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This is me, Castro Valley, summer 2017. I'm clean shaven now, guess I should update pic at some point.
Biden says US will defend Taiwan if China attacks [bbc.]
Druvius comments on Oct 22, 2021:
"Why die for Danzig?" I can think of two world wars that started over things just as stupid as this. Taiwan will eventually be reunited with China, it would be a shame if it took a war. Biden's sabre rattling isn't helping. Gotta love the world class hypocrisy in the west too, Crimea WANTED to ...
Druvius replies on Oct 22, 2021:
@barjoe I didn't say it was trivial, but France and the UK joined the war and made it a world war for trivial reasons that didn't effect them in any way. Russia didn't invade Ukraine, Crimea seceded and joined Russia. They were never asked if they wanted to be in Ukraine in the first place. And thanks for proving my point, you don't give a shit about what the people of Crimea want.
Elephants are rapidly evolving without tusks to escape ivory poachers, study finds []
wordywalt comments on Oct 22, 2021:
Not exactly correct. The poachers are harvesting elephants genetically programmed to produce big tusks. That leaves the gene pool just those without that genetic tendency.
Druvius replies on Oct 22, 2021:
You literally just described how evolution works.
Elephants are rapidly evolving without tusks to escape ivory poachers, study finds []
barjoe comments on Oct 21, 2021:
Poachers should be shot on sight.
Druvius replies on Oct 21, 2021:
They are in many countries.
Covid is here to stay.
Druvius comments on Oct 21, 2021:
Yerp. In the 60s a global vaccination program eliminated Smallpox. Wouldn't work today with the rise of the Age of Idiocy.
Druvius replies on Oct 21, 2021:
@Castlepaloma You are indeed an idiot.
Alabama woman found dead 12 days after going inside police van, authorities say
Druvius comments on Oct 18, 2021:
She wasn't left in the van, she entered it on her own. The van shouldn't have been left unlocked, so the police will be civilly liable, but doesn't sound like any crime was committed.
Druvius replies on Oct 21, 2021:
@SeaGreenEyez Oh, there's a lot of questions, and the cops will pay a huge settlement since the van should have been locked. It just doesn't sound like they knew she was in the van and just forgot about her and left her.
Can't wait to see this horror movie come to life.
PondartIncbendog comments on Oct 19, 2021:
So they are Jesusweenies?
Druvius replies on Oct 20, 2021:
They clearly should have had this name looked at by a focus group of five year olds. :)
Scientific knowledge continues to push back the boundaries of superstition and religious dogma but ...
Fit50something comments on Oct 18, 2021:
For the record, I do not agree that neurology disproves the soul. I'm not claiming that the soul exists. I'm just saying that I think this particular statement is conjecture.
Druvius replies on Oct 18, 2021:
@Word At this point the evidence for supernatural agency in the universe is zero.
Scientific knowledge continues to push back the boundaries of superstition and religious dogma but ...
Fit50something comments on Oct 18, 2021:
For the record, I do not agree that neurology disproves the soul. I'm not claiming that the soul exists. I'm just saying that I think this particular statement is conjecture.
Druvius replies on Oct 18, 2021:
No, it's basically accurate. There is no magic genie animating our brains. and
Tax the rich
CourtJester comments on Oct 17, 2021:
The top 10% of wage earners pay 74% of all US income taxes.
Druvius replies on Oct 18, 2021:
@CourtJester Yes, they have all the money, wealth inequality has reached staggering levels. I love it when MAGAs self-own.
No shit. The climate disaster is here. []
yvilletom comments on Oct 17, 2021:
Who promised Homo sapiens a permanently suitable place to live?
Druvius replies on Oct 18, 2021:
@yvilletom So what?
No shit. The climate disaster is here. []
yvilletom comments on Oct 17, 2021:
Who promised Homo sapiens a permanently suitable place to live?
Druvius replies on Oct 17, 2021:
That's not the question. Homo sapiens had a permanently suitable place to less, but our actions are rapidly making it far less suitable. We did this.
Best Halloween watch ever.... []
Druvius comments on Oct 16, 2021:
This was great, did she ever resolve the copyright/trademark issues that forced her to stop producing new content?
Druvius replies on Oct 17, 2021:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Sweet, thanks, I'll check it out. Brilliant parody.
Druvius comments on Oct 15, 2021:
Anti-vaxxers fall in the same category as 9/11 Truthers, YECers, and flat Earthers. Fabulous at motivated reasoning and cherry picking; immune to logic, facts, and science. Basically cultists, like "Stop the Steal" believers. I just wish they'd wear tinfoil hats to identify themselves, would save a ...
Druvius replies on Oct 16, 2021:
@AnneWimsey Motivated reasoning and cherry picking can "prove" anything; as truthers, flat earthers, stop the stealers, and anti-vaxxers demonstrate every single day.
BDair comments on Oct 15, 2021:
The more they vax, the worse it gets.
Druvius replies on Oct 15, 2021:
Bragging about being an idiot is not a good look, FYI.
‘Imeach Biden’ demands gun-toting, spelling-challenged Rep. Lauren Boebert []
Dhiltong comments on Oct 15, 2021:
That’s all she’s got. I’m a property owner in her district. She is totally worthless as a representative......
Druvius replies on Oct 15, 2021:
You have the sympathy of all Americans still grounded in reality.
This can no longer be called "migration". This is Hijrah invasion. []
nicknotes comments on Oct 14, 2021:
I hear muslim couples have 8 children.
Druvius replies on Oct 14, 2021:
Look into the quiverfull movement.
Bow-and-Arrow Rampage in Norway Treated as Apparent Terrorist Attack
Barnie2years comments on Oct 14, 2021:
Imagine how many more he could have killed with an AK or an AR and several hundred rounds of ammunition!
Druvius replies on Oct 14, 2021:
My thought too, thank goodness this was the only weapon he could get.
Millenials are fucking deadbeats.
Diagoras comments on Oct 14, 2021:
Really? You're basing this statement on a new York post article about a single case?
Druvius replies on Oct 14, 2021:
LOL, exactly.
This just gets weirder and weirder, an entire political party being sucked into Trump's delusions of...
hankster comments on Oct 13, 2021:
he's stuck with his lie now so it's his only chance at election success as a trumpish win, unless you want to include the "fact" that lots of Americans are just sick and tired of gov't altogether and don't care which lie they follow as long as its not the 'bent' that we're told. no matter the ...
Druvius replies on Oct 13, 2021:
@hankster Yes, this is the "stab in the back" myth of our time. The only "good" thing about it is that while the Jews were a tiny defenseless minority, liberals are actually in the majority and won't be helplessly rounded up and sent to camps.
This just gets weirder and weirder, an entire political party being sucked into Trump's delusions of...
racocn8 comments on Oct 13, 2021:
Putin is not about to let this slip away from him. He's almost there and he can taste it. He's surely got teams of historians, hackers and sociologists working on how to expand his beachhead, and how to kneecap the competition. The MSM are more interested in ratings and are afraid to cover the ...
Druvius replies on Oct 13, 2021:
Since Putin has zero influence in the US outside of some peoples' fevered imaginations, this isn't one I worry about.
This just gets weirder and weirder, an entire political party being sucked into Trump's delusions of...
hankster comments on Oct 13, 2021:
he's stuck with his lie now so it's his only chance at election success as a trumpish win, unless you want to include the "fact" that lots of Americans are just sick and tired of gov't altogether and don't care which lie they follow as long as its not the 'bent' that we're told. no matter the ...
Druvius replies on Oct 13, 2021:
I don't think he's lying, he believes it.
The US -- The Future - Civil War or Authoritarian Rule?
Druvius comments on Oct 13, 2021:
I have no idea how this is going to play out, but it's the worst crisis since the years before the Civil War. I expect a lot of right wing violence before it's over, and the republic as we know it may not survive. A military junta is not out of the realm of possibility either.
Druvius replies on Oct 13, 2021:
@rainmanjr Specific predictions are basically never on the money, as essentially every major human made catastrophe in history tells us. None of them were ever predicted in detail. General predictions along the line of "this isn't going to end well" are often quite accurate, and pretty safe to say this is one of those times.
The vaccines are 'Safe and Effective' narrative is falling apart, as they are neither.
Druvius comments on Oct 5, 2021:
As garbage websites go, that one takes the cake.
Druvius replies on Oct 5, 2021:
@BDair Do you get a secret decoder ring and xray glasses if you subscribe? LOL.
Cyber Ninja vote audit widens President Joe Biden's margin of victory.
Druvius comments on Sep 24, 2021:
The Dems have stolen the audit!
Druvius replies on Sep 24, 2021:
@LiterateHiker LOL, I was being facetious. :)
Countries That Have Produced The Most Serial Killers - WorldAtlas
Druvius comments on Sep 22, 2021:
Much much easier for serial killers to hide in undeveloped countries, and they don't have the sophisticated police and investigative resources to hunt them down as well. So the serial killer comparison is meaningless to disingenuous. That being said the US has rates of other violent crime that are ...
Druvius replies on Sep 23, 2021:
@SeaGreenEyez Even with the best resources, serial killers are VERY hard to catch. No connection to victim, often no crime scene or body. Where does one even start? Hollywood and crime shows make it seem like they are usually hunted down. Nope. Most of them are caught by accident or because a victim puts up an unexpected fight.
Jeffco public health director spars with Christian school attorneys in court over mask mandate ...
Druvius comments on Sep 22, 2021:
Who would ever imagine that American's would be protesting to demand they be allowed to kill their children.
Druvius replies on Sep 22, 2021:
@MyTVC15 Yeah, it's like Covid ripped off a bandage to reveal a maggot infested wound.
I have often stated that myth can very well be based on real historical events.
Druvius comments on Sep 20, 2021:
While the people that love the bible and want to give it as much credibility as they can are gaga about this, the identification of Tall el Hammam as Sodom is sketchy at best. Still, interesting research, certainly looking more likely that it was destroyed by an air burst.
Druvius replies on Sep 20, 2021:
@Gwendolyn2018 Because anything they can twist into proof for biblical literalancy and inerrancy is mana from heaven to them. ;)
I just saw an anti-mask sign that said "Masking kids IS NOT Trusting Science, It's Psychological ...
Castlepaloma comments on Sep 17, 2021:
Scientists know very little to none on how to handle this covid viruses. I wouldn't give my kid something that has killed all their Lab animals tested and a vaccine that's double the speed of covid deaths since it's roll out. Then wait some more people to depopulation on this planet. Then take in ...
Druvius replies on Sep 17, 2021:
@AnneWimsey When you have neither facts, logic, nor science on your side ... making sh*t up is all you have.
The Legacy of 9/11 is not those we mourn.
Druvius comments on Sep 11, 2021:
Yes, it was a terrible crime by a tiny handful of fanatics, not an "attack on America" or a "war of civilizations." The spasm of ongoing global violence Washington unleashed on the world in "response" has killed hundreds of thousands of innocents. Shame on us.
Druvius replies on Sep 11, 2021:
@barjoe Yes, bigots became even more bigoted as a result. Grated our insane overreaction has radicalized and created far more extremists.
California Moves to Outlaw ‘Stealthing,’ or Removing Condom Without Consent
Barnie2years comments on Sep 10, 2021:
Who’s going to police that one? 🙈
Druvius replies on Sep 10, 2021:
It makes it a civil offense, not a crime. No policing involved.
Being "unique" may not be a good thing.
Druvius comments on Sep 8, 2021:
Druvius replies on Sep 9, 2021:
@Fernapple For sure, that's why cars made entirely of wood are so popular! LOL
Why Do We Celebrate Labor Day? It's More Than Just a Day Off.
wordywalt comments on Sep 6, 2021:
Due to the corrupt behavior of some union leaders, unions have gotten a bad rap.
Druvius replies on Sep 6, 2021:
Due to the corrupt behavior of some union leaders ... anti-union forces have successfully demonized unions. Corruption exists in all human organizations, interesting that somehow unions are the only ones where this has been spun into a blanket indictment of all unions, nu?
Copied from someone who copied it from a very conservative friend.
TheoryNumber3 comments on Sep 1, 2021:
Copied from someone who copied it from someone. Yep, that's a legitimate right wing news source. What a load of bullcrap. PS: "the quiet dignity of George Bush"?
Druvius replies on Sep 1, 2021:
Interesting point, fortunately there is this thing called Google, it was indeed a column by a conservative author in 2017: "The post was written by conservative author Evan Sayet and posted July 13, 2017, on"
And... here's your sign.
racocn8 comments on Aug 31, 2021:
This is a perilous moment. The whole of the GQP has embraced delusion and lying as SOP. They don't have positions, only hate and a bad attitude. They have no credibility and have lost standing to participate in policy discussion. It's mass insanity, plain and simple. They're a plague of locusts ...
Druvius replies on Aug 31, 2021:
Scary times, I agree.
USA Passengers Dropped From EU Covid Safe Travel List
Organist1 comments on Aug 30, 2021:
I'm glad I went to Iceland in May. Now the antivaxxers have ruined it for us all. How long?!?!
Druvius replies on Aug 30, 2021:
Well, they're dropping like flies. For once an idiotic belief system has fatal consequences for believers.
Animals share life with us in peace not like humans we destroy each other
RichCC comments on Aug 28, 2021:
I read a psychological study years ago trying to decide if dogs are 'self aware'. They didn't get a firm conclusion trying classic things like the mirror test (even a smell version). Ha, ha.🙂 But one thing the researchers all found was that dogs and animals in general have no concept of ...
Druvius replies on Aug 28, 2021:
Retribution and retaliation are observed in chimps as well, not to mention rudimentary warfare; but since they are our closest relatives, not terribly surprising.
Because as we all know EVERYONE can be a PERFECT person ALL the time.
Druvius comments on Aug 27, 2021:
It is distressing that someone in the public eye can indeed lose their job or even ruin their career with a single ill considered tweet. Still, this phenomena predates the Internet, if one is the public face of anything, one needs to be careful of what they say or do in public. Look up Fatty ...
Druvius replies on Aug 28, 2021:
@barjoe Mr Arbuckle was railroaded on the manslaughter charges, his reputation was ruined because it became public knowledge he rented out a hotel room for what was an alcohol fueled free sex party. Acceptable by the 60s, not so much in 1921. Tyson, not familiar with so IDK.
yvilletom comments on Aug 27, 2021:
And Afghanistan's farmers are still growing heroin poppies to sell in America.
Druvius replies on Aug 28, 2021:
The Taliban will likely put an end to that. Their opium eradication policy was one of the most successful drug interdiction programs in history, they only backtracked after the US invasion because they needed western cash to buy weapons etc.
Because as we all know EVERYONE can be a PERFECT person ALL the time.
DenoPenno comments on Aug 27, 2021:
I don't know Jennings from Adam but here is my take on all this. If people argue and bring up crap from 6 months or a year ago, for example, we all know this is not what the argument is really about. It's time to stop being eternally offended.
Druvius replies on Aug 27, 2021:
@Gwendolyn2018 "Bingo in the Elf Lounge."
wordywalt comments on Aug 27, 2021:
The key point in the failure is the wrong-headed nation-building attempt in a country in which the social, economic, and political structure of ethnic tribes and tribal warlords hash loyalty of the people. With the tribes having the primary loyalty of the people, there is no real nation state.
Druvius replies on Aug 27, 2021:
Exactly, it failed because it was a fantasy goal to begin with. Foreign conquerors are never welcomed liberators, Washington's wet dreams notwithstanding.
Afghan Evacuees to Arrive at Philadelphia International Airport – NBC10 Philadelphia
Druvius comments on Aug 27, 2021:
Yes, it's good. I just hope proper efforts are made to introduce them to America and assimilate them. Sadly knowing the institutional incompetency, ignorance, and arrogance that is the hallmark of contemporary American government, I fear not.
Druvius replies on Aug 27, 2021:
@barjoe You can't just drop refugees from a war torn very foreign land like Afghanistan straight into an AirBnB, they need to be properly resettled.
Christian heretics (AKA white nationalist evangelicals) have finally just come out and admitted it, ...
creative51 comments on Aug 25, 2021:
Nice they are being honest
Druvius replies on Aug 27, 2021:
As I've said for years: Between organized government, organized religion, and organized crime ... at least organized crime is honest about what they are doing.
So much stupid ruling modern America. THE STUPID, IT BURNS: []
skado comments on Aug 26, 2021:
Hopefully the unstupid one will figure out how to spell Gobekli before he goes to print, but otherwise...
Druvius replies on Aug 26, 2021:
LOL, fixed. Spell checkers don't catch that one.
So much stupid ruling modern America. THE STUPID, IT BURNS: []
bbyrd009 comments on Aug 26, 2021:
"And none of them are being addressed or rectified in any meaningful way by either American political party" should be fairly obvious that the psychopaths who control our Central Banks and policies are benefitting from the trillions of dollars spent, eh. Change the blog name to "FOLLOW THE MONEY"...
Druvius replies on Aug 26, 2021:
You're not wrong.
This is awesome news.
Druvius comments on Aug 23, 2021:
Not sure I'd call it awesome news, but it is good news. The police were defending members of Congress from a violent mob, frankly they showed a great deal of restraint.
Druvius replies on Aug 23, 2021:
@rainmanjr You're not wrong.
WTF are purple carrots and where did they come from?
Fernapple comments on Aug 23, 2021:
I am told that wild carrots are poisonous, and that some brave person long ago, must have found a rare genetic mutation, which was not, and had the foresight and courage to eat and grow it.
Druvius replies on Aug 23, 2021:
@barjoe The links you posted says it's mildly poisonous to livestock. That's all. In fact they include recipes for eating it.
WTF are purple carrots and where did they come from?
Fernapple comments on Aug 23, 2021:
I am told that wild carrots are poisonous, and that some brave person long ago, must have found a rare genetic mutation, which was not, and had the foresight and courage to eat and grow it.
Druvius replies on Aug 23, 2021:
You were told incorrectly then, wild carrots are perfectly edible.
I can totally get behind this.
Druvius comments on Aug 17, 2021:
A boutique product for westerners with more money than sense. While vat grown meat may well be the wave of the future, I think this would be hard to explain to the hundreds of millions of poor people who face food insecurity on a daily basis.
Druvius replies on Aug 17, 2021:
@itsmedammit I have no problem with vat grown meat, just using this technology to make high end boutique food for western pets is where I find it questionable.
Super smart
Druvius comments on Aug 13, 2021:
Neither worked completely (they did work) because there were so many people spreading brain dead codswaddle like this meme. Grats, you're part of the problem and an accessory to mass murder!
Druvius replies on Aug 16, 2021:
@CourtJester Yes, anti vaxxers are mass murderers. Deal with it.
Certainly been my observation.
barjoe comments on Aug 15, 2021:
There are true philanthropists. Thoughtful benefactors. Mackenzie Scott is definitely a good person. Most super wealthy are greedy pigs whose only motivation is more money for themselves. Eat the Rich.
Druvius replies on Aug 16, 2021:
Carnegie spent about a billion modern dollars on libraries etc, but he was an exception.
America's "Saigon moment" is here.
barjoe comments on Aug 15, 2021:
It's what happens after the transition. The question I never hear asked. Where would Afghanistan be today of the USA had never been there?
Druvius replies on Aug 15, 2021:
Run by a stable, popular, Pashtun, and remarkably uncorrupt theocracy. And they would be an isolated impoverished sanctioned pariah state like Cuba, North Korea, or Iran ... because that was US policy before we invaded. Good question.
America's "Saigon moment" is here.
bbyrd009 comments on Aug 15, 2021:
if only, huh
Druvius replies on Aug 15, 2021:
So far so good.
I find it difficult to understand (but not surprised) why this FORCEFUL RELIGIOUS SECT would impose ...
Druvius comments on Aug 15, 2021:
It was inevitable, what's crazy is the US spent a trillion dollars and thousands of American lives propping up a quisling government. Apparently we learned nothing from Vietnam. It won't end anytime soon since the US will sanction Afghanistan and do everything in its power to delegitimize Taliban ...
Druvius replies on Aug 15, 2021:
@TimeOutForMe One should note that despite all the hand wringing in the western lamestream media, the actual Afghans fighting for change never get mentioned: Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) Interesting, nu?
I find it difficult to understand (but not surprised) why this FORCEFUL RELIGIOUS SECT would impose ...
Druvius comments on Aug 15, 2021:
It was inevitable, what's crazy is the US spent a trillion dollars and thousands of American lives propping up a quisling government. Apparently we learned nothing from Vietnam. It won't end anytime soon since the US will sanction Afghanistan and do everything in its power to delegitimize Taliban ...
Druvius replies on Aug 15, 2021:
@TimeOutForMe The Taliban came to power in the first place because most Afghans preferred them to the corrupt, violent, misogynistic, fundamentalist warlords who had torn Afghanistan apart and turned it into a free rape zone after the USSR pulled out. The very same warlords the US reinstalled in power after they bombed the Taliban back into the hills. The Taliban enjoy far more popular support than the US imposed puppet regime ever did.
Missing Car Crash Victim Found 9 Hours Later... in Passenger Seat of Same Car
Willow_Wisp comments on Aug 15, 2021:
She was murdered and hidden beneath a pile of clothes then he wrecked. Of course he didn’t say anything about the corpse he hid in the passenger seat and why he was driving her car. No way I’d ride as a passenger in my own car.
Druvius replies on Aug 15, 2021:
Yeah, wondered about that myself. Hope it gets properly investigated now.
So much sadness and horror. AFGHANISTAN IS ON MY MIND: [united-cats.]
rainmanjr comments on Aug 13, 2021:
The price of joining up with real terrorists against a superpower. We accomplished our mission to kill OBL and disolve the Afghan govt of Taliban (which was desired by Afghanis) so it's time to go. We can't build their nation and shouldn't but they're actually better off now than when we came in. ...
Druvius replies on Aug 14, 2021:
An Afghani is the unit of currency used by Afghans.
So much sadness and horror. AFGHANISTAN IS ON MY MIND: [united-cats.]
David1955 comments on Aug 14, 2021:
The US has never acquired the skill of finesse in global leadership. It thunders in and then it thunders out. Many predicted, me included, that Afghanistan would be Vietnam 2. Last time it was helicopters thrown off ships, now it's Taliban taking US drones. Some say, well, they got Bin Laden. Yes,...
Druvius replies on Aug 14, 2021:
Yerp, I've been saying the same for years. The US military is designed to refight WW2. You'd think that the utter failure of WW2 tactics to defeat Vietnam should have taught us something, but apparently not.
Stop Listening to the Pro-War Idiots Who Got Afghanistan Wrong | Ted Rall's Rallblog
powder comments on Aug 13, 2021:
There go the big plans to announce a total withdrawal from Afghanistan to coincide with the 20th anniversary of 9/11. Is it not ironic that the states funded the Taliban to fight soviets, which was a major cause of the fall of the USSR. Now they are taking cities using left over US equipment, ...
Druvius replies on Aug 13, 2021:
@powder No, the mujaheddin did not evolve into the Taliban. When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.
Stop Listening to the Pro-War Idiots Who Got Afghanistan Wrong | Ted Rall's Rallblog
powder comments on Aug 13, 2021:
There go the big plans to announce a total withdrawal from Afghanistan to coincide with the 20th anniversary of 9/11. Is it not ironic that the states funded the Taliban to fight soviets, which was a major cause of the fall of the USSR. Now they are taking cities using left over US equipment, ...
Druvius replies on Aug 13, 2021:
Russian withdrew in 1989, the Taliban weren't founded until 1994. The US never funded the Taliban, nor did the Taliban have anything to do with fighting the Russians.
Paul4747 comments on Aug 12, 2021:
The Department of Defense deeply regrets that we must inform you of the death of the above link.
Druvius replies on Aug 12, 2021:
FearlessFly comments on Aug 12, 2021:
Your link is 'broke' (. . .2021/08//. . .) -- missing the day number ? this link worked for me :
Druvius replies on Aug 12, 2021:
barjoe comments on Aug 4, 2021:
If Chris Chan weren't binary, would it be any better or worse for Chris Chan to have sex with their mother, who suffers from dementia? Incest that is consensual is a victimless crime. This is equivalent to statutory rape.
Druvius replies on Aug 4, 2021:
@barjoe You don't think women can rape women? You don't think jails are designed and run to prevent rapes? You think rape is only about genitals? You just proved my point. WHO FUCKING CARES. If you do, your "concern" about other people's genitals is, well, odd.
Druvius comments on Aug 4, 2021:
Why so many people are obsessed with other people's genitals is one of the mysteries of the age. Who cares? Oh, right, the people who obsess about other people's genitals.
Druvius replies on Aug 4, 2021:
@barjoe Really? Millions of Americans see a married couple and are concerned that they have the "correct" genitals to get married. Just for starters. If that's not an obsession with other peoples' genitals, especially since they want the law of the land to reflect what their idea of married peoples' genitals should be, I don't know what is.
This is the 1 Best Selling book of all books on Amazon.
Druvius comments on Aug 4, 2021:
No, the percentage of the willfully ignorant in society remains fairly constant, and has no bearing on actual science or reality.
Druvius replies on Aug 4, 2021:
@BDair I read numerous reviews of the book, plus the author is a well established quack promoting all sorts of nonsense. No need to waste time reading the book.
Frontier Airlines Suspends Flight Attendants For Duct Taping Unruly Passenger To Their Seat
Lorajay comments on Aug 3, 2021:
Suspended with pay until investigation is complete. I have faith that the company will reinstate them and create a a protocol for attendents to follow when someone crazy gets on board. In fact they may develop some standard restraints to use.
Druvius replies on Aug 4, 2021:
Exactly, a normal procedure while the incident is looked into, but manufacturing outrage is all most media outlets do these days, and TMZ is clearly up to snuff on that front.
Got a COVID vaccine? Here’s how it changes the risks of infection for you []
Druvius comments on Aug 1, 2021:
Yerp, delta means everyone needs to mask up again and practice social distancing. If we were actually an intelligent species who created governments for the greater good, we would have shut covid down straight away. Alas, we are not, and the death toll will continue to rise.
Druvius replies on Aug 2, 2021:
@bbyrd009 "reset their immune system." LOL, thanks for proving my point, we're not an intelligent species.
Delta variant: 8 things you should know | Coronavirus | UC Davis Health
bbyrd009 comments on Jul 31, 2021:
theres already a new variant i guess, read about it last night…so, you guys should confidently expect new variants to fear, for years to come! You are not *ever* going to be “out of the woods” on this, as ling as you are in fear of a natural process that has happened since humans have walked ...
Druvius replies on Jul 31, 2021:
There's never been a virus like this before, and thanks to ignorant people spreading nonsense Covid is kicking humanity's a**. On the plus side the ignorant folk who shun masks and vaccines are wildly disproportionately dying. Good riddance.
The safe and effective 'vaccines' do not seem to be living up to their claims. []
Druvius comments on Jul 29, 2021:
Yes, vaccines do not provide 100% immunity. Sadly the anti-vaxxers have been successful enough in their mass murder program to prevent herd immunity so far.
Druvius replies on Jul 29, 2021:
@BDair They prevent infection in the vast majority of cases, that's why the unvaccinated are winning Darwin Awards left and right.
Creationist: The Fight to Save Endangered Species Proves Evolution is a Lie | Hemant Mehta | ...
rainmanjr comments on Jul 16, 2021:
He’s obviously nuts but extinctions are no longer permanent. Take some blood and we can bring them back🩸
Druvius replies on Jul 16, 2021:
We have yet to demonstrate that. It's not just recreating the organism, every organism has a vast biosphere of microscopic flora and fauna that were also adapted to living on and in it specifically, think gut bacteria for starters. Granted it may happen, and peeps are working on it, but "we have its DNA so we can recreate it" is Jurassic Park scifi, reality is vastly more complicated.
Illinois Is The 1st State To Tell Police They Can't Lie To Minors In Interrogations []
CourtJester comments on Jul 16, 2021:
What the hell. They already have the 3rd highest crime rate. Who cares???
Druvius replies on Jul 16, 2021:
People who care about justice care. Was that a trick question?
I dont remmeber being taught that the Nazis killed Americans on American soil but I was told that it...
yvilletom comments on Jul 14, 2021:
Look again at that memory of Nazis killing Americans on American soil. Early during WW2, a German submarine landed some Nazis on Long Island and as I recall the FBI eventually found them. They were not in military uniform and may have been executed as spies.
Druvius replies on Jul 14, 2021:
They were tasked with blowing up the power lines to the largest aluminum smelter in the country, without power the molten aluminum in the system would solidify and it would have required an almost complete rebuild. Would have significantly cut America's aluminum production for months. Would have been quite the coup had they pulled it off.
I dont remmeber being taught that the Nazis killed Americans on American soil but I was told that it...
yvilletom comments on Jul 14, 2021:
Look again at that memory of Nazis killing Americans on American soil. Early during WW2, a German submarine landed some Nazis on Long Island and as I recall the FBI eventually found them. They were not in military uniform and may have been executed as spies.
Druvius replies on Jul 14, 2021:
Found them because one of them went straight to the FBI and turned them in. His reward ... he was sentenced to death like the rest of them. He wasn't executed with them though, and was returned to Germany in the fifties. Where he lived out a bitter unhappy life because he was reviled as a traitor.
No matter how many times I hear stuff like this it still shocks me.
phxbillcee comments on Jul 14, 2021:
& who are really the "wicked"? I posit that is is those that push hate, divisiveness & false information to encourage strife & violence. So if those 'angels' are really coming, I think these so-called pastors had better watch their asses. An AR15 won't help against them!
Druvius replies on Jul 14, 2021:
Yeah, if there really is a heaven, Jesus, etc, a lot of people after they die, like this hate preacher, are going to face "You preached WHAT in my name?"
Eric Trump 'Flipped Out' at Trump Campaign Staff in the White House on Election Night: New Book
Druvius comments on Jul 14, 2021:
It's scary that they didn't seem to have any understanding of how votes are counted. When one makes up the facts to fit one's narrative, big disappointments like this are inevitable.
Druvius replies on Jul 14, 2021:
@barjoe Helps foster whatever delusions of superiority one has? Lol, not really an advantage I suppose.
Eric Trump 'Flipped Out' at Trump Campaign Staff in the White House on Election Night: New Book
Druvius comments on Jul 14, 2021:
It's scary that they didn't seem to have any understanding of how votes are counted. When one makes up the facts to fit one's narrative, big disappointments like this are inevitable.
Druvius replies on Jul 14, 2021:
@barjoe Yes, the down side to surrounding yourself with sycophants.
Paralysis is a small price to pay to possibly reduce symptoms from a virus that more than 99% of the...
Druvius comments on Jul 13, 2021:
"more than 99% of the population has had no symptoms from" So you don't actually know anything about Covid, or get what you do know from the likes of Alex Jones. You might want to avoid self-owning like that.
Druvius replies on Jul 13, 2021:
Paralysis is a small price to pay to possibly reduce symptoms from a virus that more than 99% of the...
Druvius comments on Jul 13, 2021:
"more than 99% of the population has had no symptoms from" So you don't actually know anything about Covid, or get what you do know from the likes of Alex Jones. You might want to avoid self-owning like that.
Druvius replies on Jul 13, 2021:
@BDair And then there's your inability to understand math. Even if your statement was true, a 1% chance of death is a vastly higher risk than a one in millions chance of getting GVS from a vaccine.
THE PLAN came out at the latest CPAC meeting and Trump and QAnon are going for this as if they are ...
Druvius comments on Jul 11, 2021:
Yeah, I've seen this, motivated reasoning on crack. I guess if one actually believes there is a cabal of Satan worshiping pedophiles running the Democratic party it sort of makes sense. Decades of listening to Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones have turned a lot of brains into porridge.
Druvius replies on Jul 11, 2021:
@Storm1752 They are all products created for a targeted demographic. Yes, the right is more out of touch with reality than CNN etc, but neither are "factual."
Trump thinks his lawsuits against social media are going to get him back on their platforms, among ...
barjoe comments on Jul 11, 2021:
Did you hear Trump's interview with Maria Bartiromo? She's really out there. Alex Jones in a dress. Called Ashli Babbitt "A wonderful woman".
Druvius replies on Jul 11, 2021:
No, but yes, we're seeing the rise of the new, or renewed really, Lost Cause movement.
THE PLAN came out at the latest CPAC meeting and Trump and QAnon are going for this as if they are ...
Druvius comments on Jul 11, 2021:
Yeah, I've seen this, motivated reasoning on crack. I guess if one actually believes there is a cabal of Satan worshiping pedophiles running the Democratic party it sort of makes sense. Decades of listening to Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones have turned a lot of brains into porridge.
Druvius replies on Jul 11, 2021:
@rainmanjr I agree all MSM is infotainment today. Still, being nothing but tools of the White House and corporate America doesn't hold a candle to "Stop the Steal" and related nonsense.
Yeah, pre-Obama I thought fears of right wing dictatorship were overblown.
AnneWimsey comments on Jul 9, 2021:
Not inevitable as long as I/We can March, write letters, make calls, VOTE, donate to ACLU & similar!
Druvius replies on Jul 9, 2021:
@AnneWimsey Hope you're right. :)
Yeah, pre-Obama I thought fears of right wing dictatorship were overblown.
AnneWimsey comments on Jul 9, 2021:
Not inevitable as long as I/We can March, write letters, make calls, VOTE, donate to ACLU & similar!
Druvius replies on Jul 9, 2021:
I agree it's not hopeless, but the GOP is working hard to pass laws making all of those things less effective. We shall see.
The Episcopal Church Is Dying. Should We Be Upset About This?
Lorajay comments on Jul 8, 2021:
I will because some people need the community of a church and the Episcopal Church is one of the least radical we have.
Druvius replies on Jul 8, 2021:
Exactly, if the Evangelical right converted to being Episcopalian, America would be vastly better off. I'm an ignostic Methodist/Episcopalian myself ... both denominations being happy to accept non-believers into their community.
Traitors are in the eye of the oppressor!
Word comments on Jul 7, 2021:
How is it treason when one has had ancestry in these lands called Americas for 1000s of years prior to the European invasion of 1492 and the Masonic lodge secret religion racist devil worshipper governmental terrorist European invadors freedom from England July 4th, 1776 to further rape the lands ...
Druvius replies on Jul 8, 2021:
@Word Not judging, just saying that taking up arms against your legal government is treason by definition. They rebelled because they didn't want to pay some extremely modest taxes, the colonists were hardly victims of oppression.
Traitors are in the eye of the oppressor!
Word comments on Jul 7, 2021:
How is it treason when one has had ancestry in these lands called Americas for 1000s of years prior to the European invasion of 1492 and the Masonic lodge secret religion racist devil worshipper governmental terrorist European invadors freedom from England July 4th, 1776 to further rape the lands ...
Druvius replies on Jul 7, 2021:
Taking up arms against your legal government is treason by definition.
'Team Trump' launched its alternative social media site to fanfare.
Organist1 comments on Jul 7, 2021:
Is there anything he has touched that hasn't turned to s***?
Druvius replies on Jul 7, 2021:
LOL He does have the reverse Midas touch.
Trump allegedly praised hitler as doing "a lot of good things" new book claims abc13
yvilletom comments on Jul 7, 2021:
Some years ago, I read that if Hitler had died in 1937 he would have been remembered as a great leader. As we know, he lived past that year.
Druvius replies on Jul 7, 2021:
Yeah, he reduced unemployment to near zero! Of course he did this by removing women and Jews from the work force, and unemployed men were conscripted. Not really the economic miracle that pop history teaches.
South Africa's Multiple Husbands Proposal Sparks Conservative Outrage! - YouTube
Charlene comments on Jul 5, 2021:
Africa is obviously suffering under the Burden of 2 religions, Kkkristianity and Islaaaaam, much to the detriment of the larger African cultures..
Druvius replies on Jul 6, 2021:
@Charlene Yes, colonialism's toxic legacy will be with us for centuries. Global PTSD.
South Africa's Multiple Husbands Proposal Sparks Conservative Outrage! - YouTube
Charlene comments on Jul 5, 2021:
Africa is obviously suffering under the Burden of 2 religions, Kkkristianity and Islaaaaam, much to the detriment of the larger African cultures..
Druvius replies on Jul 5, 2021:
Less than 2% of South Africans are Muslim, and the objections seem mostly based on good old fashioned patriarchy, not religion.
Most Impactful National Leaders of the 20th Century - Good or Bad Do you agree with the list?
Druvius comments on Jul 4, 2021:
Not sure Hirohito belongs on the list. And Lincoln wasn't a 20th century leader. And where is Ho Chi Minh? Still, neat list, food for thought.
Druvius replies on Jul 5, 2021:
@St-Sinner Presided over yes, he wasn't a powerless figurehead as many believe. Was he the instigator or creator of Japan's attempt to build a colonial empire? I don't think so, certainly not in the way that figures like Stalin or Mussolini were. It's debatable.
Most Impactful National Leaders of the 20th Century - Good or Bad Do you agree with the list?
Druvius comments on Jul 4, 2021:
Not sure Hirohito belongs on the list. And Lincoln wasn't a 20th century leader. And where is Ho Chi Minh? Still, neat list, food for thought.
Druvius replies on Jul 4, 2021:
@St-Sinner I think Hirohito was an opportunistic bystander/supporter, I see no evidence he actually drove events. He could have been replaced by any random Japanese person, and history would be little different.
Most Impactful National Leaders of the 20th Century - Good or Bad Do you agree with the list?
Druvius comments on Jul 4, 2021:
Not sure Hirohito belongs on the list. And Lincoln wasn't a 20th century leader. And where is Ho Chi Minh? Still, neat list, food for thought.
Druvius replies on Jul 4, 2021:
@St-Sinner Yeah, not sure Pol Pot changed the world much though, just Cambodia. Still, he's a contender.
The best synopsis of the politics behind immigration I have ever read: Why didn’t Trump do ...
Druvius comments on Jun 28, 2021:
Pretty much. Illegal immigration, like the weather, is a constant to be effectively managed, not a crisis that can be solved. Then there's the fact that undocumented people are less likely to commit crime than legal residents, pay a higher share of taxes, and make essentially no use of public ...
Druvius replies on Jul 4, 2021:
@DenoPenno Actually the Border Patrol does. I was on a train nowhere near Canada, and not going to Canada, but the border patrol went through the train checking people's papers. They took at least one person off the train.
What Does It Mean to Be Agnostic?
Druvius comments on Jul 3, 2021:
I stay out of the debate, I'm ignostic.
Druvius replies on Jul 3, 2021:
Klein Vision AirCar completes 35-minute test flight in Slovakia CNN
Druvius comments on Jun 30, 2021:
High tech expensive solution to a problem that doesn't exist. Neat technological achievement, but doubt it's the wave of the future.
Druvius replies on Jul 1, 2021:
@JeffMurray What can I say, in a world with terrifying wealthy inequality while billions live in poverty , the toys for the rich no longer impress me. One more way for them to live in an isolated bubble of wealth and privilege.
Bill Cosby is a free man after Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturns sex assault conviction - CNN
CarlosG903 comments on Jun 30, 2021:
The perv got out on a technicality.....his history of violating ladies is TOO strong and UGLY.
Druvius replies on Jun 30, 2021:
Exactly, way too many credible accusations against.
On 80th Anniversary Of Nazi Invasion Of Soviet Union, Putin Claims He Wants 'Partnership' With ...
Lorajay comments on Jun 27, 2021:
Germany Lost World War II because they were not strong enough to fight on two fronts. Putin's claim of winning the war is typical of his strong man persona. His claim is insulting to the other allied troops but he doesn't care.
Druvius replies on Jun 28, 2021:
Putin's claim that Russia deserves the lion's share of the credit for defeating Hitler is historically accurate. What is insulting is that most in the west are unaware of this.
Biden mocks pro-gun supporters who still think they can overrun the U.
JonnaBononna comments on Jun 24, 2021:
In reality though, might they? I don't really think they could overrun it, but I think they would put up a good fight simply because the government won't want to be seen bringing in tanks snd dropping bombs on US citizens. They will be using the least necessary force and I think would use the local ...
Druvius replies on Jun 27, 2021:
Yes, a dedicated insurgency with widespread popular support could indeed take on the US military. The Taliban are proof of that. That being said, the availability of things like the AR-15 is but a minor factor in that equation, and in no way is a rational for unfettered gun rights.
US report on Pentagon-documented UFOs leaves sightings unexplained
Druvius comments on Jun 27, 2021:
Yerp, just more fear mongering to justify throwing more money at the Pentagon.
Druvius replies on Jun 27, 2021:
BREAKING: Derek Chauvin Sentenced To 22.
Trajan61 comments on Jun 25, 2021:
That’s rather harsh considering George Floyd was a criminal with a long rap sheet, was not cooperating with police and had a potential lethal dose of fentanyl in his system at the time he died.
Druvius replies on Jun 25, 2021:
None of the points you mention have any relevance.


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This is actually from a movie I need to see someday. Here's the trailer:
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Except it would be beer, lol.
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2018, Gettysburg.
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