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An Evangelical Writer Has Some Horrible Advice for Dealing with Trans Colleagues | Hemant Mehta | ...
CuddyCruiser comments on Jun 24, 2021:
Only those who have little to no intelligence would probably even consider listening to him.
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 25, 2021:
@AnneWimsey LOL Sorry!! My error.
New York Daily News Trump tried to enlist Justice Department to stop ‘SNL’ from satirizing him...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 22, 2021:
Trump has the inability to deal with ANYTHING! I mean fucking anything. I was just going to make a post on this. I'll elaborate later, but am on the road. I wouldn't be surprised if the dumb fuck accidentally tried to sue himself! Really. Not going all the way to court but "well what if we ...
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 23, 2021:
@TheGreatShadow I said thinskinned. And I’m not so sure his head is hard when it’s either empty or has a brain in it the size of a pebble.
New York Daily News Trump tried to enlist Justice Department to stop ‘SNL’ from satirizing him...
TheGreatShadow comments on Jun 22, 2021:
Trump has the inability to deal with ANYTHING! I mean fucking anything. I was just going to make a post on this. I'll elaborate later, but am on the road. I wouldn't be surprised if the dumb fuck accidentally tried to sue himself! Really. Not going all the way to court but "well what if we ...
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 23, 2021:
This is a PURE coward, lowlife thinskinned weasel. I remember when Joe Piscopo did a SNL episode mimicking then Pres. Reagan. Not long after that I remember Piscopo was having dinner with him at the White House.
Yesterday I met an old Trumper in a wheelchair.
CuddyCruiser comments on Jun 17, 2021:
But whoever said plenty of Trumpers have brains? Look at what happened on Jan. 6 and put it all over social media and went around bragging about it. At least John Gotti new enough to keep quiet.
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 20, 2021:
@FuniGrl2242 He died of illness in prison. And it took the FBI and law enforcement years to put him there.
Is the Church of God Restoration a Cult?
KKGator comments on Jun 19, 2021:
ALL religions are cults. Some have just been around longer and become mainstream. They're all still cults, just the same.
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 19, 2021:
Some make more ridiculous and stupid claims than others.
Arkansas Lawmaker Calls Trans People an “Abomination” During House Speech | Hemant Mehta | ...
xenoview comments on Jun 17, 2021:
Why do any LGBT live in arkansas?
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 18, 2021:
@oldFloyd Or might not be able to for any reason or reasons.
Covid: US death toll passes 600,000 as vaccination rate slows []
CuddyCruiser comments on Jun 17, 2021:
This will take more lives than the Spanish flu pandemic. When all this is said and done over the next year or two there will in all likelihood be over 1 million deaths or maybe more. I hope not, but I’m not hopeful about anything that isn’t in my control.
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 17, 2021:
@TomMcGiverin That’s an exception because most southern states, most notably Georgia, only about 36 percent of the population there is vaccinated.
Covid: US death toll passes 600,000 as vaccination rate slows []
CuddyCruiser comments on Jun 17, 2021:
This will take more lives than the Spanish flu pandemic. When all this is said and done over the next year or two there will in all likelihood be over 1 million deaths or maybe more. I hope not, but I’m not hopeful about anything that isn’t in my control.
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 17, 2021:
@TomMcGiverin And I certainly hope I am. But COVID is still raging and your always going to have the religious fuckwads crying about the same shit they’ve always cried about. So in those parts of the country infections will be higher.
FAULTY MEMORY OR DEFAULT REPUG BRAIN Democrats pointed to photographs from inside the House ...
NHjulie comments on Jun 17, 2021:
1984 coming to life. If you don't like the truth, just rewrite it and change it to whatever narrative appeals to you.
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 17, 2021:
@TheGreatShadow Just say……”Ok”.
Covid: US death toll passes 600,000 as vaccination rate slows []
CuddyCruiser comments on Jun 17, 2021:
This will take more lives than the Spanish flu pandemic. When all this is said and done over the next year or two there will in all likelihood be over 1 million deaths or maybe more. I hope not, but I’m not hopeful about anything that isn’t in my control.
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 17, 2021:
@TomMcGiverin The US.
21 Republicans vote against awarding medals to police who defended Capitol on Jan. 6 | TheHill
CuddyCruiser comments on Jun 15, 2021:
They all ought to be lined up and shot like dogs.
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 16, 2021:
@Dyl1983 Not a thing. It’s just an expression. I’ll be a little more blunt…….they ought to be shot in the same way the SS executed prisoners in Germany.
FL Pastor Arrested for Hiding Camera in Bathroom in Church’s Youth Hallway | Hemant Mehta | ...
CuddyCruiser comments on Jun 13, 2021:
Sick fuckin’ sack of shit. Hopefully he’s eventually convicted and sent to a place where he gets a big schlong up his fudge tunnel.
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 13, 2021:
@holdenc98 LOL nah just high school and Tech School for Air Cond. and Refrigeration.
What we all know.
HippieChick58 comments on Jun 12, 2021:
Are you sure you mean midwest? That looks pretty southern to me.
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 12, 2021:
They’re both still Chump country.
Capitol rioter's attorney goes off on Trump for 'letting the dummies take the hit' while he went ...
Sticks48 comments on Jun 11, 2021:
Being stupid is not a good legal defense. I'm not a lawyer and know that. It must be all of those Perry Mason shows I watched as a kid.
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 12, 2021:
Or maybe it was that evil music like Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden and Judas Priest that “Taught”;you how to,perform satanic rituals? LOL. These Trumptards have smaller brains than a dinosaur.
Marjorie Taylor Greene slams virus research: 'I don't believe in evolution, I believe in God' - ...
anglophone comments on Jun 9, 2021:
The woman is a raving lunatic. My issue with her is that she will influence other mentally incompetent people to eschew Covid-19 vaccination.
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 10, 2021:
Cats and Rats rhyme by name. But when they start breeding together unfortunately this is what blossoms from it. She’s beyond what words alone can describe.
Marjorie Taylor Greene slams virus research: 'I don't believe in evolution, I believe in God' - ...
KKGator comments on Jun 9, 2021:
Loathsome, detestable, miserable fucking piece of shit. I hate her. She's a disease.
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 10, 2021:
@KKGator I bet that’s one load her daddy regrets blowing.
Marjorie Taylor Greene slams virus research: 'I don't believe in evolution, I believe in God' - ...
Sticks48 comments on Jun 10, 2021:
The woman has the IQ of a cow pie!
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 10, 2021:
What? LOL don’t give her so much credit!! If someone asked her if she knew what Guerilla Warfare was she’d probably say it’s a tribe of apes fighting over bananas.
Marjorie Taylor Greene slams virus research: 'I don't believe in evolution, I believe in God' - ...
xenoview comments on Jun 9, 2021:
She is a nut job. I hope she gets covid.
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 10, 2021:
@Charlene I’m sorry for your loss. I can only guess what that’s like. My father died of lung cancer from cig smoking and was also a drinker. That’s why i can only wish it upon the true scum of the earth. Those no good to themselves or anyone else.
Marjorie Taylor Greene slams virus research: 'I don't believe in evolution, I believe in God' - ...
xenoview comments on Jun 9, 2021:
She is a nut job. I hope she gets covid.
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 9, 2021:
Pancreatic cancer would be better. Then she can die a slow, painful and miserable death.
Marjorie Taylor Greene slams virus research: 'I don't believe in evolution, I believe in God' - ...
silverotter11 comments on Jun 9, 2021:
She would be funny if so many did not listen to her, trump supporters of course.
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 9, 2021:
Yea look at the idiots that elected her.
Who the fuck could bankrupt a casino?
DharmaBum50 comments on Jun 9, 2021:
I still remember Lewis Black's take on it in 2012. "Now you might say he'd make a terrible president. I mean, the guy bankrupted his own casino--*A CASINO, where the house always wins!!* Unless it's Donald tЯump's house!" Hell, the country should have remembered that monologue four years later ...
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 9, 2021:
Unfortunately a lot among us have short memories.
The new make up of the Grand ole Perverts
HippieChick58 comments on Jun 8, 2021:
They are a disgrace.
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 9, 2021:
Belongs in the dumpster.
The new make up of the Grand ole Perverts
LiterateHiker comments on Jun 8, 2021:
For accuracy, they should all should be waving guns.
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 9, 2021:
Maybe they’ll trip over their shoelaces and shoot themselves.
Who the fuck could bankrupt a casino?
Sticks48 comments on Jun 9, 2021:
Two casinos!
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 9, 2021:
@Sticks48 True…..and just think, the casino is in many ways “Rigged” to favor it in itself. Though it’s just chance, The definition of the word “Trumpery” pretty much describes the goofball himself.
Who the fuck could bankrupt a casino?
Sticks48 comments on Jun 9, 2021:
Two casinos!
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 9, 2021:
Trump Steaks, Trump University, and, let’s not forget in recent days, “From the desk of Donald Trump” after barely a month. A real winner eh!! Lol
Believing in an invisible man in the sky does not make it real.
TheInterlooper comments on Jun 5, 2021:
As an agnostic pantheist I believe the universe is God. Who among us can say my God isn't real? Simulation theorists? Get lost nerds! Come at me with that BS and I'll give you the atomic wedgie of your life, and as you cry out in pain, I'll be sure to remind you "It's all a simulation."
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 6, 2021:
@TheInterlooper You said the universe is god. Did you not?
Believing in an invisible man in the sky does not make it real.
TheInterlooper comments on Jun 5, 2021:
As an agnostic pantheist I believe the universe is God. Who among us can say my God isn't real? Simulation theorists? Get lost nerds! Come at me with that BS and I'll give you the atomic wedgie of your life, and as you cry out in pain, I'll be sure to remind you "It's all a simulation."
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 6, 2021:
@TheInterlooper I don’t try to be “in” or “out” of place. I’m just who I am and anyone can find their own definition of that. I just merely speak whai is on my mind.
Believing in an invisible man in the sky does not make it real.
TheInterlooper comments on Jun 5, 2021:
As an agnostic pantheist I believe the universe is God. Who among us can say my God isn't real? Simulation theorists? Get lost nerds! Come at me with that BS and I'll give you the atomic wedgie of your life, and as you cry out in pain, I'll be sure to remind you "It's all a simulation."
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 6, 2021:
Your in the wrong place troll.
Near enough to 4 weeks since I quit smoking, going well until I went out into garden and was ...
Mb_Man comments on Jun 5, 2021:
It's always funny how people have no problem dishing, but they can't take.
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 5, 2021:
Because they’re little pansies and sissies.
Near enough to 4 weeks since I quit smoking, going well until I went out into garden and was ...
CuddyCruiser comments on Jun 4, 2021:
Congratulations on your effort!! I was once a 3 pack a day smoker and quit cold turkey. Same with drinking and Cocaine.
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 5, 2021:
@Redheadedgammy Sorry to hear about your mom. When you set your mind on accomplishing something there’s nothing that can stop you.
Near enough to 4 weeks since I quit smoking, going well until I went out into garden and was ...
SnowyOwl comments on Jun 4, 2021:
I stopped smoking cigarettes many times over the course of my career, usually an architect is what got me back to puffing instead of choking the shit out of them and spending time in a prison cell for doing the world a favour. tight, you're the one in control not some cancer stick.
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 5, 2021:
Or coffin nail.
House Dems unveil $547B infrastructure bill amid Biden talks
CuddyCruiser comments on Jun 4, 2021:
Does anyone really think the US is a top notch country? Not so.
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 4, 2021:
@SeaGreenEyez I totally agree. Many on here will probably also.
Derek Chauvin Asks For Time Served & Probation For George Floyd Death
dkp93 comments on Jun 2, 2021:
Fuck this guy. The courts should show him the same amount of mercy and compassion that he showed George Floyd. How does it feel to beg for your life, you racist, arrogant asshole?
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 3, 2021:
@SeaGreenEyez I believe, though I may be wrong, that that depends on what state your in. Here in NY in county jails there is a protective custody unit, but not in state prisons. One high profile convict back in the 80s called “The Preppie killer” known as Robert Chambers was in general population in a NYS prison.
High School Football Player Told to Eat Pork, Violating His Faith, As Punishment | Beth Stoneburner ...
anglophone comments on Jun 3, 2021:
The coaches that did that deserve to have all their front teeth knocked out with a hammer.
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 3, 2021:
My own fist will do it.
For $500 you can get a personalized video message from Donald Trump Jr – and support mercenary ...
RobertNappi2 comments on Jun 3, 2021:
I'd pay $500.00 to see this piece of shit in JAIL!!!
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 3, 2021:
The whole Trump brood.
Derek Chauvin Asks For Time Served & Probation For George Floyd Death
dkp93 comments on Jun 2, 2021:
Fuck this guy. The courts should show him the same amount of mercy and compassion that he showed George Floyd. How does it feel to beg for your life, you racist, arrogant asshole?
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 3, 2021:
Too bad we couldn’t see what’ll happen to him inside the slammer. Let’s hope there’s no protective custody wherever he goes.
Derek Chauvin Asks For Time Served & Probation For George Floyd Death
TomMcGiverin comments on Jun 2, 2021:
No mercy for this guy, as he sadistically showed no mercy to Floyd. Karma's a bitch, ain't it Derek?
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 3, 2021:
And ya know……..they just love cops in jail. Dead Meat.
Derek Chauvin Asks For Time Served & Probation For George Floyd Death
OldMetalHead comments on Jun 3, 2021:
I would think he's a prime candidate to be shanked as soon as he hits general population.
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 3, 2021:
Maybe perhaps a big hairy schlong from big Bubba and Hector up the fudge tunnel!!??
Catholic Brain Surgeon and Evolution Denier: “COVID-19 Is Atheism Gone Viral” | Terry Firma | ...
Barnie2years comments on Jun 2, 2021:
Like Ben Carson, just goes to show that you don’t have to be very rational to be a brain surgeon.
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 2, 2021:
Or smart for that matter.
Trump Abandons His Whiny Little ‘From the Desk’ Blog After One Month []
Redheadedgammy comments on Jun 2, 2021:
He doesn’t have the following that he thinks he has. Hope more of the folks who follow him will WTFU!!!
CuddyCruiser replies on Jun 2, 2021:
They’re probably not capable of doing so.
Oh crap.
Trajan61 comments on May 29, 2021:
If I were going to go to church that sounds like a good one to go to. At least they got the part about the AR15 rifles and Joe Biden right.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 30, 2021:
@Trajan61 ..
Oh crap.
of-the-mountain comments on May 30, 2021:
Here in Texas there are a lot of right wing white supremacy nut jobs!!! The problem is they are out numbered now and are doing anything to hang on to their power and greed!!! They are under the obstructionist Republican Fascists recruiting any white supremacy group they can to combat us the ...
CuddyCruiser replies on May 30, 2021:
@TimeOutForMe Ay it’s always a pleasure to spread this type of info to those interested!!
Oh crap.
of-the-mountain comments on May 30, 2021:
Here in Texas there are a lot of right wing white supremacy nut jobs!!! The problem is they are out numbered now and are doing anything to hang on to their power and greed!!! They are under the obstructionist Republican Fascists recruiting any white supremacy group they can to combat us the ...
CuddyCruiser replies on May 30, 2021:
@TimeOutForMe Check this out if your interested. Many are similar
Oh crap.
of-the-mountain comments on May 30, 2021:
Here in Texas there are a lot of right wing white supremacy nut jobs!!! The problem is they are out numbered now and are doing anything to hang on to their power and greed!!! They are under the obstructionist Republican Fascists recruiting any white supremacy group they can to combat us the ...
CuddyCruiser replies on May 30, 2021:
@TimeOutForMe That’s just a few of ‘em. I had all of these done myself minus the 2 blue ones. Have 6 of them in long sleeves also.
Oh crap.
Trajan61 comments on May 29, 2021:
If I were going to go to church that sounds like a good one to go to. At least they got the part about the AR15 rifles and Joe Biden right.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 30, 2021:
@Trajan61 Some of you trumpers are the dumbest fucks on this planet. Especially over your nonsensical “Socialism” claims. What do you think Social Security is? Medicare? Medicaid? The public school system? Public works such as road and highway repair? You can spin it out to whatever you want them to be called in your own mind, but theses are “Socialist Programs”. And as for the Orange tickturd himself, I live in the same city where he’s from, and have known about him for the last 35 or 36 years, and only live a brief 15 min subway ride from Trump Tower. I also have several friends who live in that area and I have met a number of people who have personally known him, and only on extreme rare occasion was ANYTHING good ever said about him.
That always made me crazy.
JackPedigo comments on May 29, 2021:
We don't have 'those' people here but there is a group of JW's here. Once I found one of their fliers at my door so I got a copy of the FFRF newsletter and made a note and dropped it at their meeting house thanking them for their enlightening pamphlet and I am leaving something to also give them ...
CuddyCruiser replies on May 30, 2021:
@JackPedigo I will announce it anywhere, or outright flaunt it, whether it’s the most religious area or not.
That always made me crazy.
DenoPenno comments on May 29, 2021:
I seldom let them in the door any longer. In the days that I did so, they often tried to convince me that we believed the same things. Recently a lifelong religious friend told me that even god does not know when Jesus will return. LOL I take that to mean it will not happen.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 30, 2021:
It won’t.
Oh crap.
Trajan61 comments on May 29, 2021:
If I were going to go to church that sounds like a good one to go to. At least they got the part about the AR15 rifles and Joe Biden right.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 30, 2021:
Oh crap.
of-the-mountain comments on May 30, 2021:
Here in Texas there are a lot of right wing white supremacy nut jobs!!! The problem is they are out numbered now and are doing anything to hang on to their power and greed!!! They are under the obstructionist Republican Fascists recruiting any white supremacy group they can to combat us the ...
CuddyCruiser replies on May 30, 2021:
Wear some of this stuff……..this will drive them up the wall……
The more you know the less you believe.
Sgt_Spanky comments on May 29, 2021:
Absolutely. Religion is notable in that the more you think critically about it, the less use you have for it. That's why they push faith without questions. Religion relies on intellectual laziness and ignorance to survive.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 30, 2021:
And downright blindness and stupidity.
The more you know the less you believe.
Canndue comments on May 29, 2021:
You didn’t have to dig too far to see milli vanilli were fakes. Same with religion
CuddyCruiser replies on May 30, 2021:
I saw that fiasco with the CD skipping right on National TV in front of millions. That was when they lost their Grammy award, and in 1998 one of them committed suicide. Needless to say I did not feel the least bit bad.
The more you know the less you believe.
Jolanta comments on May 29, 2021:
You are not allowed to think about religion, just believe.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 30, 2021:
And blindly, without question.
QAnon. New American Religion. Scary stuff. Do many of your friends and family support Qanon?
David1955 comments on May 29, 2021:
Your country's QAnon is not a new religion, but a further toxic evolution in American Christian evangelism, linking messianic Christianity with secular messianic devotion, with Trump and Q as the figureheads. Haven't you seen the posters: 'Jesus is my saviour, Q is my prophet, and Donald J Trump is...
CuddyCruiser replies on May 29, 2021:
More pathetic than anything else.
QAnon. New American Religion. Scary stuff. Do many of your friends and family support Qanon?
GipsyOfNewSpain comments on May 29, 2021:
How about Don't..... but they are out there.... some may think is an annoying Joke and others Truly believe the Lies. We Need to keep an Eye on them for sure!!!
CuddyCruiser replies on May 29, 2021:
They’re not even worth pissing on.
QAnon. New American Religion. Scary stuff. Do many of your friends and family support Qanon?
Charles1971 comments on May 29, 2021:
I have zero interest in that nonsense and I'm not aware of any of my family or friends supporting that crap but they could be keeping it secret. I do live in the South and it's chock full of idiots, racists, bigots, religious nuts, and right-wing conservative lunatics.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 29, 2021:
Here’s something for ya that’ll annoy these buttfucks!!
Trumpelthinskin Explained……
Killtheskyfairy comments on May 29, 2021:
Narcissism defined.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 29, 2021:
That’ll work too!!
Trumpelthinskin Explained……
NHjulie comments on May 28, 2021:
Love the moniker: Trumpelthinskin, hahahahaha
CuddyCruiser replies on May 28, 2021:
Some of his hardcore are Trumpanzees
Reagan is the devil that gave us Trump, Never forget, Never forgive.
TheGreatShadow comments on May 27, 2021:
Try explaining to these morons that corporations don't have to share, so they don't. Anyone remember AIG? I'll actually benefit from his policies, and I know it is wrong. "How are we going to pay..." "they will tax us to death". I don't know about you, but I don't know one person that makes over ...
CuddyCruiser replies on May 28, 2021:
It’s for sure a corporate oligarchy as well as a third rate nanny state. I was made to believe the US was the greatest country growing up. Sadly I was naive and after learning about the nations of Western and Eastern Europe as well as Scandinavia, How their economic systems work and how middle class populations fared there, Sadly I was totally wrong.
Ones an ace, the other a disgrace.
LucyLoohoo comments on May 27, 2021:
Imagine what he'd be like if he did drink alcohol?
CuddyCruiser replies on May 27, 2021:
The same was said of Adolf Hitler, who also did not drink or smoke.
A Christian Apologist’s Unhealthy Attitude About Sex - YouTube
CuddyCruiser comments on May 26, 2021:
Yea listening to Ozzy Osbourne makes you commit suicide also.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 27, 2021:
@girlwithsmiles Country music……Don Williams, Statler Bros., Tanya Tucker, Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings…….that would make me feel that way!!
A Bible Meant for Christian Nationalists Won’t Be Published After Backlash | Hemant Mehta | ...
DenoPenno comments on May 27, 2021:
Christian Republicans in my area all believe that Jesus would not like all the giveaways. Many of them are Christian Nationalists.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 27, 2021:
Put one of these on. I sure would.
Please describe allah with few words.
Dyl1983 comments on May 27, 2021:
Oh. The guy who supposedly flew through space on the back of a winged horse??? No.. He didn't exist either.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 27, 2021:
Maybe the guy who “Parted the Red Sea?
Ones an ace, the other a disgrace.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 26, 2021:
I see Trump is practicing his Putin technique on that water bottle.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 27, 2021:
@Willow_Wisp It was just humor. I don’t think anyone could possibly hate this fucker more than me. Comes down to this. I’m from his town, I lived here my whole life, have known about him for 35 or 36 years, and have met people who know him as I have several friends who live near Trump Tower. Needless to say……..He’s despised here. He can never just nonchalantly walk around the streets of Manhattan they way he once did. No need to take my word for it…….spend a week here and you’ll know why.
Ones an ace, the other a disgrace.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 26, 2021:
I see Trump is practicing his Putin technique on that water bottle.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 27, 2021:
Don’t you mean the collie or the Doberman Pinscher? LOL
Ones an ace, the other a disgrace.
BirdMan1 comments on May 27, 2021:
Bottom guy missing a few (millions of them) brain cells?
CuddyCruiser replies on May 27, 2021:
Has 0 to begin with.
Trump lashes out at New York grand jury — but he doesn't have any idea what the case is about ...
CuddyCruiser comments on May 26, 2021:
Doesn’t know his cock from his nose.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 27, 2021:
@phxbillcee LOL TRUE!!
Are you ready to be raptured by aliens, or possibly abducted by Jesus?
CuddyCruiser comments on May 25, 2021:
This Pandemic is that something huge. For about the last 10 or 15 years, maybe more, I always felt deep down that something was going to happen………something that would be so unexpected, unpredictable, and life altering and that life following it, if at all possible, would be totally changed ...
CuddyCruiser replies on May 26, 2021:
@creative51 Likewise here. Remember the Spanish Flu pandemic lasted from 1916 to 1918, killed over 600,000
Wouldn’t know a rigged system if it bit his dick off.
TheGreatShadow comments on May 25, 2021:
LMFAO at the comment and the meme. Sadly he DOES. He just FAILED at trying to rig it! Ever listen to the audio of him and the governor of Georgia? He kept on saying thing like "we need to find X amount of votes" and "you gotta find X amount of votes". Not verbatim but I can't remember exactly ...
CuddyCruiser replies on May 26, 2021:
@TheGreatShadow They’ll kill their own family members if the Orange asswad said so.
There has to be a way to end the Repug Madness.
AnneWimsey comments on May 24, 2021:
I said it before....make drump publicly, repeatedly, Concede! Offer to drop a charge or two, whatever, (there are plenty IMO), but make it happen! Until he concedes, it is fuel to the fire!
CuddyCruiser replies on May 25, 2021:
@OldGoat43 And that’s exactly what all his Evangelical flock think……..
Wouldn’t know a rigged system if it bit his dick off.
TheGreatShadow comments on May 25, 2021:
LMFAO at the comment and the meme. Sadly he DOES. He just FAILED at trying to rig it! Ever listen to the audio of him and the governor of Georgia? He kept on saying thing like "we need to find X amount of votes" and "you gotta find X amount of votes". Not verbatim but I can't remember exactly ...
CuddyCruiser replies on May 25, 2021:
He still may be facing future charges stemming from the doozy he pulled with that “find me the votes” stunt in GA, not to mention the legal trouble facing him here in NY, as well as Wash. DC. But when all is done with, whenever that might be, I would really like to see him just lose all his assets and just go bankrupt. That would be far worse than any kind of prison time……….he’s 75 years old and in poor health, so much time would he really get? Time will tell.
There has to be a way to end the Repug Madness.
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2021:
Just get out and vote. If We could pick up a couple of more Senate seats and hold on to the House, all of this shit can be changed, including the filibuster. The upcoming mid-terms are going to be very important.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 25, 2021:
@Sticks48 Good point!! It could be a new “realigning” with younger people more involved as you suggested. And these are times of upheaval as well with that big Chumpdick refusing to go away.
There has to be a way to end the Repug Madness.
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2021:
Just get out and vote. If We could pick up a couple of more Senate seats and hold on to the House, all of this shit can be changed, including the filibuster. The upcoming mid-terms are going to be very important.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 25, 2021:
@Sticks48 I remember. But don’t forget Obama’s or Clinton’s first midterms. They got pulverized.
There has to be a way to end the Repug Madness.
AnneWimsey comments on May 24, 2021:
I said it before....make drump publicly, repeatedly, Concede! Offer to drop a charge or two, whatever, (there are plenty IMO), but make it happen! Until he concedes, it is fuel to the fire!
CuddyCruiser replies on May 25, 2021:
He won’t concede. a spoiled child can never admit fault…….always blames all else.
There has to be a way to end the Repug Madness.
BitFlipper comments on May 24, 2021:
If Georgia wants to make itself a laughing stock, like Arizona, well that's just tough shit.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 25, 2021:
The power of religion!! Breeds such intelligence!! Lol.
There has to be a way to end the Repug Madness.
Sticks48 comments on May 24, 2021:
Just get out and vote. If We could pick up a couple of more Senate seats and hold on to the House, all of this shit can be changed, including the filibuster. The upcoming mid-terms are going to be very important.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 25, 2021:
A new President’s first midterm almost always loses the house by average of 19 to 23 seats. Exceptions for 1934, FDR’s first midterm, 1998 and 2002. But these were times of great upheaval, the impeachment of Bill Clinton, and Sept.11,2001.
I would say a complete moron.
mcgeo52 comments on May 20, 2021:
Some would argue it takes a "special" kind of genius to bankrupt a casino.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 20, 2021:
Since the casino is “fixed” to favor the house………true there!!
I would say a complete moron.
Sticks48 comments on May 20, 2021:
I want to know who said Streep was overrated.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 20, 2021:
The Orange tickturd himself.
He probably couldn’t even do one push-up or sit-up.
RobertNappi2 comments on May 20, 2021:
Deep down, he knows he is a spineless idiot!!!
CuddyCruiser replies on May 20, 2021:
Most of all……a coward.
Trump Organization under criminal investigation ; no longer just a civil investigation; New York DA...
TheGreatShadow comments on May 19, 2021:
34 seconds in and I have to post this! NAILED TO THE FUCKING CROSS! Fitting for an Atheist group. Plus I love Destruction. Said this before, will say it again; he could have fucked people over 'till his death until he became POTUS. Probably wouldn't have gotten caught. Capone got nailed for tax ...
CuddyCruiser replies on May 20, 2021:
GREAT FUCKING BAND!! GREAT FUCKIN SONG!! THE BOOK OF GOD!! THE BOOK OF LIES!! Exumer, Kreator and Sodom are great as well!!
In the UK there is a lot of talk using the phrase ‘ Road-Map ‘, even though using it will not ...
CuddyCruiser comments on May 19, 2021:
Religion will never be eliminated. It’ll always exist.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 20, 2021:
@bbyrd009 IMO hope is for the naive. But I agree about religion being diminished. It’s nonsensical claims and absurdity totally turn off the younger generation my nieces, ages 24 and 26, and nephew, 21, and all their friends are totally put off by all of it.
Holy fuck, if I weren’t already atheist, I’d be asking where to sign up! 10 Rules of Sex for...
PBuck0145 comments on May 19, 2021:
Perhaps "the prophet" learned his misogyny from the bible.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 20, 2021:
Yea…….he watched the cuming of the lord.
Holy fuck, if I weren’t already atheist, I’d be asking where to sign up! 10 Rules of Sex for...
Marcie1974 comments on May 19, 2021:
Gawd I’d like to slap some sense into women who buy into this BS
CuddyCruiser replies on May 20, 2021:
@mischl Women are all they’re capable of doing that to. Or children. It’s the way of all cowards and bullies.
Or better yet just drop dead.
Theresa_N comments on May 19, 2021:
I check the news every morning to see if he's dead yet.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 19, 2021:
@TheDoubter True…….the evil seem to live forever.
I think it’s important to remember how far free speech has come in this country .
creative51 comments on May 19, 2021:
There are certain members who should be burned at the stake today. Not mentioning any names, just saying.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 19, 2021:
I’ll claim fame to it.
New Zealand Pastor: My “Essential” Religion is Preventing a “Socialist State” | Hemant Mehta...
Sgt_Spanky comments on May 18, 2021:
Republicans have no idea what they're talking about when they bitch about socialism. They equate the word, "socialism" with n overbearing, restrictive government that will lead to bread lines, government cheese, and dogs for dinner. What liberals mean when we talk about socialism are social programs...
CuddyCruiser replies on May 18, 2021:
Try telling that to faithfucks.
Canadian Pastor Arrested After Refusing to Comply with COVID Restrictions | Hemant Mehta | Friendly ...
barjoe comments on May 18, 2021:
I knew I should've moved to Canada.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 18, 2021:
Faithfools are everywhere.
How many of you became atheists because you were "Holy Ghosted"?
xenoview comments on May 17, 2021:
When my prayers went unanswered I would belame myself for not being good enough.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 18, 2021:
@snytiger6 The weak always give in.
Totally agree.
altschmerz comments on May 17, 2021:
As long as people like Mitch McConnell and Marjorie Taylor Greene are in office, there is still work to be done.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 17, 2021:
And let’s not forget Matt Gaetz. Another loser.
Christian Lawmaker Threatens to Dox Reporter for Describing Him Accurately | Hemant Mehta | Friendly...
DenoPenno comments on May 15, 2021:
I could not give a man like this the time of day.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 15, 2021:
@anglophone It’s too small…….probably the size of a pebble.
phxbillcee comments on May 4, 2021:
Oh, he's collected far more than $200! Between the money his properties have made during his presidency (overcharging the Secret Service, for example) to the scam of his "Stop the Steal" fundraiser he's made out quite well. Let's hope his creditors catch up to him & his legal woes tap him out!
CuddyCruiser replies on May 15, 2021:
@mcgeo52 But the going broke and losing everything would probably torment him more. I wish nothing good for this guy……I hope he has a nice slow horrible extremely painful death.
Christian Lawmaker Threatens to Dox Reporter for Describing Him Accurately | Hemant Mehta | Friendly...
anglophone comments on May 14, 2021:
... all because his mother failed to swallow.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 15, 2021:
Ahh, you mean the whore that was raped by her pimp?
phxbillcee comments on May 4, 2021:
Oh, he's collected far more than $200! Between the money his properties have made during his presidency (overcharging the Secret Service, for example) to the scam of his "Stop the Steal" fundraiser he's made out quite well. Let's hope his creditors catch up to him & his legal woes tap him out!
CuddyCruiser replies on May 15, 2021:
@mcgeo52 That would actually be preferable than him doing slammer time.
Illinois Pastor: Delaying Church Reopening Means “We’ve Been Sentenced to Death” | Terry Firma...
GeorgeRocheleau comments on May 13, 2021:
If the people stay home, they might figure out they don't need pastors. And how will he buy that Mercedes then?
CuddyCruiser replies on May 14, 2021:
Thieves can be crafty. Never underestimate anything or anybody.
Satanic temple against corporal punishment.
Krish55 comments on May 12, 2021:
Well of course they're against corporal punishment in this life. That's so they can gain recruits. Then, when Godddd sends you to Hellll, Satan will personally administer all the corporal punishment that you earned on Earth!
CuddyCruiser replies on May 12, 2021:
But think of this……..if Satan punishes the evildoers, wouldn’t that make him a good guy? LOL
What a nice shirt!! I’m going to make one up for myself in the near future.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 12, 2021:
I don't quite get it. What's 11/9?
CuddyCruiser replies on May 12, 2021:
@Willow_Wisp And considering many of them aren’t the most intelligent………look at how many Capitol rioters are trying to blame the turd himself, or Fox News or whatever other scapegoat they try to imagine. Scary indeed. But I’m not intimidated by them either.
What a nice shirt!! I’m going to make one up for myself in the near future.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 12, 2021:
I don't quite get it. What's 11/9?
CuddyCruiser replies on May 12, 2021:
@Willow_Wisp The orange tickturd may even attempt another run in 2024.
What a nice shirt!! I’m going to make one up for myself in the near future.
HippieChick58 comments on May 12, 2021:
I want that shirt. I don't know where I'd wear it, but I really, really want it. I know where I could wear it, but I don't know if I'd ever wear it outside of my house...
CuddyCruiser replies on May 12, 2021:
I’ll wear it anywhere……..whether it’s the streets here in NYC or the most religious part of country.
What a nice shirt!! I’m going to make one up for myself in the near future.
Willow_Wisp comments on May 12, 2021:
I don't quite get it. What's 11/9?
CuddyCruiser replies on May 12, 2021:
11 / 9 / 16. When the orange turd was elected.
[] televangelists RELIGION UNITEDSTATES U.S.NEWS CELEBRITY Megachurches Scams
xenoview comments on May 11, 2021:
Sadly faithfools believe the scammers.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 12, 2021:
Yea……they want to throw their money away, that’s their business and stupidity.
Probably can’t even write.
glennlab comments on May 11, 2021:
Nah, he will probably do a Ken Lay and commit suicide after he's found guilty.
CuddyCruiser replies on May 11, 2021:
That would also work!!


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