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Ha, I knew it!!!
Diogenes comments on Apr 15, 2022:
Yeeeppp--- then there followed the crowd that ate the rest of the mushrooms.
Now this is what a good church sermon should be like: []
Diogenes comments on Apr 15, 2022:
Gettin' quick to the point; loved that!
“People who make no mistakes lack boldness and the spirit of adventure.
Diogenes comments on Apr 15, 2022:
I can see why I am so FULL of "boldness and spirit of adventure"--- I would like to be filled another way.
Hannity is Batshit insanity..... []
Diogenes comments on Apr 15, 2022:
* "IT", whatever it is, has to be one of the dumbest!
Another promotion in the Russian military.....
Diogenes comments on Apr 15, 2022:
Well the Russian tanks are all lined up neatly- shouldn't be too hard to take a few hundred of them out.
Well He does work in mysterious ways.
Diogenes comments on Apr 13, 2022:
I see NO humour in so-called "god's" humour. If I have my history correct, even the earth was know to be round in the time of the fictitious Jeezuz-dude.
”God is the only being who does not have to exist in order to Reign” Charles Baudelaire
Diogenes comments on Apr 11, 2022:
Ha,ha. Gotta be a joke!
Nobel laureate in physics, a clear thinker.
Diogenes comments on Apr 9, 2022:
The first part of that statement is 100%, and the last part is bull shit. I have zero interest in religion but I have volunteered at a religious place where they do a lot of humanitarian work, with their own money, and they are not propagating their religion to anyone.
Easter joke A priest didn't think anyone knew the true meaning of Easter anymore so after mass ...
Diogenes comments on Apr 8, 2022:
Yep, 'fer' certain its sumthin' like that!
An Irish song in Gaelic with translation []
Diogenes comments on Apr 8, 2022:
SOOO fantastic!
Don't piss off Joseph
Diogenes comments on Apr 8, 2022:
Poor ol' Joe! Guess he wasn't a happy cuckold!
Atheist quotes…lovely!
Diogenes comments on Apr 4, 2022:
Yes, all very good points. I agree wholly with Keira Knightley had to say, being anti-theist has its downside.
Here's a few for our favorite madman, Vlad: “When I despair, I remember that all through ...
Diogenes comments on Apr 4, 2022:
There is the paramount question, "The next time Putin threatens nuclear war, and people of the whole world wring their hands and do absolutely nothing but back up, what happens when there is no place to back to?"
April fool special []
Diogenes comments on Apr 3, 2022:
Old, old stuff! I've seen advertisements like that 50 years ago in Holland. Only in North America is it still not permitted---- that would be sinful! What I saw: the female gov. of the sauna comes in to the male portion of the sauna and one men has a hole in the wall into the female side. He has a newspaper over his 'organ'---- but the advertisement was about the newspaper. But hey; yours was still funny too.
Build the wall!
Diogenes comments on Apr 3, 2022:
Ya, an escapee getting out- an' going for a beer- with his drunken buddies. At least that that is better than being with the murderous hypocrites.
Listen to smart women.
Diogenes comments on Apr 3, 2022:
I am not a smart-feminist-supporter; I am a wise-person-supporter- and it is to be noted that half the population is female, with a proportional wise group. Equal pay for equal work- and no excuses!!!
“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, then you have chosen the side of the oppressor.
Diogenes comments on Apr 3, 2022:
I am NOT a vegetarian- I eat fish. What I find though is a lot of secular people, because they are prone to think about many things, including cruelty, do not eat the other residents of this rock. Pieces of any animal can be wrapped up, bloodless, in the cleanest cellophane- but the terror that those animals went through is still in the package.
“What will become of virtue if riches are to be acquired at any cost?
Diogenes comments on Mar 31, 2022:
"What will become of virtue" if virtue was never there?
You need to show up in life, and not be afraid of staying late - Steven Rinella
Diogenes comments on Mar 31, 2022:
What would the need be "to stay late", if there was nothing going on?
Early conversion therapy.
Diogenes comments on Mar 29, 2022:
But no books about 'fucking'---- that would be evil!
“Here we are, trapped in the amber of the moment. There is no why.” ― Kurt Vonnegut
Diogenes comments on Mar 29, 2022:
Ya, by the time a person knows what the whole plan is about, it is too late to do anything about 'the joke'!
Top 10 signs the Russian military sucks.
Diogenes comments on Mar 29, 2022:
I've known one or two Russian people; they are/were honest hard-working people. You are saying the Russians are cowards- I think it is a matter of these young guys not wanting to go to the Ukraine and killing people they have no gripe with. If Hitler were still alive he would still be cursing General Georgi Zhukov. It was a very bad idea for the NAZIs to invade Russia. Some countries have people who will fight to the very last drop of blood when invaded- that also includes the Ukraine.
My humble observation
Diogenes comments on Mar 29, 2022:
And foam is just foam- no matter how much of it there is!
Quotes on history by William Faulkner; “The past is never dead.
Diogenes comments on Mar 29, 2022:
"Nobility is being superior to one's former self.
Diogenes comments on Mar 29, 2022:
Would be appealing to be better than one's former self, if a person could also remove the former bad choices made.
Radical Muslims fly planes into buildings.
Diogenes comments on Mar 25, 2022:
I am "an agnostic"- I do not know if---- there is- or isn't--- a cognitive entity behind this existence. I don't know how many Big Bangs there have been--- and I refuse to fill in the gaps with my own fairytales. ALL gods are man-made and inventive. Ass holes, of any stripe, write books- doesn't give them much time left to do any humanitarian work. A most excellent quote!
“A life spent making mistakes is not only more honourable, but more useful than a life spent ...
Diogenes comments on Mar 24, 2022:
The life of a moron who does nothing, may be more comfortable than a life filled with mistakes and depression.
“Jingoism, racism, fear, religious fundamentalism: these are the ways of appealing to people if ...
Diogenes comments on Mar 23, 2022:
Mr. Chomsky again hits the mark!
What would Jesus do?
Diogenes comments on Mar 22, 2022:
"What would Jeezuz-dude do? Well if he was a decent chap, and he can walk on water, he could at least help Santa fly his magic slay!
Forty billion in structural damage- plus the thousands of murders! $100 million for Putin's head on ...
Diogenes comments on Mar 22, 2022:
… and as far as structural damage, it is no longer $40 billion, I have seen it quoted at $100 billion. The horror of this is beyond belief. When this stops---if it ever does- the Ukrainians want to arm themselves non-stop.
Ah, that feels SO much better, have permanently BLOCKED @Twill now, peace and quiet shall once again...
Diogenes comments on Mar 22, 2022:
Outside the Agnostic site, I have used the "block" selection for junk mail- and even with Norton. it blocks NOTHING!
Satisfaction of one's curiosity is one of the greatest sources of happiness in life.
Diogenes comments on Mar 21, 2022:
I don't claim to be a member of MENSA- but I am lucky enough to have a saving bit of "curiosity"- and a need to know.
“There is no folly of the beasts of the earth which is not infinitely outdone by the madness of ...
Diogenes comments on Mar 20, 2022:
Yes, all the 'residents of this rock' deserve respect. Butterflies, Monarchs, weigh a few grams, yet they can fly from Canada to Mexico. I can't get a few miles down the road without using a map.
“The point of modern propaganda isn’t only to misinform or to push an agenda.
Diogenes comments on Mar 19, 2022:
Obviously, with him being the world chess champion, it didn't "exhaust" his critical thinking. An interesting quote! It takes a lot of work to parse through the vacuous gibberish.
Forty billion in structural damage- plus the thousands of murders! $100 million for Putin's head on ...
Diogenes comments on Mar 17, 2022:
Vlad the Impaler had these 'heads' surrounding his castle and he, like Putin, killed for pleasure.
“If God made this world, then I would not want to be that God.
Diogenes comments on Mar 16, 2022:
There are Ukrainians, who are blinded, faces burned off, dead, arms, legs missing. No water or food for days. No heat or light in the cold of winter, for weeks now. If there was a just god-dude, he/she would introduce Putin to a place that made the mythical hell look like a holiday resort. Marje, right on with this quote from Schopenhauer.
and I believe you know who you are
Diogenes comments on Mar 15, 2022:
An' ain't that the truth. Thank god-thing, whoever she is, 'fer' the gift of spell check!
Misspelling or no, I'm going to check it out to be sure
Diogenes comments on Mar 15, 2022:
Many decades ago--- "Boat for seal"- whatever that means! Well, at least the right letters, even if in the wrong order.
Happy pi day, y’all.
Diogenes comments on Mar 15, 2022:
I watched someone 'recite' some of the numbers--- oh, what a bitter pi! Never did remember even a few of the numbers.
“There is no such thing as a moral or immoral book.
Diogenes comments on Mar 15, 2022:
I have never read one word out of Hitler's Mein Kampf- but from what I have heard, it is evil gibberish, both poorly written Deutsch and filled with evil nonsense. I do NOT agree with Mr. Wilde's evaluation.
Will Rogers, who died in a 1935 plane crash in Alaska with bush pilot Wiley Post, was one of the ...
Diogenes comments on Mar 13, 2022:
Humour- but so full of reality!
Putin and Biden are wrapping up their discussion.
Diogenes comments on Mar 13, 2022:
LOVE that one! All Russians are not evil- but they are not 'taking care' of Putey either. Maybe they are taking their time sharpening the blade on the guillotine.
Karen goes to the doctor not feeling well.
Diogenes comments on Mar 11, 2022:
It hurts at the pump....
Diogenes comments on Mar 11, 2022:
Well it "hurts" enough, that I , existing on a nickel and dime pension, will do all my errands in one trip per day. Cost in Canada for gas- about $ 8 per gallon!
“There are time silence becomes an accomplice to injustice”……………Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
Diogenes comments on Mar 11, 2022:
I have read that Dictator Putin must remain dictator if he does not want to get the death sentence. But just in the last few days, two of his 'possessions', his oligarchs, have turned on him- even with the possibility of death. He dos not realize that he has gone too far
A wise man once said....
Diogenes comments on Mar 11, 2022:
In this world, right now, I have been thinking it is about time to do a "Thoreau": bundle up a pile of books, take some candles and an ax, to chop fire wood! Who in their right mind wants to hear anything about this nutty reject of a world?
It has to get better, (I hope)
Diogenes comments on Mar 10, 2022:
As far as 'Adolf' Putin, a nation, or the world, can only back up so far, until there is no longer space to back up to.
That's what you get for buying a gas guzzler
Diogenes comments on Mar 8, 2022:
Then there are the fools that pay extra with their oversized tires and heightened by a foot or two--- driving around in their rusted junk because they are too stupid and lazy to undercoat and wax the thing.
The Voice There is a voice inside of you That whispers all day long, "I feel this is right for ...
Diogenes comments on Mar 8, 2022:
That is a most excellent point!
“Life is always going to be stranger than fiction, because fiction has to be convincing, and life...
Diogenes comments on Mar 8, 2022:
How could Dump be invented? One of the world's only biped pigs- and that's an insult to swine. Then there's Hitler 2 from Russia--- murdering thousands of people while he eats his meal- after it has been tested by the taste tester. Hopefully it will be the tester that poisons him.
When archeology contradicts religion
Diogenes comments on Mar 6, 2022:
Who cares? I am not an 'anti- theist'; anybody that would take time to argue with a theist, has got to be an idiot them selves.
"If you hear the dogs, keep going.
Diogenes comments on Mar 6, 2022:
I have a better idea---- turn around and shoot the fucking bastards. I believe it was Harriet Tubman that in her old age, founded a church in Ontario. I have no problem with that, if it relieves a mountain of misery.
Religions survive mainly because they brainwash the young. - A.C. Grayling
Diogenes comments on Mar 6, 2022:
* Yes, when one is brainwashed from the time in the crib- there isn't much hope! Stupid parents 'breed' stupid 'things' !
Sounds a lot like the GQP....
Diogenes comments on Mar 4, 2022:
> There is a point: backing up, untill there is no longer room to "back up". Putin is insane, but he thinks that he can get away with anything---- and he can-- as long as the weak let him get away with it. I do not necessarily want to die, but if there was a choice between being a worthless piece of shit- or at least taking the eyes or head off the later- I would choose the last choice. One death is enough- a coward dies many!
“It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers ...
Diogenes comments on Mar 4, 2022:
An' just ain't that the truth!
“I know not with what weapons WWIII will be fought, but WWIV will be fought with sticks and ...
Diogenes comments on Mar 4, 2022:
Yes! But another consideration: if the oil industry has its way, air pollution will increase; food production will decline due to climate change, and there will be more starvation. There may be fewer homo sapiens to use those "sticks and stones".
I'd rather be a rising ape than a falling angel. - Terry Pratchett
Diogenes comments on Mar 3, 2022:
"angel", gotta think about that one! Maybe a fallen homo sapien make. Many humans make apes look like Rhodes scholars.
“What concerns me is that man, unable to articulate, to express himself adequately, reverts to ...
Diogenes comments on Mar 3, 2022:
”Any girl can look glamorous, all she has to do is stand still and look stupid.
Diogenes comments on Mar 2, 2022:
I knew a bit about her bio- but big thanks for that video.
“There are so many ways to be despicable it quite makes one’s head spin….
Diogenes comments on Mar 2, 2022:
I love this in reply to the stupid pray for Ukraine ridiculousness…
Diogenes comments on Mar 1, 2022:
As thinking, secular persons I believe it is our duty to be of some service to those who have a genuine need. It is not a contest with the religious people. Instead if there is an organization that is constructing schools and drilling wells- help them with physical help or money. Keep in mind--- if I was somehow 'omnipotent' there would be long term prison sentences for the TV evangelist criminals. When one donates money to them 95% goes to their crime establishment--- and 5% goes to a small bag of rice.
“Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for ...
Diogenes comments on Feb 28, 2022:
A clever wordsmith can also be a fool.
When all else fails...Improvise!!!
Diogenes comments on Feb 28, 2022:
When all else fails, stop telling the truth--- and act like the criminals!
Letters From An American 02/25/2022
Diogenes comments on Feb 27, 2022:
Excuse me please. I have forgotten her exact words- something about God's grace- or the like. I would rather see someone, who is hard and mean, for what is just and correct.
I need ammunition, not a ride. -President Zelensky of Ukraine
Diogenes comments on Feb 27, 2022:
If Dump was still president- he would be sending troops to help Dictator Putin.
“Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity towards those who are ...
Diogenes comments on Feb 27, 2022:
I have no idea what "collective fear' has to do with the 'enjoyment of collective brutality', when it is inflicted on an easy target---- but in this current evil there are brave people in Russia that are going into Russian prisons for protesting this. They won't be eating 'cake and icecream'
The business of war! Easy to attack Viet Nam, where the people of that country fought with the ...
Diogenes comments on Feb 25, 2022:
Something to add to this; Putin may die of a heart attack- he will laugh so hard at these sanctions that it will bring on his demise.
Human life is the result of a glorious evolutionary accident. - Stephen Jay Gould
Diogenes comments on Feb 24, 2022:
"Glorious accident"- more like a disastrous crash!
“Nothing more completely baffles one who is full of trick and duplicity himself, than ...
Diogenes comments on Feb 23, 2022:
Yes, that one hit the mark. And the more studied liar is smart enough to every once in awhile put in a taste of truth to confuse the victim. Mr. Dump is not that smart; when he opens his hole, a thinking person knows that only a storm of shit is going to take place.
People don't need religion, religion needs people.
Diogenes comments on Feb 22, 2022:
Yes, religion eats the mindless.
When the rich wage war it's the poor that die. --Sartre
Diogenes comments on Feb 22, 2022:
Rich warmongers make more $ billions, every time they can create a new war.
Queen Elizabeth II Has COVID-19. Here's What to Know
Diogenes comments on Feb 22, 2022:
I have no interest in "royalty"- positive or negative! But, she is meeting many people, and that is the reason she got it. She was young and good-looking once; now she is old- but still doing her duty.
This would appear to be true.
Diogenes comments on Feb 22, 2022:
Where did they get that picture of me?
“Any fool can know. The point is to understand”…………..Albert Einstein.
Diogenes comments on Feb 22, 2022:
Yes, agreed.
What's the difference between a lawyer and a Prostitute?
Diogenes comments on Feb 21, 2022:
At least with the 'lady', there may be some pleasure- with the whore lawyer, all one gets is nothing.
Doing it wrong again
Diogenes comments on Feb 21, 2022:
'Doing it right', at least that pot won't damage the lungs.
The End Of Marital Bliss
Diogenes comments on Feb 20, 2022:
Middle-age gets everybody. He is big---- gutted.
I think Bach would like that more than heavy metal.
Diogenes comments on Feb 20, 2022:
Dissonance has nothing to do with music. Even Arnold Schonberg was accused of having no music skills, but I saw a video once of intersecting streams of water that turned quickly in different directions. His music was in the background. It fit; it wasn't unpleasant.
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent.
Diogenes comments on Feb 20, 2022:
"Intelligent fool", maybe! Would "clever manipulator" be a better idea? Dump isn't smart enough to change a light bulb; he would try to put the wrong end in, but he has the cunning to buy someone, at low, or no, wages to do it.
If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. --Isaac Newton
Diogenes comments on Feb 20, 2022:
"If 'I' have seen" a little bit it was because I was lucky enough to have met a few highly intelligent people who opened my eyes. Congrats to Isaac Newton for being wise in so many ways, including shoving the possibility of having a big ego aside.
my ego wants to kill me, and my pride wants to help it
Diogenes comments on Feb 19, 2022:
I am satisfied to not have to carry around such a heavy load, as a big ego. I think that may be looked at as having a bit of pride in one's self.
A great part of courage is the courage of having done the thing before. - Ralph Waldow Emerson
Diogenes comments on Feb 17, 2022:
Being honest has caused many people to be martyrs. Death is rather permanent - except for the mythical Jeezuz-dude types.
Soylent Green ?
Diogenes comments on Feb 17, 2022:
… and probably the lump that thought that one up, got a load of money for it.
Share but not stare.
Diogenes comments on Feb 16, 2022:
See somebody has already 'munched' on that, the apple!
Once upon a time, a Prince asked a beautiful Princess, "Will you marry me?
Diogenes comments on Feb 15, 2022:
... and became big, fat and ugly. Also, died of a sexual induced disease, because 'he', being a moron, believed everything he saw on porn.
Imagine that.
Diogenes comments on Feb 15, 2022:
Although it had too much reality- it was good for a laugh.
“Courage doesn't always roar.
Diogenes comments on Feb 14, 2022:
and if every day is like that, "try again tomorrow" even a fool would get the message, and know it was time to quit.
And a big shout out to the much larger group of truckers that are carrying goods all over Canada
Diogenes comments on Feb 14, 2022:
In Den Hague they are celebrating the Canadian antivaxxer truckers. Just goes to prove that even in Holland that they have dedicated morons.
The European Commission has just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official ...
Diogenes comments on Feb 14, 2022:
Yes, that's a good 'thot'. "Speking" is sorta overdone, but all these 'e' diphthongs should have an exam: 'ie, ei, ee, ea,
When was God born?
Diogenes comments on Feb 13, 2022:
I don't know when god was born. I've said this before; "I' was born when god-dude was a teenager.
Do the Russians know what they are up against?
Diogenes comments on Feb 13, 2022:
Ya, the west is going to throw paper with "sanction" written on it!
Messages from God. 😆
Diogenes comments on Feb 12, 2022:
Why can't I "hold the hand of god when I am masturbating"; 'She' may be good inspiration.
Ah, I got lots of time, I think I'll take the stairs.
Diogenes comments on Feb 12, 2022:
I don't know about that many stairs- but I will take the stairs for the free exercise.
“On matters of style, swim with the current.
Diogenes comments on Feb 12, 2022:
The person that won Jeopardy last night looked -----! My thoughts: "now there's a weird looking bastard." He had a spiked, purple, Mohawk. His hair; his Mohawk; none of my business. He seemed to be the most mature of the three contestants when the show ended.
“The practise of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the ...
Diogenes comments on Feb 11, 2022:
I've already posted this once: "Today focus on kindness, instead of being right." Being forever "right" is wrong. Yes, and just let minor conflicts be- right or wrong.
Study shows more than half of teachers ready to leave profession
Diogenes comments on Feb 10, 2022:
I've got a "some-what" education, and this is not a recent event or deal with the virus. I took my university credits at night. When a person pays for the course, and the huge costs for books- the lecturer is respected. I took a full-time community college course- with the teen agers- it was a joke! The jokers ruled the roost. The engineer-lecturer asked for quiet- the whole room was abuzz with infantile bull shit. He waited; he folded up his books; he walked out.
“The great enemy of clear language is insincerity.
Diogenes comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Whether we and our politicians know it or not, Nature is party to all our deals and decisions, and ...
Diogenes comments on Feb 10, 2022:
A most excellent point. Nature cannot be connected to- or bought.
‘The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of ...
Diogenes comments on Feb 10, 2022:
Doing this from memory, but it parallels Einstein's idea. Ulrike Meinhof of the Badder-Meinhof Gang said, "One is either part of the solution, or part of the problem."
Act of kindness
Diogenes comments on Feb 8, 2022:
Justy-baby's old man, had no nuts either- during WW2 he rode around Mount Royal on his motorcycle , while men and women were fighting to save his sorry ass.


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