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Donald Trump acknowledged to advisors that he made up a fake injury, bone spurs, to avoid military ...
Diogenes comments on Aug 20, 2020:
RBG, the little lady, is the giant---the humongous slob is the microscopic non-entity.
Diogenes comments on Aug 20, 2020:
Gotta love that one!
Yes let me know
Diogenes comments on Aug 20, 2020:
I will mention this again- I think that around the world, to celebrate Trumps 'accomplishments', and the end of this insanity, at a given time, everyone should, ceremoniously, flush their toilet.
Chris Wallace calls Bill Clinton's DNC speech a 'cogent argument' against Trump's coronavirus ...
Diogenes comments on Aug 20, 2020:
Clinton got a blow-job; Trump has murdered 175,000 people. Is there a message?
Donald Trump acknowledged to advisors that he made up a fake injury, bone spurs, to avoid military ...
Diogenes comments on Aug 20, 2020:
A direct, revealing cartoon! RBG, a super hero- then there is the 'w'at's it'.
Asbestos toilet paper ?
Diogenes comments on Aug 17, 2020:
I was thinking about it being used in a different place- but it might chafe the skin around his gob.
Russia just did its world's first Covid-19 vaccine test
Diogenes comments on Aug 16, 2020:
Joke, joke- I'm still not getting the joke. And Dump has ONLY murdered 165,000--- but he IS working on more. Russian women are gorgeous; they don't look like the fat women, with a big wart on their noses, from the US propaganda movies of the 1950's. It is possible that the Russians have a serum--- (I am not a scientist; don't know if they do, or don't). I don't plan on joining a 1950s anti-Russian cult though.
[] An opinion from the UK
Diogenes comments on Aug 15, 2020:
Yes, Dump doesn't care or, even pretend to care, if thinking-people know he is lying. That commentator hit the nail on the head.
"What worries you, masters you." - John Locke
Diogenes comments on Aug 14, 2020:
What worries you, can often be addressed and be solved. Sorry, John Locke- that is bafflegab!
"Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions.
Diogenes comments on Aug 14, 2020:
Rossy, off the topic: is there some reason that there are not more black people on here? I am only interested in people that 'think' (wish I did). This profoundly evil Trump is going to have to be defeated by everyone.------ thanks for being on here.
The biggest enemy of learning is not lies, trying deliberately to mislead.
Diogenes comments on Aug 14, 2020:
Never seen it before- so thanks.
“I learned that it is the weak who are cruel, and that gentleness is only to be expected from the...
Diogenes comments on Aug 14, 2020:
M. yep, that is an obvious, valid point. And what else did Rosten say? I would like to know.
So predictable.
Diogenes comments on Aug 14, 2020:
What? You want 'it' to do something different? Its tiny brain is already on overload. Who is the last one though; maybe DeJoy? If so, what a vulgar piece of work!
Putin claims Russian vaccine is effective and safe.
Diogenes comments on Aug 13, 2020:
I have no opinion about it other than it has to be better than Trump's cures.
I bet he chooses (primarily) sexism
Diogenes comments on Aug 13, 2020:
What would really confuse him would be the question, "When are you going to act like an adult?"
For Agolf Twitler - "Golf is a good walk spoiled." Mark Twain
Diogenes comments on Aug 13, 2020:
Not true! The tires on the golf cart are "spoiled"- after the fat turd, Dump, gets out of the seat.
Great wisdom is generous; petty wisdom is contentious.
Diogenes comments on Aug 13, 2020:
Good point.
Baby's diapers and politicians need to be changed often for the same reason.
Diogenes comments on Aug 13, 2020:
Fantastic, but I thought it might be mouth wipes for politicians.
Trumps guide book
Diogenes comments on Aug 13, 2020:
That is "Dr. Gobbels" --- which just goes to show--- he learned absolutely nothing!
Diogenes comments on Aug 13, 2020:
I would trust Trump---- to let the next thing to fall out of his gob- to be a lie!. What? You don't think Dump is the "Ugly"? You are too generous. LOL
“I was brought up an atheist and have always remained so, but at no time was I led to believe that...
Diogenes comments on Aug 13, 2020:
I was brought up the very opposite way- with no idea of right or wrong. That is why when I did wake up, these positions were of paramount importance. I started a long 'thesis' on this subject- then erased it all. There is a cardinal point to be made though. Think rationally, but think and act, in a positive way, when that can be done. There is ENOUGH evil in this world, why add to it?
It is heartbreaking that many Americans refuse to question Trump's loyalties!
Diogenes comments on Aug 12, 2020:
Well the King of Fools has brought the US to its knees. The Dems will have this mess for the biggest part of four years.
Now that Harris has been picked for Bidens running mate, I wonder how long it will be before Trump ...
Diogenes comments on Aug 12, 2020:
"How long"? It started in seconds. Biden made a pragmatic choice- she is NO Sarah Palin! I was told by someone in Utah that there is only one VP debate and it is to be held in Salt Lake City. By the time Kamala Harris gets done with dim, little Mikey, he will wonder what planet he is on.
Goodnight! Sorry to be late - it's my 56th Birthday today and I was out and about for the first ...
Diogenes comments on Aug 11, 2020:
And something else: now that I am 110, I still pretend to be only 100.
Goodnight! Sorry to be late - it's my 56th Birthday today and I was out and about for the first ...
Diogenes comments on Aug 11, 2020:
I'm responding to an "old person". Stay young, stay active----- don't make getting older into something akin to some weird hobby. Have a happy Happy!
anti tRump song (good music) []
Diogenes comments on Aug 11, 2020:
Wow! So exacting!
"If atheism is a religion, then not collecting stamps is a hobby." - David Eller
Diogenes comments on Aug 11, 2020:
But that is not even the cardinal point; who in hell cares about something as foolish as religion? The evils of Mother Theresa, as ONE example, where she would bring another five into the world, when there is a starving family of nine already---- should have been terminated. And by force if necessary. Arguing with a 5-year-old, who thinks Superman can fly, is like arguing with a theist.
“Above all, don’t lie to yourself.
Diogenes comments on Aug 11, 2020:
I don't lie to myself--- and that is the certain reason I am often depressed- I could have done much better.
There may be babblers, wholly ignorant of mathematics, who dare to condemn my hypothesis, upon the ...
Diogenes comments on Aug 10, 2020:
Now that I am older than Gawd, I can't remember; wasn't Copernicus also forced to relinquish the truth?
A monument to sickness
Diogenes comments on Aug 10, 2020:
Oh fuck--- how bad can it get?
Evangelist Franklin Graham said "Melania is the classiest First Lady our country has ever ...
Diogenes comments on Aug 10, 2020:
I damned near up-chucked on that one!!! 'It' is the most invisible toad that has been in the White House. Although, not as evil as the King of Bastards- she stands for nothing. It would take someone like Graham to pose the idea that she has an iota of "class". Not the most beautiful woman that the world has ever seen, Elinor Roosevelt didn't need to broadcast her "class", she just had it.
"Do you agree Twitter is targeting Trump?
Diogenes comments on Aug 10, 2020:
Dump is "targeting" Dump! He NEVER misses an opportunity to be as evil and stupid as he can be. … and then he turns on the bull-shit machine, located under his nose, and lets it fly, tons per second!
Is Belief in God Necessary for Good Values?
Diogenes comments on Aug 10, 2020:
With an awareness of decency, self discipline, is more important than blind obedience to some fictional, evil god. Although I rarely eat meat, I am not a vegetarian. If most people were asked, "Would you go into the pasture and poke that cow's eye out?" Most people would say, "No." But yet it's alright to take this terrified young cow to the slaughterhouse. I find more educated, secular people are interested in all issues.
Diogenes comments on Aug 9, 2020:
Now, now----saying the Geordies might be up for a fight!
"A Sprint Towards Authoritarianism!" Trump and the New Post Office: []
Diogenes comments on Aug 9, 2020:
Dump has his dictatorship all set up; he has all his criminals in place--- he intends to take action!
Man is the most intelligent of the animals - and the most silly. - Diogenes
Diogenes comments on Aug 9, 2020:
I didn't know he said that; form what I have read, few things that he has said or done, were noted. He apparently led a rather rustic life, sleeping in doorways, or any place else where he could find shelter. Ya, sounds like my habitat; I call the place where I hang my hat, "the cave". "Most intelligent animal", is that why there are unending wars." There is no respect for Nature; a butterfly, which weighs an ounce or so, can flutter a thousand, or more, miles and land in a specific area. Humans can't find a given area using GPS. Some animals are more trusting and loyal than a lot of humans.
This asshole is unbelievable. Why won't he HurryUpandDieAlready?? []
Diogenes comments on Aug 9, 2020:
There will BE A SUPER LARGE FESTIVAL, around the world, when he finally torques it. Toilets will be flushed to acknowledge his unending 'achievments; bells will ring.
This is from a satirical comedy TV series in Ireland []
Diogenes comments on Aug 7, 2020:
Excuse me! This is a fucking sick world- and NO gawd-damned religion is funny.
Dolan’s Pub in Limerick, Ireland is a typical traditional Irish pub where you can soak up ...
Diogenes comments on Aug 7, 2020:
M. Big thanks for putting that on. In one way I see tradition going. On one of these sites that came up I saw a bodhran that looked like some kind of toy. It was well played, so it's back to my finicky pursuits- and nothing else. Another point-- and you may not agree with this- I want to see the English flag out of Ireland. It should have been out in 1921.
Truly presidential!
Diogenes comments on Aug 7, 2020:
You have three cartoons of Dump playing his favourite game, 'cheating at golf'; guess the last one is, 'cheating at life'.
Trumps campaign altered Biden's photo for ad
Diogenes comments on Aug 6, 2020:
Insane! Dump's sewer has no bottom.
Hard Times, Come agin No More... []
Diogenes comments on Aug 6, 2020:
Stephen Foster wrote that song--- and he certainly had "hard times' of his own.
John Pilger reveals more warmongering US propaganda he believes will lead to nuclear bombing of ...
Diogenes comments on Aug 6, 2020:
The hidden news, is always the real news. And I need to read more.
Unfortunately I am in Court tomorrow for defacing library books.
Diogenes comments on Aug 4, 2020:
You need to be "tippexed".
Donald Trump’s abject stupidity
Diogenes comments on Aug 4, 2020:
He is not putting on an act. Any cognitive being, a labourer or not, can understand the basics--- Dump doesn't get it; refuses to get- an' yep about not being as smart as "the box of rocks".
jared's plan for COVID-19 Testing Scrapped Beause Virus Was Only Hurting Blue States So damn ...
Diogenes comments on Aug 3, 2020:
There should be many that should be charged with murder. Deliberately causing death is murder,
"The great aim of education is not knowledge but action." - Herbert Spencer
Diogenes comments on Aug 3, 2020:
The reason for education should not be "unending happiness", whatever that would be, but an understanding of some of the cardinal questions
Is it inevitable ?
Diogenes comments on Aug 3, 2020:
I regularly have coffee there. Please, no stones at me. The addition to the sign should be, "Look presidential"
Did Jesus, the man, exist?
Diogenes comments on Aug 3, 2020:
Apparently, there was a "Jesus", a Jew, who had an insignificant cult following. The Christ-bit, walking on water, and all the other lies, is a very stupid joke.
“All enforceable political decisions must be formulated in a language that is equally accessible ...
Diogenes comments on Aug 2, 2020:
What? The word salads, by Dump, with references of alien DNA are not understandable? And the other, "legalise". I had to pick through it a few years back, and I had to look through the books-- - it was long, and hard work (I am not a make-believe lawyer) but I won my case.
The list is so long! Hopefully, they'll go away- to jail.
Diogenes comments on Aug 1, 2020:
If the unbelievable happened- a majority of Republicans did not vote for Dump- Dump has already set up his dictatorship. Barr is the obedient crime master. And Dump has injected someone into the postal service to delay and corrupt the vote.
Trump At the Border: []
Diogenes comments on Aug 1, 2020:
When will Dump stop throwing $ trillions on the southern wall? If he decides to nuke the world, the "stable genius" will want to play his favourite game, the morning after, 'cheating at golf. Therefore he will have to divert a few $ trillion to put a dome over his golf course.
Wise Socrates...!
Diogenes comments on Aug 1, 2020:
An' Dump is the King of Slander.
An answer to those of us questioning the recent picture of tRumpty Dumpty with all his ...
Diogenes comments on Aug 1, 2020:
You didn't say why? The "painter of light" was a very boring painter. Everything shone--- even grey, soft, dusty coal. I think I was in one of his showrooms 30 years ago.
Utopias rest on the fallacy that perfection is a legitimate goal of human existence - Lewis Mumford...
Diogenes comments on Jul 31, 2020:
In 'perfect learning', it would appear that we would know it all, so with nothing left to learn, it would become a boring world .Yes, " a fallacy".
"A man chooses; A slave obeys." - Friedrich Nietzsche
Diogenes comments on Jul 31, 2020:
Lots o' slaves in Dump's fiefdom!
Loius GOHMERT has tested Positive for Covid-19, JUST Hated the Idea of wearing a Mask: ...
Diogenes comments on Jul 30, 2020:
Ya, saw that: hope he enjoys his Covid. Covid sometimes cures all other diseases; when one is dead all other diseases are ineffective. Maybe I should not have said that- Dump will be putting it in one of his "word salads".
"How a person masters his fate is more important than what his fate is." - Wilhelm Von Humboldt
Diogenes comments on Jul 30, 2020:
And that is bull shit- being one in a million without food has only one result. If there is an 'option', as if it would make a difference, and that is to cry, or not to cry!
“You’re only young once, but you can be immature forever”.............Germaine Greer.
Diogenes comments on Jul 30, 2020:
"Youth is wasted on the young"- in some cases adolescents recognize a state of reality- but Greer is also right. Yes!
tRump wonders aloud at a press conference why Dr.
Diogenes comments on Jul 29, 2020:
So this is a popularity contest! Damn, and I thought it was the difference between someone with a brain--- and the other ass hole that needs to put something between his ears- something laying in the sawdust at a slaughter house, with a little dusting off, would be better than nothing.
Barr Was "not aware" that the Gov, of Michigan Was Threatened with Death! []
Diogenes comments on Jul 29, 2020:
Barr is just another criminal in Dump's army of criminals. Barr is obedient and always can manage to get Trump's "right answer".
The outgoing French ambassador to the U.
Diogenes comments on Jul 28, 2020:
Dump is an "achiever"; he has brought the US to the lowest level possible.
The personality complex of power trips and false machismo that defined Napoleon define Trump.
Diogenes comments on Jul 28, 2020:
Great picture; looks exactly like him.
“Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime”..............Aristotle.
Diogenes comments on Jul 28, 2020:
And political crime in many cases causes poverty. The finest example of that, right now, is Donald John ….. where all his efforts are to make criminal billionaires into multibillionaires.
Now we have 146,000 only care about your re-election!
Diogenes comments on Jul 27, 2020:
Yes, what-is-it, is an 'achiever'--- he will murder 200,000 before he/it is done.
“When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity.
Diogenes comments on Jul 26, 2020:
The scary part is that such a large portion of the world is covered by these millions of "one-true" gods- and "we will murder you if you defame our one-true god."
Voting Tips for Repuglicans from Mrs Betty Bowers []
Diogenes comments on Jul 25, 2020:
I looked up the comedian; her name is Deven Green.
Voting Tips for Repuglicans from Mrs Betty Bowers []
Diogenes comments on Jul 25, 2020:
Everything fits- from the ugly smear of lip gloss to the actual message; the parody was so close to what has been said. It was another night when I didn't sleep; there was a gaudster on TV, and "ef u jes send me $1,000.00, gaud-dude will bles u 10 times over." Damn, I got out my chequebook right away!
On why he wrote The Lord of the Flies about boys and not girls: "f you, as it were, scaled down ...
Diogenes comments on Jul 25, 2020:
It would appear that Golding had a very selective view of 19th and 20th century women. If you take and under-fund a researcher, who then goes on to win two Nobel Prizes, you have Maria Sklodowska-Curie
Trying to prove God with The Bible is like trying to prove Superman with a comic book.
Diogenes comments on Jul 23, 2020:
The most puzzling thing is that such a large portion of the world believe in some form of bull shit. Nature has no bearing on them.
Loved it!!!!!
Diogenes comments on Jul 17, 2020:
There you go again- insulting 15 star General Heel Spurs- and he is just about as smart as George Armstrong Custer.
“Necessity is the mother of invention”.
Diogenes comments on Jul 15, 2020:
Yep, when ' ya ain't got no money', ya gotta find a way'! About seven years ago the fridge stopped. I looked it up on the net; it was a relay. If some so-called tech had made a visit, it could have been $200.00. The relay was about $10.00. I am not a fridge repair person. Same with the blower motor on the furnace; replaced it about four years ago.
I swear Trump would eat his own young if he could get some Big Mac Sauce on the side.
Diogenes comments on Jul 13, 2020:
Well he's after the students now. He plans to murder them too. If there is a school board that won't crowd kids into a class room he'll cut off federal funding. He can't stop with just murdering adults--- gotta get the kids too.
Welcome to the worlds worst and most frightening reality show! And a big hand for your host!
Diogenes comments on Jul 7, 2020:
He has a big 'snile' (sneer + smile) on that patch of foreskin below his mop---- he must have just murdered another thousand.
[] Foghorn Stringband--Grigsby's Hornpipe
Diogenes comments on Jul 7, 2020:
I dont know how I missed this news intil now. Has anyone seen more on this?
Diogenes comments on Jul 6, 2020:
Thank you so much for that film.
A little nonsense now and then Is relished by the wisest men. -- Roald Dahl
Diogenes comments on Jul 6, 2020:
I produce too much nonsense- I look back and see a lot I would like to remove. Dump's is a 100% vacuous, evil satire. There ain't nothin' funny about any of it !
> President Donald Trump said he’s done with Fox News after the network on Sunday showed him ...
Diogenes comments on Jul 6, 2020:
Gotta be bad for Dump when not even Fox will support his bull shit.
Kate told me she just read on Google News that in Alabama they are having Covid Parties to see who ...
Diogenes comments on Jul 4, 2020:
I saw that. As far as I know, "dead" is only once; not like changing your socks, gotta do that once a year.
Trump is now calling himself a "wartime president" because of Corona virus.
Diogenes comments on Jul 4, 2020:
Wait a minute. Biden said, "Dump has waved the white flag and left the battlefield." 15 Star General Heel Spurs--- on a battlefield? Give it a break!
Couldn't be more accurate. Weather the trumpsters want to accept it or not.
Diogenes comments on Jul 4, 2020:
… and the genocide of 200,000 people. He hasn't gotten to that number yet, but he is doing everything, the insane chipmunk, between his ears, tells him to do.
Proof the Trump's republican party is a death cult, I just hope they get really close and share ...
Diogenes comments on Jul 4, 2020:
This IS a death cult- and I wish them ALL the utmost success! But it is genocide when health care workers die, by the thousands, while attending these lobotomized vegetables.
Be content with your lot; one cannot be first in everything. - Aesop
Diogenes comments on Jul 1, 2020:
Dear old Aesop, maybe so, but I seem to be last in too many places.
“If everybody always lies to you, the consequence is not that you believe the lies, but rather ...
Diogenes comments on Jun 28, 2020:
Little Mikey Pence was on the screen a few days ago, dead-eying the viewers, and saying, "Everything was going well, and now the virus is under control." He does that so well-----not even a shiver of shame!
Trumps aversion to and mockery of mask wearing is murdering thousands of Americans unnecessarily, if...
Diogenes comments on Jun 28, 2020:
I do not have access to any US government stats, a cardinal point though is that there would have been deaths anyhow even if Dump had never been hatched. But yes, of the 125,000, what is a guess, he has murdered about 60,000 at least?
Last night my son coined a new name for the orange one.
Diogenes comments on Jun 27, 2020:
But Dump wouldn't know if he had a testicle or not- he hasn't been able to see past that gut.
“All thinking men are atheists.” - Ernest Hemingway
Diogenes comments on Jun 27, 2020:
I don't agree with that. The man-made manufacture of gods is so foolish that who cares? Anyone who would take time to argue with a theist needs to get another hobby. It's like arguing with a two-year-old about why a cartoon character dies at the end of every film- but is alive for the next one.
“How dismal it is to see present day Americans yearning for the very orthodoxy that their country ...
Diogenes comments on Jun 26, 2020:
America's first Supreme Ruler yesterday, is working through the courts to remove the last of Obama's health care act. I have read it will put 20 million out of insurance. I don't know if another article is a plant---- it has to be- the virus may be 10 times more that what is reported. UNBELIEVABLE! But are we all in some horror fiction that we can't get out of?
Trump is totally flailing around like a fish out of water, that's slowly dying.
Diogenes comments on Jun 23, 2020:
Dump is flopping about- wonder if he has enough brain cells to consider his upcoming jail time?
"Hey Donald.
Diogenes comments on Jun 23, 2020:
'Ah kum on!' With a million wanting tickets- and only 6,000 attending, in a 19,000 capacity building- it was only 1,013,000 short of what he said. Well okay, sometimes Donald John exaggerates- just a bit!
He is my hero, drinking water with one hand!
Diogenes comments on Jun 23, 2020:
Ya, but did he put it in his mouth- or pour it in his ear?
Up next...Arizona!!!!
Diogenes comments on Jun 23, 2020:
Dump cures ALL ailments--- once you're dead, no other virus can kill you.
I put tape over the gas gauge on my wife's car. Now we'll never have to fill up!
Diogenes comments on Jun 23, 2020:
Now on to Phenix---- where another "miracle" will be performed. Because Trump was there, only half will get the virus.
Apparently the donald got a bit 'testy' tonight? []
Diogenes comments on Jun 21, 2020:
"a bit testy"! Where's the story? The only story would occur when Dump stopped being the universe's biggest moron. "Wants tests slowed". He has to be tried for murder.
Trump supporter in Tulsa, wearing a diaper. OMFG, you can't make this shit up.
Diogenes comments on Jun 20, 2020:
Stupid is as stupid does. It would seem that we have a professional moron---- forget the 'amateur status'!
Just saw a news bite that said 6 ClustertRump staff members tested positive for COVID-19.
Diogenes comments on Jun 20, 2020:
Dump is success oriented. He wants to make Tulsa his biggest success; he should be able to kill lots of biped-vegetables. The point is that ,Dump or no Dump, these freaks would probably find some other way to get to a premature death anyway.
Between this, Nascar getting rid of the flag, and some other small indications, I am starting to ...
Diogenes comments on Jun 19, 2020:
The pretend-cop that murdered George Floyd should be hung. My point is that "political correctness" always gets out of hand. Factual history, both evil and sane, should be taught. What in hell has prohibiting pieces of cloth (flags) have to do with anything? Yes, I am aware that in Deutschland that the swastika symbol is not allowed There is always a problem when a student accepts a Rhodes Scholarship. Cecil Rhodes was an ultra evil bastard to the black residents of 'their' home countries in Africa.
New contract for tulsa
Diogenes comments on Jun 19, 2020:
Well one thing to consider. There will be a huge uptic in the 'furniture manufacturing industry'---- or would that be a wrong term for a firm that manufactures coffins?
Don't Make This Mistake Again!!!!!
Diogenes comments on Jun 18, 2020:
Letting it hatch was the biggest mistake.
The more rallies the better
Diogenes comments on Jun 18, 2020:
Wonder where Dump hangs his robe. Damn, there I go again; "but Dump isn't a racist."


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