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In Michigan Town, Only Christians Can Buy Homes - The Intellectualist
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 11, 2018:
While this may have been unconstitutional. With pences influence on Trump, the new religious freedom act or what ever they are calling it now will protect private organizations "right to be bigoted". These new bills being introduced actually protect bigotry under the guise of "not forcing businesses form going against their religious values." So now evidently private organizations and businesses are persons and have "religious values."
US College Professor Refuses to Believe Australia is a Real Country - VICE
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 11, 2018:
I don't believe that Australia is a real continent. I have not once heard a flat earther even mention it once, so it must not exist.
I enjoyed this contemporary version. []
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 11, 2018:
Steve Strang: Trump, Like Winston Churchill, Was Called By God To Save Western Civilization | Right ...
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 11, 2018:
Visions of grandeur in religion? I think I've seen this one a million times before. Thank you for the post it's good to keep up with the latest delusions.
Does anyone here believe in post death existence OTHER than religious afterlife?
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 12, 2018:
There is no evidence and much wishful thinking.
We Are Stardust—Literally
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 12, 2018:
I call it the Butt Hair Between the Cracks argument. ( A cosmological argument) The universe exist. The universe must have had a beginning(so they say) Something cannot come from nothing.( I don't know that is true) God has never been proven to exist. My butt hair exist.(and is made up of particles that existed at the beginning of the universe) Therefore, My butt hair....
If you are a person who was born in faith, did you feel betrayed by your loved ones that fed you ...
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 12, 2018:
No way. They were all just as brainwashed as I was. It wasn't heir fault. They loved me and were trying to help me. Now I try to help them by introducing a thing called reason. It does make me sad that so many people are so mislead. It makes me angry that I was but not at any person or group. Vive la résistance!!!!!!!!
Issues | American Atheists
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 12, 2018:
The only AA worth supporting.
How much of a heretic are you?
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 14, 2018:
Let's now delve into semantics. I am an apostate. If the definition of heretic is specifically one whom CHOOSES to leave, I do not fit into that category. As the late Christopher Hitchens said " Atheism is not chosen, it is discovered." In the spirit of what is probably actually meant I am definitely a heretic. The word heretic simply refers to some one who does not accept orthodox or "the right" beliefs.
So on NPR today (02-12-2018), they had a story about a study which shows tha smart phones have ...
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 14, 2018:
I love restaurants, it's amusing to see obvious couple that are somewhat awkward, presumably on a first date ignoring each other paying more attention to their phone. I often wonder if and how they would ever accomplish sex. The musings of an old man that has been married since cell phone were a new idea... do they text each other from the other side of the table when they get in the mood? How do you hold your phone while touching parts? Do they "just stop" to look at the funny puppy meme?
Trump: Gut funding for climate science, boost fossil fuels - ABC News
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 14, 2018:
As a former evangelical it believe I should explain their position whether it is liked or not just for the sake of understanding. They do not believe that climate change is necessarily real or imminent, or that we could do anything about it anyway. Sometimes those such as Pence believe Jesus will come and God will destroy the world anyway very soon so it does not matter. When it comes to the use of fossil fuels they believe and are correct that is is the cheapest short term solution that will have the greatest positive impact on our economy and thus make us a stronger nation. Again I do not advocate their position. It is important to understand that if they were correct in their understanding that their position would be very reasonable and logical. It would not be a position of environmental terrorism or that of those whom are not concerned about the people of the United States. Look again at what I stated as their position again with that in mind. Now we must address and debunk the mindset before we can begin to address the issues, bearing in mind they are humans(if misguided) that in their minds are doing good.
Here's The Full List Of The 22 Agencies And Programs Trump's Budget Would Eliminate
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 14, 2018:
Trump has an operational theory. Ask for the completely ridiculous. Then you can sound reasonable when you negotiate down to the few items you really want. He may only be targeting 3-5 items on the list. The rest is just fat to be cut away during negotiations. The question is what are the few items he does want to cut.
A Republican blocked feminine hygiene products bill. His voters just sent him epic surprise
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 14, 2018:
That's bloody ridiculous!
How do you change you profile from agnostic to athiest. I’m done playing make believe.
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 14, 2018:
You may now have the most freeing moment in your life. It was for me! It is easier than it seems.
A controversial one.
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 14, 2018:
I am an organ donor. When someone is dead they don't care anyway. I do have a very hesitant issue with mandatory harvesting. Beerandwine did make an excellent suggestion of making the default donate.
My younger sister is 58 in a week or so, she was never expected to see her 1st birthday so it is ...
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 15, 2018:
Good Luck. It is only temporary, and your sister will appreciate it.
I was asked today what I had given up for Lent by someone assuming I'm Catholic. Smh. My answer?
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 15, 2018:
gotta know the response. I imagine it was a baffled deer in the headlights look.
Religion may alter your psychology, even if you're a non-believer
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 16, 2018:
I have spent the last three years in a pointed effort to root out the latent unconscious beliefs that I may hold as a result of religion. It is very difficult. About two weeks ago I was in the emergency room passing a kidney stone. I said "OH God" many times that night while writhing in pain. Was I actually calling out to God? Not at all, it is part of the language ingrained in me since childhood and I was in to much pain to worry about semantics. It nonetheless was there whether i liked it or not.
Religion Harms Society | Michael Nugent | Oxford Union - YouTube
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 16, 2018:
That's interesting. He sat down next to David Silverman I would not have him to have been there. The best thing he said was that the vote was about if religion does harm in society not about whether it was capable of doing good. This is often the argument made when an atheist states that religion does harm. The truth of the statement is simply ignored and justified by saying that religion can do good.
Christian Host: School Prayer Would Have Prevented Florida School Shooting
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 16, 2018:
He is genius. If he is correct and prayer works, all he has to do is pray that nothing ever bad happens so we will never have any problems again!!!!!!
Odd religious excuses
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 17, 2018:
It actually came from my wife. When she found out that my son and I were atheist she said we were going to hell. That in itself is not that odd. It's just that she has not once gone to church since i've known her for over 20 years, She has never prayed that I know of, and not once expressed any concern for the condition of our souls. She has never done or said anything ever since. She has not demonstrated any behavior that indicates she actually believes we are going to hell. In other words, she is an atheist and does not know it.
The perfect truth for all to see
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 17, 2018:
If just one prayer had worked we would not be having this discussion, that is unless no one has ever thought to ask god to protect children. Lets just accept that either God does not exist or he is evil.
1 Corinthians 16:22 - "If anyone does not love the Lord—a curse be on him." wtf.
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 17, 2018:
I think I heard this as a child, "If you don't play with me I won't be your friend anymore" love- ?? ??? ??, if any man not) Paul loves Jesus, do ye also all love Him.—?????) loves with the heart: kisses virtually by his conduct: the corresponding word to ????? is ????????, with a kiss, 1 Corinthians 16:20; for ?????? is used in the sense of kissing, The word here translated love applies to the intimate and familiar personal affection subsisting between individuals, rather than the wider and more general feeling of love usually enjoined in the N. T. I curse or accursed- The word properly means accursed, or devoted to destruction; and the idea here is, that he who did not believe in the Lord Jesus, and love him, would be, and ought to be, devoted to destruction, or accursed of God. This word love is actually more literally kissing. If anyone does not kiss the lord and is intimate with him God will destroy you. Evidently God is a very insecure, Jealous, and vengeful lover type according to Paul. First Corinthians is one of the few books that are considered to be authentic by scholars, That is it is one of the rare cases that it was written by the person that it is said to have been.
Why are you not religious?
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 17, 2018:
I was so religious that I was certain that there was nothing that wasn't true about the Bible. I was completely unafraid to investigate anything I choose to "know God better" after years of investigation into many things I eventually had to admit to myself that it was a lie and I did not believe.
Hello potential friends.
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 17, 2018:
Welcome! this is a great place to be. Please lend your knowledge and experience. Your contributions would be very much appreciated, in particular due to your background. We do have a new "testimony" section. I will take the liberty of saying we would all like to know your story.
Is there a reason we should speak respectfully of the dead?
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 19, 2018:
The Dead on't care. Funeral are for the living. No matter how much I care for someone, once they are dead I simply accept it even though I don't like it. I'm not one for funerals as I actually accept reality and go on with life. My best friend does not know nor did he expect me to go to his funeral. I love him deeply. Now a jerk is a jerk, Why should we lie about his life? A lie is still a lie whether alive or dead. Hitler is dead and I am glad for it. He can do no more harm, only the stupid people can hold him up as a hero.
I really appreciated what Seth Andrews had to say with respects to the passing of Billy Graham:...
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 21, 2018:
Well Said.
The Relationship Between Religion and Bigotry
DavidLaDeau comments on Mar 7, 2018:
The dirty little secret is that govenment issued marriage licences were instuited to to prevent "mixed marriages". It is totally based on racism. Now it is a great source of revenue.
BOOK: 'godless' by Dan Barker - An interesting & informative journey from preacher to apostate.
DavidLaDeau comments on Mar 7, 2018:
Dan the Mann! Your statement can not be over emphasized.
What if you had proof that there were no gods?
DavidLaDeau comments on Mar 9, 2018:
This is a diicult question to answer. The laws of logic would have to change also. If I could prove by definition what can not be proven it would get interesting. But lets play! Lets say that the Jewish God told the whole world at once "The Jesus thing is made up, Worship me the Jewish God in the Jewish way." Lets say he did this in a way that everyone recieved this as a personal message they could hear in thie own language(even the deaf and they could understand it. A great indisputable miracle, right? No. Many Christians or maybe most of them would become even more religious. sociology has demonstrated this again and again. Many would belive it was Satan trying to fool us and allowed by God to "test" us. They would become more ardent Christians. I do not have what I could not have, the ability to prove the unproveable. But I do have something of great value. The Bible. I can prove that the Bible was written by man. That it has a definate evolution of theology both within Judaism and in Christianity. I can prove that the authors had different and conflicting ideas. I can prove that it contains numerous forgeries. On a very bad day I can prove its very fallible. Would I tell anyone? I just did and will always do so at every opportunity. The reason is, I was brainwashed as a child and became a Young Earth creationist, Fundamentalist wacko. No matter how much I was indoctrinated It could not stop my thirst for knowlege, I wanted to know everything I could about God. As I studied, I came to the conclusion that it was made up . I believe it is very unhealthy for people to live thier lives based on what is not real. I do what I do to help others escape the bonds of religion as I had no one to help me. I had to do it on my own, in isolation. It is my hope that with my help the transition to reality will be much easier for others. Rant complete.
Voodoo! My posts would show that I am pretty much a skeptic on everything, gods, ghosts, reiki and...
DavidLaDeau comments on Mar 18, 2018:
There canb muchto be said unorthodox medicine. Many pharmaceutical medicines arebased or derived from herbal medicines. This being said, many many, herbal and unorthodox medicines and therapy are specifically designed to part us from our money. Think of it this way, if a gasket is blown on a carburetor it must be replaced or repaired properly. Nomagic juice, music or nice car perfume will help. Go a doctor for your shoulder.
"At Least Religion is GOOD Bullcrap!", Bionic Dance,... []
DavidLaDeau comments on Mar 20, 2018:
Bionic Dance? Iv'e got the t-shirt....really I actually do.
Why pray for me?
DavidLaDeau comments on Mar 20, 2018:
Even though I may be among the most "hard" of atheist on this site, I was a christian. Why pray for you? 1) It is often an impulsive thing to say, much like thank you when some one hold s a door. It is just second nature o say it. It does not mean they have any actual intent to do so. 2) They may feel helpless. They may actually care and wish to "do what they can" even though they may have no actual expatation for they prayers to work. Its just a "good idea." 3) They may want to sound good or Christiany as I put it. 4) They may actually belive that theier magical sky daddy will help. I am a veteran. I was a 8404 Hospital Corpsman. It is my hope that you have sought counseling and appropiate care to include proper doctor ordered medication if necessary.It can and does help many. I can not help personally either. I do want you to know I do care and wish you the best. There, I have given a little advise, expressed my real concern and admitted my inability to personally help. No god, no prayers, no bull crap. I do hope you respond and get proper medical help if you have not. I wish you the best and thank you for your service.
God will "judge" us?
DavidLaDeau comments on Mar 20, 2018:
Gods judgment is not a factor anyway according to Christianity. God is said to be just yet they only reqirement to be in his grace is belief, which is not just and makes his judgement inconsequential.
Here is my stance, regarding god if I am wrong.
DavidLaDeau comments on Mar 20, 2018:
I will simply tell god, "Watch it, buddy I have an iron chariot." And the Lord was with Judah; and he drove out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron.” Judges 1:19
What Were They Thinking?
DavidLaDeau comments on Mar 20, 2018:
Google the god helmet. This is one thing that may answer your question. We do have the ability to alter our brain patterns with or without drugs. Meditative states are the prime example of this and can be seen with proper medical equipment. Some can induce hallucinations or use drugs to the same affect. There has never been any magical realms ever recorded. What we can observe is altered mind states. Its all in your head is in this case accurate. This being said many altered mind states can be and are benifitical such as in the case of pain control. Not all people are able to manifest these ablities.
Tim Minchin - Thank You God - YouTube
DavidLaDeau comments on Mar 23, 2018:
Tim is really amazing here is my favorite.
God's Limited Power - Bionic Dance... []
DavidLaDeau comments on Mar 23, 2018:
God is said to be outside space and time and said to work in our world. By definition, if he is outside space and time he could not interact in time and space. God is said to do miracles. the word miracle is almost identical to the word magic. Magic is defined as events that occur outside the laws of physics. So by definition, god is claimed to literally do the impossible.
The Troll Poll.
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Why am I missing out on all the fun? I haven't had any experience with trolls here. I guess I'm too loud and proud to want to mess with.... I am an ATHEIST and if anyone is concerned, I only eat a few trolls a week, I'm really quite harmless. Here little trolls come out and play! (Whistles as to a dog) Here boy, (pats leg)....
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 2, 2018:
I do call out the ridiculous beliefs of religion. I do feel it is necessary to do so in order to help others to understand that it is acceptable to question their beliefs and also to normalize agnosticism and atheism. I do not like snappy memes that make fun of religion without any background or context. These I believe to be counterproductive. It is productive to inspire thought in the correct context to show that a perfect god that does not prohibit slavery in his book can not be perfect. It is very important that while we do point out fallacies in religion that it is pointed at irrational beliefs and never at the believer. If I am guilty of such ridicule please let me know.
What's the best pickup line you've heard?
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 3, 2018:
Mine of course, " You look like a girl that doesn't like one liners." Actually I never relied on that bullcrap. I simply showed interest in the person I was talking to...primitive but honest and effective.
What caused you to question god
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 3, 2018:
I was a young earth creationist, fundamentalist, extremist, wacko. I read the bible more times as a teen than most Christians have read it in their lifetime. Really... Need I say more? The best way to make an atheist is to have a person read their founding document.
The World's Newest Major Religion: No Religion
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 3, 2018:
No. Educated countries with internet access are the winners. In third world countries religion is growing ad well as the populations demographics. They are poor uneducated people that easily become victims of any possibility of hope. They do not have access or are told birth control is harmful often by missionaries, and thus out pace first world countries as far as birth rates. Hopefully the term third world countries will not exist in the future, until then we all will suffer.
Does anybody have any comments to make about their encounters with Catholic Priests?
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 3, 2018:
I have not had a lot of contact with them. I have noticed that clergy are generally in the protestant religion to be seen as leaders, while priest are seen as being direct conduits to god and given as much deference as god himself. Catholics revere priest as god itself in many cases.
Christian nation
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 4, 2018:
Humans,have certain principals they live by and agree to as a whole. We could just as well and more accurately say we are an ape nation. We are apes after all.
I have met someone who desires me.
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 4, 2018:
Life is what you make of it, make a life of it. People can be bad or good. You don't know until you make the dive how thrilling it will be or how the water will feel. We don't have a magic sky daddy to make it all right so we have to take the risk or crawl in a hole.
How religion works
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 4, 2018:
I like it. It is very true. The problem is that many religions teach that its believers must convert or destroy anyone who does not adhere to their beliefs. In such cases such simple logic is incomprehensible to them.
An Atheist clergy.
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 8, 2018:
This group is trying to make a difference. There is a need for athiest pastors. Now whle that does sound crazy, clergy are given special privaleges that others do not have, such as access to military baes and prisons, and the ability to preside over funerals and weddings. There are athiest in foxholes in the military and it is important to have athiest clergy in the military for those who do not want religion but do want support.
Hi People - I'm new here.
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 11, 2018:
Welcome, this is a great place!
Friday Evening, I was coming out of the lab at the biggest hospital in town.
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 11, 2018:
This is really sad that you were concerned about it at all. As it appears you were doing your work to actually help someone, meanwhile, people wished you to stop doing something that could help someone to be involved in a magic ceremony. Then they seemed to be upset with you. Sometimes it's just crazy when you break it down in real terms. It does sound like you were professional and handled yourself well. Good luck in the future.
So I don't know the protocol here, let me know if I'm violating a rule or anything, but I would like...
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 19, 2018:
Sounds great to me. Tell kate hi. I'm a big fan of hers. Bionic dance is all that!
Is it ok to like religious music but disagree with the words.
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 19, 2018:
I like alot of religious music. I'm not going to go to concerts or buy their music, but good music is well, good. I have gone to see Shelly Segal and I did make a point of buying a cd from her personally just to show my support.
As a former Jehovah's Witness, I'm curious how this community views the group.
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 19, 2018:
As a historian it is simply like any other religion. I am concerned about it as I was I involved with an extremist fundamentalist Christian church when I was young. I was controlled just as much as any JW, we were taught that we were normal and the JWs were a cult. It was the old pot calling the kettle black. In some respects such as the lack of belief in the trinity the JWs are much closer to some of the earliest Christian beliefs, on other accounts such as insisting on calling the Abrahamic God Jehovah, they like any other religion have simply made stuff up.
Atheism and mortality.
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 20, 2018:
As an atheist I'm much more at peace with death than when I was a fundamentalist whacko. I don't worry about them going to live in an eternal torturous Hell. I know they will be like they were before they were born. I think non existence is better than "peace". With peace there is the suggestion that there is something else that is not peaceful. Would it be possible to be at peace knowing that your relatives and friends were suffering in Hell? How could peace exist in such a case? I am happy with what we know and con observe. That when our brain stops functioning we for all practical purposes simply don't exist and thus there is no possibility of suffering.
Hi friends.
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 21, 2018:
My condolences. I wish you the best.
I am a Unitarian Universalist.
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 21, 2018:
I did not know they would have an atheist club...interesting. I am working on meeting local UU people to start an athiest club with not affilation with any church outside of huminist causes.
Some religious fanatics commit an utterly incomprehensible evil by harming or even killing their ...
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 21, 2018:
When anyone is harmed for any reason due to "religious" beliefs it is our duty as a community to protect the victim.
I just created my first Vlog about my life inside a Pentecostal cult and how I escaped, hopefully ...
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 21, 2018:
Preach it brother...oops.... Make more videos and don't give up, you tube is tough but you do have wothrwhile things to say to many that were involved in mainstream cults like I was in the Methodist church. You will help others escape wether you hear about it personally or not.
Silliest belief of religious people?
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 21, 2018:
If prayers do work why hasn't disease been completely vanquished? Actually I did pray for tht as a Christian so I know its been done. So now the classical answer is "Its God's will." If this is the case than our free will means nothing...The endless circles of theology...
Does anyone else write answers on Quora regularly?
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 21, 2018:
Daily I answer questions concerning atheism and Christianity and the bible. As I approach my answers from a purely historical perspective without dogma I am not very popular, but I do get likes daily. Sometimes I post my answers on facebook when thaty are fun. The questions are often pointed as this one was and ment to be a gotcha question....I may have rained on this poor fellows parade.
Agnosticism/Atheism & Spirituality: how do we synthesize them?
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 22, 2018:
Spirituality can mean anything to anyone. When the term is used it is going to be understood differently by the person recieving the information. Do you mean cosmic magical stuff or emotional internalized zen stuff? It does not matter the person you are addressing *will* get it wrong. Atheism is a belief statment. Usually defined as a lack of belief in god/gods. Agnosticism is a knowlege statment. Usually understood as I do not know if there is a god. Spirituality is the joker in the deck that can mean anything much like the term God its self. I believe it is best to keep these very different concepts and answers to questions in thier own catigories and to avoid conflating them.
Good Morning, it is interesting, as in "may you live in interesting times," living in the bible belt...
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 22, 2018:
As a Fundamentalist I was taught that you are either with god or following Satan wether you know it or even intend to. I can not say how many Christians hold this belief or how much it is taught. I learned it form a mainstream Church that was extremist. The First United Methodist Church. I do not know that all Methodist or Wesleyans hold this belief.
I have identified as an atheist/agnostic for a long time.
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 22, 2018:
Nope I do not want to coexist with those who belive they should kill me or make me abide by their beliefs. I do study religious beliefs every day in order to either discover the truth of their God or debunk their Mythology. After over a quarter of a century it has sadly ended up to be the latter. I love to study Religion oddly as I am an anti-theist, that is I am against living ones life as If mythology is real. It is dangerous and is not healthy for a rational creature to do.
How about Synchronicity?
DavidLaDeau comments on Apr 22, 2018:
Our minds have evolved to see patterns. If you look at almost anything you can see a human face in it if you try. The phenomena you have described deals with Causation-the belief that things have a cause, and Correlation-the belief that two similar events are somehow tied together. In a primative example an very ancient ancestor sees leaves rustle in a bush. The cause could be the wind or a lion. If the person runs or defends themself they lived if was a lion. If not they died. If it was only the wind they survive to reproduce and we get to have this conversation. It does correlate that the leaves rustle when the loin brushes up agaist them or the wind blows. If we do not know the cause we are hard wired to "assign" a cause due to how we evolved. As a result of this we do see coincidence or synchronicity where is is not real or factual as the events may be completely independent of one another. We now normally do not see leaves rustle and think "therefore loin", neither should we look at synchronicity and think "therefore God" as many theist do, not that you have made that particular suggestion.
According to the Gospel, Jesus Christ once said: "Love your enemies like you would love yourself" or...
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 11, 2020:
It actually has nothing to do with the world at all. There are two major Jesus Charactors in the new testiment. The first is the earliest traditions of Jesus. This Jesus was the messiah meant to deliver the Jews from the Romans. This Jesus was a Jew and waa preparing the Jews for a real physical God kingdom in Jersulam. It was his idea to prepare his people for a perfect real world but in a spiritual mannor so that his people would become gods/rulers over the nations. It is very difficult to understand from modern thinking. So it was was not litteral in that since. The second Major Jesus charactor was the Jesus concept from the Pauline model that was a Spiritual god. This god was fighting a spiritual battle in heaven. In this model it did not matter what happened in this world, it was about the soul only. The passage came from the First and early Jesus traditions. To answer your question, it was going to take God killing the Romans to establish his kingdom. Not a very turn the cheek idea. God was evidently goig to love them to death? Religion simply does not make since very often. This is a great example of contridictions and conflicting morals in the Bible.
LDS Church kept the lid on its $100B fund for fear tithing receipts would fall, account boss tells ...
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 11, 2020:
According to law churches are not subject to oversight. In other words they can report what they wish and are considered honest so they are not subject to audit. They can report what they wish but it dies not matter as they are not taxed anyway. So there really is nothing illegal here though it may technically may be so.
Is TV getting preachy again.
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 11, 2020:
What bothers me is that the religion or lack of religion appears to have more to do with viewership than the creators writing what they want to tell a story. It is all about viewership and demographics, in other words the dollar dictates how the stories are written.
Someone I know is dying and has expressed that she would like to just fall asleep and not wake up.
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 11, 2020:
It is very often difficult for those that are actively dying who are atheist as their desperate families try to do their best to help them. Often prayer is the last resort. I wish your friend the best and am happy you are there for her.
"One obstacle to liberty, is the poisonous role played by fellow primates of mine, who think they ...
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 11, 2020:
Did this quote come from his last book Mortality? He wrote it about dying as his last book when he was diagonosed with throat cancer. It is an excellent read!
Incredibly, it seems to be so... There are Atheists who fear hell! []
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 11, 2020:
Religion has so much baggage it is often very difficult to rid oneself of it all. I still find things that I believe that are rooted in my Christian indoctrination as a child. As I discover each one I ask myself why do I believe this. If I can not come up with a rational reason, i no longer hold that belief.
I wish Christians would just be honest and say they have NO idea what happens when a person dies?
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 12, 2020:
Faith is pretending to know what you don't know.
When I first heard Bart Ehrman I was impressed by his scholarship, and he teaches at a Christian ...
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 12, 2020:
He is an excellent scholar! I recommend all of his books! He did write one where he defends the existance of a historical Jesus. This is the exception as he never makes a good case.
Blocking Atheists from Giving Invocations Will Cost Brevard County (FL) $490,000 | Hemant Mehta | ...
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 12, 2020:
I would like to approach my county about giving the invocation. I am curious as to their response.
If you ever find yourself have to explain your entire belief system to someone that has no ...
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 12, 2020:
I don't bother to explain my entire belief system. I simply say that I am an atheist; I do not actually believe there is a god. My worldview is simply to live my life by what is real.
Tennessee Republican Tries (Again) to Make the Bible the “Official State Book” | Hemant Mehta | ...
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 12, 2020:
This just sickens me. Even for suggesting such a thing they should be removed from office as incompetent.
Religion has always been used as a tool to control the population.
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 13, 2020:
Many simply don't want to know. Try asking people this. "If you held a god or spiritual belief that you thought was benifitial, would you want to know if it wasn't true?" I hope you are surprised as I was to find how many told me they would not want to know the truth. Many are indoctrinated as I was as a child and really did think it was all true. That Saran made things look like there was not great flood etc. so thst we would doubt and get taken by Satan.
I'm not sure into which category to post this speculation, so I eventually plumped for "general" ...
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 13, 2020:
I do not know. I can tell you this. Gorillas have lice. Humans have hair lice. Human crabs or pubic lice are direct descendants of gorilla lice. So we had to have some very close contact for that!
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 13, 2020:
American Atheist! I hope to go sometime!
I discover more and more that in any group of people, there's a tendency for it to fragment.
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 13, 2020:
We are humans. Opinions and a tendancy to group are muvh of what makes us what we are.
In this post i express my thoughts on it. Any other thoughts of the issue?? []
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 15, 2020:
I like the French president much more now.
A friend posted this. I wonder if he's ever read the bible.
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 15, 2020:
Gosh. That has to be in there somewhere!
I've just started reading "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins and he say something that I never ...
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 15, 2020:
The belief is that what is not real is dangerous either way. Poly or mono non-existance has no more existance.
Here is the scenario: Somewhere in the not to distant future mankind develops an Interstellar ...
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 15, 2020:
I see no debate. The humans would decise their gods were better. Christians would go un unemcumbered, in fact if we use history as a model the religion would become stronger.
I’m Not ‘Blessed.’ I’m An Atheist And I Don’t Need God To Give Thanks Or Show Gratitude
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 17, 2020:
A very well written piece.
In my way of thinking of the three Abrahamic religions Christianity is the worse.
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 17, 2020:
The difference between Islam and Christianity is that it is Islams turn to be violent. They simply switch back and forth.
Loud ‘boom’ heard in Oswego County caused by silo explosion.
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 17, 2020:
Or god does not exist and shit happens. No god required.
Can the number of "Nones" be slowing?
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 17, 2020:
When groups become groups their growth will begin to slow once they are well known as everone is not interested in joining. So the rate of new people will reduce while the percentage may not be affected or may increase. Think of it as the Americans do tax cuts. There is usually no tax cuts that actually happen. The other party simply cuts the percentage of taxes that will be taxed. More money comes in and both parties say they cut taxes while getting more. Nones are not slowing the world is simply becoming aware that there are nones. As that hroup grows it will slow in garnering members but not necessarily the percentage of growth.
It is an established fact that believers are deluded and liars.
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 17, 2020:
When people are conveinced something is true they are not lying even if what they believe is delusional. There are many apologist (probably most) that do knowingly lie outright. These lies are not necessarily an accurate portroyal of the group. They do decieve themseleves to belief the unbelievable and that which is not logical as believers. This agaain makes them deluded not liars. I deal with the actual liars daily online.
I see this here all the time.
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 18, 2020:
I would not put atheism ,agnosticism, and religion into one bag of "ideas", conflating a great variety of things into one thing is the reson for misunderstanding and debates. Agnostic- knowledge statement Atheist- belief statement Religious- worshiping a dieity via specific rites and rituals. These are very different and not confused as virtually the same, just different "ideas".
Has a fellow member on this site been an encouragement to you lately?
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 18, 2020:
Thats great! I have met people on line in the community that I have known for years now! They are also on other platforms and support me in other ways! Just stick around and dont be afraid to ask questions.
When I click groups and then try to select from one of the buttons for posts, a blank page comes up.
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 19, 2020:
It is working for me. Try closing the app and restarting it.
A vulnerable great niece of mine had trouble with her phone communications whilst on holiday and ...
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 19, 2020:
I somehow doubt that the verse of god fixed her phone.
State of Kentucky refused to Issue a Vanity vehicle license plate as vulgar or obscene with “I’M...
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 19, 2020:
The way it should be. The problem is its just government money so they don't care. No one takes a personal loss or is held accountable personally when it comes to the government. So the same violations are repeated over and over as the perps are not accountable at all. Elected officals, appointed officals, nor government employees have no accountability and no reprocussions for their actions. The government simply pays the fine and it happens again. I have seen this same problem many times.
226 bills target LGBTQ Americans this year. One organization is behind a lot of them. / LGBTQ Nation
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 19, 2020:
Sick simply sick.
(PDF) The Dawkins Delusion | Fred Perez -
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 22, 2020:
It amazes me that people read this crap. I have sometimes thought pf writing the most absurd book I could imagine. Then reality hits when I realize that people will believe it.
Contraception and the Catholic Church.
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 22, 2020:
Religion is not always in sex, but sex IS always in religion. Literally they have to make as many babies as possible to keep the religions going and to make them grow. It is just another stradigy like door knocking. I am not exagerating or taking it out of context. Religion will do anything to survive like a viris or meme. Again my intent is not to be direspectful or misleading. Sometimes facing how things work does look nice once said.
A whistle blower revealed LDS (Mormon) church has hidden $100 BILLION from the public and IRS.
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 22, 2020:
Churches are tax exempt so there is nothing to hide. If they are hiding something then it is the for profit businesses from which the money is being laundered through the church. Really this is literally organized crime.
State/church separation dealt major blow in 11th Circuit cross ruling - Freedom From Religion ...
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 22, 2020:
I was not so much annoyed at the cross as when the judges flatly lie. They should be immeadiately disbarred for ever with no chance for any appeal and go to jail. When judges ingnore the law they should go to jail like everyone else.
The law, at least in Switzerland, is becoming more tolerant.
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 22, 2020:
So the court had to defend the freedom of a company to have a logo. Wow. If Christians do not like the product they don't have to buy it. If the company did offend its customers it would not last long. That is how the free market system works. There was no need to go to court. The person who did bring up the law suit should be subject to the law for filing a frevilious law suit ( and not just a slap on the wrist) this person was trying to ruin peoples lives.
Meet the xenobot: world’s first living, self-healing robots created from frog stem cells | FOX59
DavidLaDeau comments on Feb 22, 2020:
Most will miss how important this is.


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