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As more drumpf associates go down and his castle crumbles, do you feel compassion for any of his ...
DenoPenno comments on Jan 26, 2019:
I voted no mercy but I do feel for Betsy DeVos right now. This is because she had a bike wreck and broke her pelvis and hip. Replacement surgery has been done and she is recovering and in a lot of pain right now. I do not like this woman but I can only wish stuff like this on Cheeto himself!
Oh Mikey,Mikey, Mikey..
DenoPenno comments on Jan 26, 2019:
If Mike Pence ever gets in power nobody will be human unless they embrace his belief in a sky daddy. It will help also if you are of his group and persuasion.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 26, 2019:
I'm sure it was a hard time for them. I really do not need to read the books because I do believe the story. History says it is true and only white supremacists (or some other racial supremacist) would say it was not true. I've also seen movies about it that are absolutely heart breaking. For the deniers I'll just put it this way. The ovens were there they were used to burn up people. This was not just a "clean up" action because people in prisons die. Jews and others were gassed and then burned up. The clean up action was to get them off the face of the earth and the people were mostly Jews.
Do you have Saturday off work?
DenoPenno comments on Jan 26, 2019:
I have Saturdays off but have now been off since last Wednesday. They say it's slow and I can return on Monday. I blame the weather and the stupid POTUS for that. With shutdown over it might pick up, then maybe not.
[] i know it's a little dotty but isn't it cute?
DenoPenno comments on Jan 26, 2019:
I wonder if the horse and dog know that they resemble each other in a spotted way?
Proof we weren't created "in God's own image"
DenoPenno comments on Jan 26, 2019:
A friend of mine thinks we were made in god's image and we are perfect in every way. He back pedals a lot when I mention wisdom teeth and appendix.
If the love of your life walked around the corner, what do you imagine that might look like?
DenoPenno comments on Jan 26, 2019:
Could be anyone. Could be you.
LGBT Rainbow FlagEXPAND LGBT Rainbow Flag © 2008 Ludovic Berton (Wikimedia Commons) Angola has ...
DenoPenno comments on Jan 26, 2019:
I find "vices against nature" to be a contrived and self serving statement. Even as a kid we saw male dogs laying around and licking each other. Back then we just thought the dogs were confused.
Rejected cannabis super bowl ad: []
DenoPenno comments on Jan 26, 2019:
OK, I'm convinced. Give 'em some Mary Jane.
Rolling the sexual violence clock back quietly. ? []
DenoPenno comments on Jan 26, 2019:
Asshole Donnie at his best.
It’s Pelosi’s fault
DenoPenno comments on Jan 26, 2019:
I seriously doubt that Cheeto ever took serious responsibility for anything he has done. On the other hand, he takes responsibility for everything that he sees as good and had nothing to do with at all. A real asshole. The beauty of this man's presidency is that you can see who your real friends are and how deluded his supporters are. It's almost beyond belief!
It's a bold move, Cotton. Let's see how it plays out.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 26, 2019:
Not a hero.
Has it occurred to you that the Trump saga is a modern version of "The Manchurian Candidate" from ...
DenoPenno comments on Jan 26, 2019:
That's food for thought. The worst thing I've seen is all those on You Tube who do videos for money and now have it all figured that Trump's shutdown is the genius way of "draining the swamp" in Washington. They seem serious about it, and if you just leave everything shut down those jobs will go away and we shrink government. Hell, we don't need the FBI and others. Trump doesn't need the Secret Service either. Planes can fly without the TSA. It's a damn genius plan this Orange man has thought up!
Is there a way to add friends that live near u
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Try messaging them and talking to them that way. Instructions are there by their profile and it says "send message."
The Trump Tax Cut: Your Personal Guide to the New Tax Law Anyone heard of this shit?
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
If anyone benefits it won't be the common man.
Well, the cat is out the bag, it is official, I have a new fabulous relationship going.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
She looks great. :)
There must be some mistake
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
If those are keys to the pearly gates many people actually believe that. Maybe the keys to heaven and hell because without keys you might get out.
US shutdown: Four reasons why Trump blinked 3 hours ago [bbc.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Trump pads and rigs the polls so he must have been convinced to cave once the real polls were read to him. Things were going to get nasty. Of course, I've said this before but I would not want to be protected by his non-paid Secret Service.
Tweet: "Because of the President's actions .
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Trump literally just held America hostage in order to get his border wall money and now the message is that Congress should negotiate. Why don't they just just come out and say "hand over the money?"
A few days ago I had an argument with a friend who was peddling anarchy and revolution to overthrow ...
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
I'm not clicking on it either. Vigilante is not the answer. Vigilantes get killed or put in prison. I have to constantly be after members of my own family and their friends too in order to get this across.
Ladder-maker Werner Co. to close Louisville plant, ship jobs to Mexico | Business |
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
I'm sure the company will specialize in ladders a couple of feet higher than Trump's wall.
"The Wizard of Oz" heads back to theaters for 80th anniversary
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
The movie classic that made Judy Garland into a dope addict. I will never forget it. If she was alive I bet Judy would not forget it either.
Both parties are equally to blame for all of the problems in this country
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
I like your meme but both parties are not to blame. The cult like worship of political puppets and believing that we need them to run our lives has much to do with what is going on. A simple question in America today would be can you name any person in our history who could do or say what Trump has and still be POTUS? The answer is "no." No you cannot name anyone. Power likes power and that is what is happening in America today. It has nothing to do with what is best for the country.
Donald Trump Is On A Losing Streak - YouTube
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
It is unprecedented. That's right because we do not have a president. What we do have is Fuckface Von Shitstain.
Good thing the shutdown isn't having any effect!
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Maybe it will affect Trump and family for travel as well. Then they can take his private jet for flights to avoid the mess. That is, if his jet has not been repossessed yet!
I am pissed that in 1954 they added "Under God" in the pledge of allegiance! Damn Dwight D.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
I don't think those words should be on our money or in the pledge. I also take offense that police cars have "In God We Trust" on their back bumpers. I think it is pretentious and silly.
Top Florida official resigns after photos surface in blackface, mocking Katrina survivors – ...
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
I saw this on the news. It makes me wonder how many elected officials have to be idiots.
It’s hard to believe that in 2008 I was canvassing for Obama. What changed?
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Did the fake left come in with the fake president? Please tell us because enquiring minds want to know.
Do You Speak A Second Or More Language(s) Fluently?
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
I only know bits and pieces of languages. In some I might know what you are talking about but cannot speak the language myself. With 20 years in the Houston, Texas area I never fully learned Spanish. Again, just bits and pieces.
Ok I am not American but to me how can the legitimacy of this presidency be maintained if all his ...
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Mostly because his party supports him and they are the ones in power. They also like to have power and they will protect him as much as possible. I would love to see the GOP wake up and call him to task on everything.
Dreamed I was on a climb with my friend doug.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Your mind does not fully sleep. Dreams are things that come out of that realm, usually because of something on your mind in random fashion. Dreams are in effect unfinished business but not fully real. If they were real then maybe we all could fly. It all meant nothing, or maybe you see Doug as climbing higher than you in life some way. This might be why you wanted to follow him. A "life goal" meaning like this might explain why you and Doug are friends in the first place.
Both Sides NOT Equally to Blame for Shutdown
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
I understand this fully. It's appalling that the GOP is trying to switch this issue to a "both sides equally to blame" situation. Trump supporters have this view. My view is that the great negotiator who knows the "Art of the Deal" simply made a claim for money and to get his way he held America hostage. I can see it no other way. Meanwhile, many on You Tube that want to make money have videos saying that Trump is a genius. The shut down is his way of "draining the swamp." They get into this in great detail saying that the shutdown will simply eliminate jobs we do not need. I find it hard to believe we do not need the TSA or the FBI. Trump might find it hard to believe we don't need the Secret Service. So much for the idiocy in American politics today. Stop playing games and stop acting like a baby. Open the government and then negotiate in a normal way. The big problem is there is no "normal" any longer.
Why is it that the old white fucks, in this congressional mess, live longer than some of the ...
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Most of those old white fucks live longer because they have the healthcare that they are trying to con you and every other American out of. Part of their job is to make you believe you do not deserve it in the first place.
There are some members on here who I don’t even bother reading any of their comments.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
I see no controversy..
Best old school comedy team
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
I liked them all. Standouts to me would be the Marx Brothers and Abbott and Costello. (Lou's real last name was Cristello.)
Re-start in safe mode.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
That looks like a fix I would go for.
Does the end justify the means?
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
But of course! You can lie about VD experiments and give everyone syphilis in order to "study it." You could also take a bunch of Jews and put them in a camp and do "medical experiments" on them before they died or you finally just burned them up. Is it all for the common good? Not likely and not justified.
What are your thoughts on open relationship ?
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
The only thing it would help me with is my curiosity.
Thoughts on Interracial Dating & Marriage
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Married 3 times and lived with an older white woman until she died. One of my marriages was to a Kenyan woman and it lasted 12 years. My 2 marriages to white women did not fair so well.
What are your thoughts on the me too movement?
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
So, you had to walk a mile to school as a kid and in the winter you thought you might freeze to death before you got there. Me too!
Judge rules against elderly lesbians rejected from retirement home
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Since when do we use what the bible says on anything as a point of law? Many elected officials want to do this but in reality none of our laws are based on a bible. At best, some bible stories pointed in certain directions. If we took this all literally we would be killing people.
blocking a god believer?
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
I hear ya! My long time theist friend recently told me all about his alcoholic father and him finally trying to come to god and religion as his health got worse. The man was in and out of church and my friend tells me as he went to the hospital with his father on that final trip you could see it in the dying man's eyes. He claims he could see it that the man knew he had screwed up with god and this was his final trip. He was dying and there was no salvation or no way out, etc., etc. **No, no, no!** Are you a face and mind reader? Leave gods out of this picture please. Did the dying father possibly know he was dying? Yes, this part can be true. All the rest you are simply making up.
The USA experience from a UK perspective.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
American minds are not closed. It's just that those on both sides of issues have trouble knowing what the other side has said. Hearing it or even seeing it in print is not enough any longer. People claim it might be "fake news." When you tell them this claim came in with the Orange Orangutan they all deny it by claiming we have always had "fake news." goggles for cannabis? When will it stop?
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Yep, they can sell those on TV.
Roger Stone Arrested in Florida [cnn.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 25, 2019:
Yes, Trump is innocent but all those around him seem to fall and get some prison time along the way. Is that "fake news?"
Copied from Quora: After all is said and done, bottom line… what is your biggest take-away from ...
DenoPenno comments on Jan 24, 2019:
Good post. I'm a card carrying Libertarian and have been a member of both major political parties in the past. Currently I cannot vote for any of them and especially Trump. He's a liar and a conman and is our current national emergency! I'm also ex-military with an honorable discharge.
Every one of them was prepared to die for this country.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 24, 2019:
One big thing about trans and gay people in the military for many years was the idea that if they were captured you could get them to spill their guts on military things by tempting them with a penis or something. OK, can't you do the same with a straight man by offering him a woman? It's all a lame argument.
Put on some old R&B and ask a 12 yr old to dance to it.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 24, 2019:
I don't care, but what is a twerk?
If possible what would you say to Donald Trump...
DenoPenno comments on Jan 24, 2019:
At this moment my words to Donald Trump would be **"you are a disease!"**
ameriKKKa... []
DenoPenno comments on Jan 24, 2019:
This action would make me very tempted to give the idiot the same treatment he gave the black man.
This is an instance where we should mind our own business.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 24, 2019:
The last thing we need to do is assume we need to interfere in politics in Venezuela.
Downward, ever downward .
DenoPenno comments on Jan 24, 2019:
I'm all for him melting. Maybe he can be the astronaut that we send to the sun. Trump already said that one could be sent up at night.
It wasn't enough to gain her freedom, now they're gonna pay her for it?
DenoPenno comments on Jan 24, 2019:
I would imagine she will need lots of therapy.
Happy Friday Eve! Here's today's question (and I'm sure none of you will have an answer ;) ): ...
DenoPenno comments on Jan 24, 2019:
I have certain places I want things in my house to be and I also double check everything. This way I know where things are and I also know I have turned the lights out or locked the door. Almost daily I find that a previous concept I had of something was wrong.
How to be Press Secretary in the Trump administration.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 24, 2019:
Not only can she shovel manure, she knows how to pile it up.
Common sense...Follow the money.. Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining
DenoPenno comments on Jan 23, 2019:
Sandy, I agree with you even if the GOP is making a big thing out of how you could not dance in college. I heard 10 minutes about that on a radio program and I was shocked! LOL
Are you frugal?
DenoPenno comments on Jan 23, 2019:
I'm frugal and better at it than my mother ever was. I bring in little money and have more left than people who make lots of money. My place is modest and nice without frills. I'm in a mobile home on a half acre in a small city. My "stuff" is very important to me but it might bore you to death. I do what I have always liked to do since I was young. I'm an 18 year old inside a 72 year old body. I got older and I learned but I never grew up.
When A Woman Says "No", She Means "No"!
DenoPenno comments on Jan 23, 2019:
State of the Union is normally given in the House but the president has to be invited. It has been considered a norm now for so many years but if the Speaker of the House says "no" the speech will not occur there nor be filmed from there. Trump would have to do it in writing and submit it or he could broadcast it as he did his recent border thing. Nancy said "no" to Trump's hostage taking on getting his money. Trump retaliated by canceling her trip and said she could take a private plane but her military plane trip was "not safe." Nancy said her trip was not safe at all because Trump had blabbed about it. That was when she told him to turn in his State of the Union in writing because he was not welcome to give it live to the nation from the House. Most of us heard Trump say he would be proud to shut down the government but the GOP is trying to shift this in order to blame the Democrats. It's just amazing!
I am just glad to be free of all the nonsense of believing in fairytales
DenoPenno comments on Jan 23, 2019:
I can go along with that. Had my fill of the Christian god. His claim to fame was calming storms, turning water into wine, and when he had nothing else to do he walked on water. The preachers made fairy tales out of all that as some allegory but then claimed it was all true. Thor, Zeus, and the others were deemed mythology but not Jesus. He was his own father and his ghost was holy. All at the same time too. I'm so glad to be free of that!
Hero's with a gun need to remember one thing, and it's happened a few times, when the cops show up, ...
DenoPenno comments on Jan 23, 2019:
It does seem that way. Every other day I hear words from some brainwashed nutjob about people coming to take our guns away. I usually stop them with words to the effect of "please identify them and tell me who they are." They can't do it really but continue to say words. I've heard that gun confiscation crap since Obama and they said Obama was going to do it too. I never even heard the man hint at it myself.
Is Netflix worth having?
DenoPenno comments on Jan 23, 2019:
I love Netflix but do not watch it that often. Due to the price increase I have now dropped the option of having a DVD mailed to me to make adjustments. I had not used that feature since 2011.
Having a nasty relapse around relationships tonight.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 23, 2019:
Letting go may help you. Personally I don't hate or rant on what an ex did. One believer told me this is why god is so kind to me. I do make exceptions if you are Cheeto or anything remotely close. People who have actually been in my life are those who have made me who I am today. Without the past relationship you have not learned or grown. I do often wish that things had a different outcome. Then I look back and see why they did not. I can find my part in the issue and see where I was wrong. I try but sometimes I can be wrong about something almost daily!
Is it better to lie?
DenoPenno comments on Jan 23, 2019:
This is a hard position to be in. Theists just think that they have to be right. Look backwards in history to all those who believed and you know that makes it true. (Actually it does not.) This is how the believers think. My stepfather says that if I am right it means he doesn't have much of a future. OK, he's in his 80's so what do you think? I suppose it is normal when he passes to believe he went to a farm somewhere and everyone is happy.
Is it me, or is everyone so far away?
DenoPenno comments on Jan 23, 2019:
I'm not looking at this as a dating site but I have found 2 women who seem to match well with me according to this site. One is in Missouri and the other in Illinois. The percentage is high for both of them but I doubt they know I exist. Stick around. Things might get better.
I have a question which, in these politically correct times, is probably inappropriate but whatever,...
DenoPenno comments on Jan 23, 2019:
I don't know. I hear many voices that are cartoonish.
Can people get together to talk about science?
DenoPenno comments on Jan 23, 2019:
They should. I love science but you tend to lose me talking of Shroeder's cat and a multiverse. Let us discuss science that we have some evidence for and not just make things up. When you make things up or talk of "what if" you tend to sound like a theist in my opinion.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 23, 2019:
In my state of Missouri some counties go after those selling cannabis legally and the charge is that it cannot have TCP in it. The cost of the product is outrageous and so is this stupid prosecution idea. Leave 'em alone!
DenoPenno comments on Jan 23, 2019:
Wanted! Well, maybe we can give him a try. Some think he has that Midas touch. Not a miser but he now hates Budweiser. The buzzard had 6 whiskies while working on a shower last night. He got it done and he done it right.
They were Magnificent!
DenoPenno comments on Jan 23, 2019:
Are you in drag for swag? What is swag and what does Ru Paul know?
I think we all knew this already
DenoPenno comments on Jan 23, 2019:
I knew this ever since Charlottesville.
Happy Wednesday! And today's question is: How did you find agnostic.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 23, 2019:
I think I saw the ad on Facebook. Also being on a similar site, I thought I would come here and look for comrades. Found a few but no Russians. I'm impressed by the way that everyone here can quickly pick out the dating fakes. Go at this daily and you learn a thing or two.
I'm stuck at the auto shop with my car.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 22, 2019:
I may cost plenty but I would be leary of anyone trying to pull me over because of sparks coming from underneath your car. Rapists and killers have been known to use this line.
This is just about right
DenoPenno comments on Jan 22, 2019:
We should start with Mitch McConnell.
As in the people still supporting 45.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 22, 2019:
Very accurate and applies well to 45 and his supporters.
The Trump administration quietly changed the definition of domestic violence.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 22, 2019:
Many Trump ideas are similar to boiling the frog in the pot starting out with cold water. That frog is a goner.
FOR THE FIRST TIME Facebook is getting after me for unacceptable language and "hate speech.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 22, 2019:
I've looked at the page in question in order to monitor happenings. Believe it or not, my granddaughter has read a lot of it and is now deciding not to be a Trumper.
It's truly amazing..
DenoPenno comments on Jan 22, 2019:
Seems very true to me.
We are one!! ✌? &Positivevibes
DenoPenno comments on Jan 21, 2019:
This is very true but I still have those whom I do not want to be around. :)
Baby, it really is cold outside.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 21, 2019:
I can certainly agree with that. To make things worse at my place I have a small drippy leak in a water pipe connection and it's quest pipe. A simple repair is made complicated by pipe and fittings that are not used any longer.
Looking for a good home... LOL ?
DenoPenno comments on Jan 21, 2019:
I knew people in Texas that had one. They had high fences and a small private animal farm.
I don't remember voting for ann coulter. do you? g
DenoPenno comments on Jan 21, 2019:
I didn't vote for her or Rush Numbnutz.
Good morning! I'm off today, so slept in a little bit, and here's finally our question for today:...
DenoPenno comments on Jan 21, 2019:
At my place of employment people still ask me " do you work here" and we have a uniform. A good second one for me is the fact that I do a lot of projects and build things so I go to a hardware and ask for something. The first thing they say to me is "what are you trying to build." Hobby shops even do this to me and all I'm doing is asking for a certain thing. It's horrible. "Do you have 5 foot of 1 inch hose? "What are you trying to build?"
Someone really nailed the photo challenge.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Father and son.
Running for president .
DenoPenno comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Christians United for Zion's sake. You don't have my vote.
A Reminder to all of those that think a Gun will make you a "Hero" or give you "Good Man with a Gun ...
DenoPenno comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Humm. Apparently some people will kill you if you try to collect rent. With his own gun. We should do better screening.
Monologue: Shutdown Showdown | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO) []
DenoPenno comments on Jan 20, 2019:
I watched the entire program and agreed with almost all of it. Bill is funny be he tells it like it is.
Music or no music during sex?
DenoPenno comments on Jan 19, 2019:
No music and no movie re-enactments of bad sex drama. Let what happens happen naturally.
The weather is getting nice.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Very nice pic. Last time I was in Georgia was when I was at Fort Benning many years ago.
The death penalty - why dress it up?
DenoPenno comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Hanging might be effective and put it on live TV so everyone could see how many times the body would jump. Then teens and other loonies would want to do a crime deserving of the death penalty because they are going to prove their bodies could jump the most. A Death Cult would be born. Records would be kept.
You Experience Virtual Reality Even If You’re Not Yourself Virtual Reality.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 19, 2019:
One big problem with mankind is that we do not understand our brain, often not knowing the difference between being asleep or being awake. This might just be the nature our our brain and also be a key as to how we have progressed and evolved as we have over time. In other words, our creativity most likely comes out of these interpretations. If the brain was totally inactive during sleep our race would not have progressed.
Men with beards are more attractive, scientists claim - Manchester Evening News
DenoPenno comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Of course. People always want to know what's under the hair and it's the shape and size of the hair that is attractive. :) Oh, you meant beards. Sorry.
Okay, so the weirdest thing just happened to me that I can't explain.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 19, 2019:
My best idea of explaining it is that some way your sense of smell got confused. An ex wife and I were once talking at random when the smell of a sweet cigar was present in the room. We were home alone and both smoked at the time, but did not smoke cigars. Some people have told me it was a ghost present with us, but I doubt the ghost would be smoking. :) What likely happened was that our sense of smell got confused for a short time. We seem to recognize this with dogs but make up supernatural events when it involves humans.
great tits
DenoPenno comments on Jan 19, 2019:
I've known a few who were great twits.
Does Game of Thrones get better after episode 1? Because I keep falling asleep....
DenoPenno comments on Jan 19, 2019:
I have never watched that program. Not really into dragons and middle ages. Some that are want to claim they really existed. That idea is as stupid as those who claim the painting of The Last Supper came from an early secret society photograph, possible because they had cameras back then.
What is your opinion of OgoPogo Nessie and other "monsters" in freshwater lakes?
DenoPenno comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Oh, where is Mo Mo when you need him? He's not sited in the Lake of the Old Sharks. Maybe he wasn't a lake monster. Oh, well.
Doin' It Donkey Style: Which Democrats Are Running? - The Late Show []
DenoPenno comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Well, so much for the Steven Cold Beer Report.
Happy Birthday, Eddie
DenoPenno comments on Jan 19, 2019:
I had forgotten but I doubt if Eddie will remember. I did like his stories. He was once Edgar, Al, and Moe. Throwing in the 3's here in case anyone is still religious.
DenoPenno comments on Jan 18, 2019:
By holding America hostage Trump is showing his real art of making a deal.
If he decides to declare a state of emergency, is there anything that can stop the president from ...
DenoPenno comments on Jan 18, 2019:
If he does all of this he opens a big can of worms. Others after Trump can use this "national emergency" power to do almost anything they might want also, including reversing Trump's insane decisions. Let's assume right now that Trump is given his wall money. It would be doubtful if a wall like Trump wants would be built be 2024 due to legal and land arguments. The Trump Wall is a very complicated matter.
A controversial startup that charges $8,000 to fill your veins with young blood now claims to be up ...
DenoPenno comments on Jan 18, 2019:
Note that the article says there is little to no evidence that this would work.


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This is from a group pic 2 years ago at my youngest daughter's place. We went there for a dinner.
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Do away with the strange colors and you have LBJ. That's right. Elbee Jay.
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Me as Richard Dawkins?
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Again at my daughter's place. The Sangria drink is a non-alcohol beverage from Mexico. I get them at Save A lot or Dollar Tree.
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Taken at my oldest daughter's place before my granddaughter exterminated and killed the pet parrot.
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Here a glorified campground ranger with the same uniform as our local cops. This was done by design.
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Is this Tex Ritter?
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Jesus! I never knew my neck had so many wrinkles.
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942 members
Gun Control Now
925 members
Sexy Classy Pics
773 members
Legalize Cannabis Nationwide/Worldwide
772 members
Critical thinking
668 members
Paleontology, Archeology, and Anthropology
659 members
Freedom from Religion Foundation
644 members
Talk Dirty to Me
617 members
562 members
Metal music
534 members
The Watering hole
526 members
Music of the Movies
509 members
Bible Belt Survivors
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aussie sceptics
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The Escapees- - Hide here!
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Jazz, Blues, Funk, Soul, Reggae, Dance, Punk, Alternative, Rock and Roll.
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390 members
Community Senate
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370 members
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visual art
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303 members
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Hippie Land -
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P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites
294 members
Abuse Survivors(Emotional, verbal, physical, sexual, toxic relationship)
294 members
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289 members
Jokes and humor about religion
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281 members
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209 members
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132 members
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122 members
The Daily Life
121 members
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119 members
WTF group
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Atheists for Liberty
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Celebrity Pictures
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Movie viewing group
100 members
99 members
Ethical Vegans - Animal Rights - Environmental Concerns - Clean Food & Gardening
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Taboo Island
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78 members
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73 members
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lawnmowers & the gestation of nonsense
66 members
Laughter is medicine
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62 members
Biden Piñata
60 members
Pro Choice/Abortion Rights
59 members
Kinky Acts
59 members
Artists, Masterminds, Makers, and Creators.
58 members
Trumpanzees & Morons
55 members
Common Ground
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No more war
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50 members
Libertarians Worldwide
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Meatballs & Pasta
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38 members
Illogical atheists guide for ending Christianity
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I don't give a fuck
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Ricky Gervais
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Mynd Storm
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Nihilism; the good the bad and the ugly
23 members
The Sound Of A Good Book
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Hairbrained Ideas
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Consortium of thoughts
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Survivors of roman catholicism
20 members
Taboo Island Atlantis
15 members
Oppression Throughout The World
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Truth Seekers
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Animal Mania
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Handy apps for your phone
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Just the Facts
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Ceremonies, non religious funerals, weddings, debaptisisms, divorces
6 members
It’s Not Our Democracy. It’s Our Plutocratic Oligarchy.
5 members