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Monkeys With Smaller Testicles Scream Louder to Compensate
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 24, 2019:
I don't know what you mean. ;-)
"Condolences poured in from all the politicians he owned and mourners are being asked, in lieu of ...
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 24, 2019:
Last day of our once-in-a-lifetime vacation. Been an amazing trip!
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 24, 2019:
Some great pictures! Did you get the one of the turtle?
Would you go back to the 60s for a week, I would. ✌🤗
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 23, 2019:
If I had the body of then and the mind of now, yes. Don't want to repeat much of the dumb shit I did back then except for the drugs. LOL
David Koch is dead.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 23, 2019:
Thoughts and prayers to his mega-rich survivors.
memes memes memes
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 23, 2019:
Awesome (steal-worthy) collection! I especially like Washington's voice from the grave.
Wow just Wow! []
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 22, 2019:
It boggles the mind. I've said it before, and I'll say it again....
Yesterday, I posed a question asking if tRump fit the description of an Anti Christ.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 22, 2019:
I'm more inclined to believe that tRump is a reincarnation of Hitler, but if you believe in shit like the Antichrist, the following passage from the United Church of God website seems like he's a good fit for that slot, too--especially when his supporters are such poor examples of the religion they profess to believe in: "End-time prophecies show that religious people—including professing Christians deceived into accepting a counterfeit Christianity—will oppose many of the teachings of Christ. In that real sense, even today, many professing Christians actually have been deceived by a spirit of antichrist. The Bible does not reveal specifically who the Antichrist is, speaking instead of his corrupt teachings. In 2 Thessalonians 2, Paul prophesied of a “man of sin,” a liar and deceiver whose natural abilities Satan enhances by supernatural power in order to confuse people in the end time. In addition, Christ inspired John to write of a “false prophet” to come at the end time."
Uh ... what?
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 21, 2019:
Not only is he a firefighter, but he's also an auto engineer. What a multitalented dude--if only those talents included leading a country.
The Best Things in Life are the people we love, the places we've been and the memories we've shared ...
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 21, 2019:
No way! LOL
Trump cancels Denmark trip after PM says Greenland isn't for sale
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 21, 2019:
And I bet the people of Greenland can't wait to lose their health care and retirement.
Afternoon snack decisions:
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 20, 2019:
And the former is bad on the keto diet, and the latter is OK, so I'm there!
Happy Tuesday Fellow Hippies.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 20, 2019:
During my mother's last days, she was at a classy "assisted living"/nursing facility. When I visited her there, they had Lawrence Welk on the tube and big band playing in the sitting room. I told the receptionist that I sure as hell hoped they changed it up by the time I have to go there--maybe some Dead and Stones?
tRumps post White House living accommodations
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 20, 2019:
Is that his own personal shower I see? Screw that, it's a frikkin country club! I want to see him out in the general population taking his showers and see how long he lasts.
I can see the resemblance
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 20, 2019:
More than just a passing resemblance!
Trying out the meal prepping diet:
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 20, 2019:
Only one beer? You need bigger containers! :-)
Mitch the Bitch is at it again, blocking security efforts! 😡 Facebook and Twitter's action on ...
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 20, 2019:
#MoscowMitch and #BeijingElaine
Trump supporter organizes rally against ‘all the hatred’ — of the president | Raw Story
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 20, 2019:
Why is this not surprising?
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 20, 2019:
Yes, and that negative effect can be summed up in two words: critical thinking. If I recall correctly, George Carlin's "American Dream" monologue has been posted here many times, but I'll post it once again because it speaks directly to this rightwing anti-intellectual sentiment as well as to Betsy Devos's concurrent assault on public education.
[] Why is Joe Biden praising the GOP?
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 18, 2019:
I would vote for a potted plant if it's got a D after its name. But with each of his recent public appearances and utterances, my enthusiasm for Biden is reaching my enthusiasm level for the potted plant, so please, Dems, nominate somebody who can get out the goddamn vote!
Congratulations to @bobwjr for reaching level 9 !! Woohoo.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 17, 2019:
Congratulations, Bob! I take things slow, so it will be a while before I even reach Level 8. No hope of reaching 9 in my lifetime, I think. Maybe that's what an afterlife is for. LOL
Good Morning My Fellow Hippies.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 17, 2019:
I've always been averse to large crowds.
Has anybody watched "the Family" on Netflix?
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 17, 2019:
Thanks for the suggestion. I was unaware of this movie.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news... 02-23-40 08-16-19
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 17, 2019:
Bummer. *Easy Rider* is one of my fave movies of all time, and he was great in it.
Made this recipe today and it was so darn good and easy, I had to post it here: Low-Carb Loaded ...
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 17, 2019:
Thanks for the recipe! That will be tomorrow's keto lunch.
"The difference between Donald Trump and Greenland? Greenland is not for sale." Amy Klobuchar
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 17, 2019:
If you had to pick just one day to attend what would you choose?
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 16, 2019:
As much as I'd love to see Hendrix, I'd have to suffer through Joe Cocker on the 17th. So the 16th it is, with The Who, Jefferson Airplane, Joplin, and the Dead.
I trust U all are sitting down.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 16, 2019:
Great place for the liberal gulags....
There really is a tweet for every occasion. And they all age beautifully.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 15, 2019:
I really like farro.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 14, 2019:
Looks tasty. Missing my grains on the keto diet at the moment, though. (And those peppers look wonderful!)
Happy Hippy Wednesday- cool and rainy today-an inside day for me.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 14, 2019:
I have lived in Germany, South Korea, Japan, the United Arab Emirates, and in various stateside locations in North Carolina, New York State, Wisconsin, and Kentucky. Though I have been in the last Kentucky location going on twenty years, I think this list qualifies me as a gypsy. And then there are the places I've traveled to.... Another four years of the Orange Shitstain may very well get me movin' again....
Does anyone here think Jeffrey Epstein wasn't murdered?
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 14, 2019:
Round up the usual suspects....
Made my Summer Garden Casserole on Sunday.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 13, 2019:
Looks like a great keto recipe for a day when I don't have a work project!
OMFG!!! I just got an email from 45, thanking me for joining his "team"!!! I just sent back a ...
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 12, 2019:
That he would consider *you*, of all people, a tRump team member is just further evidence of his total delusion. LOL
Wondering what the next eruption will be about
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 12, 2019:
In uncertain times, it's always nice to have some things you can depend on.
How he suffers!
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 12, 2019:
Let me play a tune....
George Conway: This is a fabulous idea.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 12, 2019:
I wonder how George and Kellyanne's marriage is going.... ;-)
What the 2nd Amendment really means.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 12, 2019:
I'm sorry, but I can't find any reference to "a well-regulated militia" in the Constitution, Cherry-Pickers Edition.
Suicide or ?? 🤷‍♀️ []
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 10, 2019:
How convenient for the Orange Shitstain.
Roasted Cauliflower Recipe - Excellent I use the recipe on Food Network's website ...
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 10, 2019:
We're on the keto diet, so I'm always on the lookout for new cauliflower recipes (though I have to admit, I'm starting to OD on cauliflower LOL). Looks tasty, thanks for posting the link.
This goes beyond disgusting! These two are sickos!!! Grrrr! []
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 9, 2019:
They are malevolent space aliens who haven't yet come close to perfecting their human act.
HATE CRIMES INCREASING: A new study found a link between the number of racist tweets and ...
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 8, 2019:
Totally unpredictable. LOL
OK, where are all you chilli fiends.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 8, 2019:
Hey, after my age and the years and years of alcohol and drug abuse, what the hell, I reckon I'll fix up a nice hot pot of chili and maybe then I can forget who's squatting in the White House.
Anti Trump Sticker 2020 | Best Anti Trump Sticker | Liberal
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 8, 2019:
Oh lordy--also bumperstickers, buttons, yard signs, and t-shirts. I may drop a bundle here!
Good Morning My Hippies.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 8, 2019:
I've been in Berea, Kentucky, for nineteen years now, and that's about as long as I've stayed anywhere. But if we have another four years of Commander Kumquat--whether it's a bona fide reelection or another Russian-backed coup d'etat--I'll be thinking of becoming an expat again, someplace I've never been, maybe Ecuador or Chile. I'm more encumbered by possessions than I used to be (like a house), but they can be sold or given away. I've relocated overseas before (Asia and the Middle East), and I was gone for fifteen years. I suspect I can do it again, and while I see how things go politically, I'll be taking Spanish classes....
While I was out mowing, edging, & leaf blower running, Linda was making two large batches of spiced ...
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 7, 2019:
Lovely photo as well.
And I'd bet he's here long after the Magic Being departs:
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
Sometimes it's encouraging to see testaments to the health benefits of something other than Greek yogurt and abstinence. ;-)
MASSACREMITCH sends thoughts and prayers while he collects almost two mil from the NRA.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
The ever-helpful thoughts and prayers....
Good Morning My Beautiful Hippies! Its sunny and clear and comfortable in temperature.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 5, 2019:
1984 was not a happy time for me, but I was poised on the brink of change. I was working a boring low-pay dead-end job in Louisville, KY, with one useless masters degree under my belt, and my fiancee having hit the road three years earlier. During that three years, I remained alone and angry as hell and seriously into punk and very dark alternative music. But anger can also be energizing, and it's pretty much what got me through my second masters that ended up changing my life. A year later, I found myself teaching in Seoul, South Korea, too busy learning to live in another culture to stay focused on the inner darkness.
This all comes back to our Inciter-in-Chief! Mexico exploring legal action against the US ...
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 4, 2019:
Yes, of course it does.
Stochastic Terrorism: Stochastic Terrorism: Part 1, triggering the shooters.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 4, 2019:
Calling it for what it is.
As a young man I experienced the 60s.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 4, 2019:
The song that really resonates for this old SDS member now from that era is Jefferson Airplane's "We Can Be Together." Up against the wall, mofo, up against your damn border wall...
If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, guacamole is a good choice.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 4, 2019:
Looks very tasty, but I'm fairly certain I'd start getting tired of *even that* recipe after a week or two....
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 4, 2019:
Hell, yeah!
If You're a Nazi or Pedophile, There's Plenty of Room for You in the Republican Party :: Politics ::...
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 3, 2019:
This article is almost two years old, and Moore went on to lose the election referred to in the article. But the main point of the GOP's moral corruption still stands. IOKIYAR (It's OK If You're A Republican).
Impeachment Inquiry Has Begun In-part: A memorandum, submitted by the committee on July 26...
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 2, 2019:
Well past time. Let's get this party started....
This is something I've been saying needs to happen.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 1, 2019:
If you insist...
Polarization of red and blue thinking is doing a number on this country.
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 1, 2019:
An admirable pursuit. On a smaller scale, I belong to a local branch of the Drinking Liberally organization. My friend Jim, the head of that branch, has proposed inviting red-thinkers to one of our monthly meetings for the purpose of civil debate over beers. So far, no rightwing takers.
What do you think? Too farfetched? []
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 1, 2019:
That is why it is important that tRump and tRump administration officials who disregard subpoenas and such be held legally accountable NOW--before it ever reaches that point. The longer they go doing whatever the fuck they want with impunity, the more the "rule of law" becomes a joke and full-blown dictatorship a looming reality.
Moscow Mitch Merchandise!!! []
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 1, 2019:
Ordered mine just before you posted! Glad to see the KY Dems are rolling with this!
Yes, these are real t-shirts
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 1, 2019:
I don't know where you can get this particular design, but I have a tee-shirt, buttons, and bumperstickers ordered from the Kentucky Democratic Party that read "Just say 'nyet' to Moscow Mitch!" Glad to see the party is running with it.
As a Cajun, it is easy to be misunderstood when we talk about our first love (food) so here is a ...
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 31, 2019:
My first girlfriend was a Cajun from New Iberia, home of Tabasco sauce. The relationship was pretty much a flash in the pan, but during that brief time, she taught this Tarheel how to cook a number of Cajun dishes--and that has lasted my whole life.
Does anyone know why Cream called this song Badge? []
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 31, 2019:
Apparently no hidden meaning of any sort. It was a misreading of "bridge."
A few memes I’ve collected:
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 31, 2019:
I especially like the first one.
I keep banging my head on the wall trying to figure out why the tRumpthuglicans are so hell bent on ...
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 31, 2019:
Follow the money trail....
Trump 'rodent' tweets ring true at Kushner-owned apartments [apnews.
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 31, 2019:
Let's make #Kushnervilles go viral....
If tRump is still occupying the White House past January 20th, 2021 (notice, i did not say he won ...
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 31, 2019:
There are any number of interesting variations that would be worth considering. The Defenestration of Prague, 1618, comes to mind.
Hippie Commune?
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 31, 2019:
The closest I got to that was when I lived in this big boarding house back home in Durham, NC. Most of the residents were Duke grad students, including me, but there were a couple other sorts, including a nurse from Louisiana and a Weatherman just released from prison. We formed a tight community that involved a communal kitchen (and dope stash). I still keep in touch with some of those folks.
He was there too.
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 30, 2019:
Love it that it's a Russian space suit. LOL
For dinner tonight, it is left overs.
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 30, 2019:
Thanks for posting this, looks tasty. We're on the keto diet these days, and I'm always looking for new keto-friendly recipes. hardly ever heard.
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 29, 2019:
WOW! The internet is erupting over Trump's racist tweets! From AOC to George Bush’s daughter ...
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 28, 2019:
"Better to have some vermin living in your neighborhood than to be one." -- *Baltimore Sun*
Apparently, our host, @frayedbear has been banished from Agnostic.
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 28, 2019:
He lit into me once for not including a recipe, but otherwise, I had no problems with him. I'd be curious to know the reasons.
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 28, 2019:
They nailed it!
Good Morning my Hippie Friends.
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 28, 2019:
My sincere condolences. Losing a canine companion can be as painful as losing a human one--in some ways, perhaps even more painful.
Linda's partner in crime stopped by for some "people skills" advice.
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 28, 2019:
Redneck pesto, I love it. As a Kentuckian, I'm stealing that idea.... LOL
Tomato season means fresh BLT's with garden lettuce and fresh picked tomato.
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 27, 2019:
What low-carb wraps do you use? Looks delicious!
The wrong seal is flashed at a conservative teen event where trump spoke. :) []
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Actually, I think considering where the country and the "presidency" stand now, the *right* seal was flashed... ;-)
Absolutely hilarious! 😆😆😆 Trump appears in front of altered presidential seal saying ...
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Also, the eagle is holding a wad of cash in its other talon instead of an olive branch. LOL
Dumber & Dumber
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Tom Toles, one of the best editorial cartoonists!
The shining in the WH
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 25, 2019:
All work and no golf makes Donny a dull boy.
Devin Nunes’s behavior during the Mueller hearing was bizarre — unless you watch Fox News ...
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 25, 2019:
Absurd, but Nunes is right about one thing--"It's what happens in banana republics." And Banana Republics R Us since January, 2017.
Trump got trolled big time []
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 25, 2019:
OMG, the person/people responsible should get a medal! I love the details--in addition to the Russian-style eagle, one talon is holding cash (rather than an olive branch), the other is holding golfing gear (rather than arrows), and the motto reads "45 es un titere" ("45 is a puppet," rather than "E pluribus unum"). Brilliant!
He's a whiney snowflake..
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 25, 2019:
He's the worst snowflake of all!
Trump Cancels Appearance At The NAACP Convention Because He Doesn’t Want To Be Asked Questions | ...
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Not a huge surprise. Great response from the NAACP Board Chairman Leon Russell: “It’s extremely unfortunate that during these pressing and urgent times, the President has chosen to turn his back on the nation’s oldest and largest civil rights organization – though I must admit, his refusal to attend our convention is not totally unexpected. “As a nonpartisan civil rights organization, we’ve hosted President Obama, Clinton, Bush Jr., and Reagan, to name a few. This is a historic departure from past presidents’ engagements with the Association. “During his campaign, President Trump asked us ‘what do you have to lose?’ This is the second time President Trump has refused an offer to speak at our annual convention. We get the message loud and clear. The President’s decision today underscores the harsh fact: we have lost – we’ve lost the will of the current Administration to listen to issues facing the Black community."
This is important!
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Especially if you live in a swing state. Hopefully we will have a candidate this time who condescends to campaign in them.... Just sayin'..,.
These are words from his friends!
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 23, 2019:
As H. L. Mencken predicted almost a century back...
What's the difference?
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 22, 2019:
It would be nice to think of the inflated Nazi gas bag meeting the same end as the blimp....
Ok I am making the big step to an I phone.
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 22, 2019:
I'm one of the last Luddite holdouts, I reckon. No smartphone of any sort here. And I still take pictures with an actual camera.
I just finished one of my frequent emails to the White House.
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 21, 2019:
I think you have pinpointed the thing that aggravates him the most--that in most people's minds, he will never be as popular or as classy or as intelligent or as presidential as Obama was. Have at it!
Great rant!
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 21, 2019:
Great rant--too bad it's just fantasy. Wasn't happening like that even under that Muslim Kenyan guy.
Trump supporters be like...
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 21, 2019:
Actually describes the self-defeating tendencies of non-affluent Republican voters in general (just fill in the blame blank after "fucking" in the third frame--Mexicans, taxes, Obamacare, gays, whatever), but yeah, that's a good one.
Capitalism is so ugly A bunch of 25 grapes sold for 11000$, Someone pays 11000$ for a bunch of...
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 20, 2019:
It gets worse. Shizuoka melons have gone for as much as $45,000 and routinely go for $200 apiece at the supermarket. It's an aspect of the Japanese gift-giving culture. Fortunately, fruit meant for actual consumption is much cheaper, as I learned from my time teaching there. On the other hand, CEO pay there isn't nearly as outrageous as the US's, as seen in the graph below.
Hot day and cold food.
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 19, 2019:
There's a tuna/pasta recipe I make sometimes with tomato, cucumber, yogurt, dill, and yellow mustard. Very refreshing.
"Each step was so small, so inconsequential, so well explained or, on occasion, 'regretted,' that ...
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 19, 2019:
Spot on. Mayer could be talking about modern-day Amurikkka. Just like Orwell's novel was thirty-three years ahead of its time.
Eee gads.. we all know who would be the centerfold.
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 18, 2019:
That would put People of Walmart to shame. +o(
I made this for a friend in is even truer today...
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 18, 2019:
I want one!
Let's make today a national therapy day.
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 18, 2019:
When the Orange Shitstain was "elected," I posted several cartoons on Facebook, including the brilliant David Horsey one attached below. I was told by tRump-supporting (former) friends to "get a grip" and stop being so hyperbolic. Fuck those assholes. Isn't this *exactly* where we are now, both in terms of tRump and his knuckle-dragging followers as depicted in this cartoon?
I need an anti-Trump hat or something.
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 18, 2019:
Here's the one I wear. Its main shortcoming in current Amurikkkant society, however, is that it requires the person seeing it to be culturally literate enough to be familiar with Orwell's *1984*.
Are you voting?
DharmaBum50 comments on Jul 17, 2019:
Anyone but tRump.


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