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The new statue of .....
DenoPenno comments on May 25, 2018:
That wonderful book "Art of the Deal." He actually says in the book that if you say something 2 or 3 times people will start believing it. I call this "Art of the Con."
I really don't need to imagine his "O" face.....:\
DenoPenno comments on May 25, 2018:
This is exactly what Trump is doing to America. The Germans appear to understand it all very well. Most of "the Muricans" are idiots and Congress allows Trump's nonsense because of surprise "end of the year" bonuses.
Thought this was a dating site? No?
DenoPenno comments on May 28, 2018:
It may not be a dating site. I asked one woman for a pic of her and she sent me a smiley face.
Don't you think this whole Roseanne thing is just a big show to distract from the 1500 missing ...
DenoPenno comments on May 31, 2018:
No, I don't think that but I also doubt that you will hear much at this time about 1500 missing children. 45 and friends would just like for that issue to go away.
So, the orange ape decides to insult and punish our allies to go kiss Kimmys ass.
DenoPenno comments on Jun 11, 2018:
I think the whole thing goes like this.Tell America you won't use or further develop your nukes and you can get money from them for free. Be friendly and they will give you aid. Trump might be a chump but Kim is not dim.
Name something you trust more than Trump.
DenoPenno comments on Jun 11, 2018:
A rattlesnake.
Who would have imagined that there was enough hatred to get Trump elected and yet the results speak ...
DenoPenno comments on Nov 17, 2018:
In this case the Koch brothers are turning us all into lemmings because it does appear that most people love and cling to their own hatred and value it more than their own lives. I hear the Trumpers every day and cannot imagine living inside their heads. How do they add 2 plus 2? We live in a digital age and they believe that voter fraud is actually accomplished by bringing an illegal alien across our borders to vote. One recently told me she works at the polls and voter fraud is a "fine line" and so many ID's are fake. This is why we need a voter ID, she said. I wonder if your voter ID could be fake too, or if it might have Donald's name on it.
DenoPenno comments on Nov 17, 2018:
What a horrible picture.
The government today announced that it is changing its symbol to a CONDOM, because it more ...
DenoPenno comments on Nov 21, 2018:
Yes, this is our current situation. Donald is like Archie Bunker only Archie was smarter.
Seeking asylum.
DenoPenno comments on Nov 27, 2018:
Funny but sad, yes. What is worse is seeing posts by so called conservative activists who claim the migrants are waiting for 20,000 and then **"they are going to rush the border."** What would be gained? Are they safe in America then? This is just more BS right out of Trump's ass to serve his lying ends. Scare tactics and propaganda used to build a wall.
The rotten mf's just can't help but display how corrupt to the core they are: Slate: House ...
DenoPenno comments on Dec 10, 2018:
Gowdy is supposed to be retiring and not be back next year. He is a horrible man with horrible ideas. Goodbye, Trey.
Keith could have saved us all! I stumbled across this story today...[]
DenoPenno comments on Dec 11, 2018:
Too bad it didn't happen.
He got butt hurt.
DenoPenno comments on Dec 13, 2018:
This has to be classic and it all served him right. LOL
Here's a wall we can all get behind!
DenoPenno comments on Dec 24, 2018:
Now just cement a lid on it. Tell everyone it is a time capsule. Open in 2040.
An excellent resume!
DenoPenno comments on Dec 27, 2018:
This may be totally true.
Run 'Merica like a buisness he said. []
DenoPenno comments on Dec 30, 2018:
Trump appears to be running Merica like a lot of his former businesses.
Vacuum alert ... vacuum alert ... vacuum....
DenoPenno comments on Jan 4, 2019:
As a nation it now appears that we all got nothing.
[] I did not place any bets, anyone know the final total?
DenoPenno comments on Jan 9, 2019:
I couldn't watch him and I knew he would lie. He played to his base again we find out today, but I did think he would declare a national emergency last night. Some Republicans are slowly turning because we do need to end our government shutdown. Donald Trump is our national emergency. People were at various areas of the border during the Trump speech. Nothing going on at the border.
[] Is Trump secretly working for Russia?
DenoPenno comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Is Trump secretly working for Russia? He told a friend he is getting even with those who were against him. America will not loan him money any longer. One of his sons said they do not need money because they can get all they want from Russia. Trump is bankrupting America. While some of the above is speculative it would appear that Donald Trump is just about a national emergency!
Scored this yesterday...
DenoPenno comments on Jan 13, 2019:
Maybe it would help my backache and tingling feet.
Trump is one of these... Anyone else? How do we deal with him/them?
DenoPenno comments on Jan 13, 2019:
With people like Donald Trump and any others in political power who have ideas and a regime that collectively goes against our human betterment as a whole in this nation there is but one way to deal with them. Bring out their negative traits and point out how this will hurt us. Be vocal. Speak up. Media reporting has grown into areas of simply repeating words. Media is afraid they will be deemed as biased. When the house in on fire you need to be aware of ways to evacuate. Instead we are told the house might be on fire or it could be on fire. This is not accurate reporting. People seem afraid of lawsuits but if the report is correct there would be nothing to worry about.
The left is getting more radical all the time.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 16, 2019:
I'm forever amazed by those that claim our country was set up as a Republic, and then to prove that idea they want to travel backwards to where only landowners and a select few could vote and also want to deny everyone healthcare and other modern needed benefits. It gets worse when those making $1800 a month (or less) think it is normal for the top percentage to have all the money and those that have not should just accept it and be happy. Then for some reason they believe we will all just go along with these 2 women being "looney" and more "radical." Sorry. Your Orange God is not the type of person we want. Are we "Left" and "leftist?" Left of what? Maybe stupidity.
Good morning! I'm off today, so slept in a little bit, and here's finally our question for today:...
DenoPenno comments on Jan 21, 2019:
At my place of employment people still ask me " do you work here" and we have a uniform. A good second one for me is the fact that I do a lot of projects and build things so I go to a hardware and ask for something. The first thing they say to me is "what are you trying to build." Hobby shops even do this to me and all I'm doing is asking for a certain thing. It's horrible. "Do you have 5 foot of 1 inch hose? "What are you trying to build?"
Trump has been a lot better president for business than Obama ever was as Obama was a regulation nut...
DenoPenno comments on Jan 29, 2019:
Fact check does not support your meme. It's just not true that Trump has increased US manufacturing jobs. In fact, Trump nor anyone else can keep them all from leaving either. This is "fake news" Trajan.
Michael Cohen has chosen (that's right.
DenoPenno comments on Feb 1, 2019:
He's going to an upstate NY Jewish prison. Only about 120 people in there.
BREAKING: Senator Susan Collins attacks Christine Blasey Ford and votes for Brett Kavanaugh. Shame.
DenoPenno comments on Oct 5, 2018:
Is Collins convinced or is she afraid of them?
DenoPenno comments on Oct 6, 2018:
Poor old Donnie is ate up with hate. He can just never get over Obama. The shame is that some of this hatred is now driving the nation.
Any doubt this is why?
DenoPenno comments on Oct 8, 2018:
That is half the reason. The other half is to tackle Roe v. Wade all over again and take it down because 3 sitting SCOTUS justices are against it right now. "Settled law" can be re-visited and this is on the agenda for the "theistic republic" that they want to bring about. Slowly they are putting everything in place.
The face of a winner.
DenoPenno comments on Oct 9, 2018:
It was all disgusting and in my area the nonsense continues. Trump has even went out of his way to claim Kavanope was "found innocent." I wasn't aware that there was a trial.
I couldn't have said this better myself: []
DenoPenno comments on Oct 11, 2018:
"You're trash. You've always been trash. When liberals were polite, you were trash. When liberals got a little rude, you were still trash. Now that we're tired of your shit and treating you like the trash you are, you're mortally offended and blaming us for being trash? Get the fuck out of here. " I quote from the article without permission. Let us all hope the midterms makes a difference.
Waller County Tx.
DenoPenno comments on Oct 11, 2018: Not the original link but let me see if this will help.
Today's offensive, fiery, provocative, but NOT derogatory to any of the following voter blocs.
DenoPenno comments on Oct 13, 2018:
I'm with you, brother. I could not stress more that this is a fight for the survival of America as we know it. This is not about political parties. It is about the dishonesty of people in power. We need to level up the playing field of those in power before we will see any honest governing get done. Vote Blue!
As a group of mostly open minded people, I am surprised by the number of persons who are openly ...
DenoPenno comments on Oct 13, 2018:
Everyone is offended and hateful when it comes to politics. Myself, I just don't understand stupid. If a policy only benefits the few then it is not good for everyone. Pretty simple really.
How do these people live with themselves?
DenoPenno comments on Oct 16, 2018:
I have seen mob rule. I've seen almost 2 years of nothing but mob rule. It's time for this to change.
Trumpty Dumpty built a great Wall Trumpty Dumpty had a bad fall (Nov 6) All the king's horses and ...
DenoPenno comments on Oct 16, 2018:
Let us wish this for Trumpty Dumpty. So be it.
I sometimes marvel at the level of ignorance it must take to continue to support the vile creature ...
DenoPenno comments on Oct 18, 2018:
This man knows exactly what he is talking about and the way he breaks it down for you proves it. A small increase in take home pay is all anybody has seen so far. Trump supporters will of course tell you much differently. Are they getting something that the rest of us are not? Yes, they are getting more stupid!
How Low can You Go? There is No Bottom for the Unpresident.
DenoPenno comments on Oct 19, 2018:
It should sicken all of us but nobody cares. Even Pat Robertson talks about how we do not want to lose those jobs. The religious won't even denounce this POS POTUS even after he brags in Montana recently about how a Congressman body slammed a reporter. What they left out of that story was that the reporter was asking about healthcare. What healthcare? They want to give it all away. Then I get mail and phone calls about the new "Trump Healthcare" and it starts as cheap as $50 per month. No thanks. Mine is almost free right now. Trump might be able to shoot a man in pubic on 5th Avenue but I would rather he points the gun at his own head and not mine. He's a conman and a liar.
Remember there are many ways vote including early balloting
DenoPenno comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Please vote. If you care at all about healthcare (yours and that of others) please vote blue. Third party votes at this time are not likely to make a change in the needed balance of power.
Hitler like trump had a speech about “Nationalism”the night before the Reichstag Burned in 1933,...
DenoPenno comments on Oct 24, 2018:
I agree with your every word. Believe me, I have a lot of fear for us. This insanity is dividing families and nobody cares. It's all about power.
What happened today is ALL on 45.
DenoPenno comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Very true. He plays to his base and seems to make it plain that violence is OK. He praises the man who body slammed a reporter and has crowds chat to lock Hillary and others up. He tells everyone that the media is the enemy. Now there is another caravan coming and he blames all this including todays bombing attempts on Democrats. Hey, Bud. Your people have all the power and all you can get done is chaos. Let's vote blue and make America sane again. All we need is a balance of power and this nonsense will stop. Maybe they can get back to governing.
National Socialist Workers Party = NAZI They the Hitler and the Nazi party were “Nationalist”...
DenoPenno comments on Oct 25, 2018:
I can see this 100 percent. Then we have people like Rush Numbnutz who says "this is not Republicans because Republicans would not do anything like this." He is speaking about the bombs that were recently sent to political opponents. Robert DeNiro even got one. Now if you listen to conservative talk radio you will be hearing this all day long. Suddenly a party affiliation prevents you from doing bad things.
This sadly is what the country is going through!
DenoPenno comments on Oct 25, 2018:
They represent how I feel right now. As most of our people go through life daily unaffected, I wonder when we are going to wake up and realize that any other POTUS doing what Trump does and says would have long been forcibly removed by now. He would not only have been removed, he would also be in prison. Ask yourself if Obama would have gotten away with any of it, or Bush, or Bill Clinton. Wake up America!
Has anyone out there seen this guy Jesse Lee Peterson?
DenoPenno comments on Oct 26, 2018:
I'm sorry. I had to exit this nonsense when he got to the part about a beta male and what the normal state of a male was, and he called it conservative. I would be OK with this if he was talking about being frugal. Instead he appears to be talking about politics. It's laughable.
So, I got up this morning and found this email forward in my inbox.
DenoPenno comments on Oct 30, 2018:
Delete it as you say Merry Christmas.
Food for thought....TRUMP!!!!
DenoPenno comments on Nov 3, 2018:
In many areas the man is in violation of his oath of office. There is no room or space for saying once I am in office I will just do as I please by executive order. It doesn't work that way.
Welcome to Day 655.
DenoPenno comments on Nov 6, 2018:
I am hopeful. We all need hope and hope is a little different than faith. I'm voting blue.
a little something to brighten your day.
DenoPenno comments on Nov 7, 2018:
Ignorant people shouldn't make public comments about the mental health of an entire class of ...
DenoPenno comments on Nov 9, 2018:
Be advised, Ms. OP, that I agree with your every word.
Stand for something!
DenoPenno comments on Nov 10, 2018:
I stand for the same! Strangely my right wing insurance lady said this afternoon **"Trump is the president and he doesn't have to answer a question if he don't want to." **If this is proper and true we can now look for future answers like "I'm not gonna tell you."
"The inner workings of the Mueller investigation are a total mess.
DenoPenno comments on Nov 15, 2018:
No thanks. I have enough good morning messages from Trump without going into this. I also have no inside info into what Republican Robert Mueller III is doing in his investigations.
Paranormal Experiences?
DenoPenno comments on Apr 2, 2018:
Of course I have had experiences. Lots of them. I used to study phenomena. When you believe it and follow traditional teachings of it things seem to happen. If you challenge it and question it with logic fewer things happen. In the end it is a mindset that comes alive when it happens. You may find that the paranormal is something that we do not understand and therefore we help cause it ourselves. Paranormal experiences are much like Evangelical religion. It is all very real while you are a part of it, but it lessens as you slip away from it. For those who continue to be bothered by it, I would say out loud "I do not want to play the game." You find with time that this works mostly because you are talking to yourself. You are making a decision to abandon phenomena.
I really liked this post.. had to share.. pretty much sums it up for me anyway.
DenoPenno comments on Apr 9, 2018:
That covers it for me. The problem was that it took me so damned long to come to this conclusion. Now I have people looking at my age and saying I'd best turn that atheism around. One believer I have known since age 12 tells me that "one day I'm gonna wake up in a place I don't want to be." OK. If I die how am I gonna wake up?
Seems that most Republican supporters are not dumb or idiotic, just mistakenly misinformed! They ...
DenoPenno comments on Apr 10, 2018:
They do seem to memorize certain talking points and repeat these things as if they were gospel. Only recently have Evangelicals started to have a problem with Trump. It shows me they were not listening before. Then we have the GOP definition of rape where they mention in a "real rape." I suppose most rapes are not real to them. A GOP supporter I went to high school with told me of all the abortions women have had at Planned Parenthood facilities as if that information is public knowledge. He cannot see anything they do as having to do with women's health. Like most GOP men he wants control of a woman's body. Then we have idiot women who want men to have control of their bodies. It's a strange world. MAGA. Morons Are Governing America.
A flat tyre, perhaps ! Translation :- I can't go to work today.
DenoPenno comments on Aug 20, 2018:
Can't go to work. He can't even get up! I keep imagining this will happen with me but the girl is slim and only 5 foot tall. So far she is only my "friend" on the dating site.
MAGA for real
DenoPenno comments on Aug 22, 2018:
Ah, yes. This meme has become a reality.
Will tRump become insane to the point there will be no doubt by any rational person or standard?
DenoPenno comments on Aug 25, 2018:
He's already there. The thing is the GOP doesn't see this and neither do his supporters, and all of his supporters are not in public politics.
Everybody sing! []
DenoPenno comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Funny to me but some actually believe it. Many claim it was 8 years of Obama that divided this country. How and in what way? Please explain that to me. With Obama I thought we were going in the right direction.
Today he's tweeting about a deal with Mexico... I'm not sure that he can find Mexico on a map...
DenoPenno comments on Aug 27, 2018:
Once this POS asshole gets out of the White House he will be fair game for anyone that comes along. His presidency and his big mouth him have him targeted and begging for nothing but a bad end.
Hard to tell which one is parody.
DenoPenno comments on Sep 3, 2018:
The last one is most likely fake but the real fake is in the White House.
Did anybody see what the Ridiculous Idiot and his merry band of fools were up to today?
DenoPenno comments on Sep 4, 2018:
Village idiot thinks he has to say something.
There's a lot of lying apparently.
DenoPenno comments on Sep 12, 2018:
That's what it looks like. Just imagine the money that is saved nationwide if the government no longer funds women's healthcare. That money can stay with the top 1 percent and we can justify this by making it "all about abortion" which will make the move OK with average American sheep. Looks like they calculated how much they would save in advance and want to un-do progress.
Funny cartoon of our piñata!
DenoPenno comments on Sep 15, 2018:
I find it strange that others defend this lying Twit.
'The only think we have to fear , is F.E.A.R. itself' Donald Trump.
DenoPenno comments on Sep 17, 2018:
Trump is corruption. The bastard is starting to get some billionaires upset. If I was him that would worry me.
Yes, please
DenoPenno comments on Sep 18, 2018:
I agree and I think Leo means it. :)
Thank you Stormy Daniels! We now can add a new description for that POS tRump: Mushroom Dick! Add ...
DenoPenno comments on Sep 18, 2018:
I think I read where Stormy said the moron lasted about 2 minutes. LMAO here.
Stupid mo-for throwing the Intel community to the wolves again to take heat off himself and is ...
DenoPenno comments on Sep 18, 2018:
His time is coming. Some of the top 1 percent are starting to get fed up with him. They are starting to see what a moron he is and all the problems he is causing that can even affect their future.
First day of fall!
DenoPenno comments on Sep 23, 2018:
I like the part written in black. :) What they forgot to add was "with a broomstick."
President of Bolivia schools Trump to his face at UN Security Council meeting.
DenoPenno comments on Sep 26, 2018:
A trip to my mailbox today produced extreme right wing political literature. A careful look at it produced the following names: The Heritage Foundation One Nation America Org. Fox News These are some of the people behind Trump and company and they include the Kock brothers, Mercers, DeVos family, David Green, and many others. These are people that want Kavanaugh at any cost, a wall to keep out immigrants, and an end to sanctuary cities, etc. They have a political agenda that would make Hitler proud and many of their projects are backed by 1.5 million dollars or more. All I did was go to the One Nation website and browse around to get the current agenda to see what's going on. Of course the names I listed are not on the website but I've done my homework from before. These people mean business and they are terribly wrong. That makes Morales spot on when he says "the United States could not care less about human rights or justice."
I keep seeing people posting about the allegations of sexual assault against Bill Clinton and how ...
DenoPenno comments on Sep 30, 2018:
Your last paragraph nailed it and I believe every time I hear about Bill Clinton in this way today it's a dodge to avoid things about Kavanaugh or Bone Spurs himself. These allegations are all about power and those who seek, or are in power. Bill Clinton is no longer in that category. Discussing his history is avoiding current issues. Many forget that Trump was on tape as saying "you can go into their dressing rooms, grab 'em by the pussy, or do anything you want." Today he wants us all to think this was "fake news." It's the hypocrisy of double speak Republicons.
bring education back, please!
DenoPenno comments on Sep 30, 2018:
A very ignorant man. He wants "Trump favor" because his wife got Trump favor. As for factories and more jobs here in America most people are dumb and blind. New factories are not built here and Trump cannot force anyone to build them here. He is a conman and has been his entire life. Why don't people understand this?
Children are bargaining chips
DenoPenno comments on Jun 19, 2018:
All of these are good and it shows the lying of Trump and the GOP, but the center one just nails it all very nicely. Hell, I was in Kenya in 2004 without a visa and was treated like a king. They are using these children as bargaining chips. Give us what we want and we will leave the children alone. Fuck you, Stephen Miller!
Pretty much.
DenoPenno comments on Jun 19, 2018:
Is that a tiny little brain?
These are REAL. Is this the USA you thought you lived in?
DenoPenno comments on Jun 19, 2018:
Imagine that monster getting cheers from people when he claims in the future we will stop giving aid to those countries who "send their people up illegally" when there is no proof the countries are doing this at all. We could have just sent the people back and saved a lot of money. That won't work because Trump wants this border separation in order to blackmail the US into getting him his money for the wall. Everyone is deaf, dumb, and blind!
Naom Chomsky: Trump is a distraction. A must watch video. []
DenoPenno comments on Jun 27, 2018:
"Our beautiful clean coal" never was clean or beautiful. In the UK they had to stop using coal in order to clean up the air. It's all a matter of history and can be looked up and verified. Now the followers of this monkey even go so far as to say we have opened up 2 or 3 new coal mines. If there are any it won't be anything putting all those out of work miners back on the job. It's all about the making of money. The Kock brothers and friends do not give a damn about you. They do not care if you have healthcare, clean water, clean food, clean air, land without pollution, etc. The reason for this is that all these things cost them money. They want the regulation out of the way so they can just make the profit. Any public right or benefit that can be done away with is being dealt with. If you have less rights you are not as able to fight back. It's all about the making of money.
I expect most of the people here know who I am, for those of you that don't, I host the Gun Control ...
DenoPenno comments on Jun 28, 2018:
I hear ya, Mike, and I agree. I'm a loner who doesn't have much influence and I don't know any people to bring to group. Trump and company will likely get the judge they want as McConnell declared previously that they would not let Obama appoint a justice. Saying the position had to be filled immediately they got their way. The current situation is about the same. There is nothing on the books that says Trump and the GOP must wait until after the mid terms to make a selection. We might hope that they are stalled in some way and the selection does not occur until that time but most likely they will proceed. They are in majority and as I see it they have a right to do so. I wish I had better news, but this is the way I see it.
Trump making America greater for his family, friends and associates while the rest of us are forced ...
DenoPenno comments on Jun 29, 2018:
I agree with you. If his tariffs ever kick in there will be many things the average person cannot afford. Will his supporters like the increase in car prices that all this will cause? My guess for all of it is that somebody will put a spin on "trickle down" economics that they say will fix all of it. Don't hold your breath and wait for that. Here's the truth about freedom. When increased prices cause you to have less and you cannot have even what you had before then you have lost some freedom. When you take away people's freedoms then you end up controlling the people.
Fucking asshole mocked metoo at a rally in Montana today, called Warren "Pocahontas" again, called ...
DenoPenno comments on Jul 6, 2018:
I'm agreeing with others here. I'm not a hater and I hate him. He's a walking puss bag. A sore that has already festered. He's toxic and the news had a few of his words at that meeting. Why would the public listen to him and put up with this? Let's take this a step farther and ask yourself if you remember other presidents that had to have constant support rallies for themselves with the timing and manner that this asshole does. What a joke.
I remember a suit by Jane Doe in 2016 alleging Trump raped her when she was 13.
DenoPenno comments on Jul 8, 2018:
I see your questions as real and very vital but I do not see Trump as losing supporters over this even if any of it is proven. Trump supporters will take the evidence when presented as "fake news" without seeing that it was their boy who set that phrase into popular being. What I do see in Trump losing supporters is when a certain thing Trump is doing affects them personally in a negative way. None of them will see this as a group, but as an individual thing. He could lose them one by one. As for the GOP impeaching Trump this will happen when he becomes a liability and is viewed as threatening their party. Impeachment does not get rid of Trump neccessarily and would only be done for the survival of the GOP. The best bet for Americans is to see a balance of power through the November elections.
Paul Ryan warns that if Dems win, they’ll hold Trump accountable.
DenoPenno comments on Jul 13, 2018:
It must be a warning for Trump, the Kock brothers, Mercers, and all the others that bought into the GOP. Certainly we will hold Trump accountable and all his current swamp team along with him.
I like the way he says he's a stable genius.
DenoPenno comments on Jul 15, 2018:
I'm not convinced he knows much about horses either. A woman told me Friday that I had to respect him because he IS our president, like it or not. Wrong. I do not have to respect this moron.
Treason. For your debate.
DenoPenno comments on Jul 17, 2018:
Yes, it's treason. I mean, what did we expect in such an unusual meeting as this in Helsinki? Putin says he wanted Trump to win. Whiny bitch Trump immediately switches into (of all things) "Hillary's missing 30,000 e-mails" and calls Mueller's investigation a witch hunt, claims that the electoral college usually favors Dems but he won it fair and square, and denies any meddling. Is this what you do before public pressure builds up and you have to resign? What exactly was the purpose of the Helsinki meeting?
Just had to share this.
DenoPenno comments on Jul 19, 2018:
One of the best and more truthful ones I've seen in some time.
Next time someone says this, I am goen use this line.
DenoPenno comments on Jul 25, 2018:
Perfect line.
Which one do you agree with and why?
DenoPenno comments on Jul 27, 2018:
I'm on Tillerson's side here, but both men most likely made these remarks about Trump. One of Trump's teachers even told us how stupid he was. Using words like "bigly, bigly" should have been a clue for us all.
Q Anon because yes it can get even weirder in Trump's Freak Show. []
DenoPenno comments on Aug 1, 2018:
Maybe they ate too many Tide pods.
On Twitter @ about 10:30PM Pacific, 1:30AM Eastern Trump tweets; "Lebron James was just interviewed ...
DenoPenno comments on Aug 4, 2018:
I think he is a dicktaster and I love the broken promises meme. On conservative talk radio today they praised this moron beyond belief and claimed that Dems are leaving the party in droves because of all the lies. WTF?
What's going on with Melania lately?
DenoPenno comments on Aug 5, 2018:
My thoughts are that she will stay right where she is simply because Trump would use Baron against her in every way and try to make it impossible if not hard to see him after the divorce. Melania is likely to stay right where she is because of her son, and I can imagine Trump has made her many other threats if she leaves him and makes him look bad right now.
Gotta love Orwell...
DenoPenno comments on Aug 6, 2018:
The first thing any tyrant does is try to silence the free press.
Trump sign coming.
DenoPenno comments on Aug 13, 2018:
If suddenly the WH appeared that way over night I would laugh my ass off. Not that it is funny, but that it is true.
He's changing hats again.
DenoPenno comments on Aug 14, 2018:
Agolf Twitler, bogus POTUS.
The plan to keep Trump’s taxes hidden []
DenoPenno comments on Feb 5, 2019:
Trump supporters in and out of politics need to reflect on what other times in the last 50 years have we had so much bullshit and coverup going on. The idea seems to be "this guy got elected so now we have to protect him at all costs." This is insanity!
Valentine's Day Trump Style
DenoPenno comments on Feb 14, 2019:
Maybe an electric eel?
DenoPenno comments on Feb 18, 2019:
I don't think animals would like him. A lot of people don't like him either.
Libtard Agenda: Need help explaining liberal agenda to struggling conservatives?
DenoPenno comments on Feb 19, 2019:
To get many people to understand a libtard agenda you will have to use pictures. Yes, I am a snowflake. I welcome different ideas. I want democracy for all and healthcare for all, and I want everyone to be able to vote.
Any pro-wall atheists out there?
DenoPenno comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Fake POTUS, fake wall, fake supporters! It doesn't matter though because Monkey Balls has so many people convinced that bad people are crossing that border just to kill you. If people would just understand that the Trump "brand" is his name and that is what he sells they might understand what is going on here. It has nothing to do with security and everything to do with ego.
Trump’s New Defense: Congress Can’t Investigate Because There Are Too Many Crimes Why can't I...
DenoPenno comments on Feb 22, 2019:
If this SOB lives after his terms as POTUS his entire life will be all about court appearances and lawsuits. His attorneys will make up a "bad health" excuse as to why he cannot attend. For this to be considered as real he would have to give up golf.
[] Why is Fuhrer Trump such a racist?
DenoPenno comments on Feb 25, 2019:
I've heard that old Fred had some Klan ties. Fred was also involved with the John Birth Society.
Freakin FAUX News!
DenoPenno comments on Mar 2, 2019:
In my neck of the woods we always used to say the handouts in housing and food all went to Tyrone living in the cities. We hated these facts. Today we have to wake up to the fact that Billy Bob is getting his share too. Maybe the biggest share. The lesson learned is not to mix racism with politics and human welfare.
The Do No Harm Act (H.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 6, 2019:
We do need to take action on this. The religious right wants to make it a crime not to believe. We need to be equal under the law without the thought police involved.We do not need anyone to have special privileges.We all need the same healthcare and are all the same citizens.
DenoPenno comments on Mar 8, 2019:
I take a stand here that the real Donald Trump is very angry at America for not giving him loans any longer. This leads to a drive for revenge and a possible inner desire to take down our country. If this was true it would explain his every action so far and fit right in with his ego.


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This is from a group pic 2 years ago at my youngest daughter's place. We went there for a dinner.
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Do away with the strange colors and you have LBJ. That's right. Elbee Jay.
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Me as Richard Dawkins?
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Again at my daughter's place. The Sangria drink is a non-alcohol beverage from Mexico. I get them at Save A lot or Dollar Tree.
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Taken at my oldest daughter's place before my granddaughter exterminated and killed the pet parrot.
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Here a glorified campground ranger with the same uniform as our local cops. This was done by design.
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Is this Tex Ritter?
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Jesus! I never knew my neck had so many wrinkles.
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