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Have you thought about as to HOW many points are needed as levels are achieved.
David1955 comments on Feb 7, 2018:
I made a decision early not to base my contribution here on getting points. Whatever my points are, they are, and that's it. I don't think about drumming up posts just for points or anything like that. Whatever I post, comment on, or click "like," I just do because that's my contribution, good or poor. A lot of "Facebooky" type posts I don't even read, and I'm sure others filter what interest them as well, which is fine. I'm not criticising the point system. I see the idea in it. But that's how it is for me. I'm not really a social media person. This site is an exception for me, but I like what I like from it.
Do you remember where you were when the Challenger exploded?
David1955 comments on Feb 7, 2018:
Yes, I came back the previous day from a holiday in China. Going to China was considered very adventurous back then. The Challenger was horrifying. Over the years I have researched this event very closely. The real story of NASA's incompetence, arrogance, lack of transparency, thwarting of efforts to reveal their appalling procedures, the actual fate of the crew - contrary to NASA's efforts to conceal it - is also horrifying. When not motivated by the science, the evidence, and the truth, this is what happens. You would think NASA would be a role model, but it's anything but. The reports and studies show it. Also, the complexity of what happened - the cold, O rings, slag from the solid fuel boosters, and the Gulf Stream gusts that hit the orbiter just seconds before the explosion and contributing to the cause, only fully realised a few years ago by researchers, make it a very complex story. Fate was truly against those poor astronauts.
I just got my first paycheck with the new tax cuts in effect.
David1955 comments on Feb 7, 2018:
Don't worry, it'll all go on your national debt. At this rate, the Chinese won't have to beat your country; they'll just call in their loan. Hand them the keys.
What does American greatness mean to you?
David1955 comments on Feb 7, 2018:
But it can get it back if it stops voting for that damn Republican Party and the loonies who comprise it.
Have you ever met a religious person that calls themself a humanist?
David1955 comments on Feb 7, 2018:
Yes, there are religious people I have known, good people actually, who are really humanists, but they think that term means non religious, so they don't use it. They believe their religion means they are "good people" but at heart they believe in humanist ideas. They are confused, that's all.
I have a question for both believers and unbelievers.
David1955 comments on Feb 7, 2018:
What is the point of the question? If "God" told us that he "did exist" might make sense as a question, to see if atheists would believe if confronted by "God". But this question makes no sense. But if you want an answer, mine would be: "Well God, which "God" aren't you?" Ask a silly... get a silly...
I Helped Sell the False Choice of War Once. It’s Happening Again. - The New York Times
David1955 comments on Feb 6, 2018:
I'd be tempted to say about the repeated folly wars the US military-industrial-political-corporate complex has gotten the US, and usually my country as well, into, which then involves a lot of good honourable everyday people making the sacrifice to fight them: Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. But I think it's more like: Fool me at least 10 times shame on you, fool me 11 times total shame on me. You know? Really.
Why argue about God or any belief?
David1955 comments on Feb 6, 2018:
Here's the problem: If people just had their own spiritual whatever and it was internal to them and it was private and so on, then that would be nice and they could believe any darn thing they like, including God. But, they don't just do that, do they. No, they have religions, with churches, and theology, and morals, priests and Popes and alike, and education for children to teach them their damned theology, as well as frightening them with damnation, and then they support politicians to promote their beliefs, and they also oppose things that are not consistent with their theology, and tell adults who they can have consensual sexual relations with, and how and when they can have babies, and on top of that they want to have wars with other religions which haven't seen the one true faith that they know, so, yeah, goddamn it, we should keep arguing with them, challenge their unproven claims, their appalling history, dreadful practices and anti modernist thinking in the faint hope that one day, just maybe, they might just all f--k off so we can have a better, rational, science based world!!!
I don't drink alcohol.
David1955 comments on Feb 5, 2018:
Yeah I'm with you on that one. Never had any problem with it but I decided years ago that alcohol as a chemical is really a poison that people take in small (sometimes not so small) doses mixed with other flavours. No way it does you any good, despite some believing that it does.
What is your favorite Star Wars movie?
David1955 comments on Feb 5, 2018:
Rogue One. I thought it was the first SW film for adults. Great themes of sacrifice and altruism, and a wonderful multiracial cast. Great to watch a movie and not hear "God" mentioned once.
Can life have meaning? 4 different perspectives
David1955 comments on Feb 5, 2018:
What's the source of this? Camus falls under Existentialism. Cannot take these categories seriously or in any way defined.
Am I the only person who cares nothing for football?
David1955 comments on Feb 5, 2018:
Non football caring person here. Of course I'm not in the US but football is football and it's all a big yawn.
Anyone ever wonder if the solution to Americas mass shootings was very simple?
David1955 comments on Feb 5, 2018:
I mean it's not like they would find a way to make real bullets, no after being determined to go out and kill people they'd just have to put up with those old rubber ones. Just like they didn't find a way to convert those weapons into machine guns by getting a converter kit.... Oh wait, they did. Sorry Americans but if you are going to have a country where there are 5,000 guns per head of population, or whatever, and any dang fool idiot can go out and buy one, well it's hardly rocket science that some mentally disturbed people are going to go on a shooting spree. The rest of the world, except maybe a few third world failed states run by war lords, look on the US in this respect with horror. And as for that whatever amendment that allows it, well, constitutions and laws change, don't they? Just takes political courage. I know huge numbers of Americans feel exactly the same way about this. I've known many.
What’s your most favorite and least favorite sport?
David1955 comments on Feb 5, 2018:
Least favourite: any game kicking a football. Most favourite: anything with a racquet.
World of Religion - how the numbers stack up.
David1955 comments on Feb 5, 2018:
If any Aliens up here, around out there in your space ships, are reading this chart, I just want to say that I'm sorry, but yes it's true, we haven't outgrown our Bronze Age species childhood yet and our species childhood stories of magic and miracles, so come back in a 1,000 years or so, and if we haven't done ourselves in (a big "if" ) then maybe we might have by then, and maybe we can do business with you. Ok? Thanks.
If you won the lottery,,,
David1955 comments on Feb 4, 2018:
Set myself up financially and securely, but not extravagantly, and find a way to devote my time and resources to the causes of secularism and atheism, or at least participate more than I can now.
Anyone annoyed by snotty liberals?
David1955 comments on Feb 4, 2018:
As a very openly progressive person myself I think by "snotty liberals" you are referring to the politically correct brigade, sometimes called "the regressive left" even by some new atheists. These are people so absorbed by being "progressive" that they live in fear of saying anything about anyone's anything lest they be called something with an "ist" at the end of it (racist, sexist etc) and they stomp over anyone who even departs from the accepted language. It's a problem, and it has contributed in part of to the right wing backlash we see in Trumpism and similar movements. I see it in the critique against atheism by some progressives as well, eg about criticising Islam. In cases where I have dealt with such people myself I take the issue head on and refused to be emotionally blackmailed because I may criticise religion, culture or any modern sacred cows.
What is your definition of God?
David1955 comments on Feb 4, 2018:
I'd also like to add to this thread a quote from John Lennon, which l think is worth repeating. "God is a concept by which we measure our pain."
National Secular Lobby - Australia -Other thoughts
David1955 comments on Feb 4, 2018:
I wish there were a more active atheist movement here in Australia. Yes there are some bodies, mainly Sydney focused, and they do stuff, Dawkins visits etc, but as an atheist here I feel completely isolated. The nature of Australia is the reason - big country, scattered population, a few big cities, Sydney centred everything. It's just how things are here. If I had the time and resources I'd fly to atheist events here, but you how it is.
An interesting article that I wanted to share with the group. []
David1955 comments on Feb 4, 2018:
Yes, a good piece. While this is about the US, many of the issues apply globally in western countries, though to a greater or lesser degree. In my country, it is less pronounced, but still there. Politicians still play religious because it looks good. I also hate the fact that mainstream media still plug religion thinking it looks good. I do think the rising non religiousness of young people is a good thing. It great to see many younger people on this site, for example. Also, I strongly believe that many people are only what I call notionally religious. They are religious in behaviour and identity but not really by strong belief. These are the people we want to turn towards the light. We have to keep pulling this train, folks. It's a momentum issue, I feel certain. Hard to build the momentum, but once it builds, and more people pull.... In 50 years we have seen a transformation in attitudes towards women, racial equality, gay rights and others in that broader community, just to name some areas of great change. It's not perfect, but it's a hell of a lot better than it was. We've got to hope that we can do the same for secularism and religious non-belief. I'm not an optimist by nature, but I've got to remain hopeful about that.
Did you notice Bernie Sander's did not say "god bless America" in his response to the state of the ...
David1955 comments on Feb 3, 2018:
Go Bernie! You are an inspiration to "grumpy old" left wing progressive non religious democratic socialist guys everywhere.
I notice a lot of atheist groups, particularly "New Atheists" tend to side with apartheid Israel ...
David1955 comments on Feb 3, 2018:
I identify with New Atheism, but I do not side in the way you suggest. A great many religionist Christians certainly side with the Irsaeli side on this, so I don't think your generalisation about atheism is very valid, actually. I think it is a tragedy that this issue cannot be resolved.
What's a good romantic gift someone could give you?
David1955 comments on Feb 3, 2018:
A million dollars. My idea of romantic tends to have a practical edge to it, sorry :-)
Would you be afraid to spend a few nights in the Amityville horror house?
David1955 comments on Feb 3, 2018:
I remember watching one of those TV ghost shows, about a house near the Cielo drive house in LA of the 1969 Manson murders, where lots of ghosts were regularly spooking the living bejeesus out of the owner (Right). Anyway, there was this ghostologist with a ghostometer, an expert of ghosts, he said, and he made this comment that the place was so riddled with paranormal behaviour that, and I quote, "I would not stay the night here for a million dollars!". And I thought, yeah I'd like to put that to the test. Here's a million bucks..... Honestly these people are so full of s--t. How can people believe this sort of stuff.
Krispy Kreme donuts are coming! The thing about that is, they will have one store to start with, ...
David1955 comments on Feb 2, 2018:
Saw the guy who started this crappy food franchise in a TV interview about starting up his KK shops in Singapore I think it was. It was a paid type interview, not at all critical. Great. Just what Singaporean children need: western obesity. When asked about KK donuts and health he replied that it was an occasional enjoyment food and we should not be too worried about that. In the next breath he went on to say about the "rewards" card or some such, so every 10 donuts you eat you one free. Not a hint of awareness of contradiction in his mind. Wonderful. Noooo thank you.
Who never was religious?
David1955 comments on Feb 2, 2018:
What is your definition of God?
David1955 comments on Feb 2, 2018:
God = a figment of human imagination, borne during our species childhood, to explain anything and everything that was not understood or explained, and a projection of human ignorance and fear --- which also served a useful purpose by some to control and exploit others for their own aggrandisement, a practice which continues to this day.
I detested that opening question, "Do you believe in God?
David1955 comments on Feb 2, 2018:
I don't think anybody truly likes that question, or takes much notice of the figure people choose. As an atheist I ask the question differently: Are you 100% certain that there is no evidence for the existence of ANY God? Any and All. Answer, yes. Now if anyone would care to provide some evidence, give me a call. Happy to look at it.. And no, visions, spiritual nirvanic sensations, knowledge entering from "another way of knowing" and stories from the Bronze Age etc etc do not count.
It was just pointed out, and a total surprise to me, that Cleopatra is nearer in time to the Aswan ...
David1955 comments on Feb 2, 2018:
Cleopatra wasn't even racially an Egyptian woman. She was Greek, her line going back to Alexander the Great period a couple of centuries before.
How Should Atheism Be Taught? - The Atlantic
David1955 comments on Feb 1, 2018:
I posted this same link here a few days ago. It generated the same negative comments about the title teaching atheism. Other points in the article about the current dynamic in atheism were less well noted.
What is the best way to broach Atheism in a religious conversation?
David1955 comments on Feb 1, 2018:
Depends on what you aim to do. If your aim is to challenge or change them, then that's a fool's errand and little likely to help you. On the other hand if your aim is to establish your independence, intellectually, from them, then all you can do is state your position, let the cards fall where they may, hold your head up high and go forth. Do you need their approval? No? Then their disapproval shouldn't bother you either. I think you'll feel better once you do.
I picked up a copy of "The Bible for Dummies" at the library today.
David1955 comments on Jan 31, 2018:
Never was a book more aptly titled. (Perhaps only missing the verb BE conjugated between Bible and For) :-)
What is your favorite cartoon show?
David1955 comments on Jan 31, 2018:
The Jetsons! Still my favourite. I wanted to live in a Jetsons future as a kid. Still do. Flying cars that fold up into suitcases; houses the go high above the weather at a push of a button; robots that do everything and talk in weird ways; dogs that talk, sort of, holidays on Saturn, and a job at Spacely Sprockets. Instead what have we got? A wrecked planet, a ruling class of 1% who have most of the wealth and all of the power, crazy freecking religionists who want to go back to the Dark Ages, and Donald "The Manchurian Candidate" Trump. What a bloody disappointment! By the way, my second choice would be "The Thunderbirds" but technically they were puppets not cartoons. Had a big crush on Lady Penelope as a kid, but that's another story...
I just shared with a friend of 35 yr, that I am on Agnostic.
David1955 comments on Jan 31, 2018:
Oops! As Arnold might say, "She'll be back!" It is funny how people react though about religion. My older brother and I were atheists when much younger, and we were close. Then he got religion. We're not close anymore. There's more than just religion involved, but it's relevant certainly. But you gotta be what you are, I say.
What ever happened to Xtians being nice, caring, and loving?
David1955 comments on Jan 31, 2018:
I wanted to make the point that there are Christians and then again there are Christians. What I mean is there are certainly Christians who totally buy into their mythology, and along with that goes the political conservatism, the social conservatism moralising, all of which I detest. Exactly why this religion is synonymous with these ideas, given that their historical figure was supposed to be a zealot, a system challenger, and a radical figure is truly baffling to me. But I do know and have met Christians who are good people and not reactionaries. What I have found is they don't really buy the whole Jesus story, not really; instead they sort of connect to relatively modern Christian notion of Christian love and brotherhood, and all that stuff. For many it's quite genuine. What I think is they are humanists with a Christian face, not realising that for most of its appalling history Christianity hasn't stood for any of these things. This is post Enlightenment Christianity, liberalised Christianity made over by modern humanist values. Unfortunately they continue to make up the numbers of so called counted Christians, and they are often oblivious to the crap their religions do. I meet people like this and I want to tell them that I think they're good people, but please drop the Jesus BS that they don't really believe, and connect to those promoting secular tolerance and progressive thinking. What they hang on to is the notion that Christian equates to "a good person"; they don't really believe in Jesus, they just want to thought of as "good". I actually feel sorry for these Christians; I think they are deluded.
What ever happened to Xtians being nice, caring, and loving?
David1955 comments on Jan 31, 2018:
"Xtians being nice, caring and loving?" When was this then? I must have missed it. Probably dozed off. :-)
How much time per day/week do you spend exercising or engaging in some form of fitness?
David1955 comments on Jan 30, 2018:
Up in the morning 5-6 times a week for 2 1/2 hour power walk and jog, and also some push ups. Hot or cold does nor deter me. Even rain, unless it is a big storm. You just gotta do something.
How many of you have exited from a cult?
David1955 comments on Jan 30, 2018:
Yes, Catholicism. Well, it's just a bigger cult is all!
Atheists Are Brainwashed By The Scientific Method
David1955 comments on Jan 30, 2018:
Damn, I wish I had found this and added it to my "Dumb Religious Stories" series. Well, if you have to be brainwashed by something it might as well be science. It's a recurring religious theme that non believers "think too much".
Were you the popular type in high school or more the keep to yourself type?
David1955 comments on Jan 30, 2018:
Dork, definitely not one of the cool guys, high points few, and as for popularity with the girls, well let's not go there. But even then I'd take religious kids on, even a Reverend Jonnie or two in debate. Guess the dye was cast.
Why are Christians being marginalized in America?
David1955 comments on Jan 30, 2018:
Truth is, despite their bleatings, White Christians still have a stranglehold on America, politics, finance and business. White Christian complaints in the US are hypocrisy as an art form. The racial mix is changing and underclass challenge is evident, but to call that marginalised is absurd. Essentially they are anti modernists. I don't have to be in America or come from America to know this is true. Even your progressive politicians and movements affirm this.
What are the easiest and best ways to be atheist activists. What have you done?
David1955 comments on Jan 30, 2018:
It's a good question. I feel bad that I can't do more, that I don't have the means and profile to do more. Where I am there's not much in terms of groups and associations, like there are in the US. It's something I think about, wishing to do more to promote atheism and challenge religion. I almost feel guilty I can't do more. That's why I admire the prominent atheist activists and all they do.
Any Dr Who fans?
David1955 comments on Jan 30, 2018:
I used to be, going back the great days of Tom Baker and even before that. It's gotten too silly and politically correct for me. I thought I'd like the last guy and though he's a great actor I just couldn't maintain interest. Now he's going to be a woman. I mean really? They had women Time Lords back in the 70s and that was great, but no he's got to be a woman now. Pass.
I was told by a Christian that atheist stay stressed cause they always doing research on everything.
David1955 comments on Jan 29, 2018:
Ah yes, ignorance is bliss. The old religionist argument: don't ask too many questions, don't question too much, just believe. Just like in the Dark Ages. Dark Ages thinking, you just can't beat it. :-)
Most atheists/agnostics started out being raised into some religion they didn't buy into.
David1955 comments on Jan 29, 2018:
Catholic, but it ran off me like water off a duck's back. By 14 I was reading books about Christian history and historical Jesus. Never looked back.
Hello everyone.
David1955 comments on Jan 29, 2018:
What dark side? Religion is on the dark side. (Post EnLIGHTenment side).
Is being forceful with ones' disbelief of religion any better than someone trying to convert one to ...
David1955 comments on Jan 29, 2018:
This question is somewhat loaded, with an assumption that atheists are forceful about their non belief in religion. It reminds of something R.Dawkins said once that if you're clear, confident and articulate about your atheism then you're labelled hostile and militant, simply for that. Comparing confident assertive atheists or non-believers with religious prosthetisers would be a false equivalent. Religious converters look for receptive hosts to impart their meme. It's a form self confirmation, and they do it actively, if they can. Non believers here speak freely about they feel about religion, but in the physical world don't go around, I strong suspect, looking for believers to convert to atheism or agnosticism. What we do, though, is confront religious assertions openly, challenge religionist claims confidently, and criticise religious theology and practise unapologetically. Some obviously more stridently than others. That does not, from my experience, involve attempting to convert others. It doesn't work like that.
A lot of angry and/or uneducated atheists around here...
David1955 comments on Jan 29, 2018:
Sometimes people say what I think so well, I don't need to repeat it, like here. I don't think your Dr Phil effort is needed here. This is no longer the 20th Century; things have changed;
Whats your opinion of the Bible?
David1955 comments on Jan 29, 2018:
Good source for making preposterous movies with grandiose background music, serious talking people, ponderous narrators, and donkeys, as well as blond haired blue-eyed heroes;
How do you feel about Christians?
David1955 comments on Jan 29, 2018:
You can't hate a people as a group. I know and have known many great Christian people. Also some truly awful Christians. I don't like Christianity, and make no apology for that. Appalling history and a death cult. I don't need to go into any more detail than that.
How many folks here know who this is, and/or remember his presidency?
David1955 comments on Jan 28, 2018:
Did the poster seriously think that people wouldn't at least remember JFK if for no other reason than the recurring issue of the assassination? I'm sure not. As for personally remembering him, well that is a generation related question. I was 8 in 1963. I remember the shock of that time, generally anyway.
When creating a profile, you are asked to choose your likes in order to compare them to others.
David1955 comments on Jan 28, 2018:
Yes, I left it out for a similar reason to the poster's.
How I became a Fundamentalist extremist in my childhood, its affects, and how I got out.
David1955 comments on Jan 28, 2018:
Great piece. Now, if you feel a relapse coming on, you'd better go to AA (Atheists Anonymous) :-) I guess that's here. Seriously though, I found your explanation about why you changed interesting, bible studies and other things mixed in, but not one big transforming event. That's probably typical. People I have met who have renounced religion usually say it was a process not a big I saw the light event.
Is being an atheist important?
David1955 comments on Jan 28, 2018:
I don't go around shouting it, but in any relevant situation I'll certainly let it known. I am clear about that, and I'll tolerate no nonsense from religionists.
I upset several devout Christians this afternoon.
David1955 comments on Jan 28, 2018:
I always think if you upset some devout Christians, then the day hasn't been a complete loss. :-)
Do you believe in aliens?
David1955 comments on Jan 28, 2018:
I believe in the possibility of alien life, given the size of the universe and its age of 13.7 billion years, but the belief in actual aliens will depend on clear proof of their existence.
I want to thank everybody in this huge crowd for elevating me to the best level, Level 7.
David1955 comments on Jan 28, 2018:
Well, don't let it go to your head, young man. :-) When I reach level 7 I'm going to go out and get drunk. Oh, wait, I don't drink. Well, a latte with caramel flavour then.
To those who were raised in a religious household, what made you abandon your family's beliefs?
David1955 comments on Jan 28, 2018:
I rejected religion at an early age. I think it was during the third trimester in my mothers womb. Might have been earlier. :-)
My friend has a trophy wife. I don't think it was 1st place.
David1955 comments on Jan 28, 2018:
Quote from Everybody Loves Raymond TV show. Marie to Frank: "I'm smart you know Frank. I'm not just some trophy wife." Frank to Marie: " Trophy Wife!? What contest in Hell did I win!?" :-)
Do any of you have earnestly religious friends?
David1955 comments on Jan 28, 2018:
At university many years ago my closest friend was a religious person. He was quite brilliant, and won a Rhodes Scholarship. But whenever we talked about religion, it was like I was talking to a different person, like a different part of he mind was in control. I've never forgotten that. In one memorable conversation he almost admitted that himself.
Do you have wanderlust?
David1955 comments on Jan 27, 2018:
Very much so, and I've tried to travel as much as possible, but never had the money to do it as I would really like. Must say though, travel itself has become a grind in this age of terrorism. It was never glamorous except for those traveling first class all the way, but I look back to the 90s when I travelled a lot and compared to now it was a relative pleasure. Airports now are just awful, with check after check, scan after scan, random checks to see if you've got bomb chemicals on your clothes, and hold ups and delays and security this and security that. Jeeesus! You can't take this with you and you can't take that. My desire to travel hasn't subsided, but my capacity to endure the processing of modern travel certainly has. These rag-head low life two bit terrorist creeps have got us living in fear and terror that not even fascists, nazis and communists ever achieved. If I could go back in time I would find some way to travel more in the 80s and 90s before the Age of Fear.
Male privilege? what does it mean to you?
David1955 comments on Jan 27, 2018:
While there may be male privilege, let us not assume that ALL males, including white ones, are privileged. Let's also remember that females in privileged classes are as privileged as anyone else. Privilege is fundamentally about class, not gender.
White Evangelicals, This is Why People Are Through With You
David1955 comments on Jan 27, 2018:
Fabulous. This the kind of direct speaking we need to say to religionists.
Guess what time it is?
David1955 comments on Jan 27, 2018:
What was it this week, McDonalds on Pluto? :-)
So this is real? Finally a group of my people?
David1955 comments on Jan 27, 2018:
Yes, it's almost too good to be true, and I hope it's not too good to last. The occasional squabble and a ruffled feather or two and the odd grumpy post, but other than that it all works well.
How many people here have lived overseas
David1955 comments on Jan 27, 2018:
Spent most of the 90s abroad in SE Asia, lived in Thailand, which is where my heart really is. I like not being in Australia, actually. I'd be abroad now if the circumstances allowed it. The future will see. There is such a person as a natural expat, people who like to live outside their home country. I always like meeting and talking to expats. It's a kind of a wavelength thing, I can quite explain it. Living abroad is very good for people. It gets them outside their cultural comfort zone. It did for me. It's easy for people who never live abroad to fall into mindset against "foreigners" and "aliens" (the non space type) Being a foreigner or alien in someone else's country is good for character, builds modesty.
David1955 comments on Jan 26, 2018:
I'm not cool enough to be a Dude. :-( Just haven't got what it takes. As the great San Franciscon urban philosopher, Dirty Harry Callahan, used to say: "A man's just got to know his limitations." (BTW Harry usually said just before blowing away some poor sap with that enormous firearm of his.)
Was sex more fun when you still believed in original sin?
David1955 comments on Jan 26, 2018:
Well I know it was more fun when I had more of it. ...I assume atheist sex is when you only believe it's good if you have evidence that it is, but agnostic sex you can never know if it good or not because it's unknowable. :-) (Sorry, couldn't resist).
How chivalrous are you?
David1955 comments on Jan 26, 2018:
I think of My Fair Lady Pickering to Higgins: "Higgins, are you a man of character where women are concerned?" Higgins: "Pickering, have you ever met a man of character where women are concerned?" Pickering: "Very frequently." Higgins: "Well, I haven't." Of course, we must agree with Pickering. But I can't help but think Higgins has a point. Men, and the influence women have on them.
TED - militant atheism - Dawkins... []
David1955 comments on Jan 26, 2018:
@Heathen2 You might want to consider that this site, in which you participate, has come about because of the growing profile of atheism and non believers in the world, due to the efforts of Richard Dawkins and others bringing a stronger edge to the movement. How would you compare your own contribution to this movement compared to his? I would give anything to have had a fraction of the influence Dawkins has had in promoting science, reason, atheism and non religious belief in this world. But that's me.
Best fictional TV show that features Atheism?
David1955 comments on Jan 26, 2018:
Re - TD. Wasn't he an existentialist? Solipsist?
Best fictional TV show that features Atheism?
David1955 comments on Jan 26, 2018:
I wasn't aware that there were any. Perhaps Star Trek, TOS, 1966-1969. Definitely atheist themes reflecting Roddenberry.
Television- The great bullshitter
David1955 comments on Jan 26, 2018:
I just don't watch it, haven't for years, certainly live TV, exceptions being some news, which I filter in my head, and balance with wide reading, and specific things I stream, each carefully chosen. TV is generally the propaganda wing of the Establishment and the ruling elites. It's there to manufacture consent and dissent, as Noam Chomsky says. It serves the dominant ideology , which in western countries, in capitalism. Much the same no matter the country you are in. But knowledge of this brings awareness and awareness ameliorates its power over you.
Hi, just wanted to say that the majority of this group are so interesting and quite witty.
David1955 comments on Jan 25, 2018:
Perhaps we could have the annual Oscars, with awards for best posts in various categories. "And the winner of the 2018 funniest post Oscar goes to....". "Thank you, Thank you, now I want to thank everybody I've ever known....." :-)
General vent about being atheist in a very Christian community.
David1955 comments on Jan 25, 2018:
Don't blame you for feeling frustrated and needing to let that out. Religionists can be so damned self righteous, with little or no justification, in my view, given the history and current practise of religion, in our case mostly Christianity. I would politely suggest that you develop a sense of internal self assurance about your non religious views. You don't have to justify anything to a religionist. They are the ones who believe in mysticism, supernaturalism and magic; they are the ones who do not follow reason and evidence based thinking; they are on the wrong side of history. With fellow non believers you can debate and discuss and agree and disagree on issues. With believers, just rise above them. Atheist self confidence and demonstrated imperviousness to religionists' emotional blackmail is truly disconcerting to them. I have seen it and practiced it. Being surrounded by believers can be tough if you are an atheist. Others have written about that here. Hope it helps to know that there are a lot of us out there, and slowly we are grouping. The momentum builds.
What if?
David1955 comments on Jan 25, 2018:
If the bargain made with any God is a transaction based on ignorance, fear and punishment, then it would be a fool's bargain with a worthless God. Declined.
If you could learn any language, what language would it be and why?
David1955 comments on Jan 25, 2018:
Spanish. I'm going to get back to it, I swear. I teach all these Spanish students English online, but no Spanish teacher for me. :-(
How many people like telling people your anti religious and how many people keep it a secret? Why?
David1955 comments on Jan 25, 2018:
If I were any more open about it I'd have a flashing neon sign on my head saying "ATHEIST - Religionists enter at own risk!"
A universe from nothing? Anyone knowledgable about Physics?
David1955 comments on Jan 24, 2018:
As this is outside my areas, I would just add tepidly that I read Krauss's book, as a layman, and I've watched his videos a lot. I don't think theoretical physicists refer to so called empty space as "nothing". l don't think "nothing" exists in physics. Space is never empty. Krauss said in a video that even if you take empty space and take out light particles and such then there are still virtual participles coming in and out of existence. Those with expertise please clarify, but I understood that Krauss's point was that the universe didn't come from nothing because nothing doesn't exist. I wish he were here to confirm or clarify.
If God existed and he was an all seeing individual with the power to smite you then he is a sadist,...
David1955 comments on Jan 24, 2018:
Remember, God doesn't intervene because he believes in our free will.... except when he decides to intervene....or at least that the religious argument, which I've been trying to figure out since I was 12 years old... So, he won't stop bad people from doing bad things, but he did intervene to stop George W Bush (son of very very rich family and given every opportunity) from drinking (apparently) so he could become President. He does work in mysterious way doesn't he? (Or my vote, there is no God);
You heathens eat pineapple on pizza?
David1955 comments on Jan 24, 2018:
Why do some Americans flinch when you mention pineapple on pizza? I have an American friend and I mentioned it once, and you would have thought I said broken glass on pizza. It's as common as dirt here in Australia.
What is yourt favorite book?
David1955 comments on Jan 24, 2018:
Albert Camus, The Outsider; Orwell's 1984 -coming true in general if not specifically as in the book; Dawkins God Delusion; A few favorites across genres;
What would be the definition of hell to you?
David1955 comments on Jan 24, 2018:
A world run by religious fanatics like in that Handmaiden Story TV show. A world with modern technology and Dark Ages thinking. Of all the dystopian visions of the future that would be the worst. Hell on Earth.
Who in your family do you most admire?
David1955 comments on Jan 23, 2018: one. Perhaps the cat.
What do you think happens when you die?
David1955 comments on Jan 23, 2018:
People fight over your estate and inheritance. Or did I misunderstand the question? :-)
If you could go back and offer your younger self a piece of advice, what would it be ?
David1955 comments on Jan 23, 2018:
"Don't worry about what other people think of you. You don't need their damned approval."
Is Atheist vs. Agnostic conflict a real thing?
David1955 comments on Jan 23, 2018:
I didn't think it was a big issue either, but since contributing here I have become very aware of it, as an atheist. I don't agree with @SKDeitch that the difference isn't a big deal. The biggest scuffles I have had here so far have been over this issue. It is a big deal to some. For my part I am going to avoid unintentionally getting agnostics backs up. Atheists and agnostics have much more in common than differences. Ultimately it comes down to a judgement call, a personal decision. Also, since these discussions I have gone back to reading on the topic, for example Bertrand Russell, whose essays on atheism/agnosticism are very insightful. Even he with his huge intellect had to work through this issue intellectually. I recommend his essays, by the way. He was an atheist, but analyses the agnostic position very well. I do think that this issue is more than a comparison of dictionary definitions.
Are you Bilingual/Trilingual/Etc.?
David1955 comments on Jan 23, 2018:
Mother tongue English, which I also teach. Learnt Thai when I lived in Thailand. Started to learn Spanish, but progress halted. Wish I could afford a Spanish tutor.
Does the word "God" denote something?
David1955 comments on Jan 23, 2018:
The word God is meant to intimidate people. I think it even intimidates some non believers. Wow, I better be careful what I think about.....God! It's just a word, used to refer to some big cosmic thingamy that created the universe and us. It's a sound we make from electrical impulses in our brain. Change the impulses and the word and the impact changes. You should bow to God who created heaven and earth! Scary! Then say, You should bow to the Cosmic Duck that laid the universe! Yeah right, gimme a break. God, Cosmic Duck, what's the difference? There's no more evidence for one over the other. But when we hear or read the word "God" we stiffen up. Well I bloody don't. Strip away the emotional response and you're left with a meaningless sound. Like Cosmic Duck.
If you could teach everyone in the world one concept, what concept would have the biggest positive ...
David1955 comments on Jan 23, 2018:
Carl Sagan had the best answer for that, and it was the everyone had the image of the pale blue dot planet earth taken from millions of miles in space in their heads. That's what humanity needs, that perspective. Many don't have it, and religious parochialism flows from it. I agree with Carl.
I've noticed several people here use 'out' or 'not out' frequently to describe themselves ...
David1955 comments on Jan 23, 2018:
I wear an atheist "A" badge or pin on my coat, so my views are plain to see. It gets noticed. Occasionally someone will ask what the A stands for and I say "assh----" and then laugh. (Well it's sort of true.) Then I explain what it means. I'm fortunate I don't live in a country where being that open might bring consequences. I'm amazed when I read here about people who live in Bible Belt places where being outed as an atheist might cost them their jobs or similar. To have fear like that in this day and age is inexcusable.
11 reasons Why Christianity and its God should be thrown into the dustbin of history
David1955 comments on Jan 23, 2018:
My favourite phrase is that this religion should relegated to the wrong side of history, but thrown into the dustbin of history will also do just fine. Can we also add to the reasons thwarting human progress at every turn? I also note one reason given is that Christianity has fallen into warring factions. Christianity has always been about warring factions, even back in the 4th and 5th centuries. It was ever thus.
Your favorite atheist or agnostic comedian?
David1955 comments on Jan 23, 2018:
I'm not sure John Cleese is by definition an atheist. He is very critical of religion, but I'm not certain that he calls himself an atheist, Eric Idle of MPFCs certainly is. He once said he believed in the doctrine of separation of church and... planet. My favourite atheist humourist is of all time is the late Dave Allen. In a class of his own.
I never realized how much strife there is between the religious and the non-believers until I joined...
David1955 comments on Jan 22, 2018:
I don't think there is much strife on this site between the religious and the non religious, because I think there are not huge numbers of religious people posting here, and those who are are not fundamentalist or evangelist types. That's my reading of it here. Out in the real world, well that's different. The struggle goes on. "Which side are you on..?" as the song goes. Well, I know for myself. A little bit of recurring "strife" here on this site, however, is between agnostics and atheists. I won't go into that, except to say it has really surprised me. It has been the biggest surprise here for me, and I hadn't noticed that in the so-called real world. And I am still thinking about why that is.
Question from a newbie to this forum, but not a newbie Atheist.
David1955 comments on Jan 22, 2018:
The word spiritual is not one I like to use myself. Some people use it in a good sense to mean an appreciation of the wonders of the universe and respect for all we don't know. Carl Sagan used it like this. Others use it poorly to mean nonsense, things they can't prove, or to pretend they are on "a higher plane" than everybody else. I dislike this nonsense. I wouldn't automatically judge someone poorly if they use the word; it would depend on what they mean and how they use it.
Any Aussie Atheists on here?
David1955 comments on Jan 22, 2018:
Gidday. My body is in Adelaide, but my spirit roams the universe....explains why it's a little lost at the moment. :-)
I've noticed most on this site don't think Trump is a good president.
David1955 comments on Jan 22, 2018:
"Most... don't think Trump is a good President". Now there's a master understatement. Most people in the world don't think Trump is a good president, only a few right wing fringe dwellers. I'm in Australia and I can't imagine the reception he'd get here if he were stupid enough to visit. We didn't like Bush Jr but at least people didn't protest and were polite. My predictions for trump are that he'll break any convention or law to suppress this Russian investigation thing, and I wouldn't put it past him and his Rep Party loonies to try a false flag operation to whip up support and cover his tracks. Question is, will the establishment security and or military people go along with it. I suspect not. And since he has about as much finesse, tact and subtlety as a rampaging elephant, it wouldn't work if he tried. We're on to him.Give him a chance to prove himself? Every day for a year he's proven that's not fit to be your President. As a student of history I'm always aware of the ultimate judgement of history on any subject. On Trump it will be devastating.
What are the other atheist / agnostic groups and sites are you members of?
David1955 comments on Jan 22, 2018:
Only this one for me. I have never done FB. No interest. I checked out a couple of Google Groups Atheism, but held little interest. This site was what I was hoping for, though I wasn't looking and found it by accident. Hope to continue, unless of course a Civil War breaks out between Atheists and Agnostics, and Agnostics win and I have to haul my battered Atheist cyber presence outta here. ---- Hey, only joking Agnostics. :-)
If someone was to start an atheist church, would you attend?
David1955 comments on Jan 21, 2018:
No. You use words, that, respectfully, I wouldn't wanted associated with atheism: church, doctrine, leader, robes, hierarchy, structure, traditional teachings. No, no. Anathema to freethinkers and non believers.
If you could wipe 3 words from existence, which would you choose?
David1955 comments on Jan 21, 2018:
1. Heretic. 2. Blasphemer. 3. Infidel. In a world where these words would no longer have meaning.
Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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