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A reminder for the fourth...
DenoPenno comments on Jul 4, 2024:
Vote blue or the Donald will screw you.
Here is a little info for frustrated computer users.
DenoPenno comments on Jul 4, 2024:
No one replying here so I been passing this one on by word of mouth. I was surprised by how many people have been bothered by these 2 problems and did not know what to do about it.
Never mind God, does admin really exist?
DenoPenno comments on Jul 4, 2024:
I write my passwords down and I keep them simple. Easy to remember that way. Asking about admin is like asking if god exists.
Hi. A dear friend suffers from a terrible case of dermatitis seboreic (sp?
DenoPenno comments on Jul 4, 2024:
I looked this up and there is a lot on it but they say it cannot be cured. One treatment may work better than another one though.
[] President of Mexico calls Zionist the mafia
DenoPenno comments on Jul 3, 2024:
But it cannot be Nuttiyahu.
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In his first official act since the Supreme Court granted him ...
DenoPenno comments on Jul 3, 2024:
I think this is hilarious but Trumpers will play dumb and pretend they do not get it. Their Donald can put whoever he wants in WH jobs.
Minority Rule Is Threatening American Democracy Like Never Before – Mother Jones
DenoPenno comments on Jul 2, 2024:
What is threatening our Democracy like nothing before is called Donald J. Trump. One man. One problem.
“The President Is Now a King”: The Most Blistering Lines From Dissents in the Trump Immunity ...
DenoPenno comments on Jul 2, 2024:
The only good point in all of this is that NOW is the time to do something about Trump and it is harder to figure out just who took him out. Maybe someone thought Biden said something. That can be kicked around through lots of agencies. Is Trump going to Dallas?
I am never going to be able to drink my Champagne! The SCOTUS gave him a pass on his federal ...
DenoPenno comments on Jul 2, 2024:
That is how they planned it.
Ain't it the truth!
DenoPenno comments on Jul 2, 2024:
What the undecided need to figure out is that if you do not vote blue you have thrown your vote away. The well meaning vote for someone you believe in will not fix our Democracy. It also sends nobody a message. Neither does not voting at all. The biggest message we can send is to Felon 45 and let him know we want no part of his version of America.
"God’s Not Dead 5," a film no one asked for, already has a trailer -- Friendly Atheist
DenoPenno comments on Jul 2, 2024:
God is about as dead as he was the first time around and they are doing this to make money. If we had some money we could help them and also make some money. Make some of the worst side splitting comedies you ever hear of about this subject and show just how stupid it all is. The believers would do a damning review that would be publicity galore. Bad publicity by believers really helped The Last Temptation Of Christ.
A Missouri Catholic church tried to recruit young men to form a "militia" -- Friendly Atheist
DenoPenno comments on Jul 2, 2024:
Working on a retraction. Hell, they are damned near insane. Maybe they think they can fool us but this sort of militia thing has nothing to do with pedophiles or clergy.
SCOTUS: Supreme Cesspit Of The United States
DenoPenno comments on Jul 2, 2024:
I'm not sure that man has a dick and we know he has been eating too many tators.
Irrespective of reason for Palestinians being held prisoner in Israel Minister Ben Gvir calls for ...
DenoPenno comments on Jul 2, 2024:
[] Hilarious, and also one of the things that makes the US a laughing stock.
DenoPenno comments on Jul 2, 2024:
Does RFK Jr. even have all his marbles?
“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ...
DenoPenno comments on Jul 2, 2024:
At this point it will be impossible to figure out who was behind it if somebody takes Trump out. Who knows? It could be your sister Suzy.
I really miss the Republican Party of the past. They weren't radical and deranged.
DenoPenno comments on Jul 2, 2024:
Where is Eisenhour when you need him?
Scammers are at it day and night.
DenoPenno comments on Jul 2, 2024:
I have frigging people call me on the phone and want to talk these things over with me. Seriously! My first thing back at them is "do I know you?" Then, "why are you having trouble with English and why do you think I would give you any info?" This is about the time they hang up.
One can dream...
DenoPenno comments on Jul 2, 2024:
One thing is for certain right now. If Trump was murdered it would be very hard to pinpoint exactly who did it.
Whatta pair….👀 []
DenoPenno comments on Jul 1, 2024:
What an asshole. Wait, there were two of them.
Sundowners/ Sundowning:- Sundowning is a group of symptoms that many people with dementia get in ...
DenoPenno comments on Jul 1, 2024:
I might have this. i know I have bad depression but I'm not sure what Parker's Son's Disease has to do with it. Also, the fading light. All I know about that one is it gets dark once you have fading light. As for medication, I am increasingly against it. I hate programs, being on a program, and I've looked up relatives who have lived into their early 90's without all of this. I try to be sensible about medications but most of this today is to give Big Pharma lots of my money. Not playing the game anymore and at least I am not wondering if I have anxiety. If you do not know what is going to happen tomorrow you have anxiety.
See, I told you, we FINALLY beat Medicare. 🤪🙄 []
DenoPenno comments on Jul 1, 2024:
Is AI behind that or is it more sinister? All AI is not perfected. Trump has extra fingers in some and I saw one where Jenifer Aniston has a foot the size of her forearm.
Is greedy positive or negative?
DenoPenno comments on Jul 1, 2024:
I never want to expand and get more and more possessions. What I am involved in is keeping what I already have. I have been know to trade a lesser possession for one of greater value. I met a Mexican woman in Houston once who told me that was how her and her husband got their mansion.
Finally some good news
DenoPenno comments on Jul 1, 2024:
Brannon knows that his buddy will pardon him because he was scamming the people under the guise of building the wall.
Oklahoma Orders Public Schools to Teach the Bible Oklahoma’s top education official, Ryan ...
DenoPenno comments on Jul 1, 2024:
They also want control of your genitals.
Been there, done that...
DenoPenno comments on Jul 1, 2024:
I call it speaking in tongues. Never happened to me in my bibble dayz but recently it can happen by just walking in or out of the bathroom without shoes.
Do you think philanthropy is good or bad?
DenoPenno comments on Jul 1, 2024:
I look at this picture and keep wondering if Taylor Swift would write a song about me. :)
Worth a look. []
DenoPenno comments on Jun 30, 2024:
Is any of that produced by people who want you to know Trump's policies? i am very suspicious of programs that put all our woes at the foot of Biden.
These two have been coming for apples since they were babies!!😊
DenoPenno comments on Jun 30, 2024:
All I have is smaller animals and birds.
AMERICA’S FOUNDERS CHANGED AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE — they replaced rule by one, England’s King ...
DenoPenno comments on Jun 30, 2024:
Or we could hope that Trump and Friends are discovered by a flesh eating virus.
Honest Government Ad | AI - YouTube
DenoPenno comments on Jun 30, 2024:
I don't take this as comedy at all. I take it very seriously and try to fight for the common man daily. "We The People" means all of us.
Given the amount of talented smart people in this country, ever wonder why the dnc can’t prop up ...
DenoPenno comments on Jun 30, 2024:
In my 78 years the current POTUS has always been the one assumed to run for a second term. I do not remember recalls or do overs. Maybe Joe can do a "ropey dope."
Baked Potatus
DenoPenno comments on Jun 30, 2024:
How about the next debate being on MSNBC and putting Rachel Maddow in there as a fact checker. The way this one went it appeared old Joe was to use his time as a fact checker.
Now that’s a good question…
DenoPenno comments on Jun 30, 2024:
I have actually met people who do not see the joke in this. I guess their minds say "well it's in the bible."
Given the fact that Al Gore indeed won in 2000, this guy has never been wrong……🤔 []
DenoPenno comments on Jun 30, 2024:
Yes, but I thinK Al Gore gave it up when he realized that he and his cronies would make a lot of money selling a license to pollute to the rich. They call it 'credits."
Clyburn suggests there should be more ‘fact checking’ in next debate -- The Hill
DenoPenno comments on Jun 30, 2024:
CNN handled that debate in pretty much the same way as Fox Noise might have. Let's let MSNBC have it and put Rachel Maddow in with the modertors.
The Supreme Court’s January 6 Decision Was a Win for Progressive Protesters, Too – Mother Jones
DenoPenno comments on Jun 30, 2024:
Political dissidents do not need 20 year prison terms unless there is violence involved that makes their actions a crime of some magnitude. In occupying a Capital building are they simply present there or is it another January 6th type event.
Oregon Republicans criticize efforts to bring back flagship climate change response - OPB
DenoPenno comments on Jun 30, 2024:
Many people will argue that climate change is not real. I have lived in the same place for 20 years now and have seen lots of it. others think it just got colder or not so cold, etc. I see changes in insect or animal life around me and lots of it is not good.
A San Francisco store is shipping LGBTQ+ books to states where they are banned -- ABC News
DenoPenno comments on Jun 30, 2024:
Books are a simple choice. If you do not like the book then do not read it. All the bans are attempts to also ban your mind. Wake up!
Instances of anti-LGBTQ vandalism reported in nearly two dozen states during Pride Month -- NBC ...
DenoPenno comments on Jun 30, 2024:
Yes, of course. If we kill or shoot them they will go away. If we just do vandalism maybe they will get the hint. "We The People" means only our little group and Donald.
A book about you is not proof ...
DenoPenno comments on Jun 30, 2024:
Maybe they will believe it when Jesus tells them. Disappointing to me coz Thor was going to help me out with my hammer.
Christianity; The belief that ...
DenoPenno comments on Jun 30, 2024:
Evangelicals believe this and now you know why sex is a sin. God grew tired of making us from mud and ribs.
Two thirds of American households have a gun ...
DenoPenno comments on Jun 30, 2024:
Yeah, OK. Make sure they are able to own a tank and a bomb or two while you are at it.
Yeah, that's him all right.
DenoPenno comments on Jun 30, 2024:
I thought he would have trouble finding it in his rolls of fat.
Asking an ex-Christian to come back to the flock ...
DenoPenno comments on Jun 29, 2024:
Relationships are a big problem here. If an atheist decides that the big love of their life is a certain believer they may go back and claim to be a believer again. It's all make believe anyway so if you can have the love of this person it might be OK for you to go to church twice a week.
There's no denying it: Joe Biden had a bad night.
DenoPenno comments on Jun 29, 2024:
Maybe Obama can talk Joe out of this. It is time for reasoning.
DenoPenno comments on Jun 29, 2024:
I'm sorry. I just could not read it all. We know it is a fake from the beginning. People must eat in order to survive.
What I suspected months ago & stated on this forum is now being given legs by of all people a ...
DenoPenno comments on Jun 29, 2024:
I never once wondered if Chinese netizens were in sympathy with the Jews. In fact, I seldom think of ancient dope trade in any way at all. This is not relevant to me, but the modern every day dope use is something a lot of my family cannot walk away from. I guess next we wonder if this is relevant to Palestine (past or present) and if we could keep the dope away maybe so many kids would not be killed. It is war and war is hell. War also kills people and I do not think Putin is the savior although he is likely the most powerful man in the world. people are dying because he wants something and it probably has nothing to do with Jewish Nazis. As for Nuttiyahu -- same thing. I'm sorry Palestinian people are dying but they chose leaders who want the Jews all dead. Hamas hides behind civilians and bitches coz Jews are killing people. Oh, Hamas. Look what you have caused.
DenoPenno comments on Jun 29, 2024:
I can go with that philosophy.
InJOEHerent. UnintelliJOEble. It's JOEver. - YouTube
DenoPenno comments on Jun 28, 2024:
As a Progressive who believes "we the people" must include all of us I will vote blue. Trump lied and jumped around as usual and Biden was mumbling and weak.
Neil deGrasse Tyson discussion of only 1 - 1.
DenoPenno comments on Jun 28, 2024:
What name is exalted above every other name? If you do not know, I rest my case. I refuse to explain things in "spirit" or any other such nonsense. Yes, trees and plants are different than animals.
Time to go old man.
DenoPenno comments on Jun 28, 2024:
I'm still voting blue because I think "we the people" means every one of us. Trump and friends have other ideas on that and they lie. Trump did a lot of flip flops and lies last night as usual. Biden came across as near mumbling and weak, but a Progressive still has to vote blue. Of course, if I lived in Australia I probably would not worry about it.
Israel funds AIPAC 80%.
DenoPenno comments on Jun 28, 2024:
Let that asshole Trump get back in and the whole world will laugh at us anyway. What are we gonna do? I'm not sure I can be prodded into anything because someone says the whole world is laughing at us. It is more dumb than saying you are chicken not to get a tattoo.
Atheist parolee to get $100,000 in damages after being jailed for rejecting Bible study -- ...
DenoPenno comments on Jun 27, 2024:
He should have got the ACLU involved early on. They always do good work.
Did you watch it?
DenoPenno comments on Jun 27, 2024:
I haven't seen it yet but I know they are out there. My TV series watching lately seems to be series that are written for 7 or 8 year olds. I'm finding things less and less interesting and the movies are about the same. OK, back to the old stuff for me and "Love Boat" and "Beaver Cleaver" are not included.
If we can get Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate, we can end the filibuster rule and...
DenoPenno comments on Jun 27, 2024:
Many of us do not remember a stimulus package when G. W. Bush was POTUS but we did have one. I used mine to put a roof on my back porch.
Everyone needs to see this to know what is coming.
DenoPenno comments on Jun 27, 2024:
Why do I want any of this? Not my cup of pee.
Life hack for poor people...
DenoPenno comments on Jun 27, 2024:
You can fold this in different ways and make it stronger too. :)
Thursday morning cuteness
DenoPenno comments on Jun 27, 2024:
Have a cat for humanity. (Sorry, Jimmy.) :)
Milky Way as seen from Mars
DenoPenno comments on Jun 27, 2024:
Yeah, but one of 'em has nuts in it.
Post on Julian Assange of May 15, 2022 []
DenoPenno comments on Jun 27, 2024:
Looks like this is all winding down now with no extra time to serve. What a nightmare. Trump will never be able to use Assange to promote BS again.
Post on Julian Assange of May 15, 2022 []
DenoPenno comments on Jun 26, 2024:
Trump gave away secrets and so far has done no time. Then there was that girl Reality Winner.
This morning, I got a message on Facebook from a man whom I dated about ten years ago.
DenoPenno comments on Jun 26, 2024:
You hit it just right. I would have been a little lighter only if I knew this person in my everyday life. Even then I would have told the truth.
🤔yeah ok 😂🤣
DenoPenno comments on Jun 26, 2024:
I heard that when Ben discovered electricity he also invented contact lenses. I hope Newhart doesn't mind me borrowing this.
An excellent appraisal of Putin's far Eastern trip encompassing N.Korea, Vietnam & China.
DenoPenno comments on Jun 26, 2024:
Jesus Christ, will somebody save me!! Ahhh, maybe that was an answer in another forum.
The joke has become real
DenoPenno comments on Jun 26, 2024:
This is not a joke. It is everyday life that calls all of us to the throne of the smartphone. One of my pet peeves. As I type this my phone is in another room.
SRSLY??? I hadn’t planned on doing a meme this morning, but…
DenoPenno comments on Jun 26, 2024:
If they keep here around she can talk to men in dark theaters.
I am still laughing after this []
DenoPenno comments on Jun 26, 2024:
It would be funny if he bailed.
Religious leader wants to display Indian scriptures in Louisiana public classrooms
DenoPenno comments on Jun 25, 2024:
Fine. Let them do it because this is what will happen if ignorant men like Landry make a show of Christianity. All faiths have to be displayed now.
Atheism is the religion of self imposed ignorance.
DenoPenno comments on Jun 25, 2024:
Totally wrong. Being "without gods" has nothing to do with a religion.
I know no one here believes in God.
DenoPenno comments on Jun 25, 2024:
Very simple. No god, no divinity.
Gives 'Death Metal' music a whole new meaning. 🤪 []
DenoPenno comments on Jun 25, 2024:
Looks like a Pentecostal service from years ago. Probably worse today. I'm on the site but Zuckie ain't my duckie.
Report on the missing, disappeared, murdered & tortured children of Gaza by Save the Children Fund.
DenoPenno comments on Jun 24, 2024:
Let's make some money. I'm sure there are lots of missing children anywhere around a war zone. Food donations and Jeff Bridges may not make any difference. (Sorry, Jeff.)
This is the thinking of only Israeli Jews? Who is kidding whom?
DenoPenno comments on Jun 24, 2024:
Knowing very little about Jews in general I cannot tell you how they think or what they are going to do next. This goes for a Rabbi or common people.
And an addendum to my earlier post about why Xtians evangelize for selfish reasons.
DenoPenno comments on Jun 24, 2024:
I got it. Back in 1972 I did (deed not mentioned) and I got so and so. To mention it takes the magic away. According to old country songs god has a big "tallybook" and he goes around keeping tabs and score on everything. What else is there for gods to do?
Vets blast Republican for wearing medal he 'didn't earn' in scathing takedown Carl Gibson, ...
DenoPenno comments on Jun 24, 2024:
OK, I qualified with a 45. That's because it was hard to carry a rifle in my job. This was in the 60's. Today I cannot tell you where any of this military stuff is. I had others. If you do not earn the medal or qualification then do not wear it.
[] Colion Noir on John Stewart's "viral" clip
DenoPenno comments on Jun 24, 2024:
We need gun control. Why? It's because we do not seem to have any control over our guns. Not very much control at all.
Monday morning cuteness
DenoPenno comments on Jun 24, 2024:
Have a cat for humanity.
Saint Donald supports the posting of the Ten Commandments in all Louisiana schools- but wait, I ...
DenoPenno comments on Jun 24, 2024:
But I have no respect for Donald who is in no way a saint.
The question has been answered
DenoPenno comments on Jun 24, 2024:
What I see here is the test to "see if you are human" before you can visit a site. The ironic thing is that AI is deeply involved in this so called "test" in the first place. I'm sick of it and have complained already. It does no good and most people simply do not get it. What is the robot (if you are one) going to do with the site? Eat it or steal it. Then I wonder if you have to have a thieving robot. This situation has gotten so bad that often I have to go through the "how many stop lights" thing before I can watch a video. Why?
Narcissists be like ...
DenoPenno comments on Jun 23, 2024:
Sounds like Donald Narcissist.
Of all human behavior ...
DenoPenno comments on Jun 23, 2024:
Is it surrender? Is he bowing his head so he can start talking to himself? I'm not sure.
If you must display a Confederate flag ...
DenoPenno comments on Jun 23, 2024:
I have neighbors who fly an American flag mixed with the Confederate flag at the bottom. It is the silliest damned thing I have ever seen in my life.
Yes we can!
DenoPenno comments on Jun 23, 2024:
Let all of those go up in the air and have a larger one carrying Trump.
That used to puzzle me, but not anymore.
DenoPenno comments on Jun 23, 2024:
Trump supporters drink it without even being forced. No machine guns needed.
Just going to drop this here and wait for the screams of rage from the far right wing members and ...
DenoPenno comments on Jun 23, 2024:
Trump should be eaten by a shark.
...this sh!t happens way too often?
DenoPenno comments on Jun 23, 2024:
Wouldn't people wonder why she had such a big dog?
Bad news... for Trump that is... []
DenoPenno comments on Jun 23, 2024:
it's past time to Dump Trump.
This Verse Secretly Undermines All of Christianity - YouTube
DenoPenno comments on Jun 23, 2024:
When Jesus was killed it changed everything. His followers had to come up with reasons why.
If as you say ...
DenoPenno comments on Jun 23, 2024:
Carry a hammer on your belt. Is there a law against it? Find out.
If you don't think ...
DenoPenno comments on Jun 23, 2024:
Ask Dan Barker and you might get more on this.
Bottom Line: Oil magnate accused of OPEC collusion brings on top lobbying shop -- The Hill
DenoPenno comments on Jun 23, 2024:
Whether the issue is oil and gas or anything else, lobbying has a distinct meaning to me. It appears to mean that we bring up issues again and again and get followers. We have issues and wheels that need some grease. If we make noise long enough we will have people who see things our way. We are fast being worked into groups that lobby for things without a lot of us seeing what is going on. In our upcoming future more and more people will make a living through lobbying.
Some conservative Christians want more from Trump on abortion.
DenoPenno comments on Jun 23, 2024:
Donna Widawski has a right idea here. Leave it with the states is where it should be. If this is done correctly no one will have authority or ability to punish a person who travels outside their state for the purpose of abortion. You can travel outside your state for anything else and if we have a Federal guideline here it should be a "leave them alone guideline. Take your religious mush away and punishments away. Abortion in this state yes or no. That is very simple and now you have your law.
Trump keeps flip-flopping his policy positions after meeting with rich people -- Politico
DenoPenno comments on Jun 23, 2024:
Trump does not know anything about immigration. Who ever thought that he did? He's a flimflam man and has shown this many times over. Trump is always changing his position and likes people who like him. This should tell all of us exactly what we want to know. Put aside your politics a moment and read that again. If you answer back that I am telling you something about Biden it means that you did not get the message. Read it again and then wake up.
Melting? Fossil Fuels Have Made Extreme Heat 35 Times More Likely in North America – Mother Jones
DenoPenno comments on Jun 23, 2024:
Ways to stay cool in this heat. My current method is to run my propane powered AC to where my inside temps are no higher than 78 degrees, then have my indoor Lasko Wind Machines (I have 2) placed strategically to where my indoor temp is more like 72 degrees. This works very well unless my indoor temp gets around 75 degrees and it then gets too damned cold. Also, drink plenty of fluids.
The Supreme Court Just Proved That Its Gun Rulings Have Been a Disaster – Mother Jones
DenoPenno comments on Jun 23, 2024:
Did Rahimi violate his own 2nd Amendment right to carry arms? Try not to laugh and tune in tomorrow.
Bill Nye says record-breaking extreme heat 'a taste of the normal of the future' -- ABC News
DenoPenno comments on Jun 23, 2024:
Oh yes. A taste of the normal of the future and nobody worried any longer as to how we got here. This means Nye might be one of the few warriors in the battle. Greed and profits still reign high.
Trump's Spiritual Advisor Admits to Sexually Abusing 12-year-old-girl []
DenoPenno comments on Jun 23, 2024:
Yes, but previous to us finding out that she was a 12 year old girl Morris had admitted to his indiscretions with a "young lady." That was supposedly all put aside and forgotten until it came out just how young she really was.
Robert Morris warned sex abuse accuser she could be prosecuted for seeking compensation, emails show...
DenoPenno comments on Jun 23, 2024:
Sounds like The Days Of Our Lives. Let's next go into the NT scriptures where it says "we should confess our sins one to another." Oh, those Christians. Sooner or later we will be dashing those babies heads against the rocks, but you might be sued.
Louisiana GOP lawmaker can't defend her own Ten Commandments law -- Friendly Atheist
DenoPenno comments on Jun 22, 2024:
With all of the above understood why would anyone in America today think that words of some ancient god would mean anything to use as those words were not originally in English. This is as bad as saying Sam is a nice guy but we should call him Bobby. Or look at Deng Xaioping and dumb Americans called him Dung Chow Ping. Then ignorant hillbillies said Shitty Food Knock. Words do appear to mean everything and not always as they were assigned.


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This is from a group pic 2 years ago at my youngest daughter's place. We went there for a dinner.
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Do away with the strange colors and you have LBJ. That's right. Elbee Jay.
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Me as Richard Dawkins?
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Again at my daughter's place. The Sangria drink is a non-alcohol beverage from Mexico. I get them at Save A lot or Dollar Tree.
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Taken at my oldest daughter's place before my granddaughter exterminated and killed the pet parrot.
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Here a glorified campground ranger with the same uniform as our local cops. This was done by design.
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Is this Tex Ritter?
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Jesus! I never knew my neck had so many wrinkles.
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99 members
Ethical Vegans - Animal Rights - Environmental Concerns - Clean Food & Gardening
98 members
Celebrity Pictures
98 members
Political Theory & Policy
96 members
Religious Naturalism
94 members
Taboo Island
94 members
"I was blocked!?" Group
93 members
Unitarian Universalists
93 members
Foreign Film Fans
87 members
Pop Culture - TV
86 members
Atheist Videos & Miscellany
86 members
Tales from the Lockdown
82 members
Marijuana changing the world
79 members
78 members
Sex Over Sixty
77 members
Linux Users
75 members
Religion of Science & Higher Consciousness
75 members
International Perspectives
75 members
73 members
Religious Humor.
68 members
Laughter is medicine
65 members
lawnmowers & the gestation of nonsense
64 members
Minority Heathens
63 members
Biden Piñata
60 members
Kinky Acts
59 members
Pro Choice/Abortion Rights
58 members
Artists, Masterminds, Makers, and Creators.
58 members
Trumpanzees & Morons
55 members
Common Ground
55 members
No more war
50 members
Electric Vehicles and Vehicle Related Technology.
50 members
Libertarians Worldwide
47 members
Beer and craft brewing
41 members
Meatballs & Pasta
40 members
Illogical atheists guide for ending Christianity
38 members
37 members
I don't give a fuck
34 members
UAPs, UFOs, USOs and 1st Contact
29 members
Sunset, Sea, Coffee and Me
27 members
Ricky Gervais
27 members
Home Renovations
26 members
Atheist Points Of View On The Middle East
26 members
Mynd Storm
25 members
Nihilism; the good the bad and the ugly
23 members
The Sound Of A Good Book
23 members
Hairbrained Ideas
21 members
Consortium of thoughts
20 members
Survivors of roman catholicism
20 members
Taboo Island Atlantis
15 members
Oppression Throughout The World
14 members
Truth Seekers
11 members
Animal Mania
11 members
Handy apps for your phone
10 members
Free Time, Weekends, Vacations and Travels
8 members
Just the Facts
8 members
Facts and Physics of 9/11/2001
7 members
Ceremonies, non religious funerals, weddings, debaptisisms, divorces
6 members
It’s Not Our Democracy. It’s Our Plutocratic Oligarchy.
5 members