020:
Some of us do...
One of my biggest issues with Christianity is the viral aspect—the directive to all believers to ...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 26, 2020:
> Let them believe what they want. I have a fundamental problem with this. There are a million reasons this shouldn't be a policy everyone follows.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 27, 2020:
@AgeofReason Woah, woah, woah, I never said I would ban religious belief or practice or that I even wanted to. I simply stated I think it causes harm. I was showing that the "causes harm" rule wouldn't work because everyone has different definitions of what is harmful.
One of my biggest issues with Christianity is the viral aspect—the directive to all believers to ...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 26, 2020:
> Let them believe what they want. I have a fundamental problem with this. There are a million reasons this shouldn't be a policy everyone follows.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 27, 2020:
@AgeofReason To be clear, I'm not saying I should have the right to dictate what people believe because that's literally impossible. I'm just arguing against the philosophy that we should all let people believe whatever that want without challenge or objection. I think you're misinterpreting people's objections to your post. But I think you proved my point right here: > It’s true that society has failed us sometimes, and that failure is your failure, as much as it’s mine or anyone else. If society has failed to protect people from runaway religious beliefs, it seems as though it would be more at the feet of people saying "Let people believe whatever they want and society will decide if and when people are crossing the line" than the people saying, "I strongly disagree with the notion that people should be allowed to believe and practice anything they want without objection." Where exactly do you think the laws and the people who write the laws to protect children from crazy religious beliefs come from? Hint: it's people like me who object in the first place. If there were no people like me objecting, there'd be no laws for people like you to say * this * is where to draw the line (like you did before I showed you how poor a line it was).
A man changed member's replies to support his post. I objected.
LiterateHiker comments on Aug 26, 2020:
@Petter, @Cutiebeauty, @BudFrank, @bobwjr, @Mitch07102, @EdEarl, @MizJ, @xenoview, @RoyMillar, @Larimar, @Marionville, @MrDragon, @GoodMan, @JimG, @JeffMurray, @aintmisbehaven, @Leelu, @AgeofReason In his first post, the jackass who inaccurately quoted members asked, "Why do people believe in ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 27, 2020:
@LiterateHiker 1. Prove it. 2. Yes, it does. 3. Your inability to see reason is tiresome. 4. That's fine.
A man changed member's replies to support his post. I objected.
LiterateHiker comments on Aug 26, 2020:
@Petter, @Cutiebeauty, @BudFrank, @bobwjr, @Mitch07102, @EdEarl, @MizJ, @xenoview, @RoyMillar, @Larimar, @Marionville, @MrDragon, @GoodMan, @JimG, @JeffMurray, @aintmisbehaven, @Leelu, @AgeofReason In his first post, the jackass who inaccurately quoted members asked, "Why do people believe in ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 27, 2020:
@LiterateHiker 1. Debating is toxic? What do you think everyone here is doing everyday? 2. It makes perfect sense. 3. Don't.
One of my biggest issues with Christianity is the viral aspect—the directive to all believers to ...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 26, 2020:
> Let them believe what they want. I have a fundamental problem with this. There are a million reasons this shouldn't be a policy everyone follows.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 27, 2020:
@AgeofReason Society, huh? Let's see how good society is at it. > All states have laws prohibiting child abuse and neglect. But in 34 states (as well as the District of Columbia, Guam and Puerto Rico), there are exemptions in the civil child abuse statutes when medical treatment for a child conflicts with the religious beliefs of parents... > Additionally, some states have religious exemptions to criminal child abuse and neglect statutes, including at least six that have exemptions to manslaughter laws. ...a state task force released a report stating that five children there had died unnecessarily in 2013 because their parents, for religious reasons, had refused medical treatment for them. So again, are we all to wait until you've passed judgement on whether any particular practice causes or can cause harm before we let people believe what they want? Everyone has different definitions of what constitutes harm, and your claim that society will decide has obviously failed. Remember, your initial claim was, "Leave people alone! Let them believe what they want." Now it's, "Now, if you don’t believe people should be free to chose innocuous religions that don’t meet your approval, that’s ok. That's your belief, and I recognize your freedom to choose that belief." So I guess in a way, you've already conceded the point that several of us took issue with.
One of my biggest issues with Christianity is the viral aspect—the directive to all believers to ...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 26, 2020:
> Let them believe what they want. I have a fundamental problem with this. There are a million reasons this shouldn't be a policy everyone follows.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 27, 2020:
@AgeofReason Okay, if someone's religion promoted withholding lifesaving vaccinations and blood products from children (like Jehovah's Witnesses) or practiced the handling of venomous snakes by children, or the withholding of medical treatments or interventions for children (like Christian Scientists or Followers of Christ), [we can even ignore female genital mutilation and mercy killings] should we still "Let them believe what they want"? Your new caveat of an exception for harmful actions completely invalidates your initial claim. What constitutes a harmful act? Who decides? I personally believe teaching any religion to a child is a harmful act because it reduces their ability to think critically and logically and stunts scientific inquiry and progress. So basically what you're saying is everyone should let everyone else believe what they want so long as AgeofReason deems those beliefs harmless?
A man changed member's replies to support his post. I objected.
LiterateHiker comments on Aug 26, 2020:
@Petter, @Cutiebeauty, @BudFrank, @bobwjr, @Mitch07102, @EdEarl, @MizJ, @xenoview, @RoyMillar, @Larimar, @Marionville, @MrDragon, @GoodMan, @JimG, @JeffMurray, @aintmisbehaven, @Leelu, @AgeofReason In his first post, the jackass who inaccurately quoted members asked, "Why do people believe in ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 27, 2020:
@LiterateHiker Maybe everyone missed the larger point I made in my first comment. I'll repeat it: "That said, if someone objects to the way you quoted them, because you didn't actually quote them, you should apologize and amend it, not argue why you think it's the same."
A man changed member's replies to support his post. I objected.
LiterateHiker comments on Aug 26, 2020:
@Petter, @Cutiebeauty, @BudFrank, @bobwjr, @Mitch07102, @EdEarl, @MizJ, @xenoview, @RoyMillar, @Larimar, @Marionville, @MrDragon, @GoodMan, @JimG, @JeffMurray, @aintmisbehaven, @Leelu, @AgeofReason In his first post, the jackass who inaccurately quoted members asked, "Why do people believe in ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 27, 2020:
@Mitch07102 Talk about missing the point. You're on a website frequented by many people who describe themselves as agnostic atheists, people who can't KNOW god doesn't exist but are all but certain one doesn't. Shit. That's essentially YOU for cryin' out loud. From your own details page: > Do you believe in a god? No How certain are you that there are no gods? 99.9% Really, is that what * you * wanted to say? Seems I have schooled you; accept the input, and learn from it. 😉
I’m Convinced Satan Deserves Bonus Points for Creating the Fossil Record | Hemant Mehta | Friendly...
Mofo1953 comments on Aug 26, 2020:
No gods, no religions, no heavens, no hells, no satans, all bullshit.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 27, 2020:
@Mofo1953 True, thanks for clarifying.
A man changed member's replies to support his post. I objected.
LiterateHiker comments on Aug 26, 2020:
@Petter, @Cutiebeauty, @BudFrank, @bobwjr, @Mitch07102, @EdEarl, @MizJ, @xenoview, @RoyMillar, @Larimar, @Marionville, @MrDragon, @GoodMan, @JimG, @JeffMurray, @aintmisbehaven, @Leelu, @AgeofReason In his first post, the jackass who inaccurately quoted members asked, "Why do people believe in ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 27, 2020:
@Marionville The reason I gave was that, at least in text to people who don't know her sense of humor, and given the circumstances, it is necessarily true that she is surmising a reason [some] others may believe. It's like leaving out the words "I think" from the sentence "I think purple is the prettiest color." As a statement of opinion, the words "I think" are either implied or superfluous. Since she cannot know * why * any [and certainly not all] people believe in God, it is necessarily true that her statement was one of supposition, and thus, the word "apparently" was unecessary.
I’m Convinced Satan Deserves Bonus Points for Creating the Fossil Record | Hemant Mehta | Friendly...
Mofo1953 comments on Aug 26, 2020:
No gods, no religions, no heavens, no hells, no satans, all bullshit.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 27, 2020:
@Mofo1953 It sounded like you were saying "There aren't any..." instead of "I don't believe in any..."
A man changed member's replies to support his post. I objected.
LiterateHiker comments on Aug 26, 2020:
@Petter, @Cutiebeauty, @BudFrank, @bobwjr, @Mitch07102, @EdEarl, @MizJ, @xenoview, @RoyMillar, @Larimar, @Marionville, @MrDragon, @GoodMan, @JimG, @JeffMurray, @aintmisbehaven, @Leelu, @AgeofReason In his first post, the jackass who inaccurately quoted members asked, "Why do people believe in ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 27, 2020:
@Mitch07102 Schooled me? She didn't even respond to me. What the heck are you talking about? And yes, that's what I meant to say. There are plenty of things you can't know for sure but are almost certain of. You really can't think of anything that meets those criteria? Give it a try.
as an atheist, i find the idea of Satan appealing.
MakeItGood comments on Aug 26, 2020: I have more respect for actual believers than Satanists. I dunno why. Maybe it's because the Satanists appear to have simply readopted religion and attached a contrary figure within the faith, perhaps just to spite their Christian community. A contrarian fake religion? Gimme a break... ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 27, 2020:
@MakeItGood Of course I think that's wrong. It's that sort of shit we were fighting against. Our method got people to actually engage in a discussion and allowed us to point out that they believe completely nonsensical things, too. Furthermore, it achieved two ends in our favor that we probably would not have accomplished otherwise. But I'm not saying the ends justify the means, I'm saying the means don't need justification. You * feeling * it's disingenuous to fake believe something does not make the fake belief more dangerous than other actual beliefs. Or in your example, diminishing science taught to others to promote Intelligent Design is just as dangerous as diminishing science taught to others to teach creationism.
A man changed member's replies to support his post. I objected.
LiterateHiker comments on Aug 26, 2020:
@Petter, @Cutiebeauty, @BudFrank, @bobwjr, @Mitch07102, @EdEarl, @MizJ, @xenoview, @RoyMillar, @Larimar, @Marionville, @MrDragon, @GoodMan, @JimG, @JeffMurray, @aintmisbehaven, @Leelu, @AgeofReason In his first post, the jackass who inaccurately quoted members asked, "Why do people believe in ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 27, 2020:
@Marionville I addressed those issues. Please reread my comment.
I’m Convinced Satan Deserves Bonus Points for Creating the Fossil Record | Hemant Mehta | Friendly...
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 26, 2020:
My step mother is convinced scientist are just sculpting fossils from the rock, she's also afraid of nuclear power because the electricity coming into the house might be "radioactive", and of course Jesus might show up any minute now. LOL
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 27, 2020:
I was told of a CT technician that used to shake the paper towels before drying her hands in the room to get the radiation out of them so it didn't rub off on her hands.
I’m Convinced Satan Deserves Bonus Points for Creating the Fossil Record | Hemant Mehta | Friendly...
Mofo1953 comments on Aug 26, 2020:
No gods, no religions, no heavens, no hells, no satans, all bullshit.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 27, 2020:
@Mofo1953 But there * are * religions... Religion- the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
Opinion | One nation ‘under God’?
ml58n2 comments on Aug 25, 2020:
I hope the trend continues with secularization, one nation under freethought, more appropriately
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 27, 2020:
@Healthydoc70 Absolutely. By no means was I suggesting that democracy was the only thing that he has irreparably harmed. He is the worst pile of shit that has ever held that office.
A man changed member's replies to support his post. I objected.
LiterateHiker comments on Aug 26, 2020:
@Petter, @Cutiebeauty, @BudFrank, @bobwjr, @Mitch07102, @EdEarl, @MizJ, @xenoview, @RoyMillar, @Larimar, @Marionville, @MrDragon, @GoodMan, @JimG, @JeffMurray, @aintmisbehaven, @Leelu, @AgeofReason In his first post, the jackass who inaccurately quoted members asked, "Why do people believe in ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 27, 2020:
If I can be the devil's advocate, 'apparently' may be superfluous here, * at least in text to strangers. * A. If you, a self-described atheist, are answering a question about the motivations of believers as to * why * they believe in god, something you cannot know and is clearly not the same for all of them, it is obviously and necessarily true that you are supposing it's one of the reasons. B. Though no one really knows for sure why they believe anything, it is all but certain that safety/comfort is one of the reasons at least some people believe. 'Ostensibly' would be the best of the synonyms for this situation, but again wouldn't really be necessary. That said, if someone objects to the way you quoted them, because you didn't actually quote them, you should apologize and amend it, not argue why you think it's the same.
One of my biggest issues with Christianity is the viral aspect—the directive to all believers to ...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 26, 2020:
> Let them believe what they want. I have a fundamental problem with this. There are a million reasons this shouldn't be a policy everyone follows.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 26, 2020:
@AgeofReason I'm curious now as to what the motivations are behind it. I'm hard pressed to see advantages so beneficial it is worth not challenging people that think white people are better than black people simply because of the color of their skin or that Jews should be exterminated.
as an atheist, i find the idea of Satan appealing.
MakeItGood comments on Aug 26, 2020: I have more respect for actual believers than Satanists. I dunno why. Maybe it's because the Satanists appear to have simply readopted religion and attached a contrary figure within the faith, perhaps just to spite their Christian community. A contrarian fake religion? Gimme a break... ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 26, 2020:
Gonna have to disagree with you there. Me and the only other nurse on my old unit who was an atheist in a sea of devout and pushy Christians decided one day that we were going to convince everyone that we had been converted to a new religion that worshipped Xenu. We basically explained it as the equivalent of Satanists for Scientology. We really played it up, too, learning all about Scientology to profess our new beliefs the way they did all the time. When they started making fun of the things we "believed" we would quickly show them the corollary to their own religion in the hopes they'd see the stuff they believed was just as idiotic. It was a blast. It actually all culminated in this huge quilt with a bunch of churches and Christian symbols being removed from display on the wall behind the front desk and the pushiest Christian nurse being forced into sensitivity training. It was amazing.
A man changed member's replies to support his post. I objected.
Mitch07102 comments on Aug 26, 2020:
A troll. Block him.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 26, 2020:
@LiterateHiker I did nothing of the sort, I simply replied in kind. I didn't even call her a name, I just suggested that some people know the definitions of atheist and agnostic or something like that and some people are [expletives] and that she should guess which one she is, which was the exact kind of thing she said to me. Apparently the word I used was "too evil" to exist on this holy site while I imagine what she said is still up.
A man changed member's replies to support his post. I objected.
Mitch07102 comments on Aug 26, 2020:
A troll. Block him.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 26, 2020:
@MizJ That's fair, but in those instances the person should be banned, not blocked, yes? I mean, no one wants to look at dicks so do the other ladies a favor and get disgusting people like that banned.
One of my biggest issues with Christianity is the viral aspect—the directive to all believers to ...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 26, 2020:
> Let them believe what they want. I have a fundamental problem with this. There are a million reasons this shouldn't be a policy everyone follows.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 26, 2020:
@AgeofReason The question is not "Are there any reasons not to convert" the question is "Are there any reasons * to * convert." A standing policy of 'let people believe whatever they want' means no converting ever.
A man changed member's replies to support his post. I objected.
Mitch07102 comments on Aug 26, 2020:
A troll. Block him.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 26, 2020:
@MizJ 100% agree, plus then you wouldn't see them I imagine. (Not really sure, I don't really believe in blocking people. Getting spam/bot/fake accounts banned is a different story.)
I’m Convinced Satan Deserves Bonus Points for Creating the Fossil Record | Hemant Mehta | Friendly...
Mofo1953 comments on Aug 26, 2020:
No gods, no religions, no heavens, no hells, no satans, all bullshit.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 26, 2020:
No religions?
Opinion | One nation ‘under God’?
ml58n2 comments on Aug 25, 2020:
I hope the trend continues with secularization, one nation under freethought, more appropriately
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 26, 2020:
@K9Kohle789 @Birdman1 is right. 63 million people voted for that pile of shit. And even though some of them were for greedy reasons, it was still against their own interests if his presidency results in the destruction of our democracy (which it already has).
Do you think Democrats will sink teeth into this?
Redheadedgammy comments on Aug 25, 2020:
Laws don’t seem to matter to these repubs in power now. 😡
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 26, 2020:
@Redheadedgammy There are a lot of highly educated people that support Trump out of greed, racism, etc. Being educated doesn't preclude being a stupid asshole.
Opinion | One nation ‘under God’?
BestWithoutGods comments on Aug 25, 2020:
When I say the Pledge of Allegiance, I leave out the words "under god." I end up finishing the pledge a couple of words before everyone else, but that's Okay. :)
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 26, 2020:
@BestWithoutGods I literally cannot remember the last time I said it. I honestly think it was in grade school well over 25 years ago. By junior high, they made you stand but it was policy that you weren't required to put your hand in your heart or say anything. I just don't understand the point of that nationalistic bullshit.
Non God Believer
Varn comments on Aug 25, 2020:
It’s random acts of nature ... and what we do to ourselves, nothing else.. And, ‘god’ is not a noun :-)
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 26, 2020:
@AmyTheBruce I don't know, ever since you said it, all I want to do is god an entire bag of goddy potato chips. I will probably want to godly dip them in some French onion dip, too.
Has anyone looked around lately and wondered of God only looks after his own?
demifeministgal comments on Aug 26, 2020:
You are not the first nor the last to worry about the last days or end of times. People have been predicting the end for millennia now. In my own lifetime I have survived many of these alleged end of days. As the saying goes this too shall pass.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 26, 2020:
Until it doesn't... 😝
So I got a new wig for some skits and it turns out I really like it 🤩
JayOleck38 comments on Aug 24, 2020:
Damn, gurrrrrl 😍
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 26, 2020:
@1EarthLovingGal I just finished Imposters. It was way better than I thought it was going to be. Kinda salty there won't be a third season.
Opinion | One nation ‘under God’?
BestWithoutGods comments on Aug 25, 2020:
When I say the Pledge of Allegiance, I leave out the words "under god." I end up finishing the pledge a couple of words before everyone else, but that's Okay. :)
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 26, 2020:
When was the last time you said the pledge??
Opinion | One nation ‘under God’?
ml58n2 comments on Aug 25, 2020:
I hope the trend continues with secularization, one nation under freethought, more appropriately
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 26, 2020:
You're talking about a nation of people who voted against their own interest in great enough numbers to elect Donald Trump. We will likely never again be a nation under freedom or thought.
Do you think Democrats will sink teeth into this?
Redheadedgammy comments on Aug 25, 2020:
Laws don’t seem to matter to these repubs in power now. 😡
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 25, 2020:
Or any of their supporters.
Do you think Democrats will sink teeth into this?
dkp93 comments on Aug 25, 2020:
Sigh. It's just the Trump Administration Corrupt Act of the Day. Nothing will come of it. His base won't give a shit because they haven't given a shit about anything else he's done. Democrats will try to do something, maybe, but nothing will happen. We have treasonous criminals running the country, ...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 25, 2020:
Not to mention when the Dems fail again, Trump will just use it against them like he is every other failed attempt to hold him accountable. You are right. He is probably going to win again.
So I got a new wig for some skits and it turns out I really like it 🤩
JayOleck38 comments on Aug 24, 2020:
Damn, gurrrrrl 😍
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 25, 2020:
I was watching the new season of Lucifer and they used the line "You're a nine out of ten and I'm the one you need." 😝 But yeah, total smokeshow.
Someone who advocates for free speech, but bans people from their group(s) who call out their bad ...
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 24, 2020:
That's kind of what it's there for. Try being nice, if you don't like them keep it to yourself, or move on, or correct them and get blocked. I'm the move on kind of person.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 25, 2020:
I think we need to draw a line between free speech and hate speech. OP says the challenge of bad behavior on the part of the advocate got the block. That, I agree, is hypocritical. I, too, have not blocked anyone. I believe I can support my beliefs/claims to any and all challenges, and if I can't, I need to amend them. I expect the same of others. Since Spanky was brought up, he does not feel the same way. We're currently arguing about Pelosi, and he's making assertive claims about her being corrupt and then responding he doesn't need to explain himself. The two most important lessons I learned in my life were from Mr. Namosnick- "Say what you mean and mean what you say" and Dr. Hill- "Have a reason for everything you believe". If everyone put those together and lived by them, no one should ever need to or want to block another.
10 Reasons we Need the Puke Emoji Back 10 Trump Supporters 9 Nancy Pelosi/MitchMcConnell 8...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 23, 2020:
You really think Nancy Pelosi is as vomit inducing as MitchMcConnell?
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 25, 2020:
@Sgt_Spanky So you'll spew a bunch of shit all over the place and then not back it up? Isn't that what religious people do? And that wasn't merely a "point of view," that was an assertive claim. I expected more from a member of an agnostic group. It does seem peculiar, however, that you have no problem responding and explaining as long as you have an answer, however hollow, but as soon as someone challenges you to actually support your claim, suddenly you're Mr. I-don't-need-to-explain-myself.
10 Reasons we Need the Puke Emoji Back 10 Trump Supporters 9 Nancy Pelosi/MitchMcConnell 8...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 23, 2020:
You really think Nancy Pelosi is as vomit inducing as MitchMcConnell?
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 24, 2020:
@Sgt_Spanky See this is the kinda stuff I don't understand. You seem to be a self-described liberal, but you trash talk the party and then can't even back up the claim.
10 Reasons we Need the Puke Emoji Back 10 Trump Supporters 9 Nancy Pelosi/MitchMcConnell 8...
CourtJester comments on Aug 23, 2020:
Damn. My people got four shoutouts. Quite respectable. Not bad.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 24, 2020:
@CourtJester Please name the "positive things for the better good" Barr is responsible for.
10 Reasons we Need the Puke Emoji Back 10 Trump Supporters 9 Nancy Pelosi/MitchMcConnell 8...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 23, 2020:
You really think Nancy Pelosi is as vomit inducing as MitchMcConnell?
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 23, 2020:
@Sgt_Spanky 🦗🦗
10 Reasons we Need the Puke Emoji Back 10 Trump Supporters 9 Nancy Pelosi/MitchMcConnell 8...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 23, 2020:
You really think Nancy Pelosi is as vomit inducing as MitchMcConnell?
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 23, 2020:
@Sgt_Spanky Maybe the corrupt part. Can you please point to the votes from those links that shows how corrupt she is? I would like to use it as evidence when I tell my congressperson how to vote next time. Thank you.
10 Reasons we Need the Puke Emoji Back 10 Trump Supporters 9 Nancy Pelosi/MitchMcConnell 8...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 23, 2020:
You really think Nancy Pelosi is as vomit inducing as MitchMcConnell?
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 23, 2020:
@altschmerz Not necessarily. There could be a lot of those that were irrelevant or already guaranteed to go one way that she didn't need to vote on. Quality, not quantity...
10 Reasons we Need the Puke Emoji Back 10 Trump Supporters 9 Nancy Pelosi/MitchMcConnell 8...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 23, 2020:
You really think Nancy Pelosi is as vomit inducing as MitchMcConnell?
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 23, 2020:
@altschmerz Yeah, that doesn't really make her seem terrible like Spanky suggests.
10 Reasons we Need the Puke Emoji Back 10 Trump Supporters 9 Nancy Pelosi/MitchMcConnell 8...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 23, 2020:
You really think Nancy Pelosi is as vomit inducing as MitchMcConnell?
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 23, 2020:
@Sgt_Spanky I think one of the most depressing things I've learned about the American electorate is how completely inept they are at assessing levels of danger. Especially for Republicans, who are constantly touting how much they love living in a free Democracy, they can't recognize the difference between a "bad option" and a democracy-ending one. And that's not hyperbole. There are almost no checks on him, and given 4 more years, he'll probably get two more Supreme Court judges, and with no worries about re-election, he'll do whatever he wants.
Does anyone really care that there is no afterlife?
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 22, 2020:
I thought "The Good Place" did an amazing job of tackling the heavy issue of why any afterlife (in "heaven" or "hell") would be everlasting torture. No thanks. No afterlife for me. And we can go ahead and end this life as soon as possible as well, cause this sucks, too.
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 23, 2020:
@kdmom Yes, it was extremely well done. I like that it never felt like it jumped the shark. I love Ted Danson, and would watch anything he's in. And I heard somewhere that Kristen Bell is a total smokeshow. 😝
10 Reasons we Need the Puke Emoji Back 10 Trump Supporters 9 Nancy Pelosi/MitchMcConnell 8...
ChestRockfield comments on Aug 23, 2020:
You really think Nancy Pelosi is as vomit inducing as MitchMcConnell?
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 23, 2020:
@Sgt_Spanky Pelosi is destroy-the-fabric-of-our-democracy corrupt? May I ask for an example?
Well, it happened. Someone that I respect is a Qanon believer. It's so fucking dumb. I just can't.
MakeItGood comments on Aug 22, 2020:
As I keep saying, the QAnon folk do have it absolutely right - there is a "deep state" conspiracy effort against Trump - except for one aspect: it's not at all secret or overt. You see, over half, maybe three-quarters, maybe even four-fifths(!), of the U.S. citizenry (that's as deep state as you...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 23, 2020:
@MakeItGood You're in the monitory. I'll admit, I didn't think Trump was going to win. I do this time though.
Does anyone really care that there is no afterlife?
Mofo1953 comments on Aug 22, 2020:
The choices are bogus, what does wanting to see your parents again have to do with an afterlife? Especially if your parents are both alive?
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 23, 2020:
@Mofo1953 Are you serious right now? A reply can be to one person while the sarcastic quip could be at the expense of another. That's really not something you have ever encountered? Maybe one patron makes a comment about the reason for a long line at a store to another? Or would you think that patron was blaming the other for the hold up at the beginning of the line? I'm sorry you don't have the wherewithal to understand how sarcasm works or the humor to realize that was a funny comment. I made two other silly comments on this post and other people reacted appropriately. Go ahead and keep all your rats' asses, nobody wants them.
Well, it happened. Someone that I respect is a Qanon believer. It's so fucking dumb. I just can't.
MakeItGood comments on Aug 22, 2020:
As I keep saying, the QAnon folk do have it absolutely right - there is a "deep state" conspiracy effort against Trump - except for one aspect: it's not at all secret or overt. You see, over half, maybe three-quarters, maybe even four-fifths(!), of the U.S. citizenry (that's as deep state as you...
ChestRockfield replies on Aug 23, 2020:
@MakeItGood Optimists said Clinton was going to win in a landslide.
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119 members
Atheists for Liberty
110 members
110 members
Hot Hunks
103 members
Celebrity Pictures
100 members
99 members
Political Theory & Policy
96 members
Religious Naturalism
94 members
"I was blocked!?" Group
91 members
Atheist Videos & Miscellany
87 members
Pop Culture - TV
86 members
Tales from the Lockdown
82 members
Sex Over Sixty
77 members
Religious Humor.
69 members
Minority Heathens
62 members
61 members
Biden Piñata
60 members
Pro Choice/Abortion Rights
59 members
No more war
50 members
Libertarians Worldwide
46 members
Illogical atheists guide for ending Christianity
38 members
38 members
Science Fiction and Fantasy Fans
35 members
I don't give a fuck
34 members
Environmental science/Ecology/Demography
31 members
Breaking the Habit
28 members
Mynd Storm
24 members
The Sound Of A Good Book
23 members
Design a better religion
22 members
Hairbrained Ideas
21 members
Broken Hearts Club
18 members
Ungodly Truth
17 members
Everything Beauty
15 members